論文の概要: The Bell inequality, inviolable by data used consistently with its
derivation, leads to quantum correlations that satisfy it, and probabilities
that satisfy the Wigner inequality
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2102.13227v2
- Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2023 23:10:59 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-04-09 22:32:12.683771
- Title: The Bell inequality, inviolable by data used consistently with its
derivation, leads to quantum correlations that satisfy it, and probabilities
that satisfy the Wigner inequality
- Title(参考訳): ベルの不等式は、その導出と一貫して使用されるデータによって不可侵であり、それを満たす量子相関とウィグナーの不等式を満たす確率をもたらす。
- Authors: Louis Sica
- Abstract要約: ベルが3つの確率変数を用いて導出した不等式は、プラス1とマイナス1の任意の3つのデータセットによって同一に満たされなければならない。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: It is not generally known, that the inequality that Bell derived using three
random variables must be identically satisfied by any three corresponding data
sets of plus and minus 1s that are writable on paper.This surprising fact is
not immediately obvious from Bell's inequality derivation based on causal
random variables, but follows immediately if the same mathematical operations
are applied to finite data sets.For laboratory data, the inequality is
identically satisfied as a fact of pure algebra, and its satisfaction is
independent of whether the processes generating the data are local, nonlocal,
deterministic, random, or nonsensical.It follows that if predicted correlations
violate the inequality, they represent no three cross correlated data sets that
experimentally exist or can be generated from valid probability models.
Reported data that violate the inequality consist of probabilistically
independent data pairs and are thus inconsistent with inequality derivation.In
the case of random variables as Bell assumed, the correlations in the
inequality may be expressed in terms of the probabilities that give rise to
them.A new inequality results, the Wigner inequality that must be satisfied by
quantum mechanical probabilities in the case of Bell experiments.If that were
not the case, predicted quantum probabilities and correlations would be
inconsistent with basic algebra.
- Abstract(参考訳): It is not generally known, that the inequality that Bell derived using three random variables must be identically satisfied by any three corresponding data sets of plus and minus 1s that are writable on paper.This surprising fact is not immediately obvious from Bell's inequality derivation based on causal random variables, but follows immediately if the same mathematical operations are applied to finite data sets.For laboratory data, the inequality is identically satisfied as a fact of pure algebra, and its satisfaction is independent of whether the processes generating the data are local, nonlocal, deterministic, random, or nonsensical.It follows that if predicted correlations violate the inequality, they represent no three cross correlated data sets that experimentally exist or can be generated from valid probability models.
Reported data that violate the inequality consist of probabilistically independent data pairs and are thus inconsistent with inequality derivation.In the case of random variables as Bell assumed, the correlations in the inequality may be expressed in terms of the probabilities that give rise to them.A new inequality results, the Wigner inequality that must be satisfied by quantum mechanical probabilities in the case of Bell experiments.If that were not the case, predicted quantum probabilities and correlations would be inconsistent with basic algebra.
- Some consequences of Sica's approach to Bell's inequalities [55.2480439325792]
ルイ・シカ(Louis Sica)は、ベルの不等式は、あるステーションで観測された結果の時系列が、他のステーションの設定が変更されても変化しないという仮説から導いた。
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inequalities and physical reality [0.0]
Gill と Lambare はこの記事の内容と結論を完全に誤解している。
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本研究では, 条件付き独立性テストに基づくアルゴリズムを提案し, 種子変数を先行変数とする因果変数を分離し, 安定な予測に採用する。
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Reality [0.0]
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2020-04-29T16:49:16Z)