Beyond the semiclassical approximation in atom interferometry
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- Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2024 15:33:55 GMT
- Title: Beyond the semiclassical approximation in atom interferometry
- Authors: W. LaRow, M. Edwards, C. A. Sackett,
- Abstract summary: We describe a quantum perturbative approach to evaluating the phase shift of an atom interferometer in a weakly anharmonic trap.
We find that the form of the semi-classical approximation remains valid to first order in the anharmonic perturbation.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We describe a quantum perturbative approach to evaluating the phase shift of an atom interferometer in a weakly anharmonic trap. This provides a simple way to evaluate quantum corrections to the standard semi-classical approximation. The calculation benefits from the use of generalized coherent states for a basis. We find that the form of the semi-classical approximation remains valid to first order in the anharmonic perturbation, but that phase differences arise because the trajectory of a quantum wave packet will generally deviate from that of a classical particle. In general, the quantum correction to the phase is a factor $a^2/A^2$ smaller than the semi-classical perturbation itself, where $a$ is the quantum harmonic oscillator length scale and $A$ is the classical amplitude of the motion.
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