論文の概要: Discrete truncated Wigner approach to dynamical phase transitions in
Ising models after a quantum quench
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.09812v2
- Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2020 13:44:43 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-05-22 20:50:11.986972
- Title: Discrete truncated Wigner approach to dynamical phase transitions in
Ising models after a quantum quench
- Title(参考訳): 量子クエンチ後のイジングモデルにおける動的相転移に対する離散トラッピングウィグナーアプローチ
- Authors: Reyhaneh Khasseh, Angelo Russomanno, Markus Schmitt, Markus Heyl, and
Rosario Fazio
- Abstract要約: 量子クエンチ後の横フィールドイジングモデルの定常状態における動的相転移について検討する。
我々は$alpha lesssim 0.5$の同じ指数を見つけ、この状態の動的遷移が非エルゴード平均場極限と同じ普遍性クラスに該当することを示唆する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: By means of the discrete truncated Wigner approximation we study dynamical
phase transitions arising in the steady state of transverse-field Ising models
after a quantum quench. Starting from a fully polarized ferromagnetic initial
condition these transitions separate a phase with nonvanishing magnetization
along the ordering direction from a symmetric phase upon increasing the
transverse field. We consider two paradigmatic cases, a one-dimensional
long-range model with power-law interactions $\propto 1/r^{\alpha}$ decaying
algebraically as a function of distance $r$ and a two-dimensional system with
short-range nearest-neighbour interactions. In the former case we identify
dynamical phase transitions for $\alpha \lesssim 2$ and we extract the critical
exponents from a data collapse of the steady state magnetization for up to 1200
lattice sites. We find identical exponents for $\alpha \lesssim 0.5$,
suggesting that the dynamical transitions in this regime fall into the same
universality class as the nonergodic mean-field limit. The two-dimensional
Ising model is believed to be thermalizing, which we also confirm using exact
diagonalization for small system sizes. Thus, the dynamical transition is
expected to correspond to the thermal phase transition, which is consistent
with our data upon comparing to equilibrium quantum Monte-Carlo simulations. We
further test the accuracy of the discrete truncated Wigner approximation by
comparing against numerically exact methods such as exact diagonalization,
tensor network as well as artificial neural network states and we find good
quantitative agreement on the accessible time scales. Finally, our work
provides an additional contribution to the understanding of the range and the
limitations of qualitative and quantitative applicability of the discrete
truncated Wigner approximation.
- Abstract(参考訳): 離散的に切り離されたウィグナー近似を用いて、量子クエンチ後の横フィールドイジングモデルの定常状態に起因する動的相転移を研究する。
2つのパラダイム的ケースを考えると、パワー-ロー相互作用を持つ 1 次元の長距離モデル $\propto 1/r^{\alpha}$ は距離 $r$ の関数として代数的に崩壊する。
前者の場合、$\alpha \lesssim 2$の動的相転移を同定し、最大1200の格子サイトに対する定常磁化のデータの崩壊から臨界指数を抽出する。
我々は$\alpha \lesssim 0.5$の同じ指数を見つけ、この状態の動的遷移は非エルゴード平均場極限と同じ普遍性クラスに陥ることを示す。
最後に、我々の研究は、離散的 truncated Wigner 近似の質的および定量的適用性の限界と範囲の理解にさらなる貢献を提供する。
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