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Title | Authors | Abstract | 論文公表日・翻訳日 |
# 遺伝的プログラミングを使ってソフトウェア定義ネットワークに自己適応性を構築する Using Genetic Programming to Build Self-Adaptivity into Software-Defined Networks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.00316v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jia Li, Shiva Nejati, Mehrdad Sabetzadeh | (参考訳) 自己適応ソリューションは、定期的にシステムを監視し、推論し、適応する必要があります。
本評価は, オープンソースの合成および産業データを用いて実施し, 個別適応を生成するベースライン適応手法と比較して, gpベースアプローチがネットワーク混雑の解消に有効であること, また, 時間とともに適応介入の頻度を減少させることを示す。
最後に,ネットワーク文献からの標準データフォワードアルゴリズムに対するアプローチを比較し,パケットロスを大幅に低減することを示す。 Self-adaptation solutions need to periodically monitor, reason about, and adapt a running system. The adaptation step involves generating an adaptation strategy and applying it to the running system whenever an anomaly arises. In this article, we argue that, rather than generating individual adaptation strategies, the goal should be to adapt the control logic of the running system in such a way that the system itself would learn how to steer clear of future anomalies, without triggering self-adaptation too frequently. While the need for adaptation is never eliminated, especially noting the uncertain and evolving environment of complex systems, reducing the frequency of adaptation interventions is advantageous for various reasons, e.g., to increase performance and to make a running system more robust. We instantiate and empirically examine the above idea for software-defined networking -- a key enabling technology for modern data centres and Internet of Things applications. Using genetic programming,(GP), we propose a self-adaptation solution that continuously learns and updates the control constructs in the data-forwarding logic of a software-defined network. Our evaluation, performed using open-source synthetic and industrial data, indicates that, compared to a baseline adaptation technique that attempts to generate individual adaptations, our GP-based approach is more effective in resolving network congestion, and further, reduces the frequency of adaptation interventions over time. In addition, we show that, for networks with the same topology, reusing over larger networks the knowledge that is learned on smaller networks leads to significant improvements in the performance of our GP-based adaptation approach. Finally, we compare our approach against a standard data-forwarding algorithm from the network literature, demonstrating that our approach significantly reduces packet loss. | 翻訳日:2023-10-24 04:57:41 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# EvLog: ソフトウェア進化に関する異常ログの特定 EvLog: Identifying Anomalous Logs over Software Evolution ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.01509v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yintong Huo, Cheryl Lee, Yuxin Su, Shiwen Shan, Jinyang Liu and Michael R. Lyu | (参考訳) ソフトウェアログはシステムのアクティビティを記録し、メンテナに障害の原因を特定し、迅速な緩和アクションを可能にする。
私たちは、ログ分析コミュニティの対応するソリューションによって、ソフトウェア進化の影響に新たな光を当てていると信じています。 Software logs record system activities, aiding maintainers in identifying the underlying causes for failures and enabling prompt mitigation actions. However, maintainers need to inspect a large volume of daily logs to identify the anomalous logs that reveal failure details for further diagnosis. Thus, how to automatically distinguish these anomalous logs from normal logs becomes a critical problem. Existing approaches alleviate the burden on software maintainers, but they are built upon an improper yet critical assumption: logging statements in the software remain unchanged. While software keeps evolving, our empirical study finds that evolving software brings three challenges: log parsing errors, evolving log events, and unstable log sequences. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised approach named Evolving Log analyzer (EvLog) to mitigate these challenges. We first build a multi-level representation extractor to process logs without parsing to prevent errors from the parser. The multi-level representations preserve the essential semantics of logs while leaving out insignificant changes in evolving events. EvLog then implements an anomaly discriminator with an attention mechanism to identify the anomalous logs and avoid the issue brought by the unstable sequence. EvLog has shown effectiveness in two real-world system evolution log datasets with an average F1 score of 0.955 and 0.847 in the intra-version setting and inter-version setting, respectively, which outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches by a wide margin. To our best knowledge, this is the first study on localizing anomalous logs over software evolution. We believe our work sheds new light on the impact of software evolution with the corresponding solutions for the log analysis community. | 翻訳日:2023-10-24 04:45:30 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Prism: 分散システムの大規模インスタンスから隠れた機能クラスタを発見 Prism: Revealing Hidden Functional Clusters from Massive Instances in Cloud Systems ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07638v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jinyang Liu, Zhihan Jiang, Jiazhen Gu, Junjie Huang, Zhuangbin Chen, Cong Feng, Zengyin Yang, Yongqiang Yang and Michael R. Lyu | (参考訳) クラウドシステムの信頼性を確保することは、クラウドベンダーと顧客の両方にとって重要です。
まず,大規模クラウドシステム,すなわちhuawei cloudに関するパイロット研究を行い,同様の機能を持つインスタンスが類似した通信とリソース使用パターンを共有していることの実証を行った。
我々はHuawei Cloudの実環境から収集した2つのデータセットについてPrismを評価する。
実験の結果,Prism は 0.95 の v 測度を達成し,既存の最先端解を超えることがわかった。
さらに,モニタリングシステムにおけるprismの統合により,実世界の2つのユースケースを通じてクラウドの信頼性が向上することを示す。 Ensuring the reliability of cloud systems is critical for both cloud vendors and customers. Cloud systems often rely on virtualization techniques to create instances of hardware resources, such as virtual machines. However, virtualization hinders the observability of cloud systems, making it challenging to diagnose platform-level issues. To improve system observability, we propose to infer functional clusters of instances, i.e., groups of instances having similar functionalities. We first conduct a pilot study on a large-scale cloud system, i.e., Huawei Cloud, demonstrating that instances having similar functionalities share similar communication and resource usage patterns. Motivated by these findings, we formulate the identification of functional clusters as a clustering problem and propose a non-intrusive solution called Prism. Prism adopts a coarse-to-fine clustering strategy. It first partitions instances into coarse-grained chunks based on communication patterns. Within each chunk, Prism further groups instances with similar resource usage patterns to produce fine-grained functional clusters. Such a design reduces noises in the data and allows Prism to process massive instances efficiently. We evaluate Prism on two datasets collected from the real-world production environment of Huawei Cloud. Our experiments show that Prism achieves a v-measure of ~0.95, surpassing existing state-of-the-art solutions. Additionally, we illustrate the integration of Prism within monitoring systems for enhanced cloud reliability through two real-world use cases. | 翻訳日:2023-10-23 14:22:43 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# スタートアップ企業におけるソフトウェア工学知識領域--マッピング研究 Software Engineering Knowledge Areas in Startup Companies: A Mapping Study ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07628v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Eriks Klotins, Michael Unterkalmsteiner, Tony Gorschek | (参考訳) 背景 - スタートアップ企業は革新的でソフトウェア集約的な製品の重要なサプライヤーになりつつある。
Aim - この研究は、スタートアップで使われているソフトウェア工学の知識領域を特定して分類し、さらなる研究のためのギャップを特定します。
方法 - 関連研究の特定に雪玉サンプリングを適用し, 系統的な文献マッピング研究を行う。
結果 - 14の研究から54のプラクティスが特定できた。
結論 - 既存の研究は、スタートアップライフサイクルのどの段階でも、ソフトウェアエンジニアリングの信頼できるサポートを提供していない。
最近の研究では厳格さが低いため、他のスタートアップへの成果の移転は難しい。 Background - Startup companies are becoming important suppliers of innovative and software intensive products. The failure rate among startups is high due to lack of resources, immaturity, multiple influences and dynamic technologies. However, software product engineering is the core activity in startups, therefore inadequacies in applied engineering practices might be a significant contributing factor for high failure rates. Aim - This study identifies and categorizes software engineering knowledge areas utilized in startups to map out the state-of-art, identifying gaps for further research. Method - We perform a systematic literature mapping study, applying snowball sampling to identify relevant primary studies. Results - We have identified 54 practices from 14 studies. Although 11 of 15 main knowledge areas from SWEBOK are covered, a large part of categories is not. Conclusions - Existing research does not provide reliable support for software engineering in any phase of a startup life cycle. Transfer of results to other startups is difficult due to low rigor in current studies. | 翻訳日:2023-10-23 14:22:23 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# CPS変異検査のためのファジング Fuzzing for CPS Mutation Testing ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07949v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jaekwon Lee, Enrico Vigan\`o, Oscar Cornejo, Fabrizio Pastore, Lionel Briand | (参考訳) 突然変異テストは、欠陥のあるソフトウェアをリリースするリスクを減らすのに役立つ。
我々は,c および c++ ソフトウェアで有効であることを証明した fuzz テストを活用する突然変異テスト手法を提案する。
本研究は, 突然変異検査のためのファジテストとシンボリック実行を比較した最初の試みであり, 変異検査専用のファジテストツールの開発に向けたガイダンスを提供する。 Mutation testing can help reduce the risks of releasing faulty software. For such reason, it is a desired practice for the development of embedded software running in safety-critical cyber-physical systems (CPS). Unfortunately, state-of-the-art test data generation techniques for mutation testing of C and C++ software, two typical languages for CPS software, rely on symbolic execution, whose limitations often prevent its application (e.g., it cannot test black-box components). We propose a mutation testing approach that leverages fuzz testing, which has proved effective with C and C++ software. Fuzz testing automatically generates diverse test inputs that exercise program branches in a varied number of ways and, therefore, exercise statements in different program states, thus maximizing the likelihood of killing mutants, our objective. We performed an empirical assessment of our approach with software components used in satellite systems currently in orbit. Our empirical evaluation shows that mutation testing based on fuzz testing kills a significantly higher proportion of live mutants than symbolic execution (i.e., up to an additional 47 percentage points). Further, when symbolic execution cannot be applied, fuzz testing provides significant benefits (i.e., up to 41% mutants killed). Our study is the first one comparing fuzz testing and symbolic execution for mutation testing; our results provide guidance towards the development of fuzz testing tools dedicated to mutation testing. | 翻訳日:2023-10-23 14:09:17 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# maat: 条件付き拡散を伴うクラウドサービスのパフォーマンスメトリック異常予測 Maat: Performance Metric Anomaly Anticipation for Cloud Services with Conditional Diffusion ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07676v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Cheryl Lee, Tianyi Yang, Zhuangbin Chen, Yuxin Su, Michael R. Lyu | (参考訳) クラウドサービスの信頼性とユーザ満足度を確保するには、迅速な異常検出と診断が必要である。
また,異常指標の予測と異常発見にMaatが成功した事例も紹介した。 Ensuring the reliability and user satisfaction of cloud services necessitates prompt anomaly detection followed by diagnosis. Existing techniques for anomaly detection focus solely on real-time detection, meaning that anomaly alerts are issued as soon as anomalies occur. However, anomalies can propagate and escalate into failures, making faster-than-real-time anomaly detection highly desirable for expediting downstream analysis and intervention. This paper proposes Maat, the first work to address anomaly anticipation of performance metrics in cloud services. Maat adopts a novel two-stage paradigm for anomaly anticipation, consisting of metric forecasting and anomaly detection on forecasts. The metric forecasting stage employs a conditional denoising diffusion model to enable multi-step forecasting in an auto-regressive manner. The detection stage extracts anomaly-indicating features based on domain knowledge and applies isolation forest with incremental learning to detect upcoming anomalies. Thus, our method can uncover anomalies that better conform to human expertise. Evaluation on three publicly available datasets demonstrates that Maat can anticipate anomalies faster than real-time comparatively or more effectively compared with state-of-the-art real-time anomaly detectors. We also present cases highlighting Maat's success in forecasting abnormal metrics and discovering anomalies. | 翻訳日:2023-10-23 14:08:33 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 要件工学とソフトウェアテストアライメントの評価 - 5つのケーススタディ Assessing requirements engineering and software test alignment -- Five case studies ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07640v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Michael Unterkalmsteiner, Tony Gorschek, Robert Feldt, Eriks Klotins | (参考訳) 大規模でソフトウェア集約的なシステムの開発は、一般的に分割と征服戦略によって取り組む複雑な仕事です。
さらに,REとSTの協調に関する理解が向上したことを確認した。 The development of large, software-intensive systems is a complex undertaking that we generally tackle by a divide and conquer strategy. Companies thereby face the challenge of coordinating individual aspects of software development, in particular between requirements engineering (RE) and software testing (ST). A lack of REST alignment can not only lead to wasted effort but also to defective software. However, before a company can improve the mechanisms of coordination they need to be understood first. With REST-bench we aim at providing an assessment tool that illustrates the coordination in software development projects and identify concrete improvement opportunities. We have developed REST-bench on the sound fundamentals of a taxonomy on REST alignment methods and validated the method in five case studies. Following the principles of technical action research, we collaborated with five companies, applying REST-bench and iteratively improving the method based on the lessons we learned. We applied REST-bench both in Agile and plan-driven environments, in projects lasting from weeks to years, and staffed as large as 1000 employees. The improvement opportunities we identified and the feedback we received indicate that the assessment was effective and efficient. Furthermore, participants confirmed that their understanding on the coordination between RE and ST improved. | 翻訳日:2023-10-23 14:08:16 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ハイパースペクトル画像とマルチブロック非負行列分解を用いたモノ/マルチマテリアルキャラクタリゼーション Mono/Multi-material Characterization Using Hyperspectral Images and Multi-Block Non-Negative Matrix Factorization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.12329v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mahdiyeh Ghaffari, Gerjen H. Tinnevelt, Marcel C. P. van Eijk, Stanislav Podchezertsev, Geert J. Postma, Jeroen J. Jansen | (参考訳) プラスチックの選別は廃棄物処理において非常に重要なステップであり、特に多層プラスチックの存在のためである。
業界 4.0 は、手作業による選別と比較して、プラスチック包装の選別をスピードと精度で大幅に改善し、特に、自動化され、高速で正確な材料キャラクタリゼーションを提供する NIRHSI (Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging) を通じて、サンプル準備なしで行う。
HSIを用いたマルチマテリアルの同定には, 化学パターン認識のための新しいアプローチが必要である。
具体的には, 異なる化学種の制約による多ブロック非負マトリックス因子化(MBNMF)を用いて, 特定の高分子種の有無を評価することができる。
新たなアプローチであるMBNMFの利点は, プラスチック廃棄物の識別によって示された。 Plastic sorting is a very essential step in waste management, especially due to the presence of multilayer plastics. These monomaterial and multimaterial plastics are widely employed to enhance the functional properties of packaging, combining beneficial properties in thickness, mechanical strength, and heat tolerance. However, materials containing multiple polymer species need to be pretreated before they can be recycled as monomaterials and therefore should not end up in monomaterial streams. Industry 4.0 has significantly improved materials sorting of plastic packaging in speed and accuracy compared to manual sorting, specifically through Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging (NIRHSI) that provides an automated, fast, and accurate material characterization, without sample preparation. Identification of multimaterials with HSI however requires novel dedicated approaches for chemical pattern recognition. Non negative Matrix Factorization, NMF, is widely used for the chemical resolution of hyperspectral images. Chemically relevant model constraints may make it specifically valuable to identify multilayer plastics through HSI. Specifically, Multi Block Non Negative Matrix Factorization (MBNMF) with correspondence among different chemical species constraint may be used to evaluate the presence or absence of particular polymer species. To translate the MBNMF model into an evidence based sorting decision, we extended the model with an F test to distinguish between monomaterial and multimaterial objects. The benefits of our new approach, MBNMF, were illustrated by the identification of several plastic waste objects. | 翻訳日:2023-10-23 06:46:32 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Bengaliドキュメントレイアウト分析データセットのフレームワークとモデル解析: BaDLAD Framework and Model Analysis on Bengali Document Layout Analysis Dataset: BaDLAD ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.16700v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kazi Reyazul Hasan (1), Mubasshira Musarrat (1), Sadif Ahmed (1) and Shahriar Raj (1) ((1) Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) | (参考訳) 本研究では,高度なコンピュータプログラムである Detectron2, YOLOv8, SAM を用いた Bengali Document Layouts の理解に焦点を当てた。
我々の研究はベンガル語の文書の複雑なレイアウトを理解するのに役立ち、他の言語にも役立ちます。 This study focuses on understanding Bengali Document Layouts using advanced computer programs: Detectron2, YOLOv8, and SAM. We looked at lots of different Bengali documents in our study. Detectron2 is great at finding and separating different parts of documents, like text boxes and paragraphs. YOLOv8 is good at figuring out different tables and pictures. We also tried SAM, which helps us understand tricky layouts. We tested these programs to see how well they work. By comparing their accuracy and speed, we learned which one is good for different types of documents. Our research helps make sense of complex layouts in Bengali documents and can be useful for other languages too. | 翻訳日:2023-10-23 06:01:03 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# mvmr: 複数の信頼できるビデオプール上での自然言語ビデオローカライゼーションバイアスの評価 MVMR: Evaluating Natural Language Video Localization Bias over Multiple Reliable Videos Pool ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.16701v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Nakyeong Yang, Minsung Kim, Seunghyun Yoon, Joongbo Shin, Kyomin Jung | (参考訳) 近年,マルチメディアコンテンツの爆発的な増加に伴い,自然言語検索にマッチする映像モーメントの検出に重点を置く自然言語ビデオのローカライズが問題となっている。
提案したMVMRタスクに対して,MVMRタスクにおいてモデルをより堅牢に導く信頼性および情報的負を選択的にフィルタするコントラスト学習スキームであるReliable Mutual Matching Network (RMMN) をさらに発展させる。
その結果,既存のNLVLモデルは負の映像フレームによって容易に邪魔されるが,本モデルでは高い性能を示した。 With the explosion of multimedia content in recent years, natural language video localization, which focuses on detecting video moment that matches a given natural language query, has become a critical problem. However, none of the previous research explores localizing a moment from a large corpus where multiple positive and negative videos exist. In this paper, we propose an MVMR (Massive Videos Moment Retrieval) task, which aims to localize video frames from a massive set of videos given a text query. For this task, we suggest methods for constructing datasets by employing similarity filtering on the existing video localization datasets and introduce three MVMR datasets. Specifically, we employ embedding-based text similarity matching and video-language grounding techniques to calculate the relevance score between a target query and videos to define positive and negative sets. For the proposed MVMR task, we further develop a strong model, Reliable Mutual Matching Network (RMMN), which employs a contrastive learning scheme that selectively filters the reliable and informative negatives leading the model more robust on the MVMR task. Experimental results on the introduced datasets reveal that existing NLVL models are easily distracted by negative video frames, whereas our model shows significant performance. | 翻訳日:2023-10-23 05:45:18 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 純エッジコンピューティングにおけるロバスト適応ワークロードオーケストレーション A Robust Adaptive Workload Orchestration in Pure Edge Computing ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.03913v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zahra Safavifar, Charafeddine Mechalikh and Fatemeh Golpayegani | (参考訳) Pure Edge Computing(PEC)は、クラウドアプリケーションとサービスをネットワークのエッジに持ち込み、時間に敏感なアプリケーションとデータ駆動コンピューティングのユーザ需要の増加をサポートすることを目的としている。
その結果、R-AdWOrchは全ての条件下での優先度の低いタスクのデータ損失を最小限に抑えながら、緊急タスクのデッドラインミスを最小限に抑えることができた。 Pure Edge computing (PEC) aims to bring cloud applications and services to the edge of the network to support the growing user demand for time-sensitive applications and data-driven computing. However, mobility and limited computational capacity of edge devices pose challenges in supporting some urgent and computationally intensive tasks with strict response time demands. If the execution results of these tasks exceed the deadline, they become worthless and can cause severe safety issues. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that edge nodes complete as many latency-sensitive tasks as possible. \\In this paper, we propose a Robust Adaptive Workload Orchestration (R-AdWOrch) model to minimize deadline misses and data loss by using priority definition and a reallocation strategy. The results show that R-AdWOrch can minimize deadline misses of urgent tasks while minimizing the data loss of lower priority tasks under all conditions. | 翻訳日:2023-09-17 14:06:16 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 波浪散乱における漁業情報の流れの連続性方程式 Continuity Equation for the Flow of Fisher Information in Wave Scattering ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.00010v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jakob H\"upfl, Felix Russo, Lukas M. Rachbauer, Dorian Bouchet, Junjie Lu, Ulrich Kuhl and Stefan Rotter | (参考訳) 地震学からレーダー技術、バイオメディカルイメージングから精密測定まで、私たちの環境を探索するために波を使うのが広く使われているパラダイムです。
本研究は,情報の生成と伝播に関する新たな理解を提供し,複雑な環境においても情報の流れを追跡し設計する新たな可能性を開く。 Using waves to explore our environment is a widely used paradigm, ranging from seismology to radar technology, and from bio-medical imaging to precision measurements. In all of these fields, the central aim is to gather as much information as possible about an object of interest by sending a probing wave at it and processing the information delivered back to the detector. Here, we demonstrate that an electromagnetic wave scattered at an object carries locally defined and conserved information about all of the object's constitutive parameters. Specifically, we introduce here the density and flux of Fisher information for very general types of wave fields and identify corresponding sources and sinks of information through which all these new quantities satisfy a fundamental continuity equation. We experimentally verify our theoretical predictions by studying a movable object embedded inside a disordered environment and by measuring the corresponding Fisher information flux at microwave frequencies. Our results provide a new understanding of the generation and propagation of information and open up new possibilities for tracking and designing the flow of information even in complex environments. | 翻訳日:2023-09-10 03:55:28 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 推薦用リニアオートエンコーダのZCA白化効果 Implicit ZCA Whitening Effects of Linear Autoencoders for Recommendation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.13536v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Katsuhiko Hayashi and Kazuma Onishi | (参考訳) 近年、レコメンデーションシステムの分野では、アイテムの類似性を学ぶ方法として線形回帰(autoencoder)モデルが研究されている。
本実験は, 低次元アイテム埋め込みの白化効果を示す予備実験である。 Recently, in the field of recommendation systems, linear regression (autoencoder) models have been investigated as a way to learn item similarity. In this paper, we show a connection between a linear autoencoder model and ZCA whitening for recommendation data. In particular, we show that the dual form solution of a linear autoencoder model actually has ZCA whitening effects on feature vectors of items, while items are considered as input features in the primal problem of the autoencoder/regression model. We also show the correctness of applying a linear autoencoder to low-dimensional item vectors obtained using embedding methods such as Item2vec to estimate item-item similarities. Our experiments provide preliminary results indicating the effectiveness of whitening low-dimensional item embeddings. | 翻訳日:2023-09-03 21:43:34 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 動的負荷の復元のための物理インフォームド機械学習モデル A physics-informed machine learning model for reconstruction of dynamic loads ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08571v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Gledson Rodrigo Tondo and Igor Kavrakov and Guido Morgenthal | (参考訳) 長寿命の橋は、その寿命の間に多数の動的励起を受ける。
開発されたフレームワークには、設計モデルと仮定の検証、損傷検出と構造的健康モニタリングを支援するための応答の予後が含まれる。 Long-span bridges are subjected to a multitude of dynamic excitations during their lifespan. To account for their effects on the structural system, several load models are used during design to simulate the conditions the structure is likely to experience. These models are based on different simplifying assumptions and are generally guided by parameters that are stochastically identified from measurement data, making their outputs inherently uncertain. This paper presents a probabilistic physics-informed machine-learning framework based on Gaussian process regression for reconstructing dynamic forces based on measured deflections, velocities, or accelerations. The model can work with incomplete and contaminated data and offers a natural regularization approach to account for noise in the measurement system. An application of the developed framework is given by an aerodynamic analysis of the Great Belt East Bridge. The aerodynamic response is calculated numerically based on the quasi-steady model, and the underlying forces are reconstructed using sparse and noisy measurements. Results indicate a good agreement between the applied and the predicted dynamic load and can be extended to calculate global responses and the resulting internal forces. Uses of the developed framework include validation of design models and assumptions, as well as prognosis of responses to assist in damage detection and structural health monitoring. | 翻訳日:2023-08-27 05:27:24 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# CMISR: 循環医療画像スーパーリゾリューション CMISR: Circular Medical Image Super-Resolution ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08567v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Honggui Li, Maria Trocan, Dimitri Galayko, Mohamad Sawan | (参考訳) 医用画像超解像(MISR)の古典的な方法は、暗黙の低解像度(UR)ユニットと明示的な超解像(SR)ユニットを備えたオープンループアーキテクチャを使用する。
3つの尺度因子と3つのオープンな医用画像データセットによる実験結果から、CMISRは再建性能においてMISRよりも優れており、特に強いエッジや強いコントラストを持つ医用画像に適していることが示された。 Classical methods of medical image super-resolution (MISR) utilize open-loop architecture with implicit under-resolution (UR) unit and explicit super-resolution (SR) unit. The UR unit can always be given, assumed, or estimated, while the SR unit is elaborately designed according to various SR algorithms. The closed-loop feedback mechanism is widely employed in current MISR approaches and can efficiently improve their performance. The feedback mechanism may be divided into two categories: local and global feedback. Therefore, this paper proposes a global feedback-based closed-cycle framework, circular MISR (CMISR), with unambiguous UR and SR elements. Mathematical model and closed-loop equation of CMISR are built. Mathematical proof with Taylor-series approximation indicates that CMISR has zero recovery error in steady-state. In addition, CMISR holds plug-and-play characteristic which can be established on any existing MISR algorithms. Five CMISR algorithms are respectively proposed based on the state-of-the-art open-loop MISR algorithms. Experimental results with three scale factors and on three open medical image datasets show that CMISR is superior to MISR in reconstruction performance and is particularly suited to medical images with strong edges or intense contrast. | 翻訳日:2023-08-27 05:27:05 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# KMF:ゼロショットノード分類のための知識対応多面表現学習 KMF: Knowledge-Aware Multi-Faceted Representation Learning for Zero-Shot Node Classification ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08563v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Likang Wu, Junji Jiang, Hongke Zhao, Hao Wang, Defu Lian, Mengdi Zhang and Enhong Chen | (参考訳) 近年,ゼロショットノード分類(znc)がグラフデータ解析において重要かつ重要な課題となっている。
そこで本研究では,抽出したKG(Knowledge Graph)ベースのトピックを通じて,ラベルセマンティクスの豊かさを向上するKMF(Knowledge Multi-Faceted framework)を提案する。
その結果, kmfの有効性と一般化と, 最先端のベースラインとの比較が得られた。 Recently, Zero-Shot Node Classification (ZNC) has been an emerging and crucial task in graph data analysis. This task aims to predict nodes from unseen classes which are unobserved in the training process. Existing work mainly utilizes Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to associate features' prototypes and labels' semantics thus enabling knowledge transfer from seen to unseen classes. However, the multi-faceted semantic orientation in the feature-semantic alignment has been neglected by previous work, i.e. the content of a node usually covers diverse topics that are relevant to the semantics of multiple labels. It's necessary to separate and judge the semantic factors that tremendously affect the cognitive ability to improve the generality of models. To this end, we propose a Knowledge-Aware Multi-Faceted framework (KMF) that enhances the richness of label semantics via the extracted KG (Knowledge Graph)-based topics. And then the content of each node is reconstructed to a topic-level representation that offers multi-faceted and fine-grained semantic relevancy to different labels. Due to the particularity of the graph's instance (i.e., node) representation, a novel geometric constraint is developed to alleviate the problem of prototype drift caused by node information aggregation. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on several public graph datasets and design an application of zero-shot cross-domain recommendation. The quantitative results demonstrate both the effectiveness and generalization of KMF with the comparison of state-of-the-art baselines. | 翻訳日:2023-08-27 05:26:44 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 合成データを用いたソーシャルメディア上でのサイバーバブル検出のための信頼できるLSTM-Autoencoderネットワーク A Trustable LSTM-Autoencoder Network for Cyberbullying Detection on Social Media Using Synthetic Data ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.09722v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mst Shapna Akter, Hossain Shahriar, Alfredo Cuzzocrea | (参考訳) ソーシャルメディアのサイバーいじめは人間の生活に有害な影響を及ぼす。
提案したモデルと従来のモデルを用いて,ヒンディー語,バングラ語,英語のデータセットに対するアグレッシブなコメントを実験的に同定した。例えば,Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM), LSTM-Autoencoder, Word2vec, Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), Generative Pre-trained Transformer 2 (GPT-2) モデルである。
このモデルは,我々が本論文で使用したデータセット上で,これまでのすべての作業の中で最先端の結果を得る。 Social media cyberbullying has a detrimental effect on human life. As online social networking grows daily, the amount of hate speech also increases. Such terrible content can cause depression and actions related to suicide. This paper proposes a trustable LSTM-Autoencoder Network for cyberbullying detection on social media using synthetic data. We have demonstrated a cutting-edge method to address data availability difficulties by producing machine-translated data. However, several languages such as Hindi and Bangla still lack adequate investigations due to a lack of datasets. We carried out experimental identification of aggressive comments on Hindi, Bangla, and English datasets using the proposed model and traditional models, including Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM), LSTM-Autoencoder, Word2vec, Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), and Generative Pre-trained Transformer 2 (GPT-2) models. We employed evaluation metrics such as f1-score, accuracy, precision, and recall to assess the models performance. Our proposed model outperformed all the models on all datasets, achieving the highest accuracy of 95%. Our model achieves state-of-the-art results among all the previous works on the dataset we used in this paper. | 翻訳日:2023-08-27 05:17:20 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 反復行動計数法の進歩:性能改善を伴う関節型PoseRACモデル Advancements in Repetitive Action Counting: Joint-Based PoseRAC Model With Improved Performance ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08632v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Haodong Chen, Ming C. Leu, Md Moniruzzaman, Zhaozheng Yin, Solmaz Hajmohammadi, Zhuoqing Chang | (参考訳) 反復カウント(RepCount)は、フィットネストラッキングやリハビリテーションなどの様々な応用において重要である。
本稿では, [1] が行った研究に基づいて, これらの課題に対処し, 最先端の RepCount 法よりも優れた結果を得るために, 平均 0.211 の 平均絶対誤差 (MAE) と, オフバイワン (OBO) の 0.599 の精度を持つ RepCount データセット [2] と組み合わせた。
総合的な実験結果から,本手法の有効性とロバスト性を示した。 Repetitive counting (RepCount) is critical in various applications, such as fitness tracking and rehabilitation. Previous methods have relied on the estimation of red-green-and-blue (RGB) frames and body pose landmarks to identify the number of action repetitions, but these methods suffer from a number of issues, including the inability to stably handle changes in camera viewpoints, over-counting, under-counting, difficulty in distinguishing between sub-actions, inaccuracy in recognizing salient poses, etc. In this paper, based on the work done by [1], we integrate joint angles with body pose landmarks to address these challenges and achieve better results than the state-of-the-art RepCount methods, with a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 0.211 and an Off-By-One (OBO) counting accuracy of 0.599 on the RepCount data set [2]. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method. | 翻訳日:2023-08-27 05:16:03 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 自然に触発された特徴選択アルゴリズムの学生成績予測能力の比較分析 A Comparative Analysis of the Capabilities of Nature-inspired Feature Selection Algorithms in Predicting Student Performance ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08574v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Thomas Trask | (参考訳) リスクの高い学生に対する効果的な事前障害介入の活用には,学生のパフォーマンス予測が重要である。
すべてのデータセットにおいて、特徴選択にniasを使用するアンサンブルアプローチと、予測精度を高めながら特徴セットサイズを2/3削減するための従来のmlアルゴリズムを活用することが分かりました。 Predicting student performance is key in leveraging effective pre-failure interventions for at-risk students. In this paper, I have analyzed the relative performance of a suite of 12 nature-inspired algorithms when used to predict student performance across 3 datasets consisting of instance-based clickstream data, intra-course single-course performance, and performance when taking multiple courses simultaneously. I found that, for all datasets, leveraging an ensemble approach using NIAs for feature selection and traditional ML algorithms for classification increased predictive accuracy while also reducing feature set size by 2/3. | 翻訳日:2023-08-27 05:15:41 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 入門プログラミング教育における大規模言語モデル:ChatGPTの性能と評価への影響 Large Language Models in Introductory Programming Education: ChatGPT's Performance and Implications for Assessments ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08572v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Natalie Kiesler and Daniel Schiffner | (参考訳) 本稿では,Large Language Models (LLMs) ChatGPT-3.5とGPT-4の性能について検討する。
この性能に基づいて, LLMを用いたシナリオとアセスメント形式を導出する。
完全なタスク記述は LLM への入力として使用され、生成した応答は CodingBat の単体テストを用いて評価された。
その結果、94.4~95.8%の正答率と、テキストの説明やプログラムコードの信頼性が向上し、LCMをプログラム教育と評価に組み込む新たな方法が開かれた。 This paper investigates the performance of the Large Language Models (LLMs) ChatGPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in solving introductory programming tasks. Based on the performance, implications for didactic scenarios and assessment formats utilizing LLMs are derived. For the analysis, 72 Python tasks for novice programmers were selected from the free site CodingBat. Full task descriptions were used as input to the LLMs, while the generated replies were evaluated using CodingBat's unit tests. In addition, the general availability of textual explanations and program code was analyzed. The results show high scores of 94.4 to 95.8% correct responses and reliable availability of textual explanations and program code, which opens new ways to incorporate LLMs into programming education and assessment. | 翻訳日:2023-08-27 05:15:30 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 複数のカメラ出力とプロセス監視をより正確にマージするためのミラーボール投影の改善 Improved mirror ball projection for more accurate merging of multiple camera outputs and process monitoring ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.10991v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Wladislav Artsimovich, Yoko Hirono | (参考訳) 広角カメラの代わりに球面ミラーを使用することで、通常カメラが動作しない危険な環境で製造プロセスをコスト効率良く監視することができる。
