論文の概要: {Generalized $ \left\{ h (1) \oplus h(1) \right\} \uplus u(2) $
commensurate anisotropic Hamiltoninan and ladder operators; energy spectrum,
eigenstates and associated coherent and squeezed states
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.07889v1
- Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 16:30:56 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-06-14 12:55:22.064173
- Title: {Generalized $ \left\{ h (1) \oplus h(1) \right\} \uplus u(2) $
commensurate anisotropic Hamiltoninan and ladder operators; energy spectrum,
eigenstates and associated coherent and squeezed states
- Title(参考訳): { Generalized $ \left\{ h (1) \oplus h(1) \right\} \uplus u(2) $ commensurate anisotropic Hamiltoninan and ladder operator; energy spectrum, eigenstates and associated coherent and squeezeed state
- Authors: Nibaldo-Edmundo Alvarez-Moraga
- Abstract要約: 一般化ハミルトニアン系のいくつかの族が発見されている。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: In this article a study was made of the conditions under which a Hamiltonian
which is an element of the complex $ \left\{ h (1) \oplus h(1) \right\} \uplus
u(2) $ Lie algebra admits ladder operators which are also elements of this
algebra. The algebra eigenstates of the lowering operator constructed in this
way are computed and from them both the energy spectrum and the energy
eigenstates of this Hamiltonian are generated in the usual way with the help of
the corresponding raising operator. Thus, several families of generalized
Hamiltonian systems are found, which, under a suitable similarity
transformation, reduce to a basic set of systems, among which we find the 1:1,
2:1, 1:2, $su(2)$ and some other non-commensurate and commensurate anisotropic
2D quantum oscillator systems. Explicit expressions for the normalized
eigenstates of the Hamiltonian and its associated lowering operator are given,
which show the classical structure of two-mode separable and non-separable
generalized coherent and squeezed states. Finally, based on all the above
results, a proposal for new ladder operators for the $p:q$ coprime commensurate
anisotropic quantum oscillator is made, which leads us to a class of Chen
$SU(2)$ coherent states.
- Abstract(参考訳): 本稿では、複素数 $ \left\{ h (1) \oplus h(1) \right\} \uplus u(2) $ Lie algebra の要素であるハミルトニアンが、この代数の要素であるはしご作用素を認める条件について研究した。
したがって、一般化ハミルトニアン系のいくつかの族が発見され、適切な類似性変換の下では、1:1, 2:1, 1:2, $su(2)$ および他の非共役および可換な異方性2次元量子振動子系を見つける基本的な系の集合に還元される。
最後に、上記のすべての結果に基づいて、$p:q$ coprime commensurate 異方性量子振動子のための新しいラダー演算子の提案が行われ、chen $su(2)$コヒーレント状態のクラスへと導かれる。
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我々は、$SU(1,1)$ および $SU(2)$ 群のボソン生成器の観点でそのハミルトニアンを記述する。
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