TANQ-Sim: Tensorcore Accelerated Noisy Quantum System Simulation via QIR on Perlmutter HPC
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.13184v2
- Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 16:57:29 GMT
- Title: TANQ-Sim: Tensorcore Accelerated Noisy Quantum System Simulation via QIR on Perlmutter HPC
- Authors: Ang Li, Chenxu Liu, Samuel Stein, In-Saeng Suh, Muqing Zheng, Meng Wang, Yue Shi, Bo Fang, Martin Roetteler, Travis Humble,
- Abstract summary: TANQ-Sim is a full-scale density matrix based simulator designed to simulate practical deep circuits with both coherent and non-coherent noise.
To address the significant computational cost associated with such simulations, we propose a new density-matrix simulation approach.
To optimize performance, we also propose specific gate fusion techniques for density matrix simulation.
- Score: 16.27167995786167
- License:
- Abstract: Although there have been remarkable advances in quantum computing (QC), it remains crucial to simulate quantum programs using classical large-scale parallel computing systems to validate quantum algorithms, comprehend the impact of noise, and develop resilient quantum applications. This is particularly important for bridging the gap between near-term noisy-intermediate-scale-quantum (NISQ) computing and future fault-tolerant quantum computing (FTQC). Nevertheless, current simulation methods either lack the capability to simulate noise, or simulate with excessive computational costs, or do not scale out effectively. In this paper, we propose TANQ-Sim, a full-scale density matrix based simulator designed to simulate practical deep circuits with both coherent and non-coherent noise. To address the significant computational cost associated with such simulations, we propose a new density-matrix simulation approach that enables TANQ-Sim to leverage the latest double-precision tensorcores (DPTCs) in NVIDIA Ampere and Hopper GPUs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of double-precision tensorcores for non-AI/ML workloads. To optimize performance, we also propose specific gate fusion techniques for density matrix simulation. For scaling, we rely on the advanced GPU-side communication library NVSHMEM and propose effective optimization methods for enhancing communication efficiency. Evaluations on the NERSC Perlmutter supercomputer demonstrate the functionality, performance, and scalability of the simulator. We also present three case studies to showcase the practical usage of TANQ-Sim, including teleportation, entanglement distillation, and Ising simulation. TANQ-Sim will be released on GitHub.
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