論文の概要: Quantum quenches in driven-dissipative quadratic fermionic systems with
parity-time symmetry
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.01836v2
- Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 09:20:40 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-02-21 07:11:32.887876
- Title: Quantum quenches in driven-dissipative quadratic fermionic systems with
parity-time symmetry
- Title(参考訳): パリティ時対称性をもつ駆動散逸二次フェルミオン系における量子クエンチ
- Authors: Elias Starchl and Lukas M. Sieberer
- Abstract要約: マルコフ駆動と消散を受ける非相互作用性フェルミオン量子多体系のクエンチダイナミクスについて検討する。
本研究では, 動的ポンピング相間の遷移が, 指向性ポンピング速度の動的臨界挙動の新たなタイプをもたらすことを示す。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We study the quench dynamics of noninteracting fermionic quantum many-body
systems that are subjected to Markovian drive and dissipation and are described
by a quadratic Liouvillian which has parity-time (PT) symmetry. In recent work,
we have shown that such systems relax locally to a maximum entropy ensemble
that we have dubbed the PT-symmetric generalized Gibbs ensemble (PTGGE), in
analogy to the generalized Gibbs ensemble that describes the steady state of
isolated integrable quantum many-body systems after a quench. Here, using
driven-dissipative versions of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model and the
Kitaev chain as paradigmatic model systems, we corroborate and substantially
expand upon our previous results. In particular, we confirm the validity of a
dissipative quasiparticle picture at finite dissipation by demonstrating light
cone spreading of correlations and the linear growth and saturation to the
PTGGE prediction of the quasiparticle-pair contribution to the subsystem
entropy in the PT-symmetric phase. Further, we introduce the concept of
directional pumping phases, which is related to the non-Hermitian topology of
the Liouvillian and based upon qualitatively different dynamics of the dual
string order parameter and the subsystem fermion parity in the SSH model and
the Kitaev chain, respectively: Depending on the postquench parameters, there
can be pumping of string order and fermion parity through both ends of a
subsystem corresponding to a finite segment of the one-dimensional lattice,
through only one end, or there can be no pumping at all. We show that
transitions between dynamical pumping phases give rise to a new and independent
type of dynamical critical behavior of the rates of directional pumping, which
are determined by the soft modes of the PTGGE.
- Abstract(参考訳): マルコフ駆動と散逸を受ける非相互作用フェルミオン量子多体系のクエンチダイナミクスを、パリティタイム(pt)対称性を持つ二次リウビリアンによって記述される。
特に, PT対称相における準粒子対寄与のPTGGE予測に対して, 相関関係の光円錐拡散と線形成長および飽和を示すことにより, 有限散逸時の散逸性準粒子像の有効性を検証した。
Further, we introduce the concept of directional pumping phases, which is related to the non-Hermitian topology of the Liouvillian and based upon qualitatively different dynamics of the dual string order parameter and the subsystem fermion parity in the SSH model and the Kitaev chain, respectively: Depending on the postquench parameters, there can be pumping of string order and fermion parity through both ends of a subsystem corresponding to a finite segment of the one-dimensional lattice, through only one end, or there can be no pumping at all.
本研究では, 動的ポンピング相間の遷移が, PTGGEのソフトモードによって決定される方向ポンピング速度の動的臨界挙動の新しい, 独立なタイプをもたらすことを示す。
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監視された普遍性への通路は, 有限部分選択で突然発生することを示す。
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本稿では, ゆらぎ・散逸関係の出現を観測し, 量子シミュレータのフルETHを探索する理論に依存しない経路を提案する。
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