論文の概要: Entanglement and scattering in quantum electrodynamics: S-matrix
information from an entangled spectator particle
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.01300v2
- Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2022 00:48:03 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-03-06 02:20:54.638122
- Title: Entanglement and scattering in quantum electrodynamics: S-matrix
information from an entangled spectator particle
- Title(参考訳): 量子電磁力学における絡み合いと散乱:絡み合った観測粒子からのS行列情報
- Authors: Juan D. Fonseca, B. Hiller, J. B. Araujo, I. G. da Paz and Marcos
- Abstract要約: 2つの半スピンフェルミオン、$A$と$B$を含む一般量子場相対論的散乱を考える。
特に木レベルでの非弾性QED過程、すなわち$e-e+rightarrow mu- mu+$と半スピンフェルミオン$C$を観察粒子として研究する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We consider a general quantum field relativistic scattering involving two
half spin fermions, $A$ and $B$, which are initially entangled with another
fermion $C$ that does not participate in the scattering dynamics. We construct
general expressions for the reduced spin matrices for the out-state considering
a general tripartite spin-entangled state. In particular we study an inelastic
QED process at tree-level, namely $e^-e^+\rightarrow \mu^- \mu^+$ and a half
spin fermion $C$ as an spectator particle which can be entangled to the $AB$
system in the following ways: W state, GHZ state, $|\text{A}^\alpha \rangle
\otimes |\Psi^{\pm} \rangle_{\text{BC}}$ and $|\text{A}^\alpha \rangle \otimes
|\Phi^{\pm} \rangle_{\text{BC}}$, where $\{|\Psi^{\pm} \rangle,|\Phi^{\pm}
\rangle\}$ are the Bell basis states and $|\text{A}^\alpha \rangle$ is a spin
superposition state of system $A$. We calculate the von-Neumann entropy
variation before and after the scattering for the particle $C$ and show that
spin measurements in $C$ contain numerical information about the total cross
section of the process. We compare the initial states W and GHZ as well as
study the role played by the parameter $\alpha$ in the evaluation of the
entropy variations and the cross section encoded in the spectator particle.
- Abstract(参考訳): 我々は、2つの半スピンフェルミオンである$A$と$B$を含む一般量子場相対論的散乱を、散乱力学に関与しない別のフェルミオン$C$と最初に絡み合っていると考えている。
In particular we study an inelastic QED process at tree-level, namely $e^-e^+\rightarrow \mu^- \mu^+$ and a half spin fermion $C$ as an spectator particle which can be entangled to the $AB$ system in the following ways: W state, GHZ state, $|\text{A}^\alpha \rangle \otimes |\Psi^{\pm} \rangle_{\text{BC}}$ and $|\text{A}^\alpha \rangle \otimes |\Phi^{\pm} \rangle_{\text{BC}}$, where $\{|\Psi^{\pm} \rangle,|\Phi^{\pm} \rangle\}$ are the Bell basis states and $|\text{A}^\alpha \rangle$ is a spin superposition state of system $A$.
初期状態 W と GHZ を比較し,パラメータ $\alpha$ がエントロピー変動と可視光粒子に符号化された断面の評価において果たす役割について検討した。
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