最後に,ミラーボールによるプロセスモニタリングの有効性を評価する。 Using spherical mirrors in place of wide-angle cameras allows for cost-effective monitoring of manufacturing processes in hazardous environment, where a camera would normally not operate. This includes environments of high heat, vacuum and strong electromagnetic fields. Moreover, it allows the layering of multiple camera types (e.g., color image, near-infrared, long-wavelength infrared, ultraviolet) into a single wide-angle output, whilst accounting for the different camera placements and lenses used. Normally, the different camera positions introduce a parallax shift between the images, but with a spherical projection as produced by a spherical mirror, this parallax shift is reduced, depending on mirror size and distance to the monitoring target. This paper introduces a variation of the 'mirror ball projection', that accounts for distortion produced by a perspective camera at the pole of the projection. Finally, the efficacy of process monitoring via a mirror ball is evaluated. | 翻訳日:2023-08-27 05:08:22 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ERA*:正規格子図における最短経路問題の解法のための拡張緩和A*アルゴリズム ERA*: Enhanced Relaxed A* algorithm for Solving the Shortest Path Problem in Regular Grid Maps ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.10988v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Adel Ammar | (参考訳) 本稿では,静的な8隣接接続(G8)グリッドにおいて,最短経路問題の解法を提案する。
このアルゴリズムは、g8グリッドへのハドロックアルゴリズムの一般化と見なすことができ、理論的には、与えられた解の経路長の点で、緩和された$a^*$ (ra^*$) アルゴリズムと同値であるが、ルックアップ行列の集合を定義することに基づく、全く異なる計算戦略のために、かなりの時間とメモリ節約がある。
さらに、Gスコア行列を格納する必要がないため、メモリ効率が向上する。 This paper introduces a novel algorithm for solving the point-to-point shortest path problem in a static regular 8-neighbor connectivity (G8) grid. This algorithm can be seen as a generalization of Hadlock algorithm to G8 grids, and is shown to be theoretically equivalent to the relaxed $A^*$ ($RA^*$) algorithm in terms of the provided solution's path length, but with substantial time and memory savings, due to a completely different computation strategy, based on defining a set of lookup matrices. Through an experimental study on grid maps of various types and sizes (1290 runs on 43 maps), it is proven to be 2.25 times faster than $RA^*$ and 17 times faster than the original $A^*$, in average. Moreover, it is more memory-efficient, since it does not need to store a G score matrix. | 翻訳日:2023-08-27 05:07:41 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 機械学習によるIoTデータ信頼評価 IoT Data Trust Evaluation via Machine Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.11638v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Timothy Tadj, Reza Arablouei, Volkan Dedeoglu | (参考訳) IoTデータの信頼性を評価するために,教師付きあるいは教師なし機械学習(ML)に基づくさまざまなアプローチが提案されている。
また,iot 時系列センサデータから新たな特徴を抽出し,その自己相関を効果的に捉え,隣接する (peer) センサのデータと相互相関する。
さらに、ラベル付きデータの約10%を必要とする半教師付きmlアプローチは、完全に教師付きアプローチよりも実質的に魅力的でありながら、競争力のあるパフォーマンスを提供する。 Various approaches based on supervised or unsupervised machine learning (ML) have been proposed for evaluating IoT data trust. However, assessing their real-world efficacy is hard mainly due to the lack of related publicly-available datasets that can be used for benchmarking. Since obtaining such datasets is challenging, we propose a data synthesis method, called random walk infilling (RWI), to augment IoT time-series datasets by synthesizing untrustworthy data from existing trustworthy data. Thus, RWI enables us to create labeled datasets that can be used to develop and validate ML models for IoT data trust evaluation. We also extract new features from IoT time-series sensor data that effectively capture its auto-correlation as well as its cross-correlation with the data of the neighboring (peer) sensors. These features can be used to learn ML models for recognizing the trustworthiness of IoT sensor data. Equipped with our synthesized ground-truth-labeled datasets and informative correlation-based feature, we conduct extensive experiments to critically examine various approaches to evaluating IoT data trust via ML. The results reveal that commonly used ML-based approaches to IoT data trust evaluation, which rely on unsupervised cluster analysis to assign trust labels to unlabeled data, perform poorly. This poor performance can be attributed to the underlying unsubstantiated assumption that clustering provides reliable labels for data trust, a premise that is found to be untenable. The results also show that the ML models learned from datasets augmented via RWI while using the proposed features generalize well to unseen data and outperform existing related approaches. Moreover, we observe that a semi-supervised ML approach that requires only about 10% of the data labeled offers competitive performance while being practically more appealing compared to the fully-supervised approaches. | 翻訳日:2023-08-27 04:47:28 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ds4dh at #smm4h 2023: zero-shot adverse drug events normalization using sentence transformers and reciprocal-rank fusion DS4DH at #SMM4H 2023: Zero-Shot Adverse Drug Events Normalization using Sentence Transformers and Reciprocal-Rank Fusion ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.12877v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Anthony Yazdani, Hossein Rouhizadeh, David Vicente Alvarez, Douglas Teodoro | (参考訳) 本稿では,デジタル・ヘルス・グループのためのデータサイエンス・フォー・デジタル・ヘルス・グループ (data science for digital health group for the social media mining for health applications 2023 shared task 5) によって開発された有害薬物イベント正規化システムの性能評価について概説する。
これらの結果は,ソーシャルメディアのテキストマイニング分野における薬物イベント正規化の有効性と,その潜在的応用を実証するものである。 This paper outlines the performance evaluation of a system for adverse drug event normalization, developed by the Data Science for Digital Health group for the Social Media Mining for Health Applications 2023 shared task 5. Shared task 5 targeted the normalization of adverse drug event mentions in Twitter to standard concepts from the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities terminology. Our system hinges on a two-stage approach: BERT fine-tuning for entity recognition, followed by zero-shot normalization using sentence transformers and reciprocal-rank fusion. The approach yielded a precision of 44.9%, recall of 40.5%, and an F1-score of 42.6%. It outperformed the median performance in shared task 5 by 10% and demonstrated the highest performance among all participants. These results substantiate the effectiveness of our approach and its potential application for adverse drug event normalization in the realm of social media text mining. | 翻訳日:2023-08-27 04:39:31 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 逆リソグラフィ物理によるマスク最適化のためのディープニューラルレベルセット Inverse Lithography Physics-informed Deep Neural Level Set for Mask Optimization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.12299v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xing-Yu Ma, Shaogang Hao | (参考訳) 集積回路の特性が減少し続けるにつれて、光近接補正(OPC)がリソグラフィープロセスにおいて高い印刷性を確保するための重要な解像度向上技術として登場した。
近年、レベルセットベースの逆リソグラフィ技術 (ILT) は、特に高度なプロセスにおいて、その強力なパターン忠実性を示す、有望なOPCソリューションとして注目されている。
本稿では,マスク最適化のための逆リソグラフィー物理インフォームドディープニューラルレベルセット (ILDLS) アプローチを提案する。
ILDLSは逆リソグラフィの知識でDLをギアアップすることで、新しい効率的なマスク最適化ソリューションを提供する。 As the feature size of integrated circuits continues to decrease, optical proximity correction (OPC) has emerged as a crucial resolution enhancement technology for ensuring high printability in the lithography process. Recently, level set-based inverse lithography technology (ILT) has drawn considerable attention as a promising OPC solution, showcasing its powerful pattern fidelity, especially in advanced process. However, massive computational time consumption of ILT limits its applicability to mainly correcting partial layers and hotspot regions. Deep learning (DL) methods have shown great potential in accelerating ILT. However, lack of domain knowledge of inverse lithography limits the ability of DL-based algorithms in process window (PW) enhancement and etc. In this paper, we propose an inverse lithography physics-informed deep neural level set (ILDLS) approach for mask optimization. This approach utilizes level set based-ILT as a layer within the DL framework and iteratively conducts mask prediction and correction to significantly enhance printability and PW in comparison with results from pure DL and ILT. With this approach, computation time is reduced by a few orders of magnitude versus ILT. By gearing up DL with knowledge of inverse lithography physics, ILDLS provides a new and efficient mask optimization solution. | 翻訳日:2023-08-27 04:38:13 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# リアルパブリケーションテキストを用いたChatGPT生成フェイクサイエンスの検出の改善:xFakeBibsの教師付き学習ネットワークアルゴリズムの導入 Improving Detection of ChatGPT-Generated Fake Science Using Real Publication Text: Introducing xFakeBibs a Supervised-Learning Network Algorithm ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.11767v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ahmed Abdeen Hamed and Xindong Wu | (参考訳) ChatGPTは新しい現実になりつつある。
この研究は、偽の科学と誤報に対抗する正しい方向への一歩である。 ChatGPT is becoming a new reality. In this paper, we show how to distinguish ChatGPT-generated publications from counterparts produced by scientists. Using a newly designed supervised Machine Learning algorithm, we demonstrate how to detect machine-generated publications from those produced by scientists. The algorithm was trained using 100 real publication abstracts, followed by a 10-fold calibration approach to establish a lower-upper bound range of acceptance. In the comparison with ChatGPT content, it was evident that ChatGPT contributed merely 23\% of the bigram content, which is less than 50\% of any of the other 10 calibrating folds. This analysis highlights a significant disparity in technical terms where ChatGPT fell short of matching real science. When categorizing the individual articles, the xFakeBibs algorithm accurately identified 98 out of 100 publications as fake, with 2 articles incorrectly classified as real publications. Though this work introduced an algorithmic approach that detected the ChatGPT-generated fake science with a high degree of accuracy, it remains challenging to detect all fake records. This work is indeed a step in the right direction to counter fake science and misinformation. | 翻訳日:2023-08-27 04:37:54 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 時間一様中心極限理論と漸近的信頼系列 Time-uniform central limit theory and asymptotic confidence sequences ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2103.06476v8 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ian Waudby-Smith, David Arbour, Ritwik Sinha, Edward H. Kennedy, and Aaditya Ramdas | (参考訳) 中央極限定理(CLT)に基づく信頼区間は古典統計学の基盤となっている。
cltは、固定されたサンプルサイズにおけるガウス平均の分布に近似するが、強い不変原理(1960年代のストラッセンの仕事とkoml\'os, major, tusn\'adyによる改善)を用いて、暗黙のガウス過程によってサンプル平均過程全体を一様に近似する。
本理論の例示として,観測実験における効率的な推定器を用いた平均治療効果に対する無症状CSを導出し,無作為な実験を行い,連続的に監視・適応的に停止できる因果推論を可能にした。 Confidence intervals based on the central limit theorem (CLT) are a cornerstone of classical statistics. Despite being only asymptotically valid, they are ubiquitous because they permit statistical inference under very weak assumptions, and can often be applied to problems even when nonasymptotic inference is impossible. This paper introduces time-uniform analogues of such asymptotic confidence intervals. To elaborate, our methods take the form of confidence sequences (CS) -- sequences of confidence intervals that are uniformly valid over time. CSs provide valid inference at arbitrary stopping times, incurring no penalties for "peeking" at the data, unlike classical confidence intervals which require the sample size to be fixed in advance. Existing CSs in the literature are nonasymptotic, and hence do not enjoy the aforementioned broad applicability of asymptotic confidence intervals. Our work bridges the gap by giving a definition for "asymptotic CSs", and deriving a universal asymptotic CS that requires only weak CLT-like assumptions. While the CLT approximates the distribution of a sample average by that of a Gaussian at a fixed sample size, we use strong invariance principles (stemming from the seminal 1960s work of Strassen and improvements by Koml\'os, Major, and Tusn\'ady) to uniformly approximate the entire sample average process by an implicit Gaussian process. As an illustration of our theory, we derive asymptotic CSs for the average treatment effect using efficient estimators in observational studies (for which no nonasymptotic bounds can exist even in the fixed-time regime) as well as randomized experiments, enabling causal inference that can be continuously monitored and adaptively stopped. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 18:18:38 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# SMGRL:スケーラブルなマルチ解像度グラフ表現学習 SMGRL: Scalable Multi-resolution Graph Representation Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.12670v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Reza Namazi, Elahe Ghalebi, Sinead Williamson, Hamidreza Mahyar | (参考訳) グラフ畳み込みネットワーク(GCN)は、分類やリンク予測に役立つトポロジ的に認識されたノードの埋め込みを学習することができる。
実験の結果,高い計算コストを伴わずに分類精度が向上することがわかった。 Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) allow us to learn topologically-aware node embeddings, which can be useful for classification or link prediction. However, they are unable to capture long-range dependencies between nodes without adding additional layers -- which in turn leads to over-smoothing and increased time and space complexity. Further, the complex dependencies between nodes make mini-batching challenging, limiting their applicability to large graphs. We propose a Scalable Multi-resolution Graph Representation Learning (SMGRL) framework that enables us to learn multi-resolution node embeddings efficiently. Our framework is model-agnostic and can be applied to any existing GCN model. We dramatically reduce training costs by training only on a reduced-dimension coarsening of the original graph, then exploit self-similarity to apply the resulting algorithm at multiple resolutions. The resulting multi-resolution embeddings can be aggregated to yield high-quality node embeddings that capture both long- and short-range dependencies. Our experiments show that this leads to improved classification accuracy, without incurring high computational costs. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 18:11:24 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# サーバ学習によるフェデレーションラーニング - 非IIDデータのパフォーマンス向上 Federated Learning with Server Learning: Enhancing Performance for Non-IID Data ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.02614v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Van Sy Mai, Richard J. La, Tao Zhang | (参考訳) フェデレートラーニング(FL)は、クライアントに格納されたローカルデータを協調サーバで分散学習する手段として登場した。
解析と実験により,サーバのデータセットが小さく,すべてのクライアントから収集したデータと分布が異なる場合でも,モデル精度と収束時間の両方において,新たなアプローチが大幅に向上することが示された。 Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a means of distributed learning using local data stored at clients with a coordinating server. Recent studies showed that FL can suffer from poor performance and slower convergence when training data at clients are not independent and identically distributed. Here we consider a new complementary approach to mitigating this performance degradation by allowing the server to perform auxiliary learning from a small dataset. Our analysis and experiments show that this new approach can achieve significant improvements in both model accuracy and convergence time even when the server dataset is small and its distribution differs from that of the aggregated data from all clients. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 18:02:59 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 離散状態空間から得られるグラフの拡散モデル Diffusion Models for Graphs Benefit From Discrete State Spaces ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.01549v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kilian Konstantin Haefeli, Karolis Martinkus, Nathana\"el Perraudin, Roger Wattenhofer | (参考訳) 拡散確率モデルとスコアマッチングモデルは、生成タスクに非常に強力であることが証明されている。
従来の手法と比較して, 4つのデータセットと複数のアーキテクチャを用いた実験結果から, 離散的ノージングプロセスを用いることで, 平均mmdを1.5倍小さくして, 高品質なサンプルが得られた。
さらに、分別ステップの数は1000ステップから32ステップに削減され、サンプリング手順が30倍高速になる。 Denoising diffusion probabilistic models and score-matching models have proven to be very powerful for generative tasks. While these approaches have also been applied to the generation of discrete graphs, they have, so far, relied on continuous Gaussian perturbations. Instead, in this work, we suggest using discrete noise for the forward Markov process. This ensures that in every intermediate step the graph remains discrete. Compared to the previous approach, our experimental results on four datasets and multiple architectures show that using a discrete noising process results in higher quality generated samples indicated with an average MMDs reduced by a factor of 1.5. Furthermore, the number of denoising steps is reduced from 1000 to 32 steps, leading to a 30 times faster sampling procedure. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 18:02:33 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# アンダーダムランゲヴィンダイナミクスを用いた非バイアス推定 Unbiased Estimation using Underdamped Langevin Dynamics ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.07202v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Hamza Ruzayqat, Neil K. Chada, Ajay Jasra | (参考訳) 本研究では,非負のルベーグ密度を持ち,点的に上向きに正規化定数となる期待値w.r.t.~probability測度の偏りのない推定について考察する。
我々は、統計学や機械学習の応用により最近人気が高まっているランジェヴィン力学(Langevin dynamics)を用いて、バイアスのない方法の開発に注力する。
我々は,2倍のランダム化推定に基づく新しいスキームを,時間離散化バージョンのダイナミクスへのアクセスのみを必要とする \cite{ub_grad,disc_model} のように開発する。
理論的な知見を説明するために,ベイズ統計学や統計物理学の挑戦的な例を含む,理論を検証する数値実験を行う。 In this work we consider the unbiased estimation of expectations w.r.t.~probability measures that have non-negative Lebesgue density, and which are known point-wise up-to a normalizing constant. We focus upon developing an unbiased method via the underdamped Langevin dynamics, which has proven to be popular of late due to applications in statistics and machine learning. Specifically in continuous-time, the dynamics can be constructed {so that as the time goes to infinity they} admit the probability of interest as a stationary measure. {In many cases, time-discretized versions of the underdamped Langevin dynamics are used in practice which are run only with a fixed number of iterations.} We develop a novel scheme based upon doubly randomized estimation as in \cite{ub_grad,disc_model}, which requires access only to time-discretized versions of the dynamics. {The proposed scheme aims to remove the dicretization bias and the bias resulting from running the dynamics for a finite number of iterations}. We prove, under standard assumptions, that our estimator is of finite variance and either has finite expected cost, or has finite cost with a high probability. To illustrate our theoretical findings we provide numerical experiments which verify our theory, which include challenging examples from Bayesian statistics and statistical physics. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 18:00:31 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 離散スケッチデータを用いた固有クエリの共形周波数推定 Conformal Frequency Estimation using Discrete Sketched Data with Coverage for Distinct Queries ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.04612v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Matteo Sesia, Stefano Favaro, Edgar Dobriban | (参考訳) 本稿では,メモリフットプリントの少ないスケッチに基づいて,クエリ対象の頻度に対する信頼区間を,非常に大きな離散データセットで構築する共形推論手法を提案する。
最後に,本手法は,テキストやSARS-CoV-2のDNAデータの例と同様に,既存の頻繁な手法やベイズ的な手法と比較して実験性能が向上したことを示す。 This paper develops conformal inference methods to construct a confidence interval for the frequency of a queried object in a very large discrete data set, based on a sketch with a lower memory footprint. This approach requires no knowledge of the data distribution and can be combined with any sketching algorithm, including but not limited to the renowned count-min sketch, the count-sketch, and variations thereof. After explaining how to achieve marginal coverage for exchangeable random queries, we extend our solution to provide stronger inferences that can account for the discreteness of the data and for heterogeneous query frequencies, increasing also robustness to possible distribution shifts. These results are facilitated by a novel conformal calibration technique that guarantees valid coverage for a large fraction of distinct random queries. Finally, we show our methods have improved empirical performance compared to existing frequentist and Bayesian alternatives in simulations as well as in examples of text and SARS-CoV-2 DNA data. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 17:54:08 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# N$-mode,$K$-fermion系のジョルダン・ウィグナーエンコーディングのqubit要求を$N$から$\lceil \log_2 {N \choose K} \rceil$へ還元する Reducing the qubit requirement of Jordan-Wigner encodings of $N$-mode, $K$-fermion systems from $N$ to $\lceil \log_2 {N \choose K} \rceil$ ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.04501v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Brent Harrison, Dylan Nelson, Daniel Adamiak and James Whitfield | (参考訳) 量子コンピュータ上でフェルミオン系をシミュレートするには、フェルミオンの状態を量子ビットにエンコードする必要がある。
Jordan-Wigner や Bravyi-Kitaev 変換のようなフェルミオン対量子ビット写像は、$N$ qubits を使って、$N$フェルミオンモードの系を表現する。
本研究では、$K$フェルミオンと$N$モードの粒子数保存システムに対して、qubit要求を$\lceil \log_2 {N \choose K} \rceil$の情報理論最小値に還元できることを示した。
これにより、キュービット数に制限のある短期量子コンピュータ上での分子や多体系のシミュレーションの実現性が向上する。 To simulate a fermionic system on a quantum computer, it is necessary to encode the state of the fermions onto qubits. Fermion-to-qubit mappings such as the Jordan-Wigner and Bravyi-Kitaev transformations do this using $N$ qubits to represent systems of $N$ fermionic modes. In this work, we demonstrate that for particle number conserving systems of $K$ fermions and $N$ modes, the qubit requirement can be reduced to the information theoretic minimum of $\lceil \log_2 {N \choose K} \rceil$. This will improve the feasibility of simulation of molecules and many-body systems on near-term quantum computers with limited qubit number. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 17:53:51 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 生成ビデオキャプションからのイベントとエンティティ抽出 Event and Entity Extraction from Generated Video Captions ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.02982v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Johannes Scherer and Ansgar Scherp and Deepayan Bhowmik | (参考訳) 人間によるマルチメディアデータのアノテーションは時間がかかり費用がかかるが、セマンティックメタデータの自動生成は大きな課題である。
我々は2つの最先端の高密度ビデオキャプションモデルとマスク変換器(MT)と並列デコード(PVDC)を用いて、ActivityNet Captionsデータセットのビデオキャプションを生成する。
抽出された情報の品質は,映像中のイベントローカライゼーションの質や,イベントキャプション生成の性能に主に影響していると考えられる。 Annotation of multimedia data by humans is time-consuming and costly, while reliable automatic generation of semantic metadata is a major challenge. We propose a framework to extract semantic metadata from automatically generated video captions. As metadata, we consider entities, the entities' properties, relations between entities, and the video category. We employ two state-of-the-art dense video captioning models with masked transformer (MT) and parallel decoding (PVDC) to generate captions for videos of the ActivityNet Captions dataset. Our experiments show that it is possible to extract entities, their properties, relations between entities, and the video category from the generated captions. We observe that the quality of the extracted information is mainly influenced by the quality of the event localization in the video as well as the performance of the event caption generation. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 17:53:30 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 実運用課題を考慮した時間同期全システム状態推定 Time-Synchronized Full System State Estimation Considering Practical Implementation Challenges ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.01729v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Antos Cheeramban Varghese, Hritik Shah, Behrouz Azimian, Anamitra Pal, and Evangelos Farantatos | (参考訳) ファサー測定ユニット(PMU)は通常、最高電圧バスに搭載されるため、バルク電力系統の低電圧レベルの多くは観測されない。
この問題を解決するために,Deep Neural Network-based State Estimator (DeNSE)を提案する。
提案手法の実用性は, トポロジー変化, 非ガウス計測ノイズ, 悪いデータ検出と補正を考慮することで実証される。
IEEE 118-busシステムを用いて得られた結果は、純粋にSCADA状態推定器、SCADA-PMUハイブリッド状態推定器およびPMUのみ線形状態推定器よりもDeNSEの方が優れていることを示す。
最後に、DeNSEのスケーラビリティは、大規模で現実的な2000-bus Synthetic Texasシステムで状態推定を行うことによって証明される。 As phasor measurement units (PMUs) are usually placed on the highest voltage buses, many lower voltage levels of the bulk power system are not observed by them. This lack of visibility makes time-synchronized state estimation of the full system a challenging problem. We propose a Deep Neural network-based State Estimator (DeNSE) to overcome this problem. The DeNSE employs a Bayesian framework to indirectly combine inferences drawn from slow timescale but widespread supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) data with fast timescale but local PMU data to attain sub-second situational awareness of the entire system. The practical utility of the proposed approach is demonstrated by considering topology changes, non-Gaussian measurement noise, and bad data detection and correction. The results obtained using the IEEE 118-bus system show the superiority of the DeNSE over a purely SCADA state estimator, a SCADA-PMU hybrid state estimator, and a PMU-only linear state estimator from a techno-economic viability perspective. Lastly, the scalability of the DeNSE is proven by performing state estimation on a large and realistic 2000-bus Synthetic Texas system. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 17:42:57 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 量子状態の近似再構成性とノイズ量子秘密共有スキーム Approximate reconstructability of quantum states and noisy quantum secret sharing schemes ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.02509v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yingkai Ouyang, Kaumudibikash Goswami, Jacquiline Romero, Barry C. Sanders, Min-Hsiu Hsieh and Marco Tomamichel | (参考訳) プレイヤーの非公認部分集合を制御する量子秘密および全能の敵エージェントを略して再構成できる構造(プレイヤーのサブセットの集合)をほぼ否定するように、ディーラーがプレイヤーに量子秘密を符号化して配布する形式的な暗号設定において、近似量子秘密共有を導入し、分析する。
特に, 量子秘密を符号化したマップを量子チャネルとしてプレーヤに共有すると, これらのプレーヤによる量子秘密の近似的再構成が可能となるのは, 補足量子チャネルのある種の絡み合い支援容量が, 構造や環境外のプレイヤに対して与えられる情報漏洩が小さい場合に限りである。 We introduce and analyse approximate quantum secret sharing in a formal cryptographic setting, wherein a dealer encodes and distributes a quantum secret to players such that authorized structures (sets of subsets of players) can approximately reconstruct the quantum secret and omnipotent adversarial agents controlling non-authorized subsets of players are approximately denied the quantum secret. In particular, viewing the map encoding the quantum secret to shares for players in an authorized structure as a quantum channel, we show that approximate reconstructability of the quantum secret by these players is possible if and only if the information leakage, given in terms of a certain entanglement-assisted capacity of the complementary quantum channel to the players outside the structure and the environment, is small. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 17:32:12 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 私の予測は任意か?
公平分類ベンチマークにおける変数の相違効果 Is My Prediction Arbitrary? The Confounding Effects of Variance in Fair Classification Benchmarks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2301.11562v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | A. Feder Cooper, Katherine Lee, Madiha Zahrah Choksi, Solon Barocas, Christopher De Sa, James Grimmelmann, Jon Kleinberg, Siddhartha Sen, Baobao Zhang | (参考訳) 異なる訓練されたモデル間の予測のばらつきは、公平な分類において重要で未熟な誤りの原因である。
1) 偏差から派生した自己整合性と呼ばれる指標を定義し、その指標を任意性の測定及び低減の代用として用いる。
2) 予測が任意である場合に分類を棄却するアンサンブルアルゴリズムを開発する。
4) US Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)データセットを将来の研究に容易に利用できるようにするツールキットをリリースする。
この発見は、一般的なアルゴリズム的公平性の方法の実用性に疑問を呈し、機械学習における公平性を測定する方法の根本的な再検討を示唆する。 Variance in predictions across different trained models is a significant, under-explored source of error in fair classification. In practice, the variance on some data examples is so large that decisions can be effectively arbitrary. To investigate this problem, we take an experimental approach and make four overarching contributions: We 1) Define a metric called self-consistency, derived from variance, which we use as a proxy for measuring and reducing arbitrariness; 2) Develop an ensembling algorithm that abstains from classification when a prediction would be arbitrary; 3) Conduct the largest to-date empirical study of the role of variance (vis-a-vis self-consistency and arbitrariness) in fair classification; and, 4) Release a toolkit that makes the US Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) datasets easily usable for future research. Altogether, our experiments reveal shocking insights about the reliability of conclusions on benchmark datasets. Most fairness classification benchmarks are close-to-fair when taking into account the amount of arbitrariness present in predictions -- before we even try to apply common fairness interventions. This finding calls into question the practical utility of common algorithmic fairness methods, and in turn suggests that we should fundamentally reconsider how we choose to measure fairness in machine learning. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 17:31:56 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 自律運転のためのクロスセマンティクス生成センサ融合を用いたペナルティに基づく模倣学習 Penalty-Based Imitation Learning With Cross Semantics Generation Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Driving ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.11888v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Hongkuan Zhou, Aifen Sui, Letian Shi, and Yinxian Li | (参考訳) 近年では、エンドツーエンドの自動運転技術に注目が集まっている。
さらに, 自律走行技術の実現は, 周辺環境を正確に把握するために, センサデータの信頼性と迅速処理に大きく依存している。
特に, この性能向上を実現するとともに, 推論速度を7倍に増やし, モデルサイズを約30%削減した。
コードベースのリソースを含む詳細な情報はhttps://hk-zh.github.io/p-csg/にある。 In recent times, there has been a growing focus on end-to-end autonomous driving technologies. This technology involves the replacement of the entire driving pipeline with a single neural network, which has a simpler structure and faster inference time. However, while this approach reduces the number of components in the driving pipeline, it also presents challenges related to interpretability and safety. For instance, the trained policy may not always comply with traffic rules, and it is difficult to determine the reason for such misbehavior due to the lack of intermediate outputs. Additionally, the successful implementation of autonomous driving technology heavily depends on the reliable and expedient processing of sensory data to accurately perceive the surrounding environment. In this paper, we provide penalty-based imitation learning approach combined with cross semantics generation sensor fusion technologies (P-CSG) to efficiently integrate multiple modalities of information and enable the autonomous agent to effectively adhere to traffic regulations. Our model undergoes evaluation within the Town 05 Long benchmark, where we observe a remarkable increase in the driving score by more than 12% when compared to the state-of-the-art (SOTA) model, InterFuser. Notably, our model achieves this performance enhancement while achieving a 7-fold increase in inference speed and reducing the model size by approximately 30%. For more detailed information, including code-based resources, they can be found at https://hk-zh.github.io/p-csg/ | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 17:23:10 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 擬似教師付きメトリクス:教師なしクロスドメイン分類フレームワークにおける教師なし画像から画像への変換モデルの評価 Pseudo Supervised Metrics: Evaluating Unsupervised Image to Image Translation Models In Unsupervised Cross-Domain Classification Frameworks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.10310v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Firas Al-Hindawi, Md Mahfuzur Rahman Siddiquee, Teresa Wu, Han Hu, Ying Sun | (参考訳) 画像を正確かつ効率的に分類する能力は、大きなラベル付きデータセットへのアクセスと、モデルがトレーニングされた同じドメインからのデータテストに依存する。
本稿では、人間の目から見た画像の品質の観点からモデルを評価するために設計されたFIDのような一般的なメトリクスとは対照的に、クロスドメイン分類アプリケーションをサポートするために設計されたPseudo Supervised Metricsと呼ばれる新しい手法を紹介する。
さらに,本研究を臨界実世界問題(沸騰危機問題)に適用することにより,今後の研究の標準指標として活用できることを実証する。 The ability to classify images accurately and efficiently is dependent on having access to large labeled datasets and testing on data from the same domain that the model is trained on. Classification becomes more challenging when dealing with new data from a different domain, where collecting a large labeled dataset and training a new classifier from scratch is time-consuming, expensive, and sometimes infeasible or impossible. Cross-domain classification frameworks were developed to handle this data domain shift problem by utilizing unsupervised image-to-image (UI2I) translation models to translate an input image from the unlabeled domain to the labeled domain. The problem with these unsupervised models lies in their unsupervised nature. For lack of annotations, it is not possible to use the traditional supervised metrics to evaluate these translation models to pick the best-saved checkpoint model. In this paper, we introduce a new method called Pseudo Supervised Metrics that was designed specifically to support cross-domain classification applications contrary to other typically used metrics such as the FID which was designed to evaluate the model in terms of the quality of the generated image from a human-eye perspective. We show that our metric not only outperforms unsupervised metrics such as the FID, but is also highly correlated with the true supervised metrics, robust, and explainable. Furthermore, we demonstrate that it can be used as a standard metric for future research in this field by applying it to a critical real-world problem (the boiling crisis problem). | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 17:22:26 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# erm++: ドメインの一般化のためのベースラインの改善 ERM++: An Improved Baseline for Domain Generalization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.01973v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Piotr Teterwak, Kuniaki Saito, Theodoros Tsiligkaridis, Kate Saenko, Bryan A. Plummer | (参考訳) マルチソースドメイン一般化(DG)は、訓練されていないデータの新しい分布に一般化する分類器の能力を測定する。
コードはhttps://github.com/piotr-teterwak/erm_plusplusでリリースされる。 Multi-source Domain Generalization (DG) measures a classifier's ability to generalize to new distributions of data it was not trained on, given several training domains. While several multi-source DG methods have been proposed, they incur additional complexity during training by using domain labels. Recent work has shown that a well-tuned Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) training procedure, that is simply minimizing the empirical risk on the source domains, can outperform most existing DG methods. We identify several key candidate techniques to further improve ERM performance, such as better utilization of training data, model parameter selection, and weight-space regularization. We call the resulting method ERM++, and show it significantly improves the performance of DG on five multi-source datasets by over 5% compared to standard ERM, and beats state-of-the-art despite being less computationally expensive. Additionally, we demonstrate the efficacy of ERM++ on the WILDS-FMOW dataset, a challenging DG benchmark. We hope that ERM++ becomes a strong baseline for future DG research. Code is released at https://github.com/piotr-teterwak/erm_plusplus. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 17:12:57 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 善良で再現可能な結果が粘土の足を持つ巨人である場合: nlpにおけるソフトウェア品質の重要性 When Good and Reproducible Results are a Giant with Feet of Clay: The Importance of Software Quality in NLP ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.16166v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sara Papi, Marco Gaido, Andrea Pilzer, Matteo Negri | (参考訳) 実験において重要な役割を担っているにもかかわらず、コードの正確性は結果の質に基づいてのみ推測される。
この対策として,ニューラルモデルテスト専用のライブラリであるコード品質チェックリストとリリースパンゴリNNを提案し,コーディングベストプラクティスの促進とNLPコミュニティにおける研究ソフトウェア品質の向上を目標としている。 Despite its crucial role in research experiments, code correctness is often presumed only on the basis of the perceived quality of results. This assumption comes with the risk of erroneous outcomes and potentially misleading findings. To address this issue, we posit that the current focus on reproducibility should go hand in hand with the emphasis on software quality. We present a case study in which we identify and fix three bugs in widely used implementations of the state-of-the-art Conformer architecture. Through experiments on speech recognition and translation in various languages, we demonstrate that the presence of bugs does not prevent the achievement of good and reproducible results, which however can lead to incorrect conclusions that potentially misguide future research. As a countermeasure, we propose a Code-quality Checklist and release pangoliNN, a library dedicated to testing neural models, with the goal of promoting coding best practices and improving research software quality within the NLP community. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 17:11:35 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# duett: 電子健康記録用のデュアルイベントタイムトランスフォーマー DuETT: Dual Event Time Transformer for Electronic Health Records ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.13017v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Alex Labach, Aslesha Pokhrel, Xiao Shi Huang, Saba Zuberi, Seung Eun Yi, Maksims Volkovs, Tomi Poutanen, Rahul G. Krishnan | (参考訳) 病院で記録された電子健康記録(ehrs)は、通常、高いスパーシティと不規則な観察によって特徴づけられる幅広い数値時系列データを含んでいる。
モデル事前学習のためのリッチで情報的な信号を提供する自己教師型予測タスクを訓練すると、MIMIC-IVおよびPhystoNet-2012 EHRデータセットから得られた複数の下流タスクにおける最先端のディープラーニングモデルよりも優れる。 Electronic health records (EHRs) recorded in hospital settings typically contain a wide range of numeric time series data that is characterized by high sparsity and irregular observations. Effective modelling for such data must exploit its time series nature, the semantic relationship between different types of observations, and information in the sparsity structure of the data. Self-supervised Transformers have shown outstanding performance in a variety of structured tasks in NLP and computer vision. But multivariate time series data contains structured relationships over two dimensions: time and recorded event type, and straightforward applications of Transformers to time series data do not leverage this distinct structure. The quadratic scaling of self-attention layers can also significantly limit the input sequence length without appropriate input engineering. We introduce the DuETT architecture, an extension of Transformers designed to attend over both time and event type dimensions, yielding robust representations from EHR data. DuETT uses an aggregated input where sparse time series are transformed into a regular sequence with fixed length; this lowers the computational complexity relative to previous EHR Transformer models and, more importantly, enables the use of larger and deeper neural networks. When trained with self-supervised prediction tasks, that provide rich and informative signals for model pre-training, our model outperforms state-of-the-art deep learning models on multiple downstream tasks from the MIMIC-IV and PhysioNet-2012 EHR datasets. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 17:00:54 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ロデオ投影の最適化 Optimizing rodeo projection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.19952v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Thomas D. Cohen, Hyunwoo Oh | (参考訳) ロデオアルゴリズムは、離散スペクトル系に対する固定エネルギー状態への与えられた初期状態の投影のための量子コンピューティングの効率的な方法として最近提案されている。
