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Title | Authors | Abstract | 論文公表日・翻訳日 |
# 単発量化器としての相対確率のばらつき The variance of relative surprisal as single-shot quantifier ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.08391v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Paul Boes, Nelly H. Y. Ng, Henrik Wilming | (参考訳) 相対的な)超越の分散(varentropy)は、情報理論において、漸近的なi.i.d.~limitsに対する主次補正の定量化としての役割を担っている。
我々は, 部分付加性の破れに関する一様連続性や上界など, さらなる研究に役立つような, 相対的仮定の分散の特定の性質を確立する。
本研究では, エルゴード状態の相互可換性, ランダウアー消去性, 触媒の触媒状態遷移に必要な次元の制限, ボルツマンのh-理論など, 様々な応用例について紹介する。 The variance of (relative) surprisal, also known as varentropy, so far mostly plays a role in information theory as quantifying the leading order corrections to asymptotic i.i.d.~limits. Here, we comprehensively study the use of it to derive single-shot results in (quantum) information theory. We show that it gives genuine sufficient and necessary conditions for approximate state-transitions between pairs of quantum states in the single-shot setting, without the need for further optimization. We also clarify its relation to smoothed min- and max-entropies, and construct a monotone for resource theories using only the standard (relative) entropy and variance of (relative) surprisal. This immediately gives rise to enhanced lower bounds for entropy production in random processes. We establish certain properties of the variance of relative surprisal which will be useful for further investigations, such as uniform continuity and upper bounds on the violation of sub-additivity. Motivated by our results, we further derive a simple and physically appealing axiomatic single-shot characterization of (relative) entropy which we believe to be of independent interest. We illustrate our results with several applications, ranging from interconvertibility of ergodic states, over Landauer erasure to a bound on the necessary dimension of the catalyst for catalytic state transitions and Boltzmann's H-theorem. | 翻訳日:2023-05-02 00:10:56 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 窒素空洞中心と光メカニクスを用いた室温量子リピータの提案 Proposal for room-temperature quantum repeaters with nitrogen-vacancy centers and optomechanics ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2012.06687v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jia-Wei Ji, Yu-Feng Wu, Stephen C. Wein, Faezeh Kimiaee Asadi, Roohollah Ghobadi, and Christoph Simon | (参考訳) 環境条件下で動作可能な量子リピータアーキテクチャを提案する。
提案手法は, 室温でも良好なスピンコヒーレンス時間を有する窒素空孔中心と, フォノン関連デコヒーレンスを回避し, 発光光子をテレコムバンド内に配置できる光力学に基づく非低温スピン光子界面への最近の進展を基盤としている。
我々の研究は、室温で作動する固体成分からなる長距離量子ネットワークが、現在の技術能力の範囲内にあることを示している。 We propose a quantum repeater architecture that can operate under ambient conditions. Our proposal builds on recent progress towards non-cryogenic spin-photon interfaces based on nitrogen-vacancy centers, which have excellent spin coherence times even at room temperature, and optomechanics, which allows to avoid phonon-related decoherence and also allows the emitted photons to be in the telecom band. We apply the photon number decomposition method to quantify the fidelity and the efficiency of entanglement established between two remote electron spins. We describe how the entanglement can be stored in nuclear spins and extended to long distances via quasi-deterministic entanglement swapping operations involving the electron and nuclear spins. We furthermore propose schemes to achieve high-fidelity readout of the spin states at room temperature using the spin-optomechanics interface. Our work shows that long-distance quantum networks made of solid-state components that operate at room temperature are within reach of current technological capabilities. | 翻訳日:2023-04-21 01:20:22 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 半古典的極限を持たない量子グラフのスペクトル統計量の周期軌道評価 Periodic orbit evaluation of a spectral statistic of quantum graphs without the semiclassical limit ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2101.00006v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jon Harrison and Tori Hudgins | (参考訳) 量子化されたカオス系のエネルギー準位統計は、グッツウィラーおよび関連するトレース公式を用いて周期軌道を介して半古典的極限で評価されている。
ここでは、半古典的極限のない周期軌道からカオス 4-正則量子グラフのスペクトル統計量を評価する。
標多項式の n 番目の係数の分散は、自己交叉を持たない n 結合を持つ異なる原始周期軌道の集合のサイズと、単一の頂点で交差する疑似軌道の2つの部分からなる任意の数の自己交叉を持つ集合の大きさによって決定される。
この結果を用いて、半古典的な結果をそれらの構造に関係なく総軌道数に結びつけるメカニズムを観察する。 Energy level statistics of quantized chaotic systems have been evaluated in the semiclassical limit via their periodic orbits using the Gutzwiller and related trace formulae. Here we evaluate a spectral statistic of chaotic 4-regular quantum graphs from their periodic orbits without the semiclassical limit. The variance of the n-th coefficient of the characteristic polynomial is determined by the sizes of the sets of distinct primitive periodic orbits with n bonds which have no self-intersections, and the sizes of the sets with a given number of self-intersections which all consist of two sections of the pseudo orbit crossing at a single vertex. Using this result we observe the mechanism that connects semiclassical results to the total number of orbits regardless of their structure. | 翻訳日:2023-04-18 11:48:23 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# グラフ感染拡散モデルを用いたグループテスト Group Testing with a Graph Infection Spread Model ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2101.05792v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Batuhan Arasli and Sennur Ulukus | (参考訳) 我々は,n$の個人間の接続を表すランダムな接続グラフに基づく新しい感染拡散モデルを提案する。
以上の結果から,感染率が低い場合にのみグループ検査が有用であると考えるのに対して,集団検査は感染率が高い場合にも,必要な検査数を大幅に削減できる可能性が示唆された。 We propose a novel infection spread model based on a random connection graph which represents connections between $n$ individuals. Infection spreads via connections between individuals and this results in a probabilistic cluster formation structure as well as a non-i.i.d. (correlated) infection status for individuals. We propose a class of two-step sampled group testing algorithms where we exploit the known probabilistic infection spread model. We investigate the metrics associated with two-step sampled group testing algorithms. To demonstrate our results, for analytically tractable exponentially split cluster formation trees, we calculate the required number of tests and the expected number of false classifications in terms of the system parameters, and identify the trade-off between them. For such exponentially split cluster formation trees, for zero-error construction, we prove that the required number of tests is $O(\log_2n)$. Thus, for such cluster formation trees, our algorithm outperforms any zero-error non-adaptive group test, binary splitting algorithm, and Hwang's generalized binary splitting algorithm. Our results imply that, by exploiting probabilistic information on the connections of individuals, group testing can be used to reduce the number of required tests significantly even when infection rate is high, contrasting the prevalent belief that group testing is useful only when infection rate is low. | 翻訳日:2023-04-15 05:06:31 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ポラリトン縮合による化学反応の促進 Driving chemical reactions with polariton condensates ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.12156v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sindhana Pannir-Sivajothi, Jorge A. Campos-Gonzalez-Angulo, Luis A. Mart\'inez-Mart\'inez, Shubham Sinha, and Joel Yuen-Zhou | (参考訳) 分子が光子モードに強く結合すると、偏光子と呼ばれるハイブリッド光物質モードを形成する。
ここでは, 電子移動過程における振動偏光子凝縮の効果を理論的に検討する。
以上の結果から, 縮合相における分子内振動再分配の速度論的制約を回避し, 化学反応の駆動に凝縮体を用いることができる。 When molecular transitions strongly couple to photon modes, they form hybrid light-matter modes called polaritons. Collective vibrational strong coupling is a promising avenue for control of chemistry, but this can be deterred by the large number of quasi-degenerate dark modes. The macroscopic occupation of a single polariton mode by excitations, as observed in Bose-Einstein condensation, offers promise for overcoming this issue. Here we theoretically investigate the effect of vibrational polariton condensation on the kinetics of electron transfer processes. Compared with excitation with infrared laser sources, the condensate changes the reaction yield significantly due to additional channels with reduced activation barriers resulting from the large accumulation of energy in the lower polariton, and the many modes available for energy redistribution during the reaction. Our results offer tantalizing opportunities to use condensates for driving chemical reactions, kinetically bypassing usual constraints of fast intramolecular vibrational redistribution in condensed phase. | 翻訳日:2023-03-25 18:45:15 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 少ないコピーによる量子検証と推定 Quantum verification and estimation with few copies ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03860v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Joshua Morris, Valeria Saggio, Aleksandra Go\v{c}anin and Borivoje Daki\'c | (参考訳) 量子技術が進歩するにつれて、ますます大きな量子状態を生成する能力は急速に発展してきた。
これらの超効率的な手法は部分トモグラフィの次元境界を定義し、新しい応用への道を開く。 As quantum technologies advance, the ability to generate increasingly large quantum states has experienced rapid development. In this context, the verification and estimation of large entangled systems represents one of the main challenges in the employment of such systems for reliable quantum information processing. Though the most complete technique is undoubtedly full tomography, the inherent exponential increase of experimental and post-processing resources with system size makes this approach infeasible even at moderate scales. For this reason, there is currently an urgent need to develop novel methods that surpass these limitations. This review article presents novel techniques focusing on a fixed number of resources (sampling complexity), and thus prove suitable for systems of arbitrary dimension. Specifically, a probabilistic framework requiring at best only a single copy for entanglement detection is reviewed, together with the concept of selective quantum state tomography, which enables the estimation of arbitrary elements of an unknown state with a number of copies that is low and independent of the system's size. These hyper-efficient techniques define a dimensional demarcation for partial tomography and open a path for novel applications. | 翻訳日:2023-03-15 20:14:19 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 非等化Kleene代数による量子プログラムの代数的推論 Algebraic Reasoning of Quantum Programs via Non-idempotent Kleene Algebra ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.07018v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yuxiang Peng, Mingsheng Ying, Xiaodi Wu | (参考訳) クラレン代数に基づく古典的プログラム解析の成功に触発された量子プログラムの代数的推論について検討する。
その一例として有名なKleene Algebra with Tests (KAT) があり、理論的な洞察と実践的なツールが備わっている。
しかし、等等法則や古典的テストの優れた性質を含む KAT のいくつかの重要な特徴は、特に分岐において、そのユニークな量子的特徴のために量子プログラムの文脈において保持できない。
自然代用法として,nka(non-idempotent kleene algebra)を提案し,nkaの完全かつ健全なセマンティクスモデルとその量子解釈を同定する。
kat の応用に照らして,量子コンパイラ最適化の nka と量子時空間プログラムの正規形における代数的証明を示す。
さらに、NKAをテスト(NKAT)で拡張し、テストはエフェクト代数に従って量子述語をモデル化し、命題量子ホア論理をNKAT定理としてエンコードする方法を説明する。 We investigate the algebraic reasoning of quantum programs inspired by the success of classical program analysis based on Kleene algebra. One prominent example of such is the famous Kleene Algebra with Tests (KAT), which has furnished both theoretical insights and practical tools. The succinctness of algebraic reasoning would be especially desirable for scalable analysis of quantum programs, given the involvement of exponential-size matrices in most of the existing methods. A few key features of KAT including the idempotent law and the nice properties of classical tests, however, fail to hold in the context of quantum programs due to their unique quantum features, especially in branching. We propose Non-idempotent Kleene Algebra (NKA) as a natural alternative and identify complete and sound semantic models for NKA as well as their quantum interpretations. In light of applications of KAT, we demonstrate algebraic proofs in NKA of quantum compiler optimization and the normal form of quantum while-programs. Moreover, we extend NKA with Tests (i.e., NKAT), where tests model quantum predicates following effect algebra, and illustrate how to encode propositional quantum Hoare logic as NKAT theorems. | 翻訳日:2023-03-11 14:14:18 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 浮遊ナノスフィア間の光力による結合は超強靭化できる Optical-force-mediated coupling between levitated nanospheres can go ultrastrong ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.10126v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Daniele De Bernardis, Gianluca Rastelli, Iacopo Carusotto, Valerio Scarani | (参考訳) 2つの隣接する光学的ツイーザーで光学的に閉じ込められた1対の誘電体ナノ球の量子力学に対する光力による相互作用の効果を理論的に検討する。
量子基底状態の絡み合った性質の実験的にアクセス可能なシグネチャは、位置/分子相関関数に基づく絡み合いの証人や、ツイーザーの性質の高速な変調に対する大きな動的カシミール励起など、強調される。 We theoretically investigate the effect of optical-force-mediated interactions onto the quantum dynamics of a pair of dielectric nanospheres optically trapped in two neighboring optical tweezers. Thanks to the interference between the tweezer beams and the elastically scattered light by the other nanosphere, the effective inter nanosphere coupling can reach the ultrastrong coupling regime. Experimentally accessible signatures of the entangled nature of the quantum ground state are highlighted, including entanglement witnesses based on position/momentum correlation functions and a sizable dynamical Casimir excitation upon a fast modulation of the tweezer's properties. | 翻訳日:2023-02-21 12:24:22 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 単一光子の室温での効率良く、常に使える量子メモリ Efficient, ever-ready quantum memory at room temperature for single photons ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.12108v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Anthony C. Leung, W. Y. Sarah Lau, Aaron D. Tranter, Karun V. Paul, Markus Rambach, Ben C. Buchler, Ping Koy Lam, Andrew G. White, Till J. Weinhold | (参考訳) 効率的な量子メモリは、大規模ネットワーク量子システムの必須構成要素であり、飛行するフォトニック量子ビットと原子または準原子局所量子プロセッサとのリンクを提供する。
我々のルビジウム蒸気勾配エコーメモリは、1つの光子の84$\pm$3%のリコール効率を実現している。 Efficient quantum memories will be an essential building block of large scale networked quantum systems and provide a link between flying photonic qubits and atomic or quasi-atomic local quantum processors. To provide a path to scalability avoidance of bulky, difficult to maintain systems such as high vacuum and low temperature cryogenics is imperative. Memory efficiencies above 50% are required to be operating above the quantum no-cloning limit. Such high efficiencies have only been achieved in systems with photon sources tailored to the memory bandwidth. In this paper we explore the combination of an ultralow spectral bandwidth source of single photons from cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric down-conversion with a gas-ensemble atomic memory. Our rubidium vapour gradient echo memory achieves 84$\pm$3% recall efficiency of single photons: a record for an always-ready, hot, and vacuum system free optical memory. | 翻訳日:2023-02-21 00:47:38 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 階層環境における雑音支援量子コヒーレンス保護 Noise assisted quantum coherence protection in hierarchical environment ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15199v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xinyu Zhao, Yong-hong Ma, Yan Xia | (参考訳) 本稿では,雑音を利用して階層環境に結合した量子システムのコヒーレンス保護について検討する。
例えば、古典的ノイズと量子化ノイズの両方が存在する場合、Jaynes-Cummings (J-C) モデルを解く。
本稿では,ノイズを利用してコヒーレンスを保護できる可能性を示し,ノイズアシストコヒーレンス保護スキームの設計に新たな経路を開く。 In this paper, we investigate coherence protection of a quantum system coupled to a hierarchical environment by utilizing noise. As an example, we solve the Jaynes-Cummings (J-C) model in presence of both a classical and a quantized noise. The master equation is derived beyond the Markov approximation, where the influence of memory effects from both noises is taken into account. More importantly, we find that the performance of the coherence protection sensitively depends on the non-Markovian properties of both noises. By analyzing the mathematical mechanism of the coherence protection, we show the decoherence caused by a non-Markovian noise with longer memory time can be suppressed by another Markovian noise with shorter memory time. Last but not least, as an outlook, we try to analyze the connection between the atom-cavity entanglement and the atomic coherence, then discuss the possible clue to search for the required noise. The results presented in this paper show the possibility of protecting coherence by utilizing noise and may open a new path to design noise-assisted coherence protection schemes. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:38:29 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# カリキュラム強化学習のための進化的地形生成手法の評価 Assessing Evolutionary Terrain Generation Methods for Curriculum Reinforcement Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15172v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | David Howard, Josh Kannemeyer, Davide Dolcetti, Humphrey Munn and Nicole Robinson | (参考訳) カリキュラム学習(Curriculum learning)は,最終的な望ましい行動に向けて,‘石を突き刺す’という目標を段階的に進めることで,複雑なタスクをマスター可能にする。
CPPN と GAN の2つの間接符号化との比較を行った。
結果は,カリキュラム学習における利用を通知するジェネレータ間の重要な違いを解説し,コミュニティの獲得に有用な特徴記述器を提示する。 Curriculum learning allows complex tasks to be mastered via incremental progression over `stepping stone' goals towards a final desired behaviour. Typical implementations learn locomotion policies for challenging environments through gradual complexification of a terrain mesh generated through a parameterised noise function. To date, researchers have predominantly generated terrains from a limited range of noise functions, and the effect of the generator on the learning process is underrepresented in the literature. We compare popular noise-based terrain generators to two indirect encodings, CPPN and GAN. To allow direct comparison between both direct and indirect representations, we assess the impact of a range of representation-agnostic MAP-Elites feature descriptors that compute metrics directly from the generated terrain meshes. Next, performance and coverage are assessed when training a humanoid robot in a physics simulator using the PPO algorithm. Results describe key differences between the generators that inform their use in curriculum learning, and present a range of useful feature descriptors for uptake by the community. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:37:53 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 2つの非退化マイクロ波共振器を持つジョセフソンフォトニクス回路における光子対遮断 Photon-pair blockade in a Josephson-photonics circuit with two nondegenerate microwave resonators ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15373v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sheng-li Ma, Ji-kun Xie, Ya-long Ren, Xin-ke Li, Fu-li Li | (参考訳) 超電導電荷量子ビットと2つの非縮退マイクロ波共振器からなる直流電圧バイアスジョセフソン接合からなるジョセフソン・フォトニクス回路において光子対遮蔽を生成することを提案する。
本研究は、分光学や気象学から量子情報処理まで幅広い応用が期待できる光子対の明るいマイクロ波源を製造するための実用的な方法を提供する。 We propose to generate photon-pair blockade in a Josephson-photonics circuit that consists of a dc voltage-biased Josephson junction in series with a superconducting charge qubit and two nondegenerate microwave resonators. The two-level charge qubit is utilized to create anticorrelations of the charge transport; that is, the simultaneous Cooper pair tunneling events are inhibited. When the Josephson frequency matches the sum of resonance frequencies of the charge qubit and the two resonators, we demonstrate that the two resonators can release their energies in the form of antibunched pairs of two strongly correlated photons. The present work provides a practical way for producing a bright microwave source of antibunched photon pairs, with potential applications ranging from spectroscopy and metrology to quantum information processing. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:34:25 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# b\'{e}zier simplex-based interpolation methodを用いた計算コストの高い多目的最適化のための二相フレームワーク A Two-phase Framework with a B\'{e}zier Simplex-based Interpolation Method for Computationally Expensive Multi-objective Optimization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15292v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ryoji Tanabe, Youhei Akimoto, Ken Kobayashi, Hiroshi Umeki, Shinichi Shirakawa, Naoki Hamada | (参考訳) 本稿では,B\'{e}zier simplex-based interpolation method (TPB) を用いた,計算コストの高い多目的最適化のための2相フレームワークを提案する。
TPBの第2相は、B\'{e}zier simplex モデルを用いて、第1相で得られる解を補間する。
TPBの第2フェーズは、与えられた問題が単純であるときにその単純構造を利用することにより、B\'{e}zier Simplexモデルがパレート最適解集合を近似できるという事実を完全に活用する。
その結果,TPBはHMO-CMA-ESや最先端のメタモデルベースオプティマイザよりも優れていた。 This paper proposes a two-phase framework with a B\'{e}zier simplex-based interpolation method (TPB) for computationally expensive multi-objective optimization. The first phase in TPB aims to approximate a few Pareto optimal solutions by optimizing a sequence of single-objective scalar problems. The first phase in TPB can fully exploit a state-of-the-art single-objective derivative-free optimizer. The second phase in TPB utilizes a B\'{e}zier simplex model to interpolate the solutions obtained in the first phase. The second phase in TPB fully exploits the fact that a B\'{e}zier simplex model can approximate the Pareto optimal solution set by exploiting its simplex structure when a given problem is simplicial. We investigate the performance of TPB on the 55 bi-objective BBOB problems. The results show that TPB performs significantly better than HMO-CMA-ES and some state-of-the-art meta-model-based optimizers. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:33:45 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# sycamore量子プロセッサ上での挑戦的相関分子と物質シミュレーション Simulating challenging correlated molecules and materials on the Sycamore quantum processor ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15291v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ruslan N. Tazhigulov, Shi-Ning Sun, Reza Haghshenas, Huanchen Zhai, Adrian T. K. Tan, Nicholas C. Rubin, Ryan Babbush, Austin J. Minnich, Garnet Kin-Lic Chan | (参考訳) 複雑な分子や物質をシミュレーションすることは、量子デバイスに期待される応用である。
我々の研究は、量子優位性の人工的な測度を物理的に関連する設定に変換するのに役立つ。 Simulating complex molecules and materials is an anticipated application of quantum devices. With strong quantum advantage demonstrated in artificial tasks, we examine how such advantage translates into modeling physical problems of correlated electronic structure. We simulate static and dynamical electronic structure on a superconducting quantum processor derived from Google's Sycamore architecture for two representative correlated electron problems: the nitrogenase iron-sulfur molecular clusters, and $\alpha$-ruthenium trichloride, a proximate spin-liquid material. To do so, we simplify the electronic structure into low-energy spin models that fit on the device. With extensive error mitigation and assistance from classically simulated data, we achieve quantitatively meaningful results deploying about 1/5 of the gate resources used in artificial quantum advantage experiments on a similar architecture. This increases to over 1/2 of the gate resources when choosing a model that suits the hardware. Our work serves to convert artificial measures of quantum advantage into a physically relevant setting. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:33:27 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 散逸結合によるトポロジカル原子スピン波格子 Topological Atomic Spinwave Lattices by Dissipative Couplings ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15288v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Dongdong Hao, Lin Wang, Xingda Lu, Xuzhen Cao, Suotang Jia, Ying Hu, Yanhong Xiao | (参考訳) 散逸結合の最近の実験的進歩は、工学的エキゾチック格子系とトポロジカル散逸を探索するための新しい経路を提供する。
また, 散逸性SSH結合のキラル対称性も検証した。
この研究は、散逸結合を通してトポロジ対応量子相関と非エルミート位相量子光学を実現するための道を開いた。 Recent experimental advance in creating dissipative couplings provides a new route for engineering exotic lattice systems and exploring topological dissipation. Using the spatial lattice of atomic spinwaves in a vacuum vapor cell, where purely dissipative couplings arise from diffusion of atoms, we experimentally realize a dissipative version of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model. We construct the dissipation spectra of the topological or trivial lattices via electromagnetically-induced-transparency (EIT) spectroscopy. The topological dissipation spectrum is found to exhibit edge modes at dissipation rates within a dissipative gap, decoupled from the bulk. We also validate chiral symmetry of the dissipative SSH couplings. This work paves the way for realizing topology-enabled quantum correlations and non-Hermitian topological quantum optics via dissipative couplings. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:33:09 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# Python を用いた単純量子系への Numerov 法の応用 Applications of the Numerov method to simple quantum systems using Python ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15262v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Francisco Caruso and Vitor Oguri and Felipe Silveira | (参考訳) ヌメロフの数値法は、3つの異なる量子物理系(モースポテンシャルによって支配される分子である水素原子と量子ドット)に対して、Python バージョン 6.0.3 を用いて実践的に開発されている。
他の2つの例を計算するために必要なコード変更も、続編で提供されている。 Numerov's numerical method is developed in a didactic way by using Python in its {\it Jupyter Notebook} version 6.0.3 for three different quantum physical systems: the hydrogen atom, a molecule governed by the Morse potential and for a quantum dot. After a brief introduction to the Numerov method, the complete code to calculate the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the hydrogen atom is presented. The necessary code changes to calculate the other two examples are also provided in the sequel. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:32:54 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 決定論的浄化とコヒーレンスの確率的拡張のためのノーゴー定理 No-go theorems for deterministic purification and probabilistic enhancement of coherence ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15238v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Qiming Ding and Quancheng Liu | (参考訳) 量子コヒーレンスの操作はコヒーレンスの資源理論における主要な問題の一つであり、2つの重要なトピックはコヒーレンスの浄化と強化である。
以上の結果から, 決定論的浄化と確率的コヒーレンス向上の2つの実現可能性基準が得られた。
これらの結果は、実量子系における量子コヒーレンス理解に反する。 The manipulation of quantum coherence is one of the principal issues in the resource theory of coherence, with two critical topics being the purification and enhancement of coherence. Here, we present two no-go theorems for the deterministic purification of coherence and the probabilistic enhancement of coherence, respectively. Specifically, we prove that a quantum state cannot be deterministically purified if it can be expressed as a convex combination of an incoherent state and a coherent state. Besides, we give an easy-to-verified sufficient and necessary condition to determine whether a state can be probabilistically enhanced via a stochastic strictly incoherent operation (sSIO). Our findings provide two feasibility criteria for the deterministic purification and the probabilistic enhancement of coherence, respectively. These results have repercussions on the understanding of quantum coherence in real quantum systems. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:32:10 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 空媒質を持つ線形三重量子ドットにおける超交換の普遍制御 Universal control of superexchange in linear triple quantum dots with an empty mediator ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15521v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Guo Xuan Chan, Peihao Huang, Xin Wang | (参考訳) 超交換は、大規模量子コンピューティングのための遠方スピン間の長距離相互作用を実現するための重要な資源の1つである。
その結果、線形三重量子ドットデバイスにおける非局在二電子状態の単純な構成であっても、非自明な振る舞いを持つ超交換エネルギーを示し、様々な実装をスケールアップする有望な候補であることが示唆された。 Superexchange is one of the vital resources to realize long-range interaction between distant spins for large-scale quantum computing. Recent experiments have demonstrated coherent oscillations between logical states defined by remote spins whose coupling is given by the superexchange interaction mediated by central spins. Excavating the potential of superexchange requires a full understanding of the interaction in terms of control parameters, which is still lacking in literature. Here, using full configuration interaction calculation, we study a linear triple-quantum-dot device in which the left and right dots are occupied by a single electron each, whose spin states define the computational basis states of a qubit. We have found that, when the detunings at the left and right dots are leveled, the superexchange can exhibit a non-monotonic behavior which ranges from positive to negative values as a function of the middle-dot detuning. We further show that the larger relative detuning between the left and right dots causes the magnitude of the superexchange to increase (decrease) for an originally positive (negative) superexchange. We then proceed to show that a much larger left-right dot detuning can switch the superexchange from an originally negative value at zero detuning to a positive one. Using a Hubbard-like model, we present analytical expressions of the superexchange and have found that they conform well qualitatively with the numerical results obtained from full configuration interaction calculations. Our results suggest that even a simple configuration of delocalized two-electron states in a linear triple-quantum-dot device exhibits superexchange energy with non-trivial behavior, making it a promising candidate for scaling up with various implementations. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:24:29 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 大規模ハミルトニアンダイナミクスの局所変分量子コンパイル Local variational quantum compilation of a large-scale Hamiltonian dynamics ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15484v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kaoru Mizuta, Yuya O. Nakagawa, Kosuke Mitarai, Keisuke Fujii | (参考訳) 量子回路上での時間発展演算子の実装は、量子シミュレーションにとって重要である。
例えば、有限範囲および短範囲の相互作用する$l$-サイズ系は、可観測性に依存する$o(l^0)$-または$o(\log l)$-サイズ量子系でコンパイルすることができる。
LVQCは、大規模量子回路を設計するための古典的なプロトコルを提供するだけでなく、大規模量子デバイスにおけるアルゴリズムの実装における中規模量子デバイスの適用にも光を当てる。 Implementing time evolution operators on quantum circuits is important for quantum simulation. However, the standard way, Trotterization, requires a huge numbers of gates to achieve desirable accuracy. Here, we propose a local variational quantum compilation (LVQC) algorithm, which allows to accurately and efficiently compile a time evolution operators on a large-scale quantum system by the optimization with smaller-size quantum systems. LVQC utilizes a subsystem cost function, which approximates the fidelity of the whole circuit, defined for each subsystem as large as approximate causal cones brought by the Lieb-Robinson (LR) bound. We rigorously derive its scaling property with respect to the subsystem size, and show that the optimization conducted on the subsystem size leads to the compilation of whole-system time evolution operators. As a result, LVQC runs with limited-size quantum computers or classical simulators that can handle such smaller quantum systems. For instance, finite-ranged and short-ranged interacting $L$-size systems can be compiled with $O(L^0)$- or $O(\log L)$-size quantum systems depending on observables of interest. Furthermore, since this formalism relies only on the LR bound, it can efficiently construct time evolution operators of various systems in generic dimension involving finite-, short-, and long-ranged interactions. We also numerically demonstrate the LVQC algorithm for one-dimensional systems. Employing classical simulation by time-evolving block decimation, we succeed in compressing the depth of a time evolution operators up to $40$ qubits by the compilation for $20$ qubits. LVQC not only provides classical protocols for designing large-scale quantum circuits, but also will shed light on applications of intermediate-scale quantum devices in implementing algorithms in larger-scale quantum devices. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:24:00 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 臨界量子システムにおける相関と作業統計 Correlations and Work Statistics in Critical Quantum Systems ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15464v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zakaria Mzaouali | (参考訳) この論文では、量子スピン-$$\frac{1}{2}$モデルに存在する平衡と外平衡の量子相転移を、量子相関と位相空間の定式化による量子情報アプローチと、仕事統計の定式化による量子熱力学アプローチを用いて分析する。 In this dissertation, we analyze equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium quantum phase transitions present in quantum spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ models, using a quantum information approach through quantum correlations and phase space formalism, and a quantum thermodynamic approach through the work statistics formalism. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:23:30 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 量子線トレーシングのためのフレームワーク A Framework for Quantum Ray Tracing ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15451v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xi Lu, Hongwei Lin | (参考訳) レイトレーシングアルゴリズムは、大量のレイの物理運動をシミュレートして高品質な画像を描画し、各レイのトレーシング手順を並列に実装することができる。
量子計算の固有並列性を活用することで,量子線追跡アルゴリズムを提案する。 Ray tracing algorithm simulates the physical movements of a huge amount of rays to render a high quality image, in which the tracing procedure for each ray can be implemented in parallel. By leveraging the inherent parallelism of quantum computing, we propose a quantum ray tracing algorithm, which is proved to have a quadratic speedup over the classical path tracing. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:23:22 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ハイブリッド制約量子アニーリングによる試験車生産の最適化 Optimizing the Production of Test Vehicles using Hybrid Constrained Quantum Annealing ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15421v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Adam Glos, Akash Kundu, \"Ozlem Salehi | (参考訳) 自動車産業における課題の一つは、生産前の車両構成の最適化である。
本稿では,D-Wave が新たに導入したハイブリッド制約2次モデル (CQM) を用いて,満足度という枠組みの問題をモデル化し,それを解く。
CQMソルバから得られた結果をCBC(Coin-or branch and cut)やGurobiなどの古典的解法と比較した。
問題の拡張として,テストのスケジューリングをモデルに組み込む方法について述べる。 Optimization of pre-production vehicle configurations is one of the challenges in the automotive industry. Given a list of tests requiring cars with certain features, it is desirable to find the minimum number of cars that cover the tests and obey the configuration rules. In this paper, we model the problem in the framework of satisfiability and solve it by utilizing the newly introduced hybrid constrained quadratic model (CQM) solver provided by D-Wave. The problem definition is based on the "Optimizing the Production of Test Vehicles" use case given in the BMW Quantum Computing Challenge. We formulate a constrained quadratic model for the problem and use a greedy algorithm to configure the cars. We benchmark the results obtained from the CQM solver with the results from the classical solvers like CBC (Coin-or branch and cut) and Gurobi. We conclude that the performance of the CQM solver is comparable to classical solvers in optimizing the number of test vehicles. As an extension to the problem, we describe how the scheduling of the tests can be incorporated into the model. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:23:16 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# PPA型行動木を用いた文法進化を用いた群集行動の効率的な進化 Efficiently Evolving Swarm Behaviors Using Grammatical Evolution With PPA-style Behavior Trees ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15776v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Aadesh Neupane, Michael A. Goodrich | (参考訳) 人工エージェントによる群行動の進化は計算量的に高価で困難である。
本稿では,ポストコンディショニング・プレコンディショニング・アクション (ppa) 標準行動木 (bt) と文法的進化を体系的に組み合わせ,群行動を進化させる。
進化するアルゴリズムは、飼料と巣のメンテナンスタスクの両方で75\%の学習試験に成功し、以前の作業よりも8倍改善した。 Evolving swarm behaviors with artificial agents is computationally expensive and challenging. Because reward structures are often sparse in swarm problems, only a few simulations among hundreds evolve successful swarm behaviors. Additionally, swarm evolutionary algorithms typically rely on ad hoc fitness structures, and novel fitness functions need to be designed for each swarm task. This paper evolves swarm behaviors by systematically combining Postcondition-Precondition-Action (PPA) canonical Behavior Trees (BT) with a Grammatical Evolution. The PPA structure replaces ad hoc reward structures with systematic postcondition checks, which allows a common grammar to learn solutions to different tasks using only environmental cues and BT feedback. The static performance of learned behaviors is poor because no agent learns all necessary subtasks, but performance while evolving is excellent because agents can quickly change behaviors in new contexts. The evolving algorithm succeeded in 75\% of learning trials for both foraging and nest maintenance tasks, an eight-fold improvement over prior work. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:16:10 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 漸近自由から$\theta$ vacua: O(3) の量子埋め込みへの非線形 $\sigma$ モデル From asymptotic freedom to $\theta$ vacua: Qubit embeddings of the O(3) nonlinear $\sigma$ model ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15766v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Stephan Caspar, Hersh Singh | (参考訳) 1+1$次元の$\text{O}(3)$非線形シグマモデルにおける$\theta$ vacuaの従来の格子定式化は、符号問題に悩まされる。
ここで、任意の$\theta$ に対する最初の符号-problem-free正規化を構築する。
さらに、近傍の相互作用しか持たない2次元正方格子上の量子ビットのモデルとして、$\theta$ vacuaの物理学と近距離量子デバイスにおける漸近自由度の研究に自然に適している。
我々の構成は、すべての$\text{CP}(N-1)$モデルにおいて$\theta$ vacuaに一般化し、長期の符号問題を解く。 Conventional lattice formulations of $\theta$ vacua in the $1+1$-dimensional $\text{O}(3)$ nonlinear sigma model suffer from a sign problem. Here, we construct the first sign-problem-free regularization for arbitrary $\theta$. Using efficient lattice Monte Carlo algorithms, we demonstrate how a Hamiltonian model of spin-$\tfrac12$ degrees of freedom on a 2-dimensional spatial lattice reproduces both the infrared sector for arbitrary $\theta$, as well as the ultraviolet physics of asymptotic freedom. Furthermore, as a model of qubits on a two-dimensional square lattice with only nearest-neighbor interactions, it is naturally suited for studying the physics of $\theta$ vacua and asymptotic freedom on near-term quantum devices. Our construction generalizes to $\theta$ vacua in all $\text{CP}(N-1)$ models, solving a long standing sign problem. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:15:53 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 量子コンピュータの海外為替準備管理への応用 Application of Quantum Computers in Foreign Exchange Reserves Management ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15716v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Martin Vesel\'y | (参考訳) 本論文の目的は,外国為替準備管理における量子コンピュータの利用可能性を評価することである。
すべてのデモは、クラウドベースのIBM Quantum(TM)プラットフォーム上で実行される。
さらに、本記事は、中央銀行および金融市場監督当局のスタッフに対する量子コンピューティングの紹介として機能する。 The main purpose of this article is to evaluate possible applications of quantum computers in foreign exchange reserves management. The capabilities of quantum computers are demonstrated by means of risk measurement using the quantum Monte Carlo method and portfolio optimization using a linear equations system solver (the Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd algorithm) and quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (the quantum approximate optimization algorithm). All demonstrations are carried out on the cloud-based IBM Quantum(TM) platform. Despite the fact that real-world applications are impossible under the current state of development of quantum computers, it is proven that in principle it will be possible to apply such computers in FX reserves management in the future. In addition, the article serves as an introduction to quantum computing for the staff of central banks and financial market supervisory authorities. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:15:10 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 複素ホッピング振幅をもつ非エルミート長距離系のフロッケ位相特性 Floquet topological properties in the Non-Hermitian long-range system with complex hopping amplitudes ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15644v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Gang-Feng Guo, Yan Wang, Xi-Xi Bao and Lei Tan | (参考訳) 物質の非平衡相は、フレケット相がホットポイントである近年、多くの注目を集めている。
ここで得られた結果は周期駆動非エルミート理論を理解するのに有用である。 Non-equilibrium phases of matter have attracted much attention in recent years, among which the Floquet phase is a hot point. In this work, based on the Periodic driving Non-Hermitian model, we reveal that the winding number calculated in the framework of the Bloch band theory has a direct connection with the number of edge states even the Non-Hermiticity is present. Further, we find that the change of the phase of the hopping amplitude can induce the topological phase transitions. Precisely speaking, the increase of the value of the phase can bring the system into the larger topological phase. Moreover, it can be unveiled that the introduction of the purely imaginary hopping term brings an extremely rich phase diagram. In addition, we can select the even topological invariant exactly from the unlimited winding numbers if we only consider the next-nearest neighbor hopping term. Here, the results obtained may be useful for understanding the Periodic driving Non-Hermitian theory. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:13:48 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 原子物理学における再正規化入門 An Introduction to Renormalization in Atomic Physics ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.02800v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Milan \v{S}indelka | (参考訳) これらのノートの目的は、原子物理学における再正規化の概念を教育的に導入することである。
最後に、再正規化摂動理論を用いて原子レベルシフトの例計算を行い、また、再正規化平均場理論を定式化する。 The purpose of these notes is to provide a pedagogical introduction to the concept of renormalization in atomic physics. We study quantum dynamics of a model of a nonrelativistic single electron atom coupled to the quantum radiation field in the dipole approximation. An interaction between the electron and the radiation field is regularized, using a suitable cutoff prescription which eliminates the coupling of the electron to the highly ultraviolet (UV) field modes. Subsequently, we analyze the corresponding Heisenberg picture equations of motion, and focus on behavior of physical observables in the limit of a pointlike electron (i.e., in the limit when the above mentioned UV cutoff is gradually lifted to infinity). We identify the radiation reaction force acting on the electron, and show that this force actually diverges towards infinity when gradually removing the UV cutoff. Such an analysis leads ultimately to an unique renormalization prescription for the electron mass, as well as to determination of the Abraham-Lorentz force acting on the electron. Dependence of the just sketched renormalization procedure upon the spatial dimension is highlighted. Finally, we present an example calculation of the atomic level shifts by means of the renormalized perturbation theory, and formulate also the renormalized mean field theory. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:07:32 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ハミルトンパラダイムを超えた量子シミュレーション:カテゴリー型量子シミュレーション Quantum simulation beyond Hamiltonian paradigm: categorical quantum simulation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.17252v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yuanye Zhu | (参考訳) 位相場理論の発展とともに、テンソル圏の数学的ツールも物理学に導入された。
この記事では、$SU(3)$ Yang-Mills理論のカテゴリーシミュレーションの具体的な例を示す。
カテゴリカル量子シミュレーションは、還元性量子エンコーディングよりも多くの量子ビットリソースを節約する新しいエンコーディング法、emergenism encodingを提供する。
さらに、多くの領域は圏論の言語で記述することができ、量子回路はこれらの領域を直接エンコードしてシミュレートすることができる。 With the development of topological field theory, the mathematical tool of the tensor category was also introduced into physics. Traditional group theory corresponds to a special category,group category. Tensor categories can describe higher-order interactions and symmetric relations, while group theory can only describe first-order interactions. In fact, the quantum circuit itself constitutes a category. However, at present, the field of quantum computing mainly uses group theory as a mathematical tool. If category theory is introduced into the field of quantum simulation, the application scope of quantum computers can be greatly expanded. This paper propose a new dynamic simulation method,categorical quantum simulation. In our paradigm quantum simulation is no longer based on the structure of the group theory, but based on the structure of the tensor category. This could enable many systems that could not be efficiently quantum simulated before.In this article we give an concrete example of the categorical simulation of $SU(3)$ Yang-Mills theory. It shows that categorical quantum simulation provides a new encoding method,emergenism encoding, which saves more qubits resources than reductionism quantum encoding. In addition, many domains can be described in the language of category theory, which allows quantum circuits to directly encode and simulate these domains. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:07:12 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# $\mathbb{Z}_2$Abelian anyonシステムによる量子コンピューティング Quantum Computing with $\mathbb{Z}_2$ Abelian anyon system ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.17235v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yuanye Zhu | (参考訳) トポロジカル量子コンピュータは、量子計算を行うためのフォールトトレラント法を提供する。
普遍位相量子計算のための最も単純なanyonモデルは、非可換なanyon系であるfibonacci anyonモデルである。
本稿では,$\mathbb{Z}_2$ abelian anyonシステムに基づくトポロジカル量子コンピュータのプロトタイプについて報告する。 Topological quantum computers provide a fault-tolerant method for performing quantum computation. Topological quantum computers manipulate topological defects with exotic exchange statistics called anyons. The simplest anyon model for universal topological quantum computation is the Fibonacci anyon model, which is a non-abelian anyon system. In non-abelian anyon systems, exchanging anyons always results a unitary operations instead of a simple phase changing in abelian anyon systems. So, non-abelian anyon systems are of the interest to topological quantum computation. Up till now, most people still hold the belief that topological quantum computions can be implemented only on the non-abelian anyon systems. But actually this is not true. Inspired by extrinsic semiconductor technology, we suggest that abelian anyon systems with defects also support topological quantum computing. In this letter, we report a topological quantum computer prototype based on $\mathbb{Z}_2$ abelian anyon system. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:06:56 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# c$_{20}$異性体からの高次高調波発生 High-order harmonic generation from C$_{20}$ isomers ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15933v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | F. Cajiao - V\'elez, A. Jaron | (参考訳) c_{20}$の3つの異性体(フラーレン、リング、ボウル)からの高次調和応答は、分子系の修正されたルウェンシュタインモデルで計算される。
異なるC$_{20}$異性体は、炭素原子の幾何学的配置と分子配向によって異なる調和分極をもたらす。 High-order harmonic responses from three $C_{20}$ isomers: fullerene, ring, and bowl, are calculated within the modified Lewenstein model for molecular systems. Spectra for all three structures exhibit intense modulations of the harmonic spectrum along the plateau and some of them can be interpreted as a consequence of multi-center interference effects. Each structure shows characteristic modulation patterns in peak harmonic intensities, which are directly related to zeroes in the recombination matrix element as a function of the three components of momentum. Different C$_{20}$ isomers lead to different harmonic polarizations depending on the geometric configuration of carbon atoms and molecular orientation. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:06:40 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 可変ギャッププラズモン形表面吸収体における温度ダイナミクスと熱電子発生の解明 Unraveling the temperature dynamics and hot electron generation in tunable gap-plasmon metasurface absorbers ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15893v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Larousse Khosravi Khorashad and Christos Argyropoulos | (参考訳) 極薄の金属ナノギャップで形成される局在プラズモンは入射光の強い吸収を引き起こす。
さらに, 超薄膜ギャップを考慮した場合の高精度な流体力学的非局所モデルを用いて, 高温電子温度と生成速度閾値について検討した。
以上の結果から,より効率的な光触媒,光電圧,光検出装置の設計に使用できるギャッププラズモン吸収剤の応答における熱電子の役割が解明された。 Localized plasmons formed in ultrathin metallic nanogaps can lead to robust absorption of incident light. Plasmonic metasurfaces based on this effect can efficiently generate energetic charge carriers, also known as hot electrons, owing to their ability to squeeze and enhance electromagnetic fields in confined subwavelength spaces. However, it is very challenging to accurately identify and quantify the dynamics of hot carriers, mainly due to their ultrafast time decay. Their non-equilibrium temperature response is one of the key factors missing to understand the short time decay and overall transient tunable absorption performance of gap-plasmon metasurfaces. Here, we systematically study the temperature dynamics of hot electrons and their transition into thermal carriers at various timescales from femto to nanoseconds by using the two-temperature model. Additionally, the hot electron temperature and generation rate threshold values are investigated by using a hydrodynamic nonlocal model approach that is more accurate when ultrathin gaps are considered. The derived temperature dependent material properties are used to study the ultrafast transient nonlinear modification in the absorption spectrum before plasmon-induced lattice heating is established leading to efficient tunable nanophotonic absorber designs. We also examine the damage threshold of these plasmonic absorbers under various pulsed laser illuminations, an important quantity to derive the ultimate input intensity limits that can be used in various emerging nonlinear optics and other tunable nanophotonic applications. The presented results elucidate the role of hot electrons in the response of gap-plasmon metasurface absorbers which can be used to design more efficient photocatalysis, photovoltaics, and photodetection devices. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:06:28 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 非ローカルゲームからの量子アドバンテージ Quantum Advantage from Any Non-Local Game ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15877v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yael Kalai, Alex Lombardi, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Lisa Yang | (参考訳) 我々は,k$-prover非ローカルゲームから,同一(量子)完全性と(古典的)健全性保証(セキュリティパラメータの無視可能な添加因子まで)を維持するシングルプロパクタインタラクティブゲームにコンパイルする一般的な方法を示す。
我々のコンパイラは、任意の量子同型暗号化スキーム(Mahadev, FOCS 2018; Brakerski, CRYPTO 2018)を使用し、補助的な(量子)入力に対する自然な正しさを満たす。
chshゲーム(clauser, horne, shimonyi and holt, physical review letters 1969)から始まったマルチプロファー非ローカルゲームに関するリッチな文献と連動して,量子優位性を古典的に検証するためのメカニズムを構築するための幅広い枠組みを提供する。 We show a general method of compiling any $k$-prover non-local game into a single-prover interactive game maintaining the same (quantum) completeness and (classical) soundness guarantees (up to negligible additive factors in a security parameter). Our compiler uses any quantum homomorphic encryption scheme (Mahadev, FOCS 2018; Brakerski, CRYPTO 2018) satisfying a natural form of correctness with respect to auxiliary (quantum) input. The homomorphic encryption scheme is used as a cryptographic mechanism to simulate the effect of spatial separation, and is required to evaluate $k-1$ prover strategies (out of $k$) on encrypted queries. In conjunction with the rich literature on (entangled) multi-prover non-local games starting from the celebrated CHSH game (Clauser, Horne, Shimonyi and Holt, Physical Review Letters 1969), our compiler gives a broad framework for constructing mechanisms to classically verify quantum advantage. | 翻訳日:2023-02-20 09:05:59 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ソフトタッチによるIoT:STE(A)Mアプリケーションのためのモジュール型リモートセンシングプラットフォーム IoT with a Soft Touch: A Modular Remote Sensing Platform for STE(A)M Applications ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.01439v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jona Cappelle, Geoffrey Ottoy, Sarah Goossens, Hanne Deprez, Jarne Van Mulders, Guus Leenders, Gilles Callebaut | (参考訳) 業界における幅広い関心事に加えて、IoTはSTEMとSTEAM教育を幅広い教育レベルにわたって進めるために使用されている。
この作業では,2つの目標を達成するために開発された,IoT with a Soft Touchというリモートセンシングプラットフォームを提示する。
この研究は、低消費電力でモジュラーなデザインの課題と、プラットフォームが教育でどのように使われているかについて詳しく説明している。 Besides wide attraction in the industry, IoT is being used to advance STEM and STEAM education across a range of education levels. This work presents a remote sensing platform, named IoT with a Soft Touch, developed to achieve two goals. First, it aims to lower the technicality, stimulating the students to do STE(A)M. Second, the technology is to be used in `softer' applications (e.g., environmental and health care), thereby aiming to attract a more diverse set of student profiles. Students can easily build a wireless sensing device, with a specific application in mind. The modular design of the platform and an intuitive graphical configurator tool allows them to tailor the device's functionality to their needs. The sensor's data is transmitted wirelessly with LoRaWAN. The data can be viewed and analyzed on a dashboard, or the raw data can be extracted for further processing, e.g., as part of the school's STE(A)M curriculum. This work elaborates on the low-power and modular design challenges, and how the platform is used in education. | 翻訳日:2023-02-19 16:01:47 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 効果的な顧客フィードバックシステムの構築 -ブロックチェーン技術を活用した設計科学研究- Constructing Effective Customer Feedback Systems -- A Design Science Study Leveraging Blockchain Technology ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15254v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mark C. Ballandies, Valentin Holzwarth, Barry Sunderland, Evangelos Pournaras, Jan vom Brocke | (参考訳) 組織はエコシステムの変化を調整する必要があり、顧客フィードバックシステム(CFS)は、製品やサービスを顧客の好みを変えるために重要な情報を提供する。
この研究の成果は、CFSの設計に関する知識を前進させ、効率的なCFSを設計するためのマネージャや意思決定者へのガイドラインを提供する。 Organizations have to adjust to changes in the ecosystem, and customer feedback systems (CFS) provide important information to adapt products and services to changing customer preferences. However, current systems are limited to single-dimensional rating scales and are subject to self-selection biases. This work contributes design principles for CFS and implements a CFS that advances current systems by means of contextualized feedback according to specific organizational objectives. It also uses blockchain-based incentives to support CFS use. We apply Design Science Research (DSR) methodology and report on a longitudinal DSR journey considering multiple stakeholder values. We conducted expert interviews, design workshops, demonstrations, and a four-day experiment in an organizational setup, involving 132 customers of a major Swiss library. This validates the identified design principles and the implemented software artifact both qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on this evaluation, the design principles are revisited and conclusions for the construction of successful CFS are drawn. The findings of this work advance the knowledge on the design of CFS and provide a guideline to managers and decision makers for designing effective CFS. | 翻訳日:2023-02-19 15:52:33 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# xAI-GAN: 説明可能なAIシステムによる生成的敵ネットワークの強化 xAI-GAN: Enhancing Generative Adversarial Networks via Explainable AI Systems ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2002.10438v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Vineel Nagisetty, Laura Graves, Joseph Scott and Vijay Ganesh | (参考訳) Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) は、現実的な画像、音楽、テキスト、その他のデータの生成に成功しているディープニューラルネットワーク(DNN)の革命的なクラスである。
提案手法を用いて,Frechet Inception Distance (FID) によって測定された標準GANよりも,MNIST とFMNIST の両方で生成された画像の品質が最大23.18%向上した。
最後に、xAI-GANにより、標準のGANよりもモデルがどのように学習するかをユーザがより制御できるようになると論じる。 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are a revolutionary class of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) that have been successfully used to generate realistic images, music, text, and other data. However, GAN training presents many challenges, notably it can be very resource-intensive. A potential weakness in GANs is that it requires a lot of data for successful training and data collection can be an expensive process. Typically, the corrective feedback from discriminator DNNs to generator DNNs (namely, the discriminator's assessment of the generated example) is calculated using only one real-numbered value (loss). By contrast, we propose a new class of GAN we refer to as xAI-GAN that leverages recent advances in explainable AI (xAI) systems to provide a "richer" form of corrective feedback from discriminators to generators. Specifically, we modify the gradient descent process using xAI systems that specify the reason as to why the discriminator made the classification it did, thus providing the "richer" corrective feedback that helps the generator to better fool the discriminator. Using our approach, we observe xAI-GANs provide an improvement of up to 23.18% in the quality of generated images on both MNIST and FMNIST datasets over standard GANs as measured by Frechet Inception Distance (FID). We further compare xAI-GAN trained on 20% of the data with standard GAN trained on 100% of data on the CIFAR10 dataset and find that xAI-GAN still shows an improvement in FID score. Further, we compare our work with Differentiable Augmentation - which has been shown to make GANs data-efficient - and show that xAI-GANs outperform GANs trained on Differentiable Augmentation. Moreover, both techniques can be combined to produce even better results. Finally, we argue that xAI-GAN enables users greater control over how models learn than standard GANs. | 翻訳日:2022-12-29 03:20:48 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# コミュニケーション効率のよい連合学習のための3次圧縮 Ternary Compression for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2003.03564v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jinjin Xu, Wenli Du, Ran Cheng, Wangli He, Yaochu Jin | (参考訳) 異なる場所に格納された大量のデータを学習することは、多くの現実世界のアプリケーションにおいて不可欠である。
この問題に対処するために,自己学習量化係数を用いてクライアント上の量子化ネットワークを最適化する,federated training ternary quantization (fttq)アルゴリズムを提案する。
その結果,提案したT-FedAvgは通信コストの低減に有効であり,標準的フェデレーション学習アルゴリズムとは対照的に,非IIDデータの性能をわずかに向上させることができることがわかった。 Learning over massive data stored in different locations is essential in many real-world applications. However, sharing data is full of challenges due to the increasing demands of privacy and security with the growing use of smart mobile devices and IoT devices. Federated learning provides a potential solution to privacy-preserving and secure machine learning, by means of jointly training a global model without uploading data distributed on multiple devices to a central server. However, most existing work on federated learning adopts machine learning models with full-precision weights, and almost all these models contain a large number of redundant parameters that do not need to be transmitted to the server, consuming an excessive amount of communication costs. To address this issue, we propose a federated trained ternary quantization (FTTQ) algorithm, which optimizes the quantized networks on the clients through a self-learning quantization factor. Theoretical proofs of the convergence of quantization factors, unbiasedness of FTTQ, as well as a reduced weight divergence are given. On the basis of FTTQ, we propose a ternary federated averaging protocol (T-FedAvg) to reduce the upstream and downstream communication of federated learning systems. Empirical experiments are conducted to train widely used deep learning models on publicly available datasets, and our results demonstrate that the proposed T-FedAvg is effective in reducing communication costs and can even achieve slightly better performance on non-IID data in contrast to the canonical federated learning algorithms. | 翻訳日:2022-12-25 19:31:12 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 制限ボルツマン機械流れとイジングモデルの臨界温度 Restricted Boltzmann Machine Flows and The Critical Temperature of Ising models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.10176v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Rodrigo Veiga, Renato Vicente | (参考訳) 本稿では,ニューラルネットワーク温度計による正方格子イジングモデルの温度空間上にマッピングされた制限ボルツマン機械(rbm)からの反復サンプリング(フロー)の代替実験について検討する。
このフレームワークは、RBMベースのディープニューラルネットワークとRenormalization Group(RG)の間の接続を調べるために導入された。
ある条件下では、イジングスピン配置で訓練されたrbmの流れが臨界値の周りの温度空間に近づくことが判明している: $ k_b t_c / j \approx 2.269$。
本稿では、モデルトポロジに関する情報を持たないデータセットを考察し、ニューラルネットワーク温度計は、RBMがスケール不変性を学習したかどうかを正確に検出する方法ではないと論じる。 We explore alternative experimental setups for the iterative sampling (flow) from Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) mapped on the temperature space of square lattice Ising models by a neural network thermometer. This framework has been introduced to explore connections between RBM-based deep neural networks and the Renormalization Group (RG). It has been found that, under certain conditions, the flow of an RBM trained with Ising spin configurations approaches in the temperature space a value around the critical one: $ k_B T_c / J \approx 2.269$. In this paper we consider datasets with no information about model topology to argue that a neural network thermometer is not an accurate way to detect whether the RBM has learned scale invariance or not. | 翻訳日:2022-11-19 21:31:24 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# フレキシブル・スパシティ・アウェア・モデリングに向けて:一般化双曲前処理を用いた自動テンソルランク学習 Towards Flexible Sparsity-Aware Modeling: Automatic Tensor Rank Learning Using The Generalized Hyperbolic Prior ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.02472v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Lei Cheng, Zhongtao Chen, Qingjiang Shi, Yik-Chung Wu, and Sergios Theodoridis | (参考訳) 標準ポリアディック分解(CPD)のためのテンソルランク学習は、長い間必須だが難しい問題とみなされてきた。
これらの欠点を克服するため,本稿では,確率的cpdモデルに先立って,より先進的な一般化双曲型 (gh) を導入する。
合成データと実世界のデータセットを用いた大規模数値計算により,低SNRの場合においても,低および高テンソルランクの学習において,提案手法の性能が著しく向上したことを示す。 Tensor rank learning for canonical polyadic decomposition (CPD) has long been deemed as an essential yet challenging problem. In particular, since the tensor rank controls the complexity of the CPD model, its inaccurate learning would cause overfitting to noise or underfitting to the signal sources, and even destroy the interpretability of model parameters. However, the optimal determination of a tensor rank is known to be a non-deterministic polynomial-time hard (NP-hard) task. Rather than exhaustively searching for the best tensor rank via trial-and-error experiments, Bayesian inference under the Gaussian-gamma prior was introduced in the context of probabilistic CPD modeling, and it was shown to be an effective strategy for automatic tensor rank determination. This triggered flourishing research on other structured tensor CPDs with automatic tensor rank learning. On the other side of the coin, these research works also reveal that the Gaussian-gamma model does not perform well for high-rank tensors and/or low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). To overcome these drawbacks, in this paper, we introduce a more advanced generalized hyperbolic (GH) prior to the probabilistic CPD model, which not only includes the Gaussian-gamma model as a special case, but also is more flexible to adapt to different levels of sparsity. Based on this novel probabilistic model, an algorithm is developed under the framework of variational inference, where each update is obtained in a closed-form. Extensive numerical results, using synthetic data and real-world datasets, demonstrate the significantly improved performance of the proposed method in learning both low as well as high tensor ranks even for low SNR cases. | 翻訳日:2022-10-21 20:42:20 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# フルカーネルマトリックストランスファーによる知識蒸留の改善 Improved Knowledge Distillation via Full Kernel Matrix Transfer ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.14416v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Qi Qian, Hao Li, Juhua Hu | (参考訳) 知識蒸留は深層学習におけるモデル圧縮に有効な方法である。
具体的には, 元のカーネル行列と教師と学生との差は, 元の例とランドマーク点の類似点のみからなる部分行列の差分で十分有界であることが判明した。
コードは \url{https://github.com/idstcv/KDA} で入手できる。 Knowledge distillation is an effective way for model compression in deep learning. Given a large model (i.e., teacher model), it aims to improve the performance of a compact model (i.e., student model) by transferring the information from the teacher. Various information for distillation has been studied. Recently, a number of works propose to transfer the pairwise similarity between examples to distill relative information. However, most of efforts are devoted to developing different similarity measurements, while only a small matrix consisting of examples within a mini-batch is transferred at each iteration that can be inefficient for optimizing the pairwise similarity over the whole data set. In this work, we aim to transfer the full similarity matrix effectively. The main challenge is from the size of the full matrix that is quadratic to the number of examples. To address the challenge, we decompose the original full matrix with Nystr{\"{o}}m method. By selecting appropriate landmark points, our theoretical analysis indicates that the loss for transfer can be further simplified. Concretely, we find that the difference between the original full kernel matrices between teacher and student can be well bounded by that of the corresponding partial matrices, which only consists of similarities between original examples and landmark points. Compared with the full matrix, the size of the partial matrix is linear in the number of examples, which improves the efficiency of optimization significantly. The empirical study on benchmark data sets demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/idstcv/KDA}. | 翻訳日:2022-10-12 22:14:53 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 大規模グラフのためのデータ拡張としてのロバスト最適化 Robust Optimization as Data Augmentation for Large-scale Graphs ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.09891v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kezhi Kong, Guohao Li, Mucong Ding, Zuxuan Wu, Chen Zhu, Bernard Ghanem, Gavin Taylor, Tom Goldstein | (参考訳) データ拡張は、トレーニングセットを拡大することで、ニューラルネットワークの一般化に役立つが、グラフデータを効果的に拡張して、GNN(Graph Neural Networks)のパフォーマンスを向上する方法は、未解決のままである。
学習中に勾配に基づく逆方向摂動を伴うノード特徴を反復的に拡張するFLAG(Free Large-scale Adversarial Augmentation on Graphs)を提案する。
また,本手法のより深い理解のために直観的な観察を行う。 Data augmentation helps neural networks generalize better by enlarging the training set, but it remains an open question how to effectively augment graph data to enhance the performance of GNNs (Graph Neural Networks). While most existing graph regularizers focus on manipulating graph topological structures by adding/removing edges, we offer a method to augment node features for better performance. We propose FLAG (Free Large-scale Adversarial Augmentation on Graphs), which iteratively augments node features with gradient-based adversarial perturbations during training. By making the model invariant to small fluctuations in input data, our method helps models generalize to out-of-distribution samples and boosts model performance at test time. FLAG is a general-purpose approach for graph data, which universally works in node classification, link prediction, and graph classification tasks. FLAG is also highly flexible and scalable, and is deployable with arbitrary GNN backbones and large-scale datasets. We demonstrate the efficacy and stability of our method through extensive experiments and ablation studies. We also provide intuitive observations for a deeper understanding of our method. | 翻訳日:2022-10-05 21:04:20 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 摂動マスクによる画像アニメーション Image Animation with Perturbed Masks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2011.06922v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yoav Shalev, Lior Wolf | (参考訳) 我々は,同じタイプのオブジェクトを描画する駆動ビデオにより,ソースイメージの画像アニメーションのための新しいアプローチを提案する。
私たちのコードとサンプルはhttps://github.com/itsyoavshalev/Image-Animation-with-Perturbed-Masks.comで公開されています。 We present a novel approach for image-animation of a source image by a driving video, both depicting the same type of object. We do not assume the existence of pose models and our method is able to animate arbitrary objects without the knowledge of the object's structure. Furthermore, both, the driving video and the source image are only seen during test-time. Our method is based on a shared mask generator, which separates the foreground object from its background, and captures the object's general pose and shape. To control the source of the identity of the output frame, we employ perturbations to interrupt the unwanted identity information on the driver's mask. A mask-refinement module then replaces the identity of the driver with the identity of the source. Conditioned on the source image, the transformed mask is then decoded by a multi-scale generator that renders a realistic image, in which the content of the source frame is animated by the pose in the driving video. Due to the lack of fully supervised data, we train on the task of reconstructing frames from the same video the source image is taken from. Our method is shown to greatly outperform the state-of-the-art methods on multiple benchmarks. Our code and samples are available at https://github.com/itsyoavshalev/Image-Animation-with-Perturbed-Masks. | 翻訳日:2022-09-26 00:10:10 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 3次元点雲上での深部マグニフィケーション・フレキシブルアップサンプリング Deep Magnification-Flexible Upsampling over 3D Point Clouds ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2011.12745v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yue Qian, Junhui Hou, Sam Kwong and Ying He | (参考訳) 本稿では,オブジェクト/シーンの基底となる幾何学構造をモデル化するために,所定のスパース点雲から高密度点雲を生成する問題に対処する。
合成データと実世界のデータの両方に対する大規模な実験により,提案手法の定量的および定性的手法よりも優れていることが示された。 This paper addresses the problem of generating dense point clouds from given sparse point clouds to model the underlying geometric structures of objects/scenes. To tackle this challenging issue, we propose a novel end-to-end learning-based framework. Specifically, by taking advantage of the linear approximation theorem, we first formulate the problem explicitly, which boils down to determining the interpolation weights and high-order approximation errors. Then, we design a lightweight neural network to adaptively learn unified and sorted interpolation weights as well as the high-order refinements, by analyzing the local geometry of the input point cloud. The proposed method can be interpreted by the explicit formulation, and thus is more memory-efficient than existing ones. In sharp contrast to the existing methods that work only for a pre-defined and fixed upsampling factor, the proposed framework only requires a single neural network with one-time training to handle various upsampling factors within a typical range, which is highly desired in real-world applications. In addition, we propose a simple yet effective training strategy to drive such a flexible ability. In addition, our method can handle non-uniformly distributed and noisy data well. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world data demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over state-of-the-art methods both quantitatively and qualitatively. | 翻訳日:2022-09-21 03:03:52 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 変圧器の高速後処理フレームワーク A Fast Post-Training Pruning Framework for Transformers ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.09656v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Woosuk Kwon, Sehoon Kim, Michael W. Mahoney, Joseph Hassoun, Kurt Keutzer, Amir Gholami | (参考訳) プルーニングは、大きなTransformerモデルの巨大な推論コストを削減する効果的な方法である。
提案フレームワークは, FLOPの最大2.0倍, 推論遅延の1.56倍の高速化を実現し, 精度1%の損失を維持した。
私たちのコードは公開されています。 Pruning is an effective way to reduce the huge inference cost of large Transformer models. However, prior work on model pruning requires retraining the model. This can add high cost and complexity to model deployment, making it difficult to use in many practical situations. To address this, we propose a fast post-training pruning framework for Transformers that does not require any retraining. Given a resource constraint and a sample dataset, our framework automatically prunes the Transformer model using structured sparsity methods. To retain high accuracy without retraining, we introduce three novel techniques: (i) a lightweight mask search algorithm that finds which heads and filters to prune based on the Fisher information; (ii) mask rearrangement that complements the search algorithm; and (iii) mask tuning that reconstructs the output activations for each layer. We apply our method to BERT-BASE and DistilBERT, and we evaluate its effectiveness on GLUE and SQuAD benchmarks. Our framework achieves up to 2.0x reduction in FLOPs and 1.56x speedup in inference latency, while maintaining < 1% loss in accuracy. Importantly, our framework prunes Transformers in less than 3 minutes on a single GPU, which is over two orders of magnitude faster than existing pruning approaches that retrain. Our code is publicly available. | 翻訳日:2022-04-24 16:47:34 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 人間の作業記憶、心的イメージ、精神的連続性をシミュレートする人工知能ソフトウェア Artificial Intelligence Software Structured to Simulate Human Working Memory, Mental Imagery, and Mental Continuity ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05138v1 ) ライセンス: CC0 1.0 | Jared Edward Reser | (参考訳) 本稿では,人間の作業記憶システムと,それを反復的に更新する方法をシミュレートする人工知能(AI)アーキテクチャを提案する。
本稿では,このアーキテクチャが協調表現の分布を段階的に変化させ,最終的に処理状態間の精神的な連続性をもたらし,人間のような認知に繋がる方法について考察する。 This article presents an artificial intelligence (AI) architecture intended to simulate the human working memory system as well as the manner in which it is updated iteratively. It features several interconnected neural networks designed to emulate the specialized modules of the cerebral cortex. These are structured hierarchically and integrated into a global workspace. They are capable of temporarily maintaining high-level patterns akin to the psychological items maintained in working memory. This maintenance is made possible by persistent neural activity in the form of two modalities: sustained neural firing (resulting in a focus of attention) and synaptic potentiation (resulting in a short-term store). This persistent activity is updated iteratively resulting in incremental changes to the content of the working memory system. As the content stored in working memory gradually evolves, successive states overlap and are continuous with one another. The present article will explore how this architecture can lead to gradual shift in the distribution of coactive representations, ultimately leading to mental continuity between processing states, and thus to human-like cognition. | 翻訳日:2022-04-17 08:56:28 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 文BERTに基づくウィキペディアによる世界規模の都市交通型予測 Worldwide city transport typology prediction with sentence-BERT based supervised learning via Wikipedia ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05193v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Srushti Rath and Joseph Y.J. Chow | (参考訳) 世界の人口の圧倒的多数が都市部や都市に住んでいる。
そこで本研究では, 数百個のラベル付きサンプルを用いても, 都市タイポロジーラベルの教師あり学習を可能にするwikipediaページを用いた低次元都市表現手法を提案する。
渋滞; 混雑; 混雑; 混雑
交通・都市計画分野の多様な利害関係者を支援するとともに、wikipedia(または同様のプラットフォーム)からテキストベースの情報をその分野のデータソースとして利用するための新たな機会を開拓する。 An overwhelming majority of the world's human population lives in urban areas and cities. Understanding a city's transportation typology is immensely valuable for planners and policy makers whose decisions can potentially impact millions of city residents. Despite the value of understanding a city's typology, labeled data (city and it's typology) is scarce, and spans at most a few hundred cities in the current transportation literature. To break this barrier, we propose a supervised machine learning approach to predict a city's typology given the information in its Wikipedia page. Our method leverages recent breakthroughs in natural language processing, namely sentence-BERT, and shows how the text-based information from Wikipedia can be effectively used as a data source for city typology prediction tasks that can be applied to over 2000 cities worldwide. We propose a novel method for low-dimensional city representation using a city's Wikipedia page, which makes supervised learning of city typology labels tractable even with a few hundred labeled samples. These features are used with labeled city samples to train binary classifiers (logistic regression) for four different city typologies: (i) congestion, (ii) auto-heavy, (iii) transit-heavy, and (iv) bike-friendly cities resulting in reasonably high AUC scores of 0.87, 0.86, 0.61 and 0.94 respectively. Our approach provides sufficient flexibility for incorporating additional variables in the city typology models and can be applied to study other city typologies as well. Our findings can assist a diverse group of stakeholders in transportation and urban planning fields, and opens up new opportunities for using text-based information from Wikipedia (or similar platforms) as data sources in such fields. | 翻訳日:2022-04-17 07:05:14 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 4Weed Dataset: 注釈付き画像雑草データセット 4Weed Dataset: Annotated Imagery Weeds Dataset ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00080v1 ) ライセンス: CC0 1.0 | Varun Aggarwal, Aanis Ahmad, Aaron Etienne, Dharmendra Saraswat | (参考訳) 雑草は作物にとって大きな脅威であり、世界中の収穫量を減らす責任がある。
