論文の概要: Ultra-Compact accurate wave functions for He-like and Li-like
iso-electronic sequences and variational calculus. II. Spin-singlet (excited)
and spin-triplet (lowest) states of the Helium sequence
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.02145v3
- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2021 21:54:36 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-03-20 00:27:58.186708
- Title: Ultra-Compact accurate wave functions for He-like and Li-like
iso-electronic sequences and variational calculus. II. Spin-singlet (excited)
and spin-triplet (lowest) states of the Helium sequence
- Title(参考訳): He型およびLi型等電子系列の超コンパクト正確な波動関数と変分電卓
- Authors: A.V.Turbiner, J.C.Lopez Vieyra, J.C. del Valle, D.J.Nader
- Abstract要約: この記事は、核電荷に対するHe型およびLi型等電子配列の基底状態に、Zleq 20$で焦点をあてる。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: As a continuation of Part I \cite{Part-1:2020} (Int. Journal of Quantum Chem.
2021; 121: qua.26586), dedicated to the ground state of He-like and Li-like
isoelectronic sequences for nuclear charges $Z \leq 20$, a few ultra-compact
wave functions in the form of generalized Hylleraas-Kinoshita functions are
constructed, which describe the domain of applicability of the Quantum
Mechanics of Coulomb Charges (QMCC) for the energies (4-5 significant digits
(s.d.)) of two excited states of He-like ions: the spin-singlet (first) excited
state $2^1 S$ and the lowest spin-triplet $1^3 S$ state. For both states it
provides absolute accuracy for energy $\sim 10^{-3}$\,a.u., exact values for
cusp parameters and also for 6 expectation values the relative accuracy $\sim
10^{-2}$. The Bressanini-Reynolds observation about the special form of the
nodal surface of the $2^1 S$ state of Helium is confirmed and extended to
He-like ions with $Z > 2$. Critical charges $Z=Z_B$, where ultra-compact trial
functions lose their square-integrability, are estimated: $Z_B(1^1 S)\approx
Z_B(2^1 S)\sim 0.905$ and $Z_B(1^3 S)\sim 0.902$. For both states the Majorana
formula - the energy as a second degree polynomial in $Z$ - provides accurately
4-5 significant digits for $Z \leq 20$.
- Abstract(参考訳): As a continuation of Part I \cite{Part-1:2020} (Int. Journal of Quantum Chem. 2021; 121: qua.26586), dedicated to the ground state of He-like and Li-like isoelectronic sequences for nuclear charges $Z \leq 20$, a few ultra-compact wave functions in the form of generalized Hylleraas-Kinoshita functions are constructed, which describe the domain of applicability of the Quantum Mechanics of Coulomb Charges (QMCC) for the energies (4-5 significant digits (s.d.)) of two excited states of He-like ions: the spin-singlet (first) excited state $2^1 S$ and the lowest spin-triplet $1^3 S$ state.
どちらの状態においても、エネルギー$\sim 10^{-3}$\,u.、cuspパラメータの正確な値、および6つの期待値に対して相対精度$\sim 10^{-2}$の絶対精度を提供する。
ヘリウムの2^1 S$状態の結節面の特別な形態に関するブレサニーニ・レイノルズ観測は確認され、2$Z > 2$でHe様イオンに拡張される。
超コンパクトな試行関数が正方積分性を失う臨界電荷$Z=Z_B$:$Z_B(1^1 S)\approx Z_B(2^1 S)\sim 0.905$および$Z_B(1^3 S)\sim 0.902$
両方の状態について、マヨラナ公式(Z$の第二次多項式としてのエネルギー)は、正確に4-5の有意な桁を$Z \leq 20$に対して提供する。
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