論文の概要: Bloch sphere representation for Rabi oscillation driven by Rashba field in the two-dimensional harmonic confinement
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.11444v1
- Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:56:17 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-06-18 15:01:35.496165
- Title: Bloch sphere representation for Rabi oscillation driven by Rashba field in the two-dimensional harmonic confinement
- Title(参考訳): 二次元高調波閉じ込めにおけるラシュバ場により駆動されるラビ振動のブロッホ球表現
- Authors: Kaichi Arai, Tatsuki Tojo, Kyozaburo Takeda,
- Abstract要約: 二次元(2次元)高調波閉じ込め系に印加されたラシュバ場によって駆動されるラビ振動の動的特性について検討した。
2状態回転波 (TSRW) を用いて, 時間とともに$theta_B$ および $phi_B$ の基本特性を検討した。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We studied the dynamical properties of Rabi oscillations driven by an alternating Rashba field applied to a two-dimensional (2D) harmonic confinement system. We solve the time-dependent (TD) Schr\"{o}dinger equation numerically and rewrite the resulting TD wavefunction onto the Bloch sphere (BS) using two BS parameters of the zenith ($\theta_B$) and azimuthal ($\phi_B$) angles, extracting the phase information $\phi_B$ as well as the mixing ratio $\theta_B$ between the two BS-pole states. We employed a two-state rotating wave (TSRW) approach and studied the fundamental features of $\theta_B$ and $\phi_B$ over time. The TSRW approach reveals a triangular wave formation in $\theta_B$. Moreover, at each apex of the triangular wave, the TD wavefunction passes through the BS pole, and the state is completely replaced by the opposite spin state. The TSRW approach also elucidates a linear change in $\phi_B$. The slope of $\phi_B$ vs. time is equal to the difference between the dynamical terms, leading to a confinement potential in the harmonic system. The TSRW approach further demonstrates a jump in the phase difference by $\pi$ when the wavefunction passes through the BS pole. The alternating Rashba field causes multiple successive Rabi transitions in the 2D harmonic system. We then introduce the effective BS (EBS) and transform these complicated transitions into an equivalent "single" Rabi one. Consequently, the EBS parameters $\theta_B^{\mathrm{eff}}$ and $\phi_B^{\mathrm{eff}}$ exhibit mixing and phase difference between two spin states $\alpha$ and $\beta$, leading to a deep understanding of the TD features of multi-Rabi oscillations. Furthermore, the combination of the BS representation with the TSRW approach successfully reveals the dynamical properties of the Rabi oscillation, even beyond the TSRW approximation.
- Abstract(参考訳): 2次元(2次元)高調波閉じ込め系に適用した交互ラシュバ場により駆動されるラビ振動の動的特性について検討した。
時間依存型 (TD) Schr\"{o}dinger 方程式を数値的に解き、2つの BS-極状態間の混合比 $\theta_B$ を抽出し、2つの BS-極状態間の混合比 $\theta_B$ と azimuthal (\phi_B$) の2つのBSパラメータを用いてブロッホ球面 (BS) にTD波動関数を書き換える。
次に、有効なBS(EBS)を導入し、これらの複雑な遷移を等価な「単一」 Rabi に変換する。
その結果、EBSパラメータ $\theta_B^{\mathrm{eff}}$ と $\phi_B^{\mathrm{eff}}$ は2つのスピン状態の混合と位相差を示す。
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