論文の概要: Fundamental Laws of Binary Classification
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.07589v1
- Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 11:50:13 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-05-17 20:25:41.126532
- Title: Fundamental Laws of Binary Classification
- Title(参考訳): 二項分類の基本法則
- Authors: Denise M. Reeves
- Abstract要約: 最小リスク二項分類系の判別関数は幾何学的軌跡方程式の解であることを示す。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Finding discriminant functions of minimum risk binary classification systems
is a novel geometric locus problem -- that requires solving a system of
fundamental locus equations of binary classification -- subject to deep-seated
statistical laws. We show that a discriminant function of a minimum risk binary
classification system is the solution of a locus equation that represents the
geometric locus of the decision boundary of the system, wherein the
discriminant function is connected to the decision boundary by an intrinsic
eigen-coordinate system in such a manner that the discriminant function is
represented by a geometric locus of a novel principal eigenaxis -- formed by a
dual locus of likelihood components and principal eigenaxis components. We
demonstrate that a minimum risk binary classification system acts to jointly
minimize its eigenenergy and risk by locating a point of equilibrium wherein
critical minimum eigenenergies exhibited by the system are symmetrically
concentrated in such a manner that the geometric locus of the novel principal
eigenaxis of the system exhibits symmetrical dimensions and densities, such
that counteracting and opposing forces and influences of the system are
symmetrically balanced with each other -- about the geometric center of the
locus of the novel principal eigenaxis -- whereon the statistical fulcrum of
the system is located. Thereby, a minimum risk binary classification system
satisfies a state of statistical equilibrium wherein the total allowed
eigenenergy and the expected risk exhibited by the system are jointly minimized
within the decision space of the system, so that the system exhibits the
minimum probability of classification error.
- Abstract(参考訳): 最小リスク二項分類システムの識別関数を見つけることは、新しい幾何学的軌跡問題であり、二項分類の基本的な軌跡方程式のシステムを解かなければならない。
We show that a discriminant function of a minimum risk binary classification system is the solution of a locus equation that represents the geometric locus of the decision boundary of the system, wherein the discriminant function is connected to the decision boundary by an intrinsic eigen-coordinate system in such a manner that the discriminant function is represented by a geometric locus of a novel principal eigenaxis -- formed by a dual locus of likelihood components and principal eigenaxis components. We demonstrate that a minimum risk binary classification system acts to jointly minimize its eigenenergy and risk by locating a point of equilibrium wherein critical minimum eigenenergies exhibited by the system are symmetrically concentrated in such a manner that the geometric locus of the novel principal eigenaxis of the system exhibits symmetrical dimensions and densities, such that counteracting and opposing forces and influences of the system are symmetrically balanced with each other -- about the geometric center of the locus of the novel principal eigenaxis -- whereon the statistical fulcrum of the system is located.
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