論文の概要: Wolfes model aka $G_2/I_6$-rational integrable model: $g^{(2)}, g^{(3)}$ hidden algebras and quartic polynomial algebra of integrals
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2310.20481v3
- Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 15:13:00 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-05-15 01:02:54.933238
- Title: Wolfes model aka $G_2/I_6$-rational integrable model: $g^{(2)}, g^{(3)}$ hidden algebras and quartic polynomial algebra of integrals
- Title(参考訳): Wolfes model aka $G_2/I_6$-rational integrable model: $g^{(2)}, g^{(3)}$ hidden algebras and quartic polynomial algebra of integrals
- Authors: J C Lopez Vieyra, A V Turbiner,
- Abstract要約: ハミルトン還元は正確に解き、超可積分である。
3body/$A$-rational Calogeroモデルは積分の3次代数によって特徴づけられる。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: One-dimensional 3-body Wolfes model with 2- and 3-body interactions also known as $G_2/I_6$-rational integrable model of the Hamiltonian reduction is exactly-solvable and superintegrable. Its Hamiltonian $H$ and two integrals ${\cal I}_{1}, {\cal I}_{2}$, which can be written as algebraic differential operators in two variables (with polynomial coefficients) of the 2nd and 6th orders, respectively, are represented as non-linear combinations of $g^{(2)}$ or $g^{(3)}$ (hidden) algebra generators in a minimal manner. By using a specially designed MAPLE-18 code to deal with algebraic operators it is found that $(H, {\cal I}_1, {\cal I}_2, {\cal I}_{12} \equiv [{\cal I}_1, {\cal I}_2])$ are the four generating elements of the {\it quartic} polynomial algebra of integrals. This algebra is embedded into the universal enveloping algebra $g^{(3)}$. In turn, 3-body/$A_2$-rational Calogero model is characterized by cubic polynomial algebra of integrals, it is mentioned briefly.
- Abstract(参考訳): G_2/I_6$-rational integral integrable model of the Hamiltonian reduction is exactly-solvable and superintegrable。
そのハミルトン$H$と2つの積分 ${\cal I}_{1}, {\cal I}_{2}$ は、それぞれ2階と6階の2つの変数(多項式係数を持つ)の代数微分作用素として記述でき、最小限の方法で$g^{(2)}$または$g^{(3)}$(隠れた)代数生成子の非線形結合として表される。
代数作用素を扱うために特別に設計された MAPLE-18 符号を用いることで、$(H, {\cal I}_1, {\cal I}_2, {\cal I}_{12} \equiv [{\cal I}_1, {\cal I}_2])$ は積分の四次多項式代数の4つの生成元であることが分かる。
この代数は普遍包絡代数 $g^{(3)}$ に埋め込まれる。
逆に、3body/$A_2$-rational Calogero モデルは積分の立方多項式代数によって特徴づけられる。
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