これを行うための鍵は、極端に最大スケールから指数関数的に小さなスケールへと、指数関数的に多くのスケールで変化する時間を選択することである。 The rodeo algorithm has been proposed recently as an efficient method in quantum computing for projection of a given initial state onto a state of fixed energy for systems with discrete spectra. In the initial formulation of the rodeo algorithm these times were chosen randomly via a Gaussian distribution with fixed RMS times. In this paper it is shown that such a random approach for choosing times suffers from exponentially large fluctuations in the suppression of unwanted components: as the number of iterations gets large, the distribution of suppression factors obtained from random selection approaches a log-normal distribution leading to remarkably large fluctuations. We note that by choosing times intentionally rather than randomly such fluctuations can be avoided and strict upper bounds on the suppression can be obtained. Moreover, the average suppression using fixed computational cost can be reduced by many orders of magnitude relative to the random algorithm. A key to doing this is to choose times that vary over exponentially many times scales, starting from a modest maximum scale and going down to time scales exponentially smaller. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 16:54:42 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 光電子ホログラフィーにおける前方およびハイブリッド経路積分法:サブバリア補正、初期サンプリングおよび運動量マッピング Forward and hybrid path-integral methods in photoelectron holography: sub-barrier corrections, initial sampling and momentum mapping ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.14501v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | L. Cruz Rodriguez, T. Rook, B. B. Augstein, A. S. Maxwell, C. Figueira de Morisson Faria | (参考訳) 本研究では,CQSFA(R-CQSFA)とH-CQSFA(H-CQSFA)の2つの強磁場経路積分法を構築した。
これらの手法は標準クーロン量子軌道強磁場近似 (cqsfa) と同じ出発点を持つが、それらの実装は軌道のダイナミクスを事前に知る必要はない。
我々は,標準のCQSFA と \textit{ab-initio} メソッドとの比較を行い,CQSFA の標準的,純粋に境界型実装がトラジェクトリの全セットを排除していることを示す。
異なる初期サンプリング分布, 等式, およびそれらがPMDに与える影響を探索する。
この結果は,異なる種類の干渉軌道に対する初期から最終モーメントマッピングを用いて説明される。 We construct two strong-field path integral methods with full Coulomb distortion, in which the quantum pathways are mimicked by interfering electron orbits: the rate-based CQSFA (R-CQSFA) and the hybrid forward-boundary CQSFA (H-CQSFA). The methods have the same starting point as the standard Coulomb quantum-orbit strong-field approximation (CQSFA), but their implementation does not require pre-knowledge of the orbits' dynamics. These methods are applied to ultrafast photoelectron holography. In the rate-based method, electron orbits are forward propagated and we derive a non-adiabatic ionization rate from the CQSFA, which includes sub-barrier Coulomb corrections and is used to weight the initial orbit ensemble. In the H-CQSFA, the initial ensemble provides initial guesses for a subsequent boundary problem and serves to include or exclude specific momentum regions, but the ionization probabilities associated with individual trajectories are computed from sub-barrier complex integrals. We perform comparisons with the standard CQSFA and \textit{ab-initio} methods, which show that the standard, purely boundary-type implementation of the CQSFA leaves out whole sets of trajectories. We show that the sub-barrier Coulomb corrections broaden the resulting photoelectron momentum distributions (PMDs) and improve the agreement of the R-CQSFA with the H-CQSFA and other approaches. We probe different initial sampling distributions, uniform and otherwise, and their influence on the PMDs. We find that initial biased sampling emphasizes rescattering ridges and interference patterns in high-energy ranges, while an initial uniform sampling guarantees accurate modeling of the holographic patterns near the ionization threshold or polarization axis. Our results are explained using the initial to final momentum mapping for different types of interfering trajectories. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 16:53:28 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 大規模言語モデルにおける量子化器の理解:逆スケーリングのもう一つの例 Probing Quantifier Comprehension in Large Language Models: Another Example of Inverse Scaling ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.07384v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Akshat Gupta | (参考訳) 大きな言語モデル(LLM)は、そのサイズが大きくなるにつれて、言語理解タスクがますます得意になってきています。
また, LLMにおける量化器の理解度を測る別の手法を提案するとともに, LLMは, LLMの量化器のサイズが大きくなるにつれて, 少数型と最多型の量化器の意味の違いをよりよく理解できることを示した。
また、LLMにおける言語理解の評価における量化器理解の関連性についても論じる。 With their increasing size, large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly good at language understanding tasks. But even with high performance on specific downstream task, LLMs fail at simple linguistic tests for negation or quantifier understanding. Previous work on quantifier understanding in LLMs show inverse scaling in understanding few-type quantifiers. In this paper, we question the claims of of previous work and show that it is a result of inappropriate testing methodology. We also present alternate methods to measure quantifier comprehension in LLMs and show that LLMs are able to better understand the difference between the meaning of few-type and most-type quantifiers as their size increases, although they are not particularly good at it. We also observe inverse scaling for most-type quantifier understanding, which is contrary to human psycho-linguistic experiments and previous work, where the model's understanding of most-type quantifier gets worse as the model size increases. We do this evaluation on models ranging from 125M-175B parameters, which suggests that LLMs do not do as well as expected with quantifiers. We also discuss the possible reasons for this and the relevance of quantifier understanding in evaluating language understanding in LLMs. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 16:41:36 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# IP行列モデルにおけるクリロフ複雑性II Krylov complexity in the IP matrix model II ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07567v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Norihiro Iizuka, Mitsuhiro Nishida | (参考訳) IP行列モデルにおけるクリロフ複雑性の解析を継続する。
前回の論文では、基本作用素に対して、クリロフ複雑性はゼロ温度で振動し成長しないことを示したが、無限温度の極限では、クリロフ複雑性は $\sim \exp\left( {\mathcal{O}\left( {\sqrt{t}}\right)} \right)$ として指数関数的に増加する。
ここで、ランチョス係数は定数であり、クリロフ複雑性は予想通り指数関数的に増大しない。 We continue the analysis of the Krylov complexity in the IP matrix model. In a previous paper, for a fundamental operator, it was shown that at zero temperature, the Krylov complexity oscillates and does not grow, but in the infinite temperature limit, the Krylov complexity grows exponentially in time as $\sim \exp\left( {\mathcal{O}\left( {\sqrt{t}}\right)} \right)$. We study how the Krylov complexity changes from a zero-temperature oscillation to an infinite-temperature exponential growth. At low temperatures, the spectral density is approximated as collections of infinite Wigner semicircles. We showed that this infinite collection of branch cuts yields linear growth to the Lanczos coefficients and gives exponential growth of the Krylov complexity. Thus the IP model for any nonzero temperature shows exponential growth for the Krylov complexity even though the Green function decays by a power law in time. We also study the Lanczos coefficients and the Krylov complexity in the IOP matrix model taking into account the $1/N^2$ corrections. There, the Lanczos coefficients are constants and the Krylov complexity does not grow exponentially as expected. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 16:14:47 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# メタ認知プロンプトは大規模言語モデルの理解を改善する Metacognitive Prompting Improves Understanding in Large Language Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.05342v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yuqing Wang, Yun Zhao | (参考訳) 大規模言語モデル(llm)では、タスク固有のパフォーマンスが一貫して向上しており、主に効果的なプロンプト設計の影響を受けている。
我々の実験ではllama2, vicuna, palm, gpt-3.5, gpt-4の5つのllmを用いて,glueおよびsuperglueベンチマークによる汎用自然言語理解(nlu)タスクに適用した。
その結果、GPT-4は、ほとんどのタスクにおいて一貫して優れているが、MPを装備した PaLM はその性能レベルに近づいた。
本研究は、LLMの理解能力を増幅する可能性を強調し、NLUタスクにおける人間の内省的推論を反映する利点を強調した。 In Large Language Models (LLMs), there have been consistent advancements in task-specific performance, largely influenced by effective prompt design. While recent research on prompting has enhanced the reasoning capabilities of LLMs, a gap remains in further improving their understanding abilities. In this study, we introduce Metacognitive Prompting (MP), a strategy inspired by human introspective reasoning processes. Using MP, LLMs undergo a systematic series of structured, self-aware evaluations, drawing on both their vast inherent knowledge and new insights. Our experiments involve five prevalent LLMs: Llama2, Vicuna, PaLM, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4, all of which span various general natural language understanding (NLU) tasks from the GLUE and SuperGLUE benchmarks. Results indicate that, although GPT-4 consistently excels in most tasks, PaLM, when equipped with MP, approaches its performance level. Furthermore, across models and datasets, MP consistently outperforms existing prompting methods, including standard and chain-of-thought prompting. This study underscores the potential to amplify the understanding abilities of LLMs and highlights the benefits of mirroring human introspective reasoning in NLU tasks. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 16:14:24 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# PeRP: 協調諮問システムによる混雑軽減のための個人化残留政策 PeRP: Personalized Residual Policies For Congestion Mitigation Through Co-operative Advisory Systems ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.00864v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Aamir Hasan, Neeloy Chakraborty, Haonan Chen, Jung-Hoon Cho, Cathy Wu, Katherine Driggs-Campbell | (参考訳) インテリジェントな運転システムは単純な行動を通じて渋滞を緩和し、通勤時間やガスコストといった社会経済的要因を改善できる。
Piecewise Constant (PC) Policiesは、密集したシナリオにおける交通渋滞を減らすために、人間の運転に追従するアクションアドバイスを提供するために、人間の運転の類似性を構造的にモデル化することで、これらの問題に対処する。
提案手法は,運転者の行動に適応しながら渋滞を軽減し,ベースラインよりも平均速度が4~22%向上することを示す。 Intelligent driving systems can be used to mitigate congestion through simple actions, thus improving many socioeconomic factors such as commute time and gas costs. However, these systems assume precise control over autonomous vehicle fleets, and are hence limited in practice as they fail to account for uncertainty in human behavior. Piecewise Constant (PC) Policies address these issues by structurally modeling the likeness of human driving to reduce traffic congestion in dense scenarios to provide action advice to be followed by human drivers. However, PC policies assume that all drivers behave similarly. To this end, we develop a co-operative advisory system based on PC policies with a novel driver trait conditioned Personalized Residual Policy, PeRP. PeRP advises drivers to behave in ways that mitigate traffic congestion. We first infer the driver's intrinsic traits on how they follow instructions in an unsupervised manner with a variational autoencoder. Then, a policy conditioned on the inferred trait adapts the action of the PC policy to provide the driver with a personalized recommendation. Our system is trained in simulation with novel driver modeling of instruction adherence. We show that our approach successfully mitigates congestion while adapting to different driver behaviors, with 4 to 22% improvement in average speed over baselines. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 16:12:33 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# エルミート保存マップ指数による非理学作用の実現 Realizing Non-Physical Actions through Hermitian-Preserving Map Exponentiation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07956v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Fuchuan Wei, Zhenhuan Liu, Guoding Liu, Zizhao Han, Xiongfeng Ma, Dong-Ling Deng, Zhengwei Liu | (参考訳) 量子力学はコヒーレンスや絡み合いのような様々な異なる性質を特徴としており、情報処理における古典的手法に比べて潜在的に有利であることを示すことができる。
本研究は, 量子デバイスによる非物理的動作を系統的かつ効率的に実装し, 幅広い情報処理タスクにおける潜在的な量子的優位性を探究する道筋を示す。 Quantum mechanics features a variety of distinct properties such as coherence and entanglement, which could be explored to showcase potential advantages over classical counterparts in information processing. In general, legitimate quantum operations must adhere to principles of quantum mechanics, particularly the requirements of complete positivity and trace preservation. Nonetheless, non-physical maps, especially Hermitian-preserving maps, play a crucial role in quantum information science. To date, there exists no effective method for implementing these non-physical maps with quantum devices. In this work, we introduce the Hermitian-preserving map exponentiation algorithm, which can effectively realize the action of an arbitrary Hermitian-preserving map by encoding its output into a quantum process. We analyze the performances of this algorithm, including its sample complexity and robustness, and prove its optimality in certain cases. When combined with algorithms such as the Hadamard test and quantum phase estimation, it allows for the extraction of information and generation of states from outputs of Hermitian-preserving maps, enabling various applications. Utilizing positive but not completely positive maps, this algorithm provides exponential advantages in entanglement detection and quantification compared to protocols based on single-copy operations. In addition, it facilitates the recovery of noiseless quantum states from multiple copies of noisy states by implementing the inverse map of the corresponding noise channel, offering an intriguing approach to handling quantum errors. Our findings present a pathway for systematically and efficiently implementing non-physical actions with quantum devices, thereby boosting the exploration of potential quantum advantages across a wide range of information processing tasks. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 16:05:46 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# APACE:AlphaFold2と生物物理学の発見を加速するサービスとしての高度なコンピューティング APACE: AlphaFold2 and advanced computing as a service for accelerated discovery in biophysics ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07954v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Hyun Park, Parth Patel, Roland Haas, E. A. Huerta | (参考訳) アミノ酸配列からタンパク質3d構造の予測は生物物理学において大きな課題であり、薬物の発見からゲノム解析まで、ロバストなタンパク質構造予測アルゴリズムにおいて重要な役割を果たしている。
デルタスーパーコンピュータにAPACEを配置し, 6AWO, 6OAN, 7MEZ, 6D6Uの4つの類似タンパク質を用いて, 正確なタンパク質構造予測の性能を定量化した。
最大200アンサンブルを使用して、Deltaの50ノードに分散し、200 A100 NVIDIA GPUに相当する結果、APACEは市販のAlphaFold2実装よりも最大2桁高速で、数週間から数分に短縮できることがわかった。
この計算手法は、科学的な発見を自動化し、加速するために、ロボット研究所と容易に関連付けられる。 The prediction of protein 3D structure from amino acid sequence is a computational grand challenge in biophysics, and plays a key role in robust protein structure prediction algorithms, from drug discovery to genome interpretation. The advent of AI models, such as AlphaFold, is revolutionizing applications that depend on robust protein structure prediction algorithms. To maximize the impact, and ease the usability, of these novel AI tools we introduce APACE, AlphaFold2 and advanced computing as a service, a novel computational framework that effectively handles this AI model and its TB-size database to conduct accelerated protein structure prediction analyses in modern supercomputing environments. We deployed APACE in the Delta supercomputer, and quantified its performance for accurate protein structure predictions using four exemplar proteins: 6AWO, 6OAN, 7MEZ, and 6D6U. Using up to 200 ensembles, distributed across 50 nodes in Delta, equivalent to 200 A100 NVIDIA GPUs, we found that APACE is up to two orders of magnitude faster than off-the-shelf AlphaFold2 implementations, reducing time-to-solution from weeks to minutes. This computational approach may be readily linked with robotics laboratories to automate and accelerate scientific discovery. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 16:05:20 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ピック・プレイスにおける対称性の活用 Leveraging Symmetries in Pick and Place ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07948v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Haojie Huang, Dian Wang, Arsh Tangri, Robin Walters, Robert Platt | (参考訳) ロボットピックと配置タスクは、選択対象と所望の場所ポーズの両方の翻訳と回転の下で対称である。
transporter netとして知られる最近提案されたpick and placeフレームワークは、これらの対称性の一部をキャプチャするが、すべてではない。
Equivariant Transporter Net と呼ばれる新しいモデルは、ピック・アンド・プレイス・対称性に同値であり、ピック・アンド・プレイス・ポーズに即座に知識を一般化することができる。
実験結果から,非対称型モデルよりもサンプル効率が良好であることを示し,様々な模倣学習タスクにおいて,人間によるごく少数のデモンストレーションを用いて,実演されたピック・アンド・プレース動作を模倣できるシステムを開発した。 Robotic pick and place tasks are symmetric under translations and rotations of both the object to be picked and the desired place pose. For example, if the pick object is rotated or translated, then the optimal pick action should also rotate or translate. The same is true for the place pose; if the desired place pose changes, then the place action should also transform accordingly. A recently proposed pick and place framework known as Transporter Net captures some of these symmetries, but not all. This paper analytically studies the symmetries present in planar robotic pick and place and proposes a method of incorporating equivariant neural models into Transporter Net in a way that captures all symmetries. The new model, which we call Equivariant Transporter Net, is equivariant to both pick and place symmetries and can immediately generalize pick and place knowledge to different pick and place poses. We evaluate the new model empirically and show that it is much more sample efficient than the non-symmetric version, resulting in a system that can imitate demonstrated pick and place behavior using very few human demonstrations on a variety of imitation learning tasks. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 16:04:40 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# トポロジカルデータ分析によるポートフォリオ選択 Portfolio Selection via Topological Data Analysis ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07944v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Petr Sokerin, Kristian Kuznetsov, Elizaveta Makhneva, Alexey Zaytsev | (参考訳) ポートフォリオマネジメントは投資決定の重要な部分です。
提案手法では, トポロジカルデータ解析(TDA)に基づく特徴を表現の生成に利用し, データのトポロジカル構造を解明する。
この優れたパフォーマンスは、異なるタイムフレームに対して一貫性があり、ポートフォリオ選択の強力なツールとしてのtdaの有効性が示唆されている。 Portfolio management is an essential part of investment decision-making. However, traditional methods often fail to deliver reasonable performance. This problem stems from the inability of these methods to account for the unique characteristics of multivariate time series data from stock markets. We present a two-stage method for constructing an investment portfolio of common stocks. The method involves the generation of time series representations followed by their subsequent clustering. Our approach utilizes features based on Topological Data Analysis (TDA) for the generation of representations, allowing us to elucidate the topological structure within the data. Experimental results show that our proposed system outperforms other methods. This superior performance is consistent over different time frames, suggesting the viability of TDA as a powerful tool for portfolio selection. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 16:03:57 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ニューラルネットワーク間のアナフォリック構造 Anaphoric Structure Emerges Between Neural Networks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07984v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Nicholas Edwards, Hannah Rohde, and Henry Conklin | (参考訳) プラグマティクスは自然言語の中核であり、話者はエリプシスやアナフォラのような構造と効率的にコミュニケーションでき、意味を失うことなく発話を短縮できる。
我々は、特定の実用的構造は、明示的な効率のプレッシャーなしに、ニューラルネットワーク間で直接現れるが、話者とリスナーの競合するニーズは、その出現の度合いと性質を条件付けると結論付けた。 Pragmatics is core to natural language, enabling speakers to communicate efficiently with structures like ellipsis and anaphora that can shorten utterances without loss of meaning. These structures require a listener to interpret an ambiguous form - like a pronoun - and infer the speaker's intended meaning - who that pronoun refers to. Despite potential to introduce ambiguity, anaphora is ubiquitous across human language. In an effort to better understand the origins of anaphoric structure in natural language, we look to see if analogous structures can emerge between artificial neural networks trained to solve a communicative task. We show that: first, despite the potential for increased ambiguity, languages with anaphoric structures are learnable by neural models. Second, anaphoric structures emerge between models 'naturally' without need for additional constraints. Finally, introducing an explicit efficiency pressure on the speaker increases the prevalence of these structures. We conclude that certain pragmatic structures straightforwardly emerge between neural networks, without explicit efficiency pressures, but that the competing needs of speakers and listeners conditions the degree and nature of their emergence. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:55:29 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ベイズ線形逆問題に対するモンテカルロ誘導拡散 Monte Carlo guided Diffusion for Bayesian linear inverse problems ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07983v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Gabriel Cardoso, Yazid Janati El Idrissi, Sylvain Le Corff, Eric Moulines | (参考訳) 前方計測モデルの知識を先行モデルと組み合わせた線形逆問題(Ill-posed linear inverse problem)は、計算写真から医用画像まで様々な応用で頻繁に発生する。
このファインマン-カック問題を解くために、シークエンシャルモンテカルロ法(Sequential Monte Carlo method)を提案する。
提案アルゴリズムであるMCGdiffは理論的に基礎を成し,不測の逆問題に対処する際の競合するベースラインよりも優れていることを示す数値シミュレーションを行う。 Ill-posed linear inverse problems that combine knowledge of the forward measurement model with prior models arise frequently in various applications, from computational photography to medical imaging. Recent research has focused on solving these problems with score-based generative models (SGMs) that produce perceptually plausible images, especially in inpainting problems. In this study, we exploit the particular structure of the prior defined in the SGM to formulate recovery in a Bayesian framework as a Feynman--Kac model adapted from the forward diffusion model used to construct score-based diffusion. To solve this Feynman--Kac problem, we propose the use of Sequential Monte Carlo methods. The proposed algorithm, MCGdiff, is shown to be theoretically grounded and we provide numerical simulations showing that it outperforms competing baselines when dealing with ill-posed inverse problems. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:55:08 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# メタラーニングに基づく確率的風力予測への適応的アプローチ An Adaptive Approach for Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasting Based on Meta-Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07980v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zichao Meng, Ye Guo, and Hongbin Sun | (参考訳) 本稿では,オフラインおよびオンライン学習を含む確率的風力発電予測(WPF)の適応的手法について検討する。
シミュレーションの結果,提案手法の適応性の利点を既存手法と比較して検証した。 This paper studies an adaptive approach for probabilistic wind power forecasting (WPF) including offline and online learning procedures. In the offline learning stage, a base forecast model is trained via inner and outer loop updates of meta-learning, which endows the base forecast model with excellent adaptability to different forecast tasks, i.e., probabilistic WPF with different lead times or locations. In the online learning stage, the base forecast model is applied to online forecasting combined with incremental learning techniques. On this basis, the online forecast takes full advantage of recent information and the adaptability of the base forecast model. Two applications are developed based on our proposed approach concerning forecasting with different lead times (temporal adaptation) and forecasting for newly established wind farms (spatial adaptation), respectively. Numerical tests were conducted on real-world wind power data sets. Simulation results validate the advantages in adaptivity of the proposed methods compared with existing alternatives. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:54:55 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ヨダ: エリアを混乱させるだけです。
画像超解像に対する領域共振拡散法 YODA: You Only Diffuse Areas. An Area-Masked Diffusion Approach For Image Super-Resolution ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07977v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Brian B. Moser, Stanislav Frolov, Federico Raue, Sebastian Palacio and Andreas Dengel | (参考訳) 本研究は, 単一画像超解法(SISR)における部分拡散法である「You Only Diffuse Areas」(YODA)を紹介する。
拡散型SISR法 SR3 と SRDiff を拡張して YODA を実証的に検証した。
実験ではPSNR, SSIM, LPIPS測定値にまたがって, 対面および一般SRの性能向上を示す。
提案した空間的・時間的適応拡散機構は,注目マップ抽出技術の開発やスペーサー拡散に基づく推論遅延の最適化など,有望な研究方向を開く。 This work introduces "You Only Diffuse Areas" (YODA), a novel method for partial diffusion in Single-Image Super-Resolution (SISR). The core idea is to utilize diffusion selectively on spatial regions based on attention maps derived from the low-resolution image and the current time step in the diffusion process. This time-dependent targeting enables a more effective conversion to high-resolution outputs by focusing on areas that benefit the most from the iterative refinement process, i.e., detail-rich objects. We empirically validate YODA by extending leading diffusion-based SISR methods SR3 and SRDiff. Our experiments demonstrate new state-of-the-art performance gains in face and general SR across PSNR, SSIM, and LPIPS metrics. A notable finding is YODA's stabilization effect on training by reducing color shifts, especially when induced by small batch sizes, potentially contributing to resource-constrained scenarios. The proposed spatial and temporal adaptive diffusion mechanism opens promising research directions, including developing enhanced attention map extraction techniques and optimizing inference latency based on sparser diffusion. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:54:41 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 「欺くこと」:半真実を検知し、制御されたクレーム編集によってそれを非難する "Beware of deception": Detecting Half-Truth and Debunking it through Controlled Claim Editing ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07973v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sandeep Singamsetty, Nishtha Madaan, Sameep Mehta, Varad Bhatnagar, Pushpak Bhattacharyya | (参考訳) 真実はあるものの、究極的には偽りの表現である半真実の流行は、インターネットの利用の増加とともに高まっている。
LIAR PLUSデータセットを拡張することで、半トラック検出モデルのF1スコアが82%に達し、フィールドに新しいベンチマークが設定される。
これまでの半真理検出の試みはあったが、私たちのアプローチは、私たちの知る限りでは、初めて半真理を解き明かす試みである。 The prevalence of half-truths, which are statements containing some truth but that are ultimately deceptive, has risen with the increasing use of the internet. To help combat this problem, we have created a comprehensive pipeline consisting of a half-truth detection model and a claim editing model. Our approach utilizes the T5 model for controlled claim editing; "controlled" here means precise adjustments to select parts of a claim. Our methodology achieves an average BLEU score of 0.88 (on a scale of 0-1) and a disinfo-debunk score of 85% on edited claims. Significantly, our T5-based approach outperforms other Language Models such as GPT2, RoBERTa, PEGASUS, and Tailor, with average improvements of 82%, 57%, 42%, and 23% in disinfo-debunk scores, respectively. By extending the LIAR PLUS dataset, we achieve an F1 score of 82% for the half-truth detection model, setting a new benchmark in the field. While previous attempts have been made at half-truth detection, our approach is, to the best of our knowledge, the first to attempt to debunk half-truths. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:54:19 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# MultiSChuBERT: 文書品質予測のための効果的なマルチモーダル融合 MultiSChuBERT: Effective Multimodal Fusion for Scholarly Document Quality Prediction ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07971v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Thomas van Dongen, Lambert Schomaker | (参考訳) 学術文書の品質の自動評価は, 潜在的影響が大きい課題である。
Inception V3に基づく視覚モデルと、全文のチャンキングと計算されたBERTチャンクエンコーディング(SChuBERT)に基づくテキストモデルを組み合わせることで、SDQPにおける現在の最先端技術に3つの方法で貢献する。
BERT$_{\textrm{BASE}}$ embeddeddings, on the (log) number of citations prediction task with the ACL-BiblioMetry dataset, our MultiSChuBERT (text+visual) model obtained a $R^{2}$ score of 0.454 than the SChuBERT (text only) model。
SciBERT, scincl, SPECTER, SPECTER2.0 の埋め込みを用いた実験では、それぞれの組み込みが標準 BERT$_{\textrm{BASE}}$ の埋め込みよりも改善され、SPECTER2.0 の埋め込みが最善であることを示す。 Automatic assessment of the quality of scholarly documents is a difficult task with high potential impact. Multimodality, in particular the addition of visual information next to text, has been shown to improve the performance on scholarly document quality prediction (SDQP) tasks. We propose the multimodal predictive model MultiSChuBERT. It combines a textual model based on chunking full paper text and aggregating computed BERT chunk-encodings (SChuBERT), with a visual model based on Inception V3.Our work contributes to the current state-of-the-art in SDQP in three ways. First, we show that the method of combining visual and textual embeddings can substantially influence the results. Second, we demonstrate that gradual-unfreezing of the weights of the visual sub-model, reduces its tendency to ovefit the data, improving results. Third, we show the retained benefit of multimodality when replacing standard BERT$_{\textrm{BASE}}$ embeddings with more recent state-of-the-art text embedding models. Using BERT$_{\textrm{BASE}}$ embeddings, on the (log) number of citations prediction task with the ACL-BiblioMetry dataset, our MultiSChuBERT (text+visual) model obtains an $R^{2}$ score of 0.454 compared to 0.432 for the SChuBERT (text only) model. Similar improvements are obtained on the PeerRead accept/reject prediction task. In our experiments using SciBERT, scincl, SPECTER and SPECTER2.0 embeddings, we show that each of these tailored embeddings adds further improvements over the standard BERT$_{\textrm{BASE}}$ embeddings, with the SPECTER2.0 embeddings performing best. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:53:54 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ミラーレスレーザー:理論的な展望 Mirrorless lasing: a theoretical perspective ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07969v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Aneesh Ramaswamy, Jabir Chathanathil, Dimitra Kanta, Emmanuel Klinger, Aram Papoyan, Svetlana Shmavonyan, Aleksandr Khanbekyan, Arne Wickenbrock, Dmitry Budker, Svetlana A. Malinovskaya | (参考訳) ミラーレスラシングは、量子科学と応用に期待できる新しい地平線のために、約10年間、特に関心を集めてきた。
本研究では, この現象を説明する第一原理理論を概説し, rb原子の蒸気中における縮退ミラーレス発振, 媒質中で発生した光増幅機構と, $d_2$ ライン内の磁気サブレベル間の集団反転, 実験的実現に関する課題について論じる。 Mirrorless lasing has been a topic of particular interest for about a decade due to promising new horizons for quantum science and applications. In this work, we review first-principles theory that describes this phenomenon, and discuss degenerate mirrorless lasing in a vapor of Rb atoms, the mechanisms of amplification of light generated in the medium with population inversion between magnetic sublevels within the $D_2$ line, and challenges associated with experimental realization. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:53:14 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# LLMのパーソナライズ教育--執筆教育に触発されたアプローチ Teach LLMs to Personalize -- An Approach inspired by Writing Education ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07968v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Cheng Li, Mingyang Zhang, Qiaozhu Mei, Yaqing Wang, Spurthi Amba Hombaiah, Yi Liang, Michael Bendersky | (参考訳) パーソナライズされたテキスト生成は、近年注目を集めている新たな研究分野である。
以上の結果から, 各種のベースラインに対して有意な改善が得られた。 Personalized text generation is an emerging research area that has attracted much attention in recent years. Most studies in this direction focus on a particular domain by designing bespoke features or models. In this work, we propose a general approach for personalized text generation using large language models (LLMs). Inspired by the practice of writing education, we develop a multistage and multitask framework to teach LLMs for personalized generation. In writing instruction, the task of writing from sources is often decomposed into multiple steps that involve finding, evaluating, summarizing, synthesizing, and integrating information. Analogously, our approach to personalized text generation consists of multiple stages: retrieval, ranking, summarization, synthesis, and generation. In addition, we introduce a multitask setting that helps the model improve its generation ability further, which is inspired by the observation in education that a student's reading proficiency and writing ability are often correlated. We evaluate our approach on three public datasets, each of which covers a different and representative domain. Our results show significant improvements over a variety of baselines. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:53:05 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ブラインド顔復元による品質横断顔認証の強化 Boosting Cross-Quality Face Verification using Blind Face Restoration ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07967v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Messaoud Bengherabi, Douaa Laib, Fella Souhila Lasnami, Ryma Boussaha | (参考訳) 近年,様々なブラインドフェイス修復(bfr)技術が開発されている。
しかし, 顔認証の課題は, 低画質画像の知覚品質を高めるだけでなく, バイオメトリック・ユーティリティーの顔品質指標を改善することが重要である。
本稿では, GFP-GAN, GPEN, SGPNという最先端のブラインドフェイス修復技術が, 極めて低画質の画像が特徴とする難易度環境下での顔認証システムの性能に与える影響について検討する。
近年提案された3つの最先端深層顔認識モデルを用いたクロスクオリティlfwデータベースの広範な実験結果から,gfp-ganが顔認証精度を著しく向上させる効果が示された。 In recent years, various Blind Face Restoration (BFR) techniques were developed. These techniques transform low quality faces suffering from multiple degradations to more realistic and natural face images with high perceptual quality. However, it is crucial for the task of face verification to not only enhance the perceptual quality of the low quality images but also to improve the biometric-utility face quality metrics. Furthermore, preserving the valuable identity information is of great importance. In this paper, we investigate the impact of applying three state-of-the-art blind face restoration techniques namely, GFP-GAN, GPEN and SGPN on the performance of face verification system under very challenging environment characterized by very low quality images. Extensive experimental results on the recently proposed cross-quality LFW database using three state-of-the-art deep face recognition models demonstrate the effectiveness of GFP-GAN in boosting significantly the face verification accuracy. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:52:48 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# モンテカルロから見た化学・物理学応用のための量子コンピューティング Quantum computing for chemistry and physics applications from a Monte Carlo perspective ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07964v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Guglielmo Mazzola | (参考訳) この観点は、物理学と化学の分野における量子アルゴリズムとモンテカルロ法の間の重複に焦点をあてる。
この視点で議論された研究の多くは過去2年以内に現れており、この将来性のある研究分野への関心が急速に高まっていることを示している。 This Perspective focuses on the several overlaps between quantum algorithms and Monte Carlo methods in the domains of physics and chemistry. We will analyze the challenges and possibilities of integrating established quantum Monte Carlo solutions in quantum algorithms. These include refined energy estimators, parameter optimization, real and imaginary-time dynamics, and variational circuits. Conversely, we will review new ideas in utilizing quantum hardware to accelerate the sampling in statistical classical models, with applications in physics, chemistry, optimization, and machine learning. This review aims to be accessible to both communities and intends to foster further algorithmic developments at the intersection of quantum computing and Monte Carlo methods. Most of the works discussed in this Perspective have emerged within the last two years, indicating a rapidly growing interest in this promising area of research. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:52:30 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 多言語ニューラル表現を用いたエンドツーエンドオープン語彙検索 End-to-End Open Vocabulary Keyword Search With Multilingual Neural Representations ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08027v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Bolaji Yusuf, Jan Cernocky, Murat Saraclar | (参考訳) 従来のキーワード検索システムは自動音声認識(ASR)出力で動作し、複雑なインデックス付けと検索パイプラインを持つ。
