FA-YOLO: Research On Efficient Feature Selection YOLO Improved Algorithm Based On FMDS and AGMF Modules
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.16313v1
- Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 07:22:16 GMT
- Title: FA-YOLO: Research On Efficient Feature Selection YOLO Improved Algorithm Based On FMDS and AGMF Modules
- Authors: Yukang Huo, Mingyuan Yao, Qingbin Tian, Tonghao Wang, Ruifeng Wang, Haihua Wang,
- Abstract summary: This paper introduces an efficient Fine-grained Multi-scale Dynamic Selection Module (FMDS Module) and an Adaptive Gated Multi-branch Focus Fusion Module (AGMF Module)
FMDS Module applies a more effective dynamic feature selection and fusion method on fine-grained multi-scale feature maps.
AGMF Module utilizes multiple parallel branches to perform complementary fusion of various features captured by the gated unit branch, FMDS Module branch, and Triplet branch.
- Score: 0.6047429555885261
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Over the past few years, the YOLO series of models has emerged as one of the dominant methodologies in the realm of object detection. Many studies have advanced these baseline models by modifying their architectures, enhancing data quality, and developing new loss functions. However, current models still exhibit deficiencies in processing feature maps, such as overlooking the fusion of cross-scale features and a static fusion approach that lacks the capability for dynamic feature adjustment. To address these issues, this paper introduces an efficient Fine-grained Multi-scale Dynamic Selection Module (FMDS Module), which applies a more effective dynamic feature selection and fusion method on fine-grained multi-scale feature maps, significantly enhancing the detection accuracy of small, medium, and large-sized targets in complex environments. Furthermore, this paper proposes an Adaptive Gated Multi-branch Focus Fusion Module (AGMF Module), which utilizes multiple parallel branches to perform complementary fusion of various features captured by the gated unit branch, FMDS Module branch, and TripletAttention branch. This approach further enhances the comprehensiveness, diversity, and integrity of feature fusion. This paper has integrated the FMDS Module, AGMF Module, into Yolov9 to develop a novel object detection model named FA-YOLO. Extensive experimental results show that under identical experimental conditions, FA-YOLO achieves an outstanding 66.1% mean Average Precision (mAP) on the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset, representing 1.0% improvement over YOLOv9's 65.1%. Additionally, the detection accuracies of FA-YOLO for small, medium, and large targets are 44.1%, 54.6%, and 70.8%, respectively, showing improvements of 2.0%, 3.1%, and 0.9% compared to YOLOv9's 42.1%, 51.5%, and 69.9%.
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