論文の概要: Cross-calibration of atomic pressure sensors and deviation from quantum
diffractive collision universality for light particles
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.02900v2
- Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2022 01:17:52 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-01-27 16:00:06.180192
- Title: Cross-calibration of atomic pressure sensors and deviation from quantum
diffractive collision universality for light particles
- Title(参考訳): 光粒子の原子圧力センサの相互校正と量子回折衝突普遍性からの偏差
- Authors: Pinrui Shen, Erik Frieling, Katherine R. Herperger, Denis Uhland,
Riley A. Stewart, Avinash Deshmukh, Roman V. Krems, James L. Booth, and Kirk
W. Madison
- Abstract要約: 原子-分子衝突と原子-分子衝突の室温全断面積は、普遍関数として$C_6$で近似される。
R = langle sigma_rmtot, v rangle_rmLi+H$。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The total room-temperature, velocity-averaged cross section for atom-atom and
atom-molecule collisions is well approximated by a universal function depending
only on the magnitude of the leading order dispersion coefficient, $C_6$. This
feature of the total cross section together with the universal function for the
energy distribution transferred by glancing angle collisions ($P_{\rm{QDU}6}$)
can be used to empirically determine the total collision cross section and
realize a self-calibrating, vacuum pressure standard. This was previously
validated for Rb+N$_2$ and Rb+Rb collisions. However, the post-collision energy
distribution is expected to deviate from $P_{\rm{QDU}6}$ in the limit of small
$C_6$ and small reduced mass. Here we observe this deviation experimentally by
performing a direct cross-species loss rate comparison between Rb+H$_2$ and
Li+H$_2$ and using the \textit{ab initio} value of $\langle \sigma_{\rm{tot}}
\, v \rangle_{\rm{Li+H}_2}$. We find a velocity averaged total collision cross
section ratio, $R = \langle \sigma_{\rm{tot}} \, v \rangle_{\rm{Li+H}_2} :
\langle \sigma_{\rm{tot}} \, v \rangle_{\rm{Rb+H}_2} = 0.83(5)$. Based on an
\textit{ab initio} computation of $\langle \sigma_{\rm{tot}} \, v
\rangle_{\rm{Li+H}_2} = 3.13(6)\times 10^{-15}$ m$^3$/s, we deduce $\langle
\sigma_{\rm{tot}} \, v \rangle_{\rm{Rb+H}_2} = 3.8(2) \times 10^{-15}$ m$^3$/s,
in agreement with a Rb+H$_2$ \textit{ab initio} value of $\langle
\sigma_{\mathrm{tot}} v \rangle_{\mathrm{Rb+H_2}} = 3.57 \times 10^{-15}
\mathrm{m}^3/\mathrm{s}$.By contrast, fitting the Rb+H$_2$ loss rate as a
function of trap depth to the universal function we find $\langle
\sigma_{\rm{tot}} \, v \rangle_{\rm{Rb+H}_2} = 5.52(9) \times 10^{-15}$
m$^3$/s. Finally, this work demonstrates how to perform a cross-calibration of
sensor atoms to extend and enhance the cold atom based pressure sensor.
- Abstract(参考訳): 原子-分子衝突と原子-分子衝突の室温, 速度平均断面積は, 先行次微分係数である$C_6$のみに依存する普遍関数によりよく近似される。
ここでは、Rb+H$_2$ と Li+H$_2$ の相互損失率を直接比較し、$\langle \sigma_{\rm{tot}} \, v \rangle_{\rm{Li+H}_2}$ の \textit{ab initio} 値を用いて、この偏差を実験的に観察する。
R = \langle \sigma_{\rm{tot}} \, v \rangle_{\rm{Li+H}_2} : \langle \sigma_{\rm{tot}} \, v \rangle_{\rm{Rb+H}_2} = 0.83(5)$である。
$\langle \sigma_{\rm{Li+H}_2} = 3.13(6)\times 10^{-15}$ m$^3$/s, $\langle \sigma_{\rm{tot}} \, v \rangle_{\rm{Rb+H}_2} = 3.8(2) \times 10^{-15}$ m$^3$/s, in agreement of $\langle \sigma_{\rm{Rb+H}_2$ \textit{ab initio} value of $\langle \sigma_{\mathrm{tot}} v \rangle_{\rm{Rb+H}_2}} = 3.57 \times 10^{-15}$ m$3$/s と一致する。
対照的に、トラップ深さの関数として Rb+H$_2$損失率を普遍関数に合わせると、$\langle \sigma_{\rm{tot}} \, v \rangle_{\rm{Rb+H}_2} = 5.52(9) \times 10^{-15}$ m$^3$/s が得られる。
最後に, 寒冷原子を用いた圧力センサを拡張・強化するために, センサ原子の相互校正を行う方法を示す。
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