論文の概要: One-dimensional pseudoharmonic oscillator: classical remarks and
quantum-information theory
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.06428v2
- Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2023 08:18:18 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-04-28 21:46:43.382287
- Title: One-dimensional pseudoharmonic oscillator: classical remarks and
quantum-information theory
- Title(参考訳): 一次元擬調和発振器:古典論と量子情報理論
- Authors: O. Olendski
- Abstract要約: 位置の正の二次函数と逆二次函数の組合せであるポテンシャルの運動を考える。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- Abstract: Motion along semi-infinite straight line in a potential that is a combination
of positive quadratic and inverse quadratic functions of the position is
considered with the emphasis on the analysis of its quantum-information
properties. Classical measure of symmetry of the potential is proposed and its
dependence on the particle energy and the factor $\mathfrak{a}$ describing a
relative strength of its constituents is described; in particular, it is shown
that a variation of the parameter $\mathfrak{a}$ alters the shape from the
half-harmonic oscillator (HHO) at $\mathfrak{a}=0$ to the perfectly symmetric
one of the double frequency oscillator (DFO) in the limit of huge
$\mathfrak{a}$. Quantum consideration focuses on the analysis of
information-theoretical measures, such as standard deviations, Shannon,
R\'{e}nyi and Tsallis entropies together with Fisher information, Onicescu
energy and non--Gaussianity. For doing this, among others, a method of
calculating momentum waveforms is proposed that results in their analytic
expressions in form of the confluent hypergeometric functions. Increasing
parameter $\mathfrak{a}$ modifies the measures in such a way that they
gradually transform into those corresponding to the DFO what, in particular,
means that the lowest orbital saturates Heisenberg, Shannon, R\'{e}nyi and
Tsallis uncertainty relations with the corresponding position and momentum
non--Gaussianities turning to zero. A simple expression is derived of the
orbital-independent lower threshold of the semi-infinite range of the
dimensionless R\'{e}nyi/Tsallis coefficient where momentum components of these
one-parameter entropies exist which shows that it varies between $1/4$ at HHO
and zero when $\mathfrak{a}$ tends to infinity. Physical interpretation of
obtained mathematical results is provided.
- Abstract(参考訳): 位置の正の二次関数と逆二次関数の組み合わせであるポテンシャルにおける半無限直線に沿った動きは、量子情報特性の解析に重点が置かれている。
特に、パラメータ $\mathfrak{a}$ は、半調和振動子 (HHO) を$\mathfrak{a}=0$ で変化させることで、巨大な$\mathfrak{a}$ の極限における二重周波数発振子 (DFO) の完全な対称性に変化する。
Quantum consideration focuses on the analysis of information-theoretical measures, such as standard deviations, Shannon, R\'{e}nyi and Tsallis entropies together with Fisher information, Onicescu energy and non--Gaussianity. For doing this, among others, a method of calculating momentum waveforms is proposed that results in their analytic expressions in form of the confluent hypergeometric functions. Increasing parameter $\mathfrak{a}$ modifies the measures in such a way that they gradually transform into those corresponding to the DFO what, in particular, means that the lowest orbital saturates Heisenberg, Shannon, R\'{e}nyi and Tsallis uncertainty relations with the corresponding position and momentum non--Gaussianities turning to zero.
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