論文の概要: A spatio-temporalisation of ALC(D) and its translation into alternating
automata augmented with spatial constraints
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2002.12760v1
- Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2020 17:20:16 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-12-29 19:37:27.166923
- Title: A spatio-temporalisation of ALC(D) and its translation into alternating
automata augmented with spatial constraints
- Title(参考訳): ALC(D)の時空間化と空間的制約を付加した交互オートマトンへの変換
- Authors: Amar Isli
- Abstract要約: 本稿では、記述論理(DL)のよく知られたALC(D)ファミリーを具体的なドメインで時間化することを検討する。
我々は, MTALC(Dx) の概念を弱巡回的 TBox に対して満足できる重要な結果が, 拡張空間制約を持つBuchi弱オートマトンの問題に還元可能であることを示す。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The aim of this work is to provide a family of qualitative theories for
spatial change in general, and for motion of spatial scenes in particular. To
achieve this, we consider a spatio-temporalisation MTALC(Dx), of the well-known
ALC(D) family of Description Logics (DLs) with a concrete domain: the MTALC(Dx)
concepts are interpreted over infinite k-ary Sigma-trees, with the nodes
standing for time points, and Sigma including, additionally to its uses in
classical k-ary Sigma-trees, the description of the snapshot of an n-object
spatial scene of interest; the roles split into m+n immediate-successor
(accessibility) relations, which are serial, irreflexive and antisymmetric, and
of which m are general, not necessarily functional, the other n functional; the
concrete domain Dx is generated by an RCC8-like spatial Relation Algebra (RA)
x, and is used to guide the change by imposing spatial constraints on objects
of the "followed" spatial scene, eventually at different time points of the
input trees. In order to capture the expressiveness of most modal temporal
logics encountered in the literature, we introduce weakly cyclic Terminological
Boxes (TBoxes) of MTALC(Dx), whose axioms capture the decreasing property of
modal temporal operators. We show the important result that satisfiability of
an MTALC(Dx) concept with respect to a weakly cyclic TBox can be reduced to the
emptiness problem of a Buchi weak alternating automaton augmented with spatial
constraints. In another work, complementary to this one, also submitted to this
conference, we thoroughly investigate Buchi automata augmented with spatial
constraints, and provide, in particular, a translation of an alternating into a
nondeterministic, and an effective decision procedure for the emptiness problem
of the latter.
- Abstract(参考訳): 本研究の目的は,空間的変化全般,特に空間的場面の動きに関する定性的理論の族を提供することである。
To achieve this, we consider a spatio-temporalisation MTALC(Dx), of the well-known ALC(D) family of Description Logics (DLs) with a concrete domain: the MTALC(Dx) concepts are interpreted over infinite k-ary Sigma-trees, with the nodes standing for time points, and Sigma including, additionally to its uses in classical k-ary Sigma-trees, the description of the snapshot of an n-object spatial scene of interest; the roles split into m+n immediate-successor (accessibility) relations, which are serial, irreflexive and antisymmetric, and of which m are general, not necessarily functional, the other n functional; the concrete domain Dx is generated by an RCC8-like spatial Relation Algebra (RA) x, and is used to guide the change by imposing spatial constraints on objects of the "followed" spatial scene, eventually at different time points of the input trees.
我々は,MTALC(Dx) の概念を弱巡回的 TBox に対して満足できる重要な結果が,空間的制約を付加したBuchi弱交替オートマトンにおける空度問題に還元可能であることを示す。
また、これと相補的に、また本会議に提出した別の研究において、空間的制約により拡張されたbuchi automataを徹底的に調査し、特に、交替を非決定論的に翻訳し、後者の空虚性問題に対して効果的な決定手順を提供する。
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