Fine structure splitting analysis of cavity-enhanced telecom-wavelength
InAs quantum dots grown on a GaAs(111)A vicinal substrate
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- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2022 09:11:59 GMT
- Title: Fine structure splitting analysis of cavity-enhanced telecom-wavelength
InAs quantum dots grown on a GaAs(111)A vicinal substrate
- Authors: Andrea Barbiero, Artur Tuktamyshev, Geoffrey Pirard, Jan Huwer, Tina
M\"uller, R. Mark Stevenson, Sergio Bietti, Stefano Vichi, Alexey Fedorov,
Gabriel Bester, Stefano Sanguinetti and Andrew J. Shields
- Abstract summary: Entangled light can be generated by solid state quantum emitters with naturally low fine structure splitting.
We present droplet epitaxy of telecom-wavelength InAs QDs within an optical cavity on a vicinal (2deg miscut) GaAs(111)A substrate.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The effcient generation of entangled photons at telecom wavelength is crucial
for the success of many quantum communication protocols and the development of
fiber-based quantum networks. Entangled light can be generated by solid state
quantum emitters with naturally low fine structure splitting, such as highly
symmetric InAs quantum dots (QDs) grown on (111)-oriented surfaces.
Incorporating this kind of QDs into optical cavities is critical to achieve
sufficient signal intensitiesfor applications, but has so far shown major
complications. In this work we present droplet epitaxy of telecom-wavelength
InAs QDs within an optical cavity on a vicinal (2{\deg} miscut) GaAs(111)A
substrate. We show a remarkable enhancement of the photon extraction efficiency
compared to previous reports together with a reduction of the density that
facilitates the isolation of single spectral lines. Moreover, we characterise
the exciton fine structure splitting and employ numerical simulations under the
framework of the empirical pseudopotential and configuration interaction
methods to study the impact of the miscut on the optical properties of the QDs.
We demonstrate that the presence of miscut steps influences the polarisation of
the excitonic states and introduces a preferential orientation in the $C_{3v}$
symmetry of the surface.
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