論文の概要: Quantization: History and Problems
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.07838v1
- Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2022 03:15:34 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-02-25 16:43:53.722242
- Title: Quantization: History and Problems
- Title(参考訳): 量子化:歴史と問題
- Authors: Andrea Carosso
- Abstract要約: 量子化の初期の歴史について、Schr"odinger と Dirac の著作に焦点をあてて論じる。
1946年、Groenewold はディラックの写像が矛盾していることを証明し、厳密な量子化写像を定義するという問題は当初予想されていたよりも分かりやすくなった。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In this work, I explore the concept of quantization as a mapping from
classical phase space functions to quantum operators. I discuss the early
history of this notion of quantization with emphasis on the works of
Schr\"odinger and Dirac, and how quantization fit into their overall
understanding of quantum theory in the 1920's. Dirac, in particular, proposed a
quantization map which should satisfy certain properties, including the
property that quantum commutators should be related to classical Poisson
brackets in a particular way. However, in 1946, Groenewold proved that Dirac's
mapping was inconsistent, making the problem of defining a rigorous
quantization map more elusive than originally expected. This result, known as
the Groenewold-Van Hove theorem, is not often discussed in physics texts, but
here I will give an account of the theorem and what it means for potential
"corrections" to Dirac's scheme. Other proposals for quantization have arisen
over the years, the first major one being that of Weyl in 1927, which was later
developed by many, including Groenewold, and which has since become known as
Weyl Quantization in the mathematical literature. Another, known as Geometric
Quantization, formulates quantization in differential-geometric terms by
appealing to the character of classical phase spaces as symplectic manifolds;
this approach began with the work of Souriau, Kostant, and Kirillov in the
1960's. I will describe these proposals for quantization and comment on their
relation to Dirac's original program. Along the way, the problem of operator
ordering and of quantizing in curvilinear coordinates will be described, since
these are natural questions that immediately present themselves when thinking
about quantization.
- Abstract(参考訳): 本稿では,古典的位相空間関数から量子作用素への写像としての量子化の概念を考察する。
I discuss the early history of this notion of quantization with emphasis on the works of Schr\"odinger and Dirac, and how quantization fit into their overall understanding of quantum theory in the 1920's. Dirac, in particular, proposed a quantization map which should satisfy certain properties, including the property that quantum commutators should be related to classical Poisson brackets in a particular way. However, in 1946, Groenewold proved that Dirac's mapping was inconsistent, making the problem of defining a rigorous quantization map more elusive than originally expected. This result, known as the Groenewold-Van Hove theorem, is not often discussed in physics texts, but here I will give an account of the theorem and what it means for potential "corrections" to Dirac's scheme.
もう1つの幾何量子化(Geometric Quantization)は、古典位相空間をシンプレクティック多様体として特徴づけることで微分幾何学用語の量子化を定式化し、このアプローチは1960年代のスーリオー、コスタント、キリロフの研究から始まった。
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この手法は、1982年にL. Yaffeによって、大きな$N$の量子場理論に取り組むために導入された。
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