論文の概要: A truncated Davidson method for the efficient "chemically accurate"
calculation of full configuration interaction wavefunctions without any large
matrix diagonalization
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.12587v1
- Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2022 00:35:16 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-02-03 17:15:43.542297
- Title: A truncated Davidson method for the efficient "chemically accurate"
calculation of full configuration interaction wavefunctions without any large
matrix diagonalization
- Title(参考訳): 大行列対角化を伴わない完全構成相互作用波動関数の効率的な「化学的に正確な」計算法
- Authors: Stephen J. Cotton
- Abstract要約: この研究は、「化学的に正確な」電子波動関数(およびエネルギー)を、切り離された完全な構成相互作用(CI)手順で計算する新しい手法を開発し、説明する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: This work develops and illustrates a new method of calculating "chemically
accurate" electronic wavefunctions (and energies) via a truncated full
configuration interaction (CI) procedure which arguably circumvents the large
matrix diagonalization that is the core problem of full CI and is also central
to modern selective CI approaches. This is accomplished simply by following the
standard/ubiquitous Davidson method in its "direct" form -- wherein, in each
iteration, the electronic Hamiltonian operator is applied directly in second
quantization to the Ritz vector/wavefunction from the prior iteration -- except
that (in this work) only a small portion of the resultant expansion vector is
actually even computed (through application of only a similarly small portion
of the Hamiltonian). Specifically, at each iteration of this truncated Davidson
approach, the new expansion vector is taken to be twice as large as that from
the prior iteration. In this manner, a small set of highly truncated expansion
vectors (say 10--30) of increasing precision is incrementally constructed,
forming a small subspace within which diagonalization of the Hamiltonian yields
clear, consistent, and monotonically variational convergence to the approximate
full CI limit. The good efficiency in which convergence to the level of
chemical accuracy (1.6 mHartree) is achieved suggests, at least for the
demonstrated problem sizes -- Hilbert spaces of $10^{18}$ and wavefunctions of
$10^8$ determinants -- that this truncated Davidson methodology can serve as a
replacement of standard CI and complete-active space (CAS) approaches, in
circumstances where only a few chemically-significant digits of accuracy are
required and/or meaningful in view of ever-present basis set limitations.
- Abstract(参考訳): この研究は、「化学的に正確な」電子波動関数(およびエネルギー)を、完全なCIの中核問題である大きな行列対角化を確実に回避し、近代的な選択的なCIアプローチの中心となる、切り離された完全な構成相互作用(CI)手順によって計算する新しい手法を開発・説明する。
In this manner, a small set of highly truncated expansion vectors (say 10--30) of increasing precision is incrementally constructed, forming a small subspace within which diagonalization of the Hamiltonian yields clear, consistent, and monotonically variational convergence to the approximate full CI limit. The good efficiency in which convergence to the level of chemical accuracy (1.6 mHartree) is achieved suggests, at least for the demonstrated problem sizes -- Hilbert spaces of $10^{18}$ and wavefunctions of $10^8$ determinants -- that this truncated Davidson methodology can serve as a replacement of standard CI and complete-active space (CAS) approaches, in circumstances where only a few chemically-significant digits of accuracy are required and/or meaningful in view of ever-present basis set limitations.
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