(https://osf.io/w9v3j/) Weeds are a major threat to crops and are responsible for reducing crop yield worldwide. To mitigate their negative effect, it is advantageous to accurately identify them early in the season to prevent their spread throughout the field. Traditionally, farmers rely on manually scouting fields and applying herbicides for different weeds. However, it is easy to confuse between crops with weeds during the early growth stages. Recently, deep learning-based weed identification has become popular as deep learning relies on convolutional neural networks that are capable of learning important distinguishable features between weeds and crops. However, training robust deep learning models requires access to large imagery datasets. Therefore, an early-season weeds dataset was acquired under field conditions. The dataset consists of 159 Cocklebur images, 139 Foxtail images, 170 Redroot Pigweed images and 150 Giant Ragweed images corresponding to four common weed species found in corn and soybean production systems.. Bounding box annotations were created for each image to prepare the dataset for training both image classification and object detection deep learning networks capable of accurately locating and identifying weeds within corn and soybean fields. (https://osf.io/w9v3j/) | 翻訳日:2022-04-10 12:08:39 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 量子ニューラルネットワーク(QNN)を用いたNEQR処理された古典画像の分類 Classification of NEQR Processed Classical Images using Quantum Neural Networks (QNN) ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.02797v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Santanu Ganguly | (参考訳) 量子ニューラルネットワーク(QNN)は現在、トレーニング可能な連続パラメータを持つ任意の量子回路として解釈されている。
現在、我々のおもちゃの古典的データセットの縮小画像サイズであっても、NEQRの実行に必要な回路深度をサポートする実際の量子コンピューティングハードウェアプラットフォームは存在しない。 A quantum neural network (QNN) is interpreted today as any quantum circuit with trainable continuous parameters. This work builds on previous works by the authors and addresses QNN for image classification with Novel Enhanced Quantum Representation of (NEQR) processed classical data where Principal component analysis (PCA) and Projected Quantum Kernel features (PQK) were investigated previously by the authors as a path to quantum advantage for the same classical dataset. For each of these cases the Fashion-MNIST dataset was downscaled using PCA to convert into quantum data where the classical NN easily outperformed the QNN. However, we demonstrated quantum advantage by using PQK where quantum models achieved more than ~90% accuracy surpassing their classical counterpart on the same training dataset as in the first case. In this current work, we use the same dataset fed into a QNN and compare that with performance of a classical NN model. We built an NEQR model circuit to pre-process the same data and feed the images into the QNN. Our results showed marginal improvements (only about ~5.0%) where the QNN performance with NEQR exceeded the performance of QNN without NEQR. We conclude that given the computational cost and the massive circuit depth associated with running NEQR, the advantage offered by this specific Quantum Image Processing (QIMP) algorithm is questionable at least for classical image dataset. No actual quantum computing hardware platform exists today that can support the circuit depth needed to run NEQR even for the reduced image sizes of our toy classical dataset. | 翻訳日:2022-04-10 12:05:38 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 音声認識に必要なものは1つのスピーカーだけだ A single speaker is almost all you need for automatic speech recognition ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00618v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Edresson Casanova, Christopher Shulby, Alexander Korolev, Arnaldo Candido Junior, Anderson da Silva Soares, Sandra Alu\'isio and Moacir Antonelli Ponti | (参考訳) 対象言語に1つの話者しか持たないシナリオにおいて、自動音声認識(ASR)システムのための拡張データセットに適用した音声合成と音声変換の利用について検討する。
広範にわたる実験により,本手法は最先端のSOTA (State-of-the-art) と比較して結果が得られ,音声合成/音声変換モデルトレーニングにおいて対象言語に1人の話者しか必要としないことを示す。
最後に,ASRモデルのトレーニングにおける有望な結果が,データ拡張法と,異なるターゲット言語における1つの実話者のみを用いて得られることを示す。 We explore the use of speech synthesis and voice conversion applied to augment datasets for automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems, in scenarios with only one speaker available for the target language. Through extensive experiments, we show that our approach achieves results compared to the state-of-the-art (SOTA) and requires only one speaker in the target language during speech synthesis/voice conversion model training. Finally, we show that it is possible to obtain promising results in the training of an ASR model with our data augmentation method and only a single real speaker in different target languages. | 翻訳日:2022-04-10 11:14:11 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 単眼深度推定はセマンティックセグメンテーションの分類よりも事前訓練が優れているか? Does Monocular Depth Estimation Provide Better Pre-training than Classification for Semantic Segmentation? ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13987v2 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Dong Lao, Alex Wong and Stefano Soatto | (参考訳) セマンティックセグメンテーションのためのディープニューラルネットワークのトレーニングは、労力を要するため、別のタスクのために事前トレーニングし、小さな注釈付きデータセットで微調整するのが一般的です。
解析的検証は難易度が高いため,分類に基づく事前学習よりも5.7% mIoU と4.1% の精度を向上する事前学習スキームを導入することにより,仮説を実証的に検証する。
その目的のために,kitti (outdoor) と nyu-v2 (indoor) ベンチマークを用い,既存の非教師なし,自己教師なし,半教師なしの事前学習プロトコルに関する提案手法の利点と限界について幅広い議論を行った。 Training a deep neural network for semantic segmentation is labor-intensive, so it is common to pre-train it for a different task, and then fine-tune it with a small annotated dataset. State-of-the-art methods use image classification for pre-training, which introduces uncontrolled biases. We test the hypothesis that depth estimation from unlabeled videos may provide better pre-training. Despite the absence of any semantic information, we argue that estimating scene geometry is closer to the task of semantic segmentation than classifying whole images into semantic classes. Since analytical validation is intractable, we test the hypothesis empirically by introducing a pre-training scheme that yields an improvement of 5.7% mIoU and 4.1% pixel accuracy over classification-based pre-training. While annotation is not needed for pre-training, it is needed for testing the hypothesis. We use the KITTI (outdoor) and NYU-V2 (indoor) benchmarks to that end, and provide an extensive discussion of the benefits and limitations of the proposed scheme in relation to existing unsupervised, self-supervised, and semi-supervised pre-training protocols. | 翻訳日:2022-04-03 02:49:12 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 深いAUROC最適化のベンチマーク: 損失関数とアルゴリズムの選択 Benchmarking Deep AUROC Optimization: Loss Functions and Algorithmic Choices ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14177v2 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Dixian Zhu, Xiaodong Wu, Tianbao Yang | (参考訳) ROC曲線(AUROC)の下の領域は、不均衡な分類に積極的に適用され、さらに深層学習技術と組み合わせられている。
本研究は, 対損失と複合損失の2つのカテゴリにおいて, 合計10個の損失関数を含む損失関数について検討する。
主な発見は次のとおりである: 高い正のサンプリングレートはAUROCの最大化に有用であり、異なるデータセットは正規化の重みを好み、シグモイドや$\ell_2$スコア正規化のような適切な正規化技術はモデル性能を向上させる。
以上の結果から,adam型手法はトレーニングの観点からは競争力が高いが,テストの観点からは他の手法よりも優れていないことが示された。 The area under the ROC curve (AUROC) has been vigorously applied for imbalanced classification and moreover combined with deep learning techniques. However, there is no existing work that provides sound information for peers to choose appropriate deep AUROC maximization techniques. In this work, we fill this gap from three aspects. (i) We benchmark a variety of loss functions with different algorithmic choices for deep AUROC optimization problem. We study the loss functions in two categories: pairwise loss and composite loss, which includes a total of 10 loss functions. Interestingly, we find composite loss, as an innovative loss function class, shows more competitive performance than pairwise loss from both training convergence and testing generalization perspectives. Nevertheless, data with more corrupted labels favors a pairwise symmetric loss. (ii) Moreover, we benchmark and highlight the essential algorithmic choices such as positive sampling rate, regularization, normalization/activation, and optimizers. Key findings include: higher positive sampling rate is likely to be beneficial for deep AUROC maximization; different datasets favors different weights of regularizations; appropriate normalization techniques, such as sigmoid and $\ell_2$ score normalization, could improve model performance. (iii) For optimization aspect, we benchmark SGD-type, Momentum-type, and Adam-type optimizers for both pairwise and composite loss. Our findings show that although Adam-type method is more competitive from training perspective, but it does not outperform others from testing perspective. | 翻訳日:2022-04-02 23:27:58 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 映像領域にまたがる音声適応行動認識 Audio-Adaptive Activity Recognition Across Video Domains ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14240v2 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Yunhua Zhang, Hazel Doughty, Ling Shao, Cees G. M. Snoek | (参考訳) 本稿では,例えば景色の変化やカメラの視点の変化など,領域シフト下での活動認識について検討する。
このデータセットの実験では、EPIC-KitchensとCharadesEgoが我々のアプローチの有効性を示している。 This paper strives for activity recognition under domain shift, for example caused by change of scenery or camera viewpoint. The leading approaches reduce the shift in activity appearance by adversarial training and self-supervised learning. Different from these vision-focused works we leverage activity sounds for domain adaptation as they have less variance across domains and can reliably indicate which activities are not happening. We propose an audio-adaptive encoder and associated learning methods that discriminatively adjust the visual feature representation as well as addressing shifts in the semantic distribution. To further eliminate domain-specific features and include domain-invariant activity sounds for recognition, an audio-infused recognizer is proposed, which effectively models the cross-modal interaction across domains. We also introduce the new task of actor shift, with a corresponding audio-visual dataset, to challenge our method with situations where the activity appearance changes dramatically. Experiments on this dataset, EPIC-Kitchens and CharadesEgo show the effectiveness of our approach. | 翻訳日:2022-04-02 20:35:59 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 自己教師付き対応学習のための位置認識型映像間再構成 Locality-Aware Inter-and Intra-Video Reconstruction for Self-Supervised Correspondence Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14333v2 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Liulei Li, Tianfei Zhou, Wenguan Wang, Lu Yang, Jianwu Li, Yi Yang | (参考訳) 私たちの目標は、ラベルのないビデオから視覚的対応を学ぶことです。
学習された表現は、オブジェクト、意味部分、キーポイントを含むラベル伝搬タスクの自己教師あり状態を超える。 Our target is to learn visual correspondence from unlabeled videos. We develop LIIR, a locality-aware inter-and intra-video reconstruction framework that fills in three missing pieces, i.e., instance discrimination, location awareness, and spatial compactness, of self-supervised correspondence learning puzzle. First, instead of most existing efforts focusing on intra-video self-supervision only, we exploit cross video affinities as extra negative samples within a unified, inter-and intra-video reconstruction scheme. This enables instance discriminative representation learning by contrasting desired intra-video pixel association against negative inter-video correspondence. Second, we merge position information into correspondence matching, and design a position shifting strategy to remove the side-effect of position encoding during inter-video affinity computation, making our LIIR location-sensitive. Third, to make full use of the spatial continuity nature of video data, we impose a compactness-based constraint on correspondence matching, yielding more sparse and reliable solutions. The learned representation surpasses self-supervised state-of-the-arts on label propagation tasks including objects, semantic parts, and keypoints. | 翻訳日:2022-04-02 18:09:00 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 階層的セマンティックセマンティックセグメンテーション Deep Hierarchical Semantic Segmentation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14335v2 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Liulei Li, Tianfei Zhou, Wenguan Wang, Jianwu Li, Yi Yang | (参考訳) 人間は観察において構造化された関係を認識することができ、複雑なシーンをより単純な部分に分解し、視覚世界を複数のレベルで抽象化することができる。
一 既存の階層に依存しないセグメンテーションネットワークをHSS設定に効率的に適応する方法及び
二 階層情報を利用してHSSネットワーク学習を正規化する方法。
i) HSSN は HSS を画素単位のマルチラベル分類タスクとして直接キャストし、現在のセグメンテーションモデルに最小限のアーキテクチャ変更をもたらす。
我々は,4つのセマンティックセグメンテーションデータセット(Mapillary Vistas 2.0,Cityscapes,LIP,PASCAL-Person-Part)について,クラス階層,セグメンテーションネットワークアーキテクチャ,バックボーンを用いて実験を行い,HSSNの一般化と優位性を示した。 Humans are able to recognize structured relations in observation, allowing us to decompose complex scenes into simpler parts and abstract the visual world in multiple levels. However, such hierarchical reasoning ability of human perception remains largely unexplored in current literature of semantic segmentation. Existing work is often aware of flatten labels and predicts target classes exclusively for each pixel. In this paper, we instead address hierarchical semantic segmentation (HSS), which aims at structured, pixel-wise description of visual observation in terms of a class hierarchy. We devise HSSN, a general HSS framework that tackles two critical issues in this task: i) how to efficiently adapt existing hierarchy-agnostic segmentation networks to the HSS setting, and ii) how to leverage the hierarchy information to regularize HSS network learning. To address i), HSSN directly casts HSS as a pixel-wise multi-label classification task, only bringing minimal architecture change to current segmentation models. To solve ii), HSSN first explores inherent properties of the hierarchy as a training objective, which enforces segmentation predictions to obey the hierarchy structure. Further, with hierarchy-induced margin constraints, HSSN reshapes the pixel embedding space, so as to generate well-structured pixel representations and improve segmentation eventually. We conduct experiments on four semantic segmentation datasets (i.e., Mapillary Vistas 2.0, Cityscapes, LIP, and PASCAL-Person-Part), with different class hierarchies, segmentation network architectures and backbones, showing the generalization and superiority of HSSN. | 翻訳日:2022-04-02 17:25:27 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 化学応用のための既知の実験および設計制約を伴うベイズ最適化 Bayesian optimization with known experimental and design constraints for chemistry applications ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.17241v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Riley J. Hickman, Matteo Aldeghi, Florian H\"ase, Al\'an Aspuru-Guzik | (参考訳) ベイジアン最適化のような機械学習によって駆動される最適化戦略は、従来の実験設計の代替として、実験科学で研究されている。
開発されたツールは、既知の実験的な制約でモデルベースの最適化を可能にするためのシンプルで汎用的な戦略を構成しており、科学的発見のための自律プラットフォームの中核コンポーネントとしての適用性に貢献している。 Optimization strategies driven by machine learning, such as Bayesian optimization, are being explored across experimental sciences as an efficient alternative to traditional design of experiment. When combined with automated laboratory hardware and high-performance computing, these strategies enable next-generation platforms for autonomous experimentation. However, the practical application of these approaches is hampered by a lack of flexible software and algorithms tailored to the unique requirements of chemical research. One such aspect is the pervasive presence of constraints in the experimental conditions when optimizing chemical processes or protocols, and in the chemical space that is accessible when designing functional molecules or materials. Although many of these constraints are known a priori, they can be interdependent, non-linear, and result in non-compact optimization domains. In this work, we extend our experiment planning algorithms Phoenics and Gryffin such that they can handle arbitrary known constraints via an intuitive and flexible interface. We benchmark these extended algorithms on continuous and discrete test functions with a diverse set of constraints, demonstrating their flexibility and robustness. In addition, we illustrate their practical utility in two simulated chemical research scenarios: the optimization of the synthesis of o-xylenyl Buckminsterfullerene adducts under constrained flow conditions, and the design of redox active molecules for flow batteries under synthetic accessibility constraints. The tools developed constitute a simple, yet versatile strategy to enable model-based optimization with known experimental constraints, contributing to its applicability as a core component of autonomous platforms for scientific discovery. | 翻訳日:2022-04-02 15:06:18 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 最適制御理論によるネステロフ加速度勾配アルゴリズムの導出 A Derivation of Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient Algorithm from Optimal Control Theory ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.17226v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | I. M. Ross | (参考訳) ネステロフの加速勾配アルゴリズムは第一原理から導かれる。
この文脈では、この結果はアルゴリズムを取り巻く謎を解く。 Nesterov's accelerated gradient algorithm is derived from first principles. The first principles are founded on the recently-developed optimal control theory for optimization. This theory frames an optimization problem as an optimal control problem whose trajectories generate various continuous-time algorithms. The algorithmic trajectories satisfy the necessary conditions for optimal control. The necessary conditions produce a controllable dynamical system for accelerated optimization. Stabilizing this system via a quadratic control Lyapunov function generates an ordinary differential equation. An Euler discretization of the resulting differential equation produces Nesterov's algorithm. In this context, this result solves the purported mystery surrounding the algorithm. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 16:54:49 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 対向攻撃に対するasrモデルの最近の改善 Recent improvements of ASR models in the face of adversarial attacks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16536v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Raphael Olivier, Bhiksha Raj | (参考訳) ニューラルネットワークを含む他の多くのタスクと同様に、音声認識モデルは敵の攻撃に対して脆弱である。
当社はソースコードをパッケージとしてリリースし、攻撃や防御に関する今後の研究を支援する予定です。 Like many other tasks involving neural networks, Speech Recognition models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. However recent research has pointed out differences between attacks and defenses on ASR models compared to image models. Improving the robustness of ASR models requires a paradigm shift from evaluating attacks on one or a few models to a systemic approach in evaluation. We lay the ground for such research by evaluating on various architectures a representative set of adversarial attacks: targeted and untargeted, optimization and speech processing-based, white-box, black-box and targeted attacks. Our results show that the relative strengths of different attack algorithms vary considerably when changing the model architecture, and that the results of some attacks are not to be blindly trusted. They also indicate that training choices such as self-supervised pretraining can significantly impact robustness by enabling transferable perturbations. We release our source code as a package that should help future research in evaluating their attacks and defenses. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 15:14:54 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# スマートセンサを用いたエネルギー分散のための高効率局所性変圧器 Efficient Localness Transformer for Smart Sensor-Based Energy Disaggregation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16537v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhenrui Yue, Huimin Zeng, Ziyi Kou, Lanyu Shang, Dong Wang | (参考訳) 現代のスマートセンサベースのエネルギー管理システムは、非侵入負荷監視(NILM)を利用して、アプライアンス負荷分布をリアルタイムで予測し、最適化する。
NILM(エネルギ・デアグリゲーション、英: Energy disaggregation)は、集約された電力信号(すなわちメインチャネル上のスマートセンサー)に条件付けられた電力使用量の分解である。
しかしながら、トランスはO(l^2) の複雑さのため効率が良くない。
我々の知る限り、ELTransformer は NILM における計算複雑性と局所性モデリングに対処する最初の NILM モデルである。
広範な実験と定量的解析により,提案するeltransformerの効率と有効性が,最先端のベースラインと比較して大幅に向上した。 Modern smart sensor-based energy management systems leverage non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) to predict and optimize appliance load distribution in real-time. NILM, or energy disaggregation, refers to the decomposition of electricity usage conditioned on the aggregated power signals (i.e., smart sensor on the main channel). Based on real-time appliance power prediction using sensory technology, energy disaggregation has great potential to increase electricity efficiency and reduce energy expenditure. With the introduction of transformer models, NILM has achieved significant improvements in predicting device power readings. Nevertheless, transformers are less efficient due to O(l^2) complexity w.r.t. sequence length l. Moreover, transformers can fail to capture local signal patterns in sequence-to-point settings due to the lack of inductive bias in local context. In this work, we propose an efficient localness transformer for non-intrusive load monitoring (ELTransformer). Specifically, we leverage normalization functions and switch the order of matrix multiplication to approximate self-attention and reduce computational complexity. Additionally, we introduce localness modeling with sparse local attention heads and relative position encodings to enhance the model capacity in extracting short-term local patterns. To the best of our knowledge, ELTransformer is the first NILM model that addresses computational complexity and localness modeling in NILM. With extensive experiments and quantitative analyses, we demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the the proposed ELTransformer with considerable improvements compared to state-of-the-art baselines. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 14:11:00 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 機械意識と人工超知能のための計算アーキテクチャ--作業記憶の反復更新 A Computational Architecture for Machine Consciousness and Artificial Superintelligence: Updating Working Memory Iteratively ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.17255v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jared Edward Reser | (参考訳) この理論論文は、コンピュータ内で人間のような作業記憶と思考プロセスを構築する方法について検討する。
反復更新は、情報処理戦略、思考の流れの計算と神経生理学的決定式、人工知能の設計とプログラミングのためのアルゴリズムとして概念化されている。 This theoretical article examines how to construct human-like working memory and thought processes within a computer. There should be two working memory stores, one analogous to sustained firing in association cortex, and one analogous to synaptic potentiation in the cerebral cortex. These stores must be constantly updated with new representations that arise from either environmental stimulation or internal processing. They should be updated continuously, and in an iterative fashion, meaning that, in the next state, some items in the set of coactive items should always be retained. Thus, the set of concepts coactive in working memory will evolve gradually and incrementally over time. This makes each state is a revised iteration of the preceding state and causes successive states to overlap and blend with respect to the set of representations they contain. As new representations are added and old ones are subtracted, some remain active for several seconds over the course of these changes. This persistent activity, similar to that used in artificial recurrent neural networks, is used to spread activation energy throughout the global workspace to search for the next associative update. The result is a chain of associatively linked intermediate states that are capable of advancing toward a solution or goal. Iterative updating is conceptualized here as an information processing strategy, a computational and neurophysiological determinant of the stream of thought, and an algorithm for designing and programming artificial intelligence. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 13:50:53 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 5Gルーティング干渉環境 5G Routing Interfered Environment ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14790v2 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Barak Gahtan | (参考訳) 5gは次世代のセルラーネットワーク技術であり、高密度ユーザに対応するために必要となる帯域幅のクリティカルな要求を満たすことを目標としている。
Profitableは、提供されるアルゴリズムである。 5G is the next-generation cellular network technology, with the goal of meeting the critical demand for bandwidth required to accommodate a high density of users. It employs flexible architectures to accommodate the high density. 5G is enabled by mmWave communication, which operates at frequencies ranging from 30 to 300 GHz. This paper describes the design of the 5G Routing Interfered Environment (5GRIE), a python-based environment based on Gym's methods. The environment can run different algorithms to route packets with source and destination pairs using a formulated interference model. Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms that use Stable-Baselines 3, as well as heuristic-based algorithms like random or greedy, can be run on it. Profitable is an algorithm that is provided. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 10:49:13 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 画素欠落を考慮した背景/フォアグラウンド分離のための滑らかなロバストテンソル補完:収束保証付き新しいアルゴリズム Smooth Robust Tensor Completion for Background/Foreground Separation with Missing Pixels: Novel Algorithm with Convergence Guarantee ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16328v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Bo Shen, Weijun Xie and Zhenyu Kong | (参考訳) 本研究の目的は,映像取得,映像復元,背景/フォアグラウンド分離を1つのフレームワークに組み合わせることで,欠落画素と背景/フォアグラウンド分離の問題に対処することである。
テンソル近位交互最小化(tenPAM)に基づく効率的なアルゴリズムを実装し, 非常に穏やかな条件下での大域収束を保証するモデルを提案する。
実データに対する大規模な実験により,提案手法は背景・地上分離と画素不足による最先端の手法を著しく上回ることを示した。 The objective of this study is to address the problem of background/foreground separation with missing pixels by combining the video acquisition, video recovery, background/foreground separation into a single framework. To achieve this, a smooth robust tensor completion (SRTC) model is proposed to recover the data and decompose it into the static background and smooth foreground, respectively. Specifically, the static background is modeled by the low-rank tucker decomposition and the smooth foreground (moving objects) is modeled by the spatiotemporal continuity, which is enforced by the total variation regularization. An efficient algorithm based on tensor proximal alternating minimization (tenPAM) is implemented to solve the proposed model with global convergence guarantee under very mild conditions. Extensive experiments on real data demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches for background/foreground separation with missing pixels. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 07:57:31 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 視覚トランスフォーマのパラメータ効率の良い微調整 Parameter-efficient Fine-tuning for Vision Transformers ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16329v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Xuehai He, Chunyuan Li, Pengchuan Zhang, Jianwei Yang, Xin Eric Wang | (参考訳) コンピュータビジョンでは、大規模な事前訓練された視覚モデル(ビジョントランスフォーマーなど)を微調整で下流のタスクに適応させることに成功した。
本研究は, パラメータコストと並行して, 効率の良い微調整法について実験的に検討する。
さらに,パラメータ効率のよい微調整フレームワークを提案する。このフレームワークは,まず局所固有次元を測定して部分加群を選択し,次に新しいKronecker Adaptation法による部分空間に投影する。
本手法は,3つの画像分類データセットにおいて,精度とパラメータ効率のトレードオフの観点から最良である。 In computer vision, it has achieved great success in adapting large-scale pretrained vision models (e.g., Vision Transformer) to downstream tasks via fine-tuning. Common approaches for fine-tuning either update all model parameters or leverage linear probes. In this paper, we aim to study parameter-efficient fine-tuning strategies for Vision Transformers on vision tasks. We formulate efficient fine-tuning as a subspace training problem and perform a comprehensive benchmarking over different efficient fine-tuning methods. We conduct an empirical study on each efficient fine-tuning method focusing on its performance alongside parameter cost. Furthermore, we also propose a parameter-efficient fine-tuning framework, which first selects submodules by measuring local intrinsic dimensions and then projects them into subspace for further decomposition via a novel Kronecker Adaptation method. We analyze and compare our method with a diverse set of baseline fine-tuning methods (including state-of-the-art methods for pretrained language models). Our method performs the best in terms of the tradeoff between accuracy and parameter efficiency across three commonly used image classification datasets. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 07:56:24 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 本種等のための人工知能ブラウザアーキテクチャ(aiba)--ウェイク中立性と個人識別情報の保存- An Artificial Intelligence Browser Architecture (AIBA) For Our Kind and Others: A Voice Name System Speech implementation with two warrants, Wake Neutrality and Value Preservation of Privately Identifiable Information ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16497v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Brian Subirana | (参考訳) appleのsiriが最初に開拓した会話型コマースは、5月最初のアプリケーションで、常時オンの人工知能システムに基づいて環境と対話する時間を決め、しばしばプライベートに識別可能な情報(pii)である24x7の縦断トレーニングデータを収集する。
Google Scholarの単純な検索によると、学術論文の膨大な部分は100万のオーダーで、他のドメインで発生したようなデータセットが十分に大きい場合(GPT3など)、COVID-19や認知症を含む多くの健康状態の治療は、このデータによって大幅に改善される可能性があることを示唆している。
提案するアーキテクチャは,車からの音声サンプルの収集,自然からの映像の収集,摂取可能なロボット工学,マルチモーダル信号(EEG,EKG,...),さらには犬や猫などとの対話など,私たちの領域を超えて成長するように設計されている。 Conversational commerce, first pioneered by Apple's Siri, is the first of may applications based on always-on artificial intelligence systems that decide on its own when to interact with the environment, potentially collecting 24x7 longitudinal training data that is often Privately Identifiable Information (PII). A large body of scholarly papers, on the order of a million according to a simple Google Scholar search, suggests that the treatment of many health conditions, including COVID-19 and dementia, can be vastly improved by this data if the dataset is large enough as it has happened in other domains (e.g. GPT3). In contrast, current dominant systems are closed garden solutions without wake neutrality and that can't fully exploit the PII data they have because of IRB and Cohues-type constraints. We present a voice browser-and-server architecture that aims to address these two limitations by offering wake neutrality and the possibility to handle PII aiming to maximize its value. We have implemented this browser for the collection of speech samples and have successfully demonstrated it can capture over 200.000 samples of COVID-19 coughs. The architecture we propose is designed so it can grow beyond our kind into other domains such as collecting sound samples from vehicles, video images from nature, ingestible robotics, multi-modal signals (EEG, EKG,...), or even interacting with other kinds such as dogs and cats. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 07:41:32 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) いつ行くか、いつ探るか:本質的な動機づけにおける探索の恩恵 When to Go, and When to Explore: The Benefit of Post-Exploration in Intrinsic Motivation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16311v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Zhao Yang, Thomas M. Moerland, Mike Preuss and Aske Plaat | (参考訳) Go-Exploreは、低報酬の強化学習(RL)タスクにおいて画期的なパフォーマンスを達成した。
まとめると、我々の研究は適応後探索をRL探査研究の有望な方向として認識している。 Go-Explore achieved breakthrough performance on challenging reinforcement learning (RL) tasks with sparse rewards. The key insight of Go-Explore was that successful exploration requires an agent to first return to an interesting state ('Go'), and only then explore into unknown terrain ('Explore'). We refer to such exploration after a goal is reached as 'post-exploration'. In this paper we present a systematic study of post-exploration, answering open questions that the Go-Explore paper did not answer yet. First, we study the isolated potential of post-exploration, by turning it on and off within the same algorithm. Subsequently, we introduce new methodology to adaptively decide when to post-explore and for how long to post-explore. Experiments on a range of MiniGrid environments show that post-exploration indeed boosts performance (with a bigger impact than tuning regular exploration parameters), and this effect is further enhanced by adaptively deciding when and for how long to post-explore. In short, our work identifies adaptive post-exploration as a promising direction for RL exploration research. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 07:34:38 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 被験者の小規模データに対するゼロショットメタラーニング Zero-shot meta-learning for small-scale data from human subjects ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16309v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Julie Jiang, Kristina Lerman, Emilio Ferrara | (参考訳) 機械学習の発展はビッグデータのパフォーマンス向上に繋がる一方で、多くの被験者のデータは、実際には小さく、まばらにラベル付けされている。
代わりに、モデルは異なる分布から引き出されるかもしれないテストデータ、すなわち \textit{zero-shot learning} の予測をしなければならない。
本モデルは,より広い人口を対象とした小型ヒト研究の一般化に寄与する。 While developments in machine learning led to impressive performance gains on big data, many human subjects data are, in actuality, small and sparsely labeled. Existing methods applied to such data often do not easily generalize to out-of-sample subjects. Instead, models must make predictions on test data that may be drawn from a different distribution, a problem known as \textit{zero-shot learning}. To address this challenge, we develop an end-to-end framework using a meta-learning approach, which enables the model to rapidly adapt to a new prediction task with limited training data for out-of-sample test data. We use three real-world small-scale human subjects datasets (two randomized control studies and one observational study), for which we predict treatment outcomes for held-out treatment groups. Our model learns the latent treatment effects of each intervention and, by design, can naturally handle multi-task predictions. We show that our model performs the best holistically for each held-out group and especially when the test group is distinctly different from the training group. Our model has implications for improved generalization of small-size human studies to the wider population. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 07:22:20 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) LinkBERT: ドキュメントリンクによる言語モデルの事前トレーニング LinkBERT: Pretraining Language Models with Document Links ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15827v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Michihiro Yasunaga, Jure Leskovec, Percy Liang | (参考訳) 言語モデル(LM)事前学習はテキストコーパスから様々な知識を学び、下流のタスクを支援する。
リンクバートは、一般ドメイン(wikipediaでハイパーリンクをプリトレーニング)と生物医学ドメイン(pubmed with citation linksでプリトレーニング)の2つのドメインにわたる様々な下流タスクでbertを上回っている。
トレーニング済みのLinkBERTとBioLinkBERT、およびhttps://github.com/michiyasunaga/LinkBERTのコードとデータをリリースします。 Language model (LM) pretraining can learn various knowledge from text corpora, helping downstream tasks. However, existing methods such as BERT model a single document, and do not capture dependencies or knowledge that span across documents. In this work, we propose LinkBERT, an LM pretraining method that leverages links between documents, e.g., hyperlinks. Given a text corpus, we view it as a graph of documents and create LM inputs by placing linked documents in the same context. We then pretrain the LM with two joint self-supervised objectives: masked language modeling and our new proposal, document relation prediction. We show that LinkBERT outperforms BERT on various downstream tasks across two domains: the general domain (pretrained on Wikipedia with hyperlinks) and biomedical domain (pretrained on PubMed with citation links). LinkBERT is especially effective for multi-hop reasoning and few-shot QA (+5% absolute improvement on HotpotQA and TriviaQA), and our biomedical LinkBERT sets new states of the art on various BioNLP tasks (+7% on BioASQ and USMLE). We release our pretrained models, LinkBERT and BioLinkBERT, as well as code and data at https://github.com/michiyasunaga/LinkBERT. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 07:04:11 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 感情分析のためのポーズと真正な顔動作を両立した脳波に基づくマルチモーダル感情データベース An EEG-Based Multi-Modal Emotion Database with Both Posed and Authentic Facial Actions for Emotion Analysis ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15829v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Xiaotian Li, Xiang Zhang, Huiyuan Yang, Wenna Duan, Weiying Dai and Lijun Yin | (参考訳) 感情は、生理的、行動的、認知的な変化とともに、特定の生理的活動パターンに関連する経験である。
データベースは研究コミュニティに公開され、自動感情認識のための最先端の技術を推進します。 Emotion is an experience associated with a particular pattern of physiological activity along with different physiological, behavioral and cognitive changes. One behavioral change is facial expression, which has been studied extensively over the past few decades. Facial behavior varies with a person's emotion according to differences in terms of culture, personality, age, context, and environment. In recent years, physiological activities have been used to study emotional responses. A typical signal is the electroencephalogram (EEG), which measures brain activity. Most of existing EEG-based emotion analysis has overlooked the role of facial expression changes. There exits little research on the relationship between facial behavior and brain signals due to the lack of dataset measuring both EEG and facial action signals simultaneously. To address this problem, we propose to develop a new database by collecting facial expressions, action units, and EEGs simultaneously. We recorded the EEGs and face videos of both posed facial actions and spontaneous expressions from 29 participants with different ages, genders, ethnic backgrounds. Differing from existing approaches, we designed a protocol to capture the EEG signals by evoking participants' individual action units explicitly. We also investigated the relation between the EEG signals and facial action units. As a baseline, the database has been evaluated through the experiments on both posed and spontaneous emotion recognition with images alone, EEG alone, and EEG fused with images, respectively. The database will be released to the research community to advance the state of the art for automatic emotion recognition. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 06:36:14 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) acr損失:適応座標に基づく顔アライメントの回帰損失 ACR Loss: Adaptive Coordinate-based Regression Loss for Face Alignment ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15835v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Ali Pourramezan Fard, Mohammah H. Mahoor | (参考訳) ディープニューラルネットワークは、顔のアライメントを解決する上で妥当な精度を実現していますが、特に顔画像、オクルージョン、極端な頭部ポーズを扱う場合には、依然として難しい作業です。
熱マップ型回帰 (hbr) と座標型回帰 (cbr) は, 主に顔アライメントの手法である。
Active Shape Model (ASM) にインスパイアされ, 顔のランドマーク点の集合であるSmooth-Faceオブジェクトを生成する。
本研究は,様々な顔画像における顔のランドマークポイントの予測における acr 損失の可能性を広範囲に評価した。 Although deep neural networks have achieved reasonable accuracy in solving face alignment, it is still a challenging task, specifically when we deal with facial images, under occlusion, or extreme head poses. Heatmap-based Regression (HBR) and Coordinate-based Regression (CBR) are among the two mainly used methods for face alignment. CBR methods require less computer memory, though their performance is less than HBR methods. In this paper, we propose an Adaptive Coordinate-based Regression (ACR) loss to improve the accuracy of CBR for face alignment. Inspired by the Active Shape Model (ASM), we generate Smooth-Face objects, a set of facial landmark points with less variations compared to the ground truth landmark points. We then introduce a method to estimate the level of difficulty in predicting each landmark point for the network by comparing the distribution of the ground truth landmark points and the corresponding Smooth-Face objects. Our proposed ACR Loss can adaptively modify its curvature and the influence of the loss based on the difficulty level of predicting each landmark point in a face. Accordingly, the ACR Loss guides the network toward challenging points than easier points, which improves the accuracy of the face alignment task. Our extensive evaluation shows the capabilities of the proposed ACR Loss in predicting facial landmark points in various facial images. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 06:24:51 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) トポロジカル体験リプレイ Topological Experience Replay ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15845v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Zhang-Wei Hong, Tao Chen, Yen-Chen Lin, Joni Pajarinen, Pulkit Agrawal | (参考訳) 最先端のディープq-learningメソッドは、experience replayバッファからサンプリングされた状態遷移タプルを使用して、q値を更新する。
提案手法は,訓練経験のバッチを多く消費し,画像などの高次元観測データから操作するベースラインよりも優れている。 State-of-the-art deep Q-learning methods update Q-values using state transition tuples sampled from the experience replay buffer. This strategy often uniformly and randomly samples or prioritizes data sampling based on measures such as the temporal difference (TD) error. Such sampling strategies can be inefficient at learning Q-function because a state's Q-value depends on the Q-value of successor states. If the data sampling strategy ignores the precision of the Q-value estimate of the next state, it can lead to useless and often incorrect updates to the Q-values. To mitigate this issue, we organize the agent's experience into a graph that explicitly tracks the dependency between Q-values of states. Each edge in the graph represents a transition between two states by executing a single action. We perform value backups via a breadth-first search starting from that expands vertices in the graph starting from the set of terminal states and successively moving backward. We empirically show that our method is substantially more data-efficient than several baselines on a diverse range of goal-reaching tasks. Notably, the proposed method also outperforms baselines that consume more batches of training experience and operates from high-dimensional observational data such as images. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 06:02:45 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 神経慣性局在 Neural Inertial Localization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15851v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Sachini Herath, David Caruso, Chen Liu, Yufan Chen, Yasutaka Furukawa | (参考訳) 本稿では,慣性センサの連続測定から絶対位置を推定する課題である慣性局所化問題を提案する。
我々はNILOC(Neural Inertial Localization)と呼ばれるソリューションを開発した。
2) 変圧器に基づくニューラルアーキテクチャを用いて、速度列からデバイスの位置を検出する。
コード、モデル、データをhttps://sachini.github.io/nilocで共有しています。 This paper proposes the inertial localization problem, the task of estimating the absolute location from a sequence of inertial sensor measurements. This is an exciting and unexplored area of indoor localization research, where we present a rich dataset with 53 hours of inertial sensor data and the associated ground truth locations. We developed a solution, dubbed neural inertial localization (NILoc) which 1) uses a neural inertial navigation technique to turn inertial sensor history to a sequence of velocity vectors; then 2) employs a transformer-based neural architecture to find the device location from the sequence of velocities. We only use an IMU sensor, which is energy efficient and privacy preserving compared to WiFi, cameras, and other data sources. Our approach is significantly faster and achieves competitive results even compared with state-of-the-art methods that require a floorplan and run 20 to 30 times slower. We share our code, model and data at https://sachini.github.io/niloc. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 05:37:54 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 3次元姿勢推定のための自己スーパービジョンとしての三角法について On Triangulation as a Form of Self-Supervision for 3D Human Pose Estimation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15865v1 ) ライセンス: CC0 1.0 | Soumava Kumar Roy, Leonardo Citraro, Sina Honari and Pascal Fua | (参考訳) ラベル付きデータが豊富である場合, 単一の画像から3次元ポーズ推定を行う手法は極めて効果的である。
また,オクルージョンを特徴とする新たなマルチプレイヤースポーツデータセットも提供し,ベースライン三角測量法よりもアルゴリズムの有効性を示す。 Supervised approaches to 3D pose estimation from single images are remarkably effective when labeled data is abundant. Therefore, much of the recent attention has shifted towards semi and (or) weakly supervised learning. Generating an effective form of supervision with little annotations still poses major challenges in crowded scenes. However, since it is easy to observe a scene from multiple cameras, we propose to impose multi-view geometrical constraints by means of a differentiable triangulation and to use it as form of self-supervision during training when no labels are available. We therefore train a 2D pose estimator in such a way that its predictions correspond to the re-projection of the triangulated 3D one and train an auxiliary network on them to produce the final 3D poses. We complement the triangulation with a weighting mechanism that nullify the impact of noisy predictions caused by self-occlusion or occlusion from other subjects. Our experimental results on Human3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHP substantiate the significance of our weighting strategy where we obtain state-of-the-art results in the semi and weakly supervised learning setup. We also contribute a new multi-player sports dataset that features occlusion, and show the effectiveness of our algorithm over baseline triangulation methods. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 05:29:36 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 文脈記述からの画像検索 Image Retrieval from Contextual Descriptions ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15867v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Benno Krojer, Vaibhav Adlakha, Vibhav Vineet, Yash Goyal, Edoardo Ponti, Siva Reddy | (参考訳) 知覚的および時間的手がかりを含む文脈を統合する能力は、言語的発話の意味を基礎付ける上で重要な役割を果たす。
現在のビジョン・アンド・ランゲージモデルがこの能力をどの程度習得しているかを測定するために、新しいマルチモーダルチャレンジである Image Retrieval from Contextual Descriptions (ImageCoDe) を考案した。
ImageCoDEは、モデルにきめ細かい視覚的違いに焦点を合わせることで、基礎言語理解の進歩を促進することを願っています。 The ability to integrate context, including perceptual and temporal cues, plays a pivotal role in grounding the meaning of a linguistic utterance. In order to measure to what extent current vision-and-language models master this ability, we devise a new multimodal challenge, Image Retrieval from Contextual Descriptions (ImageCoDe). In particular, models are tasked with retrieving the correct image from a set of 10 minimally contrastive candidates based on a contextual description. As such, each description contains only the details that help distinguish between images. Because of this, descriptions tend to be complex in terms of syntax and discourse and require drawing pragmatic inferences. Images are sourced from both static pictures and video frames. We benchmark several state-of-the-art models, including both cross-encoders such as ViLBERT and bi-encoders such as CLIP, on ImageCoDe. Our results reveal that these models dramatically lag behind human performance: the best variant achieves an accuracy of 20.9 on video frames and 59.4 on static pictures, compared with 90.8 in humans. Furthermore, we experiment with new model variants that are better equipped to incorporate visual and temporal context into their representations, which achieve modest gains. Our hope is that ImageCoDE will foster progress in grounded language understanding by encouraging models to focus on fine-grained visual differences. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 05:28:33 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) シーケンス・ツー・シークエンス音声変換の概観と解析 An Overview & Analysis of Sequence-to-Sequence Emotional Voice Conversion ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15873v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Zijiang Yang, Xin Jing, Andreas Triantafyllopoulos, Meishu Song, Ilhan Aslan, Bj\"orn W. Schuller | (参考訳) 感情音声変換(EVC)は、ソースからターゲットの感情への発話を変換することに焦点を当てている。
この新たな方向性のさらなる研究を刺激するために,最近のsequence-to-sequence evc論文を,モチベーション,トレーニング戦略,モデルアーキテクチャ,データセット,モデル入力,評価方法という6つの視点から体系的に調査・レビューした。
最後に,sequence-to-sequence evcの課題について述べる。 Emotional voice conversion (EVC) focuses on converting a speech utterance from a source to a target emotion; it can thus be a key enabling technology for human-computer interaction applications and beyond. However, EVC remains an unsolved research problem with several challenges. In particular, as speech rate and rhythm are two key factors of emotional conversion, models have to generate output sequences of differing length. Sequence-to-sequence modelling is recently emerging as a competitive paradigm for models that can overcome those challenges. In an attempt to stimulate further research in this promising new direction, recent sequence-to-sequence EVC papers were systematically investigated and reviewed from six perspectives: their motivation, training strategies, model architectures, datasets, model inputs, and evaluation methods. This information is organised to provide the research community with an easily digestible overview of the current state-of-the-art. Finally, we discuss existing challenges of sequence-to-sequence EVC. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 05:10:09 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) ラベルなしでLiDARスキャンから移動物体を検出する学習 Learning to Detect Mobile Objects from LiDAR Scans Without Labels ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15882v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Yurong You, Katie Z Luo, Cheng Perng Phoo, Wei-Lun Chao, Wen Sun, Bharath Hariharan, Mark Campbell, Kilian Q. Weinberger | (参考訳) 現在の3dオブジェクト検出器は、ほぼ完全に人間の注釈データに基づいて訓練されている。
これらのシードラベルは、人間の注釈付きラベルなしで繰り返し自己学習を行うことで、驚くほど正確な検出器をブートストラップするのに非常に効果的であることを示す。 Current 3D object detectors for autonomous driving are almost entirely trained on human-annotated data. Although of high quality, the generation of such data is laborious and costly, restricting them to a few specific locations and object types. This paper proposes an alternative approach entirely based on unlabeled data, which can be collected cheaply and in abundance almost everywhere on earth. Our approach leverages several simple common sense heuristics to create an initial set of approximate seed labels. For example, relevant traffic participants are generally not persistent across multiple traversals of the same route, do not fly, and are never under ground. We demonstrate that these seed labels are highly effective to bootstrap a surprisingly accurate detector through repeated self-training without a single human annotated label. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 04:56:26 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 重み付き有限状態トランスデューサの浅い融合とテキスト正規化のための言語モデル Shallow Fusion of Weighted Finite-State Transducer and Language Model for Text Normalization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15917v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Evelina Bakhturina, Yang Zhang, Boris Ginsburg | (参考訳) テキスト正規化(TN)システムは主に、重み付き有限状態トランスデューサ(WFST)を用いたルールベースである。
既存の最先端のTNモデルと同等またはより良い結果が得られる。 Text normalization (TN) systems in production are largely rule-based using weighted finite-state transducers (WFST). However, WFST-based systems struggle with ambiguous input when the normalized form is context-dependent. On the other hand, neural text normalization systems can take context into account but they suffer from unrecoverable errors and require labeled normalization datasets, which are hard to collect. We propose a new hybrid approach that combines the benefits of rule-based and neural systems. First, a non-deterministic WFST outputs all normalization candidates, and then a neural language model picks the best one -- similar to shallow fusion for automatic speech recognition. While the WFST prevents unrecoverable errors, the language model resolves contextual ambiguity. The approach is easy to extend and we show it is effective. It achieves comparable or better results than existing state-of-the-art TN models. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 04:33:57 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) Disentangled3D: 単眼画像から形状と外観を持つ3次元生成モデルを学ぶ Disentangled3D: Learning a 3D Generative Model with Disentangled Geometry and Appearance from Monocular Images ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15926v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Ayush Tewari, Mallikarjun B R, Xingang Pan, Ohad Fried, Maneesh Agrawala, Christian Theobalt | (参考訳) 単眼画像のデータセットから3次元生成モデルを学習することで、自己教師付き3次元推論と制御可能な合成が可能になる。
本稿では,単分子観察だけで物体の絡み合ったモデルを学ぶことができる3D GANを設計する。
本手法は, 訓練中に協調して正準体積, 変形を学習する。
この定式化は, 3次元変形場で定義される新しいポーズ正規化損失を用いて, 3次元シーンとカメラ視点の絡み合いを改善するのにも有用である。
さらに, 逆変形をモデル化し, モデルが生成する画像間の密対応の計算を可能にする。
最後に,不連続生成モデルの潜在空間に実画像を埋め込む手法を考案し,実画像の編集を可能にした。 Learning 3D generative models from a dataset of monocular images enables self-supervised 3D reasoning and controllable synthesis. State-of-the-art 3D generative models are GANs which use neural 3D volumetric representations for synthesis. Images are synthesized by rendering the volumes from a given camera. These models can disentangle the 3D scene from the camera viewpoint in any generated image. However, most models do not disentangle other factors of image formation, such as geometry and appearance. In this paper, we design a 3D GAN which can learn a disentangled model of objects, just from monocular observations. Our model can disentangle the geometry and appearance variations in the scene, i.e., we can independently sample from the geometry and appearance spaces of the generative model. This is achieved using a novel non-rigid deformable scene formulation. A 3D volume which represents an object instance is computed as a non-rigidly deformed canonical 3D volume. Our method learns the canonical volume, as well as its deformations, jointly during training. This formulation also helps us improve the disentanglement between the 3D scene and the camera viewpoints using a novel pose regularization loss defined on the 3D deformation field. In addition, we further model the inverse deformations, enabling the computation of dense correspondences between images generated by our model. Finally, we design an approach to embed real images into the latent space of our disentangled generative model, enabling editing of real images. | 翻訳日:2022-04-01 04:23:34 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 超音波画像を用いた燃焼深度分類のための深層学習モデル A deep learning model for burn depth classification using ultrasound imaging ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15879v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sangrock Lee, Rahul, James Lukan, Tatiana Boyko, Kateryna Zelenova, Basiel Makled, Conner Parsey, Jack Norfleet, and Suvranu De | (参考訳) 十分な精度で燃焼深度を特定することは難しい問題である。
本稿では, 超音波画像のテクスチャパターンとして表される皮膚の組織形態の変化に基づいて, 燃焼深度を分類する深層畳み込みニューラルネットワークを提案する。
本発明の分類器は、新発泡後ブタから得られた焼成 in situ 皮膚サンプルのBモード画像を用いて開発された。
20倍のクロスバリデーションから得られた評価値から, 臨床診断が最も困難である深部肉厚バーンを99%の精度, 98%の感度, 100%の特異性で同定できることが示唆された。
提案モデルは,広く利用可能な臨床画像装置を用いて,燃焼深度の臨床評価を支援するための臨床応用の可能性を有する。 Identification of burn depth with sufficient accuracy is a challenging problem. This paper presents a deep convolutional neural network to classify burn depth based on altered tissue morphology of burned skin manifested as texture patterns in the ultrasound images. The network first learns a low-dimensional manifold of the unburned skin images using an encoder-decoder architecture that reconstructs it from ultrasound images of burned skin. The encoder is then re-trained to classify burn depths. The encoder-decoder network is trained using a dataset comprised of B-mode ultrasound images of unburned and burned ex vivo porcine skin samples. The classifier is developed using B-mode images of burned in situ skin samples obtained from freshly euthanized postmortem pigs. The performance metrics obtained from 20-fold cross-validation show that the model can identify deep-partial thickness burns, which is the most difficult to diagnose clinically, with 99% accuracy, 98% sensitivity, and 100% specificity. The diagnostic accuracy of the classifier is further illustrated by the high area under the curve values of 0.99 and 0.95, respectively, for the receiver operating characteristic and precision-recall curves. A post hoc explanation indicates that the classifier activates the discriminative textural features in the B-mode images for burn classification. The proposed model has the potential for clinical utility in assisting the clinical assessment of burn depths using a widely available clinical imaging device. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 16:31:47 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 複雑な照明条件下での自己監督型葉分別 Self-Supervised Leaf Segmentation under Complex Lighting Conditions ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15943v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xufeng Lin, Chang-Tsun Li, Scott Adams, Abbas Kouzani, Richard Jiang, Ligang He, Yongjian Hu, Michael Vernon, Egan Doeven, Lawrence Webb, Todd Mcclellan, Adam Guskic | (参考訳) 画像に基づく植物表現型形成における必須課題として,近年,葉分画が注目されている。
異なる植物種のデータセットを用いた実験結果から,葉分画を効果的かつ一般化可能なものにするための自己監督型フレームワークの可能性が示された。 As an essential prerequisite task in image-based plant phenotyping, leaf segmentation has garnered increasing attention in recent years. While self-supervised learning is emerging as an effective alternative to various computer vision tasks, its adaptation for image-based plant phenotyping remains rather unexplored. In this work, we present a self-supervised leaf segmentation framework consisting of a self-supervised semantic segmentation model, a color-based leaf segmentation algorithm, and a self-supervised color correction model. The self-supervised semantic segmentation model groups the semantically similar pixels by iteratively referring to the self-contained information, allowing the pixels of the same semantic object to be jointly considered by the color-based leaf segmentation algorithm for identifying the leaf regions. Additionally, we propose to use a self-supervised color correction model for images taken under complex illumination conditions. Experimental results on datasets of different plant species demonstrate the potential of the proposed self-supervised framework in achieving effective and generalizable leaf segmentation. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 16:31:24 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 多数の腕を持つ無限ホリゾンレストレストバンディットの近接最適性 Near-optimality for infinite-horizon restless bandits with many arms ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15853v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xiangyu Zhang, Peter I. Frazier | (参考訳) restレスバンディット(restless bandits)は、レコメンダシステムやアクティブラーニング、収益管理などの分野におけるアプリケーションにおける重要な問題である。
しかしながら、最も一般的なアプローチであるwhitle indexでは、検証の難しいインデクサビリティ条件が明確に定義され、またo(n)$の最適性ギャップを保証するための検証の難しい条件が必要である。
ウィットル・インデックスとは異なり、流体バランスのポリシーはインデクサビリティを適切に定義する必要がなく、その$o(\sqrt{n})$ の最適性ギャップは十分条件なしで普遍的に保持される。
また,流動バランスポリシーが特定の問題に対して最先端のパフォーマンスをもたらすことを実証的に示す。 Restless bandits are an important class of problems with applications in recommender systems, active learning, revenue management and other areas. We consider infinite-horizon discounted restless bandits with many arms where a fixed proportion of arms may be pulled in each period and where arms share a finite state space. Although an average-case-optimal policy can be computed via stochastic dynamic programming, the computation required grows exponentially with the number of arms $N$. Thus, it is important to find scalable policies that can be computed efficiently for large $N$ and that are near optimal in this regime, in the sense that the optimality gap (i.e. the loss of expected performance against an optimal policy) per arm vanishes for large $N$. However, the most popular approach, the Whittle index, requires a hard-to-verify indexability condition to be well-defined and another hard-to-verify condition to guarantee a $o(N)$ optimality gap. We present a method resolving these difficulties. By replacing a global Lagrange multiplier used by the Whittle index with a sequence of Lagrangian multipliers, one per time period up to a finite truncation point, we derive a class of policies, called fluid-balance policies, that have a $O(\sqrt{N})$ optimality gap. Unlike the Whittle index, fluid-balance policies do not require indexability to be well-defined and their $O(\sqrt{N})$ optimality gap bound holds universally without sufficient conditions. We also demonstrate empirically that fluid-balance policies provide state-of-the-art performance on specific problems. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 16:24:18 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 音声認識のためのネイティブ量子化対応4ビットコンバータ 4-bit Conformer with Native Quantization Aware Training for Speech Recognition ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15952v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Shaojin Ding, Phoenix Meadowlark, Yanzhang He, Lukasz Lew, Shivani Agrawal, Oleg Rybakov | (参考訳) レイテンシとモデルサイズを減らすことは、ライブ自動音声認識(ASR)アプリケーションシナリオにおいて、常に重要な研究課題である。
提案手法を評価するために, 最先端コンフォーマーベースASRモデルに関する2つの実験を行った。
そこで本研究では,大規模データセットで学習した実用asrシステムにおける4ビット量子化の有効性を初めて検証し,フロート32モデルと比較して5倍の大きさの4ビットと8ビットの重みを混合したロスレスコンフォーメータasrモデルを作成した。 Reducing the latency and model size has always been a significant research problem for live Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) application scenarios. Along this direction, model quantization has become an increasingly popular approach to compress neural networks and reduce computation cost. Most of the existing practical ASR systems apply post-training 8-bit quantization. To achieve a higher compression rate without introducing additional performance regression, in this study, we propose to develop 4-bit ASR models with native quantization aware training, which leverages native integer operations to effectively optimize both training and inference. We conducted two experiments on state-of-the-art Conformer-based ASR models to evaluate our proposed quantization technique. First, we explored the impact of different precisions for both weight and activation quantization on the LibriSpeech dataset, and obtained a lossless 4-bit Conformer model with 7.7x size reduction compared to the float32 model. Following this, we for the first time investigated and revealed the viability of 4-bit quantization on a practical ASR system that is trained with large-scale datasets, and produced a lossless Conformer ASR model with mixed 4-bit and 8-bit weights that has 5x size reduction compared to the float32 model. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 16:23:45 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 相互依存信号の深い平衡支援ブロックスパース符号化:ハイパースペクトルイメージングへの応用 Deep Equilibrium Assisted Block Sparse Coding of Inter-dependent Signals: Application to Hyperspectral Imaging ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15901v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Alexandros Gkillas, Dimitris Ampeliotis, Kostas Berberidis | (参考訳) 本研究では,固定辞書が与えられた場合,相互依存信号のデータセットのスパース表現を計算する問題を考える。
そこで,Deep Unrolling と Deep equilibrium based algorithm が開発され,高度に解釈可能かつ簡潔なディープラーニングベースアーキテクチャが構築され,入力データセットをブロック単位で処理する。
より広い視点で見ると、我々の研究は、疎表現理論である古典的なアプローチと、ディープラーニングモデリングに基づく現代的な表現ツールとの間に独自の橋渡しを提供する。 In this study, the problem of computing a sparse representation for datasets of inter-dependent signals, given a fixed dictionary, is considered. A dataset of inter-dependent signals is defined as a matrix whose columns demonstrate strong dependencies. A computational efficient sparse coding optimization problem is derived by employing regularization terms that are adapted to the properties of the signals of interest. Exploiting the merits of the learnable regularization techniques, a neural network is employed to act as structure prior and reveal the underlying signal interdependencies. To solve the optimization problem Deep unrolling and Deep equilibrium based algorithms are developed, forming highly interpretable and concise deep-learning-based architectures, that process the input dataset in a block-by-block fashion. Extensive simulation results, in the context of hyperspectral image denoising, are provided, that demonstrate that the proposed algorithms outperform significantly other sparse coding approaches and exhibit superior performance against recent state-of-the-art deep-learning-based denoising models. In a wider perspective, our work provides a unique bridge between a classic approach, that is the sparse representation theory, and modern representation tools that are based on deep learning modeling. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 16:21:10 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 足部装着型IMUを用いた室内SLAMと局所磁場 Indoor SLAM Using a Foot-mounted IMU and the local Magnetic Field ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15866v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mostafa Osman, Frida Viset and Manon Kok | (参考訳) 本稿では,足載慣性測定ユニット(imu)を用いて歩行者の歩行を追跡する同時局所化マッピング(slam)アルゴリズムを提案する。
本アルゴリズムは実際の実験シーケンスを用いて検証し,室内環境における歩行者の局所化におけるアルゴリズムの有効性を示す。 In this paper, a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm for tracking the motion of a pedestrian with a foot-mounted inertial measurement unit (IMU) is proposed. The algorithm uses two maps, namely, a motion map and a magnetic field map. The motion map captures typical motion patterns of pedestrians in buildings that are constrained by e.g. corridors and doors. The magnetic map models local magnetic field anomalies in the environment using a Gaussian process (GP) model and uses them as position information. These maps are used in a Rao-Blackwellized particle filter (RBPF) to correct the pedestrian position and orientation estimates from the pedestrian dead-reckoning (PDR). The PDR is computed using an extended Kalman filter with zero-velocity updates (ZUPT-EKF). The algorithm is validated using real experimental sequences and the results show the efficacy of the algorithm in localizing pedestrians in indoor environments. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 15:51:56 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# seq-2-seqに基づく音声名取得のためのasr出力の改良 Seq-2-Seq based Refinement of ASR Output for Spoken Name Capture ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15833v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Karan Singla, Shahab Jalalvand, Yeon-Jun Kim, Ryan Price, Daniel Pressel, Srinivas Bangalore | (参考訳) 人間の話し言葉から人名を取り出すことは、人間と機械の会話において難しい作業である。
提案手法は,lm-driven rule-basedアプローチに基づく強力なベースラインを上回っている。 Person name capture from human speech is a difficult task in human-machine conversations. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to capture the person names from the caller utterances in response to the prompt "say and spell your first/last name". Inspired from work on spell correction, disfluency removal and text normalization, we propose a lightweight Seq-2-Seq system which generates a name spell from a varying user input. Our proposed method outperforms the strong baseline which is based on LM-driven rule-based approach. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 15:41:14 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# Wav2vec2-based Momentum Pseudo-Labeling による誤認識検出の改善 Improving Mispronunciation Detection with Wav2vec2-based Momentum Pseudo-Labeling for Accentedness and Intelligibility Assessment ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15937v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mu Yang, Kevin Hirschi, Stephen D. Looney, Okim Kang, John H. L. Hansen | (参考訳) 現在の先行的誤発音検出・診断(MDD)システムは、エンドツーエンドの音素認識によって有望な性能を達成する。
具体的には、SSLモデルとしてWav2vec 2.0を使用し、オリジナルラベル付きL2音声サンプルと擬ラベル付きL2音声サンプルを使用して微調整する。
擬似ラベルを用いた微調整では,5.35%の音素誤り率と2.48%のMDD F1スコアがラベル付きサンプルのみの微調整ベースラインよりも向上した。
さらに,utd-4accentsデータセットを分離してオープンテストを行い,アクセントと知性に基づいて,システム認識出力と人間の知覚との強い相関を示す。 Current leading mispronunciation detection and diagnosis (MDD) systems achieve promising performance via end-to-end phoneme recognition. One challenge of such end-to-end solutions is the scarcity of human-annotated phonemes on natural L2 speech. In this work, we leverage unlabeled L2 speech via a pseudo-labeling (PL) procedure and extend the fine-tuning approach based on pre-trained self-supervised learning (SSL) models. Specifically, we use Wav2vec 2.0 as our SSL model, and fine-tune it using original labeled L2 speech samples plus the created pseudo-labeled L2 speech samples. Our pseudo labels are dynamic and are produced by an ensemble of the online model on-the-fly, which ensures that our model is robust to pseudo label noise. We show that fine-tuning with pseudo labels gains a 5.35% phoneme error rate reduction and 2.48% MDD F1 score improvement over a labeled-samples-only fine-tuning baseline. The proposed PL method is also shown to outperform conventional offline PL methods. Compared to the state-of-the-art MDD systems, our MDD solution achieves a more accurate and consistent phonetic error diagnosis. In addition, we conduct an open test on a separate UTD-4Accents dataset, where our system recognition outputs show a strong correlation with human perception, based on accentedness and intelligibility. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 15:39:56 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 半教師付き無線変調分類に基づく自己コントラスト学習 Self-Contrastive Learning based Semi-Supervised Radio Modulation Classification ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15932v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Dongxin Liu, Peng Wang, Tianshi Wang, and Tarek Abdelzaher | (参考訳) 本稿では,自動変調分類(amc)用に設計された半教師付き学習フレームワークを提案する。
評価の結果, 半教師付きアプローチは教師付きフレームワークを著しく上回り, ラベルのないデータを活用する方法で, ディープニューラルネットワークによる自動変調分類の訓練能力を大幅に向上させることがわかった。 This paper presents a semi-supervised learning framework that is new in being designed for automatic modulation classification (AMC). By carefully utilizing unlabeled signal data with a self-supervised contrastive-learning pre-training step, our framework achieves higher performance given smaller amounts of labeled data, thereby largely reducing the labeling burden of deep learning. We evaluate the performance of our semi-supervised framework on a public dataset. The evaluation results demonstrate that our semi-supervised approach significantly outperforms supervised frameworks thereby substantially enhancing our ability to train deep neural networks for automatic modulation classification in a manner that leverages unlabeled data. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 15:39:32 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# IoTにおけるグラフニューラルネットワーク: サーベイ Graph Neural Networks in IoT: A Survey ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15935v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Guimin Dong, Mingyue Tang, Zhiyuan Wang, Jiechao Gao, Sikun Guo, Lihua Cai, Robert Gutierrez, Bradford Campbell, Laura E. Barnes, Mehdi Boukhechba | (参考訳) IoT(Internet of Things)ブームは、医療、家庭、輸送、製造業、サプライチェーンなど、人々の日常生活のほぼすべてのコーナーに革命をもたらした。
Graph Neural Networks(GNN)は、センサートポロジ内の複雑なインタラクションをキャプチャし、多くのIoT学習タスクで最先端の結果を達成することが実証されている。
新たに公開された作品を追跡するために、代表論文とそのオープンソース実装を収集し、https://github.com/GuiminDong/GNN4IoT.comでGithubリポジトリを作成します。 The Internet of Things (IoT) boom has revolutionized almost every corner of people's daily lives: healthcare, home, transportation, manufacturing, supply chain, and so on. With the recent development of sensor and communication technologies, IoT devices including smart wearables, cameras, smartwatches, and autonomous vehicles can accurately measure and perceive their surrounding environment. Continuous sensing generates massive amounts of data and presents challenges for machine learning. Deep learning models (e.g., convolution neural networks and recurrent neural networks) have been extensively employed in solving IoT tasks by learning patterns from multi-modal sensory data. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), an emerging and fast-growing family of neural network models, can capture complex interactions within sensor topology and have been demonstrated to achieve state-of-the-art results in numerous IoT learning tasks. In this survey, we present a comprehensive review of recent advances in the application of GNNs to the IoT field, including a deep dive analysis of GNN design in various IoT sensing environments, an overarching list of public data and source code from the collected publications, and future research directions. To keep track of newly published works, we collect representative papers and their open-source implementations and create a Github repository at https://github.com/GuiminDong/GNN4IoT. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 15:39:19 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# グラフマイズショット学習のための単純かつ効果的な事前学習戦略 A Simple Yet Effective Pretraining Strategy for Graph Few-shot Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15936v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhen Tan, Kaize Ding, Ruocheng Guo and Huan Liu | (参考訳) 近年、グラフのマイノリティ学習問題に注目が集まっており、ターゲットとなる新規クラスは数個のラベル付きノードしか含んでいない。
最後に、3つのベンチマークデータセットで実施された広範な実験は、最先端の手法よりもフレームワークの優位性を実証している。 Recently, increasing attention has been devoted to the graph few-shot learning problem, where the target novel classes only contain a few labeled nodes. Among many existing endeavors, episodic meta-learning has become the most prevailing paradigm, and its episodic emulation of the test environment is believed to equip the graph neural network models with adaptability to novel node classes. However, in the image domain, recent results have shown that feature reuse is more likely to be the key of meta-learning to few-shot extrapolation. Based on such observation, in this work, we propose a simple transductive fine-tuning based framework as a new paradigm for graph few-shot learning. In the proposed paradigm, a graph encoder backbone is pretrained with base classes, and a simple linear classifier is fine-tuned by the few labeled samples and is tasked to classify the unlabeled ones. For pretraining, we propose a supervised contrastive learning framework with data augmentation strategies specific for few-shot node classification to improve the extrapolation of a GNN encoder. Finally, extensive experiments conducted on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the superior advantage of our framework over the state-of-the-art methods. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 15:38:55 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# VPTR: ビデオ予測のための効率的なトランスフォーマー VPTR: Efficient Transformers for Video Prediction ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15836v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xi Ye, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau | (参考訳) 本稿では,効率的な局所空間-時空間分離注意機構に基づく映像未来フレーム予測のための新しいトランスブロックを提案する。
