論文の概要: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Arbitrary Spin Values in the Rotating
Wave Approximation
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.08755v1
- Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2022 17:12:40 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-02-21 22:59:43.988503
- Title: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Arbitrary Spin Values in the Rotating
Wave Approximation
- Title(参考訳): 回転波近似における任意のスピン値に対する核磁気共鳴
- Authors: Zhichen Liu, Sunghyun Kim, and Richard A. Klemm
- Abstract要約: 各サブステート中の核を見つける確率の時間依存性は、これまで公表されていない。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 1.6240577699741112
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: In order to probe the transitions of a nuclear spin $s$ from one of its
substate quantum numbers $m$ to another substate $m'$, the experimenter applies
a magnetic field ${\bm B}_0$ in some particular direction, such along $\hat{\bm
z}$, and then applies an weaker field ${\bm B}_1(t)$ that is oscillatory in
time with the angular frequency $\omega$, and is normally perpendicular to
${\bm B}_0$, such as ${\bm B}_1(t)=B_1\hat{\bm x}\cos(\omega t)$. In the
rotating wave approximation, ${\bm B}_1(t)=B_1[\hat{\bm x}\cos(\omega
t)+\hat{\bm y}\sin(\omega t)]$. Although this problem is solved for spin
$\frac{1}{2}$ in every quantum mechanics textbook, for the general spin $s$
case, its general solution has been published only for the overall probability
of a transition between the states, but the time dependence of the probability
of finding the nucleus in each of the substates has not previously been
published. Here we present an elementary method to solve this problem exactly,
and present figures for the time dependencies of the various substates states
for a variety of initial substate probabilities for a variety of $s$ values. We
found a new result: unlike the $s=\frac{1}{2}$ case, for which if the initial
probability of finding the particle in one of the substates was 1, and the time
dependence of the probabilities of each of the substates oscillates between 0
and 1, for higher spin values, the time dependencies of the probabilities
finding the particle in each of its substates, which periodic, is considerably
more complicated.
- Abstract(参考訳): 核スピンの$s$を、ある部分状態量子数 $m$ から別の部分状態 $m'$ への遷移を探索するために、実験者は、$\hat{\bm z}$ のような特定の方向に磁場 ${\bm B}_0$ を適用し、次に弱磁場 ${\bm B}_1(t)$ を、角周波数 $\omega$ と時間的に振動し、通常${\bm B}_0$ と垂直である ${\bm B}_1(t)=B_1\hat{\bm x}\cos(\omega t)$ を印加する。
回転波近似では、${\bm B}_1(t)=B_1[\hat{\bm x}\cos(\omega t)+\hat{\bm y}\sin(\omega t)]$である。
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