本実験では,多言語学習がモデル性能を大幅に向上し,語彙内単語を含む短いクエリやクエリに対して,強いasrベースの従来型キーワード検索システムと一致しないにも関わらず,学習データに現れない長文クエリやクエリのasrベースシステムを上回ることを示す。 Conventional keyword search systems operate on automatic speech recognition (ASR) outputs, which causes them to have a complex indexing and search pipeline. This has led to interest in ASR-free approaches to simplify the search procedure. We recently proposed a neural ASR-free keyword search model which achieves competitive performance while maintaining an efficient and simplified pipeline, where queries and documents are encoded with a pair of recurrent neural network encoders and the encodings are combined with a dot-product. In this article, we extend this work with multilingual pretraining and detailed analysis of the model. Our experiments show that the proposed multilingual training significantly improves the model performance and that despite not matching a strong ASR-based conventional keyword search system for short queries and queries comprising in-vocabulary words, the proposed model outperforms the ASR-based system for long queries and queries that do not appear in the training data. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:44:44 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 量子経済の潜在エネルギー利用 Potential Energy Advantage of Quantum Economy ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08025v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Junyu Liu, Hansheng Jiang, Zuo-Jun Max Shen | (参考訳) エネルギーコストは、大規模機械学習モデルと言語モデルの幅広い展開によって、現代のコンピューティング業界でますます重要になっている。
実際の物理パラメータに基づき、このエネルギー効率の利点を実現するために必要な運用規模をさらに説明する。 Energy cost is increasingly crucial in the modern computing industry with the wide deployment of large-scale machine learning models and language models. For the firms that provide computing services, low energy consumption is important both from the perspective of their own market growth and the government's regulations. In this paper, we study the energy benefits of quantum computing vis-a-vis classical computing. Deviating from the conventional notion of quantum advantage based solely on computational complexity, we redefine advantage in an energy efficiency context. Through a Cournot competition model constrained by energy usage, we demonstrate quantum computing firms can outperform classical counterparts in both profitability and energy efficiency at Nash equilibrium. Therefore quantum computing may represent a more sustainable pathway for the computing industry. Moreover, we discover that the energy benefits of quantum computing economies are contingent on large-scale computation. Based on real physical parameters, we further illustrate the scale of operation necessary for realizing this energy efficiency advantage. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:44:27 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Stackelberg Trajectory Gamesにおけるアクティブ逆学習 Active Inverse Learning in Stackelberg Trajectory Games ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08017v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yue Yu, Jacob Levy, Negar Mehr, David Fridovich-Keil, and Ufuk Topcu | (参考訳) ゲーム理論の逆学習は、プレイヤーの行動から目的を推測する問題である。
一様ランダム入力と比較して,提案手法により得られたリーダ入力は,従者の軌道上で条件付けられた異なる仮説の確率の収束を桁々に促進する。 Game-theoretic inverse learning is the problem of inferring the players' objectives from their actions. We formulate an inverse learning problem in a Stackelberg game between a leader and a follower, where each player's action is the trajectory of a dynamical system. We propose an active inverse learning method for the leader to infer which hypothesis among a finite set of candidates describes the follower's objective function. Instead of using passively observed trajectories like existing methods, the proposed method actively maximizes the differences in the follower's trajectories under different hypotheses to accelerate the leader's inference. We demonstrate the proposed method in a receding-horizon repeated trajectory game. Compared with uniformly random inputs, the leader inputs provided by the proposed method accelerate the convergence of the probability of different hypotheses conditioned on the follower's trajectory by orders of magnitude. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:44:13 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Shortcut-V2V:時間冗長化に基づくビデオ間翻訳のための圧縮フレームワーク Shortcut-V2V: Compression Framework for Video-to-Video Translation based on Temporal Redundancy Reduction ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08011v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Chaeyeon Chung, Yeojeong Park, Seunghwan Choi, Munkhsoyol Ganbat, Jaegul Choo | (参考訳) ビデオからビデオへの変換は、入力ビデオから対象領域のビデオフレームを生成することを目的としている。
結果から,Shourcut-V2Vは従来のビデオ間翻訳モデルと比較して,3.2~5.7倍,テスト時に7.8~44倍のメモリを節約できることがわかった。 Video-to-video translation aims to generate video frames of a target domain from an input video. Despite its usefulness, the existing networks require enormous computations, necessitating their model compression for wide use. While there exist compression methods that improve computational efficiency in various image/video tasks, a generally-applicable compression method for video-to-video translation has not been studied much. In response, we present Shortcut-V2V, a general-purpose compression framework for video-to-video translation. Shourcut-V2V avoids full inference for every neighboring video frame by approximating the intermediate features of a current frame from those of the previous frame. Moreover, in our framework, a newly-proposed block called AdaBD adaptively blends and deforms features of neighboring frames, which makes more accurate predictions of the intermediate features possible. We conduct quantitative and qualitative evaluations using well-known video-to-video translation models on various tasks to demonstrate the general applicability of our framework. The results show that Shourcut-V2V achieves comparable performance compared to the original video-to-video translation model while saving 3.2-5.7x computational cost and 7.8-44x memory at test time. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:44:00 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# GRINN: 自己重力下での流体力学系を解く物理インフォームドニューラルネットワーク GRINN: A Physics-Informed Neural Network for solving hydrodynamic systems in the presence of self-gravity ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08010v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sayantan Auddy, Ramit Dey, Neal J. Turner, Shantanu Basu | (参考訳) 自己重力ガス流のモデリングは、天体物理学における多くの基本的な質問に答えるために不可欠である。
したがって、gnnのような物理に変形したニューラルネットワークは、3d天体フローをモデル化する能力の進歩を期待できる。 Modeling self-gravitating gas flows is essential to answering many fundamental questions in astrophysics. This spans many topics including planet-forming disks, star-forming clouds, galaxy formation, and the development of large-scale structures in the Universe. However, the nonlinear interaction between gravity and fluid dynamics offers a formidable challenge to solving the resulting time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs) in three dimensions (3D). By leveraging the universal approximation capabilities of a neural network within a mesh-free framework, physics informed neural networks (PINNs) offer a new way of addressing this challenge. We introduce the gravity-informed neural network (GRINN), a PINN-based code, to simulate 3D self-gravitating hydrodynamic systems. Here, we specifically study gravitational instability and wave propagation in an isothermal gas. Our results match a linear analytic solution to within 1\% in the linear regime and a conventional grid code solution to within 5\% as the disturbance grows into the nonlinear regime. We find that the computation time of the GRINN does not scale with the number of dimensions. This is in contrast to the scaling of the grid-based code for the hydrodynamic and self-gravity calculations as the number of dimensions is increased. Our results show that the GRINN computation time is longer than the grid code in one- and two- dimensional calculations but is an order of magnitude lesser than the grid code in 3D with similar accuracy. Physics-informed neural networks like GRINN thus show promise for advancing our ability to model 3D astrophysical flows. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:43:39 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 複雑なnexusをナビゲートする:政治情勢におけるサイバーセキュリティ Navigating the complex nexus: cybersecurity in political landscapes ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08005v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mike Nkongolo | (参考訳) 政治におけるサイバーセキュリティは、技術、ガバナンス、国際関係を交わす、重要かつ複雑な領域として現れてきた。
デジタル環境の進化の中で、アジャイルとプリエンプティブなサイバーセキュリティ戦略の衝動は、政治機関の安定性と信頼性を高める上で最重要である。 Cybersecurity in politics has emerged as a critical and intricate realm intersecting technology, governance, and international relations. In this interconnected digital context, political entities confront unparalleled challenges in securing sensitive data, upholding democratic procedures, and countering cyber threats. This study delves into the multifaceted landscape of political cybersecurity, examining the evolving landscape of cyberattacks, their impact on political stability, and strategies for bolstering digital resilience. The intricate interplay between state-sponsored hacking, disinformation campaigns, and eroding public trust underscores the imperative for robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard political system integrity. Through an extensive exploration of real-world case studies, policy frameworks, and collaborative initiatives, this research illuminates the intricate network of technological vulnerabilities, geopolitical dynamics, and ethical concerns that shape the dynamic evolution of cybersecurity in politics. Amidst evolving digital landscapes, the imperative for agile and preemptive cybersecurity strategies is paramount for upholding the stability and credibility of political institutions. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:43:13 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# BI-LAVA:アクティブラーニングとビジュアル分析による階層的画像ラベリングによるバイオキュレーション BI-LAVA: Biocuration with Hierarchical Image Labeling through Active Learning and Visual Analysis ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08003v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Juan Trelles and Andrew Wentzel and William Berrios and G. Elisabeta Marai | (参考訳) 生物医学領域では、分類学は階層構造における科学的イメージの獲得モダリティを整理する。
この戦略をbi-lava biocuration (bi-lava biocuration) というシステムで実装し,階層的な画像ラベリングを行う。
機械学習の実践者による評価では、分類学におけるクラスの特徴を理解し、ラベル付きコレクションやラベルなしコレクションのデータ品質を検証・改善する上で、ドメインエキスパートの育成に成功している。 In the biomedical domain, taxonomies organize the acquisition modalities of scientific images in hierarchical structures. Such taxonomies leverage large sets of correct image labels and provide essential information about the importance of a scientific publication, which could then be used in biocuration tasks. However, the hierarchical nature of the labels, the overhead of processing images, the absence or incompleteness of labeled data, and the expertise required to label this type of data impede the creation of useful datasets for biocuration. From a multi-year collaboration with biocurators and text-mining researchers, we derive an iterative visual analytics and active learning strategy to address these challenges. We implement this strategy in a system called BI-LAVA Biocuration with Hierarchical Image Labeling through Active Learning and Visual Analysis. BI-LAVA leverages a small set of image labels, a hierarchical set of image classifiers, and active learning to help model builders deal with incomplete ground-truth labels, target a hierarchical taxonomy of image modalities, and classify a large pool of unlabeled images. BI-LAVA's front end uses custom encodings to represent data distributions, taxonomies, image projections, and neighborhoods of image thumbnails, which help model builders explore an unfamiliar image dataset and taxonomy and correct and generate labels. An evaluation with machine learning practitioners shows that our mixed human-machine approach successfully supports domain experts in understanding the characteristics of classes within the taxonomy, as well as validating and improving data quality in labeled and unlabeled collections. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:42:53 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# A^2$Nav:基礎モデルの視覚・言語能力の爆発によるアクション対応ゼロショットロボットナビゲーション $A^2$Nav: Action-Aware Zero-Shot Robot Navigation by Exploiting Vision-and-Language Ability of Foundation Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07997v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Peihao Chen, Xinyu Sun, Hongyan Zhi, Runhao Zeng, Thomas H. Li, Gaowen Liu, Mingkui Tan, Chuang Gan | (参考訳) 本研究では,ゼロショット視覚言語ナビゲーション(zs-vln, zero-shot vision-and-language navigation)の課題について検討する。
通常、命令は複雑な文法構造を持ち、様々な動作記述(例えば "proceed beyond" や "depart from" など)を含んでいる。
大規模な実験によると、$A^2$NavはZS-VLNのパフォーマンスを期待でき、R2R-HabitatデータセットとRxR-Habitatデータセットの教師付き学習方法を超えている。 We study the task of zero-shot vision-and-language navigation (ZS-VLN), a practical yet challenging problem in which an agent learns to navigate following a path described by language instructions without requiring any path-instruction annotation data. Normally, the instructions have complex grammatical structures and often contain various action descriptions (e.g., "proceed beyond", "depart from"). How to correctly understand and execute these action demands is a critical problem, and the absence of annotated data makes it even more challenging. Note that a well-educated human being can easily understand path instructions without the need for any special training. In this paper, we propose an action-aware zero-shot VLN method ($A^2$Nav) by exploiting the vision-and-language ability of foundation models. Specifically, the proposed method consists of an instruction parser and an action-aware navigation policy. The instruction parser utilizes the advanced reasoning ability of large language models (e.g., GPT-3) to decompose complex navigation instructions into a sequence of action-specific object navigation sub-tasks. Each sub-task requires the agent to localize the object and navigate to a specific goal position according to the associated action demand. To accomplish these sub-tasks, an action-aware navigation policy is learned from freely collected action-specific datasets that reveal distinct characteristics of each action demand. We use the learned navigation policy for executing sub-tasks sequentially to follow the navigation instruction. Extensive experiments show $A^2$Nav achieves promising ZS-VLN performance and even surpasses the supervised learning methods on R2R-Habitat and RxR-Habitat datasets. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:42:14 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# マルコフ環境における量子システム Quantum systems in Markovian environments ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07996v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Henryk Gzyl | (参考訳) 本研究では,ハミルトニアンが環境変化に依存するかもしれない量子系をモデル化する数学的枠組みを開発し,マルコフ過程に従って進化する。
観測対象の期待値を予測するために,環境を平均化する方法を示す。 In this work, we develop a mathematical framework to model a quantum system whose Hamiltonian may depend on the state of changing environment, that evolves according to a Markovian process. When the environment changes its state, the quantum system may suffer a shock that produces an instantaneous transition among its states. The model that we propose can be readily adapted to more general settings.\\ To avoid collateral analytical issues, we consider the case of quantum systems with finite dimensional state space, in which case the observables are described by Hermitian matrices. We show how to average over the environment to predict the expected values of observables. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:41:42 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ワイル半金属の歪2次元層に基づくスピン場効果トランジスタ A Spin Field Effect Transistor Based on a Strained Two Dimensional Layer of a Weyl Semimetal ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07986v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Rahnuma Rahman and Supriyo Bandyopadhyay | (参考訳) スピン場効果トランジスタ (spinfet) は、強磁性源とドレイン接点の間にある半導体チャネルにおけるゲートチューニングスピン軌道相互作用を利用してトランジスタ機能を導出するスピントロンデバイスの象徴的クラスである。
これらの特異な性質はニッチな応用があるかもしれない。 Spin field effect transistors (SpinFET) are an iconic class of spintronic devices that exploit gate tuned spin-orbit interaction in semiconductor channels interposed between ferromagnetic source and drain contacts to elicit transistor functionality. Recently, a new type of SpinFET based on gate tuned strain in quantum materials (e.g. topological insulators) has been proposed and may have interesting analog applications, such as in frequency multiplication, by virtue of its unusual oscillatory transfer characteristic. Here, we propose and analyze yet another type of SpinFET in this class, which may have a different application. It is based on a Weyl semimetal. Because the operating principle is non-classical, the channel conductance shows oscillatory dependence on the channel length at zero gate voltage. Furthermore, the transconductance can switch sign if the channel length is varied. This latter feature can be exploited to implement a complementary device like CMOS by connecting two such SpinFETs of slightly different channel lengths in series. These unusual properties may have niche applications. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:41:34 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# グラフカラーリングの量子最適化におけるqutritsの可能性の検討 Exploring the Potential of Qutrits for Quantum Optimization of Graph Coloring ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08050v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Gabriel Bottrill, Mudit Pandey, Olivia Di Matteo | (参考訳) 近年のハードウェア実証と回路コンパイルの進歩により、短期デバイス上の高次元システム(キューディット)を用いた量子コンピューティングが魅力的な可能性となった。
本稿では, 量子近似最適化アルゴリズム (QAOA) を用いて, グラフの3色化を定式化し, 量子近似アルゴリズム(QAOA) を用いてこの問題を解く。
qutrit-based cost and mixer hamiltonianは、qutritゲートを用いた適切な量子回路と共に構築される。
この研究は、クォートリットが近距離デバイス上のいくつかの問題を解決するのに有用であることを示しているが、ノイズの多い環境におけるその可能性を評価するにはさらなる作業が必要であることを示唆している。 Recent hardware demonstrations and advances in circuit compilation have made quantum computing with higher-dimensional systems (qudits) on near-term devices an attractive possibility. Some problems have more natural or optimal encodings using qudits over qubits. We explore this potential by formulating graph 3-coloring, a well-known and difficult problem with practical applications, using qutrits, and solve it using the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA). Qutrit-based cost and mixer Hamiltonians are constructed along with appropriate quantum circuits using qutrit gates. We run noiseless simulations using PennyLane to compare the formulation against qubit-based QAOA, and analyze the solution quality and resources required. Preliminary results show that the qutrit encoding finds more accurate solutions with a comparable set of hyperparameters, uses half as many qudits, and has a notably smaller circuit depth per layer than an efficient qubit encoding. This work suggests that qutrits may be useful in solving some problems on near-term devices, however further work is required to assess their potential in a noisy environment. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:36:07 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# マルチエージェントマルチアームバンドにおけるレギュレット下界 Regret Lower Bounds in Multi-agent Multi-armed Bandit ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08046v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mengfan Xu, Diego Klabjan | (参考訳) 多腕バンディットは、後悔の証明可能な上界を持つ手法を動機付け、他方の下界もこの文脈で広く研究されている。
具体的には、グラフが良好な接続性を示し、報酬が確率的に分布しているとき、平均ギャップ独立境界に対して$O(\log T)$と$\sqrt{T}$の下位境界を示す。
逆の報酬を仮定すると、連結グラフに対して下限 $o(t^{\frac{2}{3}})$ を定め、これにより前作業における下限と上限の間のギャップを橋渡しする。
先行研究では,これらの設定を上界で検討してきたが,下界の密接性について徹底的な研究を行っている。 Multi-armed Bandit motivates methods with provable upper bounds on regret and also the counterpart lower bounds have been extensively studied in this context. Recently, Multi-agent Multi-armed Bandit has gained significant traction in various domains, where individual clients face bandit problems in a distributed manner and the objective is the overall system performance, typically measured by regret. While efficient algorithms with regret upper bounds have emerged, limited attention has been given to the corresponding regret lower bounds, except for a recent lower bound for adversarial settings, which, however, has a gap with let known upper bounds. To this end, we herein provide the first comprehensive study on regret lower bounds across different settings and establish their tightness. Specifically, when the graphs exhibit good connectivity properties and the rewards are stochastically distributed, we demonstrate a lower bound of order $O(\log T)$ for instance-dependent bounds and $\sqrt{T}$ for mean-gap independent bounds which are tight. Assuming adversarial rewards, we establish a lower bound $O(T^{\frac{2}{3}})$ for connected graphs, thereby bridging the gap between the lower and upper bound in the prior work. We also show a linear regret lower bound when the graph is disconnected. While previous works have explored these settings with upper bounds, we provide a thorough study on tight lower bounds. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:35:46 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# DiagGPT:タスク指向対話の自動トピック管理によるLLMベースのチャットボット DiagGPT: An LLM-based Chatbot with Automatic Topic Management for Task-Oriented Dialogue ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08043v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Lang Cao | (参考訳) ChatGPTのような大規模言語モデル(LLM)は、ますます洗練され、人間のものとよく似た能力を示している。
本稿では,LDMをTODシナリオに拡張する革新的な手法であるDiagGPT(Dialogue in diagnosis GPT)を紹介する。
実験の結果,DiagGPTはユーザとTODを行う上で優れた性能を示し,実用化の可能性を示した。 Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, are becoming increasingly sophisticated, demonstrating capabilities that closely resemble those of humans. These AI models are playing an essential role in assisting humans with a wide array of tasks in daily life. A significant application of AI is its use as a chat agent, responding to human inquiries across various domains. Current LLMs have shown proficiency in answering general questions. However, basic question-answering dialogue often falls short in complex diagnostic scenarios, such as legal or medical consultations. These scenarios typically necessitate Task-Oriented Dialogue (TOD), wherein an AI chat agent needs to proactively pose questions and guide users towards specific task completion. Previous fine-tuning models have underperformed in TOD, and current LLMs do not inherently possess this capability. In this paper, we introduce DiagGPT (Dialogue in Diagnosis GPT), an innovative method that extends LLMs to TOD scenarios. Our experiments reveal that DiagGPT exhibits outstanding performance in conducting TOD with users, demonstrating its potential for practical applications. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:35:18 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 2次元断面視による脾体積推定のための深層学習フレームワーク Deep Learning Framework for Spleen Volume Estimation from 2D Cross-sectional Views ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08038v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhen Yuan, Esther Puyol-Anton, Haran Jogeesvaran, Baba Inusa and Andrew P. King | (参考訳) 異常脾腫 (splenomegaly) は, 肝疾患, 癌, 血液疾患など, 様々な疾患の臨床的指標である。
比較深層学習に基づく2D-3D再構成法と手動による線形回帰法の臨床標準手法の性能を上回り, 単視点と二視点のセグメンテーションでは86.62\%, 92.58\%の平均体積精度を達成した。
私たちの知る限りでは、これは2次元脾臓セグメンテーションから直接3d脾臓体積推定を達成する最初の仕事です。 Abnormal spleen enlargement (splenomegaly) is regarded as a clinical indicator for a range of conditions, including liver disease, cancer and blood diseases. While spleen length measured from ultrasound images is a commonly used surrogate for spleen size, spleen volume remains the gold standard metric for assessing splenomegaly and the severity of related clinical conditions. Computed tomography is the main imaging modality for measuring spleen volume, but it is less accessible in areas where there is a high prevalence of splenomegaly (e.g., the Global South). Our objective was to enable automated spleen volume measurement from 2D cross-sectional segmentations, which can be obtained from ultrasound imaging. In this study, we describe a variational autoencoder-based framework to measure spleen volume from single- or dual-view 2D spleen segmentations. We propose and evaluate three volume estimation methods within this framework. We also demonstrate how 95\% confidence intervals of volume estimates can be produced to make our method more clinically useful. Our best model achieved mean relative volume accuracies of 86.62\% and 92.58\% for single- and dual-view segmentations, respectively, surpassing the performance of the clinical standard approach of linear regression using manual measurements and a comparative deep learning-based 2D-3D reconstruction-based approach. The proposed spleen volume estimation framework can be integrated into standard clinical workflows which currently use 2D ultrasound images to measure spleen length. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to achieve direct 3D spleen volume estimation from 2D spleen segmentations. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:34:58 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# レーザー誘起チューニングによる寿命制限有機分子の超ラジアントおよびサブラジアント状態 Superradiant and subradiant states in lifetime-limited organic molecules through laser-induced tuning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08037v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Christian Lange, Emma Daggett, Valentin Walther, Libai Huang, and Jonathan D. Hood | (参考訳) 放射結合エミッタの配列は、量子光を生成し、保存し、操作するためのエキサイティングな新しいプラットフォームである。
本稿では, レーザー誘起チューニングと共振器に永久にシフトさせることにより, 寿命制限およびサブ波長間隔の有機分子の対における超ラジカルおよびサブラジカルの絡み合った状態の生成を報告する。
この有機分子によるスケーラブルなチューニングアプローチは、量子エミッタのサブ波長配列における集合量子現象を観測するための経路を提供する。 An array of radiatively coupled emitters is an exciting new platform for generating, storing, and manipulating quantum light. However, the simultaneous positioning and tuning of multiple lifetime-limited emitters into resonance remains a significant challenge. Here we report the creation of superradiant and subradiant entangled states in pairs of lifetime-limited and sub-wavelength spaced organic molecules by permanently shifting them into resonance with laser-induced tuning. The molecules are embedded as defects in an organic nanocrystal. The pump light redistributes charges in the nanocrystal and dramatically increases the likelihood of resonant molecules. The frequency spectra, lifetimes, and second-order correlation agree with a simple quantum model. This scalable tuning approach with organic molecules provides a pathway for observing collective quantum phenomena in sub-wavelength arrays of quantum emitters. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:34:25 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# コードモデルとドメイン適応を用いた自動テストケース生成 Automated Test Case Generation Using Code Models and Domain Adaptation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08033v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sepehr Hashtroudi, Jiho Shin, Hadi Hemmati, Song Wang | (参考訳) 検索ベースのテストのような最先端の自動テスト生成技術は通常、開発者がテストケースとして作るものについて無知である。
分析では,CodeT5とDefects4jの微調整に Methods2test データセットを使用し,プロジェクトレベルのドメイン適応と評価を行った。
また、追加の変異体を殺して検索ベースの方法の突然変異率を高めることもできる(我々の実験では、プロジェクトごとに64個の新しい変異体が殺されている)。 State-of-the-art automated test generation techniques, such as search-based testing, are usually ignorant about what a developer would create as a test case. Therefore, they typically create tests that are not human-readable and may not necessarily detect all types of complex bugs developer-written tests would do. In this study, we leverage Transformer-based code models to generate unit tests that can complement search-based test generation. Specifically, we use CodeT5, i.e., a state-of-the-art large code model, and fine-tune it on the test generation downstream task. For our analysis, we use the Methods2test dataset for fine-tuning CodeT5 and Defects4j for project-level domain adaptation and evaluation. The main contribution of this study is proposing a fully automated testing framework that leverages developer-written tests and available code models to generate compilable, human-readable unit tests. Results show that our approach can generate new test cases that cover lines that were not covered by developer-written tests. Using domain adaptation, we can also increase line coverage of the model-generated unit tests by 49.9% and 54% in terms of mean and median (compared to the model without domain adaptation). We can also use our framework as a complementary solution alongside common search-based methods to increase the overall coverage with mean and median of 25.3% and 6.3%. It can also increase the mutation score of search-based methods by killing extra mutants (up to 64 new mutants were killed per project in our experiments). | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:34:12 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 人工集団を用いた神経モデルにおける心理現象の研究 Using Artificial Populations to Study Psychological Phenomena in Neural Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08032v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jesse Roberts, Kyle Moore, Drew Wilenzick, Doug Fisher | (参考訳) 近年、トランスフォーマーに基づく自然言語処理の研究が急増し、モデルにおける人間のような認知行動の存在を検出する研究が数多く行われている。
結果として得られたツールである populationlm がオープンソースになった。
一般に,単一モデルでは認知行動の存在を過大評価する傾向がみられた。 The recent proliferation of research into transformer based natural language processing has led to a number of studies which attempt to detect the presence of human-like cognitive behavior in the models. We contend that, as is true of human psychology, the investigation of cognitive behavior in language models must be conducted in an appropriate population of an appropriate size for the results to be meaningful. We leverage work in uncertainty estimation in a novel approach to efficiently construct experimental populations. The resultant tool, PopulationLM, has been made open source. We provide theoretical grounding in the uncertainty estimation literature and motivation from current cognitive work regarding language models. We discuss the methodological lessons from other scientific communities and attempt to demonstrate their application to two artificial population studies. Through population based experimentation we find that language models exhibit behavior consistent with typicality effects among categories highly represented in training. However, we find that language models don't tend to exhibit structural priming effects. Generally, our results show that single models tend to over estimate the presence of cognitive behaviors in neural models. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:33:45 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 深部ReLUネットワークを用いたガウス混合モデルによるデータの分類 Classification of Data Generated by Gaussian Mixture Models Using Deep ReLU Networks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08030v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Tian-Yi Zhou, Xiaoming Huo | (参考訳) 本稿では,gaussian mixture model (gmms) で生成する${\mathbb r}^d$ からの非有界データの深層ニューラルネットワークを用いた二元分類について検討する。
我々が導出する収束率は次元 $d$ に依存しず、深層 relu ネットワークが分類における次元の呪いを克服できることを示した。
ガウス分布は、例えば音声、画像、テキストなど、アプリケーションで発生するデータをモデル化するためにうまく適用することができ、実際の分類問題におけるディープニューラルネットワークの観測効率の理論的検証を提供する。 This paper studies the binary classification of unbounded data from ${\mathbb R}^d$ generated under Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) using deep ReLU neural networks. We obtain $\unicode{x2013}$ for the first time $\unicode{x2013}$ non-asymptotic upper bounds and convergence rates of the excess risk (excess misclassification error) for the classification without restrictions on model parameters. The convergence rates we derive do not depend on dimension $d$, demonstrating that deep ReLU networks can overcome the curse of dimensionality in classification. While the majority of existing generalization analysis of classification algorithms relies on a bounded domain, we consider an unbounded domain by leveraging the analyticity and fast decay of Gaussian distributions. To facilitate our analysis, we give a novel approximation error bound for general analytic functions using ReLU networks, which may be of independent interest. Gaussian distributions can be adopted nicely to model data arising in applications, e.g., speeches, images, and texts; our results provide a theoretical verification of the observed efficiency of deep neural networks in practical classification problems. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:33:30 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 学習計画:モデルベースプランニングにおけるアクティブラーニングのための新しいアルゴリズム Planning to Learn: A Novel Algorithm for Active Learning during Model-Based Planning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08029v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Rowan Hodson, Bruce Bassett, Charel van Hoof, Benjamin Rosman, Mark Solms, Jonathan P. Shock, Ryan Smith | (参考訳) アクティブ推論は不確実性下でのモデリング計画のための最近のフレームワークである。
最近の拡張 - advanced inference (si) アルゴリズム - 再帰的決定木探索による多段階計画問題の性能向上。
第2に,計画中にアクティブラーニングをより深く取り入れたsl(sisophisticated learning)の拡張を提案する。
これらの結果は、このような生物学的に関連のある問題を解く上でのアクティブ推論の有用性の強化と、人間の認知に関する仮説をテストするためのツールの追加を提供する。 Active Inference is a recent framework for modeling planning under uncertainty. Empirical and theoretical work have now begun to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of this approach and how it might be improved. A recent extension - the sophisticated inference (SI) algorithm - improves performance on multi-step planning problems through recursive decision tree search. However, little work to date has been done to compare SI to other established planning algorithms. SI was also developed with a focus on inference as opposed to learning. The present paper has two aims. First, we compare performance of SI to Bayesian reinforcement learning (RL) schemes designed to solve similar problems. Second, we present an extension of SI - sophisticated learning (SL) - that more fully incorporates active learning during planning. SL maintains beliefs about how model parameters would change under the future observations expected under each policy. This allows a form of counterfactual retrospective inference in which the agent considers what could be learned from current or past observations given different future observations. To accomplish these aims, we make use of a novel, biologically inspired environment designed to highlight the problem structure for which SL offers a unique solution. Here, an agent must continually search for available (but changing) resources in the presence of competing affordances for information gain. Our simulations show that SL outperforms all other algorithms in this context - most notably, Bayes-adaptive RL and upper confidence bound algorithms, which aim to solve multi-step planning problems using similar principles (i.e., directed exploration and counterfactual reasoning). These results provide added support for the utility of Active Inference in solving this class of biologically-relevant problems and offer added tools for testing hypotheses about human cognition. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:33:09 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 緊急住宅シェルターアクセスパターンに対するCOVID-19の影響のグラフ解析 A Graph Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19 on Emergency Housing Shelter Access Patterns ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08028v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Geoffrey G. Messier | (参考訳) 本稿では,カナダ・カルガリー州で新型コロナウイルスが緊急避難所のアクセスパターンを破壊した経緯と,その変化の現在の状況について検討する。
また, 防犯前ロックダウンのみを使用する人々のコホート, 防犯中は避難所にとどまる人々, ロックダウン中は初めて避難所を利用する人々の相違を示す統計結果も提示された。
その結果,複雑なケアシステムがパンデミックにどのように反応したかだけでなく,緊急時もそのシステムに依存する可能性が最も高い人々の特性が示された。 This paper investigates how COVID-19 disrupted emergency housing shelter access patterns in Calgary, Canada and what aspects of these changes persist to the present day. This analysis will utilize aggregated shelter access data for over 40,000 individuals from seven major urban shelters dating from 2018 to the present. A graph theoretic approach will be used to examine the journeys of individuals between shelters before, during and after the COVID-19 lockdown period. This approach treats shelters as nodes in a graph and a person's transition between shelter as an arrow or edge between nodes. This perspective is used to create both timeline and network diagrams that visualize shelter use and the flow of people between shelters. Statistical results are also presented that illustrate the differences between the cohorts of people who only used shelter pre/post-lockdown, people who stayed in shelter during lockdown and people who used shelter for the first time during lockdown. The results demonstrate not only how a complex system of care responded to the pandemic but also the characteristics of the people most likely to continue to rely on that system during an emergency. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:32:42 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# プライバシー保護勧告のための分散グラフニューラルネットワーク Decentralized Graph Neural Network for Privacy-Preserving Recommendation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08072v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xiaolin Zheng, Zhongyu Wang, Chaochao Chen, Jiashu Qian and Yao Yang | (参考訳) ユーザのプライバシを侵害することなく、グラフニューラルネットワーク(GNN)ベースのレコメンデーションシステムを構築することは難しい。
我々は3つの公開データセットに関する広範な実験を行い、フレームワークの一貫性のある優位性を検証する。 Building a graph neural network (GNN)-based recommender system without violating user privacy proves challenging. Existing methods can be divided into federated GNNs and decentralized GNNs. But both methods have undesirable effects, i.e., low communication efficiency and privacy leakage. This paper proposes DGREC, a novel decentralized GNN for privacy-preserving recommendations, where users can choose to publicize their interactions. It includes three stages, i.e., graph construction, local gradient calculation, and global gradient passing. The first stage builds a local inner-item hypergraph for each user and a global inter-user graph. The second stage models user preference and calculates gradients on each local device. The third stage designs a local differential privacy mechanism named secure gradient-sharing, which proves strong privacy-preserving of users' private data. We conduct extensive experiments on three public datasets to validate the consistent superiority of our framework. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:24:03 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 新鮮さか正確さ 両方じゃないの?
