論文の概要: Quantum particle in a spherical well confined by a cone
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.01521v1
- Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2022 15:32:41 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-02-06 19:03:02.815095
- Title: Quantum particle in a spherical well confined by a cone
- Title(参考訳): 円錐に閉じ込められた球状井戸における量子粒子
- Authors: Raz Halifa Levi and Yacov Kantor
- Abstract要約: 球面箱または円錐に閉じ込められた有限球面井戸の粒子の量子問題を考える。
固有状態の角部分は azimuthal angle $varphi$ と polar angle $theta$ as $P_lambdam(costheta)rm eimvarphi$ に依存する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We consider the quantum problem of a particle in either a spherical box or a
finite spherical well confined by a circular cone with an apex angle
$2\theta_0$ emanating from the center of the sphere, with $0<\theta_0<\pi$.
This non-central potential can be solved by an extension of techniques used in
spherically-symmetric problems. The angular parts of the eigenstates depend on
azimuthal angle $\varphi$ and polar angle $\theta$ as
$P_\lambda^m(\cos\theta){\rm e}^{im\varphi}$ where $P_\lambda^m$ is the
associated Legendre function of integer order $m$ and (usually noninteger)
degree $\lambda$. There is an infinite discrete set of values
$\lambda=\lambda_i^m$ ($i=0,1,3,\dots$) that depend on $m$ and $\theta_0$. Each
$\lambda_i^m$ has an infinite sequence of eigenenergies $E_n(\lambda_i^m)$,
with corresponding radial parts of eigenfunctions. In a spherical box the
discrete energy spectrum is determined by the zeros of the spherical Bessel
functions. For several $\theta_0$ we demonstrate the validity of Weyl's
continuous estimate ${\cal N}_W$ for the exact number of states $\cal N$ up to
energy $E$, and evaluate the fluctuations of $\cal N$ around ${\cal N}_W$. We
examine the behavior of bound states in a well of finite depth $U_0$, and find
the critical value $U_c(\theta_0)$ when all bound states disappear. The radial
part of the zero energy eigenstate outside the well is $1/r^{\lambda+1}$, which
is not square-integrable for $\lambda\le 1/2$. ($0<\lambda\le 1/2$ can appear
for $\theta_0>\theta_c\approx 0.726\pi$ and has no parallel in
spherically-symmetric potentials.) Bound states have spatial extent $\xi$ which
diverges as a (possibly $\lambda$-dependent) power law as $U_0$ approaches the
value where the eigenenergy of that state vanishes.
- Abstract(参考訳): 球面箱または有限球面井戸の粒子の量子問題は、球面の中心から放出される頂点角が 2\theta_0$ の円錐状円錐に閉じ込められ、0<\theta_0<\pi$ である。
固有状態の角部分は azimuthal angle $\varphi$ と polar angle $\theta$ as $P_\lambda^m(\cos\theta){\rm e}^{im\varphi}$ に依存する。
m$ と $\theta_0$ に依存する値の無限離散集合 $\lambda=\lambda_i^m$ (i=0,1,3,\dots$) が存在する。
それぞれの$\lambda_i^m$ は、固有関数の半径部分を持つ、E_n(\lambda_i^m)$ の無限列を持つ。
いくつかの$\theta_0$に対して、ワイルの連続推定値${\cal N}_W$の正確な状態数に対して$\cal N$ to energy $E$ の妥当性を示し、$\cal N$ around ${\cal N}_W$ の変動を評価する。
有限深さ$u_0$ での有界状態の挙動を調べ、すべての有界状態が消滅したときの臨界値$u_c(\theta_0)$を求める。
井戸の外のゼロエネルギー固有状態の半径部分は 1/r^{\lambda+1}$ であり、$\lambda\le 1/2$ の平方積分ではない。
0<\lambda\le 1/2$ は$\theta_0>\theta_c\approx 0.726\pi$ で表せる。
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