ソースコードは \emph{https://github.com/XiYe20/VPTR} で入手できる。 In this paper, we propose a new Transformer block for video future frames prediction based on an efficient local spatial-temporal separation attention mechanism. Based on this new Transformer block, a fully autoregressive video future frames prediction Transformer is proposed. In addition, a non-autoregressive video prediction Transformer is also proposed to increase the inference speed and reduce the accumulated inference errors of its autoregressive counterpart. In order to avoid the prediction of very similar future frames, a contrastive feature loss is applied to maximize the mutual information between predicted and ground-truth future frame features. This work is the first that makes a formal comparison of the two types of attention-based video future frames prediction models over different scenarios. The proposed models reach a performance competitive with more complex state-of-the-art models. The source code is available at \emph{https://github.com/XiYe20/VPTR}. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 14:40:35 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# odontoai: 人間の体内ラベル付きデータセットと、歯科用パノラマx線写真の研究を促進するオンラインプラットフォーム OdontoAI: A human-in-the-loop labeled data set and an online platform to boost research on dental panoramic radiographs ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15856v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Bernardo Silva, La\'is Pinheiro, Brenda Sobrinho, Fernanda Lima, Bruna Sobrinho, Kalyf Abdalla, Matheus Pithon, Patr\'icia Cury, Luciano Oliveira | (参考訳) ディープラーニングはここ数年で著しく進歩し、大きなラベル付きデータセットがサポートしている。
その結果, HITLを用いたラベル付け時間は51%減少し, 390時間以上の連続作業時間を節約できた。
我々の知る限り、このデータセットはパノラマX線撮影のための最も大規模な公開データセットであり、OdontoAIはその歯学における最初のプラットフォームである。 Deep learning has remarkably advanced in the last few years, supported by large labeled data sets. These data sets are precious yet scarce because of the time-consuming labeling procedures, discouraging researchers from producing them. This scarcity is especially true in dentistry, where deep learning applications are still in an embryonic stage. Motivated by this background, we address in this study the construction of a public data set of dental panoramic radiographs. Our objects of interest are the teeth, which are segmented and numbered, as they are the primary targets for dentists when screening a panoramic radiograph. We benefited from the human-in-the-loop (HITL) concept to expedite the labeling procedure, using predictions from deep neural networks as provisional labels, later verified by human annotators. All the gathering and labeling procedures of this novel data set is thoroughly analyzed. The results were consistent and behaved as expected: At each HITL iteration, the model predictions improved. Our results demonstrated a 51% labeling time reduction using HITL, saving us more than 390 continuous working hours. In a novel online platform, called OdontoAI, created to work as task central for this novel data set, we released 4,000 images, from which 2,000 have their labels publicly available for model fitting. The labels of the other 2,000 images are private and used for model evaluation considering instance and semantic segmentation and numbering. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest-scale publicly available data set for panoramic radiographs, and the OdontoAI is the first platform of its kind in dentistry. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 14:40:15 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# プロアクティブ画像操作検出 Proactive Image Manipulation Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15880v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Vishal Asnani, Xi Yin, Tal Hassner, Sijia Liu, Xiaoming Liu | (参考訳) 画像操作検出アルゴリズムは、特定の生成モデル(gms)で操作された画像と実際の画像とを区別するように訓練されることが多いが、訓練中に認識されないgmsで操作された画像にはあまり一般化しない。
私たちのコードはhttps://www.github.com/vishal3477/proactive_imdで利用可能です。 Image manipulation detection algorithms are often trained to discriminate between images manipulated with particular Generative Models (GMs) and genuine/real images, yet generalize poorly to images manipulated with GMs unseen in the training. Conventional detection algorithms receive an input image passively. By contrast, we propose a proactive scheme to image manipulation detection. Our key enabling technique is to estimate a set of templates which when added onto the real image would lead to more accurate manipulation detection. That is, a template protected real image, and its manipulated version, is better discriminated compared to the original real image vs. its manipulated one. These templates are estimated using certain constraints based on the desired properties of templates. For image manipulation detection, our proposed approach outperforms the prior work by an average precision of 16% for CycleGAN and 32% for GauGAN. Our approach is generalizable to a variety of GMs showing an improvement over prior work by an average precision of 10% averaged across 12 GMs. Our code is available at https://www.github.com/vishal3477/proactive_IMD. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 14:39:45 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 階層型強化学習によるマルチエージェント非同期協調 Multi-Agent Asynchronous Cooperation with Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15925v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xubo Lyu, Amin Banitalebi-Dehkordi, Mo Chen, Yong Zhang | (参考訳) 階層型マルチエージェント強化学習(MARL)は,高レベルかつ時間的に拡張された行動(オプション)を探索することで,学習効率が著しく向上した。
本手法は,相互依存度が異なるマルチエージェント協調作業のセットで検討し,提案手法が典型的なオプションベースのマルチエージェント協調作業に有効であるかを評価する。 Hierarchical multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has shown a significant learning efficiency by searching policy over higher-level, temporally extended actions (options). However, standard policy gradient-based MARL methods have a difficulty generalizing to option-based scenarios due to the asynchronous executions of multi-agent options. In this work, we propose a mathematical framework to enable policy gradient optimization over asynchronous multi-agent options by adjusting option-based policy distribution as well as trajectory probability. We study our method under a set of multi-agent cooperative setups with varying inter-dependency levels, and evaluate the effectiveness of our method on typical option-based multi-agent cooperation tasks. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 14:24:04 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ブラックボックス変分推論のロバスト、自動、高精度化 Robust, Automated, and Accurate Black-box Variational Inference ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15945v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Manushi Welandawe, Michael Riis Andersen, Aki Vehtari, Jonathan H. Huggins | (参考訳) Black-box Variational Inference (BBVI) は、マルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ法の高速かつ柔軟な代替手段として機械学習や統計学で広く使われている。
本稿では,信頼性のあるBBVI最適化フレームワークであるRobust, Automated, and Accurate BBVI (RAABBVI)を提案する。
本研究では, RAABBVIのロバスト性および精度を, 慎重に設計したシミュレーション研究と, 実世界モデルとデータ例の多種多様なセットに基づいて検証する。 Black-box variational inference (BBVI) now sees widespread use in machine learning and statistics as a fast yet flexible alternative to Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for approximate Bayesian inference. However, stochastic optimization methods for BBVI remain unreliable and require substantial expertise and hand-tuning to apply effectively. In this paper, we propose Robust, Automated, and Accurate BBVI (RAABBVI), a framework for reliable BBVI optimization. RAABBVI is based on rigorously justified automation techniques, includes just a small number of intuitive tuning parameters, and detects inaccurate estimates of the optimal variational approximation. RAABBVI adaptively decreases the learning rate by detecting convergence of the fixed--learning-rate iterates, then estimates the symmetrized Kullback--Leiber (KL) divergence between the current variational approximation and the optimal one. It also employs a novel optimization termination criterion that enables the user to balance desired accuracy against computational cost by comparing (i) the predicted relative decrease in the symmetrized KL divergence if a smaller learning were used and (ii) the predicted computation required to converge with the smaller learning rate. We validate the robustness and accuracy of RAABBVI through carefully designed simulation studies and on a diverse set of real-world model and data examples. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 14:22:51 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# NNLander-VeriF:視覚に基づく自律航空機着陸のためのニューラルネットワーク形式検証フレームワーク NNLander-VeriF: A Neural Network Formal Verification Framework for Vision-Based Autonomous Aircraft Landing ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15841v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ulices Santa Cruz and Yasser Shoukry | (参考訳) 本稿では,ニューラルネットワーク(NN)に基づく自律着陸システムについて,正式に検証する問題を考察する。
最後に、トレーニングされたNNの特性を正式に検証するためのフレームワークを評価し、その効率性を示す。 In this paper, we consider the problem of formally verifying a Neural Network (NN) based autonomous landing system. In such a system, a NN controller processes images from a camera to guide the aircraft while approaching the runway. A central challenge for the safety and liveness verification of vision-based closed-loop systems is the lack of mathematical models that captures the relation between the system states (e.g., position of the aircraft) and the images processed by the vision-based NN controller. Another challenge is the limited abilities of state-of-the-art NN model checkers. Such model checkers can reason only about simple input-output robustness properties of neural networks. This limitation creates a gap between the NN model checker abilities and the need to verify a closed-loop system while considering the aircraft dynamics, the perception components, and the NN controller. To this end, this paper presents NNLander-VeriF, a framework to verify vision-based NN controllers used for autonomous landing. NNLander-VeriF addresses the challenges above by exploiting geometric models of perspective cameras to obtain a mathematical model that captures the relation between the aircraft states and the inputs to the NN controller. By converting this model into a NN (with manually assigned weights) and composing it with the NN controller, one can capture the relation between aircraft states and control actions using one augmented NN. Such an augmented NN model leads to a natural encoding of the closed-loop verification into several NN robustness queries, which state-of-the-art NN model checkers can handle. Finally, we evaluate our framework to formally verify the properties of a trained NN and we show its efficiency. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 14:20:02 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 離散音声表現学習のための自己回帰協調学習 Autoregressive Co-Training for Learning Discrete Speech Representations ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15840v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sung-Lin Yeh, Hao Tang | (参考訳) 離散表現を学習するための自己教師型アプローチがいくつか提案されているが、これらの類似したアプローチが相互にどのように関係しているかは明らかでない。
実験により,提案手法は,HuBERTライクなトレーニングやベクトル量子化よりも高い相関性を持つ音素単位と高い相関性を持つ離散表現を学習することがわかった。 While several self-supervised approaches for learning discrete speech representation have been proposed, it is unclear how these seemingly similar approaches relate to each other. In this paper, we consider a generative model with discrete latent variables that learns a discrete representation for speech. The objective of learning the generative model is formulated as information-theoretic co-training. Besides the wide generality, the objective can be optimized with several approaches, subsuming HuBERT-like training and vector quantization for learning discrete representation. Empirically, we find that the proposed approach learns discrete representation that is highly correlated with phonetic units, more correlated than HuBERT-like training and vector quantization. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 14:19:34 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 影からのニューラル表現の学習に向けて Towards Learning Neural Representations from Shadows ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15946v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kushagra Tiwary, Tzofi Klinghoffer and Ramesh Raskar | (参考訳) 本稿では,シーンに存在する影のみからニューラルシーン表現を学習する手法を提案する。
私たちのコードは補充資料で利用可能です。 We present a method that learns neural scene representations from only shadows present in the scene. While traditional shape-from-shadow (SfS) algorithms reconstruct geometry from shadows, they assume a fixed scanning setup and fail to generalize to complex scenes. Neural rendering algorithms, on the other hand, rely on photometric consistency between RGB images but largely ignore physical cues such as shadows, which have been shown to provide valuable information about the scene. We observe that shadows are a powerful cue that can constrain neural scene representations to learn SfS, and even outperform NeRF to reconstruct otherwise hidden geometry. We propose a graphics-inspired differentiable approach to render accurate shadows with volumetric rendering, predicting a shadow map that can be compared to the ground truth shadow. Even with just binary shadow maps, we show that neural rendering can localize the object and estimate coarse geometry. Our approach reveals that sparse cues in images can be used to estimate geometry using differentiable volumetric rendering. Moreover, our framework is highly generalizable and can work alongside existing 3D reconstruction techniques that otherwise only use photometric consistency. Our code is made available in our supplementary materials. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 13:53:30 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 自動機械翻訳指標の評価におけるデータばらつきの検討 Investigating Data Variance in Evaluations of Automatic Machine Translation Metrics ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15858v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jiannan Xiang, Huayang Li, Yahui Liu, Lemao Liu, Guoping Huang, Defu Lian, Shuming Shi | (参考訳) メトリクス評価の現在のプラクティスは、例えば、毎年のWMT Metrics Shared TaskにおけるNewstestデータセットのように、1つのデータセットにフォーカスする。
そこで本研究では,データ分散の問題に責任を負う可能性のある2つの仮説,すなわち重要データポイントと独立分散(Identically Distributed, Identically Distributed)仮定の逸脱について検討する。
結論として, 自動翻訳メトリクスを評価する場合, 研究者はデータのばらつきを考慮に入れ, 一つのデータセット上で結果の主張を慎重に行なわなければならない。 Current practices in metric evaluation focus on one single dataset, e.g., Newstest dataset in each year's WMT Metrics Shared Task. However, in this paper, we qualitatively and quantitatively show that the performances of metrics are sensitive to data. The ranking of metrics varies when the evaluation is conducted on different datasets. Then this paper further investigates two potential hypotheses, i.e., insignificant data points and the deviation of Independent and Identically Distributed (i.i.d) assumption, which may take responsibility for the issue of data variance. In conclusion, our findings suggest that when evaluating automatic translation metrics, researchers should take data variance into account and be cautious to claim the result on a single dataset, because it may leads to inconsistent results with most of other datasets. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 13:52:19 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 符号化言語情報とタスクパフォーマンスの関係の可視化 Visualizing the Relationship Between Encoded Linguistic Information and Task Performance ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15860v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jiannan Xiang, Huayang Li, Defu Lian, Guoping Huang, Taro Watanabe, Lemao Liu | (参考訳) 言語情報をよく訓練されたディープニューラルモデルで捉えることができるかどうかを探索することが一般的であるが、符号化された言語情報の変化がタスクのパフォーマンスにどのように影響するかは答えられない。
そこで本稿では,Pareto Optimalityの観点から,符号化言語情報とタスクパフォーマンスの動的関係について検討する。
実験結果から,nlpタスクにはいくつかの構文情報が有効であることが示唆されたが,モデルアーキテクチャも重要な要素であるため,構文情報のエンコーディングが必ずしもパフォーマンスの向上につながるとは限らない。 Probing is popular to analyze whether linguistic information can be captured by a well-trained deep neural model, but it is hard to answer how the change of the encoded linguistic information will affect task performance. To this end, we study the dynamic relationship between the encoded linguistic information and task performance from the viewpoint of Pareto Optimality. Its key idea is to obtain a set of models which are Pareto-optimal in terms of both objectives. From this viewpoint, we propose a method to optimize the Pareto-optimal models by formalizing it as a multi-objective optimization problem. We conduct experiments on two popular NLP tasks, i.e., machine translation and language modeling, and investigate the relationship between several kinds of linguistic information and task performances. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is better than a baseline method. Our empirical findings suggest that some syntactic information is helpful for NLP tasks whereas encoding more syntactic information does not necessarily lead to better performance, because the model architecture is also an important factor. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 13:52:06 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# WAVPROMPT:凍結言語モデルを用いた音声言語理解に向けて WAVPROMPT: Towards Few-Shot Spoken Language Understanding with Frozen Language Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15863v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Heting Gao, Junrui Ni, Kaizhi Qian, Yang Zhang, Shiyu Chang, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson | (参考訳) 大規模なテキストで事前学習された大規模な自動回帰言語モデルでは、微調整を必要とせずに、少数のテキストサンプルで新しい自然言語タスクを実行する能力が実証されている。
その結果,wavprompt は音声理解タスクを,素直なテキストベースラインよりもうまく行うことのできる,少数の学習者であることが判明した。
さらに、WavPromptが単に書き起こし以上の情報を抽出できることを示す非音声理解実験を実施している。 Large-scale auto-regressive language models pretrained on massive text have demonstrated their impressive ability to perform new natural language tasks with only a few text examples, without the need for fine-tuning. Recent studies further show that such a few-shot learning ability can be extended to the text-image setting by training an encoder to encode the images into embeddings functioning like the text embeddings of the language model. Interested in exploring the possibility of transferring the few-shot learning ability to the audio-text setting, we propose a novel speech understanding framework, WavPrompt, where we finetune a wav2vec model to generate a sequence of audio embeddings understood by the language model. We show that WavPrompt is a few-shot learner that can perform speech understanding tasks better than a naive text baseline. We conduct detailed ablation studies on different components and hyperparameters to empirically identify the best model configuration. In addition, we conduct a non-speech understanding experiment to show WavPrompt can extract more information than just the transcriptions. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 13:50:07 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 異常検出のためのラジアルオートエンコーダ Radial Autoencoders for Enhanced Anomaly Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15884v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mihai-Cezar Augustin, Vivien Bonvin, Regis Houssou, Efstratios Rappos and Stephan Robert-Nicoud | (参考訳) 分類問題では、ニューラルネットワークが複雑なパターンを学習できるため、教師付き機械学習手法が従来のアルゴリズムより優れている。
オートエンコーダは、監視なしで訓練されるが、異常を検出できる: 正常点の質量の中心を考えると、再構築はradiiとなり、最大のradiiは異常点を示す可能性が高い。
特別なタイプは、cpAE (Centripetal autoencoder) と名付けられた一様に圧縮されたデータセットで訓練されたCAEである。
我々は、幾何学的アルゴリズムで自然に伸びる能力と未知の異常型を検出するネイティブ能力により、中心的なオートエンコーダが、幾何学に基づく異常なライブ検出において、置換不能なオブジェクトになることを期待する。 In classification problems, supervised machine-learning methods outperform traditional algorithms, thanks to the ability of neural networks to learn complex patterns. However, in two-class classification tasks like anomaly or fraud detection, unsupervised methods could do even better, because their prediction is not limited to previously learned types of anomalies. An intuitive approach of anomaly detection can be based on the distances from the centers of mass of the two respective classes. Autoencoders, although trained without supervision, can also detect anomalies: considering the center of mass of the normal points, reconstructions have now radii, with largest radii most likely indicating anomalous points. Of course, radii-based classification were already possible without interposing an autoencoder. In any space, radial classification can be operated, to some extent. In order to outperform it, we proceed to radial deformations of data (i.e. centric compression or expansions of axes) and autoencoder training. Any autoencoder that makes use of a data center is here baptized a centric autoencoder (cAE). A special type is the cAE trained with a uniformly compressed dataset, named the centripetal autoencoder (cpAE). The new concept is studied here in relation with a schematic artificial dataset, and the derived methods show consistent score improvements. But tested on real banking data, our radial deformation supervised algorithms alone still perform better that cAEs, as expected from most supervised methods; nonetheless, in hybrid approaches, cAEs can be combined with a radial deformation of space, improving its classification score. We expect that centric autoencoders will become irreplaceable objects in anomaly live detection based on geometry, thanks to their ability to stem naturally on geometrical algorithms and to their native capability of detecting unknown anomaly types. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 13:49:48 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 少数ショットアナログ回路モデリングと設計のための事前学習グラフニューラルネットワーク Pretraining Graph Neural Networks for few-shot Analog Circuit Modeling and Design ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15913v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kourosh Hakhamaneshi, Marcel Nassar, Mariano Phielipp, Pieter Abbeel, Vladimir Stojanovi\'c | (参考訳) 高価なシミュレーションを実行せずに回路の性能を予測できることは、自動設計を触媒する望ましい能力である。
さらに,従来のSoTAモデルに基づく最適化手法のサンプル効率を,事前学習したGNNを学習モデルの特徴抽出器として利用することにより,2倍に向上できることを示す。 Being able to predict the performance of circuits without running expensive simulations is a desired capability that can catalyze automated design. In this paper, we present a supervised pretraining approach to learn circuit representations that can be adapted to new circuit topologies or unseen prediction tasks. We hypothesize that if we train a neural network (NN) that can predict the output DC voltages of a wide range of circuit instances it will be forced to learn generalizable knowledge about the role of each circuit element and how they interact with each other. The dataset for this supervised learning objective can be easily collected at scale since the required DC simulation to get ground truth labels is relatively cheap. This representation would then be helpful for few-shot generalization to unseen circuit metrics that require more time consuming simulations for obtaining the ground-truth labels. To cope with the variable topological structure of different circuits we describe each circuit as a graph and use graph neural networks (GNNs) to learn node embeddings. We show that pretraining GNNs on prediction of output node voltages can encourage learning representations that can be adapted to new unseen topologies or prediction of new circuit level properties with up to 10x more sample efficiency compared to a randomly initialized model. We further show that we can improve sample efficiency of prior SoTA model-based optimization methods by 2x (almost as good as using an oracle model) via fintuning pretrained GNNs as the feature extractor of the learned models. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 13:49:18 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# NICGSlowDown:ニューラル画像キャプション生成モデルの効率ロバスト性の評価 NICGSlowDown: Evaluating the Efficiency Robustness of Neural Image Caption Generation Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15859v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Simin Chen, Zihe Song, Mirazul Haque, Cong Liu, Wei Yang | (参考訳) ニューラルイメージキャプション生成(nicg)モデルは、視覚理解の優れた性能により、研究コミュニティから大きな注目を集めている。
このような効率指向の脅威をさらに理解するために,NICGSlowDown という新たな攻撃手法を提案し,NICG モデルの有効性を評価する。
この研究がNICGモデルの効率性に対するコミュニティの関心を高めることを願っている。 Neural image caption generation (NICG) models have received massive attention from the research community due to their excellent performance in visual understanding. Existing work focuses on improving NICG model accuracy while efficiency is less explored. However, many real-world applications require real-time feedback, which highly relies on the efficiency of NICG models. Recent research observed that the efficiency of NICG models could vary for different inputs. This observation brings in a new attack surface of NICG models, i.e., An adversary might be able to slightly change inputs to cause the NICG models to consume more computational resources. To further understand such efficiency-oriented threats, we propose a new attack approach, NICGSlowDown, to evaluate the efficiency robustness of NICG models. Our experimental results show that NICGSlowDown can generate images with human-unnoticeable perturbations that will increase the NICG model latency up to 483.86%. We hope this research could raise the community's concern about the efficiency robustness of NICG models. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 13:22:31 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 空中シーン分類のための多段二重融合コンベネット A Multi-Stage Duplex Fusion ConvNet for Aerial Scene Classification ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16325v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jingjun Yi and Beichen Zhou | (参考訳) 既存のディープラーニングに基づく手法は,航空シーン分類の性能を効果的に促進する。
本稿では,マルチステージ二重核融合ネットワーク (MSDF-Net) という軽量な ConvNet を開発した。
この目的のために, パラメータを再使用しながら特徴伝播を極力高めるために, 残留密度二重核融合戦略を開発し, 我々の二重核融合ブロック(DFblock)により実現した。
さらに, 抽出された畳み込み特徴からリモートセンシングシーン情報を抽出し, 意味記述のための2つの並列分岐を含むdsaモジュールを開発した。
特に、92.96%の精度がAID上で0.49Mパラメータで達成されている。 Existing deep learning based methods effectively prompt the performance of aerial scene classification. However, due to the large amount of parameters and computational cost, it is rather difficult to apply these methods to multiple real-time remote sensing applications such as on-board data preception on drones and satellites. In this paper, we address this task by developing a light-weight ConvNet named multi-stage duplex fusion network (MSDF-Net). The key idea is to use parameters as little as possible while obtaining as strong as possible scene representation capability. To this end, a residual-dense duplex fusion strategy is developed to enhance the feature propagation while re-using parameters as much as possible, and is realized by our duplex fusion block (DFblock). Specifically, our MSDF-Net consists of multi-stage structures with DFblock. Moreover, duplex semantic aggregation (DSA) module is developed to mine the remote sensing scene information from extracted convolutional features, which also contains two parallel branches for semantic description. Extensive experiments are conducted on three widely-used aerial scene classification benchmarks, and reflect that our MSDF-Net can achieve a competitive performance against the recent state-of-art while reducing up to 80% parameter numbers. Particularly, an accuracy of 92.96% is achieved on AID with only 0.49M parameters. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 13:21:51 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 画像操作検出およびローカライズのためのobjectformer ObjectFormer for Image Manipulation Detection and Localization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14681v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Junke Wang, Zuxuan Wu, Jingjing Chen, Xintong Han, Abhinav Shrivastava, Ser-Nam Lim, and Yu-Gang Jiang | (参考訳) 画像編集技術の最近の進歩はマルチメディアデータの信頼性に深刻な課題をもたらし、画像改ざん検出の研究が進められている。
提案手法の有効性を検証するため,様々なデータセットを広範囲に実験し,提案手法の有効性を検証した。 Recent advances in image editing techniques have posed serious challenges to the trustworthiness of multimedia data, which drives the research of image tampering detection. In this paper, we propose ObjectFormer to detect and localize image manipulations. To capture subtle manipulation traces that are no longer visible in the RGB domain, we extract high-frequency features of the images and combine them with RGB features as multimodal patch embeddings. Additionally, we use a set of learnable object prototypes as mid-level representations to model the object-level consistencies among different regions, which are further used to refine patch embeddings to capture the patch-level consistencies. We conduct extensive experiments on various datasets and the results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, outperforming state-of-the-art tampering detection and localization methods. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 11:43:22 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) ゼロショット学習の実践的側面 Practical Aspects of Zero-Shot Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15158v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Elie Saad, Marcin Paprzycki, Maria Ganzha | (参考訳) 機械学習研究の重要な分野の1つはゼロショット学習である。
次に、複数のメタ分類器が提案され、実験的に比較される(同じデータセットに対して)。 One of important areas of machine learning research is zero-shot learning. It is applied when properly labeled training data set is not available. A number of zero-shot algorithms have been proposed and experimented with. However, none of them seems to be the "overall winner". In situations like this, it may be possible to develop a meta-classifier that would combine "best aspects" of individual classifiers and outperform all of them. In this context, the goal of this contribution is twofold. First, multiple state-of-the-art zero-shot learning methods are compared for standard benchmark datasets. Second, multiple meta-classifiers are suggested and experimentally compared (for the same datasets). | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 09:09:17 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) CAT-Net:MRIにおける前立腺偏位に対するクロススライス注意変換器モデル CAT-Net: A Cross-Slice Attention Transformer Model for Prostate Zonal Segmentation in MRI ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15163v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Alex Ling Yu Hung, Haoxin Zheng, Qi Miao, Steven S. Raman, Demetri Terzopoulos, Kyunghyun Sung | (参考訳) 前立腺がんは、アメリカ合衆国における男性の2番目に多いがん死因である。
本手法は,すべての前立腺スライス(apex,mid-gland,base)において,セグメンテーション結果が整合するように周辺領域のセグメンテーション精度を大幅に向上させる。 Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among men in the United States. The diagnosis of prostate MRI often relies on the accurate prostate zonal segmentation. However, state-of-the-art automatic segmentation methods often fail to produce well-contained volumetric segmentation of the prostate zones since certain slices of prostate MRI, such as base and apex slices, are harder to segment than other slices. This difficulty can be overcome by accounting for the cross-slice relationship of adjacent slices, but current methods do not fully learn and exploit such relationships. In this paper, we propose a novel cross-slice attention mechanism, which we use in a Transformer module to systematically learn the cross-slice relationship at different scales. The module can be utilized in any existing learning-based segmentation framework with skip connections. Experiments show that our cross-slice attention is able to capture the cross-slice information in prostate zonal segmentation and improve the performance of current state-of-the-art methods. Our method significantly improves segmentation accuracy in the peripheral zone, such that the segmentation results are consistent across all the prostate slices (apex, mid-gland, and base). | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 08:57:10 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) エピポーラ平面画像を用いた自己監督光深度推定 Self-Supervised Light Field Depth Estimation Using Epipolar Plane Images ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15171v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Kunyuan Li, Jun Zhang, Jun Gao, Meibin Qi | (参考訳) 光場データを利用することで、密集した正確な深度マップを得ることができる。
他の最先端手法と比較して,提案手法は実世界のシナリオ,特に複雑閉塞や深度不連続において,高品質な結果を得ることができる。 Exploiting light field data makes it possible to obtain dense and accurate depth map. However, synthetic scenes with limited disparity range cannot contain the diversity of real scenes. By training in synthetic data, current learning-based methods do not perform well in real scenes. In this paper, we propose a self-supervised learning framework for light field depth estimation. Different from the existing end-to-end training methods using disparity label per pixel, our approach implements network training by estimating EPI disparity shift after refocusing, which extends the disparity range of epipolar lines. To reduce the sensitivity of EPI to noise, we propose a new input mode called EPI-Stack, which stacks EPIs in the view dimension. This method is less sensitive to noise scenes than traditional input mode and improves the efficiency of estimation. Compared with other state-of-the-art methods, the proposed method can also obtain higher quality results in real-world scenarios, especially in the complex occlusion and depth discontinuity. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 08:32:14 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 法的単語埋め込みのための評価データセット:中国語コーデックスを事例として An Evaluation Dataset for Legal Word Embedding: A Case Study On Chinese Codex ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15173v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Chun-Hsien Lin and Pu-Jen Cheng | (参考訳) 単語埋め込みは、多くの自然言語処理タスクで広く使われている現代の分散語表現である。
本稿では, 2,388中国語コーパスから, 5種類の法的関係を用いて1,134の法的アナロジカル推論質問セット(LARQS)を作成し, 中国語の単語埋め込みモデルの精度を評価する。
さらに,単語埋め込みモデルでは,法的関係がユビキタスであることを発見した。 Word embedding is a modern distributed word representations approach widely used in many natural language processing tasks. Converting the vocabulary in a legal document into a word embedding model facilitates subjecting legal documents to machine learning, deep learning, and other algorithms and subsequently performing the downstream tasks of natural language processing vis-\`a-vis, for instance, document classification, contract review, and machine translation. The most common and practical approach of accuracy evaluation with the word embedding model uses a benchmark set with linguistic rules or the relationship between words to perform analogy reasoning via algebraic calculation. This paper proposes establishing a 1,134 Legal Analogical Reasoning Questions Set (LARQS) from the 2,388 Chinese Codex corpus using five kinds of legal relations, which are then used to evaluate the accuracy of the Chinese word embedding model. Moreover, we discovered that legal relations might be ubiquitous in the word embedding model. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 08:16:37 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 物体追跡のための統一トランストラッカー Unified Transformer Tracker for Object Tracking ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15175v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY-SA 4.0 | Fan Ma, Mike Zheng Shou, Linchao Zhu, Haoqi Fan, Yilei Xu, Yi Yang, Zhicheng Yan | (参考訳) コンピュータビジョンの重要な領域として、オブジェクトトラッキングは、それぞれSOT(Single Object Tracking)とMOT(Multiple Object Tracking)の2つの異なるコミュニティを形成している。
UniTrack \cite{wang2021different} は、複数のヘッドを持つ共有外観モデルが個々のトラッキングタスクに対処できることを示したが、トレーニングのために大規模なトラッキングデータセットを活用できず、単一のオブジェクトトラッキングでは不十分である。
本研究では,異なるシナリオにおけるトラッキング問題に1つのパラダイムで対処するために,UTT(Unified Transformer Tracker)を提案する。
コードはhttps://github.com/flowerfan/trackronで入手できる。 As an important area in computer vision, object tracking has formed two separate communities that respectively study Single Object Tracking (SOT) and Multiple Object Tracking (MOT). However, current methods in one tracking scenario are not easily adapted to the other due to the divergent training datasets and tracking objects of both tasks. Although UniTrack \cite{wang2021different} demonstrates that a shared appearance model with multiple heads can be used to tackle individual tracking tasks, it fails to exploit the large-scale tracking datasets for training and performs poorly on single object tracking. In this work, we present the Unified Transformer Tracker (UTT) to address tracking problems in different scenarios with one paradigm. A track transformer is developed in our UTT to track the target in both SOT and MOT. The correlation between the target and tracking frame features is exploited to localize the target. We demonstrate that both SOT and MOT tasks can be solved within this framework. The model can be simultaneously end-to-end trained by alternatively optimizing the SOT and MOT objectives on the datasets of individual tasks. Extensive experiments are conducted on several benchmarks with a unified model trained on SOT and MOT datasets. Code will be available at https://github.com/Flowerfan/Trackron. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 07:58:45 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 異種GNNを用いた長期視覚マップスカラー化 Long-term Visual Map Sparsification with Heterogeneous GNN ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15182v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Ming-Fang Chang, Yipu Zhao, Rajvi Shah, Jakob J. Engel, Michael Kaess, and Simon Lucey | (参考訳) 長期視定位における地図スパーシフィケーションの問題点について考察する。
1) 訓練質問に基づく将来のローカライズに有用なポイントを選択するためのデータフィッティング用語
実験により, 安定で広く見える構造上の地図ポイントと, ローカライズ性能に優れるベースラインを選定した。 We address the problem of map sparsification for long-term visual localization. For map sparsification, a commonly employed assumption is that the pre-build map and the later captured localization query are consistent. However, this assumption can be easily violated in the dynamic world. Additionally, the map size grows as new data accumulate through time, causing large data overhead in the long term. In this paper, we aim to overcome the environmental changes and reduce the map size at the same time by selecting points that are valuable to future localization. Inspired by the recent progress in Graph Neural Network(GNN), we propose the first work that models SfM maps as heterogeneous graphs and predicts 3D point importance scores with a GNN, which enables us to directly exploit the rich information in the SfM map graph. Two novel supervisions are proposed: 1) a data-fitting term for selecting valuable points to future localization based on training queries; 2) a K-Cover term for selecting sparse points with full map coverage. The experiments show that our method selected map points on stable and widely visible structures and outperformed baselines in localization performance. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 07:57:43 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) Stitched-EPIによる光深度推定 Light Field Depth Estimation Based on Stitched-EPI ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15201v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Ping Zhou, Xiaoyang Liu, Jing Jin, Yuting Zhang, and Junhui Hou | (参考訳) 深度推定は光電場応用において最も重要な問題の1つである。
さらに, テクスチャレス領域の深さ推定を改善するために, エッジからインテリアまで, 正確な領域から粗い領域まで, 深度を決定できる深さ伝搬戦略を提案する。
実験およびアブレーションの結果,提案手法は全領域の高精度で頑健な深度マップを効果的に実現することが示された。 Depth estimation is one of the most essential problems for light field applications. In EPI-based methods, the slope computation usually suffers low accuracy due to the discretization error and low angular resolution. In addition, recent methods work well in most regions but often struggle with blurry edges over occluded regions and ambiguity over texture-less regions. To address these challenging issues, we first propose the stitched-EPI and half-stitched-EPI algorithms for non-occluded and occluded regions, respectively. The algorithms improve slope computation by shifting and concatenating lines in different EPIs but related to the same point in 3D scene, while the half-stitched-EPI only uses non-occluded part of lines. Combined with the joint photo-consistency cost proposed by us, the more accurate and robust depth map can be obtained in both occluded and non-occluded regions. Furthermore, to improve the depth estimation in texture-less regions, we propose a depth propagation strategy that determines their depth from the edge to interior, from accurate regions to coarse regions. Experimental and ablation results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves accurate and robust depth maps in all regions effectively. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 07:41:49 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) SimT: ドメイン適応セマンティックセマンティックセグメンテーションのためのオープンセットノイズ処理 SimT: Handling Open-set Noise for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15202v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Xiaoqing Guo, Jie Liu, Tongliang Liu and Yiyuan Yuan | (参考訳) 本稿では,疑似ラベル付き対象データのみをブラックボックスモデルでアクセス可能な,実用的なドメイン適応型(da)意味セグメンテーション問題について検討する。
ソースコードは \url{https://github.com/CityU-AIM-Group/SimT} で入手できる。 This paper studies a practical domain adaptive (DA) semantic segmentation problem where only pseudo-labeled target data is accessible through a black-box model. Due to the domain gap and label shift between two domains, pseudo-labeled target data contains mixed closed-set and open-set label noises. In this paper, we propose a simplex noise transition matrix (SimT) to model the mixed noise distributions in DA semantic segmentation and formulate the problem as estimation of SimT. By exploiting computational geometry analysis and properties of segmentation, we design three complementary regularizers, i.e. volume regularization, anchor guidance, convex guarantee, to approximate the true SimT. Specifically, volume regularization minimizes the volume of simplex formed by rows of the non-square SimT, which ensures outputs of segmentation model to fit into the ground truth label distribution. To compensate for the lack of open-set knowledge, anchor guidance and convex guarantee are devised to facilitate the modeling of open-set noise distribution and enhance the discriminative feature learning among closed-set and open-set classes. The estimated SimT is further utilized to correct noise issues in pseudo labels and promote the generalization ability of segmentation model on target domain data. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed SimT can be flexibly plugged into existing DA methods to boost the performance. The source code is available at \url{https://github.com/CityU-AIM-Group/SimT}. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 07:16:01 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) OrphicX:グラフニューラルネットワークを解釈するための因果性に着想を得た潜在変数モデル OrphicX: A Causality-Inspired Latent Variable Model for Interpreting Graph Neural Networks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15209v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Wanyu Lin, Hao Lan, Hao Wang and Baochun Li | (参考訳) 本稿では,学習遅延因果因子に基づくグラフニューラルネットワーク(GNN)の因果説明を生成するための,OrphicXと呼ばれる新しいeXplanationフレームワークを提案する。
実験により,OrphicXは因果的説明を生成するための因果的意味論を効果的に同定し,その代替案を著しく上回ることを示す。 This paper proposes a new eXplanation framework, called OrphicX, for generating causal explanations for any graph neural networks (GNNs) based on learned latent causal factors. Specifically, we construct a distinct generative model and design an objective function that encourages the generative model to produce causal, compact, and faithful explanations. This is achieved by isolating the causal factors in the latent space of graphs by maximizing the information flow measurements. We theoretically analyze the cause-effect relationships in the proposed causal graph, identify node attributes as confounders between graphs and GNN predictions, and circumvent such confounder effect by leveraging the backdoor adjustment formula. Our framework is compatible with any GNNs, and it does not require access to the process by which the target GNN produces its predictions. In addition, it does not rely on the linear-independence assumption of the explained features, nor require prior knowledge on the graph learning tasks. We show a proof-of-concept of OrphicX on canonical classification problems on graph data. In particular, we analyze the explanatory subgraphs obtained from explanations for molecular graphs (i.e., Mutag) and quantitatively evaluate the explanation performance with frequently occurring subgraph patterns. Empirically, we show that OrphicX can effectively identify the causal semantics for generating causal explanations, significantly outperforming its alternatives. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 06:53:22 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 孤立型カメラ監視者再識別のためのカメラコンディショニング安定特徴生成 Camera-Conditioned Stable Feature Generation for Isolated Camera Supervised Person Re-IDentification ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15210v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Chao Wu, Wenhang Ge, Ancong Wu, Xiaobin Chang | (参考訳) 人物再識別のためのカメラビュー不変特徴(re-id)を学習するために、各人物のクロスカメラ画像対が重要な役割を果たす。
従って、新しい機能ジェネレータである$\sigma$-Regularized Conditional Variational Autoencoder($\sigma$-Reg)がある。
CVAE) は, その堅牢性に関する理論的および実験的解析によって提案されている。
ISCSの2つのRe-IDデータセットに対する大規模な実験は、競合相手に対するCCSFGの優位性を実証している。 To learn camera-view invariant features for person Re-IDentification (Re-ID), the cross-camera image pairs of each person play an important role. However, such cross-view training samples could be unavailable under the ISolated Camera Supervised (ISCS) setting, e.g., a surveillance system deployed across distant scenes.To handle this challenging problem, a new pipeline is introduced by synthesizing the cross-camera samples in the feature space for model training. Specifically, the feature encoder and generator are end-to-end optimized under a novel method, Camera-Conditioned Stable Feature Generation (CCSFG). Its joint learning procedure raises concern on the stability of generative model training. Therefore, a new feature generator, $\sigma$-Regularized Conditional Variational Autoencoder ($\sigma$-Reg.~CVAE), is proposed with theoretical and experimental analysis on its robustness. Extensive experiments on two ISCS person Re-ID datasets demonstrate the superiority of our CCSFG to the competitors. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 06:52:26 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) ビデオに基づく人文推定のための時間的特徴アライメントと相互情報の最大化 Temporal Feature Alignment and Mutual Information Maximization for Video-Based Human Pose Estimation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15227v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Zhenguang Liu, Runyang Feng, Haoming Chen, Shuang Wu, Yixing Gao, Yunjun Gao, Xiang Wang | (参考訳) マルチフレームの人間のポーズ推定は長い間、コンピュータビジョンにおいて説得力があり基本的な問題であった。
これらの問題に対処するために, 粗大な変形を利用して隣接するフレームを段階的に更新し, 現在のフレームを特徴レベルで整合させる新しい階層的アライメントフレームワークを提案する。
これにより、ベンチマークデータセットPoseTrack2017のマルチフレームPerson Pose Estimation Challengeの1位にランクインし、ベンチマークのSub-JHMDBとPose-Track2018で最先端のパフォーマンスを得ることができます。
コミュニティにとって有益になることを期待している。 Multi-frame human pose estimation has long been a compelling and fundamental problem in computer vision. This task is challenging due to fast motion and pose occlusion that frequently occur in videos. State-of-the-art methods strive to incorporate additional visual evidences from neighboring frames (supporting frames) to facilitate the pose estimation of the current frame (key frame). One aspect that has been obviated so far, is the fact that current methods directly aggregate unaligned contexts across frames. The spatial-misalignment between pose features of the current frame and neighboring frames might lead to unsatisfactory results. More importantly, existing approaches build upon the straightforward pose estimation loss, which unfortunately cannot constrain the network to fully leverage useful information from neighboring frames. To tackle these problems, we present a novel hierarchical alignment framework, which leverages coarse-to-fine deformations to progressively update a neighboring frame to align with the current frame at the feature level. We further propose to explicitly supervise the knowledge extraction from neighboring frames, guaranteeing that useful complementary cues are extracted. To achieve this goal, we theoretically analyzed the mutual information between the frames and arrived at a loss that maximizes the task-relevant mutual information. These allow us to rank No.1 in the Multi-frame Person Pose Estimation Challenge on benchmark dataset PoseTrack2017, and obtain state-of-the-art performance on benchmarks Sub-JHMDB and Pose-Track2018. Our code is released at https://github. com/Pose-Group/FAMI-Pose, hoping that it will be useful to the community. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 06:51:22 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) ポーリングされたニューロイメージングデータセットの解析における複数のニュアンス変数の対応性 Equivariance Allows Handling Multiple Nuisance Variables When Analyzing Pooled Neuroimaging Datasets ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15234v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Vishnu Suresh Lokhande, Rudrasis Chakraborty, Sathya N. Ravi, Vikas Singh | (参考訳) 組織にまたがる複数の神経画像データセットをプールすることで、関係性(例えば、リスク要因と疾患の結果の間の関係)を評価するとき、統計力の向上が可能になる。
特に、いくつかの仮定の下で、我々のモデルが複数のニュアンス変数を扱えることを実証し、そうでなければサンプルの大部分が取り除かれるシナリオにおいて、プールされた科学データセットの分析を可能にする。 Pooling multiple neuroimaging datasets across institutions often enables improvements in statistical power when evaluating associations (e.g., between risk factors and disease outcomes) that may otherwise be too weak to detect. When there is only a {\em single} source of variability (e.g., different scanners), domain adaptation and matching the distributions of representations may suffice in many scenarios. But in the presence of {\em more than one} nuisance variable which concurrently influence the measurements, pooling datasets poses unique challenges, e.g., variations in the data can come from both the acquisition method as well as the demographics of participants (gender, age). Invariant representation learning, by itself, is ill-suited to fully model the data generation process. In this paper, we show how bringing recent results on equivariant representation learning (for studying symmetries in neural networks) instantiated on structured spaces together with simple use of classical results on causal inference provides an effective practical solution. In particular, we demonstrate how our model allows dealing with more than one nuisance variable under some assumptions and can enable analysis of pooled scientific datasets in scenarios that would otherwise entail removing a large portion of the samples. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 06:33:32 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) レスレスマルコフ多関節バンドにおけるベストアーム識別 Best Arm Identification in Restless Markov Multi-Armed Bandits ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15236v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | P. N. Karthik, Kota Srinivas Reddy, Vincent Y. F. Tan | (参考訳) 各アームが共通な有限状態空間上の時間均質かつエルゴード離散時間マルコフ過程である場合、マルチアームバンディット環境で最適なアームを識別する問題を考察する。
アーム tpm のセットを知っているが、tpm の腕への正確なマッピングではない決定エンティティは、エラー確率の上限を条件として、できるだけ早く最良アームの指標を見つけることを望んでいる。
そこで本研究では, 最良アームの指数を求めるのに必要な所要時間の増加率について, 第一の既知の問題インスタンス依存漸近下限を導出する。
さらに,入力パラメータ $r$ に対して,$r$ の連続時間インスタントに対して選択されていない arm を強制的に選択するシーケンシャルポリシーを提案する。
a) 腕から独立かつ同一に分布した観察,及び
b) マルコフの腕を休ませる一方、我々の仕事はマルコフの腕を休めるのがより難しい。 We study the problem of identifying the best arm in a multi-armed bandit environment when each arm is a time-homogeneous and ergodic discrete-time Markov process on a common, finite state space. The state evolution on each arm is governed by the arm's transition probability matrix (TPM). A decision entity that knows the set of arm TPMs but not the exact mapping of the TPMs to the arms, wishes to find the index of the best arm as quickly as possible, subject to an upper bound on the error probability. The decision entity selects one arm at a time sequentially, and all the unselected arms continue to undergo state evolution ({\em restless} arms). For this problem, we derive the first-known problem instance-dependent asymptotic lower bound on the growth rate of the expected time required to find the index of the best arm, where the asymptotics is as the error probability vanishes. Further, we propose a sequential policy that, for an input parameter $R$, forcibly selects an arm that has not been selected for $R$ consecutive time instants. We show that this policy achieves an upper bound that depends on $R$ and is monotonically non-increasing as $R\to\infty$. The question of whether, in general, the limiting value of the upper bound as $R\to\infty$ matches with the lower bound, remains open. We identify a special case in which the upper and the lower bounds match. Prior works on best arm identification have dealt with (a) independent and identically distributed observations from the arms, and (b) rested Markov arms, whereas our work deals with the more difficult setting of restless Markov arms. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 06:09:24 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 手首縫い装置における手指ジェスチャーのカスタマイズ Enabling hand gesture customization on wrist-worn devices ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15239v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Xuhai Xu, Jun Gong, Carolina Brum, Lilian Liang, Bongsoo Suh, Kumar Gupta, Yash Agarwal, Laurence Lindsey, Runchang Kang, Behrooz Shahsavari, Tu Nguyen, Heriberto Nieto, Scott E. Hudson, Charlie Maalouf, Seyed Mousavi, Gierad Laput | (参考訳) 既存のジェスチャーセットの性能を劣化させることなく、ユーザから最小限のサンプルを必要とするジェスチャーカスタマイズのためのフレームワークを提案する。
われわれのアプローチは、ユーザーが既存のジェスチャーに縛られない未来への道を切り開いて、自分の好みや能力に合わせた新しいジェスチャーを創造的に導入する。 We present a framework for gesture customization requiring minimal examples from users, all without degrading the performance of existing gesture sets. To achieve this, we first deployed a large-scale study (N=500+) to collect data and train an accelerometer-gyroscope recognition model with a cross-user accuracy of 95.7% and a false-positive rate of 0.6 per hour when tested on everyday non-gesture data. Next, we design a few-shot learning framework which derives a lightweight model from our pre-trained model, enabling knowledge transfer without performance degradation. We validate our approach through a user study (N=20) examining on-device customization from 12 new gestures, resulting in an average accuracy of 55.3%, 83.1%, and 87.2% on using one, three, or five shots when adding a new gesture, while maintaining the same recognition accuracy and false-positive rate from the pre-existing gesture set. We further evaluate the usability of our real-time implementation with a user experience study (N=20). Our results highlight the effectiveness, learnability, and usability of our customization framework. Our approach paves the way for a future where users are no longer bound to pre-existing gestures, freeing them to creatively introduce new gestures tailored to their preferences and abilities. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 06:08:05 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 階層型深層畳み込みニューラルネットワークを用いた顕微鏡画像からの剥離グラフェンフレークの同定と分類 Identification and classification of exfoliated graphene flakes from microscopy images using a hierarchical deep convolutional neural network ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15252v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY-SA 4.0 | Soroush Mahjoubi, Fan Ye, Yi Bao, Weina Meng, Xian Zhang | (参考訳) 機械的に剥離したグラフェンフレークの同定と厚さの分類は、ムーアの法則のボトルネックを克服する次世代材料や装置のナノ製造において重要である。
現在, 光学顕微鏡画像の検査により, 剥離したグラフェンフレークの同定と分類が行われている。
深層学習モデルを用いて, 抽出したグラフェンフレークを単層 (1L), 二層 (2L), 三層 (3L), 4層 (4-6L), 7層 (7-10L), バルクカテゴリに分類した。
その結果, 深層学習モデルでは, 抽出したグラフェンフレークの識別と分類に最大99%の精度が得られた。
この研究は、グラフェンの高機能材料とデバイスのためのスケールアップ製造とキャラクタリゼーションに光を当てる。 Identification of the mechanically exfoliated graphene flakes and classification of the thickness is important in the nanomanufacturing of next-generation materials and devices that overcome the bottleneck of Moore's Law. Currently, identification and classification of exfoliated graphene flakes are conducted by human via inspecting the optical microscope images. The existing state-of-the-art automatic identification by machine learning is not able to accommodate images with different backgrounds while different backgrounds are unavoidable in experiments. This paper presents a deep learning method to automatically identify and classify the thickness of exfoliated graphene flakes on Si/SiO2 substrates from optical microscope images with various settings and background colors. The presented method uses a hierarchical deep convolutional neural network that is capable of learning new images while preserving the knowledge from previous images. The deep learning model was trained and used to classify exfoliated graphene flakes into monolayer (1L), bi-layer (2L), tri-layer (3L), four-to-six-layer (4-6L), seven-to-ten-layer (7-10L), and bulk categories. Compared with existing machine learning methods, the presented method possesses high accuracy and efficiency as well as robustness to the backgrounds and resolutions of images. The results indicated that our deep learning model has accuracy as high as 99% in identifying and classifying exfoliated graphene flakes. This research will shed light on scaled-up manufacturing and characterization of graphene for advanced materials and devices. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 05:39:06 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) NeuraGen - ジェンダー分類のための低リソースニューラルネットワークによるアプローチ NeuraGen-A Low-Resource Neural Network based approach for Gender Classification ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15253v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Shankhanil Ghosh (1), Chhanda Saha (1) and Naagamani Molakathaala (1) ((1) School of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India) | (参考訳) 人間の声はいくつかの重要な情報の源です。
NeuraGenは90.7407%、F1スコア91.227%、20倍のクロス検証データセットを達成している。 Human voice is the source of several important information. This is in the form of features. These Features help in interpreting various features associated with the speaker and speech. The speaker dependent work researchersare targeted towards speaker identification, Speaker verification, speaker biometric, forensics using feature, and cross-modal matching via speech and face images. In such context research, it is a very difficult task to come across clean, and well annotated publicly available speech corpus as data set. Acquiring volunteers to generate such dataset is also very expensive, not to mention the enormous amount of effort and time researchers spend to gather such data. The present paper work, a Neural Network proposal as NeuraGen focused which is a low-resource ANN architecture. The proposed tool used to classify gender of the speaker from the speech recordings. We have used speech recordings collected from the ELSDSR and limited TIMIT datasets, from which we extracted 8 speech features, which were pre-processed and then fed into NeuraGen to identify the gender. NeuraGen has successfully achieved accuracy of 90.7407% and F1 score of 91.227% in train and 20-fold cross validation dataset. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 05:19:09 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 固有輪郭:低ランク近似に基づく新しい輪郭記述子 Eigencontours: Novel Contour Descriptors Based on Low-Rank Approximation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15259v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Wonhui Park, Dongkwon Jin, Chang-Su Kim | (参考訳) 本稿では,低位近似に基づく固有輪郭と呼ばれる新しい輪郭ディスクリプタを提案する。
第三に、M 固有輪郭の線型結合によって対象の境界を表す。
実験の結果, 提案する固有輪郭は, 既存の低次元空間のディスクリプタよりも効率的に, 効率的に表現できることがわかった。
さらに,提案アルゴリズムは,インスタンスセグメンテーションデータセット上で有意義な性能を与える。 Novel contour descriptors, called eigencontours, based on low-rank approximation are proposed in this paper. First, we construct a contour matrix containing all object boundaries in a training set. Second, we decompose the contour matrix into eigencontours via the best rank-M approximation. Third, we represent an object boundary by a linear combination of the M eigencontours. We also incorporate the eigencontours into an instance segmentation framework. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed eigencontours can represent object boundaries more effectively and more efficiently than existing descriptors in a low-dimensional space. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm yields meaningful performances on instance segmentation datasets. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 05:09:31 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) k-meansクラスタリングの選択的推論 Selective inference for k-means clustering ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15267v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Yiqun T. Chen, Daniela M. Witten | (参考訳) k-meansクラスタリングによって特定された観測クラスタ間の方法の違いに対するテストの問題を考える。
本提案はシミュレーションと手書き桁データと単細胞rnaシーケンシングデータに適用する。 We consider the problem of testing for a difference in means between clusters of observations identified via k-means clustering. In this setting, classical hypothesis tests lead to an inflated Type I error rate. To overcome this problem, we take a selective inference approach. We propose a finite-sample p-value that controls the selective Type I error for a test of the difference in means between a pair of clusters obtained using k-means clustering, and show that it can be efficiently computed. We apply our proposal in simulation, and on hand-written digits data and single-cell RNA-sequencing data. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 05:08:50 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 医療用コンピュータビジョンにおける視覚トランスフォーマー -- 仮説的振り返り Vision Transformers in Medical Computer Vision -- A Contemplative Retrospection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15269v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Arshi Parvaiz, Muhammad Anwaar Khalid, Rukhsana Zafar, Huma Ameer, Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Moazam Fraz | (参考訳) コンピュータビジョンの分野における近年のエスカレーションは、画像に含まれる情報を解き明かす素晴らしいポテンシャルを持つアルゴリズムの群れを支えている。
このレビュー記事が、医療コンピュータビジョンの研究者の今後の方向性を開くことを願っている。 Recent escalation in the field of computer vision underpins a huddle of algorithms with the magnificent potential to unravel the information contained within images. These computer vision algorithms are being practised in medical image analysis and are transfiguring the perception and interpretation of Imaging data. Among these algorithms, Vision Transformers are evolved as one of the most contemporary and dominant architectures that are being used in the field of computer vision. These are immensely utilized by a plenty of researchers to perform new as well as former experiments. Here, in this article we investigate the intersection of Vision Transformers and Medical images and proffered an overview of various ViTs based frameworks that are being used by different researchers in order to decipher the obstacles in Medical Computer Vision. We surveyed the application of Vision transformers in different areas of medical computer vision such as image-based disease classification, anatomical structure segmentation, registration, region-based lesion Detection, captioning, report generation, reconstruction using multiple medical imaging modalities that greatly assist in medical diagnosis and hence treatment process. Along with this, we also demystify several imaging modalities used in Medical Computer Vision. Moreover, to get more insight and deeper understanding, self-attention mechanism of transformers is also explained briefly. Conclusively, we also put some light on available data sets, adopted methodology, their performance measures, challenges and their solutions in form of discussion. We hope that this review article will open future directions for researchers in medical computer vision. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 05:06:54 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 移動ロボットの正確な位置決めの必要性を緩和するスパース画像に基づくナビゲーションアーキテクチャ Sparse Image based Navigation Architecture to Mitigate the need of precise Localization in Mobile Robots ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15272v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Pranay Mathur, Rajesh Kumar, Sarthak Upadhyay | (参考訳) 従来のSLAM法は、環境下でのロボットのローカライゼーションの改善とセンサの不確実性に焦点を当てている。
提案手法はテスト環境における2つのロボット上で評価され,ランドマークが曖昧で古典的なローカライゼーション手法が失敗する動的環境をナビゲートする能力を示す。 Traditional simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) methods focus on improvement in the robot's localization under environment and sensor uncertainty. This paper, however, focuses on mitigating the need for exact localization of a mobile robot to pursue autonomous navigation using a sparse set of images. The proposed method consists of a model architecture - RoomNet, for unsupervised learning resulting in a coarse identification of the environment and a separate local navigation policy for local identification and navigation. The former learns and predicts the scene based on the short term image sequences seen by the robot along with the transition image scenarios using long term image sequences. The latter uses sparse image matching to characterise the similarity of frames achieved vis-a-vis the frames viewed by the robot during the mapping and training stage. A sparse graph of the image sequence is created which is then used to carry out robust navigation purely on the basis of visual goals. The proposed approach is evaluated on two robots in a test environment and demonstrates the ability to navigate in dynamic environments where landmarks are obscured and classical localization methods fail. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 05:05:34 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) マルチサイズカーネルに基づくベアリング故障診断のための適応畳み込みニューラルネットワーク A Multi-size Kernel based Adaptive Convolutional Neural Network for Bearing Fault Diagnosis ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15275v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Guangwei Yu, Gang Li, Xingtong Si, and Zhuoyuan Song | (参考訳) 軸受故障の同定と解析は機械故障診断の分野で重要な研究分野である。
ボール混合は, 従来の周波数領域分析法では, 計測信号の高周波分解能が必要であり, 分析時間も長いため識別が難しいボール軸受生産品質問題である。
我々は,実運用に適したリアルタイム軸受故障診断システムのための軽量モジュールとしてmskacnnを実装した。 Bearing fault identification and analysis is an important research area in the field of machinery fault diagnosis. Aiming at the common faults of rolling bearings, we propose a data-driven diagnostic algorithm based on the characteristics of bearing vibrations called multi-size kernel based adaptive convolutional neural network (MSKACNN). Using raw bearing vibration signals as the inputs, MSKACNN provides vibration feature learning and signal classification capabilities to identify and analyze bearing faults. Ball mixing is a ball bearing production quality problem that is difficult to identify using traditional frequency domain analysis methods since it requires high frequency resolutions of the measurement signals and results in a long analyzing time. The proposed MSKACNN is shown to improve the efficiency and accuracy of ball mixing diagnosis. To further demonstrate the effectiveness of MSKACNN in bearing fault identification, a bearing vibration data acquisition system was developed, and vibration signal acquisition was performed on rolling bearings under five different fault conditions including ball mixing. The resulting datasets were used to analyze the performance of our proposed model. To validate the adaptive ability of MSKACNN, fault test data from the Case Western Reserve University Bearing Data Center were also used. Test results show that MSKACNN can identify the different bearing conditions with high accuracy with high generalization ability. We presented an implementation of the MSKACNN as a lightweight module for a real-time bearing fault diagnosis system that is suitable for production. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 04:53:07 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 深層学習による地下水ヒートポンプの熱プルーム予測 A Deep Learning Approach for Thermal Plume Prediction of Groundwater Heat Pumps ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14961v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Raphael Leiteritz, Kyle Davis, Miriam Schulte, Dirk Pfl\"uger | (参考訳) 建物の気候管理は世界のエネルギー消費の大きな部分を占めており、地下水ヒートポンプが適切な代替手段となっている。
その結果生まれたsurrogateは、都市計画者によるインタラクティブなデザインツールに適している。 Climate control of buildings makes up a significant portion of global energy consumption, with groundwater heat pumps providing a suitable alternative. To prevent possibly negative interactions between heat pumps throughout a city, city planners have to optimize their layouts in the future. We develop a novel data-driven approach for building small-scale surrogates for modelling the thermal plumes generated by groundwater heat pumps in the surrounding subsurface water. Building on a data set generated from 2D numerical simulations, we train a convolutional neural network for predicting steady-state subsurface temperature fields from a given subsurface velocity field. We show that compared to existing models ours can capture more complex dynamics while still being quick to compute. The resulting surrogate is thus well-suited for interactive design tools by city planners. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 04:40:16 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) ゼロショット学習のためのハイブリッドルーティングトランス Hybrid Routing Transformer for Zero-Shot Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15310v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | De Cheng, Gerong Wang, Bo Wang, Qiang Zhang, Jungong Han, Dingwen Zhang | (参考訳) zero-shot learning (zsl) は、見えない画像の意味を認識できるモデルを学習することを目的としている。
この問題を解決するために,Hybrid routing transformer (HRT) と呼ばれる新しいトランス変換器デコーダモデルを構築した。
CUB, SUN, AWA2という, 広く使用されている3つのベンチマークデータセットに関する総合実験を行った。
その結果,提案手法の有効性が実証された。 Zero-shot learning (ZSL) aims to learn models that can recognize unseen image semantics based on the training of data with seen semantics. Recent studies either leverage the global image features or mine discriminative local patch features to associate the extracted visual features to the semantic attributes. However, due to the lack of the necessary top-down guidance and semantic alignment for ensuring the model attending to the real attribute-correlation regions, these methods still encounter a significant semantic gap between the visual modality and the attribute modality, which makes their prediction on unseen semantics unreliable. To solve this problem, this paper establishes a novel transformer encoder-decoder model, called hybrid routing transformer (HRT). In HRT encoder, we embed an active attention, which is constructed by both the bottom-up and the top-down dynamic routing pathways to generate the attribute-aligned visual feature. While in HRT decoder, we use static routing to calculate the correlation among the attribute-aligned visual features, the corresponding attribute semantics, and the class attribute vectors to generate the final class label predictions. This design makes the presented transformer model a hybrid of 1) top-down and bottom-up attention pathways and 2) dynamic and static routing pathways. Comprehensive experiments on three widely-used benchmark datasets, namely CUB, SUN, and AWA2, are conducted. The obtained experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 04:31:33 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 非教師付きビデオセグメンテーションのためのin-N-Out生成学習 In-N-Out Generative Learning for Dense Unsupervised Video Segmentation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15312v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Xiao Pan, Peike Li, Zongxin Yang, Huiling Zhou, Chang Zhou, Hongxia Yang, Jingren Zhou, Yi Yang | (参考訳) 本稿では,ラベルのないビデオから視覚的対応を学習する,教師なしビデオオブジェクトセグメンテーション(VOS)タスクに焦点を当てる。
そこで本研究では,視覚トランスフォーマー (vit) の構造的優位性を活かし,より優れたスケーラビリティを実現することによって,高レベルおよび細粒度のセマンティクスを捉える純粋生成的視点から,これら2つのレベルの情報を相補的に学習する。
DAVIS-2017 val と YouTube-VOS 2018 val の大規模な実験は、私たちの INO が過去の最先端の手法をかなり上回っていることを示している。 In this paper, we focus on the unsupervised Video Object Segmentation (VOS) task which learns visual correspondence from unlabeled videos. Previous methods are mainly based on the contrastive learning paradigm, which optimize either in pixel level or image level and show unsatisfactory scalability. Image-level optimization learns pixel-wise information implicitly therefore is sub-optimal for such dense prediction task, while pixel-level optimization ignores the high-level semantic scope for capturing object deformation. To complementarily learn these two levels of information in an unified framework, we propose the In-aNd-Out (INO) generative learning from a purely generative perspective, which captures both high-level and fine-grained semantics by leveraging the structural superiority of Vision Transformer (ViT) and achieves better scalability. Specifically, the in-generative learning recovers the corrupted parts of an image via inferring its fine-grained semantic structure, while the out-generative learning captures high-level semantics by imagining the global information of an image given only random fragments. To better discover the temporal information, we additionally force the inter-frame consistency from both feature level and affinity matrix level. Extensive experiments on DAVIS-2017 val and YouTube-VOS 2018 val show that our INO outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods by significant margins. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 04:09:02 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 耐雑音性相互学習における合意・否認 Agreement or Disagreement in Noise-tolerant Mutual Learning? ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15317v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Jiarun Liu, Daguang Jiang, Yukun Yang, Ruirui Li | (参考訳) ディープラーニングは多くの分野で大きな成果を上げているが、データセットのノイズの多いラベルに苦しめられている。
また,本手法はネットワークフリーであり,多くのタスクに適用可能である。 Deep learning has made many remarkable achievements in many fields but suffers from noisy labels in datasets. The state-of-the-art learning with noisy label method Co-teaching and Co-teaching+ confronts the noisy label by mutual-information between dual-network. However, the dual network always tends to convergent which would weaken the dual-network mechanism to resist the noisy labels. In this paper, we proposed a noise-tolerant framework named MLC in an end-to-end manner. It adjusts the dual-network with divergent regularization to ensure the effectiveness of the mechanism. In addition, we correct the label distribution according to the agreement between dual-networks. The proposed method can utilize the noisy data to improve the accuracy, generalization, and robustness of the network. We test the proposed method on the simulate noisy dataset MNIST, CIFAR-10, and the real-world noisy dataset Clothing1M. The experimental result shows that our method outperforms the previous state-of-the-art method. Besides, our method is network-free thus it is applicable to many tasks. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 03:54:14 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 進化するマルチラベルファジィ分類器 Evolving Multi-Label Fuzzy Classifier ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15318v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Edwin Lughofer | (参考訳) 複数ラベルの分類は、複数のクラスに単一のサンプルを同時に割り当てる問題に対処するために、機械学習コミュニティで多くの注目を集めている。
提案手法は,mulanリポジトリのいくつかのデータセット上で評価され,(進化) one-versus-rest や classifier chaining の概念と比較して,分類精度が有意に向上した。
オンライン al 法により,分類器更新に用いるサンプル数の 90 % 削減が,データ集合の場合の完全更新に比べ,累積精度の傾向線に対してほとんど影響を及ぼさなかった。 Multi-label classification has attracted much attention in the machine learning community to address the problem of assigning single samples to more than one class at the same time. We propose an evolving multi-label fuzzy classifier (EFC-ML) which is able to self-adapt and self-evolve its structure with new incoming multi-label samples in an incremental, single-pass manner. It is based on a multi-output Takagi-Sugeno type architecture, where for each class a separate consequent hyper-plane is defined. The learning procedure embeds a locally weighted incremental correlation-based algorithm combined with (conventional) recursive fuzzily weighted least squares and Lasso-based regularization. The correlation-based part ensures that the interrelations between class labels, a specific well-known property in multi-label classification for improved performance, are preserved properly; the Lasso-based regularization reduces the curse of dimensionality effects in the case of a higher number of inputs. Antecedent learning is achieved by product-space clustering and conducted for all class labels together, which yields a single rule base, allowing a compact knowledge view. Furthermore, our approach comes with an online active learning (AL) strategy for updating the classifier on just a number of selected samples, which in turn makes the approach applicable for scarcely labelled streams in applications, where the annotation effort is typically expensive. Our approach was evaluated on several data sets from the MULAN repository and showed significantly improved classification accuracy compared to (evolving) one-versus-rest or classifier chaining concepts. A significant result was that, due to the online AL method, a 90\% reduction in the number of samples used for classifier updates had little effect on the accumulated accuracy trend lines compared to a full update in most data set cases. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 03:43:30 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) NMTは私を理解できますか?