動的グラフニューラルネットワークによる遅延フィードバックの対応 Freshness or Accuracy, Why Not Both? Addressing Delayed Feedback via Dynamic Graph Neural Networks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08071v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xiaolin Zheng, Zhongyu Wang, Chaochao Chen, Feng Zhu and Jiashu Qian | (参考訳) 遅延フィードバック問題は、ユーザの変換が常にオンラインの商用システムでは遅れているため、コンバージョン率を予測する上で最も差し迫った課題の1つだ。
提案手法の一貫性を検証した3つの産業データセットについて広範な実験を行った。 The delayed feedback problem is one of the most pressing challenges in predicting the conversion rate since users' conversions are always delayed in online commercial systems. Although new data are beneficial for continuous training, without complete feedback information, i.e., conversion labels, training algorithms may suffer from overwhelming fake negatives. Existing methods tend to use multitask learning or design data pipelines to solve the delayed feedback problem. However, these methods have a trade-off between data freshness and label accuracy. In this paper, we propose Delayed Feedback Modeling by Dynamic Graph Neural Network (DGDFEM). It includes three stages, i.e., preparing a data pipeline, building a dynamic graph, and training a CVR prediction model. In the model training, we propose a novel graph convolutional method named HLGCN, which leverages both high-pass and low-pass filters to deal with conversion and non-conversion relationships. The proposed method achieves both data freshness and label accuracy. We conduct extensive experiments on three industry datasets, which validate the consistent superiority of our method. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:23:49 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 1次法による最大アフィン回帰 Max-affine regression via first-order methods ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08070v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Seonho Kim and Kiryung Lee | (参考訳) 我々は、max関数を介してアフィンモデルを結合することにより分割線形モデルを生成するmax-affineモデルの回帰を考える。
準ガウス音に追従したランダムな位置でモデルが観測された場合, 勾配降下(GD)と最小バッチ確率勾配降下(SGD)の非漸近収束解析を行い, 加法的サブガウス音による反集束解析を行った。
重要なことは、SGDは、ノイズのないシナリオにおける最小化とGDの交互化よりも少ない観測時間でより高速に収束するだけでなく、ノイズのある低サンプリングシナリオにおいてそれらを上回ります。 We consider regression of a max-affine model that produces a piecewise linear model by combining affine models via the max function. The max-affine model ubiquitously arises in applications in signal processing and statistics including multiclass classification, auction problems, and convex regression. It also generalizes phase retrieval and learning rectifier linear unit activation functions. We present a non-asymptotic convergence analysis of gradient descent (GD) and mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD) for max-affine regression when the model is observed at random locations following the sub-Gaussianity and an anti-concentration with additive sub-Gaussian noise. Under these assumptions, a suitably initialized GD and SGD converge linearly to a neighborhood of the ground truth specified by the corresponding error bound. We provide numerical results that corroborate the theoretical finding. Importantly, SGD not only converges faster in run time with fewer observations than alternating minimization and GD in the noiseless scenario but also outperforms them in low-sample scenarios with noise. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:23:34 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# データセンター計算ノードの消費電力削減のための強化学習手法 A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Performance-aware Reduction in Power Consumption of Data Center Compute Nodes ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08069v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Akhilesh Raj, Swann Perarnau, Aniruddha Gokhale | (参考訳) Exascaleコンピューティングが現実になるにつれて、クラウドデータセンターにおける計算ノードのエネルギー需要は増え続けるだろう。
本稿では,Argo Node Resource Management (NRM) ソフトウェアスタックと Intel Runing Average Power Limit (RAPL) ハードウェア制御機構を併用して,アプリケーションの性能を損なうことなくプロセッサに供給される最大電力を制御するエージェントを設計する。
本稿では,ppoエージェントを用いて計算ノード数理モデルにおける最適ポリシーを学習し,実ハードウェア上で動作する訓練エージェントが消費電力とアプリケーション性能のバランスをとることでどのように行動するかをストリームベンチマークを用いて実証し,評価する。 As Exascale computing becomes a reality, the energy needs of compute nodes in cloud data centers will continue to grow. A common approach to reducing this energy demand is to limit the power consumption of hardware components when workloads are experiencing bottlenecks elsewhere in the system. However, designing a resource controller capable of detecting and limiting power consumption on-the-fly is a complex issue and can also adversely impact application performance. In this paper, we explore the use of Reinforcement Learning (RL) to design a power capping policy on cloud compute nodes using observations on current power consumption and instantaneous application performance (heartbeats). By leveraging the Argo Node Resource Management (NRM) software stack in conjunction with the Intel Running Average Power Limit (RAPL) hardware control mechanism, we design an agent to control the maximum supplied power to processors without compromising on application performance. Employing a Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) agent to learn an optimal policy on a mathematical model of the compute nodes, we demonstrate and evaluate using the STREAM benchmark how a trained agent running on actual hardware can take actions by balancing power consumption and application performance. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:23:12 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# コストジレンマ:大規模言語モデルの一般化、評価、コスト最適展開 The Costly Dilemma: Generalization, Evaluation and Cost-Optimal Deployment of Large Language Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08061v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Abi Aryan, Aakash Kumar Nain, Andrew McMahon, Lucas Augusto Meyer, Harpreet Singh Sahota | (参考訳) 製品/アプリケーションの実運用環境に機械学習モデルをデプロイする場合、一般的に望まれる3つの特性がある。
本稿では,大規模言語モデルに特化した一般化,評価,コストモデリングのためのフレームワークを提案し,これら大規模言語モデルの開発と展開,管理の複雑さについて考察する。 When deploying machine learning models in production for any product/application, there are three properties that are commonly desired. First, the models should be generalizable, in that we can extend it to further use cases as our knowledge of the domain area develops. Second they should be evaluable, so that there are clear metrics for performance and the calculation of those metrics in production settings are feasible. Finally, the deployment should be cost-optimal as far as possible. In this paper we propose that these three objectives (i.e. generalization, evaluation and cost-optimality) can often be relatively orthogonal and that for large language models, despite their performance over conventional NLP models, enterprises need to carefully assess all the three factors before making substantial investments in this technology. We propose a framework for generalization, evaluation and cost-modeling specifically tailored to large language models, offering insights into the intricacies of development, deployment and management for these large language models. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:22:50 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ゼロ膨張ポアソンモデルを用いたロバストベイズテンソル因子分解とコンセンサス集計 Robust Bayesian Tensor Factorization with Zero-Inflated Poisson Model and Consensus Aggregation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08060v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Daniel Chafamo, Vignesh Shanmugam, Neriman Tokcan | (参考訳) テンソル分解(TF)は多次元データの効率的な表現と解析のための強力なツールである。
確率性の課題を解決するために,ZIPTFと合意に基づくメタ分析を組み合わせたConsensus Zero Inflated Poisson Tensor Factorization (C-ZIPTF)を導入する。
合成および実scRNA-seqデータの両方で試験すると、ZIPTFとC-ZIPTFは、既知の生物学的に意味のある遺伝子発現プログラムを一貫して回復する。 Tensor factorizations (TF) are powerful tools for the efficient representation and analysis of multidimensional data. However, classic TF methods based on maximum likelihood estimation underperform when applied to zero-inflated count data, such as single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data. Additionally, the stochasticity inherent in TFs results in factors that vary across repeated runs, making interpretation and reproducibility of the results challenging. In this paper, we introduce Zero Inflated Poisson Tensor Factorization (ZIPTF), a novel approach for the factorization of high-dimensional count data with excess zeros. To address the challenge of stochasticity, we introduce Consensus Zero Inflated Poisson Tensor Factorization (C-ZIPTF), which combines ZIPTF with a consensus-based meta-analysis. We evaluate our proposed ZIPTF and C-ZIPTF on synthetic zero-inflated count data and synthetic and real scRNA-seq data. ZIPTF consistently outperforms baseline matrix and tensor factorization methods in terms of reconstruction accuracy for zero-inflated data. When the probability of excess zeros is high, ZIPTF achieves up to $2.4\times$ better accuracy. Additionally, C-ZIPTF significantly improves the consistency and accuracy of the factorization. When tested on both synthetic and real scRNA-seq data, ZIPTF and C-ZIPTF consistently recover known and biologically meaningful gene expression programs. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:22:32 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 量子相互情報の自然軌道とスパーシティ Natural orbitals and sparsity of quantum mutual information ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08056v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Leonardo Ratini, Chiara Capecci, Leonardo Guidoni | (参考訳) 電子構造と量子化学において、基底状態の1粒子還元密度行列を対角化する(分子)軌道として定義される自然軌道は、電子相関を記述するための完全な基準軌道であると何十年も推測されてきた。
本研究では,Wavefunction-Adapted Hamiltonian Through Orbital Rotation (WAHTOR) 法を適用し,量子コンピューティングにおける相関した経験的アンス・アッツの研究を行った。
したがって、相関は量子相互情報行列に寄与する量子ビット対の少ない数で符号化される。 Natural orbitals, defined in electronic structure and quantum chemistry as the (molecular) orbitals diagonalizing the one-particle reduced density matrix of the ground state, have been conjectured for decades to be the perfect reference orbitals to describe electron correlation. In the present work we applied the Wavefunction-Adapted Hamiltonian Through Orbital Rotation (WAHTOR) method to study correlated empirical ans\"atze for quantum computing. In all representative molecules considered, we show that the converged orbitals are coinciding with natural orbitals. Interestingly, the resulting quantum mutual information matrix built on such orbitals is also maximally sparse, providing a clear picture that such orbital choice is indeed able to provide the optimal basis to describe electron correlation. The correlation is therefore encoded in a smaller number of qubit pairs contributing to the quantum mutual information matrix. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:22:06 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# oracleによるシンプルなオンライン学習 Simple online learning with consistency oracle ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08055v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Alexander Kozachinskiy, Tomasz Steifer | (参考訳) オンライン学習は、学習アルゴリズムが一貫性の神託(oracle)を通じてのみクラスにアクセスすることができるモデルにおいて検討する。
すなわち、再帰的可算表現を持つ有限小石次元のすべてのクラスは、計算可能なオンライン学習者(非実現可能なサンプルでは定義できないかもしれない)を認める。 We consider online learning in the model where a learning algorithm can access the class only via the consistency oracle -- an oracle, that, at any moment, can give a function from the class that agrees with all examples seen so far. This model was recently considered by Assos et al. (COLT'23). It is motivated by the fact that standard methods of online learning rely on computing the Littlestone dimension of subclasses, a problem that is computationally intractable. Assos et al. gave an online learning algorithm in this model that makes at most $C^d$ mistakes on classes of Littlestone dimension $d$, for some absolute unspecified constant $C > 0$. We give a novel algorithm that makes at most $O(256^d)$ mistakes. Our proof is significantly simpler and uses only very basic properties of the Littlestone dimension. We also observe that there exists no algorithm in this model that makes at most $2^{d+1}-2$ mistakes. We also observe that our algorithm (as well as the algorithm of Assos et al.) solves an open problem by Hasrati and Ben-David (ALT'23). Namely, it demonstrates that every class of finite Littlestone dimension with recursively enumerable representation admits a computable online learner (that may be undefined on unrealizable samples). | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:21:53 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 確率的変分推論のためのブラックボックス推定器としての自然進化戦略 Natural Evolution Strategies as a Black Box Estimator for Stochastic Variational Inference ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08053v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ahmad Ayaz Amin | (参考訳) 確率的変分推論とその変分オートエンコーダの形での導出は、大規模なデータセット上で効率的な方法でベイズ推論を行うことができる。
この推定器は使用される分布の種類を仮定せず、vaeフレームワークの下では不可能だったモデルの作成を可能にする。 Stochastic variational inference and its derivatives in the form of variational autoencoders enjoy the ability to perform Bayesian inference on large datasets in an efficient manner. However, performing inference with a VAE requires a certain design choice (i.e. reparameterization trick) to allow unbiased and low variance gradient estimation, restricting the types of models that can be created. To overcome this challenge, an alternative estimator based on natural evolution strategies is proposed. This estimator does not make assumptions about the kind of distributions used, allowing for the creation of models that would otherwise not have been possible under the VAE framework. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:21:30 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 非バイアス決定は後悔を減らす:銀行ローン問題に対する敵対的ドメイン適応 Unbiased Decisions Reduce Regret: Adversarial Domain Adaptation for the Bank Loan Problem ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08051v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Elena Gal, Shaun Singh, Aldo Pacchiano, Ben Walker, Terry Lyons, Jakob Foerster | (参考訳) 多くの実世界では、バイナリ分類の決定は、例えばローンアプリケーションを評価する際に、ほぼリアルタイムで限られたデータに基づいて行われる。
アドバサリアン・オプティミズム(adversarial optimism,adopt)を導入し,アドバサリアン・ドメイン適応を用いたトレーニングセットのバイアスに直接対処する。
また,本実験では,敵領域適応の導入により,公平性が向上することを示す。 In many real world settings binary classification decisions are made based on limited data in near real-time, e.g. when assessing a loan application. We focus on a class of these problems that share a common feature: the true label is only observed when a data point is assigned a positive label by the principal, e.g. we only find out whether an applicant defaults if we accepted their loan application. As a consequence, the false rejections become self-reinforcing and cause the labelled training set, that is being continuously updated by the model decisions, to accumulate bias. Prior work mitigates this effect by injecting optimism into the model, however this comes at the cost of increased false acceptance rate. We introduce adversarial optimism (AdOpt) to directly address bias in the training set using adversarial domain adaptation. The goal of AdOpt is to learn an unbiased but informative representation of past data, by reducing the distributional shift between the set of accepted data points and all data points seen thus far. AdOpt significantly exceeds state-of-the-art performance on a set of challenging benchmark problems. Our experiments also provide initial evidence that the introduction of adversarial domain adaptation improves fairness in this setting. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 15:21:21 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 統合CTCと補助損失正規化によるCTC-AEDモデルの改善 Improving CTC-AED model with integrated-CTC and auxiliary loss regularization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08449v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Daobin Zhu, Xiangdong Su and Hongbin Zhang | (参考訳) コネクショニスト時間分類 (ctc) と注意型エンコーダデコーダ (aed) の合同訓練は自動音声認識 (asr) に広く適用されている。
実験の結果, pmp法がctcプレフィックスビーム探索や欲望探索に優れているのに対し, dal法の方が注意喚起に優れることがわかった。 Connectionist temporal classification (CTC) and attention-based encoder decoder (AED) joint training has been widely applied in automatic speech recognition (ASR). Unlike most hybrid models that separately calculate the CTC and AED losses, our proposed integrated-CTC utilizes the attention mechanism of AED to guide the output of CTC. In this paper, we employ two fusion methods, namely direct addition of logits (DAL) and preserving the maximum probability (PMP). We achieve dimensional consistency by adaptively affine transforming the attention results to match the dimensions of CTC. To accelerate model convergence and improve accuracy, we introduce auxiliary loss regularization for accelerated convergence. Experimental results demonstrate that the DAL method performs better in attention rescoring, while the PMP method excels in CTC prefix beam search and greedy search. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 12:56:25 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ファイナンスにおけるQuantum Generative Adversarial Network(qGAN)とQCBMの実装 Implementing Quantum Generative Adversarial Network (qGAN) and QCBM in Finance ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08448v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Santanu Ganguly | (参考訳) 量子機械学習(QML)は、量子コンピューティングと古典的機械学習(ML)という2つの最もエキサイティングな研究領域からなる学際的な主題である。
実世界の金融データセットを用いて,シミュレーション環境を用いてqgan(quantum generative adversarial networks)やqcbm(quantum circuit born machine)などのモデルを比較する。
我々は,qGANについて,識別器とジェネレータの量子回路を定義し,ファイナンスにおけるQMLによる将来の量子優位性を示す。 Quantum machine learning (QML) is a cross-disciplinary subject made up of two of the most exciting research areas: quantum computing and classical machine learning (ML), with ML and artificial intelligence (AI) being projected as the first fields that will be impacted by the rise of quantum machines. Quantum computers are being used today in drug discovery, material & molecular modelling and finance. In this work, we discuss some upcoming active new research areas in application of quantum machine learning (QML) in finance. We discuss certain QML models that has become areas of active interest in the financial world for various applications. We use real world financial dataset and compare models such as qGAN (quantum generative adversarial networks) and QCBM (quantum circuit Born machine) among others, using simulated environments. For the qGAN, we define quantum circuits for discriminators and generators and show promises of future quantum advantage via QML in finance. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 12:56:09 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 最短経路 Tightest Admissible Shortest Path ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08453v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Eyal Weiss, Ariel Felner, Gal A. Kaminka | (参考訳) グラフにおける最短経路問題はAIの基本である。
我々は,最短最短経路 (TASP) を最適コストに縛られた最短経路 (TASP) を求める問題を提起するために,この枠組みを構築した。
経験的評価はこのアプローチの有効性を支持する。 The shortest path problem in graphs is fundamental to AI. Nearly all variants of the problem and relevant algorithms that solve them ignore edge-weight computation time and its common relation to weight uncertainty. This implies that taking these factors into consideration can potentially lead to a performance boost in relevant applications. Recently, a generalized framework for weighted directed graphs was suggested, where edge-weight can be computed (estimated) multiple times, at increasing accuracy and run-time expense. We build on this framework to introduce the problem of finding the tightest admissible shortest path (TASP); a path with the tightest suboptimality bound on the optimal cost. This is a generalization of the shortest path problem to bounded uncertainty, where edge-weight uncertainty can be traded for computational cost. We present a complete algorithm for solving TASP, with guarantees on solution quality. Empirical evaluation supports the effectiveness of this approach. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 12:42:56 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# クリックスルーレート予測のための時間的関心ネットワーク Temporal Interest Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.08487v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Haolin Zhou, Junwei Pan, Xinyi Zhou, Xihua Chen, Jie Jiang, Xiaofeng Gao, Guihai Chen | (参考訳) ユーザ行動の歴史は,クリックスルー率(CTR)を予測する上で最も重要な特徴の1つである。
我々はTensorflowにおけるTINの実装を提供します。 The history of user behaviors constitutes one of the most significant characteristics in predicting the click-through rate (CTR), owing to their strong semantic and temporal correlation with the target item. While the literature has individually examined each of these correlations, research has yet to analyze them in combination, that is, the quadruple correlation of (behavior semantics, target semantics, behavior temporal, and target temporal). The effect of this correlation on performance and the extent to which existing methods learn it remain unknown. To address this gap, we empirically measure the quadruple correlation and observe intuitive yet robust quadruple patterns. We measure the learned correlation of several representative user behavior methods, but to our surprise, none of them learn such a pattern, especially the temporal one. In this paper, we propose the Temporal Interest Network (TIN) to capture the quadruple semantic and temporal correlation between behaviors and the target. We achieve this by incorporating target-aware temporal encoding, in addition to semantic embedding, to represent behaviors and the target. Furthermore, we deploy target-aware attention, along with target-aware representation, to explicitly conduct the 4-way interaction. We performed comprehensive evaluations on the Amazon and Alibaba datasets. Our proposed TIN outperforms the best-performing baselines by 0.43\% and 0.29\% on two datasets, respectively. Comprehensive analysis and visualization show that TIN is indeed capable of learning the quadruple correlation effectively, while all existing methods fail to do so. We provide our implementation of TIN in Tensorflow. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 12:35:48 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# MaxSATによる安定化器符号の最適合成 Optimal Synthesis of Stabilizer Codes via MaxSAT ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.06428v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Keyi Yin, Hezi Zhang, Yunong Shi, Travis Humble, Ang Li, Yufei Ding | (参考訳) 量子誤り訂正(QEC)符号は、長期にわたってフォールトトレラント量子コンピューティングを達成するために重要である。
高レベルのQECコード設計と低レベルのハードウェア制約のギャップを埋めることにより、この作業は長期のフォールトトレラントな量子コンピューティング目標を達成するための道を開く。 Quantum Error Correction (QEC) codes are crucial for achieving fault-tolerant quantum computing in the long term. However, efficiently implementing these codes on hardware poses significant challenges, including hardware connectivity matching, efficient circuit scheduling, and fault-tolerance enforcement. In this study, we present an optimal synthesizer that stitches generic stabilizer codes onto diverse hardware structures via MaxSAT. Our evaluation demonstrates (1) the capability of our approach to be applied for various codes and devices and (2) the consistently better efficiency than the best prior heuristic approaches that only target specific QEC codes. By bridging the gap between high-level QEC code design and low-level hardware constraints, this work paves the way toward achieving long-term fault-tolerant quantum computing goals. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 10:31:10 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# シングルショットデフレクトメトリーによる高密度3次元表面再構成からの正確な視線追跡 Accurate Eye Tracking from Dense 3D Surface Reconstructions using Single-Shot Deflectometry ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07298v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jiazhang Wang, Tianfu Wang, Bingjie Xu, Oliver Cossairt, Florian Willomitzer | (参考訳) 視線追跡は、仮想現実デバイス、神経科学研究、心理学の発展において重要な役割を果たす。
取得された係数$>3300 \times$の反射面点("glints")の改善は容易に達成できる。
実験で評価した視線誤差は$\leq 0.25^\circ$であり,現状よりも大幅に改善した。 Eye-tracking plays a crucial role in the development of virtual reality devices, neuroscience research, and psychology. Despite its significance in numerous applications, achieving an accurate, robust, and fast eye-tracking solution remains a considerable challenge for current state-of-the-art methods. While existing reflection-based techniques (e.g., "glint tracking") are considered the most accurate, their performance is limited by their reliance on sparse 3D surface data acquired solely from the cornea surface. In this paper, we rethink the way how specular reflections can be used for eye tracking: We propose a novel method for accurate and fast evaluation of the gaze direction that exploits teachings from single-shot phase-measuring-deflectometry (PMD). In contrast to state-of-the-art reflection-based methods, our method acquires dense 3D surface information of both cornea and sclera within only one single camera frame (single-shot). Improvements in acquired reflection surface points("glints") of factors $>3300 \times$ are easily achievable. We show the feasibility of our approach with experimentally evaluated gaze errors of only $\leq 0.25^\circ$ demonstrating a significant improvement over the current state-of-the-art. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 10:22:11 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# LCE: Pythonにおけるバッグングとブースティングの強化された組み合わせ LCE: An Augmented Combination of Bagging and Boosting in Python ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07250v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kevin Fauvel, \'Elisa Fromont, V\'eronique Masson, Philippe Faverdin and Alexandre Termier | (参考訳) lcensembleは、分類と回帰の一般的なタスクのための、高性能でスケーラブルでユーザフレンドリーなpythonパッケージである。
このパッケージは、現在の最先端メソッドであるRandom ForestとXGBoostの予測性能をさらに向上する機械学習手法であるLocal Cascade Ensemble (LCE)を実装している。
Apache 2.0ライセンス下で配布されており、ソースコードはhttps://github.com/LocalCascadeEnsemble/LCEで入手できる。 lcensemble is a high-performing, scalable and user-friendly Python package for the general tasks of classification and regression. The package implements Local Cascade Ensemble (LCE), a machine learning method that further enhances the prediction performance of the current state-of-the-art methods Random Forest and XGBoost. LCE combines their strengths and adopts a complementary diversification approach to obtain a better generalizing predictor. The package is compatible with scikit-learn, therefore it can interact with scikit-learn pipelines and model selection tools. It is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license, and its source code is available at https://github.com/LocalCascadeEnsemble/LCE. | 翻訳日:2023-08-17 10:21:28 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 胃組織学学習のためのマルチスケールハイブリッド視覚トランスフォーマ--胃癌治療のためのaiに基づく意思決定支援システム Multi-Scale Hybrid Vision Transformer for Learning Gastric Histology: AI-Based Decision Support System for Gastric Cancer Treatment ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.08510v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yujin Oh, Go Eun Bae, Kyung-Hee Kim, Min-Kyung Yeo, Jong Chul Ye | (参考訳) 胃内視鏡検査は早期に適切な胃癌(GC)治療を判定し,GC関連死亡率を低下させる有効な方法である。
以上より,ai支援胃内視鏡スクリーニングは,胃癌の病理所見と適切な癌治療を実際的臨床環境に提供できる可能性が示唆された。 Gastric endoscopic screening is an effective way to decide appropriate gastric cancer (GC) treatment at an early stage, reducing GC-associated mortality rate. Although artificial intelligence (AI) has brought a great promise to assist pathologist to screen digitalized whole slide images, existing AI systems are limited in fine-grained cancer subclassifications and have little usability in planning cancer treatment. We propose a practical AI system that enables five subclassifications of GC pathology, which can be directly matched to general GC treatment guidance. The AI system is designed to efficiently differentiate multi-classes of GC through multi-scale self-attention mechanism using 2-stage hybrid Vision Transformer (ViT) networks, by mimicking the way how human pathologists understand histology. The AI system demonstrates reliable diagnostic performance by achieving class-average sensitivity of above 0.85 on a total of 1,212 slides from multicentric cohort. Furthermore, AI-assisted pathologists show significantly improved diagnostic sensitivity by 12% in addition to 18% reduced screening time compared to human pathologists. Our results demonstrate that AI-assisted gastric endoscopic screening has a great potential for providing presumptive pathologic opinion and appropriate cancer treatment of gastric cancer in practical clinical settings. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:58:37 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 不完全データからの統計的モデル推定のための変分ギブス推定 Variational Gibbs Inference for Statistical Model Estimation from Incomplete Data ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.13180v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Vaidotas Simkus, Benjamin Rhodes, Michael U. Gutmann | (参考訳) 統計モデルは、ダウンストリームタスクの幅広い適用性を備えた機械学習の中心である。
提案手法は汎用的ではあるが,既存のモデル固有推定法よりも競争力や性能が向上する。 Statistical models are central to machine learning with broad applicability across a range of downstream tasks. The models are controlled by free parameters that are typically estimated from data by maximum-likelihood estimation or approximations thereof. However, when faced with real-world data sets many of the models run into a critical issue: they are formulated in terms of fully-observed data, whereas in practice the data sets are plagued with missing data. The theory of statistical model estimation from incomplete data is conceptually similar to the estimation of latent-variable models, where powerful tools such as variational inference (VI) exist. However, in contrast to standard latent-variable models, parameter estimation with incomplete data often requires estimating exponentially-many conditional distributions of the missing variables, hence making standard VI methods intractable. We address this gap by introducing variational Gibbs inference (VGI), a new general-purpose method to estimate the parameters of statistical models from incomplete data. We validate VGI on a set of synthetic and real-world estimation tasks, estimating important machine learning models such as variational autoencoders and normalising flows from incomplete data. The proposed method, whilst general-purpose, achieves competitive or better performance than existing model-specific estimation methods. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:58:13 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 因果図におけるクラスタリングと構造ロバスト性 Clustering and Structural Robustness in Causal Diagrams ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.04513v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Santtu Tikka and Jouni Helske and Juha Karvanen | (参考訳) グラフは因果関係の表現と視覚化に一般的に使用される。
このような構造的ロバスト性はトランジットクラスターと密接に関連している。 Graphs are commonly used to represent and visualize causal relations. For a small number of variables, this approach provides a succinct and clear view of the scenario at hand. As the number of variables under study increases, the graphical approach may become impractical, and the clarity of the representation is lost. Clustering of variables is a natural way to reduce the size of the causal diagram, but it may erroneously change the essential properties of the causal relations if implemented arbitrarily. We define a specific type of cluster, called transit cluster, that is guaranteed to preserve the identifiability properties of causal effects under certain conditions. We provide a sound and complete algorithm for finding all transit clusters in a given graph and demonstrate how clustering can simplify the identification of causal effects. We also study the inverse problem, where one starts with a clustered graph and looks for extended graphs where the identifiability properties of causal effects remain unchanged. We show that this kind of structural robustness is closely related to transit clusters. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:57:52 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 画像処理メトリクスの一般的な制限:ピクチャーストーリー Common Limitations of Image Processing Metrics: A Picture Story ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2104.05642v7 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Annika Reinke, Minu D. Tizabi, Carole H. Sudre, Matthias Eisenmann, Tim R\"adsch, Michael Baumgartner, Laura Acion, Michela Antonelli, Tal Arbel, Spyridon Bakas, Peter Bankhead, Arriel Benis, Matthew Blaschko, Florian B\"uttner, M. Jorge Cardoso, Jianxu Chen, Veronika Cheplygina, Evangelia Christodoulou, Beth Cimini, Gary S. Collins, Sandy Engelhardt, Keyvan Farahani, Luciana Ferrer, Adrian Galdran, Bram van Ginneken, Ben Glocker, Patrick Godau, Robert Haase, Fred Hamprecht, Daniel A. Hashimoto, Doreen Heckmann-N\"otzel, Peter Hirsch, Michael M. Hoffman, Merel Huisman, Fabian Isensee, Pierre Jannin, Charles E. Kahn, Dagmar Kainmueller, Bernhard Kainz, Alexandros Karargyris, Alan Karthikesalingam, A. Emre Kavur, Hannes Kenngott, Jens Kleesiek, Andreas Kleppe, Sven Kohler, Florian Kofler, Annette Kopp-Schneider, Thijs Kooi, Michal Kozubek, Anna Kreshuk, Tahsin Kurc, Bennett A. Landman, Geert Litjens, Amin Madani, Klaus Maier-Hein, Anne L. Martel, Peter Mattson, Erik Meijering, Bjoern Menze, David Moher, Karel G.M. Moons, Henning M\"uller, Brennan Nichyporuk, Felix Nickel, M. Alican Noyan, Jens Petersen, Gorkem Polat, Susanne M. Rafelski, Nasir Rajpoot, Mauricio Reyes, Nicola Rieke, Michael Riegler, Hassan Rivaz, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Clara I. S\'anchez, Julien Schroeter, Anindo Saha, M. Alper Selver, Lalith Sharan, Shravya Shetty, Maarten van Smeden, Bram Stieltjes, Ronald M. Summers, Abdel A. Taha, Aleksei Tiulpin, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris, Ben Van Calster, Ga\"el Varoquaux, Manuel Wiesenfarth, Ziv R. Yaniv, Paul J\"ager, Lena Maier-Hein | (参考訳) 自動画像解析の重要性は継続的に高まっているが、最近のメタリサーチにより、アルゴリズム検証に関する大きな欠陥が明らかになった。
現在のバージョンは、世界中の60以上の機関からの画像分析専門家の国際コンソーシアムが実施したメトリクスに関するdelphiプロセスに基づいている。 While the importance of automatic image analysis is continuously increasing, recent meta-research revealed major flaws with respect to algorithm validation. Performance metrics are particularly key for meaningful, objective, and transparent performance assessment and validation of the used automatic algorithms, but relatively little attention has been given to the practical pitfalls when using specific metrics for a given image analysis task. These are typically related to (1) the disregard of inherent metric properties, such as the behaviour in the presence of class imbalance or small target structures, (2) the disregard of inherent data set properties, such as the non-independence of the test cases, and (3) the disregard of the actual biomedical domain interest that the metrics should reflect. This living dynamically document has the purpose to illustrate important limitations of performance metrics commonly applied in the field of image analysis. In this context, it focuses on biomedical image analysis problems that can be phrased as image-level classification, semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, or object detection task. The current version is based on a Delphi process on metrics conducted by an international consortium of image analysis experts from more than 60 institutions worldwide. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:57:01 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 記憶と非確率制御による非定常オンライン学習 Non-stationary Online Learning with Memory and Non-stochastic Control ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2102.03758v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Peng Zhao and Yu-Hu Yan and Yu-Xiang Wang and Zhi-Hua Zhou | (参考訳) 我々は,過去の決定に依拠した損失関数を記憶機能に組み込んだオンライン凸最適化(OCO)の問題について検討し,学習課題の時間的影響を捉える。
さらに, オンライン非定常制御 (agarwal et al., 2019) における非定常性,すなわち, 逆乱と凸コスト関数を伴う線形力学系を制御することに適用した。
オンラインの非確率的制御のための一連の変更ポリシーと競合する最初のコントローラである動的ポリシー後悔保証付き勾配ベースの新しいコントローラを導出する。 We study the problem of Online Convex Optimization (OCO) with memory, which allows loss functions to depend on past decisions and thus captures temporal effects of learning problems. In this paper, we introduce dynamic policy regret as the performance measure to design algorithms robust to non-stationary environments, which competes algorithms' decisions with a sequence of changing comparators. We propose a novel algorithm for OCO with memory that provably enjoys an optimal dynamic policy regret in terms of time horizon, non-stationarity measure, and memory length. The key technical challenge is how to control the switching cost, the cumulative movements of player's decisions, which is neatly addressed by a novel switching-cost-aware online ensemble approach equipped with a new meta-base decomposition of dynamic policy regret and a careful design of meta-learner and base-learner that explicitly regularizes the switching cost. The results are further applied to tackle non-stationarity in online non-stochastic control (Agarwal et al., 2019), i.e., controlling a linear dynamical system with adversarial disturbance and convex cost functions. We derive a novel gradient-based controller with dynamic policy regret guarantees, which is the first controller provably competitive to a sequence of changing policies for online non-stochastic control. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:56:30 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 指数家族の十分な統計量による公正な密度向上 Fair Densities via Boosting the Sufficient Statistics of Exponential Families ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2012.00188v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Alexander Soen, Hisham Husain, Richard Nock | (参考訳) 公平な事前処理のためのブースティングアルゴリズムを提案する。
実世界のデータに結果の品質を示す実験結果が提示される。 We introduce a boosting algorithm to pre-process data for fairness. Starting from an initial fair but inaccurate distribution, our approach shifts towards better data fitting while still ensuring a minimal fairness guarantee. To do so, it learns the sufficient statistics of an exponential family with boosting-compliant convergence. Importantly, we are able to theoretically prove that the learned distribution will have a representation rate and statistical rate data fairness guarantee. Unlike recent optimization based pre-processing methods, our approach can be easily adapted for continuous domain features. Furthermore, when the weak learners are specified to be decision trees, the sufficient statistics of the learned distribution can be examined to provide clues on sources of (un)fairness. Empirical results are present to display the quality of result on real-world data. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:56:05 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ResNetブロックとしてのテンプレートマッチングによる特徴埋め込み Feature Embedding by Template Matching as a ResNet Block ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.00992v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ada Gorgun, Yeti Z. Gurbuz, A. Aydin Alatan | (参考訳) 畳み込みブロックは局所的な特徴抽出となり、ニューラルネットワークの成功の鍵となる。
本手法は,画像分類のための複数のアーキテクチャを持つ3つの人気のあるベンチマークデータセット上で評価し,ベースラインアーキテクチャの性能を実質的に改善することを示す。 Convolution blocks serve as local feature extractors and are the key to success of the neural networks. To make local semantic feature embedding rather explicit, we reformulate convolution blocks as feature selection according to the best matching kernel. In this manner, we show that typical ResNet blocks indeed perform local feature embedding via template matching once batch normalization (BN) followed by a rectified linear unit (ReLU) is interpreted as arg-max optimizer. Following this perspective, we tailor a residual block that explicitly forces semantically meaningful local feature embedding through using label information. Specifically, we assign a feature vector to each local region according to the classes that the corresponding region matches. We evaluate our method on three popular benchmark datasets with several architectures for image classification and consistently show that our approach substantially improves the performance of the baseline architectures. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:48:54 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# R2C-GAN:Blind X線修復とCOVID-19分類のためのGANの復元 R2C-GAN: Restore-to-Classify GANs for Blind X-Ray Restoration and COVID-19 Classification ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.14770v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mete Ahishali, Aysen Degerli, Serkan Kiranyaz, Tahir Hamid, Rashid Mazhar, Moncef Gabbouj | (参考訳) 品質の悪い画像と混合した人工物の復元は、信頼性の高い診断に不可欠な役割を担っている。
ブラインドx線修復の先駆的研究として,汎用的な画像復元と分類のための共同モデル,restore-to-classify generative adversarial networks (r2c-gans)を提案する。
提案手法では, 90%以上のF1スコアが得られた。
ソフトウェアの実装はhttps://github.com/meteahishali/R2C-GANで公開しています。 Restoration of poor quality images with a blended set of artifacts plays a vital role for a reliable diagnosis. Existing studies have focused on specific restoration problems such as image deblurring, denoising, and exposure correction where there is usually a strong assumption on the artifact type and severity. As a pioneer study in blind X-ray restoration, we propose a joint model for generic image restoration and classification: Restore-to-Classify Generative Adversarial Networks (R2C-GANs). Such a jointly optimized model keeps any disease intact after the restoration. Therefore, this will naturally lead to a higher diagnosis performance thanks to the improved X-ray image quality. To accomplish this crucial objective, we define the restoration task as an Image-to-Image translation problem from poor quality having noisy, blurry, or over/under-exposed images to high quality image domain. The proposed R2C-GAN model is able to learn forward and inverse transforms between the two domains using unpaired training samples. Simultaneously, the joint classification preserves the disease label during restoration. Moreover, the R2C-GANs are equipped with operational layers/neurons reducing the network depth and further boosting both restoration and classification performances. The proposed joint model is extensively evaluated over the QaTa-COV19 dataset for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) classification. The proposed restoration approach achieves over 90% F1-Score which is significantly higher than the performance of any deep model. Moreover, in the qualitative analysis, the restoration performance of R2C-GANs is approved by a group of medical doctors. We share the software implementation at https://github.com/meteahishali/R2C-GAN. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:48:40 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# イメージキャプションのための固有点と代表的スタイルの学習 Learning Distinct and Representative Styles for Image Captioning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.08231v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Qi Chen, Chaorui Deng, Qi Wu | (参考訳) 長年にわたり、最先端(SoTA)画像キャプション手法は、いくつかの評価指標(例えばCIDEr)で有望な結果を得た。
その結果、学習モード埋め込みは、異なるモードの高品質な画像キャプションを生成するのに成功し、mscocoデータセットの多様性と品質の両方でパフォーマンスが向上することが示された。 Over the years, state-of-the-art (SoTA) image captioning methods have achieved promising results on some evaluation metrics (e.g., CIDEr). However, recent findings show that the captions generated by these methods tend to be biased toward the "average" caption that only captures the most general mode (a.k.a, language pattern) in the training corpus, i.e., the so-called mode collapse problem. Affected by it, the generated captions are limited in diversity and usually less informative than natural image descriptions made by humans. In this paper, we seek to avoid this problem by proposing a Discrete Mode Learning (DML) paradigm for image captioning. Our innovative idea is to explore the rich modes in the training caption corpus to learn a set of "mode embeddings", and further use them to control the mode of the generated captions for existing image captioning models. Specifically, the proposed DML optimizes a dual architecture that consists of an image-conditioned discrete variational autoencoder (CdVAE) branch and a mode-conditioned image captioning (MIC) branch. The CdVAE branch maps each image caption to one of the mode embeddings stored in a learned codebook, and is trained with a pure non-autoregressive generation objective to make the modes distinct and representative. The MIC branch can be simply modified from an existing image captioning model, where the mode embedding is added to the original word embeddings as the control signal. In the experiments, we apply the proposed DML to two widely used image captioning models, Transformer and AoANet. The results show that the learned mode embedding successfully facilitates these models to generate high-quality image captions with different modes, further leading to better performance for both diversity and quality on the MSCOCO dataset. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:47:42 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 破壊的過剰フィッティングは識別的非ロバスト特徴によって引き起こされる Catastrophic overfitting can be induced with discriminative non-robust features ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.08242v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Guillermo Ortiz-Jim\'enez, Pau de Jorge, Amartya Sanyal, Adel Bibi, Puneet K. Dokania, Pascal Frossard, Gregory Rog\'ez, Philip H.S. Torr | (参考訳) 敵対的トレーニング(AT)は、堅牢なニューラルネットワークを構築するための事実上の方法であるが、計算コストがかかる。
実験を再現するコードはhttps://github.com/gortizji/co_featuresで確認できます。 Adversarial training (AT) is the de facto method for building robust neural networks, but it can be computationally expensive. To mitigate this, fast single-step attacks can be used, but this may lead to catastrophic overfitting (CO). This phenomenon appears when networks gain non-trivial robustness during the first stages of AT, but then reach a breaking point where they become vulnerable in just a few iterations. The mechanisms that lead to this failure mode are still poorly understood. In this work, we study the onset of CO in single-step AT methods through controlled modifications of typical datasets of natural images. In particular, we show that CO can be induced at much smaller $\epsilon$ values than it was observed before just by injecting images with seemingly innocuous features. These features aid non-robust classification but are not enough to achieve robustness on their own. Through extensive experiments we analyze this novel phenomenon and discover that the presence of these easy features induces a learning shortcut that leads to CO. Our findings provide new insights into the mechanisms of CO and improve our understanding of the dynamics of AT. The code to reproduce our experiments can be found at https://github.com/gortizji/co_features. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:46:46 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ポジティブなラベルなしコントラスト学習 Positive Unlabeled Contrastive Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.01206v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Anish Acharya and Sujay Sanghavi and Li Jing and Bhargav Bhushanam and Michael Rabbat and Inderjit Dhillon | (参考訳) ラベルなしデータの自己教師あり事前学習とラベル付きデータの教師付き微調整は、限定されたラベル付き例から学ぶための一般的なパラダイムである。
また,提案手法を動機づける単純な理論解析も提供する。 Self-supervised pretraining on unlabeled data followed by supervised fine-tuning on labeled data is a popular paradigm for learning from limited labeled examples. We extend this paradigm to the classical positive unlabeled (PU) setting, where the task is to learn a binary classifier given only a few labeled positive samples, and (often) a large amount of unlabeled samples (which could be positive or negative). We first propose a simple extension of standard infoNCE family of contrastive losses, to the PU setting; and show that this learns superior representations, as compared to existing unsupervised and supervised approaches. We then develop a simple methodology to pseudo-label the unlabeled samples using a new PU-specific clustering scheme; these pseudo-labels can then be used to train the final (positive vs. negative) classifier. Our method handily outperforms state-of-the-art PU methods over several standard PU benchmark datasets, while not requiring a-priori knowledge of any class prior (which is a common assumption in other PU methods). We also provide a simple theoretical analysis that motivates our methods. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:46:27 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 変化点検出のためのランダムフォレスト Random Forests for Change Point Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.04997v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Malte Londschien, Peter B\"uhlmann, Solt Kov\'acs | (参考訳) 分類器を用いた多変量非パラメトリック多重変化点検出法を提案する。
我々は,クラス確率予測を用いて異なる変化点構成を比較する分類器log-likelihood ratioを構築した。
提案手法は, 既存の多変量非パラメトリック変化点検出法と比較して, 実験性能の向上を実現する。
当社のメソッドの効率的な実装は,変更対象ソフトウェアパッケージでR,Python,Rustユーザに提供されています。 We propose a novel multivariate nonparametric multiple change point detection method using classifiers. We construct a classifier log-likelihood ratio that uses class probability predictions to compare different change point configurations. We propose a computationally feasible search method that is particularly well suited for random forests, denoted by changeforest. However, the method can be paired with any classifier that yields class probability predictions, which we illustrate by also using a k-nearest neighbor classifier. We prove that it consistently locates change points in single change point settings when paired with a consistent classifier. Our proposed method changeforest achieves improved empirical performance in an extensive simulation study compared to existing multivariate nonparametric change point detection methods. An efficient implementation of our method is made available for R, Python, and Rust users in the changeforest software package. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:46:05 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# FlexFringe:確率的オートマタ学習によるソフトウェア行動モデリング FlexFringe: Modeling Software Behavior by Learning Probabilistic Automata ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.16331v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sicco Verwer and Christian Hammerschmidt | (参考訳) 本稿ではFlexFringeで利用可能な確率的決定論的有限オートマトン学習法の効率的な実装について述べる。
より複雑なモデルを学習することで、異常検出におけるFlexFringeの性能が向上し、ニューラルネットに基づく既存のソリューションよりも優れていることを示す。 We present the efficient implementations of probabilistic deterministic finite automaton learning methods available in FlexFringe. These implement well-known strategies for state-merging including several modifications to improve their performance in practice. We show experimentally that these algorithms obtain competitive results and significant improvements over a default implementation. We also demonstrate how to use FlexFringe to learn interpretable models from software logs and use these for anomaly detection. Although less interpretable, we show that learning smaller more convoluted models improves the performance of FlexFringe on anomaly detection, outperforming an existing solution based on neural nets. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:45:53 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 確率線形帯域を用いたマルチタスク表現学習 Multi-task Representation Learning with Stochastic Linear Bandits ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.10066v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Leonardo Cella, Karim Lounici, Gr\'egoire Pacreau, Massimiliano Pontil | (参考訳) 確率線形バンディット課題の設定における転校学習の問題について検討する。
最後に, 合成データに関する予備実験を行い, 理論的知見を裏付ける。 We study the problem of transfer-learning in the setting of stochastic linear bandit tasks. We consider that a low dimensional linear representation is shared across the tasks, and study the benefit of learning this representation in the multi-task learning setting. Following recent results to design stochastic bandit policies, we propose an efficient greedy policy based on trace norm regularization. It implicitly learns a low dimensional representation by encouraging the matrix formed by the task regression vectors to be of low rank. Unlike previous work in the literature, our policy does not need to know the rank of the underlying matrix. We derive an upper bound on the multi-task regret of our policy, which is, up to logarithmic factors, of order $\sqrt{NdT(T+d)r}$, where $T$ is the number of tasks, $r$ the rank, $d$ the number of variables and $N$ the number of rounds per task. We show the benefit of our strategy compared to the baseline $Td\sqrt{N}$ obtained by solving each task independently. We also provide a lower bound to the multi-task regret. Finally, we corroborate our theoretical findings with preliminary experiments on synthetic data. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:45:42 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 誰の感情が重要か?
