論文の概要: Exact Solvability Of Entanglement For Arbitrary Initial State in an Infinite-Range Floquet System
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2411.16670v1
- Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 18:55:05 GMT
- ステータス: 翻訳完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-11-26 14:19:50.309455
- Title: Exact Solvability Of Entanglement For Arbitrary Initial State in an Infinite-Range Floquet System
- Title(参考訳): Infinite-Range Floquet Systemにおける任意初期状態の絡み合いの厳密解性
- Authors: Harshit Sharma, Udaysinh T. Bhosale,
- Abstract要約: 無限範囲Ising相互作用を持つ$N$-spin Floquetモデルを導入する。
本モデルでは, 熱力学的限界が存在しないにもかかわらず, 任意の初期状態に対して, $langle Srangle/S_Max rightarrow 1$ の値が 1$ の値から 1$ の値にずれがあることを数値的に示す。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.5371337604556311
- License:
- Abstract: Sharma and Bhosale [\href{https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.014412}{Phys. Rev. B \textbf{109}, 014412 (2024)}; \href{https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.110.064313}{Phys. Rev. B \textbf{110}, 064313,(2024)}] recently introduced an $N$-spin Floquet model with infinite-range Ising interactions. There, we have shown that the model exhibits the signatures of quantum integrability for specific parameter values $J=1,1/2$ and $\tau=\pi/4$. We have found analytically the eigensystem and the time evolution of the unitary operator for finite values of $N$ up to $12$ qubits. We have calculated the reduced density matrix, its eigensystem, time-evolved linear entropy, and the time-evolved concurrence for the initial states $\ket{0,0}$ and $\ket{\pi/2,-\pi/2}$. For the general case $N>12$, we have provided sufficient numerical evidences for the signatures of quantum integrability, such as the degenerate spectrum, the exact periodic nature of entanglement dynamics, and the time-evolved unitary operator. In this paper, we have extended these calculations to arbitrary initial state $\ket{\theta_0,\phi_0}$, such that $\theta_0 \in [0,\pi]$ and $\phi_0 \in [-\pi,\pi]$. Along with that, we have analytically calculated the expression for the average linear entropy for arbitrary initial states. We numerically find that the average value of time-evolved concurrence for arbitrary initial states decreases with $N$, implying the multipartite nature of entanglement. We numerically show that the values $\langle S\rangle/S_{Max} \rightarrow 1$ for Ising strength ($J\neq1,1/2$), while for $J=1$ and $1/2$, it deviates from $1$ for arbitrary initial states even though the thermodynamic limit does not exist in our model. This deviation is shown to be a signature of integrability in earlier studies where the thermodynamic limit exist.
- Abstract(参考訳): Sharma and Bhosale [\href{https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.014412}{Phys
B \textbf{109}, 014412 (2024)}; \href{https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.110.064313}{Phys
B \textbf{110}, 064313,(2024)}] は、最近、無限範囲イジング相互作用を持つ$N$スピンフロッケモデルを導入した。
我々は解析的に、N$ の有限値に対してユニタリ作用素の固有系と時間発展が最大 12$ qubits となることを発見した。
我々は、縮小密度行列、その固有系、時間進化線形エントロピー、および初期状態 $\ket{0,0}$ と $\ket{\pi/2,-\pi/2}$ の時間進化的収束を計算した。
本稿では、これらの計算を任意の初期状態 $\ket{\theta_0,\phi_0}$ に拡張し、$\theta_0 \in [0,\pi]$ と $\phi_0 \in [-\pi,\pi]$ に拡張した。
数値的に、値 $\langle S\rangle/S_{Max} \rightarrow 1$ for Ising strength (J\neq1,1/2$), for $J=1$ and $1/2$, it means from $1$ for arbitrary initial states, while the thermodynamic limit not exist in our model。
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