摂動に基づくコード生成のためのNMTモデルの評価に向けて Can NMT Understand Me? Towards Perturbation-based Evaluation of NMT Models for Code Generation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15319v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Pietro Liguori, Cristina Improta, Simona De Vivo, Roberto Natella, Bojan Cukic and Domenico Cotroneo | (参考訳) ニューラルマシン翻訳(nmt)は、異なる言語間の翻訳の第一の方法として認識されるレベルに達し、ソフトウェア工学を含む様々な研究分野への関心を喚起した。
そこで本研究では,摂動のタイプがモデルに最も影響を与えていることを示す予備的な実験評価を行い,今後の方向性について有用な知見を導出する。 Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has reached a level of maturity to be recognized as the premier method for the translation between different languages and aroused interest in different research areas, including software engineering. A key step to validate the robustness of the NMT models consists in evaluating the performance of the models on adversarial inputs, i.e., inputs obtained from the original ones by adding small amounts of perturbation. However, when dealing with the specific task of the code generation (i.e., the generation of code starting from a description in natural language), it has not yet been defined an approach to validate the robustness of the NMT models. In this work, we address the problem by identifying a set of perturbations and metrics tailored for the robustness assessment of such models. We present a preliminary experimental evaluation, showing what type of perturbations affect the model the most and deriving useful insights for future directions. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 03:42:14 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 10分間のドメイン内データによるノイズロスト音声認識 Noise-robust Speech Recognition with 10 Minutes Unparalleled In-domain Data ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15321v1 ) ライセンス: CC0 1.0 | Chen Chen, Nana Hou, Yuchen Hu, Shashank Shirol, Eng Siong Chng | (参考訳) 騒音障害音声認識システムでは,様々な実践環境下での最先端の性能を達成するために,雑音の多い音声データや対応する文字起こしを含む大量の訓練データを必要とする。
実験結果から,Simu-GANによる雑音データを用いて,単語誤り率(WER)の基準値に対して7.3%の絶対的な改善が得られた。 Noise-robust speech recognition systems require large amounts of training data including noisy speech data and corresponding transcripts to achieve state-of-the-art performances in face of various practical environments. However, such plenty of in-domain data is not always available in the real-life world. In this paper, we propose a generative adversarial network to simulate noisy spectrum from the clean spectrum (Simu-GAN), where only 10 minutes of unparalleled in-domain noisy speech data is required as labels. Furthermore, we also propose a dual-path speech recognition system to improve the robustness of the system under noisy conditions. Experimental results show that the proposed speech recognition system achieves 7.3% absolute improvement with simulated noisy data by Simu-GAN over the best baseline in terms of word error rate (WER). | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 03:21:20 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) データ拡張によるペルシャ関係抽出モデルの改善 Improving Persian Relation Extraction Models by Data Augmentation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15323v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Moein Salimi Sartakhti, Romina Etezadi, Mehrnoush Shamsfard | (参考訳) 文や文書のエンティティ間の意味関係型を予測するタスクである関係抽出は、自然言語処理において重要なタスクである。
本稿では, NSURL 2021ワークショップにおいて, ペルシャ関係抽出共有タスクに参加した, 拡張データセットとシステムの結果と結果について述べる。
次に、拡張PERLEXデータセット上の関係抽出にParsBERTとmultilingual BERTの2つの異なるモデルを用いる。
我々の最良のモデルはコンテストの試験段階でマクロF1の64.67%を獲得し、PERLEXのテストセットでマクロF1の83.68%を達成した。 Relation extraction that is the task of predicting semantic relation type between entities in a sentence or document is an important task in natural language processing. Although there are many researches and datasets for English, Persian suffers from sufficient researches and comprehensive datasets. The only available Persian dataset for this task is PERLEX, which is a Persian expert-translated version of the SemEval-2010-Task-8 dataset. In this paper, we present our augmented dataset and the results and findings of our system, participated in the Persian relation Extraction shared task of NSURL 2021 workshop. We use PERLEX as the base dataset and enhance it by applying some text preprocessing steps and by increasing its size via data augmentation techniques to improve the generalization and robustness of applied models. We then employ two different models including ParsBERT and multilingual BERT for relation extraction on the augmented PERLEX dataset. Our best model obtained 64.67% of Macro-F1 on the test phase of the contest and it achieved 83.68% of Macro-F1 on the test set of PERLEX. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 03:12:23 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) マルチレベル音響情報を用いた音声感情認識 Speech Emotion Recognition with Co-Attention based Multi-level Acoustic Information ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15326v1 ) ライセンス: CC0 1.0 | Heqing Zou, Yuke Si, Chen Chen, Deepu Rajan, Eng Siong Chng | (参考訳) 音声感情認識(SER)は、人間の主観的感情を音声情報のみから理解することを目的としている。
まず, cnn, bilstm, wav2vec2を用いて, mfcc, spectrogram, embedded high-level acoustic informationを含む多レベル音響情報を抽出する。
コードはgithubから入手できます。 Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) aims to help the machine to understand human's subjective emotion from only audio information. However, extracting and utilizing comprehensive in-depth audio information is still a challenging task. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end speech emotion recognition system using multi-level acoustic information with a newly designed co-attention module. We firstly extract multi-level acoustic information, including MFCC, spectrogram, and the embedded high-level acoustic information with CNN, BiLSTM and wav2vec2, respectively. Then these extracted features are treated as multimodal inputs and fused by the proposed co-attention mechanism. Experiments are carried on the IEMOCAP dataset, and our model achieves competitive performance with two different speaker-independent cross-validation strategies. Our code is available on GitHub. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 03:07:29 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) anyface: フリースタイルテキスト対面合成と操作 AnyFace: Free-style Text-to-Face Synthesis and Manipulation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15334v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Jianxin Sun, Qiyao Deng, Qi Li, Muyi Sun, Min Ren, Zhenan Sun | (参考訳) 既存のテキスト・画像合成法は訓練データセットの単語にのみ適用できる。
そこで本稿では, メタバース, ソーシャルメディア, 化粧品, 法医学など, より広いオープンワールド応用を可能にする最初のフリースタイルテキスト対面手法であるanyfaceを提案する。
CLIP(Contrastive Language- Image Pre-training)エンコーダを用いて、顔文字と画像の特徴を抽出する。
また、CMD(Cross Modal Distillation)モジュールは、これらの2つのストリームの言語的特徴と視覚的特徴を一致させるように設計されている。
anyfaceは、入力キャプションの数と内容に制約なく、高品質、高解像度、高多様性の顔合成と操作結果を達成することができる。 Existing text-to-image synthesis methods generally are only applicable to words in the training dataset. However, human faces are so variable to be described with limited words. So this paper proposes the first free-style text-to-face method namely AnyFace enabling much wider open world applications such as metaverse, social media, cosmetics, forensics, etc. AnyFace has a novel two-stream framework for face image synthesis and manipulation given arbitrary descriptions of the human face. Specifically, one stream performs text-to-face generation and the other conducts face image reconstruction. Facial text and image features are extracted using the CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) encoders. And a collaborative Cross Modal Distillation (CMD) module is designed to align the linguistic and visual features across these two streams. Furthermore, a Diverse Triplet Loss (DT loss) is developed to model fine-grained features and improve facial diversity. Extensive experiments on Multi-modal CelebA-HQ and CelebAText-HQ demonstrate significant advantages of AnyFace over state-of-the-art methods. AnyFace can achieve high-quality, high-resolution, and high-diversity face synthesis and manipulation results without any constraints on the number and content of input captions. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 02:59:51 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 汎用イベント境界検出のためのエンドツーエンド圧縮ビデオ表現学習 End-to-End Compressed Video Representation Learning for Generic Event Boundary Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15336v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Congcong Li, Xinyao Wang, Longyin Wen, Dexiang Hong, Tiejian Luo, Libo Zhang | (参考訳) ジェネリックイベント境界検出は、ビデオをチャンクに分割する、ジェネリックで分類のないイベント境界をローカライズすることを目的としている。
Kinetics-GEBDデータセットで行った大規模な実験により,提案手法は動作速度が4.5\times$の最先端手法に匹敵する結果が得られることを示した。 Generic event boundary detection aims to localize the generic, taxonomy-free event boundaries that segment videos into chunks. Existing methods typically require video frames to be decoded before feeding into the network, which demands considerable computational power and storage space. To that end, we propose a new end-to-end compressed video representation learning for event boundary detection that leverages the rich information in the compressed domain, i.e., RGB, motion vectors, residuals, and the internal group of pictures (GOP) structure, without fully decoding the video. Specifically, we first use the ConvNets to extract features of the I-frames in the GOPs. After that, a light-weight spatial-channel compressed encoder is designed to compute the feature representations of the P-frames based on the motion vectors, residuals and representations of their dependent I-frames. A temporal contrastive module is proposed to determine the event boundaries of video sequences. To remedy the ambiguities of annotations and speed up the training process, we use the Gaussian kernel to preprocess the ground-truth event boundaries. Extensive experiments conducted on the Kinetics-GEBD dataset demonstrate that the proposed method achieves comparable results to the state-of-the-art methods with $4.5\times$ faster running speed. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 02:58:28 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) ドメイン適応オブジェクト検出のためのタスク固有不整合アライメント Task-specific Inconsistency Alignment for Domain Adaptive Object Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15345v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Liang Zhao and Limin Wang | (参考訳) 大量のラベル付きデータで訓練された検出器は、データ分散ギャップのある特定のシナリオにおいて、しばしば劇的なパフォーマンス低下を示す。
コードとトレーニングされたモデルはhttps://github.com/MCG-NJU/TIA.comで公開されている。 Detectors trained with massive labeled data often exhibit dramatic performance degradation in some particular scenarios with data distribution gap. To alleviate this problem of domain shift, conventional wisdom typically concentrates solely on reducing the discrepancy between the source and target domains via attached domain classifiers, yet ignoring the difficulty of such transferable features in coping with both classification and localization subtasks in object detection. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose Task-specific Inconsistency Alignment (TIA), by developing a new alignment mechanism in separate task spaces, improving the performance of the detector on both subtasks. Specifically, we add a set of auxiliary predictors for both classification and localization branches, and exploit their behavioral inconsistencies as finer-grained domain-specific measures. Then, we devise task-specific losses to align such cross-domain disagreement of both subtasks. By optimizing them individually, we are able to well approximate the category- and boundary-wise discrepancies in each task space, and therefore narrow them in a decoupled manner. TIA demonstrates superior results on various scenarios to the previous state-of-the-art methods. It is also observed that both the classification and localization capabilities of the detector are sufficiently strengthened, further demonstrating the effectiveness of our TIA method. Code and trained models are publicly available at https://github.com/MCG-NJU/TIA. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 02:57:34 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 擬似健康合成のための病理および正常画素の調和 Harmonizing Pathological and Normal Pixels for Pseudo-healthy Synthesis ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15347v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Yunlong Zhang and Xin Lin and Yihong Zhuang and LiyanSun and Yue Huang and Xinghao Ding and Guisheng Wang and Lin Yang and Yizhou Yu | (参考訳) 病理像から対象特異的な病理像を合成することは、アルゴリズムの開発と臨床実践に有用である。
近年,GAN(Generative Adversarial Network)に基づくいくつかのアプローチが疑似健康合成において有望な成果を上げている。
次に, 医用画像の強調に生成画像を適用し, その拡張結果を利用して, 医用画像セグメンテーションに存在する低コントラスト問題に対処する。
この研究のコードと事前トレーニングされたモデルはhttps://github.com/Au3C2/Generator-Versus-Segmentor.comで公開されている。 Synthesizing a subject-specific pathology-free image from a pathological image is valuable for algorithm development and clinical practice. In recent years, several approaches based on the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) have achieved promising results in pseudo-healthy synthesis. However, the discriminator (i.e., a classifier) in the GAN cannot accurately identify lesions and further hampers from generating admirable pseudo-healthy images. To address this problem, we present a new type of discriminator, the segmentor, to accurately locate the lesions and improve the visual quality of pseudo-healthy images. Then, we apply the generated images into medical image enhancement and utilize the enhanced results to cope with the low contrast problem existing in medical image segmentation. Furthermore, a reliable metric is proposed by utilizing two attributes of label noise to measure the health of synthetic images. Comprehensive experiments on the T2 modality of BraTS demonstrate that the proposed method substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. The method achieves better performance than the existing methods with only 30\% of the training data. The effectiveness of the proposed method is also demonstrated on the LiTS and the T1 modality of BraTS. The code and the pre-trained model of this study are publicly available at https://github.com/Au3C2/Generator-Versus-Segmentor. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 02:56:31 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 学術的検索における言語モデルの非効率性:実験的ウォークスルー The Inefficiency of Language Models in Scholarly Retrieval: An Experimental Walk-through ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15364v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Shruti Singh and Mayank Singh | (参考訳) 言語モデルは、AIを使った科学IRシステムでますます人気が高まっている。
検索性能はテキストのセマンティクスよりも表面形状の影響を受けやすいことが判明した。 Language models are increasingly becoming popular in AI-powered scientific IR systems. This paper evaluates popular scientific language models in handling (i) short-query texts and (ii) textual neighbors. Our experiments showcase the inability to retrieve relevant documents for a short-query text even under the most relaxed conditions. Additionally, we leverage textual neighbors, generated by small perturbations to the original text, to demonstrate that not all perturbations lead to close neighbors in the embedding space. Further, an exhaustive categorization yields several classes of orthographically and semantically related, partially related, and completely unrelated neighbors. Retrieval performance turns out to be more influenced by the surface form rather than the semantics of the text. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 02:34:17 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) AIと自律システムのための原理に基づく倫理的保証 A Principle-based Ethical Assurance Argument for AI and Autonomous Systems ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15370v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Zoe Porter, Ibrahim Habli and John McDermid | (参考訳) 保証ケースは、特定の文脈で意図されたようにシステムが動作するという証拠によって支持される明確かつ防御可能な主張を示す。
第3に,これら2つのコンポーネントを組み合わせることで,倫理的保証の議論パターン – 倫理的保証ケースの再利用可能なテンプレート – を,4つの倫理的原則に基づいて構築する。
これは提案手法の最初の妥当性を示すのに役立つ。 An assurance case presents a clear and defensible argument, supported by evidence, that a system will operate as intended in a particular context. Assurance cases often inform third party certification of a system. One emerging proposal within the trustworthy AI and Autonomous Systems (AS) research community is to extend and apply the assurance case methodology to achieve justified confidence that a system will be ethically acceptable when used in a particular context. In this paper, we develop and further advance this proposal, in order to bring the idea of ethical assurance cases to life. First, we discuss the assurance case methodology and the Goal Structuring Notation (GSN), which is a graphical notation that is widely used to record and present assurance cases. Second, we describe four core ethical principles to guide the design and deployment of AI/AS: justice; beneficence; non-maleficence; and respect for personal autonomy. Third, we bring these two components together and structure an ethical assurance argument pattern - a reusable template for ethical assurance cases - on the basis of the four ethical principles. We call this a Principle-based Ethical Assurance Argument pattern. Throughout, we connect stages of the argument to examples of AI/AS applications and contexts. This helps to show the initial plausibility of the proposed methodology. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 02:13:36 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) マルチレベル融合によるスプーフィングアウェア話者照合 Spoofing-Aware Speaker Verification by Multi-Level Fusion ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15377v1 ) ライセンス: CC0 1.0 | Haibin Wu, Lingwei Meng, Jiawen Kang, Jinchao Li, Xu Li, Xixin Wu, Hung-yi Lee, Helen Meng | (参考訳) 近年,スプーフィング攻撃に対処し,有望な対策(CM)を実現する新しい手法が数多く導入されている。
その後、トップ5核融合系を組み立て、最終的なSASV-EERは0.89%に達した。 Recently, many novel techniques have been introduced to deal with spoofing attacks, and achieve promising countermeasure (CM) performances. However, these works only take the stand-alone CM models into account. Nowadays, a spoofing aware speaker verification (SASV) challenge which aims to facilitate the research of integrated CM and ASV models, arguing that jointly optimizing CM and ASV models will lead to better performance, is taking place. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-model and multi-level fusion strategy to tackle the SASV task. Compared with purely scoring fusion and embedding fusion methods, this framework first utilizes embeddings from CM models, propagating CM embeddings into a CM block to obtain a CM score. In the second-level fusion, the CM score and ASV scores directly from ASV systems will be concatenated into a prediction block for the final decision. As a result, the best single fusion system has achieved the SASV-EER of 0.97% on the evaluation set. Then by ensembling the top-5 fusion systems, the final SASV-EER reached 0.89%. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 02:12:32 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) ゼロショット映像分類のためのアライメント一様性を考慮した表現学習 Alignment-Uniformity aware Representation Learning for Zero-shot Video Classification ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15381v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Shi Pu and Kaili Zhao and Mao Zheng | (参考訳) ほとんどの手法は、目に見えないクラスに一般化を制限する視覚意味表現をアライメントすることで、ゼロショットビデオ分類に取り組む。
さらに, 近接性と分散性という2つの指標を導入し, 2つの特性を定量化し, モデル一般化可能性の新しい尺度として機能する。
コードは利用可能。 Most methods tackle zero-shot video classification by aligning visual-semantic representations within seen classes, which limits generalization to unseen classes. To enhance model generalizability, this paper presents an end-to-end framework that preserves alignment and uniformity properties for representations on both seen and unseen classes. Specifically, we formulate a supervised contrastive loss to simultaneously align visual-semantic features (i.e., alignment) and encourage the learned features to distribute uniformly (i.e., uniformity). Unlike existing methods that only consider the alignment, we propose uniformity to preserve maximal-info of existing features, which improves the probability that unobserved features fall around observed data. Further, we synthesize features of unseen classes by proposing a class generator that interpolates and extrapolates the features of seen classes. Besides, we introduce two metrics, closeness and dispersion, to quantify the two properties and serve as new measurements of model generalizability. Experiments show that our method significantly outperforms SoTA by relative improvements of 28.1% on UCF101 and 27.0% on HMDB51. Code is available. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 01:59:19 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) ReIL: インターベンションに基づく模倣学習のためのフレームワーク ReIL: A Framework for Reinforced Intervention-based Imitation Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15390v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Rom Parnichkun, Matthew N. Dailey, Atsushi Yamashita | (参考訳) DAggerやDARTのような従来の模倣学習手法と比較して、介入に基づく模倣はより便利でサンプルの効率的なデータ収集プロセスを提供する。
本稿では,Reinforced Intervention-based Learning(ReIL)について紹介する。Reinforced Intervention-based Learning(ReIL)は,一般の介入に基づく学習アルゴリズムと,非エキスパートユーザによる実環境におけるエージェントの訓練を,監督や微調整がほとんどないマルチタスク模倣学習モデルである。
実世界の移動ロボットナビゲーションの課題から,HG-Dagger や IWR などの教師あり学習法の特徴である性能の劣化に悩まされることなく,ReIL はスパーススーパーバイザ補正から急速に学習することを示す。
また、IARLやEGPOのような介入に基づく他の手法とは対照的に、ReILは任意の報酬関数を追加のヒューリスティクスを使わずにトレーニングに利用できることを示した。 Compared to traditional imitation learning methods such as DAgger and DART, intervention-based imitation offers a more convenient and sample efficient data collection process to users. In this paper, we introduce Reinforced Intervention-based Learning (ReIL), a framework consisting of a general intervention-based learning algorithm and a multi-task imitation learning model aimed at enabling non-expert users to train agents in real environments with little supervision or fine tuning. ReIL achieves this with an algorithm that combines the advantages of imitation learning and reinforcement learning and a model capable of concurrently processing demonstrations, past experience, and current observations. Experimental results from real world mobile robot navigation challenges indicate that ReIL learns rapidly from sparse supervisor corrections without suffering deterioration in performance that is characteristic of supervised learning-based methods such as HG-Dagger and IWR. The results also demonstrate that in contrast to other intervention-based methods such as IARL and EGPO, ReIL can utilize an arbitrary reward function for training without any additional heuristics. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 01:42:12 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 効率的なハイブリッドネットワーク:散乱特性の誘導 Efficient Hybrid Network: Inducting Scattering Features ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15392v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY-SA 4.0 | Dmitry Minskiy, Miroslaw Bober | (参考訳) 最近の研究によると、単一のアーキテクチャ内で事前定義されたフィルタと学習されたフィルタを組み合わせたハイブリッドネットワークは、理論的解析に適しており、データ制限シナリオの過度な適合性が低い。
私たちのアプローチは、学習特徴の柔軟性とパワー、散乱表現の安定性と予測可能性という2つの世界のベストをうまく組み合わせています。 Recent work showed that hybrid networks, which combine predefined and learnt filters within a single architecture, are more amenable to theoretical analysis and less prone to overfitting in data-limited scenarios. However, their performance has yet to prove competitive against the conventional counterparts when sufficient amounts of training data are available. In an attempt to address this core limitation of current hybrid networks, we introduce an Efficient Hybrid Network (E-HybridNet). We show that it is the first scattering based approach that consistently outperforms its conventional counterparts on a diverse range of datasets. It is achieved with a novel inductive architecture that embeds scattering features into the network flow using Hybrid Fusion Blocks. We also demonstrate that the proposed design inherits the key property of prior hybrid networks -- an effective generalisation in data-limited scenarios. Our approach successfully combines the best of the two worlds: flexibility and power of learnt features and stability and predictability of scattering representations. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 01:27:43 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 行動への学習: ベストな次のアクティビティを推奨する強化学習アプローチ Learning to act: a Reinforcement Learning approach to recommend the best next activities ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15398v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Stefano Branchi, Chiara Di Francescomarino, Chiara Ghidini, David Massimo, Francesco Ricci and Massimiliano Ronzani | (参考訳) プロセスデータ可用性の上昇は、過去10年間にいくつかのデータ駆動学習アプローチの開発につながった。
このアプローチの可能性は、実生活データから得られた2つのシナリオで実証されている。 The rise of process data availability has led in the last decade to the development of several data-driven learning approaches. However, most of these approaches limit themselves to use the learned model to predict the future of ongoing process executions. The goal of this paper is moving a step forward and leveraging data with the purpose of learning to act by supporting users with recommendations for the best strategy to follow, in order to optimize a measure of performance. In this paper, we take the (optimization) perspective of one process actor and we recommend the best activities to execute next, in response to what happens in a complex external environment, where there is no control on exogenous factors. To this aim, we investigate an approach that learns, by means of Reinforcement Learning, an optimal policy from the observation of past executions and recommends the best activities to carry on for optimizing a Key Performance Indicator of interest. The potentiality of the approach has been demonstrated on two scenarios taken from real-life data. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 01:17:41 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 動的に変化する環境における短期単語学習 Short-Term Word-Learning in a Dynamically Changing Environment ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15404v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY-SA 4.0 | Christian Huber, Rishu Kumar, Ond\v{r}ej Bojar, Alexander Waibel | (参考訳) 適切なモデリングユニットを使用する場合、ニューラルネットワークのシーケンスからシーケンスへの自動音声認識(asr)システムは原則としてオープンボキャブラリシステムである。
a) この記憶の重要な単語を動的かつ動的に取得する方法
適切な数の新しい単語を使用すると、誤報がわずかに増加する(f1 スコア 0.30$\rightarrow$ 0.80)だけで、新しい単語の検出速度が著しく改善する。
さらに,支援文書から重要なキーワードを抽出し,効果的に活用できることを示す。 Neural sequence-to-sequence automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems are in principle open vocabulary systems, when using appropriate modeling units. In practice, however, they often fail to recognize words not seen during training, e.g., named entities, numbers or technical terms. To alleviate this problem, Huber et al. proposed to supplement an end-to-end ASR system with a word/phrase memory and a mechanism to access this memory to recognize the words and phrases correctly. In this paper we study, a) methods to acquire important words for this memory dynamically and, b) the trade-off between improvement in recognition accuracy of new words and the potential danger of false alarms for those added words. We demonstrate significant improvements in the detection rate of new words with only a minor increase in false alarms (F1 score 0.30 $\rightarrow$ 0.80), when using an appropriate number of new words. In addition, we show that important keywords can be extracted from supporting documents and used effectively. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 01:01:48 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) TransGAN:ノベルティ検出のためのトランスダクティブ・逆数モデル TransGAN: a Transductive Adversarial Model for Novelty Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15406v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY-SA 4.0 | Najiba Toron, Janaina Mourao-Miranda, John Shawe-Taylor | (参考訳) 機械学習において広く研究されているノベルティ検出は、これまで観測されていない新しい種類のデータを検出する問題である。
generative adversarial network (gan) の使用により、これらの研究のセグメントは、新しいクラスの例を生成する方法を学ぶために、トランスダクティブな設定を採用した。
本研究では, 潜在空間における2つのガウス系を混合することにより, 新規クラスと負クラスの両方から画像例を生成する方法を学習しようとする, トランスダクティブ生成逆ネットワークであるtransganを提案する。
私たちの研究は完全に再現可能で、コードは公開されています。 Novelty detection, a widely studied problem in machine learning, is the problem of detecting a novel class of data that has not been previously observed. A common setting for novelty detection is inductive whereby only examples of the negative class are available during training time. Transductive novelty detection on the other hand has only witnessed a recent surge in interest, it not only makes use of the negative class during training but also incorporates the (unlabeled) test set to detect novel examples. Several studies have emerged under the transductive setting umbrella that have demonstrated its advantage over its inductive counterpart. Depending on the assumptions about the data, these methods go by different names (e.g. transductive novelty detection, semi-supervised novelty detection, positive-unlabeled learning, out-of-distribution detection). With the use of generative adversarial networks (GAN), a segment of those studies have adopted a transductive setup in order to learn how to generate examples of the novel class. In this study, we propose TransGAN, a transductive generative adversarial network that attempts to learn how to generate image examples from both the novel and negative classes by using a mixture of two Gaussians in the latent space. It achieves that by incorporating an adversarial autoencoder with a GAN network, the ability to generate examples of novel data points offers not only a visual representation of novelties, but also overcomes the hurdle faced by many inductive methods of how to tune the model hyperparameters at the decision rule level. Our model has shown superior performance over state-of-the-art inductive and transductive methods. Our study is fully reproducible with the code available publicly. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 00:55:23 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) Ptychographyにおけるデータ駆動型適応走査のための深層強化学習 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Data-Driven Adaptive Scanning in Ptychography ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15413v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Marcel Schloz, Johannes M\"uller, Thomas C. Pekin, Wouter Van den Broek, Christoph T. Koch | (参考訳) そこで本研究では,標本を適応的に走査することにより,ptychographyの再構築に必要な線量を削減する手法を提案する。
適応型スキャンによる同等の低用量実験は, 再現能の点で従来のポチトグラフィー実験より優れていた。 We present a method that lowers the dose required for a ptychographic reconstruction by adaptively scanning the specimen, thereby providing the required spatial information redundancy in the regions of highest importance. The proposed method is built upon a deep learning model that is trained by reinforcement learning (RL), using prior knowledge of the specimen structure from training data sets. We show that equivalent low-dose experiments using adaptive scanning outperform conventional ptychography experiments in terms of reconstruction resolution. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 00:38:14 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 英名多元化の意味的特性:単語埋め込みからの考察 Semantic properties of English nominal pluralization: Insights from word embeddings ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15424v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Elnaz Shafaei-Bajestan, Masoumeh Moradipour-Tari, Peter Uhrig, R. Harald Baayen | (参考訳) 名目多元化の意味分化は多くの言語で文法化されている。
CosClassAvg と FRACSS による2つの予測意味空間の観測結果の違いは、リスナーの計算モデルがこれまで説明されていなかった複数の形式をいかにうまく理解できるかを物語っている。
cosclassavg生成意味ベクトルをfracss生成ベクトルの代わりにゴールド標準ベクトルとして使う場合、三音ベクトルで表される単語形式から予測意味ベクトルへのマッピングはより生産的になる。 Semantic differentiation of nominal pluralization is grammaticalized in many languages. For example, plural markers may only be relevant for human nouns. English does not appear to make such distinctions. Using distributional semantics, we show that English nominal pluralization exhibits semantic clusters. For instance, pluralization of fruit words is more similar to one another and less similar to pluralization of other semantic classes. Therefore, reduction of the meaning shift in plural formation to the addition of an abstract plural meaning is too simplistic. A semantically informed method, called CosClassAvg, is introduced that outperforms pluralization methods in distributional semantics which assume plural formation amounts to the addition of a fixed plural vector. In comparison with our approach, a method from compositional distributional semantics, called FRACSS, predicted plural vectors that were more similar to the corpus-extracted plural vectors in terms of direction but not vector length. A modeling study reveals that the observed difference between the two predicted semantic spaces by CosClassAvg and FRACSS carries over to how well a computational model of the listener can understand previously unencountered plural forms. Mappings from word forms, represented with triphone vectors, to predicted semantic vectors are more productive when CosClassAvg-generated semantic vectors are employed as gold standard vectors instead of FRACSS-generated vectors. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 00:17:51 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 強化学習,エフェクトハンドラー,国家モナドについて On Reinforcement Learning, Effect Handlers, and the State Monad ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15426v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Ugo Dal Lago, Francesco Gavazzo and Alexis Ghyselen | (参考訳) 関数型プログラムにおける意思決定抽象化を支援する方法として代数的効果とハンドラを検討した。一方,ユーザは学習アルゴリズムに選択機構を実装せずに選択の解決を依頼し,報酬の方法によるフィードバックを与えることができる。
選択モナド(Abadi and Plotkin, LICS 2021)に基づく問題に対する最近提案されたアプローチとは違って、我々は、選択と報酬を含む代数的操作のハンドラセットとして実装された強化学習アルゴリズムとして、基礎となるインテリジェンスを表現する。
我々は、タイプとエフェクトシステムがいかに安全性を確保できるかを示唆するとともに、さらなる作業の方向性を指摘することで結論付けた。 We study the algebraic effects and handlers as a way to support decision-making abstractions in functional programs, whereas a user can ask a learning algorithm to resolve choices without implementing the underlying selection mechanism, and give a feedback by way of rewards. Differently from some recently proposed approach to the problem based on the selection monad [Abadi and Plotkin, LICS 2021], we express the underlying intelligence as a reinforcement learning algorithm implemented as a set of handlers for some of these algebraic operations, including those for choices and rewards. We show how we can in practice use algebraic operations and handlers -- as available in the programming language EFF -- to clearly separate the learning algorithm from its environment, thus allowing for a good level of modularity. We then show how the host language can be taken as a lambda-calculus with handlers, this way showing what the essential linguistic features are. We conclude by hinting at how type and effect systems could ensure safety properties, at the same time pointing at some directions for further work. | 翻訳日:2022-03-31 00:16:47 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 特徴伝搬による長期ビデオフレーム補間 Long-term Video Frame Interpolation via Feature Propagation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15427v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Dawit Mureja Argaw and In So Kweon | (参考訳) ビデオフレーム補間(VFI)は、まず入力間の動きを推定し、次に推定された動きで入力を目標時間に出力することで、中間フレーム(s)を予測する。
いくつかのベンチマークデータセットによる実験結果から,本手法の長期VFIに対する有効性が確認された。 Video frame interpolation (VFI) works generally predict intermediate frame(s) by first estimating the motion between inputs and then warping the inputs to the target time with the estimated motion. This approach, however, is not optimal when the temporal distance between the input sequence increases as existing motion estimation modules cannot effectively handle large motions. Hence, VFI works perform well for small frame gaps and perform poorly as the frame gap increases. In this work, we propose a novel framework to address this problem. We argue that when there is a large gap between inputs, instead of estimating imprecise motion that will eventually lead to inaccurate interpolation, we can safely propagate from one side of the input up to a reliable time frame using the other input as a reference. Then, the rest of the intermediate frames can be interpolated using standard approaches as the temporal gap is now narrowed. To this end, we propose a propagation network (PNet) by extending the classic feature-level forecasting with a novel motion-to-feature approach. To be thorough, we adopt a simple interpolation model along with PNet as our full model and design a simple procedure to train the full model in an end-to-end manner. Experimental results on several benchmark datasets confirm the effectiveness of our method for long-term VFI compared to state-of-the-art approaches. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 23:34:14 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) WeNet 2.0: より生産的なエンドツーエンド音声認識ツールキット WeNet 2.0: More Productive End-to-End Speech Recognition Toolkit ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15455v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Binbin Zhang, Di Wu, Zhendong Peng, Xingchen Song, Zhuoyuan Yao, Hang Lv, Lei Xie, Chao Yang, Fuping Pan, Jianwei Niu | (参考訳) 近年,製品指向のエンドツーエンド音声認識ツールキットであるWeNetが利用可能となり,統一された2パス(U2)フレームワークと,単一モデルにおけるストリーミングおよび非ストリーミングデコーディングモードに対応する組込みランタイムが導入された。
本稿では,asrの性能をさらに向上し,様々な生産要件を容易にするために,4つの重要なアップデートを含むwenet 2.0を提案する。
1) 双方向注意デコーダを備えた統合型2パスフレームワークであるu2++を提案し, 共有エンコーダの代表的能力とリコーダ時の性能を向上させるため, 右から左への注意デコーダによる将来の文脈情報を含む。
2) n-gramベースの言語モデルとWFSTベースのデコーダをWeNet 2.0に導入し,実運用シナリオにおけるリッチテキストデータの利用を促進する。
(3) ユーザ固有のコンテキスト(連絡先リストなど)を活用する統合コンテキストバイアスフレームワークを設計し、生産に迅速に適応し、with-LMシナリオとless-LMシナリオの両方においてASR精度を向上させる。
(4) モデル学習に有効な大規模データをサポートする統合IOを設計する。
まとめると、新しいWeNet 2.0は、様々なコーパス上のオリジナルのWeNetよりも最大10%の相対的な認識性能向上を実現し、いくつかの重要なプロダクション指向の機能を提供している。 Recently, we made available WeNet, a production-oriented end-to-end speech recognition toolkit, which introduces a unified two-pass (U2) framework and a built-in runtime to address the streaming and non-streaming decoding modes in a single model. To further improve ASR performance and facilitate various production requirements, in this paper, we present WeNet 2.0 with four important updates. (1) We propose U2++, a unified two-pass framework with bidirectional attention decoders, which includes the future contextual information by a right-to-left attention decoder to improve the representative ability of the shared encoder and the performance during the rescoring stage. (2) We introduce an n-gram based language model and a WFST-based decoder into WeNet 2.0, promoting the use of rich text data in production scenarios. (3) We design a unified contextual biasing framework, which leverages user-specific context (e.g., contact lists) to provide rapid adaptation ability for production and improves ASR accuracy in both with-LM and without-LM scenarios. (4) We design a unified IO to support large-scale data for effective model training. In summary, the brand-new WeNet 2.0 achieves up to 10\% relative recognition performance improvement over the original WeNet on various corpora and makes available several important production-oriented features. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 23:33:11 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 複数配列アライメントを訓練したタンパク質言語モデルは系統関係を学習する Protein language models trained on multiple sequence alignments learn phylogenetic relationships ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15465v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Umberto Lupo, Damiano Sgarbossa, Anne-Florence Bitbol | (参考訳) 近年,注目される自己教師付きニューラルネットワークモデルが,生物配列データ,構造,機能,突然変異効果予測に応用されている。
msaトランスフォーマーやalphafold's evoformerを含むいくつかのタンパク質言語モデルは、進化的に関連するタンパク質の多重配列アライメント(msas)を入力とする。
我々は,MSA変換器と推定ポッツモデルを用いた場合,教師なし接触予測は系統的ノイズに対して極めて耐性が高いことを示した。 Self-supervised neural language models with attention have recently been applied to biological sequence data, advancing structure, function and mutational effect prediction. Some protein language models, including MSA Transformer and AlphaFold's EvoFormer, take multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) of evolutionarily related proteins as inputs. Simple combinations of MSA Transformer's row attentions have led to state-of-the-art unsupervised structural contact prediction. We demonstrate that similarly simple, and universal, combinations of MSA Transformer's column attentions strongly correlate with Hamming distances between sequences in MSAs. Therefore, MSA-based language models encode detailed phylogenetic relationships. This could aid them to separate coevolutionary signals encoding functional and structural constraints from phylogenetic correlations arising from historical contingency. To test this hypothesis, we generate synthetic MSAs, either without or with phylogeny, from Potts models trained on natural MSAs. We demonstrate that unsupervised contact prediction is indeed substantially more resilient to phylogenetic noise when using MSA Transformer versus inferred Potts models. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 23:16:06 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) エンドツーエンド音声翻訳のためのセグメンテーションバイリンガル音声コーパスを用いた音声分割最適化 Speech Segmentation Optimization using Segmented Bilingual Speech Corpus for End-to-end Speech Translation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15479v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Ryo Fukuda, Katsuhito Sudoh, Satoshi Nakamura | (参考訳) 長い音声を短いセグメントに分割する音声セグメント化は、音声翻訳(ST)に必須である。
WebRTC VADのような一般的なVADツールは、一般的に停止ベースのセグメンテーションに依存している。
ハイブリッドアプローチは翻訳性能をさらに向上させた。 Speech segmentation, which splits long speech into short segments, is essential for speech translation (ST). Popular VAD tools like WebRTC VAD have generally relied on pause-based segmentation. Unfortunately, pauses in speech do not necessarily match sentence boundaries, and sentences can be connected by a very short pause that is difficult to detect by VAD. In this study, we propose a speech segmentation method using a binary classification model trained using a segmented bilingual speech corpus. We also propose a hybrid method that combines VAD and the above speech segmentation method. Experimental results revealed that the proposed method is more suitable for cascade and end-to-end ST systems than conventional segmentation methods. The hybrid approach further improved the translation performance. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 22:46:53 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) What you say」と「What you say」を表わす : 英語のコーパスとそれに対応する意味を反映したテキスト Representing `how you say' with `what you say': English corpus of focused speech and text reflecting corresponding implications ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15483v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Naoaki Suzuki, Satoshi Nakamura | (参考訳) 音声コミュニケーションにおいて、何を言うか(パラ言語情報)は、何を言うか(言語情報)と同じくらい重要である。
また, コーパスの分析では, パラ言語領域から言語領域への焦点のマッピングには様々な語彙的, 文法的手法が関係していた。
コーパスはlcc経由で公開される。 In speech communication, how something is said (paralinguistic information) is as crucial as what is said (linguistic information). As a type of paralinguistic information, English speech uses sentence stress, the heaviest prominence within a sentence, to convey emphasis. While different placements of sentence stress communicate different emphatic implications, current speech translation systems return the same translations if the utterances are linguistically identical, losing paralinguistic information. Concentrating on focus, a type of emphasis, we propose mapping paralinguistic information into the linguistic domain within the source language using lexical and grammatical devices. This method enables us to translate the paraphrased text representations instead of the transcription of the original speech and obtain translations that preserve paralinguistic information. As a first step, we present the collection of an English corpus containing speech that differed in the placement of focus along with the corresponding text, which was designed to reflect the implied meaning of the speech. Also, analyses of our corpus demonstrated that mapping of focus from the paralinguistic domain into the linguistic domain involved various lexical and grammatical methods. The data and insights from our analysis will further advance research into paralinguistic translation. The corpus will be published via LDC. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 22:33:52 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 時間最適定数加速度ランデブーの神経表現 Neural representation of a time optimal, constant acceleration rendezvous ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15490v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Dario Izzo and Sebastien Origer | (参考訳) 我々は、最適政策(すなわち最適な推力方向)と値関数(すなわち飛行時間)の両方を表現するために、時間最適で一定加速度の低推力ランデブーをニューラルネットワークで訓練する。
我々は、残りが数m/sほど小さく、そのため宇宙船の航法予算である\delta v$ がランデブーの速度で達成可能であることを発見した。
また、平均して、小惑星帯の任意の軌道から地球に似た軌道にランデブーする最適飛行時間を予測する絶対誤差は(4\%未満)小さく、例えば予備ミッション設計段階での実用的利用にも興味がある。 We train neural models to represent both the optimal policy (i.e. the optimal thrust direction) and the value function (i.e. the time of flight) for a time optimal, constant acceleration low-thrust rendezvous. In both cases we develop and make use of the data augmentation technique we call backward generation of optimal examples. We are thus able to produce and work with large dataset and to fully exploit the benefit of employing a deep learning framework. We achieve, in all cases, accuracies resulting in successful rendezvous (simulated following the learned policy) and time of flight predictions (using the learned value function). We find that residuals as small as a few m/s, thus well within the possibility of a spacecraft navigation $\Delta V$ budget, are achievable for the velocity at rendezvous. We also find that, on average, the absolute error to predict the optimal time of flight to rendezvous from any orbit in the asteroid belt to an Earth-like orbit is small (less than 4\%) and thus also of interest for practical uses, for example, during preliminary mission design phases. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 22:22:45 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 半自動APIラッピングによる機械学習APIの学習性向上 Improving the Learnability of Machine Learning APIs by Semi-Automated API Wrapping ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15491v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Lars Reimann, G\"unter Kniesel-W\"unsche | (参考訳) 機械学習(ML)の世界に参入したい学生やプロのソフトウェア開発者にとって、大きなハードルは、科学的なバックグラウンドだけでなく、利用可能なML APIも習得することだ。
しかし, 表現性を損なうことなく, どのように実現できるかは明らかでない。
本稿では,広く使用されているML APIである \skl{} について検討する。
さらに、残りの部分におけるユーザビリティの問題について議論し、関連する設計改善を提案し、既存のサードパーティAPIを半自動でラップして実装する方法を示す。 A major hurdle for students and professional software developers who want to enter the world of machine learning (ML), is mastering not just the scientific background but also the available ML APIs. Therefore, we address the challenge of creating APIs that are easy to learn and use, especially by novices. However, it is not clear how this can be achieved without compromising expressiveness. We investigate this problem for \skl{}, a widely used ML API. In this paper, we analyze its use by the Kaggle community, identifying unused and apparently useless parts of the API that can be eliminated without affecting client programs. In addition, we discuss usability issues in the remaining parts, propose related design improvements and show how they can be implemented by semi-automated wrapping of the existing third-party API. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 22:07:55 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) ソフトウェア工学技術による応用機械学習における指導の達成 Achieving Guidance in Applied Machine Learning through Software Engineering Techniques ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15510v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Lars Reimann, G\"unter Kniesel-W\"unsche | (参考訳) 機械学習(ML)アプリケーションの開発は難しい。
私たちは、現在開発環境とML APIを使っている(多くの)ガイダンスを、MLアプリケーションの開発者に提供し、これらをソフトウェアエンジニアリングのベストプラクティスと対比し、最先端技術におけるギャップを特定します。
この結果から,ML固有のソフトウェア工学の研究に十分な機会があることが示唆された。 Development of machine learning (ML) applications is hard. Producing successful applications requires, among others, being deeply familiar with a variety of complex and quickly evolving application programming interfaces (APIs). It is therefore critical to understand what prevents developers from learning these APIs, using them properly at development time, and understanding what went wrong when it comes to debugging. We look at the (lack of) guidance that currently used development environments and ML APIs provide to developers of ML applications, contrast these with software engineering best practices, and identify gaps in the current state of the art. We show that current ML tools fall short of fulfilling some basic software engineering gold standards and point out ways in which software engineering concepts, tools and techniques need to be extended and adapted to match the special needs of ML application development. Our findings point out ample opportunities for research on ML-specific software engineering. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 21:58:20 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 多様なルールセットによるランダム森林予測の解説 Explaining random forest prediction through diverse rulesets ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15511v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Klest Dedja, Felipe Kenji Nakano, Konstantinos Pliakos, Celine Vens | (参考訳) ランダムフォレストのようなツリーアンサンブルアルゴリズムは、柔軟性、高いパフォーマンス、過度な適合に対する堅牢性で人気のある機械学習手法である。
本研究では,各テストインスタンスの森林予測を多種多様なルールで説明できるLocal Tree eXtractor (LTreeX) という方法論を提案する。
1) サブセットを事前に選択する。
3) 最終的にそのような表現をクラスタ化する。
また,本提案手法は,森林全体から数本の樹木のみを選択しながら,対応するアンサンブルモデルの性能を近似できることを示すとともに,提案手法が予測性能の点で,他の説明可能な手法を大幅に上回ることを示した。 Tree-ensemble algorithms, such as random forest, are effective machine learning methods popular for their flexibility, high performance, and robustness to overfitting. However, since multiple learners are combined,they are not as interpretable as a single decision tree. In this work we propose a methodology, called Local Tree eXtractor (LTreeX) which is able to explain the forest prediction for a given test instance with a few diverse rules. Starting from the decision trees generated by a random forest, our method 1) pre-selects a subset of them, 2) creates a vector representation, and 3) eventually clusters such a representation. Each cluster prototype results in a rule that explains the test instance prediction. We test the effectiveness of LTreeX on 71 real-world datasets and we demonstrate the validity of our approach for binary classification, regression, multi-label classification and time-to-event tasks. In all set-ups, we show that our extracted surrogate model manages to approximate the performance of the corresponding ensemble model, while selecting only few trees from the whole forest.We also show that our proposed approach substantially outperforms other explainable methods in terms of predictive performance. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 21:47:51 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 進化的対称性ニューラルネットワークを用いた衝突フリーナビゲーション Collision-Free Navigation using Evolutionary Symmetrical Neural Networks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15522v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Hesham M. Eraqi, Mena Nagiub, Peter Sidra | (参考訳) 衝突回避システムは、車両事故の数を減らし、人命を救う上で重要な役割を果たす。
制約重みの使用により、遺伝的アルゴリズムの最適化に必要な世代数を大幅に改善した。 Collision avoidance systems play a vital role in reducing the number of vehicle accidents and saving human lives. This paper extends the previous work using evolutionary neural networks for reactive collision avoidance. We are proposing a new method we have called symmetric neural networks. The method improves the model's performance by enforcing constraints between the network weights which reduces the model optimization search space and hence, learns more accurate control of the vehicle steering for improved maneuvering. The training and validation processes are carried out using a simulation environment - the codebase is publicly available. Extensive experiments are conducted to analyze the proposed method and evaluate its performance. The method is tested in several simulated driving scenarios. In addition, we have analyzed the effect of the rangefinder sensor resolution and noise on the overall goal of reactive collision avoidance. Finally, we have tested the generalization of the proposed method. The results are encouraging; the proposed method has improved the model's learning curve for training scenarios and generalization to the new test scenarios. Using constrained weights has significantly improved the number of generations required for the Genetic Algorithm optimization. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 21:46:11 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) コントラスト学習による音声自動キャプションのための対話型音声テキスト表現 Interactive Audio-text Representation for Automated Audio Captioning with Contrastive Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15526v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Chen Chen, Nana Hou, Yuchen Hu, Heqing Zou, Xiaofeng Qi, Eng Siong Chng | (参考訳) 自動音声キャプション(automated audio captioning, aac)は、入力音声の内容を記述する自然言語を生成するクロスモーダルタスクである。
本研究では,音響情報とテキスト情報の両方を用いた対話型クロスモダリティ表現を学習するための新しいaacシステム clip-aacを提案する。
アブレーション研究は,事前学習モデルとコントラスト学習がともにaacモデルの性能向上に寄与することを示す。 Automated Audio captioning (AAC) is a cross-modal task that generates natural language to describe the content of input audio. Most prior works usually extract single-modality acoustic features and are therefore sub-optimal for the cross-modal decoding task. In this work, we propose a novel AAC system called CLIP-AAC to learn interactive cross-modality representation with both acoustic and textual information. Specifically, the proposed CLIP-AAC introduces an audio-head and a text-head in the pre-trained encoder to extract audio-text information. Furthermore, we also apply contrastive learning to narrow the domain difference by learning the correspondence between the audio signal and its paired captions. Experimental results show that the proposed CLIP-AAC approach surpasses the best baseline by a significant margin on the Clotho dataset in terms of NLP evaluation metrics. The ablation study indicates that both the pre-trained model and contrastive learning contribute to the performance gain of the AAC model. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 21:36:00 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 教師なしポイントクラウド補完のための構造化潜在空間の学習 Learning a Structured Latent Space for Unsupervised Point Cloud Completion ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15580v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Yingjie Cai, Kwan-Yee Lin, Chao Zhang, Qiang Wang, Xiaogang Wang and Hongsheng Li | (参考訳) unsupervised point cloud completionは、部分的ポイントクラウドの対応する完全ポイントクラウドを非ペアで推定することを目的としている。
実験の結果,提案手法は,合成ShapeNet,実世界のKITTI,ScanNet,およびMatterport3Dデータセットにおいて,最先端の教師なし手法より一貫して優れていることがわかった。 Unsupervised point cloud completion aims at estimating the corresponding complete point cloud of a partial point cloud in an unpaired manner. It is a crucial but challenging problem since there is no paired partial-complete supervision that can be exploited directly. In this work, we propose a novel framework, which learns a unified and structured latent space that encoding both partial and complete point clouds. Specifically, we map a series of related partial point clouds into multiple complete shape and occlusion code pairs and fuse the codes to obtain their representations in the unified latent space. To enforce the learning of such a structured latent space, the proposed method adopts a series of constraints including structured ranking regularization, latent code swapping constraint, and distribution supervision on the related partial point clouds. By establishing such a unified and structured latent space, better partial-complete geometry consistency and shape completion accuracy can be achieved. Extensive experiments show that our proposed method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art unsupervised methods on both synthetic ShapeNet and real-world KITTI, ScanNet, and Matterport3D datasets. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 21:24:42 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 不変性を用いた機械学習による統治方程式の発見 Discovering Governing Equations by Machine Learning implemented with Invariance ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15586v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Chao Chen, Xiaowei Jin, Hui Li | (参考訳) 偏微分方程式(PDE)は多くの科学・工学分野において重要な役割を果たす。
本稿では, 公式の厳密な導出を通じて, 制御方程式の物理的拡張型加工学習発見法について, ガリレオ不変性とロレンツ不変性に基づいてgsnn (galileo symbolic neural network) とlsnn (lorentz symbolic neural network) が提案され, 方程式発見の候補を構築するためのガイドラインが策定された。
バーガース方程式とSine-Gordon方程式の数値実験におけるPDE-NETとの比較により, 本研究で提示した手法は精度, パーシモニー, 解釈可能性に優れていた。 The partial differential equation (PDE) plays a significantly important role in many fields of science and engineering. The conventional case of the derivation of PDE mainly relies on first principles and empirical observation. However, the development of machine learning technology allows us to mine potential control equations from the massive amounts of stored data in a fresh way. Although there has been considerable progress in the data-driven discovery of PDE, the extant literature mostly focuses on the improvements of discovery methods, without substantial breakthroughs in the discovery process itself, including the principles for the construction of candidates and how to incorporate physical priors. In this paper, through rigorous derivation of formulas, novel physically enhanced machining learning discovery methods for control equations: GSNN (Galileo Symbolic Neural Network) and LSNN (Lorentz Symbolic Neural Network) are firstly proposed based on Galileo invariance and Lorentz invariance respectively, setting forth guidelines for building the candidates of discovering equations. The adoption of mandatory embedding of physical constraints is fundamentally different from PINN in the form of the loss function, thus ensuring that the designed Neural Network strictly obeys the physical prior of invariance and enhancing the interpretability of the network. By comparing the results with PDE-NET in numerical experiments of Burgers equation and Sine-Gordon equation, it shows that the method presented in this study has better accuracy, parsimony, and interpretability. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 21:03:15 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 制約付きカーネル化マルチアーマッドバンドについて On Kernelized Multi-Armed Bandits with Constraints ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15589v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Xingyu Zhou and Bo Ji | (参考訳) 一般未知の報酬関数と一般未知の制約関数を持つ確率的バンディット問題について検討する。
この枠組みは、新しい十分条件に基づいているが、これは一般的な探索戦略の下で満足されるだけでなく、例えば \emph{upper confidence bound} (ucb)、 \emph{thompson sampling} (ts)、および \emph{random exploration} に基づく新しい条件も含む。
また,本研究では,制約付きバンディットとマルコフ決定プロセス(mdps)の分析方法について,コミュニティに独立した関心を抱く分析における重要な違いと若干の微妙な点を考察し,最初の比較を行った。 We study a stochastic bandit problem with a general unknown reward function and a general unknown constraint function. Both functions can be non-linear (even non-convex) and are assumed to lie in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) with a bounded norm. This kernelized bandit setup strictly generalizes standard multi-armed bandits and linear bandits. In contrast to safety-type hard constraints studied in prior works, we consider soft constraints that may be violated in any round as long as the cumulative violations are small, which is motivated by various practical applications. Our ultimate goal is to study how to utilize the nature of soft constraints to attain a finer complexity-regret-constraint trade-off in the kernelized bandit setting. To this end, leveraging primal-dual optimization, we propose a general framework for both algorithm design and performance analysis. This framework builds upon a novel sufficient condition, which not only is satisfied under general exploration strategies, including \emph{upper confidence bound} (UCB), \emph{Thompson sampling} (TS), and new ones based on \emph{random exploration}, but also enables a unified analysis for showing both sublinear regret and sublinear or even zero constraint violation. We demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed algorithms via numerical experiments based on both synthetic and real-world datasets. Along the way, we also make the first detailed comparison between two popular methods for analyzing constrained bandits and Markov decision processes (MDPs) by discussing the key difference and some subtleties in the analysis, which could be of independent interest to the communities. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 20:34:36 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 3次元畳み込みオートエンコーダを用いた拡散MRIの角超解像 Angular Super-Resolution in Diffusion MRI with a 3D Recurrent Convolutional Autoencoder ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15598v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Matthew Lyon, Paul Armitage, Mauricio A. \'Alvarez | (参考訳) 高分解能拡散MRI(dMRI)データはしばしば臨床環境での走査時間制限によって制限されるため、ダウンストリーム解析技術の使用が制限される。
ネットワーク内では畳み込み型long short term memory(convlstm)セルを使用して、q空間サンプル間の関係をモデル化します。
3D RCNNの相対的な性能は、非常に低い角分解能領域で最大である。
このプロジェクトのコードはhttps://github.com/m-lyon/dMRI-RCNNで公開されている。 High resolution diffusion MRI (dMRI) data is often constrained by limited scanning time in clinical settings, thus restricting the use of downstream analysis techniques that would otherwise be available. In this work we develop a 3D recurrent convolutional neural network (RCNN) capable of super-resolving dMRI volumes in the angular (q-space) domain. Our approach formulates the task of angular super-resolution as a patch-wise regression using a 3D autoencoder conditioned on target b-vectors. Within the network we use a convolutional long short term memory (ConvLSTM) cell to model the relationship between q-space samples. We compare model performance against a baseline spherical harmonic interpolation and a 1D variant of the model architecture. We show that the 3D model has the lowest error rates across different subsampling schemes and b-values. The relative performance of the 3D RCNN is greatest in the very low angular resolution domain. Code for this project is available at https://github.com/m-lyon/dMRI-RCNN. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 19:46:39 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) Emformerを用いたCTCに基づく音声認識における動的レイテンシ Dynamic Latency for CTC-Based Streaming Automatic Speech Recognition With Emformer ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15613v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Jingyu Sun, Guiping Zhong, Dinghao Zhou, Baoxiang Li | (参考訳) ストリーミング自動音声認識モデルと非ストリーミングモデルでは,将来的な文脈がないため,性能が劣ることが多い。
ベンチマーク960h LibriSpeechデータセットを用いて実験を行った。
平均遅延は640msであり,テストクリーンでは6.0%,他では3.0%,チャンクワイドトランスでは3.0%となる。 An inferior performance of the streaming automatic speech recognition models versus non-streaming model is frequently seen due to the absence of future context. In order to improve the performance of the streaming model and reduce the computational complexity, a frame-level model using efficient augment memory transformer block and dynamic latency training method is employed for streaming automatic speech recognition in this paper. The long-range history context is stored into the augment memory bank as a complement to the limited history context used in the encoder. Key and value are cached by a cache mechanism and reused for next chunk to reduce computation. Afterwards, a dynamic latency training method is proposed to obtain better performance and support low and high latency inference simultaneously. Our experiments are conducted on benchmark 960h LibriSpeech data set. With an average latency of 640ms, our model achieves a relative WER reduction of 6.0% on test-clean and 3.0% on test-other versus the truncate chunk-wise Transformer. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 19:36:14 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) NL-FCOS:オブジェクト検出のための非ローカルモジュールによるFCOSの改善 NL-FCOS: Improving FCOS through Non-Local Modules for Object Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15638v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Lukas Pavez, Jose M. Saavedra Rondo | (参考訳) 近年,畳み込みニューラルネットワークの性能向上が主な原因として,物体検出タスクの大幅な進歩が見られた。
そこで, 推定時間を低く保ちながらアンカーフリーモデルの有効性を高めるため, 非局所アテンションモジュール(NLモジュール)を追加して, 基礎となるバックボーンの特徴マップを強化することを提案する。
そこで我々は,衣服検出と手書き量認識問題における最先端性能を確立する。 During the last years, we have seen significant advances in the object detection task, mainly due to the outperforming results of convolutional neural networks. In this vein, anchor-based models have achieved the best results. However, these models require prior information about the aspect and scales of target objects, needing more hyperparameters to fit. In addition, using anchors to fit bounding boxes seems far from how our visual system does the same visual task. Instead, our visual system uses the interactions of different scene parts to semantically identify objects, called perceptual grouping. An object detection methodology closer to the natural model is anchor-free detection, where models like FCOS or Centernet have shown competitive results, but these have not yet exploited the concept of perceptual grouping. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of anchor-free models keeping the inference time low, we propose to add non-local attention (NL modules) modules to boost the feature map of the underlying backbone. NL modules implement the perceptual grouping mechanism, allowing receptive fields to cooperate in visual representation learning. We show that non-local modules combined with an FCOS head (NL-FCOS) are practical and efficient. Thus, we establish state-of-the-art performance in clothing detection and handwritten amount recognition problems. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 19:23:58 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) パラメータ付き一貫性学習に基づく深層多相カオスニューラルネットワークによる航空宇宙工学の信頼性解析 Parameterized Consistency Learning-based Deep Polynomial Chaos Neural Network Method for Reliability Analysis in Aerospace Engineering ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15655v1 ) ライセンス: CC0 1.0 | Xiaohu Zheng, Wen Yao, Yunyang Zhang, Xiaoya Zhang | (参考訳) ポリノミアルカオス展開(PCE)は航空宇宙工学における強力な代理モデルに基づく信頼性解析手法である。
本稿では,この問題を解決するために,低次適応pceモデル(補助モデル)と高次多項式カオスニューラルネットワーク(主モデル)を含む,パラメタライズド一貫性学習に基づく深部多項式カオスニューラルネットワーク(deep pcnn)法を提案する。
Deep PCNN法は,少数のラベル付きデータと多数のラベル付きデータを用いて,サロゲートモデルの精度を損なうことなく,高次PCEモデルを構築する際のトレーニングデータコストを大幅に削減することができる。
数値的な例はDeep PCNN法の有効性を検証し、Deep PCNN法を適用して2つの航空宇宙工学システムの信頼性を解析する。 Polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) is a powerful surrogate model-based reliability analysis method in aerospace engineering. Generally, a PCE model with a higher expansion order is usually required to obtain an accurate surrogate model for some non-linear complex stochastic systems. However, the high-order PCE increases the labeled training data cost for solving the expansion coefficients. To alleviate this problem, this paper proposes a parameterized consistency learning-based deep polynomial chaos neural network (Deep PCNN) method, including the low-order adaptive PCE model (the auxiliary model) and the high-order polynomial chaos neural network (the main model). The expansion coefficients of the high-order main model are parameterized into the learnable weights of the polynomial chaos neural network. The auxiliary model uses a proposed unsupervised consistency loss function to assist in training the main model. The Deep PCNN method can significantly reduce the training data cost in constructing a high-order PCE model without losing surrogate model accuracy by using a small amount of labeled data and many unlabeled data. A numerical example validates the effectiveness of the Deep PCNN method, and the Deep PCNN method is applied to analyze the reliability of two aerospace engineering systems. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 19:10:13 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) MAP-Gen:マルチモーダルアテンションポイントジェネレータを用いた自動3Dボックスアノテーションフロー MAP-Gen: An Automated 3D-Box Annotation Flow with Multimodal Attention Point Generator ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15700v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Chang Liu, Xiaoyan Qian, Xiaojuan Qi, Edmund Y. Lam, Siew-Chong Tan, Ngai Wong | (参考訳) 3dポイントクラウドを手動でアノテートするのは手間とコストがかかり、現実世界のオブジェクト検出におけるディープラーニングのためのトレーニングデータ準備が制限される。