事前知識のない活動のローカライゼーション Whose Emotion Matters? Speaking Activity Localisation without Prior Knowledge ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.15377v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Hugo Carneiro, Cornelius Weber, Stefan Wermter | (参考訳) 例えば、ビデオベースのMultimodal EmotionLines Dataset(MELD)において、会話(ERC)における感情認識のタスクは、複数のモダリティの可用性の恩恵を受ける。
MELD-FAIRアライメントデータ、およびアライメント手順のコードと感情認識はhttps://github.com/knowledgetechnologyuh/MELD-FAIRで入手できる。 The task of emotion recognition in conversations (ERC) benefits from the availability of multiple modalities, as provided, for example, in the video-based Multimodal EmotionLines Dataset (MELD). However, only a few research approaches use both acoustic and visual information from the MELD videos. There are two reasons for this: First, label-to-video alignments in MELD are noisy, making those videos an unreliable source of emotional speech data. Second, conversations can involve several people in the same scene, which requires the localisation of the utterance source. In this paper, we introduce MELD with Fixed Audiovisual Information via Realignment (MELD-FAIR) by using recent active speaker detection and automatic speech recognition models, we are able to realign the videos of MELD and capture the facial expressions from speakers in 96.92% of the utterances provided in MELD. Experiments with a self-supervised voice recognition model indicate that the realigned MELD-FAIR videos more closely match the transcribed utterances given in the MELD dataset. Finally, we devise a model for emotion recognition in conversations trained on the realigned MELD-FAIR videos, which outperforms state-of-the-art models for ERC based on vision alone. This indicates that localising the source of speaking activities is indeed effective for extracting facial expressions from the uttering speakers and that faces provide more informative visual cues than the visual features state-of-the-art models have been using so far. The MELD-FAIR realignment data, and the code of the realignment procedure and of the emotional recognition, are available at https://github.com/knowledgetechnologyuhh/MELD-FAIR. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:40:13 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 顕微鏡データの効率的な画像分解 {\mu}Split: efficient image decomposition for microscopy data ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.12872v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ashesh, Alexander Krull, Moises Di Sante, Francesco Silvio Pasqualini, Florian Jug | (参考訳) 蛍光顕微鏡画像の文脈における画像分解のための専用手法である {\mu}Splitを提案する。
我々は、合成データセット上の5つの分解タスクに {\mu}splitを適用し、その他4つは実顕微鏡データから導出する。
LCはSOTA結果(平均2.36dB PSNRのベースラインの改善)を達成し、同時にGPUメモリをかなり少なくする。 We present {\mu}Split, a dedicated approach for trained image decomposition in the context of fluorescence microscopy images. We find that best results using regular deep architectures are achieved when large image patches are used during training, making memory consumption the limiting factor to further improving performance. We therefore introduce lateral contextualization (LC), a memory efficient way to train powerful networks and show that LC leads to consistent and significant improvements on the task at hand. We integrate LC with U-Nets, Hierarchical AEs, and Hierarchical VAEs, for which we formulate a modified ELBO loss. Additionally, LC enables training deeper hierarchical models than otherwise possible and, interestingly, helps to reduce tiling artefacts that are inherently impossible to avoid when using tiled VAE predictions. We apply {\mu}Split to five decomposition tasks, one on a synthetic dataset, four others derived from real microscopy data. LC achieves SOTA results (average improvements to the best baseline of 2.36 dB PSNR), while simultaneously requiring considerably less GPU memory. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:39:32 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 分散連合学習 : 基礎, 現状, フレームワーク, トレンド, 課題 Decentralized Federated Learning: Fundamentals, State of the Art, Frameworks, Trends, and Challenges ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.08413v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Enrique Tom\'as Mart\'inez Beltr\'an, Mario Quiles P\'erez, Pedro Miguel S\'anchez S\'anchez, Sergio L\'opez Bernal, G\'er\^ome Bovet, Manuel Gil P\'erez, Gregorio Mart\'inez P\'erez, Alberto Huertas Celdr\'an | (参考訳) 近年,federated learning (fl) は,センシティブなデータ共有を伴わずに協調モデルのトレーニングに寄与している。
DFL(Decentralized Federated Learning)は、分散モデルの集約を促進し、集中型アーキテクチャへの依存を最小限にすることで、これらの問題に対処するために登場した。
最後に、既存のDFLソリューションの進化について研究し、トレンド、学んだ教訓、オープンな課題のリストを提供する。 In recent years, Federated Learning (FL) has gained relevance in training collaborative models without sharing sensitive data. Since its birth, Centralized FL (CFL) has been the most common approach in the literature, where a central entity creates a global model. However, a centralized approach leads to increased latency due to bottlenecks, heightened vulnerability to system failures, and trustworthiness concerns affecting the entity responsible for the global model creation. Decentralized Federated Learning (DFL) emerged to address these concerns by promoting decentralized model aggregation and minimizing reliance on centralized architectures. However, despite the work done in DFL, the literature has not (i) studied the main aspects differentiating DFL and CFL; (ii) analyzed DFL frameworks to create and evaluate new solutions; and (iii) reviewed application scenarios using DFL. Thus, this article identifies and analyzes the main fundamentals of DFL in terms of federation architectures, topologies, communication mechanisms, security approaches, and key performance indicators. Additionally, the paper at hand explores existing mechanisms to optimize critical DFL fundamentals. Then, the most relevant features of the current DFL frameworks are reviewed and compared. After that, it analyzes the most used DFL application scenarios, identifying solutions based on the fundamentals and frameworks previously defined. Finally, the evolution of existing DFL solutions is studied to provide a list of trends, lessons learned, and open challenges. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:39:04 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 位相量子計算言語としてのZX計算 The ZX-calculus as a Language for Topological Quantum Computation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.03855v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Fatimah Rita Ahmadi and Aleks Kissinger | (参考訳) ユニタリ融合圏はトポロジカル量子計算の代数理論を定式化する。
イジングの場合、これはアダマール門の2つの異なるオイラー分解を$\pi/2$ Zand X-相ゲートとして関連付ける一般的な規則に還元するが、フィボナッチの場合、金比を含むP-ルールの未考慮の正確な解を与える。
さらに,フィボナッチ・アノンのzx表現とブレイドをシミュレートし,単純化するための完全グラフィカルな手順を提案する。 Unitary fusion categories formalise the algebraic theory of topological quantum computation. These categories come naturally enriched in a subcategory of the category of Hilbert spaces, and by looking at this subcategory, one can identify a collection of generators for implementing quantum computation. We represent such generators for the Fibonacci and Ising models, namely the encoding of qubits and the associated braid group representations, with the ZX-calculus and show that in both cases, the Yang-Baxter equation is directly connected to an important rule in the complete ZX-calculus known as the P-rule, which enables one to interchange the phase gates defined with respect to complementary bases. In the Ising case, this reduces to a familiar rule relating two distinct Euler decompositions of the Hadamard gate as $\pi/2$ Z- and X-phase gates, whereas in the Fibonacci case, we give a previously unconsidered exact solution of the P-rule involving the Golden ratio. We demonstrate the utility of these representations by giving graphical derivations of the single-qubit braid equations for Fibonacci anyons and the single- and two-qubit braid equations for Ising anyons. We furthermore present a fully graphical procedure for simulating and simplifying braids with the ZX-representation of Fibonacci anyons. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:38:40 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ベイズ双曲多次元スケーリング Bayesian Hyperbolic Multidimensional Scaling ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.15081v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Bolun Liu, Shane Lubold, Adrian E. Raftery, Tyler H. McCormick | (参考訳) 多次元スケーリング(MDS)は、高次元依存データを表現するために広く用いられている手法である。
また,大規模データ設定における後方分布からの効率的なサンプリングを可能にし,計算複雑性を約$o(n^2)$ から$o(n)$ に低減するケースコントロール度近似を提案する。
提案手法は,シミュレーション,標準基準データセット,インディアン村のネットワークデータ,およびヒトの遺伝子発現データを用いて,最先端の代替手法に対して評価する。 Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a widely used approach to representing high-dimensional, dependent data. MDS works by assigning each observation a location on a low-dimensional geometric manifold, with distance on the manifold representing similarity. We propose a Bayesian approach to multidimensional scaling when the low-dimensional manifold is hyperbolic. Using hyperbolic space facilitates representing tree-like structures common in many settings (e.g. text or genetic data with hierarchical structure). A Bayesian approach provides regularization that minimizes the impact of measurement error in the observed data and assesses uncertainty. We also propose a case-control likelihood approximation that allows for efficient sampling from the posterior distribution in larger data settings, reducing computational complexity from approximately $O(n^2)$ to $O(n)$. We evaluate the proposed method against state-of-the-art alternatives using simulations, canonical reference datasets, Indian village network data, and human gene expression data. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:37:01 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 確率的勾配降下法に対する厳密な動的平均場理論 Rigorous dynamical mean field theory for stochastic gradient descent methods ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.06591v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Cedric Gerbelot, Emanuele Troiani, Francesca Mignacco, Florent Krzakala and Lenka Zdeborova | (参考訳) 経験的リスク最小化を伴うガウスデータを用いた観測から推定器(例えば、m-推定器、浅いニューラルネットワーク、...)を学習し、一階勾配に基づく手法の厳密な高次元漸近性に対する閉形式方程式を証明した。
最後に,SGDの一般化されたバッチサイズおよび定常学習率を持つ方程式の数値的実装を提案する。 We prove closed-form equations for the exact high-dimensional asymptotics of a family of first order gradient-based methods, learning an estimator (e.g. M-estimator, shallow neural network, ...) from observations on Gaussian data with empirical risk minimization. This includes widely used algorithms such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD) or Nesterov acceleration. The obtained equations match those resulting from the discretization of dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) equations from statistical physics when applied to gradient flow. Our proof method allows us to give an explicit description of how memory kernels build up in the effective dynamics, and to include non-separable update functions, allowing datasets with non-identity covariance matrices. Finally, we provide numerical implementations of the equations for SGD with generic extensive batch-size and with constant learning rates. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:36:31 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 非IIDデータを用いたバッチ正規化損傷フェデレーション学習 Why Batch Normalization Damage Federated Learning on Non-IID Data? ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2301.02982v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yanmeng Wang, Qingjiang Shi, Tsung-Hui Chang | (参考訳) 有望な分散学習パラダイムとして、フェデレーション学習(FL)では、エッジクライアントのプライバシを保護するとともに、ネットワークエッジでディープニューラルネットワーク(DNN)モデルをトレーニングする。
BNベースDNNモデルのトレーニングにおいて,既存のベースラインよりもFedTANの方が優れていることを示す。 As a promising distributed learning paradigm, federated learning (FL) involves training deep neural network (DNN) models at the network edge while protecting the privacy of the edge clients. To train a large-scale DNN model, batch normalization (BN) has been regarded as a simple and effective means to accelerate the training and improve the generalization capability. However, recent findings indicate that BN can significantly impair the performance of FL in the presence of non-i.i.d. data. While several FL algorithms have been proposed to address this issue, their performance still falls significantly when compared to the centralized scheme. Furthermore, none of them have provided a theoretical explanation of how the BN damages the FL convergence. In this paper, we present the first convergence analysis to show that under the non-i.i.d. data, the mismatch between the local and global statistical parameters in BN causes the gradient deviation between the local and global models, which, as a result, slows down and biases the FL convergence. In view of this, we develop a new FL algorithm that is tailored to BN, called FedTAN, which is capable of achieving robust FL performance under a variety of data distributions via iterative layer-wise parameter aggregation. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed FedTAN over existing baselines for training BN-based DNN models. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:28:52 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# FedICT: マルチアクセスエッジコンピューティングのためのフェデレーションマルチタスク蒸留 FedICT: Federated Multi-task Distillation for Multi-access Edge Computing ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2301.00389v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhiyuan Wu, Sheng Sun, Yuwei Wang, Min Liu, Quyang Pan, Xuefeng Jiang, Bo Gao | (参考訳) モバイルデバイスのインテリジェントサービスとプライバシ保護に対する関心が高まり、マルチアクセスエッジコンピューティング(MEC)におけるフェデレーション学習の広範な適用がもたらされた。
FMTL(Federated Multi-task Learning)は、異なるデバイスに対して、関連するがパーソナライズされたMLモデルをトレーニングするために提案されている。
このジレンマに対処するため,FedICT (Federated MultI-task Distillation for Multi- Access Edge CompuTing) を提案する。
具体的には、Federated Prior Knowledge Distillation (FPKD)とLocal Knowledge Adjustment (LKA)が含まれる。
3つのデータセットの実験により、FedICTはさまざまなデータおよびモデルアーキテクチャ設定のベンチマークを著しく上回り、FedAvgと比較して1.2%以下のトレーニング通信オーバーヘッドで精度を向上し、FedGKTと比較して75%以下のトレーニング通信ラウンドを実現している。 The growing interest in intelligent services and privacy protection for mobile devices has given rise to the widespread application of federated learning in Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC). Diverse user behaviors call for personalized services with heterogeneous Machine Learning (ML) models on different devices. Federated Multi-task Learning (FMTL) is proposed to train related but personalized ML models for different devices, whereas previous works suffer from excessive communication overhead during training and neglect the model heterogeneity among devices in MEC. Introducing knowledge distillation into FMTL can simultaneously enable efficient communication and model heterogeneity among clients, whereas existing methods rely on a public dataset, which is impractical in reality. To tackle this dilemma, Federated MultI-task Distillation for Multi-access Edge CompuTing (FedICT) is proposed. FedICT direct local-global knowledge aloof during bi-directional distillation processes between clients and the server, aiming to enable multi-task clients while alleviating client drift derived from divergent optimization directions of client-side local models. Specifically, FedICT includes Federated Prior Knowledge Distillation (FPKD) and Local Knowledge Adjustment (LKA). FPKD is proposed to reinforce the clients' fitting of local data by introducing prior knowledge of local data distributions. Moreover, LKA is proposed to correct the distillation loss of the server, making the transferred local knowledge better match the generalized representation. Experiments on three datasets show that FedICT significantly outperforms all compared benchmarks in various data heterogeneous and model architecture settings, achieving improved accuracy with less than 1.2% training communication overhead compared with FedAvg and no more than 75% training communication round compared with FedGKT. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:28:28 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 尾の質 Quality at the Tail ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.13925v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhengxin Yang and Wanling Gao and Chunjie Luo and Lei Wang and Fei Tang and Xu Wen and Jianfeng Zhan | (参考訳) ディープラーニングのモデルとシステムのベンチマークと評価には、総合的な評価を確保するための細心の注意を要する。
さらに, この評価枠組みを用いて, 予測品質と推定時間に影響を与える要因の予備分析を行った。 Benchmarking and evaluating deep learning models and systems necessitate a meticulous approach to ensure comprehensive assessment. In practical applications, it is paramount to consider both the inference quality and the inference time, particularly within critical contexts, where stringent requirements demand the simultaneous satisfaction of both metrics. Neglecting either aspect can result in severe and irreversible consequences, including loss of human life and property damage. Unfortunately, many studies lack a comprehensive consideration of these metrics, often conducted under ideal or permissive conditions, thereby leading to incomplete or non-intuitive evaluation methodologies. This study reveals that deep learning inference quality exhibits fluctuations, which further introduces complications and challenges to the benchmarking and evaluation. To better characterize the phenomenon, the concept of "tail quality" is introduced, which indicates the quality at the tail of distributions. "Tail quality" can offer a more objective evaluation, overcoming the limitations of conventional inference quality and inference time metrics in capturing the quality fluctuation phenomenon. To capture the phenomenon, this paper also proposes a pioneering evaluation framework for comprehensive assessment and analysis of various factors affecting inference time and quality. Leveraging this framework enables the anticipation of the potential distribution of inference time and inference quality, thus capturing "tail quality" before practically applying deep learning. The effectiveness of the evaluation framework is validated through experiments conducted on deep learning models for three different tasks across four systems. Furthermore, employing this evaluation framework, the experiments conducted a preliminary analysis of several factors influencing inference quality and inference time. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:27:57 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 固有状態遷移におけるスケール不変生存確率 Scale-Invariant Survival Probability at Eigenstate Transitions ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.13888v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Miroslav Hopjan and Lev Vidmar | (参考訳) 高励起ハミルトン固有状態における量子相転移の理解は、現時点では完成にはほど遠い。
これにより、二次系における局在化遷移と相互作用系におけるエルゴード性破壊相転移との興味深い類似性が確立される。 Understanding quantum phase transitions in highly excited Hamiltonian eigenstates is currently far from being complete. It is particularly important to establish tools for their characterization in time domain. Here we argue that a scaled survival probability, where time is measured in units of a typical Heisenberg time, exhibits a scale-invariant behavior at eigenstate transitions. We first demonstrate this property in two paradigmatic quadratic models, the one-dimensional Aubry-Andre model and three-dimensional Anderson model. Surprisingly, we then show that similar phenomenology emerges in the interacting avalanche model of ergodicity breaking phase transitions. This establishes an intriguing similarity between localization transition in quadratic systems and ergodicity breaking phase transition in interacting systems. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:27:31 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# DDColor:デュアルデコーダによる写真リアリスティック画像のカラー化を目指して DDColor: Towards Photo-Realistic Image Colorization via Dual Decoders ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.11613v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xiaoyang Kang, Tao Yang, Wenqi Ouyang, Peiran Ren, Lingzhi Li, Xuansong Xie | (参考訳) 画像のカラー化は、マルチモーダルな不確実性と高い不正性のために難しい問題である。
コードとモデルはhttps://github.com/piddnad/DDColor.comで公開されている。 Image colorization is a challenging problem due to multi-modal uncertainty and high ill-posedness. Directly training a deep neural network usually leads to incorrect semantic colors and low color richness. While transformer-based methods can deliver better results, they often rely on manually designed priors, suffer from poor generalization ability, and introduce color bleeding effects. To address these issues, we propose DDColor, an end-to-end method with dual decoders for image colorization. Our approach includes a pixel decoder and a query-based color decoder. The former restores the spatial resolution of the image, while the latter utilizes rich visual features to refine color queries, thus avoiding hand-crafted priors. Our two decoders work together to establish correlations between color and multi-scale semantic representations via cross-attention, significantly alleviating the color bleeding effect. Additionally, a simple yet effective colorfulness loss is introduced to enhance the color richness. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DDColor achieves superior performance to existing state-of-the-art works both quantitatively and qualitatively. The codes and models are publicly available at https://github.com/piddnad/DDColor. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:26:54 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 遅延最小のディープオンラインビデオ安定化 Minimum Latency Deep Online Video Stabilization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.02073v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhuofan Zhang, Zhen Liu, Ping Tan, Bing Zeng, Shuaicheng Liu | (参考訳) オンラインビデオ安定化のための新しいカメラパス最適化フレームワークを提案する。
私たちのコードとデータセットはhttps://github.com/liuzhen03/nndvsで利用可能です。 We present a novel camera path optimization framework for the task of online video stabilization. Typically, a stabilization pipeline consists of three steps: motion estimating, path smoothing, and novel view rendering. Most previous methods concentrate on motion estimation, proposing various global or local motion models. In contrast, path optimization receives relatively less attention, especially in the important online setting, where no future frames are available. In this work, we adopt recent off-the-shelf high-quality deep motion models for motion estimation to recover the camera trajectory and focus on the latter two steps. Our network takes a short 2D camera path in a sliding window as input and outputs the stabilizing warp field of the last frame in the window, which warps the coming frame to its stabilized position. A hybrid loss is well-defined to constrain the spatial and temporal consistency. In addition, we build a motion dataset that contains stable and unstable motion pairs for the training. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art online methods both qualitatively and quantitatively and achieves comparable performance to offline methods. Our code and dataset are available at https://github.com/liuzhen03/NNDVS | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:26:12 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# FedALA: 個人化フェデレーション学習のための適応的ローカルアグリゲーション FedALA: Adaptive Local Aggregation for Personalized Federated Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.01197v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jianqing Zhang, Yang Hua, Hao Wang, Tao Song, Zhengui Xue, Ruhui Ma, Haibing Guan | (参考訳) 連合学習(FL)における重要な課題は、各クライアントにおけるグローバルモデルの一般化を損なう統計的不均一性である。
fedalaの重要なコンポーネントはadaptive local aggregation(ala)モジュールで、ダウンロードされたグローバルモデルとローカルモデルを各クライアントのローカル目標に向けて適応的に集約し、各イテレーションでトレーニングする前にローカルモデルを初期化することができる。
さらに、ALAモジュールを他のフェデレーション学習手法に適用し、テスト精度を最大24.19%向上させる。 A key challenge in federated learning (FL) is the statistical heterogeneity that impairs the generalization of the global model on each client. To address this, we propose a method Federated learning with Adaptive Local Aggregation (FedALA) by capturing the desired information in the global model for client models in personalized FL. The key component of FedALA is an Adaptive Local Aggregation (ALA) module, which can adaptively aggregate the downloaded global model and local model towards the local objective on each client to initialize the local model before training in each iteration. To evaluate the effectiveness of FedALA, we conduct extensive experiments with five benchmark datasets in computer vision and natural language processing domains. FedALA outperforms eleven state-of-the-art baselines by up to 3.27% in test accuracy. Furthermore, we also apply ALA module to other federated learning methods and achieve up to 24.19% improvement in test accuracy. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:25:51 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# SuS-X: 視覚言語モデルの訓練自由名専用転送 SuS-X: Training-Free Name-Only Transfer of Vision-Language Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.16198v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Vishaal Udandarao, Ankush Gupta, Samuel Albanie | (参考訳) Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) は、大規模な視覚言語モデルを訓練するための単純かつ効果的な方法として登場した。
コードはhttps://github.com/vishaal27/SuS-Xで入手できる。 Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) has emerged as a simple yet effective way to train large-scale vision-language models. CLIP demonstrates impressive zero-shot classification and retrieval on diverse downstream tasks. However, to leverage its full potential, fine-tuning still appears to be necessary. Fine-tuning the entire CLIP model can be resource-intensive and unstable. Moreover, recent methods that aim to circumvent this need for fine-tuning still require access to images from the target distribution. In this paper, we pursue a different approach and explore the regime of training-free "name-only transfer" in which the only knowledge we possess about the downstream task comprises the names of downstream target categories. We propose a novel method, SuS-X, consisting of two key building blocks -- SuS and TIP-X, that requires neither intensive fine-tuning nor costly labelled data. SuS-X achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot classification results on 19 benchmark datasets. We further show the utility of TIP-X in the training-free few-shot setting, where we again achieve state-of-the-art results over strong training-free baselines. Code is available at https://github.com/vishaal27/SuS-X. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:25:33 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ラベル効率のよい時系列表現学習 Label-efficient Time Series Representation Learning: A Review ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.06433v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Emadeldeen Eldele, Mohamed Ragab, Zhenghua Chen, Min Wu, Chee-Keong Kwoh, Xiaoli Li | (参考訳) ラベル付きデータの不足は,実世界の時系列データにディープラーニングモデルを適用する上で,大きな課題のひとつだ。
さらに、各アプローチの最近の進歩を概観し、現在の作業の限界を結論付け、この分野の進歩をもたらすであろう今後の方向性について述べる。 The scarcity of labeled data is one of the main challenges of applying deep learning models on time series data in the real world. Therefore, several approaches, e.g., transfer learning, self-supervised learning, and semi-supervised learning, have been recently developed to promote the learning capability of deep learning models from the limited time series labels. In this survey, for the first time, we provide a novel taxonomy to categorize existing approaches that address the scarcity of labeled data problem in time series data based on their dependency on external data sources. Moreover, we present a review of the recent advances in each approach and conclude the limitations of the current works and provide future directions that could yield better progress in the field. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:18:59 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 認知症者の扇動検出を改善するためのアンダーサンプリングと累積クラス再決定法 Undersampling and Cumulative Class Re-decision Methods to Improve Detection of Agitation in People with Dementia ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.03224v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhidong Meng, Andrea Iaboni, Bing Ye, Kristine Newman, Alex Mihailidis, Zhihong Deng, and Shehroz S. Khan | (参考訳) 鎮静は認知症(PwD)患者の最も多い症状の1つで、自分自身と介護者の安全を危険にさらすことができる。
住宅地に住むpwdの健康と安全を支援するためには, 客観的な扇動検出手法の開発が重要である。
その後, 累積クラス再決定(CCR)の後処理法が, 動揺の歴史的逐次的情報と連続特性に基づいて提案され, 動揺検出システムの潜在的な応用のための意思決定性能が向上した。
その結果、アンダーサンプリングとCCRの組み合わせにより、トレーニング時間とデータが少なく、F1スコアや他の指標を様々な程度に改善した。 Agitation is one of the most prevalent symptoms in people with dementia (PwD) that can place themselves and the caregiver's safety at risk. Developing objective agitation detection approaches is important to support health and safety of PwD living in a residential setting. In a previous study, we collected multimodal wearable sensor data from 17 participants for 600 days and developed machine learning models for detecting agitation in one-minute windows. However, there are significant limitations in the dataset, such as imbalance problem and potential imprecise labelsas the occurrence of agitation is much rarer in comparison to the normal behaviours. In this paper, we first implemented different undersampling methods to eliminate the imbalance problem, and came to the conclusion that only 20% of normal behaviour data were adequate to train a competitive agitation detection model. Then, we designed a weighted undersampling method to evaluate the manual labeling mechanism given the ambiguous time interval assumption. After that, the postprocessing method of cumulative class re-decision (CCR) was proposed based on the historical sequential information and continuity characteristic of agitation, improving the decision-making performance for the potential application of agitation detection system. The results showed that a combination of undersampling and CCR improved F1-score and other metrics to varying degrees with less training time and data. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:18:46 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 非エルミートハミルトニアンによる量子力学の測定仮定のエミュレート Emulating the measurement postulates of quantum mechanics via non-Hermitian Hamiltonian ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.01898v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Gurpahul Singh, Ritesh K. Singh and Soumitro Banerjee (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata) | (参考訳) 量子力学の定式化以来、波動関数の崩壊過程についてはほとんど理解されていない。
2レベル系に対して、リンドブラッド・マスター方程式によって生成される力学は、2つの非エルミート的ハミルトニアンによる進化の不整合和として再現できることを示した。 Ever since the formulation of quantum mechanics, there is very little understanding of the process of the collapse of a wavefunction. We have proposed a dynamical model to emulate the measurement postulates of quantum mechanics. We postulate that a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian operates during the process of measurement, which evolves any state to an attracting equilibrium state, thus, mimicking a "collapse". We demonstrate this using a 2-level system and then extend it to an N-level system. For a 2-level system, we also demonstrate that the dynamics generated by the Lindblad master equation can be replicated as an incoherent sum of the evolution by two separate non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:18:21 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# HaMuCo:多視点協調型自己監督学習による手振り推定 HaMuCo: Hand Pose Estimation via Multiview Collaborative Self-Supervised Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.00988v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xiaozheng Zheng, Chao Wen, Zhou Xue, Pengfei Ren, Jingyu Wang | (参考訳) 近年の3次元手ポーズ推定の進歩は有望な結果を示しているが、その効果は主に大規模注釈付きデータセットの利用可能性に依存しており、その作成は手間とコストのかかるプロセスである。
さらに,提案するクロスビューインタラクションネットワークは,マルチビュー入力からのハンドポーズ推定にも適用可能であり,同一設定下では従来の手法を上回っている。 Recent advancements in 3D hand pose estimation have shown promising results, but its effectiveness has primarily relied on the availability of large-scale annotated datasets, the creation of which is a laborious and costly process. To alleviate the label-hungry limitation, we propose a self-supervised learning framework, HaMuCo, that learns a single-view hand pose estimator from multi-view pseudo 2D labels. However, one of the main challenges of self-supervised learning is the presence of noisy labels and the ``groupthink'' effect from multiple views. To overcome these issues, we introduce a cross-view interaction network that distills the single-view estimator by utilizing the cross-view correlated features and enforcing multi-view consistency to achieve collaborative learning. Both the single-view estimator and the cross-view interaction network are trained jointly in an end-to-end manner. Extensive experiments show that our method can achieve state-of-the-art performance on multi-view self-supervised hand pose estimation. Furthermore, the proposed cross-view interaction network can also be applied to hand pose estimation from multi-view input and outperforms previous methods under the same settings. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:17:39 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# infinicity:無限大の都市合成 InfiniCity: Infinite-Scale City Synthesis ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2301.09637v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Chieh Hubert Lin, Hsin-Ying Lee, Willi Menapace, Menglei Chai, Aliaksandr Siarohin, Ming-Hsuan Yang and Sergey Tulyakov | (参考訳) 本研究では,無限大の3次元都市合成に向けて,ランダムノイズから制約のない大規模3次元地下環境の構築とレンダリングを行う新しいフレームワーク,InfiniCityを提案する。
プロジェクトページ: https://hubert0527.github.io/infinicity/ Toward infinite-scale 3D city synthesis, we propose a novel framework, InfiniCity, which constructs and renders an unconstrainedly large and 3D-grounded environment from random noises. InfiniCity decomposes the seemingly impractical task into three feasible modules, taking advantage of both 2D and 3D data. First, an infinite-pixel image synthesis module generates arbitrary-scale 2D maps from the bird's-eye view. Next, an octree-based voxel completion module lifts the generated 2D map to 3D octrees. Finally, a voxel-based neural rendering module texturizes the voxels and renders 2D images. InfiniCity can thus synthesize arbitrary-scale and traversable 3D city environments, and allow flexible and interactive editing from users. We quantitatively and qualitatively demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed framework. Project page: https://hubert0527.github.io/infinicity/ | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:17:00 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 非最大量子カオスに対する有効場の理論 An effective field theory for non-maximal quantum chaos ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2301.05256v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ping Gao and Hong Liu | (参考訳) 非最大量子カオス系では、時間外順序付き相関器(OTOC)の指数的挙動は、高次の「スピン」作用素の無限塔の交換に関する和から生じる。
また、EFTの一般的な構造は、大きな$q$SYKモデルから抽出できることを示す。 In non-maximally quantum chaotic systems, the exponential behavior of out-of-time-ordered correlators (OTOCs) results from summing over exchanges of an infinite tower of higher "spin" operators. We construct an effective field theory (EFT) to capture these exchanges in $(0+1)$ dimensions. The EFT generalizes the one for maximally chaotic systems, and reduces to it in the limit of maximal chaos. The theory predicts the general structure of OTOCs both at leading order in the $1/N$ expansion ($N$ is the number of degrees of freedom), and after resuming over an infinite number of higher order $1/N$ corrections. These general results agree with those previously explicitly obtained in specific models. We also show that the general structure of the EFT can be extracted from the large $q$ SYK model. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:16:46 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 複素ダイナミクスのグラフニューラル近似のための準備 A Recipe for Well-behaved Graph Neural Approximations of Complex Dynamics ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2301.04900v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Vaiva Vasiliauskaite and Nino Antulov-Fantulin | (参考訳) 常微分方程式のデータ駆動近似は、力学系モデル、特に明示的な第一原理を持たない複素系の発見において、古典的な方法に代わる有望な方法を与える。
包括的フレームワークにより,高次元,非線形結合型複合力学系の深層学習近似が可能となる。 Data-driven approximations of ordinary differential equations offer a promising alternative to classical methods in discovering a dynamical system model, particularly in complex systems lacking explicit first principles. This paper focuses on a complex system whose dynamics is described with a system of ordinary differential equations, coupled via a network adjacency matrix. Numerous real-world systems, including financial, social, and neural systems, belong to this class of dynamical models. We propose essential elements for approximating such dynamical systems using neural networks, including necessary biases and an appropriate neural architecture. Emphasizing the differences from static supervised learning, we advocate for evaluating generalization beyond classical assumptions of statistical learning theory. To estimate confidence in prediction during inference time, we introduce a dedicated null model. By studying various complex network dynamics, we demonstrate the neural network's ability to approximate various dynamics, generalize across complex network structures, sizes, and statistical properties of inputs. Our comprehensive framework enables deep learning approximations of high-dimensional, non-linearly coupled complex dynamical systems. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:16:31 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 一時的バンドル選択におけるユーザの個人化投影バイアスの学習 Probe: Learning Users' Personalized Projection Bias in Intertemporal Bundle Choices ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.06016v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Qingming Li and H. Vicky Zhao | (参考訳) 時間的選択は、将来的な利益に対する現在のコストの重み付けを必要とする決定を下す。
これらのバイアスに対処するために, Probe と呼ばれる新しいバイアス埋め込み選好モデルを提案する。
