論文の概要: G-dual teleparallel connections in Information Geometry
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.08694v2
- Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 14:35:08 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-08-30 01:42:52.910382
- Title: G-dual teleparallel connections in Information Geometry
- Title(参考訳): 情報幾何におけるg-dual teleparallel connection
- Authors: Florio M. Ciaglia, Fabio Di Cosmo, Alberto Ibort, Giuseppe Marmo
- Abstract要約: G$-dual connection $nabla*$ of $nabla$ in the sense of Information Geometry は、$G$-gradient vector field に基づいて決定されるテレパラレル接続でなければならないことを示す。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Given a real, finite-dimensional, smooth parallelizable Riemannian manifold
$(\mathcal{N},G)$ endowed with a teleparallel connection $\nabla$ determined by
a choice of a global basis of vector fields on $\mathcal{N}$, we show that the
$G$-dual connection $\nabla^{*}$ of $\nabla$ in the sense of Information
Geometry must be the teleparallel connection determined by the basis of
$G$-gradient vector fields associated with a basis of differential one-forms
which is (almost) dual to the basis of vector fields determining $\nabla$. We
call any such pair $(\nabla,\nabla^{*})$ a $G$-dual teleparallel pair. Then,
after defining a covariant $(0,3)$ tensor $T$ uniquely determined by
$(\mathcal{N},G,\nabla,\nabla^{*})$, we show that $T$ being symmetric in the
first two entries is equivalent to $\nabla$ being torsion-free, that $T$ being
symmetric in the first and third entry is equivalent to $\nabla^{*}$ being
torsion free, and that $T$ being symmetric in the second and third entries is
equivalent to the basis vectors determining $\nabla$ ($\nabla^{*}$) being
parallel-transported by $\nabla^{*}$ ($\nabla$). Therefore, $G$-dual
teleparallel pairs provide a generalization of the notion of Statistical
Manifolds usually employed in Information Geometry, and we present explicit
examples of $G$-dual teleparallel pairs arising both in the context of both
Classical and Quantum Information Geometry.
- Abstract(参考訳): Given a real, finite-dimensional, smooth parallelizable Riemannian manifold $(\mathcal{N},G)$ endowed with a teleparallel connection $\nabla$ determined by a choice of a global basis of vector fields on $\mathcal{N}$, we show that the $G$-dual connection $\nabla^{*}$ of $\nabla$ in the sense of Information Geometry must be the teleparallel connection determined by the basis of $G$-gradient vector fields associated with a basis of differential one-forms which is (almost) dual to the basis of vector fields determining $\nabla$.
そのようなペアを $(\nabla,\nabla^{*})$ a $G$-dual teleparallel pair と呼ぶ。
Then, after defining a covariant $(0,3)$ tensor $T$ uniquely determined by $(\mathcal{N},G,\nabla,\nabla^{*})$, we show that $T$ being symmetric in the first two entries is equivalent to $\nabla$ being torsion-free, that $T$ being symmetric in the first and third entry is equivalent to $\nabla^{*}$ being torsion free, and that $T$ being symmetric in the second and third entries is equivalent to the basis vectors determining $\nabla$ ($\nabla^{*}$) being parallel-transported by $\nabla^{*}$ ($\nabla$).
したがって、$G$-dual teleparallel pairsは、通常情報幾何学で使用される統計多様体の概念を一般化し、古典的および量子的情報幾何学の両方の文脈で生じる$G$-dual teleparallel pairsの明示的な例を示す。
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