新たに提案されたMAP-Genオートラベリングフローは、スパース点雲の濃縮にマルチモーダル情報を利用することで、新たな光を放つことが期待できる。 Manually annotating 3D point clouds is laborious and costly, limiting the training data preparation for deep learning in real-world object detection. While a few previous studies tried to automatically generate 3D bounding boxes from weak labels such as 2D boxes, the quality is sub-optimal compared to human annotators. This work proposes a novel autolabeler, called multimodal attention point generator (MAP-Gen), that generates high-quality 3D labels from weak 2D boxes. It leverages dense image information to tackle the sparsity issue of 3D point clouds, thus improving label quality. For each 2D pixel, MAP-Gen predicts its corresponding 3D coordinates by referencing context points based on their 2D semantic or geometric relationships. The generated 3D points densify the original sparse point clouds, followed by an encoder to regress 3D bounding boxes. Using MAP-Gen, object detection networks that are weakly supervised by 2D boxes can achieve 94~99% performance of those fully supervised by 3D annotations. It is hopeful this newly proposed MAP-Gen autolabeling flow can shed new light on utilizing multimodal information for enriching sparse point clouds. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 18:30:47 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 動的システムの長期予測のための安定化型神経常微分方程式 Stabilized Neural Ordinary Differential Equations for Long-Time Forecasting of Dynamical Systems ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15706v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Alec J. Linot, Josh W. Burby, Qi Tang, Prasanna Balaprakash, Michael D. Graham, Romit Maulik | (参考訳) データ駆動による時空間現象のモデリングでは、高波数のダイナミクスを捉えるためには、しばしば慎重に考慮する必要がある。
この場合、安定化されたニューラル ODE はアトラクタに長時間の軌道を保持し、ノイズの多い初期条件に対して非常に堅牢であるが、通常のニューラル ODE はどちらの結果も達成できない。
線形項の固有ベクトルにダイナミクスを投影することにより、ニューラルネットワークの安定化が低次モデリングにおける自然な拡張を提供することを示す。 In data-driven modeling of spatiotemporal phenomena careful consideration often needs to be made in capturing the dynamics of the high wavenumbers. This problem becomes especially challenging when the system of interest exhibits shocks or chaotic dynamics. We present a data-driven modeling method that accurately captures shocks and chaotic dynamics by proposing a novel architecture, stabilized neural ordinary differential equation (ODE). In our proposed architecture, we learn the right-hand-side (RHS) of an ODE by adding the outputs of two NN together where one learns a linear term and the other a nonlinear term. Specifically, we implement this by training a sparse linear convolutional NN to learn the linear term and a dense fully-connected nonlinear NN to learn the nonlinear term. This is in contrast with the standard neural ODE which involves training only a single NN for learning the RHS. We apply this setup to the viscous Burgers equation, which exhibits shocked behavior, and show better short-time tracking and prediction of the energy spectrum at high wavenumbers than a standard neural ODE. We also find that the stabilized neural ODE models are much more robust to noisy initial conditions than the standard neural ODE approach. We also apply this method to chaotic trajectories of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. In this case, stabilized neural ODEs keep long-time trajectories on the attractor, and are highly robust to noisy initial conditions, while standard neural ODEs fail at achieving either of these results. We conclude by demonstrating how stabilizing neural ODEs provide a natural extension for use in reduced-order modeling by projecting the dynamics onto the eigenvectors of the learned linear term. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 18:11:59 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 分類とセグメンテーションのための統合的Few-Shot学習 Integrative Few-Shot Learning for Classification and Segmentation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15712v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Dahyun Kang, Minsu Cho | (参考訳) ターゲットクラスがいくつかの例で与えられる場合,クエリ画像内の対象オブジェクトの分類とセグメント化を目標とする,マイショット分類とセグメント化(fs-cs)の統合タスクを導入する。
この課題に対処するために,FS-CS のための統合的数ショット学習フレームワークを提案する。
実験において,提案手法はfs-csタスクにおいて有望な性能を示すとともに,標準のマイナショットセグメンテーションベンチマークにおける最先端技術を実現する。 We introduce the integrative task of few-shot classification and segmentation (FS-CS) that aims to both classify and segment target objects in a query image when the target classes are given with a few examples. This task combines two conventional few-shot learning problems, few-shot classification and segmentation. FS-CS generalizes them to more realistic episodes with arbitrary image pairs, where each target class may or may not be present in the query. To address the task, we propose the integrative few-shot learning (iFSL) framework for FS-CS, which trains a learner to construct class-wise foreground maps for multi-label classification and pixel-wise segmentation. We also develop an effective iFSL model, attentive squeeze network (ASNet), that leverages deep semantic correlation and global self-attention to produce reliable foreground maps. In experiments, the proposed method shows promising performance on the FS-CS task and also achieves the state of the art on standard few-shot segmentation benchmarks. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:59:42 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 時空間交通時系列予測に向けて-フルバージョン Towards Spatio-Temporal Aware Traffic Time Series Forecasting--Full Version ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15737v1 ) ライセンス: CC0 1.0 | Razvan-Gabriel Cirstea, Bin Yang, Chenjuan Guo, Tung Kieu, Shirui Pan | (参考訳) 交通時系列の予測は、異なる場所からの複雑な時空間の動的時系列は、しばしば異なるパターンを持つため困難であり、同時に、パターンは時間によって異なる可能性がある。
この写本は[1]の完全なバージョンを提供する。 Traffic time series forecasting is challenging due to complex spatio-temporal dynamics-time series from different locations often have distinct patterns; and for the same time series, patterns may vary across time, where, for example, there exist certain periods across a day showing stronger temporal correlations. Although recent forecasting models, in particular deep learning based models, show promising results, they suffer from being spatio-temporal agnostic. Such spatio-temporal agnostic models employ a shared parameter space irrespective of the time series locations and the time periods and they assume that the temporal patterns are similar across locations and do not evolve across time, which may not always hold, thus leading to sub-optimal results. In this work, we propose a framework that aims at turning spatio-temporal agnostic models to spatio-temporal aware models. To do so, we encode time series from different locations into stochastic variables, from which we generate location-specific and time-varying model parameters to better capture the spatio-temporal dynamics. We show how to integrate the framework with canonical attentions to enable spatio-temporal aware attentions. Next, to compensate for the additional overhead introduced by the spatio-temporal aware model parameter generation process, we propose a novel window attention scheme, which helps reduce the complexity from quadratic to linear, making spatio-temporal aware attentions also have competitive efficiency. We show strong empirical evidence on four traffic time series datasets, where the proposed spatio-temporal aware attentions outperform state-of-the-art methods in term of accuracy and efficiency. This manuscript provides a full version of [1]. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:58:42 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 協調フィルタリングのための近傍リンク予測の再検討 Revisiting Neighborhood-based Link Prediction for Collaborative Filtering ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15789v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Hao-Ming Fu, Patrick Poirson, Kwot Sin Lee, Chen Wang | (参考訳) 協調フィルタリング(CF)はレコメンデーションシステムにおいて最も成功し、基本的な技術の一つである。
さらに, 協調フィルタリングにリンク予測を用いた初期の研究もあるが, この傾向は, 直接リンクをモデル化するのではなく, ユーザノードやアイテムノードからの情報を集約する作業に大きく寄与している。
私たちは、リンク予測とアイテムレコメンデーションの整合によって大きなパフォーマンス向上が達成できる、コラボレーティブフィルタリングのリンク予測の側面を再考することをコミュニティに求めています。 Collaborative filtering (CF) is one of the most successful and fundamental techniques in recommendation systems. In recent years, Graph Neural Network (GNN)-based CF models, such as NGCF [31], LightGCN [10] and GTN [9] have achieved tremendous success and significantly advanced the state-of-the-art. While there is a rich literature of such works using advanced models for learning user and item representations separately, item recommendation is essentially a link prediction problem between users and items. Furthermore, while there have been early works employing link prediction for collaborative filtering [5, 6], this trend has largely given way to works focused on aggregating information from user and item nodes, rather than modeling links directly. In this paper, we propose a new linkage (connectivity) score for bipartite graphs, generalizing multiple standard link prediction methods. We combine this new score with an iterative degree update process in the user-item interaction bipartite graph to exploit local graph structures without any node modeling. The result is a simple, non-deep learning model with only six learnable parameters. Despite its simplicity, we demonstrate our approach significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art GNN-based CF approaches on four widely used benchmarks. In particular, on Amazon-Book, we demonstrate an over 60% improvement for both Recall and NDCG. We hope our work would invite the community to revisit the link prediction aspect of collaborative filtering, where significant performance gains could be achieved through aligning link prediction with item recommendations. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:27:50 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# エッジ検出と深層学習に基づくSETI信号分類法 Edge Detection and Deep Learning Based SETI Signal Classification Method ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15229v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhewei Chen, Sami Ahmed Haider | (参考訳) バークレーSETI研究センターの科学者は、電波信号をフーリエ変換を通じて分光器に変換し、2次元の時間周波数スペクトルで表される信号を分類し、信号分類問題を画像分類タスクに変換する新しい信号検出方法により、地球外知能探索を行っている。
提案手法はSETIスペクトルの分類精度を効果的に向上できることを示す。 Scientists at the Berkeley SETI Research Center are Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) by a new signal detection method that converts radio signals into spectrograms through Fourier transforms and classifies signals represented by two-dimensional time-frequency spectrums, which successfully converts a signal classification problem into an image classification task. In view of the negative impact of background noises on the accuracy of spectrograms classification, a new method is introduced in this paper. After Gaussian convolution smoothing the signals, edge detection functions are applied to detect the edge of the signals and enhance the outline of the signals, then the processed spectrograms are used to train the deep neural network to compare the classification accuracy of various image classification networks. The results show that the proposed method can effectively improve the classification accuracy of SETI spectrums. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:11:32 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# シルエット画像から多角形メッシュ構築シーケンスを予測するAutoPoly AutoPoly: Predicting a Polygonal Mesh Construction Sequence from a Silhouette Image ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15233v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | I-Chao Shen, Yu Ju Chen, Oliver van Kaick, Takeo Igarashi | (参考訳) 多角形モデリングはコンピュータグラフィックスにおけるコンテンツ作成のコアタスクである。
我々はさらに,MCTSの探索プロセスにおける拡張とシミュレーションのステップを改善するための2つの深層学習ベースの手法を設計した: 潜在的なトポロジカルな行動の候補を生成するための$n$step "future action prediction" network (nFAP-Net) と,予測された画像とトポロジ的行動から多角形を予測するための形状ワープネットワーク (WarpNet) である。
複数の人工物カテゴリの2次元多角形状に対する本手法の有効性を示す。 Polygonal modeling is a core task of content creation in Computer Graphics. The complexity of modeling, in terms of the number and the order of operations and time required to execute them makes it challenging to learn and execute. Our goal is to automatically derive a polygonal modeling sequence for a given target. Then, one can learn polygonal modeling by observing the resulting sequence and also expedite the modeling process by starting from the auto-generated result. As a starting point for building a system for 3D modeling in the future, we tackle the 2D shape modeling problem and present AutoPoly, a hybrid method that generates a polygonal mesh construction sequence from a silhouette image. The key idea of our method is the use of the Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) algorithm and differentiable rendering to separately predict sequential topological actions and geometric actions. Our hybrid method can alter topology, whereas the recently proposed inverse shape estimation methods using differentiable rendering can only handle a fixed topology. Our novel reward function encourages MCTS to select topological actions that lead to a simpler shape without self-intersection. We further designed two deep learning-based methods to improve the expansion and simulation steps in the MCTS search process: an $n$-step "future action prediction" network (nFAP-Net) to generate candidates for potential topological actions, and a shape warping network (WarpNet) to predict polygonal shapes given the predicted rendered images and topological actions. We demonstrate the efficiency of our method on 2D polygonal shapes of multiple man-made object categories. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:11:16 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 共同登録による適応型空間優先画像分割 Image Segmentation with Adaptive Spatial Priors from Joint Registration ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15548v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Haifeng Li, Weihong Guo, Jun Liu, Li Cui, and Dongxing Xie | (参考訳) イメージセグメンテーションは多くのアプリケーションを持つ重要なタスクですが、難しい作業です。
数値計算の結果, 分割と登録を別々に行い, 他の関節モデルと比較した。 Image segmentation is a crucial but challenging task that has many applications. In medical imaging for instance, intensity inhomogeneity and noise are common. In thigh muscle images, different muscles are closed packed together and there are often no clear boundaries between them. Intensity based segmentation models cannot separate one muscle from another. To solve such problems, in this work we present a segmentation model with adaptive spatial priors from joint registration. This model combines segmentation and registration in a unified framework to leverage their positive mutual influence. The segmentation is based on a modified Gaussian mixture model (GMM), which integrates intensity inhomogeneity and spacial smoothness. The registration plays the role of providing a shape prior. We adopt a modified sum of squared difference (SSD) fidelity term and Tikhonov regularity term for registration, and also utilize Gaussian pyramid and parametric method for robustness. The connection between segmentation and registration is guaranteed by the cross entropy metric that aims to make the segmentation map (from segmentation) and deformed atlas (from registration) as similar as possible. This joint framework is implemented within a constraint optimization framework, which leads to an efficient algorithm. We evaluate our proposed model on synthetic and thigh muscle MR images. Numerical results show the improvement as compared to segmentation and registration performed separately and other joint models. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:10:49 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# syslrn: 効率的な異常検出のための監視方法を学ぶ syslrn: Learning What to Monitor for Efficient Anomaly Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15324v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Davide Sanvito, Giuseppe Siracusano, Sharan Santhanam, Roberto Gonzalez, Roberto Bifulco | (参考訳) 異常や障害を検出するためのシステム動作の監視は重要であるが、ログ分析に基づく既存の手法は、ログに含まれる情報に匹敵するだけでなく、OSレベルのソフトウェア状態に目を向ける他のアプローチにも高いオーバーヘッドが伴う。
私たちのsyslrnプロトタイプはまだ予備的な段階ですが、多くの機能が欠けていますが、OpenStackの障害監視のケーススタディでは、最先端のログ分析システムよりもオーバーヘッドがほとんどありません。 While monitoring system behavior to detect anomalies and failures is important, existing methods based on log-analysis can only be as good as the information contained in the logs, and other approaches that look at the OS-level software state introduce high overheads. We tackle the problem with syslrn, a system that first builds an understanding of a target system offline, and then tailors the online monitoring instrumentation based on the learned identifiers of normal behavior. While our syslrn prototype is still preliminary and lacks many features, we show in a case study for the monitoring of OpenStack failures that it can outperform state-of-the-art log-analysis systems with little overhead. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:09:27 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 神経多目的組合せ最適化のためのパレート集合学習 Pareto Set Learning for Neural Multi-objective Combinatorial Optimization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15386v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xi Lin, Zhiyuan Yang, Qingfu Zhang | (参考訳) 多目的組合せ最適化(MOCO)問題は多くの実世界のアプリケーションで見られる。
本研究では, ニューラル組合せ最適化の考え方を一般化し, 与えられたMOCO問題に対するパレート集合全体を, さらなる探索手順なしで近似する学習ベースアプローチを開発する。
実験の結果,提案手法は,多目的走行セールスマン問題,多目的車両ルーティング問題,多目的クナップサック問題において,解の質,速度,モデル効率の点で有意な差を示した。 Multiobjective combinatorial optimization (MOCO) problems can be found in many real-world applications. However, exactly solving these problems would be very challenging, particularly when they are NP-hard. Many handcrafted heuristic methods have been proposed to tackle different MOCO problems over the past decades. In this work, we generalize the idea of neural combinatorial optimization, and develop a learning-based approach to approximate the whole Pareto set for a given MOCO problem without further search procedure. We propose a single preference-conditioned model to directly generate approximate Pareto solutions for any trade-off preference, and design an efficient multiobjective reinforcement learning algorithm to train this model. Our proposed method can be treated as a learning-based extension for the widely-used decomposition-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA/D). It uses a single model to accommodate all the possible preferences, whereas other methods use a finite number of solution to approximate the Pareto set. Experimental results show that our proposed method significantly outperforms some other methods on the multiobjective traveling salesman problem, multiobjective vehicle routing problem and multiobjective knapsack problem in terms of solution quality, speed, and model efficiency. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:08:34 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# トポロジカルデータ解析とニューラルネットワークによる韓国音楽の機械構成 Machine Composition of Korean Music via Topological Data Analysis and Artificial Neural Network ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15468v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mai Lan Tran and Dongjin Lee and Jae-Hun Jung | (参考訳) ニューラルネットワークに基づく一般的なai音楽合成アルゴリズムは、大量の楽曲を供給して機械を訓練し、入力された音楽データに似た音楽を生成できる人工ニューラルネットワークを作成する。
提案手法は, \cite{TPJ} で提案された {\color{black}{Overlap}} 行列の概念を用いて提案する。
韓国音楽の一種である \cite{tpj} では、suyeonjangjigok などの「it dodeuri」音楽が位相データ解析(topological data analysis, tda)によって分析され、特に永続ホモロジーを用いて分析されている。
\cite{tpj} では、行列形式で音楽の流れ上でそれらのサイクルがどのように相互接続されるかを視覚化する、 {\it {\color{black}{overlap}} matrix} の新しい概念が提案されている。
本稿では,機械合成に {\color{black}{Overlap}} 行列をどのように利用するかを説明する。
本稿では,「it dodeuri」の音楽を用いて,詳細な手順について述べる。 Common AI music composition algorithms based on artificial neural networks are to train a machine by feeding a large number of music pieces and create artificial neural networks that can produce music similar to the input music data. This approach is a blackbox optimization, that is, the underlying composition algorithm is, in general, not known to users. In this paper, we present a way of machine composition that trains a machine the composition principle embedded in the given music data instead of directly feeding music pieces. We propose this approach by using the concept of {\color{black}{Overlap}} matrix proposed in \cite{TPJ}. In \cite{TPJ}, a type of Korean music, so-called the {\it Dodeuri} music such as Suyeonjangjigok has been analyzed using topological data analysis (TDA), particularly using persistent homology. As the raw music data is not suitable for TDA analysis, the music data is first reconstructed as a graph. The node of the graph is defined as a two-dimensional vector composed of the pitch and duration of each music note. The edge between two nodes is created when those nodes appear consecutively in the music flow. Distance is defined based on the frequency of such appearances. Through TDA on the constructed graph, a unique set of cycles is found for the given music. In \cite{TPJ}, the new concept of the {\it {\color{black}{Overlap}} matrix} has been proposed, which visualizes how those cycles are interconnected over the music flow, in a matrix form. In this paper, we explain how we use the {\color{black}{Overlap}} matrix for machine composition. The {\color{black}{Overlap}} matrix makes it possible to compose a new music piece algorithmically and also provide a seed music towards the desired artificial neural network. In this paper, we use the {\it Dodeuri} music and explain detailed steps. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:08:15 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ガウス制御バリア機能 : 安全のための非パラメトリックパラダイム Gaussian Control Barrier Functions : A Non-Parametric Paradigm to Safety ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15474v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mouhyemen Khan, Tatsuya Ibuki, Abhijit Chatterjee | (参考訳) 安全対策における制御障壁関数(CBF)の成功とモデリング機能のためのデータ駆動手法の台頭に着想を得て,ガウス過程(GP)を用いたCBFのオンライン合成のための非パラメトリックアプローチを提案する。
本手法は, オンライン上で安全なセットが構築されている場合の衝突回避と, 固定セットに対する安全な制御を実証することにより, クオータ上で実験的に検証する。
実験ビデオは、https://youtu.be/hx6uokvcigkで見ることができる。 Inspired by the success of control barrier functions (CBFs) in addressing safety, and the rise of data-driven techniques for modeling functions, we propose a non-parametric approach for online synthesis of CBFs using Gaussian Processes (GPs). Mathematical constructs such as CBFs have achieved safety by designing a candidate function a priori. However, designing such a candidate function can be challenging. A practical example of such a setting would be to design a CBF in a disaster recovery scenario where safe and navigable regions need to be determined. The decision boundary for safety in such an example is unknown and cannot be designed a priori. In our approach, we work with safety samples or observations to construct the CBF online by assuming a flexible GP prior on these samples, and term our formulation as a Gaussian CBF. GPs have favorable properties, in addition to being non-parametric, such as analytical tractability and robust uncertainty estimation. This allows realizing the posterior components with high safety guarantees by incorporating variance estimation, while also computing associated partial derivatives in closed-form to achieve safe control. Moreover, the synthesized safety function from our approach allows changing the corresponding safe set arbitrarily based on the data, thus allowing non-convex safe sets. We validate our approach experimentally on a quadrotor by demonstrating safe control for fixed but arbitrary safe sets and collision avoidance where the safe set is constructed online. Finally, we juxtapose Gaussian CBFs with regular CBFs in the presence of noisy states to highlight its flexibility and robustness to noise. The experiment video can be seen at: https://youtu.be/HX6uokvCiGk | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:07:45 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 2次最適化によるオーバーザ・エアフェデレート学習 Over-the-Air Federated Learning via Second-Order Optimization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15488v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Peng Yang, Yuning Jiang, Ting Wang, Yong Zhou, Yuanming Shi, Colin N. Jones | (参考訳) フェデレーション学習(federated learning, fl)は,プライバシとセキュリティの保証をユーザのデータをローカルに保持しながら,分離したデータ島の問題に対処可能な,有望な学習パラダイムである。
計算結果から,システムと通信効率を最先端手法と比較した。 Federated learning (FL) is a promising learning paradigm that can tackle the increasingly prominent isolated data islands problem while keeping users' data locally with privacy and security guarantees. However, FL could result in task-oriented data traffic flows over wireless networks with limited radio resources. To design communication-efficient FL, most of the existing studies employ the first-order federated optimization approach that has a slow convergence rate. This however results in excessive communication rounds for local model updates between the edge devices and edge server. To address this issue, in this paper, we instead propose a novel over-the-air second-order federated optimization algorithm to simultaneously reduce the communication rounds and enable low-latency global model aggregation. This is achieved by exploiting the waveform superposition property of a multi-access channel to implement the distributed second-order optimization algorithm over wireless networks. The convergence behavior of the proposed algorithm is further characterized, which reveals a linear-quadratic convergence rate with an accumulative error term in each iteration. We thus propose a system optimization approach to minimize the accumulated error gap by joint device selection and beamforming design. Numerical results demonstrate the system and communication efficiency compared with the state-of-the-art approaches. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:07:17 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 監視なしで学習するニューラルオーディオ Learning neural audio features without supervision ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15519v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sarthak Yadav, Neil Zeghidour | (参考訳) deep audio classificationは、メルフィルターバンク上にディープニューラルネットワークをトレーニングするのが伝統的だが、最近は2つの独立した作業の恩恵を受けている。
学習済みフロントエンドコンポーネントの探索的解析により,教師あり・自己教師あり設定,特に自己教師ありフィルタの親和性がメルスケールから大きく異なっており,より広い周波数範囲のモデル化が可能であることを明らかにする。 Deep audio classification, traditionally cast as training a deep neural network on top of mel-filterbanks in a supervised fashion, has recently benefited from two independent lines of work. The first one explores "learnable frontends", i.e., neural modules that produce a learnable time-frequency representation, to overcome limitations of fixed features. The second one uses self-supervised learning to leverage unprecedented scales of pre-training data. In this work, we study the feasibility of combining both approaches, i.e., pre-training learnable frontend jointly with the main architecture for downstream classification. First, we show that pretraining two previously proposed frontends (SincNet and LEAF) on Audioset drastically improves linear-probe performance over fixed mel-filterbanks, suggesting that learnable time-frequency representations can benefit self-supervised pre-training even more than supervised training. Surprisingly, randomly initialized learnable filterbanks outperform mel-scaled initialization in the self-supervised setting, a counter-intuitive result that questions the appropriateness of strong priors when designing learnable filters. Through exploratory analysis of the learned frontend components, we uncover crucial differences in properties of these frontends when used in a supervised and self-supervised setting, especially the affinity of self-supervised filters to diverge significantly from the mel-scale to model a broader range of frequencies. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:06:56 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 制御多体ダイナミクスに基づく効率的な量子コンピューティングのための回路カプセル化 Circuit encapsulation for efficient quantum computing based on controlled many-body dynamics ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15574v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ying Lu, Peng-Fei Zhou, Shao-Ming Fei, Shi-Ju Ran | (参考訳) 相互作用するスピンシステムの時間進化を制御することは、量子コンピューティングを実装する重要なアプローチである。
QCEは、回路を量子多体ダイナミクスに基づいて物理的に実行可能な形式に変換する代替のコンパイルスキームを提供する。 Controlling the time evolution of interacting spin systems is an important approach of implementing quantum computing. Different from the approaches by compiling the circuits into the product of multiple elementary gates, we here propose the quantum circuit encapsulation (QCE), where we encapsulate the circuits into different parts, and optimize the magnetic fields to realize the unitary transformation of each part by the time evolution. The QCE is demonstrated to possess well-controlled error and time cost, which avoids the error accumulations by aiming at finding the shortest path directly to the target unitary. We test four different encapsulation ways to realize the multi-qubit quantum Fourier transformations by controlling the time evolution of the quantum Ising chain. The scaling behaviors of the time costs and errors against the number of two-qubit controlled gates are demonstrated. The QCE provides an alternative compiling scheme that translates the circuits into a physically-executable form based on the quantum many-body dynamics, where the key issue becomes the encapsulation way to balance between the efficiency and flexibility. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:06:11 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ニューラルオーディオコーデックにおける周囲からの発話の遠ざかる Disentangling speech from surroundings in a neural audio codec ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15578v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ahmed Omran, Neil Zeghidour, Zal\'an Borsos, F\'elix de Chaumont Quitry, Malcolm Slaney, Marco Tagliasacchi | (参考訳) 本稿では,ニューラルオーディオコーデックの圧縮領域における雑音環境から音声信号を分離する手法を提案する。
また,音声出力特性を目標に調整することも可能である。 We present a method to separate speech signals from noisy environments in the compressed domain of a neural audio codec. We introduce a new training procedure that allows our model to produce structured encodings of audio waveforms given by embedding vectors, where one part of the embedding vector represents the speech signal, and the rest represents the environment. We achieve this by partitioning the embeddings of different input waveforms and training the model to faithfully reconstruct audio from mixed partitions, thereby ensuring each partition encodes a separate audio attribute. As use cases, we demonstrate the separation of speech from background noise or from reverberation characteristics. Our method also allows for targeted adjustments of the audio output characteristics. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:04:59 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 野生における迷路型物体検出 Gaze-based Object Detection in the Wild ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15651v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Daniel Weber, Wolfgang Fuhl, Andreas Zell, Enkelejda Kasneci | (参考訳) 人間とロボットのコラボレーションでは、ロボットに新しい未知の物体を教えることが難しい。
被験者は対象を向いたまま移動するため、ヒートマップには視線データトラジェクトリが含まれており、検出とパラメータ回帰が複雑になる。 In human-robot collaboration, one challenging task is to teach a robot new yet unknown objects. Thereby, gaze can contain valuable information. We investigate if it is possible to detect objects (object or no object) from gaze data and determine their bounding box parameters. For this purpose, we explore different sizes of temporal windows, which serve as a basis for the computation of heatmaps, i.e., the spatial distribution of the gaze data. Additionally, we analyze different grid sizes of these heatmaps, and various machine learning techniques are applied. To generate the data, we conducted a small study with five subjects who could move freely and thus, turn towards arbitrary objects. This way, we chose a scenario for our data collection that is as realistic as possible. Since the subjects move while facing objects, the heatmaps also contain gaze data trajectories, complicating the detection and parameter regression. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:04:48 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 低線量ctのための物理モデルとデータ駆動法の融合 Synergizing Physics/Model-based and Data-driven Methods for Low-Dose CT ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15725v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Wenjun Xia, Hongming Shan, Ge Wang and Yi Zhang | (参考訳) 2016年以降,低線量CT(LDCT)画像において,深部CT(Deep Learning, DL)が顕著な成功を収めている。
本稿では,LDCTの物理モデルに基づくデータ駆動方式を体系的に検討し,損失関数とトレーニング戦略を要約し,異なる手法の性能評価を行い,関連する課題と今後の方向性について議論する。 Since 2016, deep learning (DL) has advanced tomographic imaging with remarkable successes, especially in low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) imaging. Despite being driven by big data, the LDCT denoising and pure end-to-end reconstruction networks often suffer from the black box nature and major issues such as instabilities, which is a major barrier to apply deep learning methods in low-dose CT applications. An emerging trend is to integrate imaging physics and model into deep networks, enabling a hybridization of physics/model-based and data-driven elements. In this paper, we systematically review the physics/model-based data-driven methods for LDCT, summarize the loss functions and training strategies, evaluate the performance of different methods, and discuss relevant issues and future directions | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:04:33 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 変分オートエンコーダのためのスパルシリティ・プロモーティング辞書モデル A Sparsity-promoting Dictionary Model for Variational Autoencoders ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15758v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mostafa Sadeghi, Paul Magron | (参考訳) 確率的深層生成モデル(例えば、変分オートエンコーダ(VAE))における潜伏空間の構造化は、より表現力のあるモデルや解釈可能な表現を導き、過度な適合を避けるために重要である。
音声生成モデル実験は、出力音声品質を損なうことなくスパーシティを促進するため、競合技術に対する提案手法の利点を実証する。 Structuring the latent space in probabilistic deep generative models, e.g., variational autoencoders (VAEs), is important to yield more expressive models and interpretable representations, and to avoid overfitting. One way to achieve this objective is to impose a sparsity constraint on the latent variables, e.g., via a Laplace prior. However, such approaches usually complicate the training phase, and they sacrifice the reconstruction quality to promote sparsity. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective methodology to structure the latent space via a sparsity-promoting dictionary model, which assumes that each latent code can be written as a sparse linear combination of a dictionary's columns. In particular, we leverage a computationally efficient and tuning-free method, which relies on a zero-mean Gaussian latent prior with learnable variances. We derive a variational inference scheme to train the model. Experiments on speech generative modeling demonstrate the advantage of the proposed approach over competing techniques, since it promotes sparsity while not deteriorating the output speech quality. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:04:18 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 確率ブロックモデルにおける厳密なコミュニティ回復 Exact Community Recovery in Correlated Stochastic Block Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15736v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Julia Gaudio, Miklos Z. Racz, Anirudh Sridhar | (参考訳) 複数の相関ネットワークから潜在コミュニティ構造を学習する問題を考察する。
本研究では,コミュニティ・リカバリとグラフマッチングの文献からアルゴリズムを注意深く合成する新しいアルゴリズムを開発した。 We consider the problem of learning latent community structure from multiple correlated networks. We study edge-correlated stochastic block models with two balanced communities, focusing on the regime where the average degree is logarithmic in the number of vertices. Our main result derives the precise information-theoretic threshold for exact community recovery using multiple correlated graphs. This threshold captures the interplay between the community recovery and graph matching tasks. In particular, we uncover and characterize a region of the parameter space where exact community recovery is possible using multiple correlated graphs, even though (1) this is information-theoretically impossible using a single graph and (2) exact graph matching is also information-theoretically impossible. In this regime, we develop a novel algorithm that carefully synthesizes algorithms from the community recovery and graph matching literatures. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:03:56 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) DRaCoN-Articulated Avatar用ラスタ化条件ニューラル放射場 DRaCoN -- Differentiable Rasterization Conditioned Neural Radiance Fields for Articulated Avatars ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15798v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Amit Raj, Umar Iqbal, Koki Nagano, Sameh Khamis, Pavlo Molchanov, James Hays, Jan Kautz | (参考訳) デジタル人間のアバターの獲得と作成は、仮想テレプレゼンス、ゲーム、人間モデリングへの応用において重要な問題である。
挑戦的なZJU-MoCapとHuman3.6Mデータセットの実験は、DRaCoNがエラーメトリクスと視覚的品質の両方で最先端の手法より優れていることを示している。 Acquisition and creation of digital human avatars is an important problem with applications to virtual telepresence, gaming, and human modeling. Most contemporary approaches for avatar generation can be viewed either as 3D-based methods, which use multi-view data to learn a 3D representation with appearance (such as a mesh, implicit surface, or volume), or 2D-based methods which learn photo-realistic renderings of avatars but lack accurate 3D representations. In this work, we present, DRaCoN, a framework for learning full-body volumetric avatars which exploits the advantages of both the 2D and 3D neural rendering techniques. It consists of a Differentiable Rasterization module, DiffRas, that synthesizes a low-resolution version of the target image along with additional latent features guided by a parametric body model. The output of DiffRas is then used as conditioning to our conditional neural 3D representation module (c-NeRF) which generates the final high-res image along with body geometry using volumetric rendering. While DiffRas helps in obtaining photo-realistic image quality, c-NeRF, which employs signed distance fields (SDF) for 3D representations, helps to obtain fine 3D geometric details. Experiments on the challenging ZJU-MoCap and Human3.6M datasets indicate that DRaCoN outperforms state-of-the-art methods both in terms of error metrics and visual quality. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 17:02:51 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 認知サービスにおけるレコメンデーションの要求事項 Requirements Elicitation in Cognitive Service for Recommendation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14958v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Bolin Zhang, Zhiying Tu, Yunzhe Xu, Dianhui Chu and Xiaofei Xu | (参考訳) 現在、cognitive serviceは、人間と機械の会話を通じてユーザーの要求を理解するよりインタラクティブな方法を提供する。
この目的のために、I.Sequence Planning と Real-time Detection of user requirements, II.Service Resource selection と Response Generation の2つのフェーズを適用する必要がある。
オープンデータセット \emph{durecdial} の実験結果は,提案手法の有効性を示すベースラインと比較して有意に改善されている。 Nowadays, cognitive service provides more interactive way to understand users' requirements via human-machine conversation. In other words, it has to capture users' requirements from their utterance and respond them with the relevant and suitable service resources. To this end, two phases must be applied: I.Sequence planning and Real-time detection of user requirement, II.Service resource selection and Response generation. The existing works ignore the potential connection between these two phases. To model their connection, Two-Phase Requirement Elicitation Method is proposed. For the phase I, this paper proposes a user requirement elicitation framework (URef) to plan a potential requirement sequence grounded on user profile and personal knowledge base before the conversation. In addition, it can also predict user's true requirement and judge whether the requirement is completed based on the user's utterance during the conversation. For the phase II, this paper proposes a response generation model based on attention, SaRSNet. It can select the appropriate resource (i.e. knowledge triple) in line with the requirement predicted by URef, and then generates a suitable response for recommendation. The experimental results on the open dataset \emph{DuRecDial} have been significantly improved compared to the baseline, which proves the effectiveness of the proposed methods. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:47:23 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ディープハッシュとコード分類によるコード検索の高速化 Accelerating Code Search with Deep Hashing and Code Classification ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15287v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Wenchao Gu, Yanlin Wang, Lun Du, Hongyu Zhang, Shi Han, Dongmei Zhang, and Michael R. Lyu | (参考訳) コード検索は、自然言語クエリに基づいてソースコードコーパスから再利用可能なコードスニペットを検索する。
その結果,CoSHCは検索時間の90%以上を節約できる一方で,検索精度の99%は保存できることがわかった。 Code search is to search reusable code snippets from source code corpus based on natural languages queries. Deep learning-based methods of code search have shown promising results. However, previous methods focus on retrieval accuracy but lacked attention to the efficiency of the retrieval process. We propose a novel method CoSHC to accelerate code search with deep hashing and code classification, aiming to perform an efficient code search without sacrificing too much accuracy. To evaluate the effectiveness of CoSHC, we apply our method to five code search models. Extensive experimental results indicate that compared with previous code search baselines, CoSHC can save more than 90% of retrieval time meanwhile preserving at least 99% of retrieval accuracy. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:46:17 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# Eコマース検索におけるクリックスルーレート予測のためのユーザコンテキスト化ページワイズフィードバックのモデル化 Modeling Users' Contextualized Page-wise Feedback for Click-Through Rate Prediction in E-commerce Search ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15542v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhifang Fan, Dan Ou, Yulong Gu, Bairan Fu, Xiang Li, Wentian Bao, Xin-Yu Dai, Xiaoyi Zeng, Tao Zhuang, Qingwen Liu | (参考訳) ユーザの履歴フィードバックのモデル化は、パーソナライズされた検索とレコメンデーションにおけるクリックスルー率予測に不可欠である。
我々は,ページ内コンテキストをモデル化するために,ページコンテキストに注意を払う新しいニューラルネットワークランキングモデルRACP(Recurrent Attention over Contextualized Page sequence)を設計する。
パブリックおよび実世界の産業データセットの実験は、我々のモデルの有効性を検証する。 Modeling user's historical feedback is essential for Click-Through Rate Prediction in personalized search and recommendation. Existing methods usually only model users' positive feedback information such as click sequences which neglects the context information of the feedback. In this paper, we propose a new perspective for context-aware users' behavior modeling by including the whole page-wisely exposed products and the corresponding feedback as contextualized page-wise feedback sequence. The intra-page context information and inter-page interest evolution can be captured to learn more specific user preference. We design a novel neural ranking model RACP(i.e., Recurrent Attention over Contextualized Page sequence), which utilizes page-context aware attention to model the intra-page context. A recurrent attention process is used to model the cross-page interest convergence evolution as denoising the interest in the previous pages. Experiments on public and real-world industrial datasets verify our model's effectiveness. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:46:05 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 深層言語モデルに基づくクロスメディア科学研究成果検索 Cross-Media Scientific Research Achievements Retrieval Based on Deep Language Model ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15595v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Benzhi Wang, Meiyu Liang, Feifei Kou and Mingying Xu | (参考訳) 科学と技術 ビッグデータには、多くのクロスメディア情報が含まれている。科学論文には画像とテキストがある。s ingle modal search methodは、科学研究者のニーズを十分に満たさない。本論文は、深層言語モデル(deep language model:cardl)に基づく、クロスメディア科学研究成果検索手法を提案する。
キーワード科学と技術ビッグデータ ; クロスメディア検索; クロスメディアセマンティックアソシエーション学習; ディープ言語モデル; セマンティック類似性 Science and technology big data contain a lot of cross-media information.There are images and texts in the scientific paper.The s ingle modal search method cannot well meet the needs of scientific researchers.This paper proposes a cross-media scientific research achievements retrieval method based on deep language model (CARDL).It achieves a unified cross-media semantic representation by learning the semantic association between different modal data, and is applied to the generation of text semantic vector of scientific research achievements, and then cross-media retrieval is realized through semantic similarity matching between different modal data.Experimental results show that the proposed CARDL method achieves better cross-modal retrieval performance than existing methods. Key words science and technology big data ; cross-media retrieval; cross-media semantic association learning; deep language model; semantic similarity | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:44:05 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 生成的逆ネットワークを用いたコミュニケーションロボット運動の合成と実行 Synthesis and Execution of Communicative Robotic Movements with Generative Adversarial Networks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15640v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Linda Lastrico, Luca Garello, Alessandra Sciutti, Nicoletta Noceti, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni and Francesco Rea | (参考訳) オブジェクト操作は私たちが毎日実行する自然なアクティビティです。
このアプローチにより、次世代ロボットは知覚された文脈に応じて最も適切な動作スタイルを選択し、自律的に運動の実行を生成することができる。 Object manipulation is a natural activity we perform every day. How humans handle objects can communicate not only the willfulness of the acting, or key aspects of the context where we operate, but also the properties of the objects involved, without any need for explicit verbal description. Since human intelligence comprises the ability to read the context, allowing robots to perform actions that intuitively convey this kind of information would greatly facilitate collaboration. In this work, we focus on how to transfer on two different robotic platforms the same kinematics modulation that humans adopt when manipulating delicate objects, aiming to endow robots with the capability to show carefulness in their movements. We choose to modulate the velocity profile adopted by the robots' end-effector, inspired by what humans do when transporting objects with different characteristics. We exploit a novel Generative Adversarial Network architecture, trained with human kinematics examples, to generalize over them and generate new and meaningful velocity profiles, either associated with careful or not careful attitudes. This approach would allow next generation robots to select the most appropriate style of movement, depending on the perceived context, and autonomously generate their motor action execution. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:43:50 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 視線追跡による日常的バーチャルリアリティ Towards Everyday Virtual Reality through Eye Tracking ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15703v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Efe Bozkir | (参考訳) コンピュータグラフィックス、ハードウェア技術、知覚工学、人間とコンピュータのインタラクションの発展に伴い、仮想現実と仮想環境は私たちの日常生活にますます統合されつつある。
本研究は、上記の点を考慮し、日常的なバーチャルリアリティーへの大きな科学的取り組みが、3つの主要な研究成果とともに完了している。 With developments in computer graphics, hardware technology, perception engineering, and human-computer interaction, virtual reality and virtual environments are becoming more integrated into our daily lives. Head-mounted displays, however, are still not used as frequently as other mobile devices such as smart phones and watches. With increased usage of this technology and the acclimation of humans to virtual application scenarios, it is possible that in the near future an everyday virtual reality paradigm will be realized. When considering the marriage of everyday virtual reality and head-mounted displays, eye tracking is an emerging technology that helps to assess human behaviors in a real time and non-intrusive way. Still, multiple aspects need to be researched before these technologies become widely available in daily life. Firstly, attention and cognition models in everyday scenarios should be thoroughly understood. Secondly, as eyes are related to visual biometrics, privacy preserving methodologies are necessary. Lastly, instead of studies or applications utilizing limited human participants with relatively homogeneous characteristics, protocols and use-cases for making such technology more accessible should be essential. In this work, taking the aforementioned points into account, a significant scientific push towards everyday virtual reality has been completed with three main research contributions. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:43:28 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 教師なし自動音声認識による教師なし音声合成 Unsupervised Text-to-Speech Synthesis by Unsupervised Automatic Speech Recognition ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15796v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Junrui Ni, Liming Wang, Heting Gao, Kaizhi Qian, Yang Zhang, Shiyu Chang, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson | (参考訳) 教師なしテキスト-音声合成(tts)システムは、言語内の任意の文に対応する音声波形を観察して生成する。
1) その言語における未翻訳の音声波形の収集
2) その言語で書かれたテキストの集まりは,転写された音声にアクセスできない。
私たちのモデルで生成されたサンプルは、https://cactuswith Thoughts.github.io/UnsupTTS-Demo.orgにある。 An unsupervised text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) system learns to generate the speech waveform corresponding to any written sentence in a language by observing: 1) a collection of untranscribed speech waveforms in that language; 2) a collection of texts written in that language without access to any transcribed speech. Developing such a system can significantly improve the availability of speech technology to languages without a large amount of parallel speech and text data. This paper proposes an unsupervised TTS system by leveraging recent advances in unsupervised automatic speech recognition (ASR). Our unsupervised system can achieve comparable performance to the supervised system in seven languages with about 10-20 hours of speech each. A careful study on the effect of text units and vocoders has also been conducted to better understand what factors may affect unsupervised TTS performance. The samples generated by our models can be found at https://cactuswiththoughts.github.io/UnsupTTS-Demo. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:42:39 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 部分観測可能性下におけるトポロジ推論のための非バイアス対称行列推定器 An Unbiased Symmetric Matrix Estimator for Topology Inference under Partial Observability ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15500v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yupeng Chen and Zhiguo Wang and Xiaojing Shen | (参考訳) ネットワークトポロジ推論は、フェイクニュースのソースの特定、脳接続ネットワークの検出など、ネットワーク科学の多くの応用における基本的な問題である。
最後に, 従来の手法と比較して, 提案アルゴリズムはサンプルサイズが小さければ性能がよいことを示す数値実験を行った。 Network topology inference is a fundamental problem in many applications of network science, such as locating the source of fake news, brain connectivity networks detection, etc. Many real-world situations suffer from a critical problem that only a limited part of observations are available. This letter considers the problem of network topology inference under the framework of partial observability. Based on the vector autoregressive model, we propose a novel unbiased estimator for the symmetric network topology with the Gaussian noise and the Laplacian combination rule. Theoretically, we prove that it converges to the network combination matrix in probability. Furthermore, by utilizing the Gaussian mixture model algorithm, an effective algorithm called network inference Gauss algorithm is developed to infer the network structure. Finally, compared with the state-of-the-art methods, numerical experiments demonstrate the proposed algorithm enjoys better performance in the case of small sample sizes. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:42:25 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# wav2vec 2.0 特徴に基づくbag-of-audio-words アプローチによる家族性発声の複雑なシーケンスの可視化 Visualizations of Complex Sequences of Family-Infant Vocalizations Using Bag-of-Audio-Words Approach Based on Wav2vec 2.0 Features ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15183v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jialu Li, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Nancy L. McElwain | (参考訳) 米国では、2-8歳児の約15-17%が少なくとも1人の精神障害、行動障害、発達障害と診断されている。
本研究では,LittleBeats (LB) と呼ばれる乳幼児用ウェアラブルマルチモーダルデバイスの音声成分を試験的に検討した。
我々は,wav2vec 2.0を用いて,lbファミリーオーディオストリームを用いたより優れたニュアンス結果を得る。
我々は,wav2vec 2.0機能を用いた音声のバガ-オブ-audio-words法を用いて,家族間音声の対話を理解するための高レベル可視化を行う。
我々の高品質な可視化は、ラベル付きLBオーディオとラベルなしLBオーディオの両方において、精神、行動、発達の健康を表わすカテゴリーにおいて、家族の発声相互作用の主要なタイプを捉えている。 In the U.S., approximately 15-17% of children 2-8 years of age are estimated to have at least one diagnosed mental, behavioral or developmental disorder. However, such disorders often go undiagnosed, and the ability to evaluate and treat disorders in the first years of life is limited. To analyze infant developmental changes, previous studies have shown advanced ML models excel at classifying infant and/or parent vocalizations collected using cell phone, video, or audio-only recording device like LENA. In this study, we pilot test the audio component of a new infant wearable multi-modal device that we have developed called LittleBeats (LB). LB audio pipeline is advanced in that it provides reliable labels for both speaker diarization and vocalization classification tasks, compared with other platforms that only record audio and/or provide speaker diarization labels. We leverage wav2vec 2.0 to obtain superior and more nuanced results with the LB family audio stream. We use a bag-of-audio-words method with wav2vec 2.0 features to create high-level visualizations to understand family-infant vocalization interactions. We demonstrate that our high-quality visualizations capture major types of family vocalization interactions, in categories indicative of mental, behavioral, and developmental health, for both labeled and unlabeled LB audio. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:40:55 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 変圧器を用いたエンドツーエンドストリーミングasr用シフトチャンクエンコーダ Shifted Chunk Encoder for Transformer Based Streaming End-to-End ASR ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15206v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Fangyuan Wang and Bo Xu | (参考訳) 現在、主に3つのTransformer Encoderベースのストリーミング End to End (E2E) Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)アプローチ、すなわち時間制限法、チャンクワイズ法、メモリベース手法がある。
本研究では,E2E ASRをストリーミングする3つの側面の利点を享受するために,単一のモデルを構築することを目的とする。
我々はShifted Chunk TransformerとConformerをそれぞれSChunk-TransofromerとSChunk-Conformerと命名した。
そして、広く使われているaishell-1 benckmarkでパフォーマンスを検証する。
実験の結果、SChunk-TransformerとSChunk-ConformerはそれぞれCER 6.43%と5.77%を達成した。
これは既存のチャンクワイドおよびメモリベースの手法を大きなマージンで上回り、2次計算複雑性を持つ最先端の時間制限手法と比較しても競争力がある。 Currently, there are mainly three Transformer encoder based streaming End to End (E2E) Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) approaches, namely time-restricted methods, chunk-wise methods, and memory based methods. However, all of them have some limitations in aspects of global context modeling, linear computational complexity, and model parallelism. In this work, we aim to build a single model to achieve the benefits of all the three aspects for streaming E2E ASR. Particularly, we propose to use a shifted chunk mechanism instead of the conventional chunk mechanism for streaming Transformer and Conformer. This shifted chunk mechanism can significantly enhance modeling power through allowing chunk self-attention to capture global context across local chunks, while keeping linear computational complexity and parallel trainable. We name the Shifted Chunk Transformer and Conformer as SChunk-Transofromer and SChunk-Conformer, respectively. And we verify their performance on the widely used AISHELL-1 benckmark. Experiments show that the SChunk-Transformer and SChunk-Conformer achieve CER 6.43% and 5.77%, respectively. That surpasses the existing chunk-wise and memory based methods by a large margin, and is competitive even compared with the state-of-the-art time-restricted methods which have quadratic computational complexity. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:40:30 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 構文$\unicode{x2013}$prosody mapping hypothesis と韻律的 well-formedness constraints のニューラルネットワーク合成への応用 Applying Syntax$\unicode{x2013}$Prosody Mapping Hypothesis and Prosodic Well-Formedness Constraints to Neural Sequence-to-Sequence Speech Synthesis ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15276v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kei Furukawa, Takeshi Kishiyama, and Satoshi Nakamura | (参考訳) テキストや音素の文字列から直接音声を生成するtts(end-to-end text-to-speech synthesis)は,従来のttsよりも音声合成の質を改善した。
これらの現象は音韻論的制約と構文$\unicode{x2013}$prosody mapping hypothesis (spmh) によって言語的に説明され、構文構造から音韻階層への射影を仮定する。
提案モデルは,学習データに明示的に含まれないテストデータ中の音韻現象を効率的に合成する。 End-to-end text-to-speech synthesis (TTS), which generates speech sounds directly from strings of texts or phonemes, has improved the quality of speech synthesis over the conventional TTS. However, most previous studies have been evaluated based on subjective naturalness and have not objectively examined whether they can reproduce pitch patterns of phonological phenomena such as downstep, rhythmic boost, and initial lowering that reflect syntactic structures in Japanese. These phenomena can be linguistically explained by phonological constraints and the syntax$\unicode{x2013}$prosody mapping hypothesis (SPMH), which assumes projections from syntactic structures to phonological hierarchy. Although some experiments in psycholinguistics have verified the validity of the SPMH, it is crucial to investigate whether it can be implemented in TTS. To synthesize linguistic phenomena involving syntactic or phonological constraints, we propose a model using phonological symbols based on the SPMH and prosodic well-formedness constraints. Experimental results showed that the proposed method synthesized similar pitch patterns to those reported in linguistics experiments for the phenomena of initial lowering and rhythmic boost. The proposed model efficiently synthesizes phonological phenomena in the test data that were not explicitly included in the training data. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:40:05 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# エンドツーエンド音声認識への格子フリーMMIの統合 Integrate Lattice-Free MMI into End-to-End Speech Recognition ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15614v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jinchuan Tian, Jianwei Yu, Chao Weng, Yuexian Zou and Dong Yu | (参考訳) 音声認識(ASR)研究において,識別基準はDNN-HMMシステムにおいて優れた性能を示した。
この動機により、以前の研究は最小ベイズリスク(MBR、差別基準の一つ)をE2E ASRシステムに導入した。
この目的のために、この研究で広く使われている差別的基準である、格子フリーの最大相互情報(LF-MMI)を、訓練段階だけでなく復号過程においてもE2E ASRシステムに統合する新しいアルゴリズムを提案する。
提案手法は, Aishell-1 (CER 4.10%) と Aishell-2 (CER 5.02%) のデータセットを用いて, 最先端(SOTA) 結果を実現する。
コードはリリースされます。 In automatic speech recognition (ASR) research, discriminative criteria have achieved superior performance in DNN-HMM systems. Given this success, the adoption of discriminative criteria is promising to boost the performance of end-to-end (E2E) ASR systems. With this motivation, previous works have introduced the minimum Bayesian risk (MBR, one of the discriminative criteria) into E2E ASR systems. However, the effectiveness and efficiency of the MBR-based methods are compromised: the MBR criterion is only used in system training, which creates a mismatch between training and decoding; the on-the-fly decoding process in MBR-based methods results in the need for pre-trained models and slow training speeds. To this end, novel algorithms are proposed in this work to integrate another widely used discriminative criterion, lattice-free maximum mutual information (LF-MMI), into E2E ASR systems not only in the training stage but also in the decoding process. The proposed LF-MMI training and decoding methods show their effectiveness on two widely used E2E frameworks: Attention-Based Encoder-Decoders (AEDs) and Neural Transducers (NTs). Compared with MBR-based methods, the proposed LF-MMI method: maintains the consistency between training and decoding; eschews the on-the-fly decoding process; trains from randomly initialized models with superior training efficiency. Experiments suggest that the LF-MMI method outperforms its MBR counterparts and consistently leads to statistically significant performance improvements on various frameworks and datasets from 30 hours to 14.3k hours. The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on Aishell-1 (CER 4.10%) and Aishell-2 (CER 5.02%) datasets. Code is released. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:39:40 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 高速カスケードエンコーダを用いたストリーミング並列トランスデューサビーム探索 Streaming parallel transducer beam search with fast-slow cascaded encoders ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15773v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jay Mahadeokar, Yangyang Shi, Ke Li, Duc Le, Jiedan Zhu, Vikas Chandra, Ozlem Kalinli, Michael L Seltzer | (参考訳) 多くの音声認識アプリケーションでは、厳格なレイテンシ制限付きストリーミングasrが必要である。
これにより、計算コストが低くメモリフットプリントの少ないエッジデバイスでの低レイテンシ処理が可能になる。 Streaming ASR with strict latency constraints is required in many speech recognition applications. In order to achieve the required latency, streaming ASR models sacrifice accuracy compared to non-streaming ASR models due to lack of future input context. Previous research has shown that streaming and non-streaming ASR for RNN Transducers can be unified by cascading causal and non-causal encoders. This work improves upon this cascaded encoders framework by leveraging two streaming non-causal encoders with variable input context sizes that can produce outputs at different audio intervals (e.g. fast and slow). We propose a novel parallel time-synchronous beam search algorithm for transducers that decodes from fast-slow encoders, where the slow encoder corrects the mistakes generated from the fast encoder. The proposed algorithm, achieves up to 20% WER reduction with a slight increase in token emission delays on the public Librispeech dataset and in-house datasets. We also explore techniques to reduce the computation by distributing processing between the fast and slow encoders. Lastly, we explore sharing the parameters in the fast encoder to reduce the memory footprint. This enables low latency processing on edge devices with low computation cost and a low memory footprint. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:39:10 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# Min-Max類似性: 手術ツールセグメンテーションのためのコントラスト学習に基づく半教師付き学習ネットワーク Min-Max Similarity: A Contrastive Learning Based Semi-Supervised Learning Network for Surgical Tools Segmentation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15177v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ange Lou, Xing Yao, Ziteng Liu and Jack Noble | (参考訳) 画像のセグメンテーションは、医療AIにおいて一般的なトピックである。
コードは、https://github.com/AngeLouCN/Min_Max_Similarityで公開されている。 Segmentation of images is a popular topic in medical AI. This is mainly due to the difficulty to obtain a significant number of pixel-level annotated data to train a neural network. To address this issue, we proposed a semi-supervised segmentation network based on contrastive learning. In contrast to the previous state-of-the-art, we introduce a contrastive learning form of dual-view training by employing classifiers and projectors to build all-negative, and positive and negative feature pairs respectively to formulate the learning problem as solving min-max similarity problem. The all-negative pairs are used to supervise the networks learning from different views and make sure to capture general features, and the consistency of unlabeled predictions is measured by pixel-wise contrastive loss between positive and negative pairs. To quantitative and qualitative evaluate our proposed method, we test it on two public endoscopy surgical tool segmentation datasets and one cochlear implant surgery dataset which we manually annotate the cochlear implant in surgical videos. The segmentation performance (dice coefficients) indicates that our proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art semi-supervised and fully supervised segmentation algorithms consistently. The code is publicly available at: https://github.com/AngeLouCN/Min_Max_Similarity | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:36:48 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 深層混合実験による効率的な反射率キャプチャ Efficient Reflectance Capture with a Deep Gated Mixture-of-Experts ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15258v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xiaohe Ma, Yaxin Yu, Hongzhi Wu, Kun Zhou | (参考訳) 本稿では, 深層ゲート混合実験を用いて, 近接平面異方性反射率を画素非依存で効率的に取得する新しい枠組みを提案する。
最先端技術と比較すると,同じ入力帯域幅で結果が改善され,同等品質の場合,帯域幅が約1/3に低減できる。 We present a novel framework to efficiently acquire near-planar anisotropic reflectance in a pixel-independent fashion, using a deep gated mixtureof-experts. While existing work employs a unified network to handle all possible input, our network automatically learns to condition on the input for enhanced reconstruction. We train a gating module to select one out of a number of specialized decoders for reflectance reconstruction, based on photometric measurements, essentially trading generality for quality. A common, pre-trained latent transform module is also appended to each decoder, to offset the burden of the increased number of decoders. In addition, the illumination conditions during acquisition can be jointly optimized. The effectiveness of our framework is validated on a wide variety of challenging samples using a near-field lightstage. Compared with the state-of-the-art technique, our results are improved at the same input bandwidth, and our bandwidth can be reduced to about 1/3 for equal-quality results. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:36:23 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# MRIにおける脳腫瘍切除のためのカテゴリー誘導注意ネットワーク Category Guided Attention Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation in MRI ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15383v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jiangyun Li, Hong Yu, Chen Chen, Meng Ding, Sen Zha | (参考訳) 目的:MRIは脳疾患の分析と診断に広く用いられている。
放射線治療において, 正確な脳腫瘍分離が重要である。
しかし,腫瘍領域における組織コントラストの低さが課題となり,我々はCGA U-Net(Caegory Guided Attention U-Net)という新たなセグメンテーションネットワークを提案する。
主な結果: BraTS 2019データセットの実験結果は、提案手法がセグメンテーション性能と計算複雑性の両方において最先端のアルゴリズムより優れていることを示している。
意義: CGA U-NetはSAMモジュールを用いてMRI画像のグローバルな意味情報を効果的にキャプチャし、計算コストを大幅に削減する。
コードはhttps://github.com/delugewalker/cga-u-netで入手できる。 Objective: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been widely used for the analysis and diagnosis of brain diseases. Accurate and automatic brain tumor segmentation is of paramount importance for radiation treatment. However, low tissue contrast in tumor regions makes it a challenging task.Approach: We propose a novel segmentation network named Category Guided Attention U-Net (CGA U-Net). In this model, we design a Supervised Attention Module (SAM) based on the attention mechanism, which can capture more accurate and stable long-range dependency in feature maps without introducing much computational cost. Moreover, we propose an intra-class update approach to reconstruct feature maps by aggregating pixels of the same category. Main results: Experimental results on the BraTS 2019 datasets show that the proposed method outperformers the state-of-the-art algorithms in both segmentation performance and computational complexity. Significance: The CGA U-Net can effectively capture the global semantic information in the MRI image by using the SAM module, while significantly reducing the computational cost. Code is available at https://github.com/delugewalker/CGA-U-Net. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:35:56 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 画像キャプションにおける社会バイアス増幅の定量化 Quantifying Societal Bias Amplification in Image Captioning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15395v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yusuke Hirota, Yuta Nakashima, Noa Garcia | (参考訳) 画像キャプションにおける社会バイアスの増幅について検討した。
従来の画像キャプションモデルや最先端画像キャプションモデルについて広範な評価を行い,保護属性予測のみに注目することで,バイアス緩和モデルが予期せぬほどバイアスを増幅していることに驚いた。 We study societal bias amplification in image captioning. Image captioning models have been shown to perpetuate gender and racial biases, however, metrics to measure, quantify, and evaluate the societal bias in captions are not yet standardized. We provide a comprehensive study on the strengths and limitations of each metric, and propose LIC, a metric to study captioning bias amplification. We argue that, for image captioning, it is not enough to focus on the correct prediction of the protected attribute, and the whole context should be taken into account. We conduct extensive evaluation on traditional and state-of-the-art image captioning models, and surprisingly find that, by only focusing on the protected attribute prediction, bias mitigation models are unexpectedly amplifying bias. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:35:40 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ノイズ2次元STEM画像からのクリーンインプリシト3次元構造 Clean Implicit 3D Structure from Noisy 2D STEM Images ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15434v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Hannah Kniesel, Timo Ropinski, Tim Bergner, Kavitha Shaga Devan, Clarissa Read, Paul Walther, Tobias Ritschel and Pedro Hermosilla | (参考訳) 走査透過電子顕微鏡(STEM)は、個々の細胞成分のスケールで3Dサンプルの2D画像を取得する。
