論文の概要: Self-adjoint extension schemes and modern applications to quantum
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.10205v4
- Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 15:09:11 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-09-27 21:00:59.256754
- Title: Self-adjoint extension schemes and modern applications to quantum
- Title(参考訳): 自己共役拡張スキームと量子ハミルトンへの応用
- Authors: Matteo Gallone and Alessandro Michelangeli
- Abstract要約: モノグラフは、過去数年間、両方の著者が、抽象演算子理論と量子力学への応用の両方において中心的な主題について行った、学部・大学院・セミナーの以前の講義ノートから、改訂および拡張された資料を含んでいる。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 55.2480439325792
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: This monograph contains revised and enlarged materials from previous lecture
notes of undergraduate and graduate courses and seminars delivered by both
authors over the last years on a subject that is central both in abstract
operator theory and in applications to quantum mechanics: to decide whether a
given densely defined and symmetric operator on Hilbert space admits a unique
self-adjoint realisation, namely its operator closure, or whether instead it
admits an infinite multiplicity of distinct self-adjoint extensions, and in the
latter case to classify them and characterise their main features (operator and
quadratic form domains, spectrum, etc.) This is at the same time a very
classical, well established field, corresponding to the first part of the
monograph, and a territory of novel, modern applications, a selection of which,
obviously subjective to some extent, but also driven by a pedagogical
criterion, is presented in depth in the second part. A number of models are
discussed, which are receiving today new or renewed interest in mathematical
physics, in particular from the point of view of realising certain operators of
interests self-adjointly, classifying their self-adjoint extensions as actual
quantum Hamiltonians, studying their spectral and scattering properties, and
the like, but also from the point of view of intermediate technical questions
that have theoretical interest per se, such as characterising the corresponding
operator closures and adjoints.
- Abstract(参考訳): This monograph contains revised and enlarged materials from previous lecture notes of undergraduate and graduate courses and seminars delivered by both authors over the last years on a subject that is central both in abstract operator theory and in applications to quantum mechanics: to decide whether a given densely defined and symmetric operator on Hilbert space admits a unique self-adjoint realisation, namely its operator closure, or whether instead it admits an infinite multiplicity of distinct self-adjoint extensions, and in the latter case to classify them and characterise their main features (operator and quadratic form domains, spectrum, etc.) This is at the same time a very classical, well established field, corresponding to the first part of the monograph, and a territory of novel, modern applications, a selection of which, obviously subjective to some extent, but also driven by a pedagogical criterion, is presented in depth in the second part.
A number of models are discussed, which are receiving today new or renewed interest in mathematical physics, in particular from the point of view of realising certain operators of interests self-adjointly, classifying their self-adjoint extensions as actual quantum Hamiltonians, studying their spectral and scattering properties, and the like, but also from the point of view of intermediate technical questions that have theoretical interest per se, such as characterising the corresponding operator closures and adjoints.
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