論文の概要: Berezin-type quantization on even-dimensional compact manifolds
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.08814v2
- Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 13:58:53 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-01-22 07:17:37.168377
- Title: Berezin-type quantization on even-dimensional compact manifolds
- Title(参考訳): 等次元コンパクト多様体上のベレジン型量子化
- Authors: Rukmini Dey and Kohinoor Ghosh
- Abstract要約: ベレジン型量子化はコンパクトな偶次元多様体に対して$M2d$で達成可能であることを示す。
局所ポアソン構造とベレジン型量子化は$mathbb CPd$から誘導される。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In this article we show that a Berezin-type quantization can be achieved on a
compact even dimensional manifold $M^{2d}$ by removing a skeleton $M_0$ of
lower dimension such that what remains is diffeomorphic to ${\mathbb R}^{2d}$
which we identify with ${\mathbb C}^d$ and embed in ${\mathbb C}P^d$. A local
Poisson structure and Berezin-type quantization are induced from ${\mathbb
C}P^d$. We have a Hilbert space with a reproducing kernel. The symbols of
bounded linear operators on the Hilbert space have a star product which
satisfies the correspondence principle outside a set of measure zero. This
construction depends on the diffeomorphism. However, suppose $X= M \setminus
M_0$ has a complex structure and we have from $X \setminus X_0$, ($X_0$ a set
of measure zero or empty) a biholomorphism from it to ${\mathbb C}^d \setminus
N_0$, (where $N_0$ is of measure zero or empty). As before we embed ${\mathbb
C}^d \setminus N_0$ in ${\mathbb C}^d$ and then into ${\mathbb C}P^d$ and we
have a Berezin-type quantization induced from ${\mathbb C}P^d$. If we use
another biholomorphism, we have a map of the two Hilbert spaces under
consideration such that the reproducing kernel of one maps to the reproducing
kernel of the other and we have an equivalent quantization. We have a similar
construction where we consider an arbitrary complex manifold and use local
coordinates to induce the quantization from ${\mathbb C}P^d$. We study the
possibility of defining a global Berezin quantization on compact complex
manifolds. We give a defintion of pullback Toeplitz operators and exhibit
Toeplitz quantization of compact even dimensional manifolds after removing a
set of measure zero. Next we give a simple construction of pullback coherent
states on compact smooth manifolds which are simplified versions of those
defined in an earlier work by the authors.
- Abstract(参考訳): 本稿では、コンパクトな偶次元多様体 $M^{2d}$ 上でベレジン型量子化が達成できることを示し、残余が ${\mathbb R}^{2d}$ に微分同型であるような低い次元の骨格 $M_0$ を取り除き、${\mathbb C}^d$ と同一視して ${\mathbb C}P^d$ に埋め込む。
局所ポアソン構造とベレジン型量子化は${\mathbb C}P^d$から誘導される。
ヒルベルト空間上の有界線型作用素の記号は、測度 0 の集合の外側の対応原理を満たす星積を持つ。
しかし、x=m \setminus m_0$ が複素構造を持ち、x \setminus x_0$, (x_0$ a set of measure zero or empty) から ${\mathbb c}^d \setminus n_0$, (ここで $n_0$ は測度 0 か空か) への双ホモ同型を仮定する。
前述したように、${\mathbb C}^d \setminus N_0$ in ${\mathbb C}^d$ そして${\mathbb C}P^d$に埋め込み、${\mathbb C}P^d$から誘導されるベレジン型量子化を持つ。
同様の構成として、任意の複素多様体を考え、局所座標を用いて${\mathbb c}p^d$ から量子化を誘導する。
プルバックトプリッツ作用素の定義を与え、測度 0 の集合を取り除いた後にコンパクトな偶次元多様体のトプリッツ量子化を示す。
次に、コンパクトな滑らかな多様体上のプルバックコヒーレント状態(英語版)(pullback coherent states)の簡単な構成を与える。
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