これらのモデルの組み合わせによって、3d信号とノイズを監視せずにうまく分離でき、合成データと実データで複数のベースラインを上回ることができることを示す。 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopes (STEMs) acquire 2D images of a 3D sample on the scale of individual cell components. Unfortunately, these 2D images can be too noisy to be fused into a useful 3D structure and facilitating good denoisers is challenging due to the lack of clean-noisy pairs. Additionally, representing a detailed 3D structure can be difficult even for clean data when using regular 3D grids. Addressing these two limitations, we suggest a differentiable image formation model for STEM, allowing to learn a joint model of 2D sensor noise in STEM together with an implicit 3D model. We show, that the combination of these models are able to successfully disentangle 3D signal and noise without supervision and outperform at the same time several baselines on synthetic and real data. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:33:55 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# Eventor:FPGAプラットフォーム上での効率的なイベントベース単眼単眼ステレオアクセラレータ Eventor: An Efficient Event-Based Monocular Multi-View Stereo Accelerator on FPGA Platform ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15439v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mingjun Li, Jianlei Yang, Yingjie Qi, Meng Dong, Yuhao Yang, Runze Liu, Weitao Pan, Bei Yu, Weisheng Zhao | (参考訳) イベントカメラはバイオインスパイアされた視覚センサーで、イベントストリームとしてピクセルレベルの明るさ変化を非同期に表現する。
Event-based monocular multi-view stereo (EMVS) は、イベントストリームを利用して、既知の軌道で半密度の3D構造を推定する手法である。
DAVISデータセットの評価結果によると、EventorはIntel i5 CPUプラットフォームと比較して、最大24ドル以上のエネルギー効率の向上を実現している。 Event cameras are bio-inspired vision sensors that asynchronously represent pixel-level brightness changes as event streams. Event-based monocular multi-view stereo (EMVS) is a technique that exploits the event streams to estimate semi-dense 3D structure with known trajectory. It is a critical task for event-based monocular SLAM. However, the required intensive computation workloads make it challenging for real-time deployment on embedded platforms. In this paper, Eventor is proposed as a fast and efficient EMVS accelerator by realizing the most critical and time-consuming stages including event back-projection and volumetric ray-counting on FPGA. Highly paralleled and fully pipelined processing elements are specially designed via FPGA and integrated with the embedded ARM as a heterogeneous system to improve the throughput and reduce the memory footprint. Meanwhile, the EMVS algorithm is reformulated to a more hardware-friendly manner by rescheduling, approximate computing and hybrid data quantization. Evaluation results on DAVIS dataset show that Eventor achieves up to $24\times$ improvement in energy efficiency compared with Intel i5 CPU platform. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:33:41 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# UnShadowNet:照明批判的指導によるシャドー除去のためのコントラスト学習 UnShadowNet: Illumination Critic Guided Contrastive Learning For Shadow Removal ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15441v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Subhrajyoti Dasgupta, Arindam Das, Sudip Das, Andrei Bursuc, Ujjwal Bhattacharya and Senthil Yogamani | (参考訳) シャドウはしばしば自然現象に遭遇し、例えば自動運転のような実用的な環境でのコンピュータビジョン知覚システムの性能を著しく阻害する。
我々は,unshadownet を完全な教師付き設定に拡張して,利用可能であれば基盤を活用できることを示した。
UnShadowNetは、3つの公開シャドウデータセット(ISTD、調整されたISTD、SRD)に対して、弱い設定と完全に管理された設定の両方において、既存の最先端のアプローチより優れている。 Shadows are frequently encountered natural phenomena that significantly hinder the performance of computer vision perception systems in practical settings, e.g., autonomous driving. A solution to this would be to eliminate shadow regions from the images before the processing of the perception system. Yet, training such a solution requires pairs of aligned shadowed and non-shadowed images which are difficult to obtain. We introduce a novel weakly supervised shadow removal framework UnShadowNet trained using contrastive learning. It comprises of a DeShadower network responsible for removal of the extracted shadow under the guidance of an Illumination network which is trained adversarially by the illumination critic and a Refinement network to further remove artifacts. We show that UnShadowNet can also be easily extended to a fully-supervised setup to exploit the ground-truth when available. UnShadowNet outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches on three publicly available shadow datasets (ISTD, adjusted ISTD, SRD) in both the weakly and fully supervised setups. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:33:24 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# Visual Backboneにもっと注意を移す: エンドツーエンドのビジュアルグラウンドのためのクエリ修飾リファインメントネットワーク Shifting More Attention to Visual Backbone: Query-modulated Refinement Networks for End-to-End Visual Grounding ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15442v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jiabo Ye, Junfeng Tian, Ming Yan, Xiaoshan Yang, Xuwu Wang, Ji Zhang, Liang He, Xin Lin | (参考訳) 視覚グランドニングは、マルチモーダル推論システムにおいて必須の応用がある視覚と自然言語の間の細かなアライメントを確立することに焦点を当てている。
さらに、バックボーンはクエリに依存しないため、visual grounding frameworkでvisual backboneのエンドツーエンドをトレーニングすることで、一貫性の問題を完全に回避することは困難である。
広範な実験により,提案手法が5つの広範に使用されるデータセットにおいて最先端の手法よりも優れていることが示された。 Visual grounding focuses on establishing fine-grained alignment between vision and natural language, which has essential applications in multimodal reasoning systems. Existing methods use pre-trained query-agnostic visual backbones to extract visual feature maps independently without considering the query information. We argue that the visual features extracted from the visual backbones and the features really needed for multimodal reasoning are inconsistent. One reason is that there are differences between pre-training tasks and visual grounding. Moreover, since the backbones are query-agnostic, it is difficult to completely avoid the inconsistency issue by training the visual backbone end-to-end in the visual grounding framework. In this paper, we propose a Query-modulated Refinement Network (QRNet) to address the inconsistent issue by adjusting intermediate features in the visual backbone with a novel Query-aware Dynamic Attention (QD-ATT) mechanism and query-aware multiscale fusion. The QD-ATT can dynamically compute query-dependent visual attention at the spatial and channel levels of the feature maps produced by the visual backbone. We apply the QRNet to an end-to-end visual grounding framework. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on five widely used datasets. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:33:02 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# Transformer Inertial Poser: スパースIMUからの注意に基づくリアルタイム人体動作再構成 Transformer Inertial Poser: Attention-based Real-time Human Motion Reconstruction from Sparse IMUs ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15720v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yifeng Jiang, Yuting Ye, Deepak Gopinath, Jungdam Won, Alexander W. Winkler, C. Karen Liu | (参考訳) まばらなウェアラブルimusからリアルタイムの人間の動きの再構築は、意図せず経済的なモーションキャプチャーのアプローチを提供する。
提案手法は,IMUデータと実データと,実時間ライブデモを用いて広範に評価する。 Real-time human motion reconstruction from a sparse set of wearable IMUs provides an non-intrusive and economic approach to motion capture. Without the ability to acquire absolute position information using IMUs, many prior works took data-driven approaches that utilize large human motion datasets to tackle the under-determined nature of the problem. Still, challenges such as temporal consistency, global translation estimation, and diverse coverage of motion or terrain types remain. Inspired by recent success of Transformer models in sequence modeling, we propose an attention-based deep learning method to reconstruct full-body motion from six IMU sensors in real-time. Together with a physics-based learning objective to predict "stationary body points", our method achieves new state-of-the-art results both quantitatively and qualitatively, while being simple to implement and smaller in size. We evaluate our method extensively on synthesized and real IMU data, and with real-time live demos. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:32:37 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 神経生物学における時空間パターン : 未来人工知能の概観 Spatiotemporal Patterns in Neurobiology: An Overview for Future Artificial Intelligence ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15415v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sean Knight | (参考訳) 近年、脳組織にみられる複雑な接続パターンに対処するためのモデルやツールの開発への関心が高まっている。
したがって、これらの研究は、人工知能アルゴリズムの今後の発展を知らせるとともに、動物や人間の実験に基づく脳プロセスの理解を検証するのに役立つことを期待している。 In recent years, there has been increasing interest in developing models and tools to address the complex patterns of connectivity found in brain tissue. Specifically, this is due to a need to understand how emergent properties emerge from these network structures at multiple spatiotemporal scales. We argue that computational models are key tools for elucidating the possible functionalities that can emerge from interactions of heterogeneous neurons connected by complex networks on multi-scale temporal and spatial domains. Here we review several classes of models including spiking neurons, integrate and fire neurons with short term plasticity (STP), conductance based integrate-and-fire models with STP, and population density neural field (PDNF) models using simple examples with emphasis on neuroscience applications while also providing some potential future research directions for AI. These computational approaches allow us to explore the impact of changing underlying mechanisms on resulting network function both experimentally as well as theoretically. Thus we hope these studies will inform future developments in artificial intelligence algorithms as well as help validate our understanding of brain processes based on experiments in animals or humans. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:32:19 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 想定音声認識のための脳波周波数帯域の解析 Analysis of EEG frequency bands for Envisioned Speech Recognition ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15250v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ayush Tripathi | (参考訳) 自動音声認識(asr)インタフェースの使用は、電子機器のインタラクションや制御に利用するために日常生活でますます普及している。
しかし、想定された音声認識に寄与する脳波信号の周波数帯域(\delta, \theta, \alpha, \beta, \gamma$)を識別する作業は限られている。
異なる周波数帯域に対してフィルタされた異なるローブとバンドパスから得られる信号は、畳み込みニューラルネットワーク(CNN)とLong Short-Term Memory(LSTM)を備えた時空間ディープラーニングアーキテクチャに供給される。
実装のコードはhttps://github.com/ayushayt/ImaginedSpeechRecognitionで公開されている。 The use of Automatic speech recognition (ASR) interfaces have become increasingly popular in daily life for use in interaction and control of electronic devices. The interfaces currently being used are not feasible for a variety of users such as those suffering from a speech disorder, locked-in syndrome, paralysis or people with utmost privacy requirements. In such cases, an interface that can identify envisioned speech using electroencephalogram (EEG) signals can be of great benefit. Various works targeting this problem have been done in the past. However, there has been limited work in identifying the frequency bands ($\delta, \theta, \alpha, \beta, \gamma$) of the EEG signal that contribute towards envisioned speech recognition. Therefore, in this work, we aim to analyze the significance of different EEG frequency bands and signals obtained from different lobes of the brain and their contribution towards recognizing envisioned speech. Signals obtained from different lobes and bandpass filtered for different frequency bands are fed to a spatio-temporal deep learning architecture with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). The performance is evaluated on a publicly available dataset comprising of three classification tasks - digit, character and images. We obtain a classification accuracy of $85.93\%$, $87.27\%$ and $87.51\%$ for the three tasks respectively. The code for the implementation has been made available at https://github.com/ayushayt/ImaginedSpeechRecognition. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:31:58 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 音声認識システムにおける敵対的攻撃に対するメル周波数スペクトルドメイン防御 Mel Frequency Spectral Domain Defenses against Adversarial Attacks on Speech Recognition Systems ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15283v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Nicholas Mehlman, Anirudh Sreeram, Raghuveer Peri, Shrikanth Narayanan | (参考訳) 最近の様々な研究で、特に画像処理領域における敵の攻撃に対するディープニューラルネットワークの防御が検討されている。
我々は,プロジェクションド勾配降下 (pgd) やカーリーニ・ワグナー (cw) 攻撃などのホワイトボックス攻撃に対する防御を試験し,強力な脅威モデルを用いたランダム化平滑化ベースラインと比較して,より頑健性を示す。 A variety of recent works have looked into defenses for deep neural networks against adversarial attacks particularly within the image processing domain. Speech processing applications such as automatic speech recognition (ASR) are increasingly relying on deep learning models, and so are also prone to adversarial attacks. However, many of the defenses explored for ASR simply adapt the image-domain defenses, which may not provide optimal robustness. This paper explores speech specific defenses using the mel spectral domain, and introduces a novel defense method called 'mel domain noise flooding' (MDNF). MDNF applies additive noise to the mel spectrogram of a speech utterance prior to re-synthesising the audio signal. We test the defenses against strong white-box adversarial attacks such as projected gradient descent (PGD) and Carlini-Wagner (CW) attacks, and show better robustness compared to a randomized smoothing baseline across strong threat models. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:30:26 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ハイブリッド量子古典学習を用いた量子畳み込みニューラルネットワークを用いたマルチクラス分類 Multiclass classification using quantum convolutional neural networks with hybrid quantum-classical learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15368v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Denis Bokhan, Alena S. Mastiukova, Aleksey S. Boev, Dmitrii N. Trubnikov, Aleksey K. Fedorov | (参考訳) マルチクラス分類は、コンピュータビジョンにおいて一般的なタスクであり、イメージを3つ以上のクラスに分類する必要がある。
提案手法は,データエンコーディングのための8キュービットと4つの acnilla qubits を用いたmnistデータセットの4クラス分類を実証するために用いる。
我々の発見は、NISQ時代以降の実用的な問題の解決に量子機械学習を使用するための新たなステップを提供すると期待している。 Multiclass classification is of great interest for various machine learning applications, for example, it is a common task in computer vision, where one needs to categorize an image into three or more classes. Here we propose a quantum machine learning approach based on quantum convolutional neural networks for solving this problem. The corresponding learning procedure is implemented via TensorFlowQuantum as a hybrid quantum-classical (variational) model, where quantum output results are fed to softmax cost function with subsequent minimization of it via optimization of parameters of quantum circuit. Our conceptional improvements include a new model for quantum perceptron and optimized structure of the quantum circuit. We use the proposed approach to demonstrate the 4-class classification for the case of the MNIST dataset using eight qubits for data encoding and four acnilla qubits. Our results demonstrate comparable accuracy of our solution with classical convolutional neural networks with comparable numbers of trainable parameters. We expect that our finding provide a new step towards the use of quantum machine learning for solving practically relevant problems in the NISQ era and beyond. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:30:10 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 物理インフォームド深層学習による実験流体力学への応用 Physics-informed deep-learning applications to experimental fluid mechanics ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15402v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Hamidreza Eivazi and Ricardo Vinuesa | (参考訳) 低分解能および雑音測定による流れ場データの高分解能再構成は、測定データが一般にスパースで不完全でノイズの多い実験流体力学におけるそのような問題の存在により興味深い。
本研究では, 円柱背後の2次元渦流, 最小乱流流の3つの正準ケースを通して, 流れ場データの時間と空間の超解像に対するピンの適用性を示す。
流体力学実験におけるデータ拡張の文脈において,pinnの優れた性能を示す。 High-resolution reconstruction of flow-field data from low-resolution and noisy measurements is of interest due to the prevalence of such problems in experimental fluid mechanics, where the measurement data are in general sparse, incomplete and noisy. Deep-learning approaches have been shown suitable for such super-resolution tasks. However, a high number of high-resolution examples is needed, which may not be available for many cases. Moreover, the obtained predictions may lack in complying with the physical principles, e.g. mass and momentum conservation. Physics-informed deep learning provides frameworks for integrating data and physical laws for learning. In this study, we apply physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) for super-resolution of flow-field data both in time and space from a limited set of noisy measurements without having any high-resolution reference data. Our objective is to obtain a continuous solution of the problem, providing a physically-consistent prediction at any point in the solution domain. We demonstrate the applicability of PINNs for the super-resolution of flow-field data in time and space through three canonical cases: Burgers' equation, two-dimensional vortex shedding behind a circular cylinder and the minimal turbulent channel flow. The robustness of the models is also investigated by adding synthetic Gaussian noise. Our results show excellent capabilities of PINNs in the context of data augmentation for experiments in fluid mechanics. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:29:54 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 大規模未ラベル音声コーパスを用いた低音源テキスト音声の転送学習フレームワーク Transfer Learning Framework for Low-Resource Text-to-Speech using a Large-Scale Unlabeled Speech Corpus ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15447v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Minchan Kim, Myeonghun Jeong, Byoung Jin Choi, Sunghwan Ahn, Joun Yeop Lee, Nam Soo Kim | (参考訳) テキスト音声(TTS)モデルを訓練するには,大規模なテキストラベル付き音声コーパスが必要である。
ラベル付きデータセットの10分で微調整された単一話者TSモデルは、他のベースラインよりも優れており、ZS-TTSモデルでは、ラベルなしマルチスピーカ音声コーパスで事前学習することで、わずか30分で任意の話者の声を生成することができる。 Training a text-to-speech (TTS) model requires a large scale text labeled speech corpus, which is troublesome to collect. In this paper, we propose a transfer learning framework for TTS that utilizes a large amount of unlabeled speech dataset for pre-training. By leveraging wav2vec2.0 representation, unlabeled speech can highly improve performance, especially in the lack of labeled speech. We also extend the proposed method to zero-shot multi-speaker TTS (ZS-TTS). The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of naturalness, intelligibility, and speaker generalization. We highlight that the single speaker TTS model fine-tuned on the only 10 minutes of labeled dataset outperforms the other baselines, and the ZS-TTS model fine-tuned on the only 30 minutes of single speaker dataset can generate the voice of the arbitrary speaker, by pre-training on unlabeled multi-speaker speech corpus. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:29:32 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) StyleT2I: 合成と高忠実化を目指して StyleT2I: Toward Compositional and High-Fidelity Text-to-Image Synthesis ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15799v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Zhiheng Li, Martin Renqiang Min, Kai Li, Chenliang Xu | (参考訳) テキストから画像への合成の進歩はあったが、以前の手法では、入力テキストの属性合成を認識できなかったり、表現不足にしてしまったりする。
具体的には,CLIP誘導のコントラスト損失(Contrastive Loss)を提案する。
その結果,StyleT2Iは入力テキストと合成画像との整合性において従来の手法よりも優れ,忠実度が高いことがわかった。 Although progress has been made for text-to-image synthesis, previous methods fall short of generalizing to unseen or underrepresented attribute compositions in the input text. Lacking compositionality could have severe implications for robustness and fairness, e.g., inability to synthesize the face images of underrepresented demographic groups. In this paper, we introduce a new framework, StyleT2I, to improve the compositionality of text-to-image synthesis. Specifically, we propose a CLIP-guided Contrastive Loss to better distinguish different compositions among different sentences. To further improve the compositionality, we design a novel Semantic Matching Loss and a Spatial Constraint to identify attributes' latent directions for intended spatial region manipulations, leading to better disentangled latent representations of attributes. Based on the identified latent directions of attributes, we propose Compositional Attribute Adjustment to adjust the latent code, resulting in better compositionality of image synthesis. In addition, we leverage the $\ell_2$-norm regularization of identified latent directions (norm penalty) to strike a nice balance between image-text alignment and image fidelity. In the experiments, we devise a new dataset split and an evaluation metric to evaluate the compositionality of text-to-image synthesis models. The results show that StyleT2I outperforms previous approaches in terms of the consistency between the input text and synthesized images and achieves higher fidelity. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 16:27:03 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# PoseTriplet: 自己監督下での3次元人文推定・模倣・幻覚の共進化 PoseTriplet: Co-evolving 3D Human Pose Estimation, Imitation, and Hallucination under Self-supervision ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15625v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kehong Gong, Bingbing Li, Jianfeng Zhang, Tao Wang, Jing Huang, Michael Bi Mi, Jiashi Feng, Xinchao Wang | (参考訳) 既存の自己監督型3Dポーズ推定スキームは、学習を導くために一貫性の喪失のような弱い監督に大きく依存しており、必然的に、目に見えないポーズを持つ現実世界のシナリオでは劣る結果をもたらしている。
本稿では, 2次元3次元ポーズペアを明示的に生成し, 自己強化型デュアルループ学習フレームワークを用いて, 自己教師型アプローチを提案する。
特に、MPI-INF-3DHP上の89.1%の3D PCKを自己教師付きクロスデータセット評価設定で達成し、以前の最高の自己教師付き手法を8.6%改善した。
コードは、https://github.com/Garfield-kh/PoseTripletで参照できる。 Existing self-supervised 3D human pose estimation schemes have largely relied on weak supervisions like consistency loss to guide the learning, which, inevitably, leads to inferior results in real-world scenarios with unseen poses. In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised approach that allows us to explicitly generate 2D-3D pose pairs for augmenting supervision, through a self-enhancing dual-loop learning framework. This is made possible via introducing a reinforcement-learning-based imitator, which is learned jointly with a pose estimator alongside a pose hallucinator; the three components form two loops during the training process, complementing and strengthening one another. Specifically, the pose estimator transforms an input 2D pose sequence to a low-fidelity 3D output, which is then enhanced by the imitator that enforces physical constraints. The refined 3D poses are subsequently fed to the hallucinator for producing even more diverse data, which are, in turn, strengthened by the imitator and further utilized to train the pose estimator. Such a co-evolution scheme, in practice, enables training a pose estimator on self-generated motion data without relying on any given 3D data. Extensive experiments across various benchmarks demonstrate that our approach yields encouraging results significantly outperforming the state of the art and, in some cases, even on par with results of fully-supervised methods. Notably, it achieves 89.1% 3D PCK on MPI-INF-3DHP under self-supervised cross-dataset evaluation setup, improving upon the previous best self-supervised methods by 8.6%. Code can be found at: https://github.com/Garfield-kh/PoseTriplet | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:40:45 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# MatteFormer: 事前トークンによるトランスフォーマーベースのイメージマッチング MatteFormer: Transformer-Based Image Matting via Prior-Tokens ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15662v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | GyuTae Park, SungJoon Son, JaeYoung Yoo, SeHo Kim, Nojun Kwak | (参考訳) 本稿では,変換器ブロック内のトリマップ情報をフル活用した,変換器ベースの画像マッチングモデルMatteFormerを提案する。
エンコーダの各ステージは、スウィントランスブロックに基づいているが、いくつかの点で異なる、過去のスウィントランスブロック(prior-attentive swin transformer)で構成されている。
1)PA-WSA(Prior-Attentive Window Self-Attention)層を有し,空間トークンだけでなく事前トークンも自己アテンションを行う。
一般的なイメージマット化データセットである composition-1k と distinctions-646 について,matteformer を評価した。
私たちのコードはhttps://github.com/webtoon/matteformerで利用可能です。 In this paper, we propose a transformer-based image matting model called MatteFormer, which takes full advantage of trimap information in the transformer block. Our method first introduces a prior-token which is a global representation of each trimap region (e.g. foreground, background and unknown). These prior-tokens are used as global priors and participate in the self-attention mechanism of each block. Each stage of the encoder is composed of PAST (Prior-Attentive Swin Transformer) block, which is based on the Swin Transformer block, but differs in a couple of aspects: 1) It has PA-WSA (Prior-Attentive Window Self-Attention) layer, performing self-attention not only with spatial-tokens but also with prior-tokens. 2) It has prior-memory which saves prior-tokens accumulatively from the previous blocks and transfers them to the next block. We evaluate our MatteFormer on the commonly used image matting datasets: Composition-1k and Distinctions-646. Experiment results show that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance with a large margin. Our codes are available at https://github.com/webtoon/matteformer. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:40:15 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 顔偽造検出のための周波数対向攻撃の探索 Exploring Frequency Adversarial Attacks for Face Forgery Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15674v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Shuai Jia, Chao Ma, Taiping Yao, Bangjie Yin, Shouhong Ding, Xiaokang Yang | (参考訳) 様々な顔操作技術は、道徳、セキュリティ、プライバシーに深刻な懸念を抱いている。
空間領域における既存の敵攻撃 (FGSM, PGDなど) と比較すると, 本手法は人間の観察者には受容不能であり, 元の画像の視覚的品質を低下させるものではない。
さらに,提案する周波数アタックは,ブラックボックスアタックとしてフェース偽造検出器間の転送性を高める。 Various facial manipulation techniques have drawn serious public concerns in morality, security, and privacy. Although existing face forgery classifiers achieve promising performance on detecting fake images, these methods are vulnerable to adversarial examples with injected imperceptible perturbations on the pixels. Meanwhile, many face forgery detectors always utilize the frequency diversity between real and fake faces as a crucial clue. In this paper, instead of injecting adversarial perturbations into the spatial domain, we propose a frequency adversarial attack method against face forgery detectors. Concretely, we apply discrete cosine transform (DCT) on the input images and introduce a fusion module to capture the salient region of adversary in the frequency domain. Compared with existing adversarial attacks (e.g. FGSM, PGD) in the spatial domain, our method is more imperceptible to human observers and does not degrade the visual quality of the original images. Moreover, inspired by the idea of meta-learning, we also propose a hybrid adversarial attack that performs attacks in both the spatial and frequency domains. Extensive experiments indicate that the proposed method fools not only the spatial-based detectors but also the state-of-the-art frequency-based detectors effectively. In addition, the proposed frequency attack enhances the transferability across face forgery detectors as black-box attacks. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:39:56 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# テクスチャに基づく森林被覆のマイトショット意味セグメンテーションのための原型的ネットワーク:地理的地域別一般化 Texture based Prototypical Network for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation of Forest Cover: Generalizing for Different Geographical Regions ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15687v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Gokul P and Ujjwal Verma | (参考訳) 森林は温室効果ガス排出量を削減し、世界の生物多様性を維持しながら気候変動を緩和する上で重要な役割を担っている。
1-way 1-shot) の森林群に対する0.62のIoUを提案手法を用いて取得し, 従来の少数ショットセマンティックセグメンテーション手法よりも有意に高い値(PANetは0.46)を示した。
この結果から,提案手法は森林識別のための地理的地域をまたいだ一般化が可能であり,グローバルな森林被覆識別ツールを開発する機会が得られた。 Forest plays a vital role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change besides maintaining the world's biodiversity. The existing satellite-based forest monitoring system utilizes supervised learning approaches that are limited to a particular region and depend on manually annotated data to identify forest. This work envisages forest identification as a few-shot semantic segmentation task to achieve generalization across different geographical regions. The proposed few-shot segmentation approach incorporates a texture attention module in the prototypical network to highlight the texture features of the forest. Indeed, the forest exhibits a characteristic texture different from other classes, such as road, water, etc. In this work, the proposed approach is trained for identifying tropical forests of South Asia and adapted to determine the temperate forest of Central Europe with the help of a few (one image for 1-shot) manually annotated support images of the temperate forest. An IoU of 0.62 for forest class (1-way 1-shot) was obtained using the proposed method, which is significantly higher (0.46 for PANet) than the existing few-shot semantic segmentation approach. This result demonstrates that the proposed approach can generalize across geographical regions for forest identification, creating an opportunity to develop a global forest cover identification tool. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:39:34 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 生成的勾配漏洩による連合学習におけるプライバシー保護の監査 Auditing Privacy Defenses in Federated Learning via Generative Gradient Leakage ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15696v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhuohang Li, Jiaxin Zhang, Luyang Liu, Jian Liu | (参考訳) Federated Learning (FL)フレームワークは、複数のクライアントがプライベートデータを交換することなく、中央サーバーの調整の下で学習タスクに参加できるようにすることで、分散学習システムにプライバシー上のメリットをもたらす。
本研究では,新たなタイプの漏洩,すなわちGGL(Generative Gradient Leakage)を用いて,特定の防御条件下でプライベートトレーニングデータが漏洩可能であることを検証した。
データの再構成に勾配情報のみを頼りにしている既存の手法とは異なり, この手法は, 画像データセットから学習した生成逆数ネットワーク(GAN)の潜時空間を利用して, 勾配劣化時の情報損失を補う。
提案手法は,より堅牢な防御機構の設計を容易にするために,プライバシー漏洩量を実証的に測定するためのツールとして機能することを期待する。 Federated Learning (FL) framework brings privacy benefits to distributed learning systems by allowing multiple clients to participate in a learning task under the coordination of a central server without exchanging their private data. However, recent studies have revealed that private information can still be leaked through shared gradient information. To further protect user's privacy, several defense mechanisms have been proposed to prevent privacy leakage via gradient information degradation methods, such as using additive noise or gradient compression before sharing it with the server. In this work, we validate that the private training data can still be leaked under certain defense settings with a new type of leakage, i.e., Generative Gradient Leakage (GGL). Unlike existing methods that only rely on gradient information to reconstruct data, our method leverages the latent space of generative adversarial networks (GAN) learned from public image datasets as a prior to compensate for the informational loss during gradient degradation. To address the nonlinearity caused by the gradient operator and the GAN model, we explore various gradient-free optimization methods (e.g., evolution strategies and Bayesian optimization) and empirically show their superiority in reconstructing high-quality images from gradients compared to gradient-based optimizers. We hope the proposed method can serve as a tool for empirically measuring the amount of privacy leakage to facilitate the design of more robust defense mechanisms. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:39:09 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 細粒度視機能 Fine-Grained Visual Entailment ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15704v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Christopher Thomas and Yipeng Zhang and Shih-Fu Chang | (参考訳) visual entailmentは、最近提案されたマルチモーダル推論タスクで、テキストと画像の論理的関係を予測することを目的としている。
本手法は,手動でアノテートした知識要素のデータセットを用いて評価し,この課題において68.18 %の精度を達成し,強いベースラインを著しく上回ることを示す。
私たちのコードと注釈付きデータセットは以下の通りです。 Visual entailment is a recently proposed multimodal reasoning task where the goal is to predict the logical relationship of a piece of text to an image. In this paper, we propose an extension of this task, where the goal is to predict the logical relationship of fine-grained knowledge elements within a piece of text to an image. Unlike prior work, our method is inherently explainable and makes logical predictions at different levels of granularity. Because we lack fine-grained labels to train our method, we propose a novel multi-instance learning approach which learns a fine-grained labeling using only sample-level supervision. We also impose novel semantic structural constraints which ensure that fine-grained predictions are internally semantically consistent. We evaluate our method on a new dataset of manually annotated knowledge elements and show that our method achieves 68.18\% accuracy at this challenging task while significantly outperforming several strong baselines. Finally, we present extensive qualitative results illustrating our method's predictions and the visual evidence our method relied on. Our code and annotated dataset can be found here: https://github.com/SkrighYZ/FGVE. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:37:54 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# OakInk: ハンドオブジェクトインタラクションを理解するための大規模知識リポジトリ OakInk: A Large-scale Knowledge Repository for Understanding Hand-Object Interaction ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15709v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Lixin Yang, Kailin Li, Xinyu Zhan, Fei Wu, Anran Xu, Liu Liu, Cewu Lu | (参考訳) 人間がどのようにオブジェクトを操作するかを学ぶには、機械が2つの視点から知識を得る必要がある。
データセットとソースコードはhttps://github.com/lixiny/OakInk.comで公開されています。 Learning how humans manipulate objects requires machines to acquire knowledge from two perspectives: one for understanding object affordances and the other for learning human's interactions based on the affordances. Even though these two knowledge bases are crucial, we find that current databases lack a comprehensive awareness of them. In this work, we propose a multi-modal and rich-annotated knowledge repository, OakInk, for visual and cognitive understanding of hand-object interactions. We start to collect 1,800 common household objects and annotate their affordances to construct the first knowledge base: Oak. Given the affordance, we record rich human interactions with 100 selected objects in Oak. Finally, we transfer the interactions on the 100 recorded objects to their virtual counterparts through a novel method: Tink. The recorded and transferred hand-object interactions constitute the second knowledge base: Ink. As a result, OakInk contains 50,000 distinct affordance-aware and intent-oriented hand-object interactions. We benchmark OakInk on pose estimation and grasp generation tasks. Moreover, we propose two practical applications of OakInk: intent-based interaction generation and handover generation. Our datasets and source code are publicly available at https://github.com/lixiny/OakInk. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:37:35 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 自然言語プロンプトを用いた構造ラジオロジーレポートの作成 Few-shot Structured Radiology Report Generation Using Natural Language Prompts ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15723v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Matthias Keicher, Kamilia Mullakaeva, Tobias Czempiel, Kristina Mach, Ashkan Khakzar, Nassir Navab | (参考訳) 胸部X線撮影は時間がかかり、このプロセスを自動化するための多くのソリューションが提案されている。
医療情報の複雑さ, 書体の種類, フリーテキストがタイプミスや不整合しやすいため, 自然言語処理によるフリーテキストレポートの臨床的精度の定量化が困難である。
以上の結果から, 胸部X線写真に病理像を局在させ, 構造化された報告を生成できる可能性が示唆された。 Chest radiograph reporting is time-consuming, and numerous solutions to automate this process have been proposed. Due to the complexity of medical information, the variety of writing styles, and free text being prone to typos and inconsistencies, the efficacy of quantifying the clinical accuracy of free-text reports using natural language processing measures is challenging. On the other hand, structured reports ensure consistency and can more easily be used as a quality assurance tool. To accomplish this, we present a strategy for predicting clinical observations and their anatomical location that is easily extensible to other structured findings. First, we train a contrastive language-image model using related chest radiographs and free-text radiological reports. Then, we create textual prompts for each structured finding and optimize a classifier for predicting clinical findings and their associations within the medical image. The results indicate that even when only a few image-level annotations are used for training, the method can localize pathologies in chest radiographs and generate structured reports. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:37:20 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# FisherMatch: エントロピーベースのフィルタリングによる半監督ローテーション回帰 FisherMatch: Semi-Supervised Rotation Regression via Entropy-based Filtering ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15765v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yingda Yin, Yingcheng Cai, He Wang, Baoquan Chen | (参考訳) 単一のRGB画像から3DoF回転を推定することは重要な問題である。
このような分布型擬似ラベルを監督するために, 2つのマトリクスフィッシャー分布間の損失をいかに強制するかという問題をさらに検討する。
私たちのプロジェクトページはhttps://yd-yin.github.io/fishermatchです。 Estimating the 3DoF rotation from a single RGB image is an important yet challenging problem. Recent works achieve good performance relying on a large amount of expensive-to-obtain labeled data. To reduce the amount of supervision, we for the first time propose a general framework, FisherMatch, for semi-supervised rotation regression, without assuming any domain-specific knowledge or paired data. Inspired by the popular semi-supervised approach, FixMatch, we propose to leverage pseudo label filtering to facilitate the information flow from labeled data to unlabeled data in a teacher-student mutual learning framework. However, incorporating the pseudo label filtering mechanism into semi-supervised rotation regression is highly non-trivial, mainly due to the lack of a reliable confidence measure for rotation prediction. In this work, we propose to leverage matrix Fisher distribution to build a probabilistic model of rotation and devise a matrix Fisher-based regressor for jointly predicting rotation along with its prediction uncertainty. We then propose to use the entropy of the predicted distribution as a confidence measure, which enables us to perform pseudo label filtering for rotation regression. For supervising such distribution-like pseudo labels, we further investigate the problem of how to enforce loss between two matrix Fisher distributions. Our extensive experiments show that our method can work well even under very low labeled data ratios on different benchmarks, achieving significant and consistent performance improvement over supervised learning and other semi-supervised learning baselines. Our project page is at https://yd-yin.github.io/FisherMatch. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:37:05 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# テキスト駆動ビデオアクセラレーション:弱教師付き強化学習法 Text-Driven Video Acceleration: A Weakly-Supervised Reinforcement Learning Method ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15778v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Washington Ramos, Michel Silva, Edson Araujo, Victor Moura, Keller Oliveira, Leandro Soriano Marcolino, Erickson R. Nascimento | (参考訳) デジタル時代のビデオの成長と利用者の限られた時間は、同じ情報を伝達する短いバージョンを生成するために、未編集の動画を処理する需要を増大させる。
コードと追加結果についてはhttps://www.verlab.dcc.ufmg.br/semantic-hyperlapse/tpami2022/を参照。 The growth of videos in our digital age and the users' limited time raise the demand for processing untrimmed videos to produce shorter versions conveying the same information. Despite the remarkable progress that summarization methods have made, most of them can only select a few frames or skims, creating visual gaps and breaking the video context. This paper presents a novel weakly-supervised methodology based on a reinforcement learning formulation to accelerate instructional videos using text. A novel joint reward function guides our agent to select which frames to remove and reduce the input video to a target length without creating gaps in the final video. We also propose the Extended Visually-guided Document Attention Network (VDAN+), which can generate a highly discriminative embedding space to represent both textual and visual data. Our experiments show that our method achieves the best performance in Precision, Recall, and F1 Score against the baselines while effectively controlling the video's output length. Visit https://www.verlab.dcc.ufmg.br/semantic-hyperlapse/tpami2022/ for code and extra results. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:36:39 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ターゲットとタスク固有のソースフリーなドメイン適応画像分割 Target and Task specific Source-Free Domain Adaptive Image Segmentation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15792v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Vibashan VS, Jeya Maria Jose Valanarasu and Vishal M. Patel | (参考訳) 推論中のドメインシフト問題の解決は、ほとんどのディープラーニングベースのソリューションがそれに苦しむため、医療画像において不可欠である。
実際には、モデルがラベル付きソースドメインを利用してラベル付きターゲットドメインに適合するアントラスト・ドメイン適応(Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, UDA)を実行することでドメインシフトに取り組む。
したがって、より近い臨床環境はSource-Free UDA (SFUDA) であり、そこではソーストレーニングモデルにアクセスできますが、適応時にソースデータにアクセスできません。
コードはhttps://github.com/vibashan/tt-sfudaで入手できる。 Solving the domain shift problem during inference is essential in medical imaging as most deep-learning based solutions suffer from it. In practice, domain shifts are tackled by performing Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA), where a model is adapted to an unlabeled target domain by leveraging the labelled source domain. In medical scenarios, the data comes with huge privacy concerns making it difficult to apply standard UDA techniques. Hence, a closer clinical setting is Source-Free UDA (SFUDA), where we have access to source trained model but not the source data during adaptation. Methods trying to solve SFUDA typically address the domain shift using pseudo-label based self-training techniques. However, due to domain shift, these pseudo-labels are usually of high entropy and denoising them still does not make them perfect labels to supervise the model. Therefore, adapting the source model with noisy pseudo labels reduces its segmentation capability while addressing the domain shift. To this end, we propose a two-stage approach for source-free domain adaptive image segmentation: 1) Target-specific adaptation followed by 2) Task-specific adaptation. In the first stage, we focus on generating target-specific pseudo labels while suppressing high entropy regions by proposing an Ensemble Entropy Minimization loss. We also introduce a selective voting strategy to enhance pseudo-label generation. In the second stage, we focus on adapting the network for task-specific representation by using a teacher-student self-training approach based on augmentation-guided consistency. We evaluate our proposed method on both 2D fundus datasets and 3D MRI volumes across 7 different domain shifts where we achieve better performance than recent UDA and SF-UDA methods for medical image segmentation. Code is available at https://github.com/Vibashan/tt-sfuda. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:36:22 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# インスタンス関係グラフ誘導ソースフリードメイン適応オブジェクト検出 Instance Relation Graph Guided Source-Free Domain Adaptive Object Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15793v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Vibashan VS, Poojan Oza and Vishal M. Patel | (参考訳) Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA)は、ドメインシフトの問題に取り組むための効果的なアプローチである。
Source-Free Domain Adaptation (SFDA)設定は、ソースデータへのアクセスを必要とせずに、ターゲットドメインに対してソーストレーニングされたモデルを適用することで、これらの懸念を軽減することを目的としている。
コードはhttps://github.com/vibashan/irg-sfdaで入手できる。 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) is an effective approach to tackle the issue of domain shift. Specifically, UDA methods try to align the source and target representations to improve the generalization on the target domain. Further, UDA methods work under the assumption that the source data is accessible during the adaptation process. However, in real-world scenarios, the labelled source data is often restricted due to privacy regulations, data transmission constraints, or proprietary data concerns. The Source-Free Domain Adaptation (SFDA) setting aims to alleviate these concerns by adapting a source-trained model for the target domain without requiring access to the source data. In this paper, we explore the SFDA setting for the task of adaptive object detection. To this end, we propose a novel training strategy for adapting a source-trained object detector to the target domain without source data. More precisely, we design a novel contrastive loss to enhance the target representations by exploiting the objects relations for a given target domain input. These object instance relations are modelled using an Instance Relation Graph (IRG) network, which are then used to guide the contrastive representation learning. In addition, we utilize a student-teacher based knowledge distillation strategy to avoid overfitting to the noisy pseudo-labels generated by the source-trained model. Extensive experiments on multiple object detection benchmark datasets show that the proposed approach is able to efficiently adapt source-trained object detectors to the target domain, outperforming previous state-of-the-art domain adaptive detection methods. Code is available at https://github.com/Vibashan/irg-sfda. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:35:51 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# CHEX:CNNモデル圧縮のためのカーネルエクスプロレーション CHEX: CHannel EXploration for CNN Model Compression ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15794v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zejiang Hou, Minghai Qin, Fei Sun, Xiaolong Ma, Kun Yuan, Yi Xu, Yen-Kuang Chen, Rong Jin, Yuan Xie, Sun-Yuan Kung | (参考訳) チャネルプルーニングは、深い畳み込みニューラルネットワークの計算とメモリコストを削減する効果的な手法として広く認識されている。
チェックポイントとコードはここで入手できる。 Channel pruning has been broadly recognized as an effective technique to reduce the computation and memory cost of deep convolutional neural networks. However, conventional pruning methods have limitations in that: they are restricted to pruning process only, and they require a fully pre-trained large model. Such limitations may lead to sub-optimal model quality as well as excessive memory and training cost. In this paper, we propose a novel Channel Exploration methodology, dubbed as CHEX, to rectify these problems. As opposed to pruning-only strategy, we propose to repeatedly prune and regrow the channels throughout the training process, which reduces the risk of pruning important channels prematurely. More exactly: From intra-layer's aspect, we tackle the channel pruning problem via a well known column subset selection (CSS) formulation. From inter-layer's aspect, our regrowing stages open a path for dynamically re-allocating the number of channels across all the layers under a global channel sparsity constraint. In addition, all the exploration process is done in a single training from scratch without the need of a pre-trained large model. Experimental results demonstrate that CHEX can effectively reduce the FLOPs of diverse CNN architectures on a variety of computer vision tasks, including image classification, object detection, instance segmentation, and 3D vision. For example, our compressed ResNet-50 model on ImageNet dataset achieves 76% top1 accuracy with only 25% FLOPs of the original ResNet-50 model, outperforming previous state-of-the-art channel pruning methods. The checkpoints and code are available at here . | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:35:25 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# Wavelet, AR, SVMを用いた短期風速予測のためのハイブリッド手法 A Wavelet, AR and SVM based hybrid method for short-term wind speed prediction ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15298v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | G.V. Drisya, K. Satheesh Kumar | (参考訳) 風速モデリングと予測は、風力エネルギー管理の様々な段階において重要な役割を担っているため、重要になっている。
高周波領域に関連する成分は確率的性質を示すため, 自己回帰(AR)法および支持ベクトルマシン(SVM)を用いた低周波成分の残りをモデル化した。
その結果, 風速予測の精度は, 単独のarモデルやsvmモデルと比較して有望な改善が得られた。 Wind speed modelling and prediction has been gaining importance because of its significant roles in various stages of wind energy management. In this paper, we propose a hybrid model, based on wavelet transform to improve the accuracy of the short-term forecast. The wind speed time series are split into various frequency components using wavelet decomposition technique, and each frequency components are modelled separately. Since the components associated with the high- frequency range shows stochastic nature, we modelled them with autoregressive (AR) method and rest of low-frequency components modelled with support vector machine (SVM). The results of the hybrid method show a promising improvement in accuracy of wind speed prediction compared to that of stand-alone AR or SVM model. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:34:19 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 確率的保守的文脈的線形バンディット Stochastic Conservative Contextual Linear Bandits ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15629v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jiabin Lin, Xian Yeow Lee, Talukder Jubery, Shana Moothedath, Soumik Sarkar, and Baskar Ganapathysubramanian | (参考訳) 多くの物理システムは、戦略を展開することで一連の制約の満足度を確保することを必要とする、基本的な安全上の考慮を持っている。
この設定に UCB アルゴリズムを応用して, 文脈分布を持つ確率的包帯に対する保守線形 UCB アルゴリズムを提案する。
(i)標準線形 UCB アルゴリズムの後悔に対する上限
(二 安全上の制約を満たすために保守的であることの喪失を理由とする一定の用語(時間的地平線によらない。)
(II) 時間的地平線に依存しない定数項で、文脈の損失は未知であり、分布のみが知られている。
提案手法の性能を検証するために,合成データおよびg2fイニシアチブによって収集された実世界のトウモロコシデータに対する広範囲なシミュレーションを行う。 Many physical systems have underlying safety considerations that require that the strategy deployed ensures the satisfaction of a set of constraints. Further, often we have only partial information on the state of the system. We study the problem of safe real-time decision making under uncertainty. In this paper, we formulate a conservative stochastic contextual bandit formulation for real-time decision making when an adversary chooses a distribution on the set of possible contexts and the learner is subject to certain safety/performance constraints. The learner observes only the context distribution and the exact context is unknown, and the goal is to develop an algorithm that selects a sequence of optimal actions to maximize the cumulative reward without violating the safety constraints at any time step. By leveraging the UCB algorithm for this setting, we propose a conservative linear UCB algorithm for stochastic bandits with context distribution. We prove an upper bound on the regret of the algorithm and show that it can be decomposed into three terms: (i) an upper bound for the regret of the standard linear UCB algorithm, (ii) a constant term (independent of time horizon) that accounts for the loss of being conservative in order to satisfy the safety constraint, and (ii) a constant term (independent of time horizon) that accounts for the loss for the contexts being unknown and only the distribution being known. To validate the performance of our approach we perform extensive simulations on synthetic data and on real-world maize data collected through the Genomes to Fields (G2F) initiative. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:34:06 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 高帯域幅メモリ(hbm)の電力分配ネットワーク(pdn)最適化のためのトランスネットワークに基づく強化学習法 Transformer Network-based Reinforcement Learning Method for Power Distribution Network (PDN) Optimization of High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15722v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Hyunwook Park, Minsu Kim, Seongguk Kim, Keunwoo Kim, Haeyeon Kim, Taein Shin, Keeyoung Son, Boogyo Sim, Subin Kim, Seungtaek Jeong, Chulsoon Hwang, and Joungho Kim | (参考訳) 本稿では,高帯域メモリ(HBM)の電力分散ネットワーク(PDN)最適化のためのトランスフォーマネットワークに基づく強化学習(RL)手法を初めて提案する。
その結果,提案手法は最適性性能,計算時間,データ効率など,すべての面で優れていた。 In this article, for the first time, we propose a transformer network-based reinforcement learning (RL) method for power distribution network (PDN) optimization of high bandwidth memory (HBM). The proposed method can provide an optimal decoupling capacitor (decap) design to maximize the reduction of PDN self- and transfer impedance seen at multiple ports. An attention-based transformer network is implemented to directly parameterize decap optimization policy. The optimality performance is significantly improved since the attention mechanism has powerful expression to explore massive combinatorial space for decap assignments. Moreover, it can capture sequential relationships between the decap assignments. The computing time for optimization is dramatically reduced due to the reusable network on positions of probing ports and decap assignment candidates. This is because the transformer network has a context embedding process to capture meta-features including probing ports positions. In addition, the network is trained with randomly generated data sets. Therefore, without additional training, the trained network can solve new decap optimization problems. The computing time for training and data cost are critically decreased due to the scalability of the network. Thanks to its shared weight property, the network can adapt to a larger scale of problems without additional training. For verification, we compare the results with conventional genetic algorithm (GA), random search (RS), and all the previous RL-based methods. As a result, the proposed method outperforms in all the following aspects: optimality performance, computing time, and data efficiency. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:33:42 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) osop: 多段階ワンショットオブジェクトポーズ推定フレームワーク OSOP: A Multi-Stage One Shot Object Pose Estimation Framework ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15533v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Ivan Shugurov, Fu Li, Benjamin Busam, Slobodan Ilic | (参考訳) 対象物検出のための新しいワンショット手法と,対象物に対する訓練を必要としない6DoFポーズ推定を提案する。
この手法はLineMOD, Occlusion, Homebrewed, YCB-V, TLESSのデータセットで評価し, テストに使用するオブジェクトモデルでは訓練されていないが, 合成データで訓練された最先端の手法と比較して非常に高い性能を示した。 We present a novel one-shot method for object detection and 6 DoF pose estimation, that does not require training on target objects. At test time, it takes as input a target image and a textured 3D query model. The core idea is to represent a 3D model with a number of 2D templates rendered from different viewpoints. This enables CNN-based direct dense feature extraction and matching. The object is first localized in 2D, then its approximate viewpoint is estimated, followed by dense 2D-3D correspondence prediction. The final pose is computed with PnP. We evaluate the method on LineMOD, Occlusion, Homebrewed, YCB-V and TLESS datasets and report very competitive performance in comparison to the state-of-the-art methods trained on synthetic data, even though our method is not trained on the object models used for testing. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:29:55 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ポップアウトモーション:形状ラプラシアン学習による3次元画像変形 Pop-Out Motion: 3D-Aware Image Deformation via Learning the Shape Laplacian ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15235v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jihyun Lee, Minhyuk Sung, Hyunjin Kim, Tae-Kyun Kim | (参考訳) 本研究では,2次元画像中の物体を3次元空間内に存在するように変形するフレームワークを提案する。
筆者らのフレームワークは2次元から3次元の再構成を利用するが, トポロジ的誤りによる現実的な変形には不十分である。
予測形状 Laplacian とユーザ定義変形ハンドル (キーポイントなど) を用いて計算した変形エネルギーを考慮し, 有界双調和重みを求める。
また,提案手法が代替法(メッシュ再構成法,ポイントクラウドラプラシアン法)と比較して,より正確な変形重みを発生できることを定量的に示す。 We propose a framework that can deform an object in a 2D image as it exists in 3D space. Most existing methods for 3D-aware image manipulation are limited to (1) only changing the global scene information or depth, or (2) manipulating an object of specific categories. In this paper, we present a 3D-aware image deformation method with minimal restrictions on shape category and deformation type. While our framework leverages 2D-to-3D reconstruction, we argue that reconstruction is not sufficient for realistic deformations due to the vulnerability to topological errors. Thus, we propose to take a supervised learning-based approach to predict the shape Laplacian of the underlying volume of a 3D reconstruction represented as a point cloud. Given the deformation energy calculated using the predicted shape Laplacian and user-defined deformation handles (e.g., keypoints), we obtain bounded biharmonic weights to model plausible handle-based image deformation. In the experiments, we present our results of deforming 2D character and clothed human images. We also quantitatively show that our approach can produce more accurate deformation weights compared to alternative methods (i.e., mesh reconstruction and point cloud Laplacian methods). | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:15:38 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 潜時空間マッピングを用いた半スーパービジョン画像間変換 Semi-Supervised Image-to-Image Translation using Latent Space Mapping ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15241v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Pan Zhang, Jianmin Bao, Ting Zhang, Dong Chen, Fang Wen | (参考訳) 最近の画像から画像への翻訳は、大量のペアデータのキャプチャやラベル付けのコストがかかるため、教師なしから教師なしに移された。
画像から画像への様々な翻訳課題における提案フレームワークの有効性を実証する最先端手法との比較 Recent image-to-image translation works have been transferred from supervised to unsupervised settings due to the expensive cost of capturing or labeling large amounts of paired data. However, current unsupervised methods using the cycle-consistency constraint may not find the desired mapping, especially for difficult translation tasks. On the other hand, a small number of paired data are usually accessible. We therefore introduce a general framework for semi-supervised image translation. Unlike previous works, our main idea is to learn the translation over the latent feature space instead of the image space. Thanks to the low dimensional feature space, it is easier to find the desired mapping function, resulting in improved quality of translation results as well as the stability of the translation model. Empirically we show that using feature translation generates better results, even using a few bits of paired data. Experimental comparisons with state-of-the-art approaches demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework on a variety of challenging image-to-image translation tasks | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:15:16 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 学習メモリを用いた微調整画像変換器 Fine-tuning Image Transformers using Learnable Memory ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15243v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mark Sandler, Andrey Zhmoginov, Max Vladymyrov, Andrew Jackson | (参考訳) 本稿では,学習可能なメモリトークンを用いた視覚トランスフォーマーモデルの拡張を提案する。
従来の頭部のみの微調整に比べて, 層当たりのトークン数が少ないモデルでは精度が著しく向上し, より高価な完全微調整よりもわずかに低い性能を示した。
この設定では、パラメータ効率に加えて、モデルは小さなインクリメンタルコストで単一推論の一部として古いタスクと新しいタスクの両方を実行することができる。 In this paper we propose augmenting Vision Transformer models with learnable memory tokens. Our approach allows the model to adapt to new tasks, using few parameters, while optionally preserving its capabilities on previously learned tasks. At each layer we introduce a set of learnable embedding vectors that provide contextual information useful for specific datasets. We call these "memory tokens". We show that augmenting a model with just a handful of such tokens per layer significantly improves accuracy when compared to conventional head-only fine-tuning, and performs only slightly below the significantly more expensive full fine-tuning. We then propose an attention-masking approach that enables extension to new downstream tasks, with a computation reuse. In this setup in addition to being parameters efficient, models can execute both old and new tasks as a part of single inference at a small incremental cost. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:15:03 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 3次元点雲に対するロバスト構造式宣言型分類器:不規則勾配による逆攻撃の回避 Robust Structured Declarative Classifiers for 3D Point Clouds: Defending Adversarial Attacks with Implicit Gradients ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15245v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kaidong Li, Ziming Zhang, Cuncong Zhong, Guanghui Wang | (参考訳) PointNetのような3Dポイントクラウド分類のためのディープニューラルネットワークは、敵の攻撃に対して脆弱であることが示されている。
さらに,ペルムトヘドラル格子における構造化スパース符号化に基づく格子点分類器 (lpc) と,エンドツーエンドで訓練可能な2次元畳み込みニューラルネットワーク (cnns) を提案する。
デモコードはhttps://zhang-vislab.github.ioで入手できる。 Deep neural networks for 3D point cloud classification, such as PointNet, have been demonstrated to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Current adversarial defenders often learn to denoise the (attacked) point clouds by reconstruction, and then feed them to the classifiers as input. In contrast to the literature, we propose a family of robust structured declarative classifiers for point cloud classification, where the internal constrained optimization mechanism can effectively defend adversarial attacks through implicit gradients. Such classifiers can be formulated using a bilevel optimization framework. We further propose an effective and efficient instantiation of our approach, namely, Lattice Point Classifier (LPC), based on structured sparse coding in the permutohedral lattice and 2D convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that is end-to-end trainable. We demonstrate state-of-the-art robust point cloud classification performance on ModelNet40 and ScanNet under seven different attackers. For instance, we achieve 89.51% and 83.16% test accuracy on each dataset under the recent JGBA attacker that outperforms DUP-Net and IF-Defense with PointNet by ~70%. Demo code is available at https://zhang-vislab.github.io. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:14:50 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 手術シーンセグメンテーションにおける映像内・映像間関係の探索 Exploring Intra- and Inter-Video Relation for Surgical Semantic Scene Segmentation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15251v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yueming Jin, Yang Yu, Cheng Chen, Zixu Zhao, Pheng-Ann Heng, Danail Stoyanov | (参考訳) 手術シーンの自動セグメンテーションは,現代劇場における認知知の促進に不可欠である。
EndoVis18 ChallengeとCaDISデータセットを含む2つの公開手術ビデオベンチマークに対するアプローチを広く検証した。
コードはhttps://github.com/YuemingJin/STswinCLで入手できる。 Automatic surgical scene segmentation is fundamental for facilitating cognitive intelligence in the modern operating theatre. Previous works rely on conventional aggregation modules (e.g., dilated convolution, convolutional LSTM), which only make use of the local context. In this paper, we propose a novel framework STswinCL that explores the complementary intra- and inter-video relations to boost segmentation performance, by progressively capturing the global context. We firstly develop a hierarchy Transformer to capture intra-video relation that includes richer spatial and temporal cues from neighbor pixels and previous frames. A joint space-time window shift scheme is proposed to efficiently aggregate these two cues into each pixel embedding. Then, we explore inter-video relation via pixel-to-pixel contrastive learning, which well structures the global embedding space. A multi-source contrast training objective is developed to group the pixel embeddings across videos with the ground-truth guidance, which is crucial for learning the global property of the whole data. We extensively validate our approach on two public surgical video benchmarks, including EndoVis18 Challenge and CaDIS dataset. Experimental results demonstrate the promising performance of our method, which consistently exceeds previous state-of-the-art approaches. Code will be available at https://github.com/YuemingJin/STswinCL. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:14:29 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 対話型マルチクラス微小物体検出 Interactive Multi-Class Tiny-Object Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15266v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Chunggi Lee, Seonwook Park, Heon Song, Jeongun Ryu, Sanghoon Kim, Haejoon Kim, S\'ergio Pereira, Donggeun Yoo | (参考訳) 与えられた画像に数十から数百の小さなオブジェクトを注釈付けすることは、コンピュータビジョンのタスクにとって非常に難しい。
さらに,本手法のアノテーション効率は,手動アノテーションに比べて2.85倍高速で0.36倍のタスク負荷(nasa-tlx,lower is better)しか得られないことを示すユーザスタディで検証した。
コードはhttps://github.com/ChungYi347/Interactive-Multi-Class-Tiny-Object-Detectionで公開されている。 Annotating tens or hundreds of tiny objects in a given image is laborious yet crucial for a multitude of Computer Vision tasks. Such imagery typically contains objects from various categories, yet the multi-class interactive annotation setting for the detection task has thus far been unexplored. To address these needs, we propose a novel interactive annotation method for multiple instances of tiny objects from multiple classes, based on a few point-based user inputs. Our approach, C3Det, relates the full image context with annotator inputs in a local and global manner via late-fusion and feature-correlation, respectively. We perform experiments on the Tiny-DOTA and LCell datasets using both two-stage and one-stage object detection architectures to verify the efficacy of our approach. Our approach outperforms existing approaches in interactive annotation, achieving higher mAP with fewer clicks. Furthermore, we validate the annotation efficiency of our approach in a user study where it is shown to be 2.85x faster and yield only 0.36x task load (NASA-TLX, lower is better) compared to manual annotation. The code is available at https://github.com/ChungYi347/Interactive-Multi-Class-Tiny-Object-Detection. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:14:07 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# MAT:大型ホール画像塗布用マスク対応変圧器 MAT: Mask-Aware Transformer for Large Hole Image Inpainting ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15270v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Wenbo Li, Zhe Lin, Kun Zhou, Lu Qi, Yi Wang, Jiaya Jia | (参考訳) 近年の研究では、塗装問題における長距離相互作用のモデル化の重要性が示されている。
コードはhttps://github.com/fenglinglwb/matでリリースされる。 Recent studies have shown the importance of modeling long-range interactions in the inpainting problem. To achieve this goal, existing approaches exploit either standalone attention techniques or transformers, but usually under a low resolution in consideration of computational cost. In this paper, we present a novel transformer-based model for large hole inpainting, which unifies the merits of transformers and convolutions to efficiently process high-resolution images. We carefully design each component of our framework to guarantee the high fidelity and diversity of recovered images. Specifically, we customize an inpainting-oriented transformer block, where the attention module aggregates non-local information only from partial valid tokens, indicated by a dynamic mask. Extensive experiments demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of the new model on multiple benchmark datasets. Code is released at https://github.com/fenglinglwb/MAT. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:13:48 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ミラーアテンションと比較ランキングとマッチングを用いた意味線検出 Semantic Line Detection Using Mirror Attention and Comparative Ranking and Matching ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15285v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Dongkwon Jin, Jun-Tae Lee, Chang-Su Kim | (参考訳) 本稿では,意味線を検出する新しいアルゴリズムを提案する。
私たちのコードはhttps://github.com/dongkwonjin/Semantic-Line-DRMで利用可能です。 A novel algorithm to detect semantic lines is proposed in this paper. We develop three networks: detection network with mirror attention (D-Net) and comparative ranking and matching networks (R-Net and M-Net). D-Net extracts semantic lines by exploiting rich contextual information. To this end, we design the mirror attention module. Then, through pairwise comparisons of extracted semantic lines, we iteratively select the most semantic line and remove redundant ones overlapping with the selected one. For the pairwise comparisons, we develop R-Net and M-Net in the Siamese architecture. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the conventional semantic line detector significantly. Moreover, we apply the proposed algorithm to detect two important kinds of semantic lines successfully: dominant parallel lines and reflection symmetry axes. Our codes are available at https://github.com/dongkwonjin/Semantic-Line-DRM. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:13:34 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 自己監督型3次元姿勢推定のための不確実性認識適応 Uncertainty-Aware Adaptation for Self-Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15293v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jogendra Nath Kundu, Siddharth Seth, Pradyumna YM, Varun Jampani, Anirban Chakraborty, R. Venkatesh Babu | (参考訳) モノラルな3次元ポーズ推定の進歩は、大規模な2D/3Dポーズアノテーションを必要とする教師付き技術によって支配されている。
b) モデルに基づくパラメトリック回帰
