論文の概要: Phase tuning of multiple Andreev reflections of Dirac fermions and the
Josephson supercurrent in Al-MoTe2-Al junctions
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04397v1
- Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2021 16:43:12 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-03-05 03:03:26.789095
- Title: Phase tuning of multiple Andreev reflections of Dirac fermions and the
Josephson supercurrent in Al-MoTe2-Al junctions
- Title(参考訳): al-mote2-al接合におけるディラックフェルミオンとジョセフソン超電流の多重andreev反射の位相調整
- Authors: Zheyi Zhu, Stephan Kim, Shiming Lei, Leslie M. Schoop, R. J. Cava, and
N. P. Ong
- Abstract要約: ジョセフソン超電流$bf J_rm ssim sinvarphi$ が MAR ステップと共存することを示す。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.03078691410268859
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: When a normal metal $N$ is sandwiched between two superconductors, the energy
gaps in the latter act as walls that confine electrons in $N$ in a square-well
potential. If the voltage $V$ across $N$ is finite, an electron injected into
the well undergoes multiple Andreev reflections (MAR) until it gains enough
energy to overcome the energy barrier. Because each reflection converts an
electron to a hole (or vice versa), while creating (or destroying) a Cooper
pair, the MAR process shuttles a stream of pairs across the junction. An
interesting question is, given a finite $V$, what percentage of the shuttled
pairs end up as a Josephson supercurrent? This fraction does not seem to have
been measured. Here we show that, in high-transparency junctions based on the
type II Dirac semimetal MoTe$_2$, the MAR leads to a stair-case profile in the
current-voltage ($I$-$V$) response, corresponding to pairs shuttled
incoherently by the $n^{th}$-order process. By varying the phase $\varphi$
across the junction, we demonstrate that a Josephson supercurrent ${\bf J}_{\rm
s}\sim \sin\varphi$ co-exists with the MAR steps, even at large $V$. The
observed linear increase in the amplitude of ${\bf J}_{\rm s}$ with $n$ (for
small $n$) implies that ${\bf J}_{\rm s}$ originates from the population of
pairs that are coherently shuttled. We infer that the MAR steps and the
supercurrent are complementary aspects of the Andreev process. The experiment
yields the percentage of shuttled pairs that form the supercurrent. At large
$V$, the coherent fraction is initially linear in $n$. However, as $V\to 0$
($n\gg 1$), almost all the pairs end up as the observed Josephson supercurrent.
- Abstract(参考訳): 通常の金属の$N$が2つの超伝導体の間に挟まれると、後者のエネルギーギャップは正方形のポテンシャルで電子をN$に閉じ込める壁として機能する。
位相 $\varphi$ を接合全体で変化させることで、ジョセフソン超電流 ${\bf J}_{\rm s}\sim \sin\varphi$ が MAR ステップと共存することを示した。
観測された$n$の${\bf j}_{\rm s}$の振幅の線形増加は、${\bf j}_{\rm s}$がコヒーレントにシャトルされるペアの集団に由来することを示唆している。
しかし、$v\to 0$ (n\gg 1$) として、ほぼ全てのペアは観測されたジョセフソン超電流として終わる。
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