論文の概要: Bounding the quantum value of compiled nonlocal games: from CHSH to BQP
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.01545v1
- Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2023 19:20:59 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-03-06 17:16:30.667073
- Title: Bounding the quantum value of compiled nonlocal games: from CHSH to BQP
- Title(参考訳): コンパイルされた非局所ゲームの量子値のバウンディング:chshからbqp検証へ
- Authors: Anand Natarajan and Tina Zhang
- Abstract要約: 本稿では、一般的な暗号の「コンパイル」手順を作成するためのステップを示す。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 2.298932494750101
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We present a step towards the goal of producing a general cryptographic
'compilation' procedure which can translate any entangled nonlocal game into a
single-prover interactive protocol while preserving quantum completeness and
soundness, using cryptography to simulate the separation between the provers. A
candidate for such a procedure was introduced by Kalai et al. (STOC '23), who
defined a black-box cryptographic compilation procedure that applies to any
nonlocal game and showed that it preserves classical value. In this work, we
make progress towards a full understanding of the quantum value of the
single-prover protocols that result from applying the Kalai et al. compilation
procedure to entangled games.
For the special case of CHSH, we prove that the Tsirelson bound holds under
the compilation procedure introduced by Kalai et al., and we also recover a
strong version of the 'rigidity' property that makes CHSH so useful. As an
application, we give a single-prover cryptographically sound classical
verification protocol for BQP, and we prove its soundness using our CHSH
rigidity analysis. Our protocol replicates the functionality of Mahadev's
protocol (FOCS '18) but with two advantages: (1) the protocol is conceptually
intuitive and requires fewer bespoke ingredients, and the soundness analysis is
simpler and directly follows the analysis of the nonlocal case, and (2) the
soundness analysis does not explicitly use the assumption of a TCF or an
adaptive hardcore bit, and only requires QFHE as a black box (though currently
the only known constructions of QFHE use TCFs). We also give partial results
for general games, including a proof that for any projection game with quantum
value less than 1, the value of the compilation is also less than 1; this
implies that the quantum value of compiled games cannot be captured by
efficient relaxations such as low levels of the ncSoS hierarchy.
- Abstract(参考訳): 本稿では, 量子完全性と音響性を保ちつつ, プローバ間の分離をシミュレートする暗号を用いて, 絡み合った非ローカルゲームを単一プローサの対話プロトコルに変換する, 汎用的な暗号「コンパイル」手順を作成するためのステップを提案する。
A candidate for such a procedure was introduced by Kalai et al. (STOC '23), who defined a black-box cryptographic compilation procedure that applies to any nonlocal game and showed that it preserves classical value. In this work, we make progress towards a full understanding of the quantum value of the single-prover protocols that result from applying the Kalai et al. compilation procedure to entangled games. For the special case of CHSH, we prove that the Tsirelson bound holds under the compilation procedure introduced by Kalai et al., and we also recover a strong version of the 'rigidity' property that makes CHSH so useful.
本プロトコルは,Mahadevプロトコルの機能 (FOCS '18) を再現するが,(1) プロトコルは概念的に直感的であり,構成成分が少ないこと,2) 音質解析は非局所的ケースの解析を直接的に行うこと,(2) 音質解析はTFや適応ハードコアビットの仮定を明示的に用いておらず,QFHEをブラックボックスとしてのみ必要である(ただし,現在知られているQFHEの構成はTCFsのみである)。
また、一般ゲームに対しては、量子値が 1 未満の任意の射影ゲームに対して、コンパイルの値も 1 未満であることの証明を含む部分的な結果を与えるが、これはコンパイルされたゲームの量子値は、ncSoS 階層の低レベルのような効率的な緩和によって取得できないことを意味する。
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