本稿では,提案手法の総合評価を行い,ベンチマークデータセット上での最先端性能を示す。 The advances in monocular 3D human pose estimation are dominated by supervised techniques that require large-scale 2D/3D pose annotations. Such methods often behave erratically in the absence of any provision to discard unfamiliar out-of-distribution data. To this end, we cast the 3D human pose learning as an unsupervised domain adaptation problem. We introduce MRP-Net that constitutes a common deep network backbone with two output heads subscribing to two diverse configurations; a) model-free joint localization and b) model-based parametric regression. Such a design allows us to derive suitable measures to quantify prediction uncertainty at both pose and joint level granularity. While supervising only on labeled synthetic samples, the adaptation process aims to minimize the uncertainty for the unlabeled target images while maximizing the same for an extreme out-of-distribution dataset (backgrounds). Alongside synthetic-to-real 3D pose adaptation, the joint-uncertainties allow expanding the adaptation to work on in-the-wild images even in the presence of occlusion and truncation scenarios. We present a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed approach and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on benchmark datasets. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:13:20 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# Eigenlanes: 構造的に異なるレーンのためのデータ駆動レーン記述子 Eigenlanes: Data-Driven Lane Descriptors for Structurally Diverse Lanes ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15302v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Dongkwon Jin, Wonhui Park, Seong-Gyun Jeong, Heeyeon Kwon, Chang-Su Kim | (参考訳) 本稿では,固有レーン空間における道路レーンを検出する新しいアルゴリズムを提案する。
私たちのコードはhttps://github.com/dongkwonjin/eigenlanesで利用可能です。 A novel algorithm to detect road lanes in the eigenlane space is proposed in this paper. First, we introduce the notion of eigenlanes, which are data-driven descriptors for structurally diverse lanes, including curved, as well as straight, lanes. To obtain eigenlanes, we perform the best rank-M approximation of a lane matrix containing all lanes in a training set. Second, we generate a set of lane candidates by clustering the training lanes in the eigenlane space. Third, using the lane candidates, we determine an optimal set of lanes by developing an anchor-based detection network, called SIIC-Net. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm provides excellent detection performance for structurally diverse lanes. Our codes are available at https://github.com/dongkwonjin/Eigenlanes. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:12:56 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 実世界における6次元オブジェクトポス推定のための学習ベースポイントクラウド登録 Learning-based Point Cloud Registration for 6D Object Pose Estimation in the Real World ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15309v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zheng Dang, Lizhou Wang, Yu Guo, Mathieu Salzmann | (参考訳) 本研究では,ポイントクラウドデータからオブジェクトの6次元ポーズを推定する作業に取り組む。
リアルタイムTUD-L, LINEMOD, Occluded-LINEMODデータセットを用いた実験により, 戦略のメリットが示された。
それゆえ、ポイントクラウド登録方法の将来の開発に鍵を握ることを期待しています。 In this work, we tackle the task of estimating the 6D pose of an object from point cloud data. While recent learning-based approaches to addressing this task have shown great success on synthetic datasets, we have observed them to fail in the presence of real-world data. We thus analyze the causes of these failures, which we trace back to the difference between the feature distributions of the source and target point clouds, and the sensitivity of the widely-used SVD-based loss function to the range of rotation between the two point clouds. We address the first challenge by introducing a new normalization strategy, Match Normalization, and the second via the use of a loss function based on the negative log likelihood of point correspondences. Our two contributions are general and can be applied to many existing learning-based 3D object registration frameworks, which we illustrate by implementing them in two of them, DCP and IDAM. Our experiments on the real-scene TUD-L, LINEMOD and Occluded-LINEMOD datasets evidence the benefits of our strategies. They allow for the first time learning-based 3D object registration methods to achieve meaningful results on real-world data. We therefore expect them to be key to the future development of point cloud registration methods. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:12:44 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# MR画像超解像用クロスモード高周波変圧器 Cross-Modality High-Frequency Transformer for MR Image Super-Resolution ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15314v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Chaowei Fang, Dingwen Zhang, Liang Wang, Yulun Zhang, Lechao Cheng, Junwei Han | (参考訳) 磁気共鳴(MR)画像データの解像度の向上は、コンピュータ支援診断と脳機能解析に不可欠である。
具体的には、先行する高周波構造やモード間コンテキストを含む2つのドメイン先行を考察し、Cross-modality High- frequency Transformer (Cohf-T)と呼ばれる新しいトランスフォーマーアーキテクチャを構築し、低分解能(LR)MR画像の超解像化に導入する。
2つのデータセットに関する総合的な実験は、Cohf-Tが新しい最先端のパフォーマンスを達成することを示している。 Improving the resolution of magnetic resonance (MR) image data is critical to computer-aided diagnosis and brain function analysis. Higher resolution helps to capture more detailed content, but typically induces to lower signal-to-noise ratio and longer scanning time. To this end, MR image super-resolution has become a widely-interested topic in recent times. Existing works establish extensive deep models with the conventional architectures based on convolutional neural networks (CNN). In this work, to further advance this research field, we make an early effort to build a Transformer-based MR image super-resolution framework, with careful designs on exploring valuable domain prior knowledge. Specifically, we consider two-fold domain priors including the high-frequency structure prior and the inter-modality context prior, and establish a novel Transformer architecture, called Cross-modality high-frequency Transformer (Cohf-T), to introduce such priors into super-resolving the low-resolution (LR) MR images. Comprehensive experiments on two datasets indicate that Cohf-T achieves new state-of-the-art performance. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:12:24 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ダンスビデオを見ながら野生のドレッシング Dressing in the Wild by Watching Dance Videos ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15320v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xin Dong, Fuwei Zhao, Zhenyu Xie, Xijin Zhang, Daniel K. Du, Min Zheng, Xiang Long, Xiaodan Liang, Jianchao Yang | (参考訳) 人中心画像生成の最も適した方向である衣服の移動において、顕著な進展が見られたが、既存の作品では、被写体が重く、微妙なテクスチャの細部が顕著に劣化している。
具体的には, ゆるい衣服を扱う場合の画素フローが優れているのに対して, 頂点フローは硬いポーズに好適であり, それらの利点を組み合わせることで, 衣服の移動を効果的に現場へ押し上げることのできる, wFlowと呼ばれる新しい生成ネットワークを提案する。
広範にわたる実験は、高価なペアデータセットを使わずに、野生画像のリアルな衣料品転送結果を生成する際のwflowの優位性を実証する。 While significant progress has been made in garment transfer, one of the most applicable directions of human-centric image generation, existing works overlook the in-the-wild imagery, presenting severe garment-person misalignment as well as noticeable degradation in fine texture details. This paper, therefore, attends to virtual try-on in real-world scenes and brings essential improvements in authenticity and naturalness especially for loose garment (e.g., skirts, formal dresses), challenging poses (e.g., cross arms, bent legs), and cluttered backgrounds. Specifically, we find that the pixel flow excels at handling loose garments whereas the vertex flow is preferred for hard poses, and by combining their advantages we propose a novel generative network called wFlow that can effectively push up garment transfer to in-the-wild context. Moreover, former approaches require paired images for training. Instead, we cut down the laboriousness by working on a newly constructed large-scale video dataset named Dance50k with self-supervised cross-frame training and an online cycle optimization. The proposed Dance50k can boost real-world virtual dressing by covering a wide variety of garments under dancing poses. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our wFlow in generating realistic garment transfer results for in-the-wild images without resorting to expensive paired datasets. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:12:04 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# コントラスト支援型再構成によるロバスト単一画像デハジング Robust Single Image Dehazing Based on Consistent and Contrast-Assisted Reconstruction ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15325v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | De Cheng, Yan Li, Dingwen Zhang, Nannan Wang, Xinbo Gao, Jiande Sun | (参考訳) 単一の画像のデハジングは基本的な低レベル視覚タスクであり、堅牢なインテリジェント監視システムの開発に不可欠である。
具体的には、デハージングネットワークは、Contrast-Assisted Reconstruction Loss (CARL) によって整合化フレームワークの下で最適化される。
2つの合成データと3つの実世界のデータセットの広範な実験結果から,本手法が最先端のアプローチを大幅に越えていることが示された。 Single image dehazing as a fundamental low-level vision task, is essential for the development of robust intelligent surveillance system. In this paper, we make an early effort to consider dehazing robustness under variational haze density, which is a realistic while under-studied problem in the research filed of singe image dehazing. To properly address this problem, we propose a novel density-variational learning framework to improve the robustness of the image dehzing model assisted by a variety of negative hazy images, to better deal with various complex hazy scenarios. Specifically, the dehazing network is optimized under the consistency-regularized framework with the proposed Contrast-Assisted Reconstruction Loss (CARL). The CARL can fully exploit the negative information to facilitate the traditional positive-orient dehazing objective function, by squeezing the dehazed image to its clean target from different directions. Meanwhile, the consistency regularization keeps consistent outputs given multi-level hazy images, thus improving the model robustness. Extensive experimental results on two synthetic and three real-world datasets demonstrate that our method significantly surpasses the state-of-the-art approaches. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:11:36 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 対話型補償注意適応学習による赤外・可視画像融合 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Interactive Compensatory Attention Adversarial Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15337v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhishe Wang, Wenyu Shao, Yanlin Chen, Jiawei Xu, Xiaoqin Zhang | (参考訳) 既存の生成逆核融合法では、大域的な特性を考慮せず、一般にソースイメージを結合し畳み込み操作により局所的な特徴を抽出するが、これは不均衡な結果を生み出し、赤外線画像や可視画像に対して偏りが生じる。
そこで本研究では,より優れた融合バランスを実現するために,生成的対人訓練に基づく新たなエンドツーエンドモードを提案し,これをICAFusion(textit{interactive compensatory attention fusion network)と呼ぶ。
我々のコードは \url{https://github.com/Zhishe-Wang/ICAFusion} で公開される。 The existing generative adversarial fusion methods generally concatenate source images and extract local features through convolution operation, without considering their global characteristics, which tends to produce an unbalanced result and is biased towards the infrared image or visible image. Toward this end, we propose a novel end-to-end mode based on generative adversarial training to achieve better fusion balance, termed as \textit{interactive compensatory attention fusion network} (ICAFusion). In particular, in the generator, we construct a multi-level encoder-decoder network with a triple path, and adopt infrared and visible paths to provide additional intensity and gradient information. Moreover, we develop interactive and compensatory attention modules to communicate their pathwise information, and model their long-range dependencies to generate attention maps, which can more focus on infrared target perception and visible detail characterization, and further increase the representation power for feature extraction and feature reconstruction. In addition, dual discriminators are designed to identify the similar distribution between fused result and source images, and the generator is optimized to produce a more balanced result. Extensive experiments illustrate that our ICAFusion obtains superior fusion performance and better generalization ability, which precedes other advanced methods in the subjective visual description and objective metric evaluation. Our codes will be public at \url{https://github.com/Zhishe-Wang/ICAFusion} | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:11:16 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 画像キャプションのためのエンド・ツー・エンド変圧器ベースモデル End-to-End Transformer Based Model for Image Captioning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15350v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yiyu Wang, Jungang Xu, Yingfei Sun | (参考訳) CNN-LSTMベースのアーキテクチャは画像キャプションにおいて重要な役割を担っているが、訓練効率と表現能力によって制限され、研究者はCNN-Transformerベースのモデルを探求し、大きな成功を収めた。
一方、最近のほとんどの研究では、与えられた画像から領域レベルの特徴を抽出するバックボーンエンコーダとしてFaster R-CNNを採用している。
しかし、Faster R-CNNは追加のデータセットで事前トレーニングを必要とし、イメージキャプションタスクを2つのステージに分割し、潜在的なアプリケーションを制限する。
まず、Faster R-CNNをバックボーンエンコーダとして置き換えるためにSwinTransformerを採用し、与えられた画像からグリッドレベルの特徴を抽出する。
実験結果から,我々のモデルは,オンラインテストサーバ上での「カルパシー」のオフラインテスト分割と136.0% (c5) と138.3% (c40) CIDErのスコアに対して,138.2% (シングルモデル),141.0% (4モデルのアンサンブル) CIDErのスコアが得られた。
トレーニングされたモデルとソースコードがリリースされる。 CNN-LSTM based architectures have played an important role in image captioning, but limited by the training efficiency and expression ability, researchers began to explore the CNN-Transformer based models and achieved great success. Meanwhile, almost all recent works adopt Faster R-CNN as the backbone encoder to extract region-level features from given images. However, Faster R-CNN needs a pre-training on an additional dataset, which divides the image captioning task into two stages and limits its potential applications. In this paper, we build a pure Transformer-based model, which integrates image captioning into one stage and realizes end-to-end training. Firstly, we adopt SwinTransformer to replace Faster R-CNN as the backbone encoder to extract grid-level features from given images; Then, referring to Transformer, we build a refining encoder and a decoder. The refining encoder refines the grid features by capturing the intra-relationship between them, and the decoder decodes the refined features into captions word by word. Furthermore, in order to increase the interaction between multi-modal (vision and language) features to enhance the modeling capability, we calculate the mean pooling of grid features as the global feature, then introduce it into refining encoder to refine with grid features together, and add a pre-fusion process of refined global feature and generated words in decoder. To validate the effectiveness of our proposed model, we conduct experiments on MSCOCO dataset. The experimental results compared to existing published works demonstrate that our model achieves new state-of-the-art performances of 138.2% (single model) and 141.0% (ensemble of 4 models) CIDEr scores on `Karpathy' offline test split and 136.0% (c5) and 138.3% (c40) CIDEr scores on the official online test server. Trained models and source code will be released. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:09:15 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# SIOD: オブジェクト検出のためのカテゴリ毎のイメージにアノテートされた単一インスタンス SIOD: Single Instance Annotated Per Category Per Image for Object Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15353v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Hanjun Li, Xingjia Pan, Ke Yan, Fan Tang, Wei-Shi Zheng | (参考訳) 不完全なデータによる物体検出は近年注目されている。
半教師付きオブジェクト検出 (SSOD) は, ラベル付きデータとラベルなしデータとの相互差が原因で困難でありながら, インスタンスレベルのアノテーションが欠如しているため, 厳密なローカライズ問題に悩まされている。
SIOD設定では、類似性に基づくPseudo Label Generating Module (SPLG) と Pixel レベルの Group Contrastive Learning Module (PGCL) から構成される、シンプルで効果的なDual-Mining (DMiner) というフレームワークを提案する。
MS COCOにおける広範囲な実験により,SIOD設定の有効性と提案手法の優位性が検証され,ベースライン法と比較して一貫した,有意な改善が得られ,40%のインスタンスにアノテートしたフル教師付きオブジェクト検出(FSOD)法と同等の結果が得られた。 Object detection under imperfect data receives great attention recently. Weakly supervised object detection (WSOD) suffers from severe localization issues due to the lack of instance-level annotation, while semi-supervised object detection (SSOD) remains challenging led by the inter-image discrepancy between labeled and unlabeled data. In this study, we propose the Single Instance annotated Object Detection (SIOD), requiring only one instance annotation for each existing category in an image. Degraded from inter-task (WSOD) or inter-image (SSOD) discrepancies to the intra-image discrepancy, SIOD provides more reliable and rich prior knowledge for mining the rest of unlabeled instances and trades off the annotation cost and performance. Under the SIOD setting, we propose a simple yet effective framework, termed Dual-Mining (DMiner), which consists of a Similarity-based Pseudo Label Generating module (SPLG) and a Pixel-level Group Contrastive Learning module (PGCL). SPLG firstly mines latent instances from feature representation space to alleviate the annotation missing problem. To avoid being misled by inaccurate pseudo labels, we propose PGCL to boost the tolerance to false pseudo labels. Extensive experiments on MS COCO verify the feasibility of the SIOD setting and the superiority of the proposed method, which obtains consistent and significant improvements compared to baseline methods and achieves comparable results with fully supervised object detection (FSOD) methods with only 40% instances annotated. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:08:38 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 大規模署名:大規模写真リアリスティック手話生産のための手話の共作を学ぶ Signing at Scale: Learning to Co-Articulate Signs for Large-Scale Photo-Realistic Sign Language Production ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15354v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ben Saunders, Necati Cihan Camgoz, Richard Bowden | (参考訳) 手話言語は視覚言語であり、語彙は話し言葉と同じくらい豊かである。
そこで我々は,補間辞書符号と連続署名シーケンスの時間的アライメントを改善する新しいフレーム選択ネットワーク (FS-Net) を提案する。
さらに, SignGANは, 定量的指標, 人間の知覚研究, ネイティブ難聴者理解において, 基礎的手法を著しく上回っていることを示す。 Sign languages are visual languages, with vocabularies as rich as their spoken language counterparts. However, current deep-learning based Sign Language Production (SLP) models produce under-articulated skeleton pose sequences from constrained vocabularies and this limits applicability. To be understandable and accepted by the deaf, an automatic SLP system must be able to generate co-articulated photo-realistic signing sequences for large domains of discourse. In this work, we tackle large-scale SLP by learning to co-articulate between dictionary signs, a method capable of producing smooth signing while scaling to unconstrained domains of discourse. To learn sign co-articulation, we propose a novel Frame Selection Network (FS-Net) that improves the temporal alignment of interpolated dictionary signs to continuous signing sequences. Additionally, we propose SignGAN, a pose-conditioned human synthesis model that produces photo-realistic sign language videos direct from skeleton pose. We propose a novel keypoint-based loss function which improves the quality of synthesized hand images. We evaluate our SLP model on the large-scale meineDGS (mDGS) corpus, conducting extensive user evaluation showing our FS-Net approach improves co-articulation of interpolated dictionary signs. Additionally, we show that SignGAN significantly outperforms all baseline methods for quantitative metrics, human perceptual studies and native deaf signer comprehension. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:08:04 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 長期視覚認識のためのNested Collaborative Learning Nested Collaborative Learning for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15359v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jun Li, Zichang Tan, Jun Wan, Zhen Lei and Guodong Guo | (参考訳) ロングテールデータセットでトレーニングされたネットワークは、同じトレーニング設定にもかかわらず著しく異なり、ロングテール学習において大きな不確実性を示している。
この不確実性を軽減するため,複数の専門家を共同で学習することで,課題に対処するNested Collaborative Learning (NCL)を提案する。
nclはnested individual learning(nil)とnested balanced online distillation(nbod)の2つのコアコンポーネントで構成されており、それぞれの専門家に対する個別の教師付き学習と、複数の専門家間での知識の伝達に焦点を当てている。
広範な実験により,単一モデルかアンサンブルかに関わらず,最先端技術よりも優れた手法が得られた。 The networks trained on the long-tailed dataset vary remarkably, despite the same training settings, which shows the great uncertainty in long-tailed learning. To alleviate the uncertainty, we propose a Nested Collaborative Learning (NCL), which tackles the problem by collaboratively learning multiple experts together. NCL consists of two core components, namely Nested Individual Learning (NIL) and Nested Balanced Online Distillation (NBOD), which focus on the individual supervised learning for each single expert and the knowledge transferring among multiple experts, respectively. To learn representations more thoroughly, both NIL and NBOD are formulated in a nested way, in which the learning is conducted on not just all categories from a full perspective but some hard categories from a partial perspective. Regarding the learning in the partial perspective, we specifically select the negative categories with high predicted scores as the hard categories by using a proposed Hard Category Mining (HCM). In the NCL, the learning from two perspectives is nested, highly related and complementary, and helps the network to capture not only global and robust features but also meticulous distinguishing ability. Moreover, self-supervision is further utilized for feature enhancement. Extensive experiments manifest the superiority of our method with outperforming the state-of-the-art whether by using a single model or an ensemble. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:07:40 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 幾何学的集合整合性を用いた自己教師付き画像表現学習 Self-Supervised Image Representation Learning with Geometric Set Consistency ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15361v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Nenglun Chen, Lei Chu, Hao Pan, Yan Lu and Wenping Wang | (参考訳) 本稿では3次元幾何整合性に基づく自己教師付き画像表現学習法を提案する。
実世界の屋内シーンデータセットにおける意味セグメンテーション,オブジェクト検出,インスタンスセグメンテーションなど,様々な2次元イメージベースダウンストリームタスクの事前学習表現を微調整することにより,最先端手法と比較して優れた性能を実現する。 We propose a method for self-supervised image representation learning under the guidance of 3D geometric consistency. Our intuition is that 3D geometric consistency priors such as smooth regions and surface discontinuities may imply consistent semantics or object boundaries, and can act as strong cues to guide the learning of 2D image representations without semantic labels. Specifically, we introduce 3D geometric consistency into a contrastive learning framework to enforce the feature consistency within image views. We propose to use geometric consistency sets as constraints and adapt the InfoNCE loss accordingly. We show that our learned image representations are general. By fine-tuning our pre-trained representations for various 2D image-based downstream tasks, including semantic segmentation, object detection, and instance segmentation on real-world indoor scene datasets, we achieve superior performance compared with state-of-the-art methods. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:07:13 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 日常屋内ロボットナビゲーションによる小型物体変化検出のための領域不変シアムアテンションマスク Domain Invariant Siamese Attention Mask for Small Object Change Detection via Everyday Indoor Robot Navigation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15362v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Koji Takeda, Kanji Tanaka, and Yoshimasa Nakamura | (参考訳) 日常的な室内ロボットナビゲーションによる画像変化検出の問題は、自己注意技術の新しい視点から検討される。
室内ロボットが日常のナビゲーションにおける視覚的に小さな変化を検知することを目的とした実験は、我々の注意法が最先端の画像変化検出モデルを大幅に向上させることを示した。 The problem of image change detection via everyday indoor robot navigation is explored from a novel perspective of the self-attention technique. Detecting semantically non-distinctive and visually small changes remains a key challenge in the robotics community. Intuitively, these small non-distinctive changes may be better handled by the recent paradigm of the attention mechanism, which is the basic idea of this work. However, existing self-attention models require significant retraining cost per domain, so it is not directly applicable to robotics applications. We propose a new self-attention technique with an ability of unsupervised on-the-fly domain adaptation, which introduces an attention mask into the intermediate layer of an image change detection model, without modifying the input and output layers of the model. Experiments, in which an indoor robot aims to detect visually small changes in everyday navigation, demonstrate that our attention technique significantly boosts the state-of-the-art image change detection model. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:06:56 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 顔のセグメンテーション : 可視画像と熱画像の比較 Face segmentation: A comparison between visible and thermal images ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15366v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jiri Mekyska, Virginia Espinosa-Dur\'o, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy | (参考訳) 顔のセグメンテーションは、顔バイオメトリックシステムの第一歩である。
実験結果から,マルチスペクトル(可視・熱)顔データベースを分割する場合,提案アルゴリズムは10倍以上高速であり,熱画像における顔分割の精度はビオラ・ジョーンズの場合よりも高いことがわかった。 Face segmentation is a first step for face biometric systems. In this paper we present a face segmentation algorithm for thermographic images. This algorithm is compared with the classic Viola and Jones algorithm used for visible images. Experimental results reveal that, when segmenting a multispectral (visible and thermal) face database, the proposed algorithm is more than 10 times faster, while the accuracy of face segmentation in thermal images is higher than in case of Viola-Jones | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:06:40 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# mc-BeiT:画像BERT事前学習のためのマルチ選択離散化 mc-BEiT: Multi-choice Discretization for Image BERT Pre-training ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15371v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xiaotong Li, Yixiao Ge, Kun Yi, Zixuan Hu, Ying Shan, Ling-Yu Duan | (参考訳) Image BERT Pre-Ting with masked image modeling (MIM) は、自己教師付き表現学習に対処する一般的なプラクティスとなっている。
例えば、事前訓練されたvit-bはimagenet-1k分類で84.1%の微調整精度を達成し、ade20k意味セグメンテーションでは51.2%miou、cocoでは51.2%ap^bと44.3%ap^mのオブジェクト検出とインスタンスセグメンテーションが優れている。 Image BERT pre-training with masked image modeling (MIM) becomes a popular practice to cope with self-supervised representation learning. A seminal work, BEiT, casts MIM as a classification task with a visual vocabulary, tokenizing the continuous visual signals into discrete vision tokens using a pre-learned dVAE. Despite a feasible solution, the improper discretization hinders further improvements of image pre-training. Since image discretization has no ground-truth answers, we believe that the masked patch should not be assigned with a unique token id even if a better tokenizer can be obtained. In this work, we introduce an improved BERT-style image pre-training method, namely mc-BEiT, which performs MIM proxy tasks towards eased and refined multi-choice training objectives. Specifically, the multi-choice supervision for the masked image patches is formed by the soft probability vectors of the discrete token ids, which are predicted by the off-the-shelf image tokenizer and further refined by high-level inter-patch perceptions resorting to the observation that similar patches should share their choices. Extensive experiments on classification, segmentation, and detection tasks demonstrate the superiority of our method, e.g., the pre-trained ViT-B achieves 84.1% top-1 fine-tuning accuracy on ImageNet-1K classification, 51.2% mIOU on ADE20K semantic segmentation, 51.2% AP^b and 44.3% AP^m of object detection and instance segmentation on COCO, outperforming the competitive counterparts. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:06:31 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 制御可能な画像翻訳のためのスタイル認識判別器 A Style-aware Discriminator for Controllable Image Translation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15375v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kunhee Kim, Sanghun Park, Eunyeong Jeon, Taehun Kim, Daijin Kim | (参考訳) 現在の画像から画像への変換は、トレーニングで使用されるクラスを超えて出力ドメインを制御したり、異なるドメイン間をうまく補間したりしません。
現在の手法とは対照的に,提案手法はスタイル補間,コンテンツ移植,局所画像翻訳など,様々な応用をサポートしている。 Current image-to-image translations do not control the output domain beyond the classes used during training, nor do they interpolate between different domains well, leading to implausible results. This limitation largely arises because labels do not consider the semantic distance. To mitigate such problems, we propose a style-aware discriminator that acts as a critic as well as a style encoder to provide conditions. The style-aware discriminator learns a controllable style space using prototype-based self-supervised learning and simultaneously guides the generator. Experiments on multiple datasets verify that the proposed model outperforms current state-of-the-art image-to-image translation methods. In contrast with current methods, the proposed approach supports various applications, including style interpolation, content transplantation, and local image translation. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:06:00 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# SepViT:分離可能な視覚変換器 SepViT: Separable Vision Transformer ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15380v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Wei Li, Xing Wang, Xin Xia, Jie Wu, Xuefeng Xiao, Min Zheng, Shiping Wen | (参考訳) 視覚トランスフォーマーは、一連の視覚タスクで成功している。
下流の視覚タスクでは、FLOPが少ないSepViTはADE20Kセマンティックセグメンテーションタスクで50.4% mIoU、RetinaNetベースのCOCO検出タスクで47.5 AP、Mask R-CNNベースのCOCO検出およびセグメンテーションタスクで48.7ボックスAPと43.9マスクAPを達成できる。 Vision Transformers have witnessed prevailing success in a series of vision tasks. However, they often require enormous amount of computations to achieve high performance, which is burdensome to deploy on resource-constrained devices. To address these issues, we draw lessons from depthwise separable convolution and imitate its ideology to design the Separable Vision Transformer, abbreviated as SepViT. SepViT helps to carry out the information interaction within and among the windows via a depthwise separable self-attention. The novel window token embedding and grouped self-attention are employed to model the attention relationship among windows with negligible computational cost and capture a long-range visual dependencies of multiple windows, respectively. Extensive experiments on various benchmark tasks demonstrate SepViT can achieve state-of-the-art results in terms of trade-off between accuracy and latency. Among them, SepViT achieves 84.0% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K classification while decreasing the latency by 40%, compared to the ones with similar accuracy (e.g., CSWin, PVTV2). As for the downstream vision tasks, SepViT with fewer FLOPs can achieve 50.4% mIoU on ADE20K semantic segmentation task, 47.5 AP on the RetinaNet-based COCO detection task, 48.7 box AP and 43.9 mask AP on Mask R-CNN-based COCO detection and segmentation tasks. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:05:23 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 複数視点を用いたニューラルフェイス映像圧縮 Neural Face Video Compression using Multiple Views ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15401v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Anna Volokitin, Stefan Brugger, Ali Benlalah, Sebastian Martin, Brian Amberg, Michael Tschannen | (参考訳) 深層生成モデルの最近の進歩は、エンジニアリングコーデックよりも桁違いに少ない帯域幅を使用するニューラルフェイスビデオ圧縮コーデックの開発につながった。
ここでは、複数のソースフレーム(顔のビュー)に依存してこの問題に取り組み、奨励的な結果を提示することを目指している。 Recent advances in deep generative models led to the development of neural face video compression codecs that use an order of magnitude less bandwidth than engineered codecs. These neural codecs reconstruct the current frame by warping a source frame and using a generative model to compensate for imperfections in the warped source frame. Thereby, the warp is encoded and transmitted using a small number of keypoints rather than a dense flow field, which leads to massive savings compared to traditional codecs. However, by relying on a single source frame only, these methods lead to inaccurate reconstructions (e.g. one side of the head becomes unoccluded when turning the head and has to be synthesized). Here, we aim to tackle this issue by relying on multiple source frames (views of the face) and present encouraging results. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:04:54 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# マルチシーンUAV空中映像の文脈情報に基づく異常検出 Contextual Information Based Anomaly Detection for a Multi-Scene UAV Aerial Videos ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15437v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Girisha S, Ujjwal Verma, Manohara Pai M M and Radhika M Pai | (参考訳) UAVベースの監視は、野生生物の監視、都市計画、災害管理、キャンパスのセキュリティなど、世界中の注目を集めている。
さらに, 異常なサンプルと正常なサンプルを併用し, より良い決定境界を同定する新たな推論手法を提案する。
提案手法は,uavに基づく異常検出データセット上で広く評価され,最先端手法と競合する。 UAV based surveillance is gaining much interest worldwide due to its extensive applications in monitoring wildlife, urban planning, disaster management, campus security, etc. These videos are analyzed for strange/odd/anomalous patterns which are essential aspects of surveillance. But manual analysis of these videos is tedious and laborious. Hence, the development of computer-aided systems for the analysis of UAV based surveillance videos is crucial. Despite this interest, in literature, several computer aided systems are developed focusing only on CCTV based surveillance videos. These methods are designed for single scene scenarios and lack contextual knowledge which is required for multi-scene scenarios. Furthermore, the lack of standard UAV based anomaly detection datasets limits the development of these systems. In this regard, the present work aims at the development of a Computer Aided Decision support system to analyse UAV based surveillance videos. A new UAV based multi-scene anomaly detection dataset is developed with frame-level annotations for the development of computer aided systems. It holistically uses contextual, temporal and appearance features for accurate detection of anomalies. Furthermore, a new inference strategy is proposed that utilizes few anomalous samples along with normal samples to identify better decision boundaries. The proposed method is extensively evaluated on the UAV based anomaly detection dataset and performed competitively with respect to state-of-the-art methods. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:04:38 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 熱的感情表情の自然論的データベースと誘発感情の記憶への影響 A Naturalistic Database of Thermal Emotional Facial Expressions and Effects of Induced Emotions on Memory ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15443v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Anna Esposito, Vincenzo Capuano, Jiri Mekyska, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy | (参考訳) 本研究は、感情的内容の高い映画抜粋の視覚を通して自然に誘発される感情的表情を収集する手順を定義し、メモリワード認識タスクに対する感情の影響を実証する実験データを報告する。
本実験では,感情や感情のカテゴリーが,記憶単語認識タスクにおける個々のパフォーマンスや,顔やその一部の領域の温度変化に影響を及ぼさないことが明らかとなった。 This work defines a procedure for collecting naturally induced emotional facial expressions through the vision of movie excerpts with high emotional contents and reports experimental data ascertaining the effects of emotions on memory word recognition tasks. The induced emotional states include the four basic emotions of sadness, disgust, happiness, and surprise, as well as the neutral emotional state. The resulting database contains both thermal and visible emotional facial expressions, portrayed by forty Italian subjects and simultaneously acquired by appropriately synchronizing a thermal and a standard visible camera. Each subject's recording session lasted 45 minutes, allowing for each mode (thermal or visible) to collect a minimum of 2000 facial expressions from which a minimum of 400 were selected as highly expressive of each emotion category. The database is available to the scientific community and can be obtained contacting one of the authors. For this pilot study, it was found that emotions and/or emotion categories do not affect individual performance on memory word recognition tasks and temperature changes in the face or in some regions of it do not discriminate among emotional states. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:04:24 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 3次元ハンドポース推定のための高能率仮想視点選択 Efficient Virtual View Selection for 3D Hand Pose Estimation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15458v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jian Cheng, Yanguang Wan, Dexin Zuo, Cuixia Ma, Jian Gu, Ping Tan, Hongan Wang, Xiaoming Deng, Yinda Zhang | (参考訳) 単一深度からの3次元手ポーズ推定はコンピュータビジョンの基本的問題であり,幅広い応用が期待できるが,人間の手の視差や閉塞による手ポーズ推定は相変わらず達成できない。
提案手法は, NYU, ICVL, Hands2019の3つの主要なベンチマークデータセットにおいて, 提案手法がNYU, ICVLの最先端よりも優れており, Hands2019-Task1での非常に競争的な性能を実現していることを示す。 3D hand pose estimation from single depth is a fundamental problem in computer vision, and has wide applications.However, the existing methods still can not achieve satisfactory hand pose estimation results due to view variation and occlusion of human hand. In this paper, we propose a new virtual view selection and fusion module for 3D hand pose estimation from single depth.We propose to automatically select multiple virtual viewpoints for pose estimation and fuse the results of all and find this empirically delivers accurate and robust pose estimation. In order to select most effective virtual views for pose fusion, we evaluate the virtual views based on the confidence of virtual views using a light-weight network via network distillation. Experiments on three main benchmark datasets including NYU, ICVL and Hands2019 demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-arts on NYU and ICVL, and achieves very competitive performance on Hands2019-Task1, and our proposed virtual view selection and fusion module is both effective for 3D hand pose estimation. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:04:04 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# SAR-ShipNet:双方向コーディネートアテンションとマルチ解像度特徴融合によるSAR-Ship検出ニューラルネットワーク SAR-ShipNet: SAR-Ship Detection Neural Network via Bidirectional Coordinate Attention and Multi-resolution Feature Fusion ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15480v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yuwen Deng, Donghai Guan, Yanyu Chen, Weiwei Yuan, Jiemin Ji, Mingqiang Wei | (参考訳) 本稿では,ニューラルネットワークによる合成開口レーダ(sar)画像からの船舶検出問題について検討する。
そこで本研究では,CenterNetに基づく双方向座標注意(BCA)とMRF(Multi- resolution Feature Fusion)を新たに開発したSAR-ship Detection Neural Network(略してSAR-ShipNet)を提案する。
パブリックなSAR-Shipデータセットの実験結果から,SAR-ShipNetは速度と精度の両面で競争上の優位性を達成していることがわかった。 This paper studies a practically meaningful ship detection problem from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images by the neural network. We broadly extract different types of SAR image features and raise the intriguing question that whether these extracted features are beneficial to (1) suppress data variations (e.g., complex land-sea backgrounds, scattered noise) of real-world SAR images, and (2) enhance the features of ships that are small objects and have different aspect (length-width) ratios, therefore resulting in the improvement of ship detection. To answer this question, we propose a SAR-ship detection neural network (call SAR-ShipNet for short), by newly developing Bidirectional Coordinate Attention (BCA) and Multi-resolution Feature Fusion (MRF) based on CenterNet. Moreover, considering the varying length-width ratio of arbitrary ships, we adopt elliptical Gaussian probability distribution in CenterNet to improve the performance of base detector models. Experimental results on the public SAR-Ship dataset show that our SAR-ShipNet achieves competitive advantages in both speed and accuracy. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:03:44 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 雑音画像分類のための処理学習トランス Treatment Learning Transformer for Noisy Image Classification ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15529v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY-SA 4.0 | Chao-Han Huck Yang, I-Te Danny Hung, Yi-Chieh Liu, Pin-Yu Chen | (参考訳) 現在のトップノートディープラーニング(DL)ベースのビジョンモデルは主に、トレーニングデータサンプルと関連するラベル間の固有の相関を探索し、活用することに基づいている。
副産物として、TLTはノイズ画像を認識する視覚的サリエンス法も改善した。 Current top-notch deep learning (DL) based vision models are primarily based on exploring and exploiting the inherent correlations between training data samples and their associated labels. However, a known practical challenge is their degraded performance against "noisy" data, induced by different circumstances such as spurious correlations, irrelevant contexts, domain shift, and adversarial attacks. In this work, we incorporate this binary information of "existence of noise" as treatment into image classification tasks to improve prediction accuracy by jointly estimating their treatment effects. Motivated from causal variational inference, we propose a transformer-based architecture, Treatment Learning Transformer (TLT), that uses a latent generative model to estimate robust feature representations from current observational input for noise image classification. Depending on the estimated noise level (modeled as a binary treatment factor), TLT assigns the corresponding inference network trained by the designed causal loss for prediction. We also create new noisy image datasets incorporating a wide range of noise factors (e.g., object masking, style transfer, and adversarial perturbation) for performance benchmarking. The superior performance of TLT in noisy image classification is further validated by several refutation evaluation metrics. As a by-product, TLT also improves visual salience methods for perceiving noisy images. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 15:01:36 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 不連続属性流を用いた2次元画像からの3次元形状復元 3D Shape Reconstruction from 2D Images with Disentangled Attribute Flow ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15190v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xin Wen and Junsheng Zhou and Yu-Shen Liu and Zhen Dong and Zhizhong Han | (参考訳) 1枚の2d画像から3d形状を再構築することは難しい作業であり、2d画像から意味的属性に基づいて詳細な3d構造を推定する必要がある。
shapenet データセットに関する包括的実験により, 3dattriflow は最先端の形状復元手法よりも優れており, 形状完了タスクにおけるその一般化能力も検証した。 Reconstructing 3D shape from a single 2D image is a challenging task, which needs to estimate the detailed 3D structures based on the semantic attributes from 2D image. So far, most of the previous methods still struggle to extract semantic attributes for 3D reconstruction task. Since the semantic attributes of a single image are usually implicit and entangled with each other, it is still challenging to reconstruct 3D shape with detailed semantic structures represented by the input image. To address this problem, we propose 3DAttriFlow to disentangle and extract semantic attributes through different semantic levels in the input images. These disentangled semantic attributes will be integrated into the 3D shape reconstruction process, which can provide definite guidance to the reconstruction of specific attribute on 3D shape. As a result, the 3D decoder can explicitly capture high-level semantic features at the bottom of the network, and utilize low-level features at the top of the network, which allows to reconstruct more accurate 3D shapes. Note that the explicit disentangling is learned without extra labels, where the only supervision used in our training is the input image and its corresponding 3D shape. Our comprehensive experiments on ShapeNet dataset demonstrate that 3DAttriFlow outperforms the state-of-the-art shape reconstruction methods, and we also validate its generalization ability on shape completion task. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 14:28:37 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# AnoDFDNet: 異常検出のための深い特徴差ネットワーク AnoDFDNet: A Deep Feature Difference Network for Anomaly Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15195v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhixue Wang, Yu Zhang, Lin Luo, Nan Wang | (参考訳) 本稿では,畳み込みニューラルネットワークと視覚変換器を用いた高速列車画像の新たな異常検出(AD)手法を提案する。
AnoDFDNetの有効性を検証するため、3つのデータセット、差分データセット(Diff Dataset)、異物データセット(FB Dataset)、油漏れデータセット(OL Dataset)を収集した。
ソースコードはhttps://github.com/wangle53/AnoDFDNetで入手できる。 This paper proposed a novel anomaly detection (AD) approach of High-speed Train images based on convolutional neural networks and the Vision Transformer. Different from previous AD works, in which anomalies are identified with a single image using classification, segmentation, or object detection methods, the proposed method detects abnormal difference between two images taken at different times of the same region. In other words, we cast anomaly detection problem with a single image into a difference detection problem with two images. The core idea of the proposed method is that the 'anomaly' usually represents an abnormal state instead of a specific object, and this state should be identified by a pair of images. In addition, we introduced a deep feature difference AD network (AnoDFDNet) which sufficiently explored the potential of the Vision Transformer and convolutional neural networks. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed AnoDFDNet, we collected three datasets, a difference dataset (Diff Dataset), a foreign body dataset (FB Dataset), and an oil leakage dataset (OL Dataset). Experimental results on above datasets demonstrate the superiority of proposed method. Source code are available at https://github.com/wangle53/AnoDFDNet. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 14:28:13 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 近視バイオメトリックスと部分的仮面との関連性:調査 Periocular Biometrics and its Relevance to Partially Masked Faces: A Survey ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15203v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Renu Sharma and Arun Ross | (参考訳) 顔認証システムの性能は、新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)のパンデミックによって流行したマスクやその他の顔カバーの存在に悪影響を及ぼす可能性がある。
a) 認識に有用な眼周囲領域に存在する解剖学的手がかり
b) 様々な特徴抽出・マッチング技術が発達した。
最後に、近視バイオメトリックス分野における様々な課題と今後の方向性について論じる。 The performance of face recognition systems can be negatively impacted in the presence of masks and other types of facial coverings that have become prevalent due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In such cases, the periocular region of the human face becomes an important biometric cue. In this article, we present a detailed review of periocular biometrics. We first examine the various face and periocular techniques specially designed to recognize humans wearing a face mask. Then, we review different aspects of periocular biometrics: (a) the anatomical cues present in the periocular region useful for recognition, (b) the various feature extraction and matching techniques developed, (c) recognition across different spectra, (d) fusion with other biometric modalities (face or iris), (e) recognition on mobile devices, (f) its usefulness in other applications, (g) periocular datasets, and (h) competitions organized for evaluating the efficacy of this biometric modality. Finally, we discuss various challenges and future directions in the field of periocular biometrics. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 14:27:53 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 粗視トランスフォーマを用いたアフィン医用画像登録 Affine Medical Image Registration with Coarse-to-Fine Vision Transformer ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15216v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Tony C. W. Mok, Albert C. S. Chung | (参考訳) アフィンの登録は総合的な医用画像登録パイプラインで必須である。
本稿では,3次元医用画像登録のための高速かつ堅牢な学習ベースアルゴリズムであるCoarse-to-Fine Vision Transformer(C2FViT)を提案する。
ソースコードはhttps://github.com/cwmok/c2fvitで入手できる。 Affine registration is indispensable in a comprehensive medical image registration pipeline. However, only a few studies focus on fast and robust affine registration algorithms. Most of these studies utilize convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to learn joint affine and non-parametric registration, while the standalone performance of the affine subnetwork is less explored. Moreover, existing CNN-based affine registration approaches focus either on the local misalignment or the global orientation and position of the input to predict the affine transformation matrix, which are sensitive to spatial initialization and exhibit limited generalizability apart from the training dataset. In this paper, we present a fast and robust learning-based algorithm, Coarse-to-Fine Vision Transformer (C2FViT), for 3D affine medical image registration. Our method naturally leverages the global connectivity and locality of the convolutional vision transformer and the multi-resolution strategy to learn the global affine registration. We evaluate our method on 3D brain atlas registration and template-matching normalization. Comprehensive results demonstrate that our method is superior to the existing CNNs-based affine registration methods in terms of registration accuracy, robustness and generalizability while preserving the runtime advantage of the learning-based methods. The source code is available at https://github.com/cwmok/C2FViT. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 14:27:42 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# シーンテキスト検出のための機能サンプリングとグループ化(動画あり) Few Could Be Better Than All: Feature Sampling and Grouping for Scene Text Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15221v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jingqun Tang, Wenqing Zhang, Hongye Liu, MingKun Yang, Bo Jiang, Guanglong Hu, Xiang Bai | (参考訳) 近年, トランスフォーマーに基づく手法は, NMSのような後処理を排除し, 深層表現を充実させることができるため, オブジェクト検出の進歩が期待できる。
特徴抽出のための基本的特徴ピラミッドネットワークを用いて,シーンテキスト検出のためのいくつかの一般的なデータセットの最先端の結果を一貫して達成する。 Recently, transformer-based methods have achieved promising progresses in object detection, as they can eliminate the post-processes like NMS and enrich the deep representations. However, these methods cannot well cope with scene text due to its extreme variance of scales and aspect ratios. In this paper, we present a simple yet effective transformer-based architecture for scene text detection. Different from previous approaches that learn robust deep representations of scene text in a holistic manner, our method performs scene text detection based on a few representative features, which avoids the disturbance by background and reduces the computational cost. Specifically, we first select a few representative features at all scales that are highly relevant to foreground text. Then, we adopt a transformer for modeling the relationship of the sampled features, which effectively divides them into reasonable groups. As each feature group corresponds to a text instance, its bounding box can be easily obtained without any post-processing operation. Using the basic feature pyramid network for feature extraction, our method consistently achieves state-of-the-art results on several popular datasets for scene text detection. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 14:27:17 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# Panoptic NeRF: 3D-to-2D Label Transfer for Panoptic Urban Scene Segmentation Panoptic NeRF: 3D-to-2D Label Transfer for Panoptic Urban Scene Segmentation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15224v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xiao Fu, Shangzhan Zhang, Tianrun Chen, Yichong Lu, Lanyun Zhu, Xiaowei Zhou, Andreas Geiger, Yiyi Liao | (参考訳) 高品質なアノテーションを備えた大規模トレーニングデータは、セマンティクスとインスタンスセグメンテーションモデルのトレーニングに不可欠である。
そこで本研究では,画素ごとの2Dセマンティックスとインスタンスラベルの取得を目的とした3Dから2Dへのラベル転送手法であるPanoptic NeRFを提案する。
さらに, この融合により, 2次元予測における粗い3次元アノテーションとフィルタノイズのラベルあいまいさが解消される。
実験の結果,Panoptic NeRFは,KITTI-360データセットの挑戦的な都市シーンにおいて,精度と複数ビューの整合性の観点から,既存のセマンティックおよびインスタンスラベル転送手法よりも優れていた。 Large-scale training data with high-quality annotations is critical for training semantic and instance segmentation models. Unfortunately, pixel-wise annotation is labor-intensive and costly, raising the demand for more efficient labeling strategies. In this work, we present a novel 3D-to-2D label transfer method, Panoptic NeRF, which aims for obtaining per-pixel 2D semantic and instance labels from easy-to-obtain coarse 3D bounding primitives. Our method utilizes NeRF as a differentiable tool to unify coarse 3D annotations and 2D semantic cues transferred from existing datasets. We demonstrate that this combination allows for improved geometry guided by semantic information, enabling rendering of accurate semantic maps across multiple views. Furthermore, this fusion process resolves label ambiguity of the coarse 3D annotations and filters noise in the 2D predictions. By inferring in 3D space and rendering to 2D labels, our 2D semantic and instance labels are multi-view consistent by design. Experimental results show that Panoptic NeRF outperforms existing semantic and instance label transfer methods in terms of accuracy and multi-view consistency on challenging urban scenes of the KITTI-360 dataset. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 14:27:00 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) me-capsnet:ルーティング機構を備えたマルチエンハンスカプセルネットワーク ME-CapsNet: A Multi-Enhanced Capsule Networks with Routing Mechanism ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15547v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Jerrin Bright, Suryaprakash R and Arockia Selvakumar Arockia Doss | (参考訳) 畳み込みニューラルネットワークは、ネットワーク層におけるチャネルワイドおよび空間ワイドの情報によって決定される情報的特徴を構築する必要がある。
提案するme-capsnetの効率を示す一般的なデータセットを用いて大規模な実験を行い、複雑なデータセットにおけるモデルの複雑さを最小限に抑えながら、高い精度を達成することにより、様々な研究成果を明らかに上回っている。 Convolutional Neural Networks need the construction of informative features, which are determined by channel-wise and spatial-wise information at the network's layers. In this research, we focus on bringing in a novel solution that uses sophisticated optimization for enhancing both the spatial and channel components inside each layer's receptive field. Capsule Networks were used to understand the spatial association between features in the feature map. Standalone capsule networks have shown good results on comparatively simple datasets than on complex datasets as a result of the inordinate amount of feature information. Thus, to tackle this issue, we have proposed ME-CapsNet by introducing deeper convolutional layers to extract important features before passing through modules of capsule layers strategically to improve the performance of the network significantly. The deeper convolutional layer includes blocks of Squeeze-Excitation networks which uses a soft-pooling approach for progressively reducing the spatial size thereby dynamically recalibrating the channels by reconstructing their interdependencies without much loss of important feature information. Extensive experimentation was done using commonly used datasets demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed ME-CapsNet, which clearly outperforms various research works by achieving higher accuracy with minimal model complexity in complex datasets. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 14:24:27 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ASM-Loc:弱スーパービジョン時空間行動定位のための行動認識セグメントモデリング ASM-Loc: Action-aware Segment Modeling for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15187v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Bo He, Xitong Yang, Le Kang, Zhiyu Cheng, Xin Zhou, Abhinav Shrivastava | (参考訳) 弱教師付き時間的行動定位は、訓練のためにビデオレベルの行動ラベルのみを与える未トリミングビデオの行動セグメントを認識し、局所化することを目的としている。
この問題に対処するために,標準的なMIL法を超越した明示的でアクション対応セグメントモデリングを可能にする新しい WTAL フレームワークである \system を提案する。
二 動作力学のモデル化及び時間的依存の把握のための分節内及び分節間注意
コードとモデルは、~\url{https://github.com/boheumd/ASM-Loc}で公開されている。 Weakly-supervised temporal action localization aims to recognize and localize action segments in untrimmed videos given only video-level action labels for training. Without the boundary information of action segments, existing methods mostly rely on multiple instance learning (MIL), where the predictions of unlabeled instances (i.e., video snippets) are supervised by classifying labeled bags (i.e., untrimmed videos). However, this formulation typically treats snippets in a video as independent instances, ignoring the underlying temporal structures within and across action segments. To address this problem, we propose \system, a novel WTAL framework that enables explicit, action-aware segment modeling beyond standard MIL-based methods. Our framework entails three segment-centric components: (i) dynamic segment sampling for compensating the contribution of short actions; (ii) intra- and inter-segment attention for modeling action dynamics and capturing temporal dependencies; (iii) pseudo instance-level supervision for improving action boundary prediction. Furthermore, a multi-step refinement strategy is proposed to progressively improve action proposals along the model training process. Extensive experiments on THUMOS-14 and ActivityNet-v1.3 demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, establishing new state of the art on both datasets. The code and models are publicly available at~\url{https://github.com/boheumd/ASM-Loc}. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 14:14:17 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# rough to fine: マルチスケール低ランクテンソル補完による画像復元 Coarse to Fine: Image Restoration Boosted by Multi-Scale Low-Rank Tensor Completion ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15189v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Rui Lin, Cong Chen, and Ngai Wong | (参考訳) 既存の低ランクテンソル完備化(LRTC)アプローチは、下層の完成テンソルに大域的な低ランク制約を課すことによって部分的に観測されたテンソルを復元することを目的としている。
提案したC2F方式の優位性を示すため, 大規模な実験を行った。
コードはhttps://github.com/ruilin0212/c2flrtc。 Existing low-rank tensor completion (LRTC) approaches aim at restoring a partially observed tensor by imposing a global low-rank constraint on the underlying completed tensor. However, such a global rank assumption suffers the trade-off between restoring the originally details-lacking parts and neglecting the potentially complex objects, making the completion performance unsatisfactory on both sides. To address this problem, we propose a novel and practical strategy for image restoration that restores the partially observed tensor in a coarse-to-fine (C2F) manner, which gets rid of such trade-off by searching proper local ranks for both low- and high-rank parts. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed C2F scheme. The codes are available at: https://github.com/RuiLin0212/C2FLRTC. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 14:13:53 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) Earnings-22: ワイルドなアクセントのための実践的なベンチマーク Earnings-22: A Practical Benchmark for Accents in the Wild ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15591v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY-SA 4.0 | Miguel Del Rio, Peter Ha, Quinten McNamara, Corey Miller, Shipra Chandra | (参考訳) 現代の自動音声認識(asr)システムは、野放しの音声認識性能に欠けるにもかかわらず、多くの一般的なコーパスで超人的単語誤り率(wer)を達成した。
earnings-22は、学術的および産業的な研究を橋渡しするための、実世界のアクセント付きオーディオの無料利用ベンチマークを提供する。 Modern automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems have achieved superhuman Word Error Rate (WER) on many common corpora despite lacking adequate performance on speech in the wild. Beyond that, there is a lack of real-world, accented corpora to properly benchmark academic and commercial models. To ensure this type of speech is represented in ASR benchmarking, we present Earnings-22, a 125 file, 119 hour corpus of English-language earnings calls gathered from global companies. We run a comparison across 4 commercial models showing the variation in performance when taking country of origin into consideration. Looking at hypothesis transcriptions, we explore errors common to all ASR systems tested. By examining Individual Word Error Rate (IWER), we find that key speech features impact model performance more for certain accents than others. Earnings-22 provides a free-to-use benchmark of real-world, accented audio to bridge academic and industrial research. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 14:11:30 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 線形プログラムの構造と因果関係の探索 Finding Structure and Causality in Linear Programs ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15274v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Matej Ze\v{c}evi\'c and Florian Peter Busch and Devendra Singh Dhami and Kristian Kersting | (参考訳) 線形プログラム(lp)は、特に機械学習において、確率的推論タスクを効果的に解いたり、エンドツーエンドの学習システムに構造を課すことが許されている。
我々は, 一般, 最短パスアンドエネルギー系lpsの系統的, 実証的研究を行う。 Linear Programs (LP) are celebrated widely, particularly so in machine learning where they have allowed for effectively solving probabilistic inference tasks or imposing structure on end-to-end learning systems. Their potential might seem depleted but we propose a foundational, causal perspective that reveals intriguing intra- and inter-structure relations for LP components. We conduct a systematic, empirical investigation on general-, shortest path- and energy system LPs. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 14:02:54 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 反事実説明のための拡散モデル Diffusion Models for Counterfactual Explanations ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15636v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Guillaume Jeanneret, Lo\"ic Simon and Fr\'ed\'eric Jurie | (参考訳) 画像分類器をより説明しやすいものにするための、ポストホックフレームワークとして有望な結果を示している。
提案手法は, 誘導生成拡散過程を利用して, 対象分類器の勾配を用いて入力インスタンスの反実的説明を生成する方法を示す。
実験結果から,提案アルゴリズムはcelebaの6つの指標のうち5つにおいて,これまでの結果を上回ることがわかった。 Counterfactual explanations have shown promising results as a post-hoc framework to make image classifiers more explainable. In this paper, we propose DiME, a method allowing the generation of counterfactual images using the recent diffusion models. By leveraging the guided generative diffusion process, our proposed methodology shows how to use the gradients of the target classifier to generate counterfactual explanations of input instances. Further, we analyze current approaches to evaluate spurious correlations and extend the evaluation measurements by proposing a new metric: Correlation Difference. Our experimental validations show that the proposed algorithm surpasses previous State-of-the-Art results on 5 out of 6 metrics on CelebA. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 14:00:08 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 生成逆ネットワークを用いた気象予報の撮影可視化 Photographic Visualization of Weather Forecasts with Generative Adversarial Networks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15601v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Christian Sigg, Flavia Cavallaro, Tobias G\"unther and Martin R. Oswald | (参考訳) 屋外のウェブカメラ画像は、過去の気象状況や現在の気象状況の視覚的可視化であり、気象学者や一般大衆からも参照されている。
得られた画像は,COSMO-1 NWPモデル予測の大気,地中,照明条件に少なくとも89%一致した。
生成した画像のストリーミングシーケンスは、観察から予測へシームレスに遷移し、視覚的連続性を得る。 Outdoor webcam images are an information-dense yet accessible visualization of past and present weather conditions, and are consulted by meteorologists and the general public alike. Weather forecasts, however, are still communicated as text, pictograms or charts. We therefore introduce a novel method that uses photographic images to also visualize future weather conditions. This is challenging, because photographic visualizations of weather forecasts should look real, be free of obvious artifacts, and should match the predicted weather conditions. The transition from observation to forecast should be seamless, and there should be visual continuity between images for consecutive lead times. We use conditional Generative Adversarial Networks to synthesize such visualizations. The generator network, conditioned on the analysis and the forecasting state of the numerical weather prediction (NWP) model, transforms the present camera image into the future. The discriminator network judges whether a given image is the real image of the future, or whether it has been synthesized. Training the two networks against each other results in a visualization method that scores well on all four evaluation criteria. We present results for three camera sites across Switzerland that differ in climatology and terrain. We show that users find it challenging to distinguish real from generated images, performing not much better than if they guessed randomly. The generated images match the atmospheric, ground and illumination conditions of the COSMO-1 NWP model forecast in at least 89 % of the examined cases. Nowcasting sequences of generated images achieve a seamless transition from observation to forecast and attain visual continuity. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:58:54 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 超線形メモリを必要とする効率的な凸最適化 Efficient Convex Optimization Requires Superlinear Memory ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15260v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Annie Marsden, Vatsal Sharan, Aaron Sidford, Gregory Valiant | (参考訳) 単位球上の$d$次元、$$$-lipschitz 凸関数を 1/\mathrm{poly}(d)$ に最小化するメモリ制約のある一階のアルゴリズムでは、最大$d^{1.25 - \delta}$ ビットのメモリは少なくとも$\tilde{\omega}(d^{1 + (4/3)\delta})$ 1階のクエリ(定数 $\delta \in [0, 1/4]$ でなければならない。
これにより、woodworth と srebro の colt 2019 open problem が解決される。 We show that any memory-constrained, first-order algorithm which minimizes $d$-dimensional, $1$-Lipschitz convex functions over the unit ball to $1/\mathrm{poly}(d)$ accuracy using at most $d^{1.25 - \delta}$ bits of memory must make at least $\tilde{\Omega}(d^{1 + (4/3)\delta})$ first-order queries (for any constant $\delta \in [0, 1/4]$). Consequently, the performance of such memory-constrained algorithms are a polynomial factor worse than the optimal $\tilde{O}(d)$ query bound for this problem obtained by cutting plane methods that use $\tilde{O}(d^2)$ memory. This resolves a COLT 2019 open problem of Woodworth and Srebro. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:58:11 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 動的ネットワークにおける変化点検出のためのグラフ類似性学習 Graph similarity learning for change-point detection in dynamic networks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15470v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Deborah Sulem, Henry Kenlay, Mihai Cucuringu, Xiaowen Dong | (参考訳) 動的ネットワークは、例えば脳コネクトーム、人口フロー、メッセージ交換など、逐次グラフ構造化データをモデリングするためにユビキタスである。
様々なタイプの変更点設定において、オンラインネットワーク変更点検出を行うのに適切なグラフ類似性関数を学習でき、既存の最先端ベースラインよりも変化を検出するのに、より短いデータ履歴が必要である。 Dynamic networks are ubiquitous for modelling sequential graph-structured data, e.g., brain connectome, population flows and messages exchanges. In this work, we consider dynamic networks that are temporal sequences of graph snapshots, and aim at detecting abrupt changes in their structure. This task is often termed network change-point detection and has numerous applications, such as fraud detection or physical motion monitoring. Leveraging a graph neural network model, we design a method to perform online network change-point detection that can adapt to the specific network domain and localise changes with no delay. The main novelty of our method is to use a siamese graph neural network architecture for learning a data-driven graph similarity function, which allows to effectively compare the current graph and its recent history. Importantly, our method does not require prior knowledge on the network generative distribution and is agnostic to the type of change-points; moreover, it can be applied to a large variety of networks, that include for instance edge weights and node attributes. We show on synthetic and real data that our method enjoys a number of benefits: it is able to learn an adequate graph similarity function for performing online network change-point detection in diverse types of change-point settings, and requires a shorter data history to detect changes than most existing state-of-the-art baselines. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:57:48 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# Causal de Finetti:交換可能なデータにおける不変因果構造の同定について Causal de Finetti: On the Identification of Invariant Causal Structure in Exchangeable Data ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15756v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Siyuan Guo, Viktor T\'oth, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Ferenc Husz\'ar | (参考訳) 不変因果構造を学ぶことは、しばしば条件付き独立性テストと独立かつ同一の分散データの仮定に依存する。
ここでは、ICM原理の最初の統計的形式化を提供するCausal de Finettiを紹介する。 Learning invariant causal structure often relies on conditional independence testing and assumption of independent and identically distributed data. Recent work has explored inferring invariant causal structure using data coming from different environments. These approaches are based on independent causal mechanism (ICM) principle which postulates that the cause mechanism is independent of the effect given cause mechanism. Despite its wide application in machine learning and causal inference, there lacks a statistical formalization of what independent mechanism means. Here we present Causal de Finetti which offers a first statistical formalization of ICM principle. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:57:27 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 長い摂動とN-bestに基づくラベル平滑化によるディープニューラルネットワーク音響モデルの一般化 Improving Generalization of Deep Neural Network Acoustic Models with Length Perturbation and N-best Based Label Smoothing ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15176v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xiaodong Cui, George Saon, Tohru Nagano, Masayuki Suzuki, Takashi Fukuda, Brian Kingsbury, Gakuto Kurata | (参考訳) 本稿では,距離摂動とn-bestに基づくラベル平滑化という2つの手法を導入し,音声認識(ASR)のためのディープニューラルネットワーク(DNN)音響モデルの一般化を改善する。
