論文の概要: Properties of periodic Dirac--Fock functional and minimizers
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.09088v1
- Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 09:14:22 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-07-19 15:33:07.679457
- Title: Properties of periodic Dirac--Fock functional and minimizers
- Title(参考訳): 周期ディラック・フォック関数と最小化器の特性
- Authors: Isabelle Catto, Long Meng
- Abstract要約: 任意の周期的 Dirac-Fock 最小化器のフェルミ準位が、$fracalphacleq C_rm cri$ と $alpha>0$ のとき空であるか完全に満たされていることを証明する。
この結果は、周期的ディラック-フォックモデルの任意の最小化器が、$fracalphacleq C_rm cri$ および $alpha>0$ のときのプロジェクターであることを示唆している。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- Abstract: Existence of minimizers for the Dirac--Fock model in crystals was recently
proved by Paturel and S\'er\'e and the authors \cite{crystals} by a retraction
technique due to S\'er\'e \cite{Ser09}. In this paper, inspired by Ghimenti and
Lewin's result \cite{ghimenti2009properties} for the periodic Hartree--Fock
model, we prove that the Fermi level of any periodic Dirac--Fock minimizer is
either empty or totally filled when $\frac{\alpha}{c}\leq C_{\rm cri}$ and
$\alpha>0$. Here $c$ is the speed of light, $\alpha$ is the fine structure
constant, and $C_{\rm cri}$ is a constant only depending on the number of
electrons and on the charge of nuclei per cell. More importantly, we provide an
explicit upper bound for $C_{\rm cri}$.
Our result implies that any minimizer of the periodic Dirac--Fock model is a
projector when $\frac{\alpha}{c}\leq C_{\rm cri}$ and $\alpha>0$. In
particular, the non-relativistic regime (i.e., $c\gg1$) and the weak coupling
regime (i.e., $0<\alpha\ll1$) are covered.
The proof is based on a delicate study of a second-order expansion of the
periodic Dirac--Fock functional composed with the retraction used in
- Abstract(参考訳): Existence of minimizers for the Dirac--Fock model in crystals was recently proved by Paturel and S\'er\'e and the authors \cite{crystals} by a retraction technique due to S\'er\'e \cite{Ser09}. In this paper, inspired by Ghimenti and Lewin's result \cite{ghimenti2009properties} for the periodic Hartree--Fock model, we prove that the Fermi level of any periodic Dirac--Fock minimizer is either empty or totally filled when $\frac{\alpha}{c}\leq C_{\rm cri}$ and $\alpha>0$. Here $c$ is the speed of light, $\alpha$ is the fine structure constant, and $C_{\rm cri}$ is a constant only depending on the number of electrons and on the charge of nuclei per cell. More importantly, we provide an explicit upper bound for $C_{\rm cri}$. Our result implies that any minimizer of the periodic Dirac--Fock model is a projector when $\frac{\alpha}{c}\leq C_{\rm cri}$ and $\alpha>0$.
この証明は、 \cite{crystals} で用いられるリトラクションからなる周期的ディラック-フォック函数の2階展開に関する微妙な研究に基づいている。
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