Collisionally Stable Gas of Bosonic Dipolar Ground State Molecules
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- Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 19:03:17 GMT
- Title: Collisionally Stable Gas of Bosonic Dipolar Ground State Molecules
- Authors: Niccol\`o Bigagli, Claire Warner, Weijun Yuan, Siwei Zhang, Ian
Stevenson, Tijs Karman, and Sebastian Will
- Abstract summary: We stabilize a bosonic gas of strongly dipolar NaCs molecules against inelastic losses via microwave shielding.
We also measure high elastic scattering rates, a result of strong dipolar interactions, and observe the anisotropic nature of dipolar collisions.
This work is a critical step towards the creation of a Bose-Einstein condensate of dipolar molecules.
- Score: 2.686226765720665
- License:
- Abstract: Stable ultracold ensembles of dipolar molecules hold great promise for
many-body quantum physics, but high inelastic loss rates have been a
long-standing challenge. Recently, it was shown that gases of fermionic
molecules can be effectively stabilized through external fields. However, many
quantum applications will benefit from molecular ensembles with bosonic
statistics. Here, we stabilize a bosonic gas of strongly dipolar NaCs molecules
against inelastic losses via microwave shielding, decreasing losses by more
than a factor of 200 and reaching lifetimes on the scale of 1 second. We also
measure high elastic scattering rates, a result of strong dipolar interactions,
and observe the anisotropic nature of dipolar collisions. Finally, we
demonstrate evaporative cooling of a bosonic molecular gas to a temperature of
36(5) nK, increasing its phase-space density by a factor of 20. This work is a
critical step towards the creation of a Bose-Einstein condensate of dipolar
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