Fact-nets: towards a mathematical framework for relational quantum
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00335v2
- Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2022 14:28:28 GMT
- Title: Fact-nets: towards a mathematical framework for relational quantum
- Authors: Pierre Martin-Dussaud, Titouan Carette, Jan G{\l}owacki, Vaclav
Zatloukal, Federico Zalamea
- Abstract summary: The relational interpretation of quantum mechanics (RQM) has received a growing interest since its first formulation in 1996.
This paper proposes a radical reformulation of the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics which is relational from the start: fact-nets.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The relational interpretation of quantum mechanics (RQM) has received a
growing interest since its first formulation in 1996. Usually presented as an
interpretational layer over the usual quantum mechanics formalism, it appears
as a philosophical perspective without proper mathematical counterparts. This
state of affairs has direct consequences on the scientific debate on RQM which
still suffers from misunderstandings and imprecise statements. In an attempt to
clarify those debates, the present paper proposes a radical reformulation of
the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics which is relational from the
start: fact-nets. The core idea is that all statements about the world, facts,
are binary entities involving two systems that can be symmetrically thought of
as observed and observer. We initiate a study of the fact-nets formalism and
outline how it can shed new relational light on some familiar quantum features.
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