この調査は、ユーザの意思決定メカニズムをより深く理解し、パーソナライズされたサービスの提供を可能にし、より合理的で最適な意思決定を支援する。 Intertemporal choices involve making decisions that require weighing the costs in the present against the benefits in the future. One specific type of intertemporal choice is the decision between purchasing an individual item or opting for a bundle that includes that item. Previous research assumes that individuals have accurate expectations of the factors involved in these choices. However, in reality, users' perceptions of these factors are often biased, leading to irrational and suboptimal decision-making. In this work, we specifically focus on two commonly observed biases: projection bias and the reference-point effect. To address these biases, we propose a novel bias-embedded preference model called Probe. The Probe incorporates a weight function to capture users' projection bias and a value function to account for the reference-point effect, and introduce prospect theory from behavioral economics to combine the weight and value functions. This allows us to determine the probability of users selecting the bundle or a single item. We provide a thorough theoretical analysis to demonstrate the impact of projection bias on the design of bundle sales strategies. Through experimental results, we show that the proposed Probe model outperforms existing methods and contributes to a better understanding of users' irrational behaviors in bundle purchases. This investigation can facilitate a deeper comprehension of users' decision-making mechanisms, enable the provision of personalized services, and assist users in making more rational and optimal decisions. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:09:17 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# GPGait: 汎用Poseベースの歩行認識 GPGait: Generalized Pose-based Gait Recognition ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.05234v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yang Fu, Shibei Meng, Saihui Hou, Xuecai Hu and Yongzhen Huang | (参考訳) ポーズに基づく歩行認識に関する最近の研究は、このような単純な情報を用いてシルエット法に匹敵する結果が得られる可能性を実証している。
データセット間でのポーズベースの手法の一般化能力を向上させるために,<textbf{G}eneralized \textbf{P}ose-based \textbf{Gait} recognition (\textbf{GPGait}) フレームワークを提案する。
まず,Human-Oriented Transformation (HOT) と一連のHuman-Oriented Descriptor (HOD) が提案され,識別多機能化によるポーズの統一表現が得られる。
この目的のために,効率的なグラフ分割と局所的グローバル空間特徴抽出を実現するために,部分認識型グラフ畳み込みネットワーク (pagcn) を提案する。
casia-b, oumvlp-pose, gait3d, growの4つのgait認識データセットを用いた実験により, 既存のスケルトンベース法と比較して, より良好で安定なクロスドメイン機能を示し, シルエットベースのものと同等の認識結果を得た。
コードはhttps://github.com/BNU-IVC/FastPoseGait.comで入手できる。 Recent works on pose-based gait recognition have demonstrated the potential of using such simple information to achieve results comparable to silhouette-based methods. However, the generalization ability of pose-based methods on different datasets is undesirably inferior to that of silhouette-based ones, which has received little attention but hinders the application of these methods in real-world scenarios. To improve the generalization ability of pose-based methods across datasets, we propose a \textbf{G}eneralized \textbf{P}ose-based \textbf{Gait} recognition (\textbf{GPGait}) framework. First, a Human-Oriented Transformation (HOT) and a series of Human-Oriented Descriptors (HOD) are proposed to obtain a unified pose representation with discriminative multi-features. Then, given the slight variations in the unified representation after HOT and HOD, it becomes crucial for the network to extract local-global relationships between the keypoints. To this end, a Part-Aware Graph Convolutional Network (PAGCN) is proposed to enable efficient graph partition and local-global spatial feature extraction. Experiments on four public gait recognition datasets, CASIA-B, OUMVLP-Pose, Gait3D and GREW, show that our model demonstrates better and more stable cross-domain capabilities compared to existing skeleton-based methods, achieving comparable recognition results to silhouette-based ones. Code is available at https://github.com/BNU-IVC/FastPoseGait. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:08:54 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# プログレッシブ・セルフ蒸留による食品認識の学習 Learn More for Food Recognition via Progressive Self-Distillation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.05073v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yaohui Zhu, Linhu Liu, Jiang Tian | (参考訳) 食品認識には、健康に配慮したレコメンデーションやセルフサービスレストランなど、幅広い応用がある。
3つのデータセットに関する広範囲な実験により,提案手法の有効性と最新性能が実証された。 Food recognition has a wide range of applications, such as health-aware recommendation and self-service restaurants. Most previous methods of food recognition firstly locate informative regions in some weakly-supervised manners and then aggregate their features. However, location errors of informative regions limit the effectiveness of these methods to some extent. Instead of locating multiple regions, we propose a Progressive Self-Distillation (PSD) method, which progressively enhances the ability of network to mine more details for food recognition. The training of PSD simultaneously contains multiple self-distillations, in which a teacher network and a student network share the same embedding network. Since the student network receives a modified image from its teacher network by masking some informative regions, the teacher network outputs stronger semantic representations than the student network. Guided by such teacher network with stronger semantics, the student network is encouraged to mine more useful regions from the modified image by enhancing its own ability. The ability of the teacher network is also enhanced with the shared embedding network. By using progressive training, the teacher network incrementally improves its ability to mine more discriminative regions. In inference phase, only the teacher network is used without the help of the student network. Extensive experiments on three datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method and state-of-the-art performance. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:08:21 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# FUSQA:胎児超音波のセグメンテーション品質評価 FUSQA: Fetal Ultrasound Segmentation Quality Assessment ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.04418v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sevim Cengiz, Ibrahim Almakky, Mohammad Yaqub | (参考訳) 深層学習モデルは様々な胎児超音波セグメンテーションタスクに有効である。
その結果、AIベースのアプローチは胎児超音波のセグメンテーションの品質評価に役立つ可能性があり、将来的にはリアルタイムスクリーニングにおけるセグメンテーションの低下を検出する可能性がある。 Deep learning models have been effective for various fetal ultrasound segmentation tasks. However, generalization to new unseen data has raised questions about their effectiveness for clinical adoption. Normally, a transition to new unseen data requires time-consuming and costly quality assurance processes to validate the segmentation performance post-transition. Segmentation quality assessment efforts have focused on natural images, where the problem has been typically formulated as a dice score regression task. In this paper, we propose a simplified Fetal Ultrasound Segmentation Quality Assessment (FUSQA) model to tackle the segmentation quality assessment when no masks exist to compare with. We formulate the segmentation quality assessment process as an automated classification task to distinguish between good and poor-quality segmentation masks for more accurate gestational age estimation. We validate the performance of our proposed approach on two datasets we collect from two hospitals using different ultrasound machines. We compare different architectures, with our best-performing architecture achieving over 90% classification accuracy on distinguishing between good and poor-quality segmentation masks from an unseen dataset. Additionally, there was only a 1.45-day difference between the gestational age reported by doctors and estimated based on CRL measurements using well-segmented masks. On the other hand, this difference increased and reached up to 7.73 days when we calculated CRL from the poorly segmented masks. As a result, AI-based approaches can potentially aid fetal ultrasound segmentation quality assessment and might detect poor segmentation in real-time screening in the future. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:07:59 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# プライベート推定におけるサブセットベースインスタンス最適性 Subset-Based Instance Optimality in Private Estimation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.01262v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Travis Dick, Alex Kulesza, Ziteng Sun, Ananda Theertha Suresh | (参考訳) 微分プライベート推定アルゴリズムのインスタンス最適性の新たな定義を提案する。
(b) は$d$ の大きなサブセットで最悪の場合の性能によって評価される。
特に,詳細な解析を行い,分布的仮定の下で既存のアルゴリズムの漸近的性能を同時に満たしているか,あるいは超えていることを示す。 We propose a new definition of instance optimality for differentially private estimation algorithms. Our definition requires an optimal algorithm to compete, simultaneously for every dataset $D$, with the best private benchmark algorithm that (a) knows $D$ in advance and (b) is evaluated by its worst-case performance on large subsets of $D$. That is, the benchmark algorithm need not perform well when potentially extreme points are added to $D$; it only has to handle the removal of a small number of real data points that already exist. This makes our benchmark significantly stronger than those proposed in prior work. We nevertheless show, for real-valued datasets, how to construct private algorithms that achieve our notion of instance optimality when estimating a broad class of dataset properties, including means, quantiles, and $\ell_p$-norm minimizers. For means in particular, we provide a detailed analysis and show that our algorithm simultaneously matches or exceeds the asymptotic performance of existing algorithms under a range of distributional assumptions. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:07:36 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# I2P-Rec:Bird’s Eye View Projectionsによる大規模ポイントクラウドマップの画像認識 I2P-Rec: Recognizing Images on Large-scale Point Cloud Maps through Bird's Eye View Projections ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.01043v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Shuhang Zheng, Yixuan Li, Zhu Yu, Beinan Yu, Si-Yuan Cao, Minhang Wang, Jintao Xu, Rui Ai, Weihao Gu, Lun Luo, Hui-Liang Shen | (参考訳) 位置認識は、オンラインローカライズアルゴリズムに最初の推測を提供するため、自動運転車が完全な自律性を達成するための重要な技術である。
本稿では,クロスモーダルデータを同一モダリティに変換することで,この問題を解決するための i2p-rec 法を提案する。
次に、ポイント雲をBird's Eye View (BEV)イメージに投影します。
さらに,自律ロジスティクスカーが収集した1kmの軌道データセット上でのi2p-recの評価を行った。 Place recognition is an important technique for autonomous cars to achieve full autonomy since it can provide an initial guess to online localization algorithms. Although current methods based on images or point clouds have achieved satisfactory performance, localizing the images on a large-scale point cloud map remains a fairly unexplored problem. This cross-modal matching task is challenging due to the difficulty in extracting consistent descriptors from images and point clouds. In this paper, we propose the I2P-Rec method to solve the problem by transforming the cross-modal data into the same modality. Specifically, we leverage on the recent success of depth estimation networks to recover point clouds from images. We then project the point clouds into Bird's Eye View (BEV) images. Using the BEV image as an intermediate representation, we extract global features with a Convolutional Neural Network followed by a NetVLAD layer to perform matching. The experimental results evaluated on the KITTI dataset show that, with only a small set of training data, I2P-Rec achieves recall rates at Top-1\% over 80\% and 90\%, when localizing monocular and stereo images on point cloud maps, respectively. We further evaluate I2P-Rec on a 1 km trajectory dataset collected by an autonomous logistics car and show that I2P-Rec can generalize well to previously unseen environments. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:07:20 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# BEVPlace:鳥の視線画像を用いたLiDARによる位置認識学習 BEVPlace: Learning LiDAR-based Place Recognition using Bird's Eye View Images ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.14325v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Lun Luo, Shuhang Zheng, Yixuan Li, Yongzhi Fan, Beinan Yu, Siyuan Cao, Huiliang Shen | (参考訳) 場所認識は長期SLAMシステムにとって重要なモジュールである。
2) 変化を見るのに堅牢です。
4) 問合せ点雲の位置を推定できる。
ソースコードはhttps://github.com/zjuluolun/BEVPlace.comで公開されている。 Place recognition is a key module for long-term SLAM systems. Current LiDAR-based place recognition methods usually use representations of point clouds such as unordered points or range images. These methods achieve high recall rates of retrieval, but their performance may degrade in the case of view variation or scene changes. In this work, we explore the potential of a different representation in place recognition, i.e. bird's eye view (BEV) images. We observe that the structural contents of BEV images are less influenced by rotations and translations of point clouds. We validate that, without any delicate design, a simple VGGNet trained on BEV images achieves comparable performance with the state-of-the-art place recognition methods in scenes of slight viewpoint changes. For more robust place recognition, we design a rotation-invariant network called BEVPlace. We use group convolution to extract rotation-equivariant local features from the images and NetVLAD for global feature aggregation. In addition, we observe that the distance between BEV features is correlated with the geometry distance of point clouds. Based on the observation, we develop a method to estimate the position of the query cloud, extending the usage of place recognition. The experiments conducted on large-scale public datasets show that our method 1) achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of recall rates, 2) is robust to view changes, 3) shows strong generalization ability, and 4) can estimate the positions of query point clouds. Source codes are publicly available at https://github.com/zjuluolun/BEVPlace. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:06:53 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 不均衡情報ネットワークのための意味認識ノード合成 Semantic-aware Node Synthesis for Imbalanced Heterogeneous Information Networks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.14061v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xinyi Gao, Wentao Zhang, Tong Chen, Junliang Yu, Hung Quoc Viet Nguyen, Hongzhi Yin | (参考訳) 不均一グラフニューラルネットワーク(HGNN)は、異種情報ネットワーク(HIN)における複素不均一性をモデル化する際、例外的な効果を示した。
マイノリティクラスの不均衡に取り組み,それらの不適切なセマンティクスを補完するために,sns(semantic-aware node synthesis)と呼ばれる不均衡hinにおけるセマンティクス不均衡問題の最初の方法を提案する。
総合的な実験研究により、SNSは様々なベンチマークデータセットにおいて既存の手法よりずっと優れていることが示された。 Heterogeneous graph neural networks (HGNNs) have exhibited exceptional efficacy in modeling the complex heterogeneity in heterogeneous information networks (HINs). The critical advantage of HGNNs is their ability to handle diverse node and edge types in HINs by extracting and utilizing the abundant semantic information for effective representation learning. However, as a widespread phenomenon in many real-world scenarios, the class-imbalance distribution in HINs creates a performance bottleneck for existing HGNNs. Apart from the quantity imbalance of nodes, another more crucial and distinctive challenge in HINs is semantic imbalance. Minority classes in HINs often lack diverse and sufficient neighbor nodes, resulting in biased and incomplete semantic information. This semantic imbalance further compounds the difficulty of accurately classifying minority nodes, leading to the performance degradation of HGNNs. To tackle the imbalance of minority classes and supplement their inadequate semantics, we present the first method for the semantic imbalance problem in imbalanced HINs named Semantic-aware Node Synthesis (SNS). By assessing the influence on minority classes, SNS adaptively selects the heterogeneous neighbor nodes and augments the network with synthetic nodes while preserving the minority semantics. In addition, we introduce two regularization approaches for HGNNs that constrain the representation of synthetic nodes from both semantic and class perspectives to effectively suppress the potential noises from synthetic nodes, facilitating more expressive embeddings for classification. The comprehensive experimental study demonstrates that SNS consistently outperforms existing methods by a large margin in different benchmark datasets. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:06:32 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# エネルギー自然勾配によるPINNの高精度化 Achieving High Accuracy with PINNs via Energy Natural Gradients ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.13163v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Johannes M\"uller, Marius Zeinhofer | (参考訳) 本稿では,物理インフォームドニューラルネットワーク(PINN)の最適化アルゴリズムとして,エネルギー自然勾配降下法,ヘシアン誘導リーマン計量に対する自然勾配法,ディープリッツ法を提案する。
実験により, エネルギー勾配降下は, 計算時間が大幅に長い場合であっても, 勾配降下やアダムのような標準最適化器を用いてPINNを訓練する際に得られるものよりも数桁小さい誤差で高精度な解が得られることを示した。 We propose energy natural gradient descent, a natural gradient method with respect to a Hessian-induced Riemannian metric as an optimization algorithm for physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) and the deep Ritz method. As a main motivation we show that the update direction in function space resulting from the energy natural gradient corresponds to the Newton direction modulo an orthogonal projection onto the model's tangent space. We demonstrate experimentally that energy natural gradient descent yields highly accurate solutions with errors several orders of magnitude smaller than what is obtained when training PINNs with standard optimizers like gradient descent or Adam, even when those are allowed significantly more computation time. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:06:03 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# SGL-PT: グラフプロンプトチューニングによるグラフ学習 SGL-PT: A Strong Graph Learner with Graph Prompt Tuning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.12449v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yun Zhu and Jianhao Guo and Siliang Tang | (参考訳) 近年,グラフ自己教師法の設計,一般化事前学習モデルの作成,微調整による下流タスクへの事前学習モデルの適用に多くの努力が払われている。
以上の障害を克服するために,< Pre-train, Prompt, and Predict'' という学習戦略に従う新しいフレームワーク SGL-PT を提案する。
そして, グラフ分類タスクを目標として, 先行学習と微調整を統一し, 下流課題を前文課題と類似した形式に再構成する, 新規な動詞化なしプロンプト関数を設計した。
実験結果から,本手法は教師なし設定で他のベースラインを上回っており,微調整法よりも生体データセットのモデルを大幅に促進できることがわかった。 Recently, much exertion has been paid to design graph self-supervised methods to obtain generalized pre-trained models, and adapt pre-trained models onto downstream tasks through fine-tuning. However, there exists an inherent gap between pretext and downstream graph tasks, which insufficiently exerts the ability of pre-trained models and even leads to negative transfer. Meanwhile, prompt tuning has seen emerging success in natural language processing by aligning pre-training and fine-tuning with consistent training objectives. In this paper, we identify the challenges for graph prompt tuning: The first is the lack of a strong and universal pre-training task across sundry pre-training methods in graph domain. The second challenge lies in the difficulty of designing a consistent training objective for both pre-training and downstream tasks. To overcome above obstacles, we propose a novel framework named SGL-PT which follows the learning strategy ``Pre-train, Prompt, and Predict''. Specifically, we raise a strong and universal pre-training task coined as SGL that acquires the complementary merits of generative and contrastive self-supervised graph learning. And aiming for graph classification task, we unify pre-training and fine-tuning by designing a novel verbalizer-free prompting function, which reformulates the downstream task in a similar format as pretext task. Empirical results show that our method surpasses other baselines under unsupervised setting, and our prompt tuning method can greatly facilitate models on biological datasets over fine-tuning methods. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:05:52 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Aleatoric Uncertainity によるフェアネス Fairness through Aleatoric Uncertainty ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.03646v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Anique Tahir, Lu Cheng and Huan Liu | (参考訳) 分類タスクにおける公平さと実用性の両面からしばしば競合する目標に対処するための,単純かつ効果的なソリューションを提案する。
本研究は,実用性とアルゴリズムフェアネスのトレードオフに関する新たな視点を示し,フェア機械学習における予測不確実性を利用する可能性の鍵となる道を開く。 We propose a simple yet effective solution to tackle the often-competing goals of fairness and utility in classification tasks. While fairness ensures that the model's predictions are unbiased and do not discriminate against any particular group or individual, utility focuses on maximizing the model's predictive performance. This work introduces the idea of leveraging aleatoric uncertainty (e.g., data ambiguity) to improve the fairness-utility trade-off. Our central hypothesis is that aleatoric uncertainty is a key factor for algorithmic fairness and samples with low aleatoric uncertainty are modeled more accurately and fairly than those with high aleatoric uncertainty. We then propose a principled model to improve fairness when aleatoric uncertainty is high and improve utility elsewhere. Our approach first intervenes in the data distribution to better decouple aleatoric uncertainty and epistemic uncertainty. It then introduces a fairness-utility bi-objective loss defined based on the estimated aleatoric uncertainty. Our approach is theoretically guaranteed to improve the fairness-utility trade-off. Experimental results on both tabular and image datasets show that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods w.r.t. the fairness-utility trade-off and w.r.t. both group and individual fairness metrics. This work presents a fresh perspective on the trade-off between utility and algorithmic fairness and opens a key avenue for the potential of using prediction uncertainty in fair machine learning. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:00:30 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# SALUDA: 表面をベースとした自動車用ライダー SALUDA: Surface-based Automotive Lidar Unsupervised Domain Adaptation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.03251v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Bjoern Michele, Alexandre Boulch, Gilles Puy, Tuan-Hung Vu, Renaud Marlet, Nicolas Courty | (参考訳) あるラベル付きデータセット上で、別のドメインでうまく一般化するモデルを学ぶことは、データドメイン間でいくつかのシフトが発生する可能性があるため、難しい作業である。
本稿では,意味的セグメンテーションのためのUnsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA)タスクについて述べる。
実験により,本手法は実物と合成物の両方のシナリオにおいて,現在の技術よりも優れた性能が得られることを示した。 Learning models on one labeled dataset that generalize well on another domain is a difficult task, as several shifts might happen between the data domains. This is notably the case for lidar data, for which models can exhibit large performance discrepancies due for instance to different lidar patterns or changes in acquisition conditions. This paper addresses the corresponding Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) task for semantic segmentation. To mitigate this problem, we introduce an unsupervised auxiliary task of learning an implicit underlying surface representation simultaneously on source and target data. As both domains share the same latent representation, the model is forced to accommodate discrepancies between the two sources of data. This novel strategy differs from classical minimization of statistical divergences or lidar-specific domain adaptation techniques. Our experiments demonstrate that our method achieves a better performance than the current state of the art, both in real-to-real and synthetic-to-real scenarios. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 17:00:01 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 近似メッセージパッシングによる混合回帰 Mixed Regression via Approximate Message Passing ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.02229v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Nelvin Tan, Ramji Venkataramanan | (参考訳) 複数の信号と潜伏変数を持つ一般化線形モデル(GLM)における回帰問題について検討する。
行列 GLM と呼ばれるこのモデルは、線形回帰、最大アフィン回帰、およびエキスパートの混合を含む、統計学習における多くの広く研究されている問題をカバーしている。
本稿では,行列 GLM における推定のための新しい近似メッセージパッシング (AMP) アルゴリズムを提案し,その性能を高次元限界で厳密に評価する。
状態の進化を用いて、各イテレーションにおける推定誤差を最小限に抑える AMP `denoising' 関数の最適選択を導出する。
理論的結果は, 混合線形回帰, 最大アフィン回帰, および混合実験の数値シミュレーションにより検証された。
数値的な結果から,AMPは,多くのパラメータ系において線形回帰と最大偏差の混合に対して,他の推定値よりも有意に優れていた。 We study the problem of regression in a generalized linear model (GLM) with multiple signals and latent variables. This model, which we call a matrix GLM, covers many widely studied problems in statistical learning, including mixed linear regression, max-affine regression, and mixture-of-experts. In mixed linear regression, each observation comes from one of $L$ signal vectors (regressors), but we do not know which one; in max-affine regression, each observation comes from the maximum of $L$ affine functions, each defined via a different signal vector. The goal in all these problems is to estimate the signals, and possibly some of the latent variables, from the observations. We propose a novel approximate message passing (AMP) algorithm for estimation in a matrix GLM and rigorously characterize its performance in the high-dimensional limit. This characterization is in terms of a state evolution recursion, which allows us to precisely compute performance measures such as the asymptotic mean-squared error. The state evolution characterization can be used to tailor the AMP algorithm to take advantage of any structural information known about the signals. Using state evolution, we derive an optimal choice of AMP `denoising' functions that minimizes the estimation error in each iteration. The theoretical results are validated by numerical simulations for mixed linear regression, max-affine regression, and mixture-of-experts. For max-affine regression, we propose an algorithm that combines AMP with expectation-maximization to estimate intercepts of the model along with the signals. The numerical results show that AMP significantly outperforms other estimators for mixed linear regression and max-affine regression in most parameter regimes. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:59:38 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 自然言語による視覚の微調整の改善 Improved Visual Fine-tuning with Natural Language Supervision ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.01489v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Junyang Wang, Yuanhong Xu, Juhua Hu, Ming Yan, Jitao Sang, Qi Qian | (参考訳) 視覚事前学習モデルの微調整は、大規模事前学習データからの意味情報を活用し、限られたトレーニング例で下流ビジョンタスクの過剰フィッティング問題を緩和することができる。
提案手法であるtext supervised fine-tuning (tes) は,resnet や vit,bert や clip などのテキストエンコーダを11のダウンストリームタスクで評価した。
コードは \url{https://github.com/idstcv/TeS} で入手できる。 Fine-tuning a visual pre-trained model can leverage the semantic information from large-scale pre-training data and mitigate the over-fitting problem on downstream vision tasks with limited training examples. While the problem of catastrophic forgetting in pre-trained backbone has been extensively studied for fine-tuning, its potential bias from the corresponding pre-training task and data, attracts less attention. In this work, we investigate this problem by demonstrating that the obtained classifier after fine-tuning will be close to that induced by the pre-trained model. To reduce the bias in the classifier effectively, we introduce a reference distribution obtained from a fixed text classifier, which can help regularize the learned vision classifier. The proposed method, Text Supervised fine-tuning (TeS), is evaluated with diverse pre-trained vision models including ResNet and ViT, and text encoders including BERT and CLIP, on 11 downstream tasks. The consistent improvement with a clear margin over distinct scenarios confirms the effectiveness of our proposal. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/idstcv/TeS}. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:59:07 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 非線形運動認識とオクルージョンローバスト転がりシャッタ補正に向けて Towards Nonlinear-Motion-Aware and Occlusion-Robust Rolling Shutter Correction ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.18125v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Delin Qu, Yizhen Lao, Zhigang Wang, Dong Wang, Bin Zhao and Xuelong Li | (参考訳) 本稿では, 極端な閉塞を伴う複雑な非線形・動的シーンにおけるシャッター補正の問題に対処する。
コードはhttps://github.com/delinqu/qrscで入手できる。 This paper addresses the problem of rolling shutter correction in complex nonlinear and dynamic scenes with extreme occlusion. Existing methods suffer from two main drawbacks. Firstly, they face challenges in estimating the accurate correction field due to the uniform velocity assumption, leading to significant image correction errors under complex motion. Secondly, the drastic occlusion in dynamic scenes prevents current solutions from achieving better image quality because of the inherent difficulties in aligning and aggregating multiple frames. To tackle these challenges, we model the curvilinear trajectory of pixels analytically and propose a geometry-based Quadratic Rolling Shutter (QRS) motion solver, which precisely estimates the high-order correction field of individual pixels. Besides, to reconstruct high-quality occlusion frames in dynamic scenes, we present a 3D video architecture that effectively Aligns and Aggregates multi-frame context, namely, RSA2-Net. We evaluate our method across a broad range of cameras and video sequences, demonstrating its significant superiority. Specifically, our method surpasses the state-of-the-art by +4.98, +0.77, and +4.33 of PSNR on Carla-RS, Fastec-RS, and BS-RSC datasets, respectively. Code is available at https://github.com/DelinQu/qrsc. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:58:16 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 視覚変換器用ウェーブレットニューラル演算子によるマルチスケールアテンション Multiscale Attention via Wavelet Neural Operators for Vision Transformers ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.12398v4 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Anahita Nekoozadeh, Mohammad Reza Ahmadzadeh, Zahra Mardani | (参考訳) トランスフォーマーはコンピュータビジョンで広く成功を収めた。
近年,fftで効率的に実装されるグローバル畳み込みに基づく高分解能注意のための適応フーリエニューラル演算子 (afno) が提案されている。
vit の注目を mwa に置き換え,cifar と tiny-imagenet の分類で実験を行った結果,afno や global filter network (gfn) といった代替フーリエベースの注目よりも大幅に改善した。 Transformers have achieved widespread success in computer vision. At their heart, there is a Self-Attention (SA) mechanism, an inductive bias that associates each token in the input with every other token through a weighted basis. The standard SA mechanism has quadratic complexity with the sequence length, which impedes its utility to long sequences appearing in high resolution vision. Recently, inspired by operator learning for PDEs, Adaptive Fourier Neural Operators (AFNO) were introduced for high resolution attention based on global convolution that is efficiently implemented via FFT. However, the AFNO global filtering cannot well represent small and moderate scale structures that commonly appear in natural images. To leverage the coarse-to-fine scale structures we introduce a Multiscale Wavelet Attention (MWA) by leveraging wavelet neural operators which incurs linear complexity in the sequence size. We replace the attention in ViT with MWA and our experiments with CIFAR and Tiny-ImageNet classification demonstrate significant improvement over alternative Fourier-based attentions such as AFNO and Global Filter Network (GFN). | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:57:52 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# LayoutDiffusion:離散拡散確率モデルによるグラフィックレイアウト生成の改善 LayoutDiffusion: Improving Graphic Layout Generation by Discrete Diffusion Probabilistic Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.11589v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Junyi Zhang, Jiaqi Guo, Shizhao Sun, Jian-Guang Lou, Dongmei Zhang | (参考訳) グラフィックレイアウトの作成はグラフィックデザインの基本的なステップです。
さらに、プラグアンドプレイ方式で2つの条件付きレイアウト生成タスクを再学習することなく実現し、既存の方法よりも優れた性能を実現する。 Creating graphic layouts is a fundamental step in graphic designs. In this work, we present a novel generative model named LayoutDiffusion for automatic layout generation. As layout is typically represented as a sequence of discrete tokens, LayoutDiffusion models layout generation as a discrete denoising diffusion process. It learns to reverse a mild forward process, in which layouts become increasingly chaotic with the growth of forward steps and layouts in the neighboring steps do not differ too much. Designing such a mild forward process is however very challenging as layout has both categorical attributes and ordinal attributes. To tackle the challenge, we summarize three critical factors for achieving a mild forward process for the layout, i.e., legality, coordinate proximity and type disruption. Based on the factors, we propose a block-wise transition matrix coupled with a piece-wise linear noise schedule. Experiments on RICO and PubLayNet datasets show that LayoutDiffusion outperforms state-of-the-art approaches significantly. Moreover, it enables two conditional layout generation tasks in a plug-and-play manner without re-training and achieves better performance than existing methods. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:57:32 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ベストサポート環境の提供によるAI開発プロセスの最適化 Optimizing the AI Development Process by Providing the Best Support Environment ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.00136v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Taha Khamis, Hamam Mokayed | (参考訳) 本研究の目的は,AI(Artificial Inelegance)と機械学習(ML)アプリケーションの開発プロセスを調査し,最高のサポート環境を提供することである。
このフレームワークはpython言語を使用して構築され、ディープラーニングの進歩を使ってデータ拡張を行う。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the development process for Artificial inelegance (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications in order to provide the best support environment. The main stages of ML are problem understanding, data management, model building, model deployment and maintenance. This project focuses on investigating the data management stage of ML development and its obstacles as it is the most important stage of machine learning development because the accuracy of the end model is relying on the kind of data fed into the model. The biggest obstacle found on this stage was the lack of sufficient data for model learning, especially in the fields where data is confidential. This project aimed to build and develop a framework for researchers and developers that can help solve the lack of sufficient data during data management stage. The framework utilizes several data augmentation techniques that can be used to generate new data from the original dataset which can improve the overall performance of the ML applications by increasing the quantity and quality of available data to feed the model with the best possible data. The framework was built using python language to perform data augmentation using deep learning advancements. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:48:54 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 2レベル$\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric系におけるトンネルとしてのアナログホーキング放射 Analogue Hawking radiation as a tunneling in a two-level $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric system ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.14174v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Bijan Bagchi, Rahul Ghosh, Sauvik Sen | (参考訳) 二段階非エルミート系$\mathcal{pt}$-symmetric hamiltonianの一般的なシナリオを踏まえて、四面体法を用いてアナログホーキング放射の可能性を解析する。
この結果の興味深い側面は、トンネル確率の推定が誘導ハミルトニアンを定義する非エルミートパラメータとは独立であるということである。 In the light of a general scenario of a two-level non-Hermitian $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric Hamiltonian we apply the tetrad-based method to analyze the possibility of analogue Hawking radiation. It is done by making use of the conventional null-geodesic approach wherein the associated Hawking radiation is described as a quantum tunneling process across a classically forbidden barrier which the event horizon imposes. An interesting aspect of our result is that our estimate for the tunneling probability is independent of the non-Hermitian parameter that defines the guiding Hamiltonian. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:48:35 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 代表的クラスタリング Proportionally Representative Clustering ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.13917v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Haris Aziz and Barton E. Lee and Sean Morota Chu and Jeremy Vollen | (参考訳) 近年、機械学習における公平性の概念を形式化する取り組みが急増している。
本稿では,データポイントの分布と密集度を反映した中心関数の選択問題に対するクラスタリング問題に対して,新しい公理 ``proportional representation fairness'' (PRF) を提案する。
制約のない設定に対する我々のアルゴリズムは、よく研究された確率的公正(PF)公理(Chen, Fain, Lyu, Munagala, ICML, 2019)に対する初めての多項式時間近似アルゴリズムでもある。
離散集合のアルゴリズムはpfの最もよく知られた近似係数にも一致する。 In recent years, there has been a surge in effort to formalize notions of fairness in machine learning. We focus on clustering -- one of the fundamental tasks in unsupervised machine learning. We propose a new axiom ``proportional representation fairness'' (PRF) that is designed for clustering problems where the selection of centroids reflects the distribution of data points and how tightly they are clustered together. Our fairness concept is not satisfied by existing fair clustering algorithms. We design efficient algorithms to achieve PRF both for unconstrained and discrete clustering problems. Our algorithm for the unconstrained setting is also the first known polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the well-studied Proportional Fairness (PF) axiom (Chen, Fain, Lyu, and Munagala, ICML, 2019). Our algorithm for the discrete setting also matches the best known approximation factor for PF. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:48:23 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ビデオ認識のための学習可能なアライメントを用いた暗黙の時間モデル Implicit Temporal Modeling with Learnable Alignment for Video Recognition ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.10465v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Shuyuan Tu, Qi Dai, Zuxuan Wu, Zhi-Qi Cheng, Han Hu, Yu-Gang Jiang | (参考訳) コントラスト言語画像事前訓練(CLIP)は,様々な画像タスクにおいて顕著な成功を収めている。
