論文の概要: Wasserstein Quantum Monte Carlo: A Novel Approach for Solving the
Quantum Many-Body Schr\"odinger Equation
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.07050v2
- Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 03:01:42 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-07-21 17:07:15.501274
- Title: Wasserstein Quantum Monte Carlo: A Novel Approach for Solving the
Quantum Many-Body Schr\"odinger Equation
- Title(参考訳): Wasserstein Quantum Monte Carlo: Quantum Many-Body Schr\"odinger方程式の解法
- Authors: Kirill Neklyudov, Jannes Nys, Luca Thiede, Juan Carrasquilla, Qiang
Liu, Max Welling, Alireza Makhzani
- Abstract要約: ワーッセルシュタイン量子モンテカルロ (WQMC) はフィッシャー・ラオ計量ではなくワーッセルシュタイン計量によって誘導される勾配流を用いており、テレポートではなく確率質量の輸送に対応する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 56.9919517199927
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Solving the quantum many-body Schr\"odinger equation is a fundamental and
challenging problem in the fields of quantum physics, quantum chemistry, and
material sciences. One of the common computational approaches to this problem
is Quantum Variational Monte Carlo (QVMC), in which ground-state solutions are
obtained by minimizing the energy of the system within a restricted family of
parameterized wave functions. Deep learning methods partially address the
limitations of traditional QVMC by representing a rich family of wave functions
in terms of neural networks. However, the optimization objective in QVMC
remains notoriously hard to minimize and requires second-order optimization
methods such as natural gradient. In this paper, we first reformulate energy
functional minimization in the space of Born distributions corresponding to
particle-permutation (anti-)symmetric wave functions, rather than the space of
wave functions. We then interpret QVMC as the Fisher-Rao gradient flow in this
distributional space, followed by a projection step onto the variational
manifold. This perspective provides us with a principled framework to derive
new QMC algorithms, by endowing the distributional space with better metrics,
and following the projected gradient flow induced by those metrics. More
specifically, we propose "Wasserstein Quantum Monte Carlo" (WQMC), which uses
the gradient flow induced by the Wasserstein metric, rather than Fisher-Rao
metric, and corresponds to transporting the probability mass, rather than
teleporting it. We demonstrate empirically that the dynamics of WQMC results in
faster convergence to the ground state of molecular systems.
- Abstract(参考訳): Solving the quantum many-body Schr\"odinger equation is a fundamental and challenging problem in the fields of quantum physics, quantum chemistry, and material sciences. One of the common computational approaches to this problem is Quantum Variational Monte Carlo (QVMC), in which ground-state solutions are obtained by minimizing the energy of the system within a restricted family of parameterized wave functions. Deep learning methods partially address the limitations of traditional QVMC by representing a rich family of wave functions in terms of neural networks. However, the optimization objective in QVMC remains notoriously hard to minimize and requires second-order optimization methods such as natural gradient. In this paper, we first reformulate energy functional minimization in the space of Born distributions corresponding to particle-permutation (anti-)symmetric wave functions, rather than the space of wave functions. We then interpret QVMC as the Fisher-Rao gradient flow in this distributional space, followed by a projection step onto the variational manifold. This perspective provides us with a principled framework to derive new QMC algorithms, by endowing the distributional space with better metrics, and following the projected gradient flow induced by those metrics. More specifically, we propose "Wasserstein Quantum Monte Carlo" (WQMC), which uses the gradient flow induced by the Wasserstein metric, rather than Fisher-Rao metric, and corresponds to transporting the probability mass, rather than teleporting it.
我々は, wqmcのダイナミクスが分子系の基底状態への収束を早めることを実証的に示す。
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量子多体問題(Quantum many-body problem)は、例えば高温超伝導体のようなエキゾチックな量子現象をデミストする中心である。
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