論文の概要: Upper bounds for Grothendieck constants, quantum correlation matrices
and CCP functions
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.04428v1
- Date: Mon, 8 May 2023 02:43:01 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-05-09 15:54:12.592952
- Title: Upper bounds for Grothendieck constants, quantum correlation matrices
and CCP functions
- Title(参考訳): グロタンディーク定数の上界、量子相関行列およびCCP関数
- Authors: Frank Oertel
- Abstract要約: 我々は、有名なグロタンディーク不等式における実かつ複素グロタンディーク定数$K_GmathbbF$のまだ未知の正確な値を求める(1953年以降未解決)。
また、Grothendieck(K_GmathbbR leq sinh(pi/2) approx 2.301$), Krivine(K_GmathbbR leq fracpi2 ln (1 + sqrt2)の有名な上界を復元する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Within the framework of the search for the still unknown exact value of the
real and complex Grothendieck constant $K_G^\mathbb{F}$ in the famous
Grothendieck inequality (unsolved since 1953), where $\mathbb{F}$ denotes
either the real or the complex field, we concentrate our search on their
smallest upper bound. To this end, we establish a basic framework, built on
functions which map correlation matrices to correlation matrices entrywise by
means of the Hadamard product, such as the Krivine function in the real case or
the Haagerup function in the complex case. By making use of multivariate real
and complex Gaussian analysis, higher transcendental functions, integration
over spheres and combinatorics of the inversion of Maclaurin series, we provide
an approach by which we also recover all famous upper bounds of Grothendieck
himself ($K_G^\mathbb{R} \leq \sinh(\pi/2) \approx 2.301$), Krivine
($K_G^\mathbb{R} \leq \frac{\pi}{2 \ln(1 + \sqrt{2})} \approx 1,782$) and
Haagerup ($K_G^\mathbb{C} \leq 1.405$, numerically approximated); each of them
as a special case. In doing so, we aim to unify the real and complex case as
much as possible and apply our results to several concrete examples, including
the Walsh-Hadamard transform (''quantum gate'') and the multivariate Gaussian
copula - with foundations of quantum theory and quantum information theory in
mind. Moreover, we offer a shortening and a simplification of the proof of the
strongest estimation until now; namely that $K_G^\mathbb{R} < \frac{\pi}{2
\ln(1 + \sqrt{2})}$. We summarise our key results in form of an algorithmic
scheme and shed light on related open problems and topics for future research.
- Abstract(参考訳): 有名なグロタンディーク不等式 (1953年以降未解決) における実および複素グロタンディーク定数 $k_g^\mathbb{f}$ の未知の正確な値の探索の枠組みの中で、$\mathbb{f}$ は実体または複素体を表すので、最小の上界に集中する。
By making use of multivariate real and complex Gaussian analysis, higher transcendental functions, integration over spheres and combinatorics of the inversion of Maclaurin series, we provide an approach by which we also recover all famous upper bounds of Grothendieck himself ($K_G^\mathbb{R} \leq \sinh(\pi/2) \approx 2.301$), Krivine ($K_G^\mathbb{R} \leq \frac{\pi}{2 \ln(1 + \sqrt{2})} \approx 1,782$) and Haagerup ($K_G^\mathbb{C} \leq 1.405$, numerically approximated); each of them as a special case.
さらに、これまで最強推定の証明の短縮と単純化、すなわち$K_G^\mathbb{R} < \frac{\pi}{2 \ln(1 + \sqrt{2})}$である。
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