length perturbationは、音声特徴列の長さを変更するために発話のフレームをランダムにドロップして挿入するデータ拡張アルゴリズムである。
特に、強力なSWB300ベースラインよりも優れた改善を実現し、RNNTモデルを使用してSWB300上で最先端のパフォーマンスを提供する。 We introduce two techniques, length perturbation and n-best based label smoothing, to improve generalization of deep neural network (DNN) acoustic models for automatic speech recognition (ASR). Length perturbation is a data augmentation algorithm that randomly drops and inserts frames of an utterance to alter the length of the speech feature sequence. N-best based label smoothing randomly injects noise to ground truth labels during training in order to avoid overfitting, where the noisy labels are generated from n-best hypotheses. We evaluate these two techniques extensively on the 300-hour Switchboard (SWB300) dataset and an in-house 500-hour Japanese (JPN500) dataset using recurrent neural network transducer (RNNT) acoustic models for ASR. We show that both techniques improve the generalization of RNNT models individually and they can also be complementary. In particular, they yield good improvements over a strong SWB300 baseline and give state-of-art performance on SWB300 using RNNT models. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:55:08 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# LDKP:長い科学文献からキーワードを識別するためのデータセット LDKP: A Dataset for Identifying Keyphrases from Long Scientific Documents ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15349v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Debanjan Mahata, Naveen Agarwal, Dibya Gautam, Amardeep Kumar, Swapnil Parekh, Yaman Kumar Singla, Anish Acharya, Rajiv Ratn Shah | (参考訳) テキスト文書からキーフレーズ(KP)を識別することは自然言語処理と情報検索の基本的な課題である。
そこで本研究では,1.3m~100k科学論文のコーパスマッピングkpsを,出版場所,年,著者,研究分野,引用などのメタデータを抽出して公開し,実世界問題の研究を促進する。 Identifying keyphrases (KPs) from text documents is a fundamental task in natural language processing and information retrieval. Vast majority of the benchmark datasets for this task are from the scientific domain containing only the document title and abstract information. This limits keyphrase extraction (KPE) and keyphrase generation (KPG) algorithms to identify keyphrases from human-written summaries that are often very short (approx 8 sentences). This presents three challenges for real-world applications: human-written summaries are unavailable for most documents, the documents are almost always long, and a high percentage of KPs are directly found beyond the limited context of title and abstract. Therefore, we release two extensive corpora mapping KPs of ~1.3M and ~100K scientific articles with their fully extracted text and additional metadata including publication venue, year, author, field of study, and citations for facilitating research on this real-world problem. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:54:47 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# マルチパースペクティブ・ダイアログ要約を改善するヒューリスティック・インタートレーニング Heuristic-based Inter-training to Improve Few-shot Multi-perspective Dialog Summarization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15590v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Benjamin Sznajder, Chulaka Gunasekara, Guy Lev, Sachin Joshi, Eyal Shnarch, Noam Slonim | (参考訳) 多くの組織は、顧客との会話を手作業で要約する必要がある。
例えば、本手法では、元のデータでトレーニングされたモデルのパフォーマンス(ルージュ-2)の94\%を、元のデータの7\%でトレーニングすることで達成する。 Many organizations require their customer-care agents to manually summarize their conversations with customers. These summaries are vital for decision making purposes of the organizations. The perspective of the summary that is required to be created depends on the application of the summaries. With this work, we study the multi-perspective summarization of customer-care conversations between support agents and customers. We observe that there are different heuristics that are associated with summaries of different perspectives, and explore these heuristics to create weak-labeled data for intermediate training of the models before fine-tuning with scarce human annotated summaries. Most importantly, we show that our approach supports models to generate multi-perspective summaries with a very small amount of annotated data. For example, our approach achieves 94\% of the performance (Rouge-2) of a model trained with the original data, by training only with 7\% of the original data. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:54:28 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 2次元・3次元顕微鏡像における物体検出のための密度マップからのカウントと位置推定の改善 Improved Counting and Localization from Density Maps for Object Detection in 2D and 3D Microscopy Imaging ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15691v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Shijie Li, Thomas Ach, Guido Gerig | (参考訳) オブジェクトのカウントとローカライゼーションは、大規模顕微鏡アプリケーションにおける定量分析の鍵となるステップである。
2 提案した計数方法に基づいて検出された対象物の計数結果を最適化し、
3) 提案手法を先行情報として, 検出不良物体の局在性を改善する。
私たちのコードはレビュー後にリリースされます。 Object counting and localization are key steps for quantitative analysis in large-scale microscopy applications. This procedure becomes challenging when target objects are overlapping, are densely clustered, and/or present fuzzy boundaries. Previous methods producing density maps based on deep learning have reached a high level of accuracy for object counting by assuming that object counting is equivalent to the integration of the density map. However, this model fails when objects show significant overlap regarding accurate localization. We propose an alternative method to count and localize objects from the density map to overcome this limitation. Our procedure includes the following three key aspects: 1) Proposing a new counting method based on the statistical properties of the density map, 2) optimizing the counting results for those objects which are well-detected based on the proposed counting method, and 3) improving localization of poorly detected objects using the proposed counting method as prior information. Validation includes processing of microscopy data with known ground truth and comparison with other models that use conventional processing of the density map. Our results show improved performance in counting and localization of objects in 2D and 3D microscopy data. Furthermore, the proposed method is generic, considering various applications that rely on the density map approach. Our code will be released post-review. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:51:35 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# グラディエントマッチングによるFew-Shot NASの一般化 Generalizing Few-Shot NAS with Gradient Matching ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15207v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Shoukang Hu, Ruochen Wang, Lanqing Hong, Zhenguo Li, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Jiashi Feng | (参考訳) 大規模探索空間から引き出されたアーキテクチャの効率的な性能推定は,ニューラルネットワーク探索に不可欠である。
しかし、重み付けによる子アーキテクチャ間の最適化が組み合わさると、One-Shot Supernetの性能評価は不正確になり、検索結果が劣化する可能性がある。
提案手法の広い範囲の探索空間(NASBench-201, DARTS, MobileNet Space)、データセット(cifar10, cifar100, ImageNet)、検索アルゴリズム(DARTS, SNAS, RSPS, ProxylessNAS, OFA)に対する広範な実験的な評価は、導出アーキテクチャの精度において、Few-Shotの手法よりもはるかに優れていることを示した。 Efficient performance estimation of architectures drawn from large search spaces is essential to Neural Architecture Search. One-Shot methods tackle this challenge by training one supernet to approximate the performance of every architecture in the search space via weight-sharing, thereby drastically reducing the search cost. However, due to coupled optimization between child architectures caused by weight-sharing, One-Shot supernet's performance estimation could be inaccurate, leading to degraded search outcomes. To address this issue, Few-Shot NAS reduces the level of weight-sharing by splitting the One-Shot supernet into multiple separated sub-supernets via edge-wise (layer-wise) exhaustive partitioning. Since each partition of the supernet is not equally important, it necessitates the design of a more effective splitting criterion. In this work, we propose a gradient matching score (GM) that leverages gradient information at the shared weight for making informed splitting decisions. Intuitively, gradients from different child models can be used to identify whether they agree on how to update the shared modules, and subsequently to decide if they should share the same weight. Compared with exhaustive partitioning, the proposed criterion significantly reduces the branching factor per edge. This allows us to split more edges (layers) for a given budget, resulting in substantially improved performance as NAS search spaces usually include dozens of edges (layers). Extensive empirical evaluations of the proposed method on a wide range of search spaces (NASBench-201, DARTS, MobileNet Space), datasets (cifar10, cifar100, ImageNet) and search algorithms (DARTS, SNAS, RSPS, ProxylessNAS, OFA) demonstrate that it significantly outperforms its Few-Shot counterparts while surpassing previous comparable methods in terms of the accuracy of derived architectures. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:43:40 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# SHOP:Blurryビデオに現れる小型ハンドヘルド物体のほぼリアルタイム検出のためのディープラーニングベースパイプライン SHOP: A Deep Learning Based Pipeline for near Real-Time Detection of Small Handheld Objects Present in Blurry Video ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15228v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Abhinav Ganguly, Amar C Gandhi, Sylvia E, Jeffrey D Chang, Ian M Hudson | (参考訳) 先行研究は物体検出が可能な計算モデルを調査し開発してきたが、モデルはまだ動きのぼやけや小さな物体で画像を確実に解釈するのに苦労している。
本研究では,ハンドヘルドオブジェクトを含むぼやけた画像を確実かつ効率的に解釈するパイプラインであるSHOP(Small Handheld Object Pipeline)を提案する。
microsoft common objects in context(ms coco)のハンドヘルドサブセット上でのテストでは、この3段階のプロセスによって偽陽性が70%減少し、強力な構成で真陽性が17%減少することが示されている。
また、ハンドヘルドオブジェクト検出法の開発を継続するために使用できるハンドヘルドオブジェクトのみからなるms cocoのサブセットも提示する。
https://github.com/spider-sense/SHOP While prior works have investigated and developed computational models capable of object detection, models still struggle to reliably interpret images with motion blur and small objects. Moreover, none of these models are specifically designed for handheld object detection. In this work, we present SHOP (Small Handheld Object Pipeline), a pipeline that reliably and efficiently interprets blurry images containing handheld objects. The specific models used in each stage of the pipeline are flexible and can be changed based on performance requirements. First, images are deblurred and then run through a pose detection system where areas-of-interest are proposed around the hands of any people present. Next, object detection is performed on the images by a single-stage object detector. Finally, the proposed areas-of-interest are used to filter out low confidence detections. Testing on a handheld subset of Microsoft Common Objects in Context (MS COCO) demonstrates that this 3 stage process results in a 70 percent decrease in false positives while only reducing true positives by 17 percent in its strongest configuration. We also present a subset of MS COCO consisting solely of handheld objects that can be used to continue the development of handheld object detection methods. https://github.com/spider-sense/SHOP | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:43:02 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# CNNフィルタDB:訓練された畳み込みフィルタの実証的研究 CNN Filter DB: An Empirical Investigation of Trained Convolutional Filters ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15331v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Paul Gavrikov and Janis Keuper | (参考訳) 現在、畳み込みニューラルネットワーク(CNN)の伝達可能性と堅牢性に関する理論的および実践的な問題の多くは未解決のままである。
二) 事前学習されたモデルの多くは, 劣化したフィルタを含んでおり, 対象とするアプリケーションの微調整にはあまり適さないことを示す。
Data & ProjectのWebサイト: https://github.com/paulgavrikov/cnn-filter-db Currently, many theoretical as well as practically relevant questions towards the transferability and robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) remain unsolved. While ongoing research efforts are engaging these problems from various angles, in most computer vision related cases these approaches can be generalized to investigations of the effects of distribution shifts in image data. In this context, we propose to study the shifts in the learned weights of trained CNN models. Here we focus on the properties of the distributions of dominantly used 3x3 convolution filter kernels. We collected and publicly provide a dataset with over 1.4 billion filters from hundreds of trained CNNs, using a wide range of datasets, architectures, and vision tasks. In a first use case of the proposed dataset, we can show highly relevant properties of many publicly available pre-trained models for practical applications: I) We analyze distribution shifts (or the lack thereof) between trained filters along different axes of meta-parameters, like visual category of the dataset, task, architecture, or layer depth. Based on these results, we conclude that model pre-training can succeed on arbitrary datasets if they meet size and variance conditions. II) We show that many pre-trained models contain degenerated filters which make them less robust and less suitable for fine-tuning on target applications. Data & Project website: https://github.com/paulgavrikov/cnn-filter-db | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:42:43 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ペルムトヘドラル格子上の時間的意味セグメンテーションのための抽象的流れ Abstract Flow for Temporal Semantic Segmentation on the Permutohedral Lattice ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15469v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Peer Sch\"utt, Radu Alexandru Rosu and Sven Behnke | (参考訳) セマンティックセグメンテーション(semantic segmentation)は、自律的なエージェントが必要とする中核的な能力であり、シーンのどの部分がどのオブジェクトクラスに属するのかを、ナビゲーションや環境とのインタラクションに不可欠であるかを識別できる。
さらに、光学フロー法からインスピレーションを得て、ネットワークがシーンの一部に類似した抽象的な特徴でマッチングし、時間的に情報を収集できるAbstract Flowという新しいモジュールを提案する。
我々はtemporallatticenetのpytorch実装をhttps://github.com/ais-bonn/temporal_latticenetで共有する。 Semantic segmentation is a core ability required by autonomous agents, as being able to distinguish which parts of the scene belong to which object class is crucial for navigation and interaction with the environment. Approaches which use only one time-step of data cannot distinguish between moving objects nor can they benefit from temporal integration. In this work, we extend a backbone LatticeNet to process temporal point cloud data. Additionally, we take inspiration from optical flow methods and propose a new module called Abstract Flow which allows the network to match parts of the scene with similar abstract features and gather the information temporally. We obtain state-of-the-art results on the SemanticKITTI dataset that contains LiDAR scans from real urban environments. We share the PyTorch implementation of TemporalLatticeNet at https://github.com/AIS-Bonn/temporal_latticenet . | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:42:21 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 視力に基づく触覚インプリントからボリュームメッシュを合成する学習 Learning to Synthesize Volumetric Meshes from Vision-based Tactile Imprints ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15155v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xinghao Zhu, Siddarth Jain, Masayoshi Tomizuka, and Jeroen van Baar | (参考訳) 視覚ベースの触覚センサーは通常、変形可能なエラストマーと上に取り付けられたカメラを使用して、コンタクトの高解像度画像観察を行う。
提案手法は,これらの学習・適応ネットワークを用いて,実世界の触覚センサエラストマーの変形を定量的・定性的に再現する。 Vision-based tactile sensors typically utilize a deformable elastomer and a camera mounted above to provide high-resolution image observations of contacts. Obtaining accurate volumetric meshes for the deformed elastomer can provide direct contact information and benefit robotic grasping and manipulation. This paper focuses on learning to synthesize the volumetric mesh of the elastomer based on the image imprints acquired from vision-based tactile sensors. Synthetic image-mesh pairs and real-world images are gathered from 3D finite element methods (FEM) and physical sensors, respectively. A graph neural network (GNN) is introduced to learn the image-to-mesh mappings with supervised learning. A self-supervised adaptation method and image augmentation techniques are proposed to transfer networks from simulation to reality, from primitive contacts to unseen contacts, and from one sensor to another. Using these learned and adapted networks, our proposed method can accurately reconstruct the deformation of the real-world tactile sensor elastomer in various domains, as indicated by the quantitative and qualitative results. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:40:07 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# LightHuBERT: かつてのHidden-Unit BERTによる軽量で構成可能な音声表現学習 LightHuBERT: Lightweight and Configurable Speech Representation Learning with Once-for-All Hidden-Unit BERT ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15610v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Rui Wang, Qibing Bai, Junyi Ao, Long Zhou, Zhixiang Xiong, Zhihua Wei, Yu Zhang, Tom Ko, Haizhou Li | (参考訳) 自己教師型音声表現学習は,様々な音声処理タスクにおいて有望な結果を示した。
LightHuBERT は ASR 上の HuBERT タスクと HuBERT サイズで 5 つの SUPERB タスクを上回り、29% のパラメータで教師モデルに匹敵する性能を達成し、3 つの SUPERB タスク(例えば、自動話者検証、キーワードスポッティング、意図分類)において 3.5\times$ 圧縮比を得る。
コードと事前学習されたモデルはhttps://github.com/mechanicalsea/lighthubert.comで入手できる。 Self-supervised speech representation learning has shown promising results in various speech processing tasks. However, the pre-trained models, e.g., HuBERT, are storage-intensive Transformers, limiting their scope of applications under low-resource settings. To this end, we propose LightHuBERT, a once-for-all Transformer compression framework, to find the desired architectures automatically by pruning structured parameters. More precisely, we create a Transformer-based supernet that is nested with thousands of weight-sharing subnets and design a two-stage distillation strategy to leverage the contextualized latent representations from HuBERT. Experiments on automatic speech recognition (ASR) and the SUPERB benchmark show the proposed LightHuBERT enables over $10^9$ architectures concerning the embedding dimension, attention dimension, head number, feed-forward network ratio, and network depth. LightHuBERT outperforms the original HuBERT on ASR and five SUPERB tasks with the HuBERT size, achieves comparable performance to the teacher model in most tasks with a reduction of 29% parameters, and obtains a $3.5\times$ compression ratio in three SUPERB tasks, e.g., automatic speaker verification, keyword spotting, and intent classification, with a slight accuracy loss. The code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/mechanicalsea/lighthubert. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:39:29 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# カーネル変調:畳み込みニューラルネットワークのパラメータ効率向上手法 Kernel Modulation: A Parameter-Efficient Method for Training Convolutional Neural Networks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15297v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yuhuang Hu, Shih-Chii Liu | (参考訳) 深層ニューラルネットワーク、特に畳み込みニューラルネットワーク(convnets)は、多くの視覚タスクで驚くべき成功を収めていますが、高い精度を得るためには数百万のパラメータが必要です。
その結果,転移学習ベンチマークのパラメータ効率が他の手法よりも最大9%高い精度が得られることがわかった。 Deep Neural Networks, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets), have achieved incredible success in many vision tasks, but they usually require millions of parameters for good accuracy performance. With increasing applications that use ConvNets, updating hundreds of networks for multiple tasks on an embedded device can be costly in terms of memory, bandwidth, and energy. Approaches to reduce this cost include model compression and parameter-efficient models that adapt a subset of network layers for each new task. This work proposes a novel parameter-efficient kernel modulation (KM) method that adapts all parameters of a base network instead of a subset of layers. KM uses lightweight task-specialized kernel modulators that require only an additional 1.4% of the base network parameters. With multiple tasks, only the task-specialized KM weights are communicated and stored on the end-user device. We applied this method in training ConvNets for Transfer Learning and Meta-Learning scenarios. Our results show that KM delivers up to 9% higher accuracy than other parameter-efficient methods on the Transfer Learning benchmark. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:38:59 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 構造化ガウスの深層集合の近似学習 Learning Structured Gaussians to Approximate Deep Ensembles ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15485v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ivor J.A. Simpson, Sara Vicente, Neill D.F. Campbell | (参考訳) 本稿では,高密度画像予測に使用される確率アンサンブルモデルの出力に,スパース構造多変量ガウスを用いた閉形式近似器を提案する。
我々は,単眼深度推定におけるアプローチの利点を実証し,このアプローチの利点が同等の定量的性能で得られることを示す。 This paper proposes using a sparse-structured multivariate Gaussian to provide a closed-form approximator for the output of probabilistic ensemble models used for dense image prediction tasks. This is achieved through a convolutional neural network that predicts the mean and covariance of the distribution, where the inverse covariance is parameterised by a sparsely structured Cholesky matrix. Similarly to distillation approaches, our single network is trained to maximise the probability of samples from pre-trained probabilistic models, in this work we use a fixed ensemble of networks. Once trained, our compact representation can be used to efficiently draw spatially correlated samples from the approximated output distribution. Importantly, this approach captures the uncertainty and structured correlations in the predictions explicitly in a formal distribution, rather than implicitly through sampling alone. This allows direct introspection of the model, enabling visualisation of the learned structure. Moreover, this formulation provides two further benefits: estimation of a sample probability, and the introduction of arbitrary spatial conditioning at test time. We demonstrate the merits of our approach on monocular depth estimation and show that the advantages of our approach are obtained with comparable quantitative performance. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:37:29 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 高能率音響シーン分類のためのパッシブ類似性に基づくCNNフィルタプルーニング A Passive Similarity based CNN Filter Pruning for Efficient Acoustic Scene Classification ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15751v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Arshdeep Singh, Mark D. Plumbley | (参考訳) 本稿では,音響シーン分類のための低複雑性畳み込みニューラルネットワーク(CNN)を提案する。
ASCのためにトレーニングされたDCASE 2021 Task 1Aベースラインネットワーク上で,提案フレームワークの実験的検討を行った。
提案手法は単純で,パラメータが25%少なく,精度が1%以下で,推論当たりの計算量を27%削減する。 We present a method to develop low-complexity convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for acoustic scene classification (ASC). The large size and high computational complexity of typical CNNs is a bottleneck for their deployment on resource-constrained devices. We propose a passive filter pruning framework, where a few convolutional filters from the CNNs are eliminated to yield compressed CNNs. Our hypothesis is that similar filters produce similar responses and give redundant information allowing such filters to be eliminated from the network. To identify similar filters, a cosine distance based greedy algorithm is proposed. A fine-tuning process is then performed to regain much of the performance lost due to filter elimination. To perform efficient fine-tuning, we analyze how the performance varies as the number of fine-tuning training examples changes. An experimental evaluation of the proposed framework is performed on the publicly available DCASE 2021 Task 1A baseline network trained for ASC. The proposed method is simple, reduces computations per inference by 27%, with 25% fewer parameters, with less than 1% drop in accuracy. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:34:05 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# SurvCaus : 生存因推論のための表現バランス SurvCaus : Representation Balancing for Survival Causal Inference ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15672v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ayoub Abraich, Agathe Guilloux, Blaise Hanczar | (参考訳) 個人的治療効果(ite)の評価手法はここ数年で人気が高まっている。
本稿では, ニューラルネットワークを用いて, 個々のレベルにおいて, 検閲の存在下において, 実際の生存機能(および, cate)を予測可能なサバイバル設定における, 相反的推論に適用する表現バランスフレームワークに関する理論的保証を提案する。
また,提案する拡張がベースライン法を上回ることを示す合成および半合成データセットに関する広範な実験を行った。 Individual Treatment Effects (ITE) estimation methods have risen in popularity in the last years. Most of the time, individual effects are better presented as Conditional Average Treatment Effects (CATE). Recently, representation balancing techniques have gained considerable momentum in causal inference from observational data, still limited to continuous (and binary) outcomes. However, in numerous pathologies, the outcome of interest is a (possibly censored) survival time. Our paper proposes theoretical guarantees for a representation balancing framework applied to counterfactual inference in a survival setting using a neural network capable of predicting the factual and counterfactual survival functions (and then the CATE), in the presence of censorship, at the individual level. We also present extensive experiments on synthetic and semisynthetic datasets that show that the proposed extensions outperform baseline methods. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:33:18 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# HardVis:アンダーサンプリングとオーバーサンプリング技術を使ってインスタンスのハードネスを処理するビジュアルアナリティクス HardVis: Visual Analytics to Handle Instance Hardness Using Undersampling and Oversampling Techniques ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15753v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Angelos Chatzimparmpas, Fernando V. Paulovich, Andreas Kerren | (参考訳) 機械学習(ML)の飛躍的な進歩にもかかわらず、不均衡なデータによるトレーニングは、多くの現実世界のアプリケーションで依然として課題となっている。
最後に、MLの専門家から受け取ったフィードバックに基づいて、私たちのシステムがいかに有用かについても調べる。 Despite the tremendous advances in machine learning (ML), training with imbalanced data still poses challenges in many real-world applications. Among a series of diverse techniques to solve this problem, sampling algorithms are regarded as an efficient solution. However, the problem is more fundamental, with many works emphasizing the importance of instance hardness. This issue refers to the significance of managing unsafe or potentially noisy instances that are more likely to be misclassified and serve as the root cause of poor classification performance. This paper introduces HardVis, a visual analytics system designed to handle instance hardness mainly in imbalanced classification scenarios. Our proposed system assists users in visually comparing different distributions of data types, selecting types of instances based on local characteristics that will later be affected by the active sampling method, and validating which suggestions from undersampling or oversampling techniques are beneficial for the ML model. Additionally, rather than uniformly undersampling/oversampling a specific class, we allow users to find and sample easy and difficult to classify training instances from all classes. Users can explore subsets of data from different perspectives to decide all those parameters, while HardVis keeps track of their steps and evaluates the model's predictive performance in a test set separately. The end result is a well-balanced data set that boosts the predictive power of the ML model. The efficacy and effectiveness of HardVis are demonstrated with a hypothetical usage scenario and a use case. Finally, we also look at how useful our system is based on feedback we received from ML experts. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:33:06 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 非凸最適化のための依存データを用いた確率的下次手法の収束と複雑度 Convergence and Complexity of Stochastic Subgradient Methods with Dependent Data for Nonconvex Optimization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15797v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ahmet Alacaoglu, Hanbaek Lyu | (参考訳) 一般的な従属データサンプリングスキームの下では、弱凸関数に対する古典確率的および近位劣次法は、モローエンベロープの勾配のノルムで$\varepsilon$-near定常点を達成するために$\tilde{O}(n^{-1/4})$と複雑さ$\tilde{O}(\varepsilon^{-4})$の最悪の収束率を持つことを示す。
適応確率下進アルゴリズム AdaGrad と,重球運動量を持つ確率下進アルゴリズム AdaGrad に対する依存データを用いた収束結果の導出によるアプローチの一般化について述べる。
応用として、最適収束保証率を持つ適応ステップサイズを持つ確率的射影勾配法に基づく従属データに対する最初のオンライン非負行列分解アルゴリズムを得る。 We show that under a general dependent data sampling scheme, the classical stochastic projected and proximal subgradient methods for weakly convex functions have worst-case rate of convergence $\tilde{O}(n^{-1/4})$ and complexity $\tilde{O}(\varepsilon^{-4})$ for achieving an $\varepsilon$-near stationary point in terms of the norm of the gradient of Moreau envelope. While classical convergence guarantee requires i.i.d. data sampling from the target distribution, we only require a mild mixing condition of the conditional distribution, which holds for a wide class of Markov chain sampling algorithms. This improves the existing complexity for the specific case of constrained smooth nonconvex optimization with dependent data from $\tilde{O}(\varepsilon^{-8})$ to $\tilde{O}(\varepsilon^{-4})$ with a significantly simpler analysis. We illustrate the generality of our approach by deriving convergence results with dependent data for adaptive stochastic subgradient algorithm AdaGrad and stochastic subgradient algorithm with heavy ball momentum. As an application, we obtain first online nonnegative matrix factorization algorithms for dependent data based on stochastic projected gradient methods with adaptive step sizes with optimal rate of convergence guarantee. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:32:43 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# nix-tts:非エンド・ツー・エンド蒸留による驚くほど軽量なエンドツーエンドテキスト・ツー・スパイチモデル Nix-TTS: An Incredibly Lightweight End-to-End Text-to-Speech Model via Non End-to-End Distillation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15643v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Rendi Chevi, Radityo Eko Prasojo, Alham Fikri Aji | (参考訳) 我々は,知識蒸留を適用した軽量なTTS(Text-to-Speech)モデルであるNix-TTSを提案する。
nix-ttsは5.23mのパラメータしか持たないエンドツーエンド(vocoder-free)で、教師モデルの82\%まで削減でき、intel-i7 cpuとraspberry piでそれぞれ3.26$\times$と8.36$\times$の推論スピードアップを達成している。
Nix-TTS事前訓練されたモデルとオーディオサンプルを英語で公開しています(https://github.com/rendchevi/nix-tts)。 We propose Nix-TTS, a lightweight neural TTS (Text-to-Speech) model achieved by applying knowledge distillation to a powerful yet large-sized generative TTS teacher model. Distilling a TTS model might sound unintuitive due to the generative and disjointed nature of TTS architectures, but pre-trained TTS models can be simplified into encoder and decoder structures, where the former encodes text into some latent representation and the latter decodes the latent into speech data. We devise a framework to distill each component in a non end-to-end fashion. Nix-TTS is end-to-end (vocoder-free) with only 5.23M parameters or up to 82\% reduction of the teacher model, it achieves over 3.26$\times$ and 8.36$\times$ inference speedup on Intel-i7 CPU and Raspberry Pi respectively, and still retains a fair voice naturalness and intelligibility compared to the teacher model. We publicly release Nix-TTS pretrained models and audio samples in English (https://github.com/rendchevi/nix-tts). | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:32:23 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# spact: アクション認識のための自己監視型プライバシー保護 SPAct: Self-supervised Privacy Preservation for Action Recognition ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15205v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ishan Rajendrakumar Dave, Chen Chen, Mubarak Shah | (参考訳) 視覚的プライベート情報漏洩は、アクティビティ認識のようなビデオ理解の急速に成長するアプリケーションにとって、新たな重要な問題である。
コード提供: https://github.com/daveishan/spact Visual private information leakage is an emerging key issue for the fast growing applications of video understanding like activity recognition. Existing approaches for mitigating privacy leakage in action recognition require privacy labels along with the action labels from the video dataset. However, annotating frames of video dataset for privacy labels is not feasible. Recent developments of self-supervised learning (SSL) have unleashed the untapped potential of the unlabeled data. For the first time, we present a novel training framework which removes privacy information from input video in a self-supervised manner without requiring privacy labels. Our training framework consists of three main components: anonymization function, self-supervised privacy removal branch, and action recognition branch. We train our framework using a minimax optimization strategy to minimize the action recognition cost function and maximize the privacy cost function through a contrastive self-supervised loss. Employing existing protocols of known-action and privacy attributes, our framework achieves a competitive action-privacy trade-off to the existing state-of-the-art supervised methods. In addition, we introduce a new protocol to evaluate the generalization of learned the anonymization function to novel-action and privacy attributes and show that our self-supervised framework outperforms existing supervised methods. Code available at: https://github.com/DAVEISHAN/SPAct | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:31:55 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# コンテキスト対応オブジェクト検出器におけるゼロクエリ転送攻撃 Zero-Query Transfer Attacks on Context-Aware Object Detectors ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15230v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zikui Cai, Shantanu Rane, Alejandro E. Brito, Chengyu Song, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury, M. Salman Asif | (参考訳) ディープニューラルネットワークが誤った分類結果を生成するような、逆向きのイメージを乱す。
文脈認識型防御に対して、ゼロクエリアプローチの騙し率は、文脈非依存アプローチよりも著しく高く、最小クエリ方式の最大3ラウンドで達成可能なものよりも高い。 Adversarial attacks perturb images such that a deep neural network produces incorrect classification results. A promising approach to defend against adversarial attacks on natural multi-object scenes is to impose a context-consistency check, wherein, if the detected objects are not consistent with an appropriately defined context, then an attack is suspected. Stronger attacks are needed to fool such context-aware detectors. We present the first approach for generating context-consistent adversarial attacks that can evade the context-consistency check of black-box object detectors operating on complex, natural scenes. Unlike many black-box attacks that perform repeated attempts and open themselves to detection, we assume a "zero-query" setting, where the attacker has no knowledge of the classification decisions of the victim system. First, we derive multiple attack plans that assign incorrect labels to victim objects in a context-consistent manner. Then we design and use a novel data structure that we call the perturbation success probability matrix, which enables us to filter the attack plans and choose the one most likely to succeed. This final attack plan is implemented using a perturbation-bounded adversarial attack algorithm. We compare our zero-query attack against a few-query scheme that repeatedly checks if the victim system is fooled. We also compare against state-of-the-art context-agnostic attacks. Against a context-aware defense, the fooling rate of our zero-query approach is significantly higher than context-agnostic approaches and higher than that achievable with up to three rounds of the few-query scheme. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:31:35 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) ラベル階層に基づく不変学習 Invariance Learning based on Label Hierarchy ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15549v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Shoji Toyota, Kenji Fukumizu | (参考訳) 深層ニューラルネットワークは、トレーニングデータに埋め込まれたスプリアス相関を継承するので、トレーニングに使用されるドメインとは異なる分布を持つ、未知のドメイン(あるいは環境)で所望のラベルを予測できない可能性がある。
Invariance Learning (IL) はこの欠点を克服するために最近開発され、多くのドメインでのトレーニングデータを用いて、ILはドメインの変更に不変な予測器を推定する。
クロスバリデーションを含む提案手法の有効性を実証的に示し,いくつかの条件下でハイパーパラメータ選択の正確性が証明された。 Deep Neural Networks inherit spurious correlations embedded in training data and hence may fail to predict desired labels on unseen domains (or environments), which have different distributions from the domain used in training. Invariance Learning (IL) has been developed recently to overcome this shortcoming; using training data in many domains, IL estimates such a predictor that is invariant to a change of domain. However, the requirement of training data in multiple domains is a strong restriction of IL, since it often needs high annotation cost. We propose a novel IL framework to overcome this problem. Assuming the availability of data from multiple domains for a higher level of classification task, for which the labeling cost is low, we estimate an invariant predictor for the target classification task with training data in a single domain. Additionally, we propose two cross-validation methods for selecting hyperparameters of invariance regularization to solve the issue of hyperparameter selection, which has not been handled properly in existing IL methods. The effectiveness of the proposed framework, including the cross-validation, is demonstrated empirically, and the correctness of the hyperparameter selection is proved under some conditions. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 13:30:03 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# スウェーデン語実践における進化型会話エージェントにおける生成対話モデルの品質保証 Quality Assurance of Generative Dialog Models in an Evolving Conversational Agent Used for Swedish Language Practice ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15414v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Markus Borg and Johan Bengtsson and Harald \"Osterling and Alexander Hagelborn and Isabella Gagner and Piotr Tomaszewski | (参考訳) 移民メガトレンドのため、効率的かつ効果的な第二言語習得が不可欠である。
今後の作業は、mlops設定でのモデル選択にフォーカスする。 Due to the migration megatrend, efficient and effective second-language acquisition is vital. One proposed solution involves AI-enabled conversational agents for person-centered interactive language practice. We present results from ongoing action research targeting quality assurance of proprietary generative dialog models trained for virtual job interviews. The action team elicited a set of 38 requirements for which we designed corresponding automated test cases for 15 of particular interest to the evolving solution. Our results show that six of the test case designs can detect meaningful differences between candidate models. While quality assurance of natural language processing applications is complex, we provide initial steps toward an automated framework for machine learning model selection in the context of an evolving conversational agent. Future work will focus on model selection in an MLOps setting. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:55:04 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 経済ニュースによる予測 Forecasting with Economic News ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15686v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Luca Barbaglia, Sergio Consoli, Sebastiano Manzan | (参考訳) 本研究の目的は,経済状況に関するニュース記事から抽出した感情情報の内容を評価することである。
1) 興味のある用語(アスペクトベース)に意味的に依存する記事中のテキストのみを考える。
さらに,複数のマクロ経済変数の確率分布のテールを説明する上で感情が重要であることもわかった。 The goal of this paper is to evaluate the informational content of sentiment extracted from news articles about the state of the economy. We propose a fine-grained aspect-based sentiment analysis that has two main characteristics: 1) we consider only the text in the article that is semantically dependent on a term of interest (aspect-based) and, 2) assign a sentiment score to each word based on a dictionary that we develop for applications in economics and finance (fine-grained). Our data set includes six large US newspapers, for a total of over 6.6 million articles and 4.2 billion words. Our findings suggest that several measures of economic sentiment track closely business cycle fluctuations and that they are relevant predictors for four major macroeconomic variables. We find that there are significant improvements in forecasting when sentiment is considered along with macroeconomic factors. In addition, we also find that sentiment matters to explains the tails of the probability distribution across several macroeconomic variables. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:54:53 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 共有表現を持つ線形バンディットの近似最小アルゴリズム Nearly Minimax Algorithms for Linear Bandits with Shared Representation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15664v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jiaqi Yang, Qi Lei, Jason D. Lee, Simon S. Du | (参考訳) 共有表現を持つマルチタスクおよび生涯線形バンディットのための新しいアルゴリズムを提案する。
具体的には、次元$d$で$M$の線形バンディットをそれぞれ$T$のラウンドで演奏し、これらの$M$のバンディットタスクは共通の$k(\ll d)$の次元線形表現を共有する。
タスクを同時に実行するマルチタスク設定と、タスクをシーケンシャルに実行するライフサイクル設定の両方に対して、既知のミニマックスの後悔と一致し、対数的要因に縛られ、既存の結果のギャップを埋める、$\widetilde{O}\left(d\sqrt{kMT} + kM\sqrt{T}\right)$ regret boundsという新しいアルゴリズムを考案する(Yang et al., 2021]。
提案手法は,低ランク線形特徴抽出器のためのより効率的な推定器と,この推定器の新たな解析手法を含む。 We give novel algorithms for multi-task and lifelong linear bandits with shared representation. Specifically, we consider the setting where we play $M$ linear bandits with dimension $d$, each for $T$ rounds, and these $M$ bandit tasks share a common $k(\ll d)$ dimensional linear representation. For both the multi-task setting where we play the tasks concurrently, and the lifelong setting where we play tasks sequentially, we come up with novel algorithms that achieve $\widetilde{O}\left(d\sqrt{kMT} + kM\sqrt{T}\right)$ regret bounds, which matches the known minimax regret lower bound up to logarithmic factors and closes the gap in existing results [Yang et al., 2021]. Our main technique include a more efficient estimator for the low-rank linear feature extractor and an accompanied novel analysis for this estimator. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:53:47 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 形状適応再構成と滑らかな全変量を持つSVMを用いたハイパースペクトル画像の分類 Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using SVM with Shape-adaptive Reconstruction and Smoothed Total Variation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15619v1 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Ruoning Li, Kangning Cui, Raymond H. Chan, Robert J. Plemmons | (参考訳) 本研究では,空間的およびスペクトル的情報を十分に活用するハイパースペクトル画像の分類に,形状適応型再構成と平滑化全変動(sar-svm-stv)を用いた新しいアルゴリズムを提案する。
次に,Smoothed Total Variation (STV) モデルを適用し,最終分類図を生成する。
実験により、SVM-SVM-STV法は、SVM-STV法よりも若干のトレーニングラベルで優れており、分類前のハイパースペクトル画像の再構成の重要性が示されている。 In this work, a novel algorithm called SVM with Shape-adaptive Reconstruction and Smoothed Total Variation (SaR-SVM-STV) is introduced to classify hyperspectral images, which makes full use of spatial and spectral information. The Shape-adaptive Reconstruction (SaR) is introduced to preprocess each pixel based on the Pearson Correlation between pixels in its shape-adaptive (SA) region. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are trained to estimate the pixel-wise probability maps of each class. Then the Smoothed Total Variation (STV) model is applied to denoise and generate the final classification map. Experiments show that SaR-SVM-STV outperforms the SVM-STV method with a few training labels, demonstrating the significance of reconstructing hyperspectral images before classification. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:51:15 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 教師なし多フレーム単眼深度に対する物体運動と咬合の遠ざかる Disentangling Object Motion and Occlusion for Unsupervised Multi-frame Monocular Depth ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15174v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ziyue Feng, Liang Yang, Longlong Jing, Haiyan Wang, YingLi Tian, Bing Li | (参考訳) 従来の自己監督型単眼深度予測法は静的環境仮定に基づいており、物体の動きによって生じるミスマッチや閉塞の問題により動的シーンの精度が低下する。
さらに, 物体運動の閉塞効果を軽減するために, 新たな閉塞量と再投射損失が設計された。
私たちのコードは公開されます。 Conventional self-supervised monocular depth prediction methods are based on a static environment assumption, which leads to accuracy degradation in dynamic scenes due to the mismatch and occlusion problems introduced by object motions. Existing dynamic-object-focused methods only partially solved the mismatch problem at the training loss level. In this paper, we accordingly propose a novel multi-frame monocular depth prediction method to solve these problems at both the prediction and supervision loss levels. Our method, called DynamicDepth, is a new framework trained via a self-supervised cycle consistent learning scheme. A Dynamic Object Motion Disentanglement (DOMD) module is proposed to disentangle object motions to solve the mismatch problem. Moreover, novel occlusion-aware Cost Volume and Re-projection Loss are designed to alleviate the occlusion effects of object motions. Extensive analyses and experiments on the Cityscapes and KITTI datasets show that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art monocular depth prediction methods, especially in the areas of dynamic objects. Our code will be made publicly available. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:44:04 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# barc: 品種情報を活用した画像から3d犬の形状を復元する学習 BARC: Learning to Regress 3D Dog Shape from Images by Exploiting Breed Information ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15536v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Nadine Rueegg, Silvia Zuffi, Konrad Schindler and Michael J. Black | (参考訳) 私たちのゴールは、1枚の画像から犬の3D形状とポーズを復元することです。
我々の手法はBARC(Breed-Augmented Regression using Classification)と呼ばれ、いくつかの重要な方法で先行作業を越えています。
私たちのコードは https://barc.is.tue.mpg.de/ で公開されています。 Our goal is to recover the 3D shape and pose of dogs from a single image. This is a challenging task because dogs exhibit a wide range of shapes and appearances, and are highly articulated. Recent work has proposed to directly regress the SMAL animal model, with additional limb scale parameters, from images. Our method, called BARC (Breed-Augmented Regression using Classification), goes beyond prior work in several important ways. First, we modify the SMAL shape space to be more appropriate for representing dog shape. But, even with a better shape model, the problem of regressing dog shape from an image is still challenging because we lack paired images with 3D ground truth. To compensate for the lack of paired data, we formulate novel losses that exploit information about dog breeds. In particular, we exploit the fact that dogs of the same breed have similar body shapes. We formulate a novel breed similarity loss consisting of two parts: One term encourages the shape of dogs from the same breed to be more similar than dogs of different breeds. The second one, a breed classification loss, helps to produce recognizable breed-specific shapes. Through ablation studies, we find that our breed losses significantly improve shape accuracy over a baseline without them. We also compare BARC qualitatively to WLDO with a perceptual study and find that our approach produces dogs that are significantly more realistic. This work shows that a-priori information about genetic similarity can help to compensate for the lack of 3D training data. This concept may be applicable to other animal species or groups of species. Our code is publicly available for research purposes at https://barc.is.tue.mpg.de/. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:43:46 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# コントラスト学習と非コントラスト学習のランドスケープ Contrasting the landscape of contrastive and non-contrastive learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15702v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ashwini Pokle, Jinjin Tian, Yuchen Li, Andrej Risteski | (参考訳) 教師なし機能学習の最近の進歩は、セマンティックデータ拡張の下で不変な機能の設計に基づいている。
本論では, 単純なデータモデルにおいても, 非競合性損失は非衝突性ミニマの前兆となる, 理論的結果と制御実験について論じる。
さらに、トレーニングプロセスはこれらのミニマを避けないことを示す。 A lot of recent advances in unsupervised feature learning are based on designing features which are invariant under semantic data augmentations. A common way to do this is contrastive learning, which uses positive and negative samples. Some recent works however have shown promising results for non-contrastive learning, which does not require negative samples. However, the non-contrastive losses have obvious "collapsed" minima, in which the encoders output a constant feature embedding, independent of the input. A folk conjecture is that so long as these collapsed solutions are avoided, the produced feature representations should be good. In our paper, we cast doubt on this story: we show through theoretical results and controlled experiments that even on simple data models, non-contrastive losses have a preponderance of non-collapsed bad minima. Moreover, we show that the training process does not avoid these minima. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:43:21 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# グラフニューラルネットワークは動的プログラマである Graph Neural Networks are Dynamic Programmers ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15544v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Andrew Dudzik, Petar Veli\v{c}kovi\'c | (参考訳) グラフニューラルネットワーク(GNN)を用いたニューラルアルゴリズム推論の最近の進歩は、アルゴリズムアライメントの概念によって支えられている。
この接続を公開し、文献におけるいくつかの先行的な発見を容易に検証し、より強力なアルゴリズムに整合したGNNを構築する基盤となることを期待する。 Recent advances in neural algorithmic reasoning with graph neural networks (GNNs) are propped up by the notion of algorithmic alignment. Broadly, a neural network will be better at learning to execute a reasoning task (in terms of sample complexity) if its individual components align well with the target algorithm. Specifically, GNNs are claimed to align with dynamic programming (DP), a general problem-solving strategy which expresses many polynomial-time algorithms. However, has this alignment truly been demonstrated and theoretically quantified? Here we show, using methods from category theory and abstract algebra, that there exists an intricate connection between GNNs and DP, going well beyond the initial observations over individual algorithms such as Bellman-Ford. Exposing this connection, we easily verify several prior findings in the literature, and hope it will serve as a foundation for building stronger algorithmically aligned GNNs. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:42:59 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ニューラルテキスト生成器のデコード戦略について On Decoding Strategies for Neural Text Generators ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15721v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Gian Wiher, Clara Meister, Ryan Cotterell | (参考訳) 確率モデルからテキストを生成する場合、選択された復号化戦略は結果のテキストに大きな影響を与える。
例えば、言語生成における多様性品質のトレードオフの性質は非常にタスク固有であり、ビーム探索に起因する長さバイアスはタスク全体にわたって一定ではない。 When generating text from probabilistic models, the chosen decoding strategy has a profound effect on the resulting text. Yet the properties elicited by various decoding strategies do not always transfer across natural language generation tasks. For example, while mode-seeking methods like beam search perform remarkably well for machine translation, they have been observed to lead to incoherent and repetitive text in story generation. Despite such observations, the effectiveness of decoding strategies is often assessed with respect to only a single task. This work -- in contrast -- provides a comprehensive analysis of the interaction between language generation tasks and decoding strategies. Specifically, we measure changes in attributes of generated text as a function of both decoding strategy and task using human and automatic evaluation. Our results reveal both previously-observed and surprising findings. For example, the nature of the diversity-quality trade-off in language generation is very task-specific; the length bias often attributed to beam search is not constant across tasks. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:40:59 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# オンザフライグラディエント変調によるバランス付きマルチモーダル学習 Balanced Multimodal Learning via On-the-fly Gradient Modulation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15332v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xiaokang Peng, Yake Wei, Andong Deng, Dong Wang and Di Hu | (参考訳) マルチモーダル学習は、異なる感覚を統合することで、世界を包括的に理解するのに役立つ。
ソースコードは \url{https://github.com/gewu-lab/ogm-ge_cvpr2022} で入手できる。 Multimodal learning helps to comprehensively understand the world, by integrating different senses. Accordingly, multiple input modalities are expected to boost model performance, but we actually find that they are not fully exploited even when the multimodal model outperforms its uni-modal counterpart. Specifically, in this paper we point out that existing multimodal discriminative models, in which uniform objective is designed for all modalities, could remain under-optimized uni-modal representations, caused by another dominated modality in some scenarios, e.g., sound in blowing wind event, vision in drawing picture event, etc. To alleviate this optimization imbalance, we propose on-the-fly gradient modulation to adaptively control the optimization of each modality, via monitoring the discrepancy of their contribution towards the learning objective. Further, an extra Gaussian noise that changes dynamically is introduced to avoid possible generalization drop caused by gradient modulation. As a result, we achieve considerable improvement over common fusion methods on different multimodal tasks, and this simple strategy can also boost existing multimodal methods, which illustrates its efficacy and versatility. The source code is available at \url{https://github.com/GeWu-Lab/OGM-GE_CVPR2022}. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:40:44 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 計算最適大言語モデルの学習 Training Compute-Optimal Large Language Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15556v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jordan Hoffmann, Sebastian Borgeaud, Arthur Mensch, Elena Buchatskaya, Trevor Cai, Eliza Rutherford, Diego de Las Casas, Lisa Anne Hendricks, Johannes Welbl, Aidan Clark, Tom Hennigan, Eric Noland, Katie Millican, George van den Driessche, Bogdan Damoc, Aurelia Guy, Simon Osindero, Karen Simonyan, Erich Elsen, Jack W. Rae, Oriol Vinyals, Laurent Sifre | (参考訳) 与えられた計算予算の下でトランスフォーマー言語モデルを訓練するための最適なモデルサイズとトークン数について検討する。
我々は、予測された計算最適化モデル \chinchilla を訓練し、70B パラメータと 4$\times$ 以上のデータを持つ \gopher と同じ計算予算を用いて、この仮説を検証した。
280B)、GPT-3(175B)、Jurassic-1(178B)、Megatron-Turing NLG(530B)は、幅広い下流評価タスクにおいて一様かつ著しく優れていた。
これはまた、 \chinchilla が微調整と推論のために計算量を大幅に削減し、下流の使用を大幅に促進することを意味する。
強調として、 \chinchillaは、MMLUベンチマークで最先端の平均精度67.5\%に達し、 \gopherよりも7%以上改善されている。 We investigate the optimal model size and number of tokens for training a transformer language model under a given compute budget. We find that current large language models are significantly undertrained, a consequence of the recent focus on scaling language models whilst keeping the amount of training data constant. By training over \nummodels language models ranging from 70 million to over 16 billion parameters on 5 to 500 billion tokens, we find that for compute-optimal training, the model size and the number of training tokens should be scaled equally: for every doubling of model size the number of training tokens should also be doubled. We test this hypothesis by training a predicted compute-optimal model, \chinchilla, that uses the same compute budget as \gopher but with 70B parameters and 4$\times$ more more data. \chinchilla uniformly and significantly outperforms \Gopher (280B), GPT-3 (175B), Jurassic-1 (178B), and Megatron-Turing NLG (530B) on a large range of downstream evaluation tasks. This also means that \chinchilla uses substantially less compute for fine-tuning and inference, greatly facilitating downstream usage. As a highlight, \chinchilla reaches a state-of-the-art average accuracy of 67.5\% on the MMLU benchmark, greater than a 7\% improvement over \gopher. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:39:57 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) ゼロショット設定における複数選択タスク間のプロンプト評価 Evaluating Prompts Across Multiple Choice Tasks In a Zero-Shot Setting ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15754v1 ) ライセンス: CC0 1.0 | Gabriel Orlanski | (参考訳) 大規模な言語モデルでは、自然言語プロンプト(Radford et al., 2019; Brown et al., 2020; Sanh et al., 2021)を通じて、印象的なゼロショットのパフォーマンスが達成可能であることが示されている。
その \textit{prompts} という質問は、プロンプトの品質はそのパフォーマンスにどのように影響しますか?
すべての実験とコードはhttps://github.com/gabeorlanski/zero-shot-cross-taskで見ることができる。 Large language models have shown that impressive zero-shot performance can be achieved through natural language prompts (Radford et al., 2019; Brown et al., 2020; Sanh et al., 2021). Creating an effective prompt, however, requires significant trial and error. That \textit{prompts} the question: how do the qualities of a prompt effects its performance? To this end, we collect and standardize prompts from a diverse range of tasks for use with tasks they were not designed for. We then evaluate these prompts across fixed multiple choice datasets for a quantitative analysis of how certain attributes of a prompt affect performance. We find that including the choices and using prompts not used during pre-training provide significant improvements. All experiments and code can be found https://github.com/gabeorlanski/zero-shot-cross-task. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:37:29 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# envedit: 視覚言語ナビゲーションのための環境編集 EnvEdit: Environment Editing for Vision-and-Language Navigation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15685v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jialu Li, Hao Tan, Mohit Bansal | (参考訳) Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN)では、エージェントは自然言語命令に基づいて環境をナビゲートする必要がある。
コードとデータはhttps://github.com/jialuli-luka/EnvEditで公開されている。 In Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN), an agent needs to navigate through the environment based on natural language instructions. Due to limited available data for agent training and finite diversity in navigation environments, it is challenging for the agent to generalize to new, unseen environments. To address this problem, we propose EnvEdit, a data augmentation method that creates new environments by editing existing environments, which are used to train a more generalizable agent. Our augmented environments can differ from the seen environments in three diverse aspects: style, object appearance, and object classes. Training on these edit-augmented environments prevents the agent from overfitting to existing environments and helps generalize better to new, unseen environments. Empirically, on both the Room-to-Room and the multi-lingual Room-Across-Room datasets, we show that our proposed EnvEdit method gets significant improvements in all metrics on both pre-trained and non-pre-trained VLN agents, and achieves the new state-of-the-art on the test leaderboard. We further ensemble the VLN agents augmented on different edited environments and show that these edit methods are complementary. Code and data are available at https://github.com/jialuli-luka/EnvEdit | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:23:00 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ぼやけたタスク境界を持つ汚染データストリーム上でのオンライン連続学習 Online Continual Learning on a Contaminated Data Stream with Blurry Task Boundaries ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15355v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jihwan Bang, Hyunseo Koh, Seulki Park, Hwanjun Song, Jung-Woo Ha, Jonghyun Choi | (参考訳) 不正確なラベルで継続的に変化するデータ分布の下で学ぶことは、現実世界で望ましい問題である。
コードとデータの分割はhttps://github.com/clovaai/puridiverで確認できる。 Learning under a continuously changing data distribution with incorrect labels is a desirable real-world problem yet challenging. A large body of continual learning (CL) methods, however, assumes data streams with clean labels, and online learning scenarios under noisy data streams are yet underexplored. We consider a more practical CL task setup of an online learning from blurry data stream with corrupted labels, where existing CL methods struggle. To address the task, we first argue the importance of both diversity and purity of examples in the episodic memory of continual learning models. To balance diversity and purity in the episodic memory, we propose a novel strategy to manage and use the memory by a unified approach of label noise aware diverse sampling and robust learning with semi-supervised learning. Our empirical validations on four real-world or synthetic noise datasets (CIFAR10 and 100, mini-WebVision, and Food-101N) exhibit that our method significantly outperforms prior arts in this realistic and challenging continual learning scenario. Code and data splits are available in https://github.com/clovaai/puridiver. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:21:39 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# AutoCoMet: 共規制型シェーピング強化によるスマートニューラルネットワーク検索 AutoCoMet: Smart Neural Architecture Search via Co-Regulated Shaping Reinforcement ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15408v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mayukh Das, Brijraj Singh, Harsh Kanti Chheda, Pawan Sharma, Pradeep NS | (参考訳) AI駆動のオンデバイスアプリや機能のための適切なディープモデルアーキテクチャの設計は、急速に進化するモバイルハードウェアや、ますます複雑なターゲットシナリオと同等である。
提案手法は,高忠実度ハードウェアメタ動作予測器と協調して,任意の種類のマルチクオリティ最適化のための一般化された形式的手法により,文脈に適応するスマートかつ高速なnasフレームワークを製作する。 Designing suitable deep model architectures, for AI-driven on-device apps and features, at par with rapidly evolving mobile hardware and increasingly complex target scenarios is a difficult task. Though Neural Architecture Search (NAS/AutoML) has made this easier by shifting paradigm from extensive manual effort to automated architecture learning from data, yet it has major limitations, leading to critical bottlenecks in the context of mobile devices, including model-hardware fidelity, prohibitive search times and deviation from primary target objective(s). Thus, we propose AutoCoMet that can learn the most suitable DNN architecture optimized for varied types of device hardware and task contexts, ~ 3x faster. Our novel co-regulated shaping reinforcement controller together with the high fidelity hardware meta-behavior predictor produces a smart, fast NAS framework that adapts to context via a generalized formalism for any kind of multi-criteria optimization. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 12:21:16 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) ARCS:正確な回転と対応検索 ARCS: Accurate Rotation and Correspondence Search ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14493v2 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Liangzu Peng and Manolis C. Tsakiris and Ren\'e Vidal | (参考訳) 本稿では、「同時回転・対応探索」と呼ばれる、より一般的な形での古いワフバ問題について述べる。
この一般化では、それぞれ$m$と$n$の2つの部分重なり合う3$D点集合と$m\geq n$のそれぞれを合わせる回転を見つける必要がある。
一 一般位置における雑音のない点集合を仮定すること。
ii) 2ドルのイリアーのみを必要とする。
iii)$O(m\log m)$ timeと$O(m)$ spaceを使用し、
例えば、$m,n\approx 10^6$ を約0.1$秒で解決できる。
第3に、単位四元数空間上のリーマン次階降下法(英語版)(Riemannian subgradient descent approach)によって設定された約定値のコンセンサスを洗練し、これは、$O(\varepsilon^{-4})$イテレーションにおける$\varepsilon$-定常点、あるいは雑音がない場合の線形速度で局所的に基底トラスに収束することを示す。
\url{https://github.com/liangzu/ARCS} This paper is about the old Wahba problem in its more general form, which we call "simultaneous rotation and correspondence search". In this generalization we need to find a rotation that best aligns two partially overlapping $3$D point sets, of sizes $m$ and $n$ respectively with $m\geq n$. We first propose a solver, $\texttt{ARCS}$, that i) assumes noiseless point sets in general position, ii) requires only $2$ inliers, iii) uses $O(m\log m)$ time and $O(m)$ space, and iv) can successfully solve the problem even with, e.g., $m,n\approx 10^6$ in about $0.1$ seconds. We next robustify $\texttt{ARCS}$ to noise, for which we approximately solve consensus maximization problems using ideas from robust subspace learning and interval stabbing. Thirdly, we refine the approximately found consensus set by a Riemannian subgradient descent approach over the space of unit quaternions, which we show converges globally to an $\varepsilon$-stationary point in $O(\varepsilon^{-4})$ iterations, or locally to the ground-truth at a linear rate in the absence of noise. We combine these algorithms into $\texttt{ARCS+}$, to simultaneously search for rotations and correspondences. Experiments show that $\texttt{ARCS+}$ achieves state-of-the-art performance on large-scale datasets with more than $10^6$ points with a $10^4$ time-speedup over alternative methods. \url{https://github.com/liangzu/ARCS} | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 11:50:24 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# (参考訳) 多言語同時音声翻訳 Multilingual Simultaneous Speech Translation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14835v2 ) ライセンス: CC BY 4.0 | Shashank Subramanya, Jan Niehues | (参考訳) 会議や会議などのイベント中に同時に音声翻訳を行うために設計されたアプリケーションは、優れたユーザエクスペリエンスを提供するために翻訳テキストを表示しながら、品質と遅延のバランスを取る必要がある。
さらに、このアプローチはゼロショット方向までスケールする。 Applications designed for simultaneous speech translation during events such as conferences or meetings need to balance quality and lag while displaying translated text to deliver a good user experience. One common approach to building online spoken language translation systems is by leveraging models built for offline speech translation. Based on a technique to adapt end-to-end monolingual models, we investigate multilingual models and different architectures (end-to-end and cascade) on the ability to perform online speech translation. On the multilingual TEDx corpus, we show that the approach generalizes to different architectures. We see similar gains in latency reduction (40% relative) across languages and architectures. However, the end-to-end architecture leads to smaller translation quality losses after adapting to the online model. Furthermore, the approach even scales to zero-shot directions. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 10:58:38 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 文脈における音声テキスト検索 Audio-text Retrieval in Context ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13645v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Siyu Lou, Xuenan Xu, Mengyue Wu, Kai Yu | (参考訳) 自然言語記述に基づく音声テキスト検索は難しい課題である。
提案システムでは,リコール,中央値,平均ランクなどすべての指標において,双方向音声テキスト検索において大きな改善が得られた。 Audio-text retrieval based on natural language descriptions is a challenging task. It involves learning cross-modality alignments between long sequences under inadequate data conditions. In this work, we investigate several audio features as well as sequence aggregation methods for better audio-text alignment. Moreover, through a qualitative analysis we observe that semantic mapping is more important than temporal relations in contextual retrieval. Using pre-trained audio features and a descriptor-based aggregation method, we build our contextual audio-text retrieval system. Specifically, we utilize PANNs features pre-trained on a large sound event dataset and NetRVLAD pooling, which directly works with averaged descriptors. Experiments are conducted on the AudioCaps and CLOTHO datasets, and results are compared with the previous state-of-the-art system. With our proposed system, a significant improvement has been achieved on bidirectional audio-text retrieval, on all metrics including recall, median and mean rank. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 10:50:03 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# ベイズ最適化を用いた安全制約付き粒子加速器のチューニング Tuning Particle Accelerators with Safety Constraints using Bayesian Optimization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13968v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Johannes Kirschner, Mojmir Mutn\'y, Andreas Krause, Jaime Coello de Portugal, Nicole Hiller, Jochem Snuverink | (参考訳) 粒子加速器の機械パラメータのチューニングは反復的かつ時間のかかる作業であり、自動化が難しい。
注目すべき例外はsafe bayesian optimizationである。これは、ノイズの多いフィードバックを伴うグローバル最適化のためのデータ駆動チューニングアプローチである。
我々は,paul scherrer institut (psi) の2つの研究領域における安全ベイズ最適化のステップサイズ限定型を提案し,評価する。
我々は,200以上の制約を受ける16個のパラメータをチューニングし,両マシンの有望な実験結果について報告する。 Tuning machine parameters of particle accelerators is a repetitive and time-consuming task, that is challenging to automate. While many off-the-shelf optimization algorithms are available, in practice their use is limited because most methods do not account for safety-critical constraints that apply to each iteration, including loss signals or step-size limitations. One notable exception is safe Bayesian optimization, which is a data-driven tuning approach for global optimization with noisy feedback. We propose and evaluate a step size-limited variant of safe Bayesian optimization on two research faculties of the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI): a) the Swiss Free Electron Laser (SwissFEL) and b) the High-Intensity Proton Accelerator (HIPA). We report promising experimental results on both machines, tuning up to 16 parameters subject to more than 200 constraints. | 翻訳日:2022-03-30 10:49:49 公開日:2022-03-29 |
# 4ボソン正規化群極限サイクルに関する新しい知見 New insights into four-boson renormalization group limit cycles ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.14597v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Bastian Kaspschak, Ulf-G. Mei{\ss}ner | (参考訳) 機械学習技術を用いて,単位極限を超える再正規化群制限サイクルの出現が,3ボソンサブシステムから4 |