論文の概要: An\'alise e modelagem de jogos digitais: Relato de uma experi\^encia
educacional utlizando PBL em um grupo multidisciplinar
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2311.14704v1
- Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2023 20:28:51 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-12-03 13:55:02.352975
- Title: An\'alise e modelagem de jogos digitais: Relato de uma experi\^encia
educacional utlizando PBL em um grupo multidisciplinar
- Title(参考訳): ユーゴス・ジダンアイの「モデル」 : ウトリザンド PBL による多学際的考察
- Authors: David de Oliveira Lemes, Ezequiel Fran\c{c}a dos Santos, Eduardo
Romanek, Celso Fujimoto, Adriano Felix Valente
- Abstract要約: この記事は、サンパウロのポンティフィカル・カトリック大学のDigital Games MastersプログラムにおけるDigital Games Analysis and Modelingコースの経験を詳述する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Traditional software engineering education generally emphasizes strict
collaboration and technical skills However active teaching strategies where
students actively engage with the material transitioning from passive observers
to active manipulators of realworld tools have shown effectiveness in software
engineering The evolving market demands new skills in the context of digital
transformation presenting challenges such as modeling complex business
scenarios and navigating the interconnections between people systems and
technologies Shifting from conventional software engineering instruction to
active methodologies like ProblemBased Learning PBL has proven to bring
realworld market challenges and realities into the classroom This article
details an experience from the Digital Games Analysis and Modeling course in
the Digital Games Masters program at Pontifical Catholic University of Sao
Paulo It covers the discussed concepts case study rolebased work method and
steps of the meetings We also present examples of outcomes like requirement
diagrams context diagrams use case diagrams class diagrams interviews and
others that contributed to the Game Design Document GDD These were created by
each group during the meetings alongside their game prototypes Additionally a
discussion on the developed capabilities is included
- Abstract(参考訳): Traditional software engineering education generally emphasizes strict collaboration and technical skills However active teaching strategies where students actively engage with the material transitioning from passive observers to active manipulators of realworld tools have shown effectiveness in software engineering The evolving market demands new skills in the context of digital transformation presenting challenges such as modeling complex business scenarios and navigating the interconnections between people systems and technologies Shifting from conventional software engineering instruction to active methodologies like ProblemBased Learning PBL has proven to bring realworld market challenges and realities into the classroom This article details an experience from the Digital Games Analysis and Modeling course in the Digital Games Masters program at Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo It covers the discussed concepts case study rolebased work method and steps of the meetings We also present examples of outcomes like requirement diagrams context diagrams use case diagrams class diagrams interviews and others that contributed to the Game Design Document GDD These were created by each group during the meetings alongside their game prototypes Additionally a discussion on the developed capabilities is included
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