論文の概要: Representation of symmetry transformations on the sets of tripotents of
spin and Cartan factors
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2101.00670v2
- Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2021 17:10:00 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-04-18 00:09:45.078994
- Title: Representation of symmetry transformations on the sets of tripotents of
spin and Cartan factors
- Title(参考訳): スピンおよびカルタン因子の三元集合上の対称性変換の表現
- Authors: Yaakov Friedman, Antonio M. Peralta
- Abstract要約: スピンの記述が相対論的であることを証明するために、その自然な部分順序と明度を備えた射影格子を維持するのに十分ではない。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- Abstract: There are six different mathematical formulations of the symmetry group in
quantum mechanics, among them the set of pure states $\mathbf{P}$ -- i.e., the
set of one-dimensional projections on a complex Hilbert space $H$ -- and the
orthomodular lattice $\mathbf{L}$ of closed subspaces of $H$. These six groups
are isomorphic when the dimension of $H$ is $\geq 3$. Despite of the
difficulties caused by $M_2(\mathbb{C})$, rank two algebras are used for
quantum mechanics description of the spin state of spin-$\frac12$ particles,
there is a counterexample for Uhlhorn's version of Wigner's theorem for such
state space.
In this note we prove that in order that the description of the spin will be
relativistic, it is not enough to preserve the projection lattice equipped with
its natural partial order and orthogonality, but we also need to preserve the
partial order set of all tripotents and orthogonality among them (a set which
strictly enlarges the lattice of projections). Concretely, let $M$ and $N$ be
two atomic JBW$^*$-triples not containing rank-one Cartan factors, and let
$\mathcal{U} (M)$ and $\mathcal{U} (N)$ denote the set of all tripotents in $M$
and $N$, respectively. We show that each bijection $\Phi: \mathcal{U} (M)\to
\mathcal{U} (N)$, preserving the partial ordering in both directions,
orthogonality in one direction and satisfying some mild continuity hypothesis
can be extended to a real linear triple automorphism. This, in particular,
extends a result of Moln{\'a}r to the wider setting of atomic JBW$^*$-triples
not containing rank-one Cartan factors, and provides new models to present
quantum behavior.
- Abstract(参考訳): 量子力学において対称性群の6つの異なる数学的定式化があり、その中には純粋状態の集合 $\mathbf{P}$ -- すなわち複素ヒルベルト空間 $H$ 上の一次元射影の集合 $H$ と正則格子 $\mathbf{L}$ の閉部分空間の集合 $H$ がある。
これら6つの群は、H$ の次元が $\geq 3$ であるとき同型である。
具体的には、$M$ と $N$ をランク1のカルタン因子を含まない2つの原子 JBW$^*$-トリップとし、$\mathcal{U} (M)$ と $\mathcal{U} (N)$ をそれぞれ$M$ と$N$ のすべての三元の集合を表す。
各単射 $\phi: \mathcal{u} (m)\to \mathcal{u} (n)$, 両方向の部分順序を維持し、一方の方向の直交性を保持し、いくつかの穏やかな連続性仮説を満たすことは実線型三重自己同型に拡張できる。
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