直進管内における時間情報モデリングは文献に広く採用されているが, 簡単なフレームアライメントは時間的注意を伴わずに十分重要である。
そこで本稿では,極めて高い性能を達成しつつ,時間的モデリングの労力を最小限に抑える新しいImplicit Learnable Alignment(ILA)手法を提案する。
コードはhttps://github.com/Francis-Rings/ILA で公開されている。 Contrastive language-image pretraining (CLIP) has demonstrated remarkable success in various image tasks. However, how to extend CLIP with effective temporal modeling is still an open and crucial problem. Existing factorized or joint spatial-temporal modeling trades off between the efficiency and performance. While modeling temporal information within straight through tube is widely adopted in literature, we find that simple frame alignment already provides enough essence without temporal attention. To this end, in this paper, we proposed a novel Implicit Learnable Alignment (ILA) method, which minimizes the temporal modeling effort while achieving incredibly high performance. Specifically, for a frame pair, an interactive point is predicted in each frame, serving as a mutual information rich region. By enhancing the features around the interactive point, two frames are implicitly aligned. The aligned features are then pooled into a single token, which is leveraged in the subsequent spatial self-attention. Our method allows eliminating the costly or insufficient temporal self-attention in video. Extensive experiments on benchmarks demonstrate the superiority and generality of our module. Particularly, the proposed ILA achieves a top-1 accuracy of 88.7% on Kinetics-400 with much fewer FLOPs compared with Swin-L and ViViT-H. Code is released at https://github.com/Francis-Rings/ILA . | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:47:52 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 非エルミート模型における高次例外点の相関 Correlations at higher-order exceptional points in non-Hermitian models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.10280v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Doru Sticlet, C\u{a}t\u{a}lin Pa\c{s}cu Moca, Bal\'azs D\'ora | (参考訳) 高次例外点を持つ$\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric non-Hermitian 1次元モデルの空間相関の減衰について検討する。
臨界点では、例外点の順序に関係なく、相関値 $\sim 1/x^2$ と $1/x^3$ の減衰を示す。
第2のモデルは一方向ホッピングを用いて構築され、特別な点の順序に依存する力の法則を持つ$\sim 1/x^a$, $a\ge 2$の相関の強化を表示する。 We investigate the decay of spatial correlations of $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric non-Hermitian one-dimensional models that host higher-order exceptional points. Beyond a certain correlation length, they develop anomalous power-law behavior that indicates strong suppression of correlations in the non-Hermitian setups as compared to the Hermitian ones. The correlation length is also reflected in the entanglement entropy where it marks a change from logarithmic growth at short distance to a constant value at large distance, characteristic of an insulator, despite the spectrum being gapless. Two different families of models are investigated, both having a similar spectrum constrained by particle-hole symmetry. The first model offers an experimentally attractive way to generate arbitrary higher-order exceptional points and represents a non-Hermitian extension of the Dirac Hamiltonian for general spin. At the critical point it displays a decay of the correlations $\sim 1/x^2$ and $1/x^3$ irrespective of the order of the exceptional point. The second model is constructed using unidirectional hopping and displays enhanced suppression of correlations $\sim 1/x^a$, $a\ge 2$ with a power law that depends on the order of the exceptional point. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:47:33 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Odd Oneが登場: 正規化された完全サイクル一貫性のある異常検出器GAN Spot The Odd One Out: Regularized Complete Cycle Consistent Anomaly Detector GAN ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.07769v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zahra Dehghanian, Saeed Saravani, Maryam Amirmazlaghani, Mohammad Rahmati | (参考訳) 本研究では,生成型逆ニューラルネットワーク(gans)のパワーを,再構成誤差のサイクル一貫性を通じて活用し,実世界のアプリケーションにおける異常検出手法を提案する。
コードはリサーチコミュニティ(https://github.com/zahraDehghanian97/RCALAD)で簡単に入手できる。 This study presents an adversarial method for anomaly detection in real-world applications, leveraging the power of generative adversarial neural networks (GANs) through cycle consistency in reconstruction error. Previous methods suffer from the high variance between class-wise accuracy which leads to not being applicable for all types of anomalies. The proposed method named RCALAD tries to solve this problem by introducing a novel discriminator to the structure, which results in a more efficient training process. Additionally, RCALAD employs a supplementary distribution in the input space to steer reconstructions toward the normal data distribution, effectively separating anomalous samples from their reconstructions and facilitating more accurate anomaly detection. To further enhance the performance of the model, two novel anomaly scores are introduced. The proposed model has been thoroughly evaluated through extensive experiments on six various datasets, yielding results that demonstrate its superiority over existing state-of-the-art models. The code is readily available to the research community at https://github.com/zahraDehghanian97/RCALAD. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:47:11 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# スピン鎖化合物Ba$_6$Cr$_2$S$_{10}$における電荷密度波と反強磁性結合の共存 Co-existence of charge density wave and anti-ferromagnetic coupling in the spin-chain compound Ba$_6$Cr$_2$S$_{10}$ ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.06156v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jianhua Zhu, Jianfeng Zhang, Yilin Zhang, Devashibhai Adroja, Huancheng Yang, Xiancheng Wang, Changqing Jin, Ji Chen, and Wei Wu | (参考訳) ここでは、最近合成されたスピン鎖化合物Ba$_6$Cr$_2S$_{10}$に対するCrイオン上のスピン間の反強磁性交換相互作用の起源を研究するために、Ba$_6$Cr$_2S$_{10}$の電子構造と磁気的性質に関する詳細な第一原理計算を行った。
一方、静電遮蔽による有効なハバード$u$パラメータの小さいサイズ($\sim 0.5$ ev)は、主に反強磁性基底状態の原因となっている。
さらに、鎖に沿って隣り合う反強磁性相互作用があり、前方のスピンフラストレーションや量子スピン液体をもたらす可能性がある。 Here we have performed detailed first principles calculations for the electronic structure and magnetic properties of Ba$_6$Cr$_2$S$_{10}$ to study the origin of the anti-ferromagnetic exchange interaction between spins on Cr ions for the spin-chain compound Ba$_6$Cr$_2$S$_{10}$ synthesised recently. Most importantly, we have found the co-existence of a charge density wave phase along one line and an anti-ferromagnetic spin chain along another. The dimerization of sulfur atoms loosely bonded with Ba atoms drives the system into an insulating state owing to the formation of charge density wave. Meanwhile, the small size of the effective Hubbard $U$ parameter ($\sim 0.5$ eV) due to electrostatic screening mainly accounts for the anti-ferromagnetic ground state. This co-existence equips us with a platform to tune the charge and spin degrees of freedom independently. Moreover, there exists a next-nearest-neighbouring anti-ferromagnetic interaction along the chain, which could bring forward spin frustration and hence quantum spin liquid. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:46:05 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# GripRank: 検索と生成の間にギャップを埋める - 生成知識によるパスランクの改善 GripRank: Bridging the Gap between Retrieval and Generation via the Generative Knowledge Improved Passage Ranking ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.18144v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jiaqi Bai, Hongcheng Guo, Jiaheng Liu, Jian Yang, Xinnian Liang, Zhao Yan and Zhoujun Li | (参考訳) 検索強調テキスト生成は、入力クエリが与えられた場合に適切な回答を提供するために、大通路コーパスから検索された節を活用し、オープンドメイン質問応答や知識強調対話生成といった知識集約型言語タスクにおいて著しく進歩している。
本稿では,ジェネレーティブパス推定器 (GPE) から経路ランク装置へ知識を抽出し,提案課題に対処するジェネレーティブ知識改善パスランキング (GripRank) 手法を提案する。
実験結果から,KILTベンチマークにおいて,パスランキングと回答生成の両面での最先端手法の利点が示された。 Retrieval-enhanced text generation has shown remarkable progress on knowledge-intensive language tasks, such as open-domain question answering and knowledge-enhanced dialogue generation, by leveraging passages retrieved from a large passage corpus for delivering a proper answer given the input query. However, the retrieved passages are not ideal for guiding answer generation because of the discrepancy between retrieval and generation, i.e., the candidate passages are all treated equally during the retrieval procedure without considering their potential to generate a proper answer. This discrepancy makes a passage retriever deliver a sub-optimal collection of candidate passages to generate the answer. In this paper, we propose the GeneRative Knowledge Improved Passage Ranking (GripRank) approach, addressing the above challenge by distilling knowledge from a generative passage estimator (GPE) to a passage ranker, where the GPE is a generative language model used to measure how likely the candidate passages can generate the proper answer. We realize the distillation procedure by teaching the passage ranker learning to rank the passages ordered by the GPE. Furthermore, we improve the distillation quality by devising a curriculum knowledge distillation mechanism, which allows the knowledge provided by the GPE can be progressively distilled to the ranker through an easy-to-hard curriculum, enabling the passage ranker to correctly recognize the provenance of the answer from many plausible candidates. We conduct extensive experiments on four datasets across three knowledge-intensive language tasks. Experimental results show advantages over the state-of-the-art methods for both passage ranking and answer generation on the KILT benchmark. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:40:11 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 学術論文からテキスト分類とオブジェクト認識を洗練するためのフレームワーク A Framework For Refining Text Classification and Object Recognition from Academic Articles ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.17401v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jinghong Li, Koichi Ota, Wen Gu, Shinobu Hasegawa | (参考訳) インターネットの普及に伴い、大量の学術論文から特定の情報を効率的に抽出することがますます重要になっている。
しかし, 学術論文のデータマイニングは, 複雑かつ非構造的なレイアウト文書中の特定のパターンを自動的に抽出する必要があるため, 困難である。
実験の結果,表や図の95%以上の分類精度と90%以上の検出精度が得られた。 With the widespread use of the internet, it has become increasingly crucial to extract specific information from vast amounts of academic articles efficiently. Data mining techniques are generally employed to solve this issue. However, data mining for academic articles is challenging since it requires automatically extracting specific patterns in complex and unstructured layout documents. Current data mining methods for academic articles employ rule-based(RB) or machine learning(ML) approaches. However, using rule-based methods incurs a high coding cost for complex typesetting articles. On the other hand, simply using machine learning methods requires annotation work for complex content types within the paper, which can be costly. Furthermore, only using machine learning can lead to cases where patterns easily recognized by rule-based methods are mistakenly extracted. To overcome these issues, from the perspective of analyzing the standard layout and typesetting used in the specified publication, we emphasize implementing specific methods for specific characteristics in academic articles. We have developed a novel Text Block Refinement Framework (TBRF), a machine learning and rule-based scheme hybrid. We used the well-known ACL proceeding articles as experimental data for the validation experiment. The experiment shows that our approach achieved over 95% classification accuracy and 90% detection accuracy for tables and figures. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:39:44 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 不確実性下におけるマルチロボットシステムの形式モデリング Formal Modelling for Multi-Robot Systems Under Uncertainty ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.17018v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Charlie Street, Masoumeh Mansouri, Bruno Lacerda | (参考訳) 目的: マルチロボット動作を効果的に合成・解析するためには, マルチロボット実行を正確にキャプチャする形式的なタスクレベルモデルが必要である。
結論: 既存のマルチロボットモデルは、ロボットの依存関係と不確実性を正確に捉えることと、現実世界の問題を解決するのに十分小さいことのトレードオフを示す。
そこで,本研究では,不確実性やロボットの相互作用を正確に表現したモデルを開発するために,複数ロボットの挙動に関する現実的な仮定を活用すべきである。 Purpose of Review: To effectively synthesise and analyse multi-robot behaviour, we require formal task-level models which accurately capture multi-robot execution. In this paper, we review modelling formalisms for multi-robot systems under uncertainty, and discuss how they can be used for planning, reinforcement learning, model checking, and simulation. Recent Findings: Recent work has investigated models which more accurately capture multi-robot execution by considering different forms of uncertainty, such as temporal uncertainty and partial observability, and modelling the effects of robot interactions on action execution. Other strands of work have presented approaches for reducing the size of multi-robot models to admit more efficient solution methods. This can be achieved by decoupling the robots under independence assumptions, or reasoning over higher level macro actions. Summary: Existing multi-robot models demonstrate a trade off between accurately capturing robot dependencies and uncertainty, and being small enough to tractably solve real world problems. Therefore, future research should exploit realistic assumptions over multi-robot behaviour to develop smaller models which retain accurate representations of uncertainty and robot interactions; and exploit the structure of multi-robot problems, such as factored state spaces, to develop scalable solution methods. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:39:24 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# DAC:深部局所特徴に対する検出器非依存空間共分散 DAC: Detector-Agnostic Spatial Covariances for Deep Local Features ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.12250v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Javier Tirado-Gar\'in, Frederik Warburg, Javier Civera | (参考訳) 現在の深部視覚特徴検出器は検出された特徴の空間的不確かさをモデル化せず、下流の応用において最適な結果をもたらす。
コードはhttps://github.com/javrtg/DACで入手できる。 Current deep visual local feature detectors do not model the spatial uncertainty of detected features, producing suboptimal results in downstream applications. In this work, we propose two post-hoc covariance estimates that can be plugged into any pretrained deep feature detector: a simple, isotropic covariance estimate that uses the predicted score at a given pixel location, and a full covariance estimate via the local structure tensor of the learned score maps. Both methods are easy to implement and can be applied to any deep feature detector. We show that these covariances are directly related to errors in feature matching, leading to improvements in downstream tasks, including solving the perspective-n-point problem and motion-only bundle adjustment. Code is available at https://github.com/javrtg/DAC | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:38:59 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 経路積分法による励起状態に対する一般化量子幾何テンソル Generalized quantum geometric tensor for excited states using the path integral approach ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.11525v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sergio B. Ju\'arez, Diego Gonzalez, Daniel Guti\'errez-Ruiz and J. David Vergara | (参考訳) 量子計量テンソルとベリー曲率からなる量子幾何学テンソルは、物理系のパラメータ空間幾何学を完全に符号化する。
さらに、いくつかの量子系に対するリッチテンソルとスカラー曲率を計算し、一般化された量子計量テンソルの幾何学的性質を深く探究し、この幾何学的情報への洞察を与える。 The quantum geometric tensor, composed of the quantum metric tensor and Berry curvature, fully encodes the parameter space geometry of a physical system. We first provide a formulation of the quantum geometrical tensor in the path integral formalism that can handle both the ground and excited states, making it useful to characterize excited state quantum phase transitions (ESQPT). In this setting, we also generalize the quantum geometric tensor to incorporate variations of the system parameters and the phase-space coordinates. This gives rise to an alternative approach to the quantum covariance matrix, from which we can get information about the quantum entanglement of Gaussian states through tools such as purity and von Neumann entropy. Second, we demonstrate the equivalence between the formulation of the quantum geometric tensor in the path integral formalism and other existing methods. Furthermore, we explore the geometric properties of the generalized quantum metric tensor in depth by calculating the Ricci tensor and scalar curvature for several quantum systems, providing insight into this geometric information. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:38:46 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 自動推論における問題集合に対する軽量オンライン学習 Lightweight Online Learning for Sets of Related Problems in Automated Reasoning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.11087v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Haoze Wu, Christopher Hahn, Florian Lonsing, Makai Mann, Raghuram Ramanujan, Clark Barrett | (参考訳) 私たちは、一連の関連する問題を解決することを含む自動推論タスクのための軽量オンライン学習方法論である、自己駆動型戦略学習(\textit{sdsl}$)を紹介します。
$\textit{sdsl}$ はオフラインのトレーニングを必要としないが、以前の問題を解決しながらデータセットを自動的に構築する。
この手法をkissatソルバ上に実装し,kissat+$\textit{sdsl}$の組み合わせが,最新のハードウェアモデルチェックコンペティションから得られたベンチマークにおいて,他の最先端の有界モデルチェック手法よりも多くの反例を見出すことを示す。 We present Self-Driven Strategy Learning ($\textit{sdsl}$), a lightweight online learning methodology for automated reasoning tasks that involve solving a set of related problems. $\textit{sdsl}$ does not require offline training, but instead automatically constructs a dataset while solving earlier problems. It fits a machine learning model to this data which is then used to adjust the solving strategy for later problems. We formally define the approach as a set of abstract transition rules. We describe a concrete instance of the sdsl calculus which uses conditional sampling for generating data and random forests as the underlying machine learning model. We implement the approach on top of the Kissat solver and show that the combination of Kissat+$\textit{sdsl}$ certifies larger bounds and finds more counter-examples than other state-of-the-art bounded model checking approaches on benchmarks obtained from the latest Hardware Model Checking Competition. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:38:26 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# フラストレーションのない親ハミルトニアンから対角長距離オーダー:第2量子化におけるムーア・リードと関連する状態 From frustration-free parent Hamiltonians to off-diagonal long-range order: Moore-Read and related states in second quantization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.09286v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Fanmao Zhang, Matheus Schossler, Alexander Seidel, Li Chen | (参考訳) ムーア・リーディング・ファフィアン状態に対する再帰的第二量子化公式を構築する。
また、フェミオン性アンチ・PH-ファフィアン状態と、f-および高次波対合成フェルミオン状態の類似した2量子化プレゼンテーションを開発し、ほとんどの場合、ODLROについて論じる。 We construct a recursive second-quantized formula for Moore-Read Pfaffian states. We demonstrate the utility of such second-quantized presentations by directly proving the existence of frustration-free parent Hamiltonians, without appealing to polynomial clustering properties. Furthermore, we show how this formalism is connected to the existence of a non-local order parameter for Moore-Read states and give a proof that the latter exhibit off-diagonal long-range order (ODLRO) in these quantities. We also develop a similar second-quantized presentation for the fermionic antiand PH-Pfaffian states, as well as f- and higher wave paired composite fermion states, and discuss ODLRO in most cases. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:38:09 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# MMFトラック:3次元物体追跡のためのマルチモード多レベル融合 MMF-Track: Multi-modal Multi-level Fusion for 3D Single Object Tracking ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.06794v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhiheng Li, Yubo Cui, Yu Lin, Zheng Fang | (参考訳) 3Dオブジェクト追跡はコンピュータビジョンにおいて重要な役割を果たす。
幾何マッチングの限界を克服するために,3次元目標追跡のための点雲の画像テクスチャと幾何学特性を利用するマルチモーダルマルチレベルフュージョントラッカー (MMF-Track) を提案する。
一方,各形態的特徴を洗練するために,異なるスケールで階層的特徴的相互作用を実現する粗粒間相互作用モジュール (cfim) を導入する。
実験により,本手法はKITTIの最先端性能(39%成功,42%精度向上)を達成し,NuScenesと競合することを示した。 3D single object tracking plays a crucial role in computer vision. Mainstream methods mainly rely on point clouds to achieve geometry matching between target template and search area. However, textureless and incomplete point clouds make it difficult for single-modal trackers to distinguish objects with similar structures. To overcome the limitations of geometry matching, we propose a Multi-modal Multi-level Fusion Tracker (MMF-Track), which exploits the image texture and geometry characteristic of point clouds to track 3D target. Specifically, we first propose a Space Alignment Module (SAM) to align RGB images with point clouds in 3D space, which is the prerequisite for constructing inter-modal associations. Then, in feature interaction level, we design a Feature Interaction Module (FIM) based on dual-stream structure, which enhances intra-modal features in parallel and constructs inter-modal semantic associations. Meanwhile, in order to refine each modal feature, we introduce a Coarse-to-Fine Interaction Module (CFIM) to realize the hierarchical feature interaction at different scales. Finally, in similarity fusion level, we propose a Similarity Fusion Module (SFM) to aggregate geometry and texture clues from the target. Experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on KITTI (39% Success and 42% Precision gains against previous multi-modal method) and is also competitive on NuScenes. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:37:53 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ノイズからのエコー:拡散モデルを用いた合成超音波画像生成による実画像分割 Echo from noise: synthetic ultrasound image generation using diffusion models for real image segmentation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.05424v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | David Stojanovski, Uxio Hermida, Pablo Lamata, Arian Beqiri, Alberto Gomez | (参考訳) 本稿では,心臓意味的ラベルマップを用いた拡散確率モデル(ddpms)による合成超音波画像生成のための新しいパイプラインを提案する。
これらの合成画像は, 心的セグメンテーションなどの超音波画像解析タスクのためのディープラーニングモデルの訓練において, 実際のデータの代替として有効であることを示す。
排他的合成画像を用いてトレーニングされたネットワークの性能は, 実画像の未確認データセットを用いて評価され, 平均Diceスコアは88.6$\pm 4.91$, 91.9$\pm 4.22$, 85.2$\pm 4.83$ \%であった。
提案したパイプラインは、様々な医療画像モダリティにまたがる幅広いタスクに応用できる可能性がある。 We propose a novel pipeline for the generation of synthetic ultrasound images via Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) guided by cardiac semantic label maps. We show that these synthetic images can serve as a viable substitute for real data in the training of deep-learning models for ultrasound image analysis tasks such as cardiac segmentation. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, we generated synthetic 2D echocardiograms and trained a neural network for segmenting the left ventricle and left atrium. The performance of the network trained on exclusively synthetic images was evaluated on an unseen dataset of real images and yielded mean Dice scores of 88.6 $\pm 4.91$ , 91.9 $\pm 4.22$, 85.2 $\pm 4.83$ \% for left ventricular endocardium, epicardium and left atrial segmentation respectively. This represents a relative increase of $9.2$, $3.3$ and $13.9$ \% in Dice scores compared to the previous state-of-the-art. The proposed pipeline has potential for application to a wide range of other tasks across various medical imaging modalities. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:37:28 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ANTONIO:検証のためのNLPベンチマーク生成方式 ANTONIO: Towards a Systematic Method of Generating NLP Benchmarks for Verification ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.04003v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Marco Casadio, Luca Arnaboldi, Matthew L. Daggitt, Omri Isac, Tanvi Dinkar, Daniel Kienitz, Verena Rieser, Ekaterina Komendantskaya | (参考訳) 自然言語処理(NLP)で使用される機械学習モデルの検証は難しい問題であることが知られている。
我々は,NLP データセット R-U-A-Robot を法的に重要な NLP アプリケーションを検証するためのベンチマークとして提案したツールの評価を行う。
一般的な適用性のおかげで、この研究がニューラルネットワーク検証コンテストにNLP検証問題を含める新たな可能性を開き、コミュニティ内でNLP問題の普及を期待する。 Verification of machine learning models used in Natural Language Processing (NLP) is known to be a hard problem. In particular, many known neural network verification methods that work for computer vision and other numeric datasets do not work for NLP. Here, we study technical reasons that underlie this problem. Based on this analysis, we propose practical methods and heuristics for preparing NLP datasets and models in a way that renders them amenable to known verification methods based on abstract interpretation. We implement these methods as a Python library called ANTONIO that links to the neural network verifiers ERAN and Marabou. We perform evaluation of the tool using an NLP dataset R-U-A-Robot suggested as a benchmark for verifying legally critical NLP applications. We hope that, thanks to its general applicability, this work will open novel possibilities for including NLP verification problems into neural network verification competitions, and will popularise NLP problems within this community. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:37:04 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 時系列予測による時間認識型グラフ構造学習 Time-aware Graph Structure Learning via Sequence Prediction on Temporal Graphs ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.07699v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Haozhen Zhang, Xueting Han, Xi Xiao, Jing Bai | (参考訳) 時間発展するグラフの性質をモデル化することを目的としたテンポラリグラフ学習が注目され,近年,目覚ましい成果を上げている。
これらの問題に対処するために,時系列グラフのシーケンス予測によるtgsl(time-aware graph structure learning)アプローチを提案する。
コードをhttps://github.com/ViktorAxelsen/TGSLでリリースします。 Temporal Graph Learning, which aims to model the time-evolving nature of graphs, has gained increasing attention and achieved remarkable performance recently. However, in reality, graph structures are often incomplete and noisy, which hinders temporal graph networks (TGNs) from learning informative representations. Graph contrastive learning uses data augmentation to generate plausible variations of existing data and learn robust representations. However, rule-based augmentation approaches may be suboptimal as they lack learnability and fail to leverage rich information from downstream tasks. To address these issues, we propose a Time-aware Graph Structure Learning (TGSL) approach via sequence prediction on temporal graphs, which learns better graph structures for downstream tasks through adding potential temporal edges. In particular, it predicts time-aware context embedding based on previously observed interactions and uses the Gumble-Top-K to select the closest candidate edges to this context embedding. Additionally, several candidate sampling strategies are proposed to ensure both efficiency and diversity. Furthermore, we jointly learn the graph structure and TGNs in an end-to-end manner and perform inference on the refined graph. Extensive experiments on temporal link prediction benchmarks demonstrate that TGSL yields significant gains for the popular TGNs such as TGAT and GraphMixer, and it outperforms other contrastive learning methods on temporal graphs. We release the code at https://github.com/ViktorAxelsen/TGSL. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:30:07 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 非対称信頼区間を有する予算付きマルチアームバンディット Budgeted Multi-Armed Bandits with Asymmetric Confidence Intervals ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.07071v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Marco Heyden, Vadim Arzamasov, Edouard Fouch\'e, Klemens B\"ohm | (参考訳) 確率的Budgeted Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) 問題について検討し、プレイヤーが期待できない報酬とコストでK$アームから選択する。
我々のアプローチは対数的後悔であり、合成および実環境における既存のポリシーを一貫して上回っていることを示す。 We study the stochastic Budgeted Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) problem, where a player chooses from $K$ arms with unknown expected rewards and costs. The goal is to maximize the total reward under a budget constraint. A player thus seeks to choose the arm with the highest reward-cost ratio as often as possible. Current state-of-the-art policies for this problem have several issues, which we illustrate. To overcome them, we propose a new upper confidence bound (UCB) sampling policy, $\omega$-UCB, that uses asymmetric confidence intervals. These intervals scale with the distance between the sample mean and the bounds of a random variable, yielding a more accurate and tight estimation of the reward-cost ratio compared to our competitors. We show that our approach has logarithmic regret and consistently outperforms existing policies in synthetic and real settings. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:29:42 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# オフライン強化学習のためのデータセット制約付きポリシー規則化 Policy Regularization with Dataset Constraint for Offline Reinforcement Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.06569v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yuhang Ran, Yi-Chen Li, Fuxiang Zhang, Zongzhang Zhang, Yang Yu | (参考訳) 我々は、オフライン強化学習(rl)と呼ばれる固定データセットから可能な最善のポリシーを学ぶ問題を考える。
コードはhttps://github.com/LAMDA-RL/PRDCで入手できる。 We consider the problem of learning the best possible policy from a fixed dataset, known as offline Reinforcement Learning (RL). A common taxonomy of existing offline RL works is policy regularization, which typically constrains the learned policy by distribution or support of the behavior policy. However, distribution and support constraints are overly conservative since they both force the policy to choose similar actions as the behavior policy when considering particular states. It will limit the learned policy's performance, especially when the behavior policy is sub-optimal. In this paper, we find that regularizing the policy towards the nearest state-action pair can be more effective and thus propose Policy Regularization with Dataset Constraint (PRDC). When updating the policy in a given state, PRDC searches the entire dataset for the nearest state-action sample and then restricts the policy with the action of this sample. Unlike previous works, PRDC can guide the policy with proper behaviors from the dataset, allowing it to choose actions that do not appear in the dataset along with the given state. It is a softer constraint but still keeps enough conservatism from out-of-distribution actions. Empirical evidence and theoretical analysis show that PRDC can alleviate offline RL's fundamentally challenging value overestimation issue with a bounded performance gap. Moreover, on a set of locomotion and navigation tasks, PRDC achieves state-of-the-art performance compared with existing methods. Code is available at https://github.com/LAMDA-RL/PRDC | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:29:27 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 小さな量子状態の説明可能な表現学習 Explainable Representation Learning of Small Quantum States ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.05694v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Felix Frohnert and Evert van Nieuwenburg | (参考訳) 教師なし機械学習モデルは、明示的な人間のガイダンスや機能エンジニアリングを必要とせずに、トレーニングデータの内部表現を構築する。
我々のアプローチは、機械が小さな量子システムを自律的に表現する方法の洞察を与える。 Unsupervised machine learning models build an internal representation of their training data without the need for explicit human guidance or feature engineering. This learned representation provides insights into which features of the data are relevant for the task at hand. In the context of quantum physics, training models to describe quantum states without human intervention offers a promising approach to gaining insight into how machines represent complex quantum states. The ability to interpret the learned representation may offer a new perspective on non-trivial features of quantum systems and their efficient representation. We train a generative model on two-qubit density matrices generated by a parameterized quantum circuit. In a series of computational experiments, we investigate the learned representation of the model and its internal understanding of the data. We observe that the model learns an interpretable representation which relates the quantum states to their underlying entanglement characteristics. In particular, our results demonstrate that the latent representation of the model is directly correlated with the entanglement measure concurrence. The insights from this study represent proof of concept towards interpretable machine learning of quantum states. Our approach offers insight into how machines learn to represent small-scale quantum systems autonomously. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:29:03 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 動的フィールドプログラム可能な中性原子配列プロセッサのための量子回路のコンパイル Compiling Quantum Circuits for Dynamically Field-Programmable Neutral Atoms Array Processors ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.03487v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Daniel Bochen Tan, Dolev Bluvstein, Mikhail D. Lukin, Jason Cong | (参考訳) dynamic field-programmable qubit arrays (dpqa) は量子情報処理の有望なプラットフォームとして最近登場した。
複雑なコネクティビティを持つランダムグラフによって生成される一連のベンチマーク回路に対して,本コンパイラ olsq-dpqa は,固定平面アーキテクチャにおける最適コンパイル結果と比較して,小問題インスタンス上の2量子ゲート数を1.7倍削減する。
これらの方法は、プログラム可能で複雑な量子回路を中性原子量子コンピュータで実現し、将来のコンパイラと将来のハードウェアの選択の両方を知らせる。 Dynamically field-programmable qubit arrays (DPQA) have recently emerged as a promising platform for quantum information processing. In DPQA, atomic qubits are selectively loaded into arrays of optical traps that can be reconfigured during the computation itself. Leveraging qubit transport and parallel, entangling quantum operations, different pairs of qubits, even those initially far away, can be entangled at different stages of the quantum program execution. Such reconfigurability and non-local connectivity present new challenges for compilation, especially in the layout synthesis step which places and routes the qubits and schedules the gates. In this paper, we consider a DPQA architecture that contains multiple arrays and supports 2D array movements, representing cutting-edge experimental platforms. Within this architecture, we discretize the state space and formulate layout synthesis as a satisfactory modulo theories problem, which can be solved by existing solvers optimally in terms of circuit depth. For a set of benchmark circuits generated by random graphs with complex connectivities, our compiler OLSQ-DPQA reduces the number of two-qubit entangling gates on small problem instances by 1.7x compared to optimal compilation results on a fixed planar architecture. To further improve scalability and practicality of the method, we introduce a greedy heuristic inspired by the iterative peeling approach in classical integrated circuit routing. Using a hybrid approach that combined the greedy and optimal methods, we demonstrate that our DPQA-based compiled circuits feature reduced scaling overhead compared to a grid fixed architecture, resulting in 5.1X less two-qubit gates for 90 qubit quantum circuits. These methods enable programmable, complex quantum circuits with neutral atom quantum computers, as well as informing both future compilers and future hardware choices. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:28:48 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# DAG構造学習のための動的因果空間の探索 Discovering Dynamic Causal Space for DAG Structure Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.02822v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Fangfu Liu, Wenchang Ma, An Zhang, Xiang Wang, Yueqi Duan, Tat-Seng Chua | (参考訳) 変数間の因果関係の同定を目的とした純粋観測データ(因果発見)から因果構造を発見することは、機械学習の基本的な課題である。
合成と実世界の両方のデータセットに対する大規模な実験は、精度と堅牢性の観点から、最先端の因果発見法よりもCASPERの方が優れていることを明確に証明している。 Discovering causal structure from purely observational data (i.e., causal discovery), aiming to identify causal relationships among variables, is a fundamental task in machine learning. The recent invention of differentiable score-based DAG learners is a crucial enabler, which reframes the combinatorial optimization problem into a differentiable optimization with a DAG constraint over directed graph space. Despite their great success, these cutting-edge DAG learners incorporate DAG-ness independent score functions to evaluate the directed graph candidates, lacking in considering graph structure. As a result, measuring the data fitness alone regardless of DAG-ness inevitably leads to discovering suboptimal DAGs and model vulnerabilities. Towards this end, we propose a dynamic causal space for DAG structure learning, coined CASPER, that integrates the graph structure into the score function as a new measure in the causal space to faithfully reflect the causal distance between estimated and ground truth DAG. CASPER revises the learning process as well as enhances the DAG structure learning via adaptive attention to DAG-ness. Grounded by empirical visualization, CASPER, as a space, satisfies a series of desired properties, such as structure awareness and noise robustness. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets clearly validate the superiority of our CASPER over the state-of-the-art causal discovery methods in terms of accuracy and robustness. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:28:16 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# パーセプトロンニューラルネットワークに基づくバイオインスパイアされたカオスセンサモデル:機械学習の概念と計算神経科学への応用 A Bio-Inspired Chaos Sensor Model Based on the Perceptron Neural Network: Machine Learning Concept and Application for Computational Neuro-Science ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.01991v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Andrei Velichko, Petr Boriskov, Maksim Belyaev and Vadim Putrolaynen | (参考訳) 本研究では,神経力学系におけるスパイクトレインのエントロピー推定のための知覚神経ネットワークに基づくバイオインスパイアされたカオスセンサモデルを提案する。
Kブロッククロスバリデーション法を用いて, パーセプトロンモデルのハイパーパラメータの選択とセンサ精度の推定を行った。
1つのニューロンを持つ隠れた層であっても、モデルは良い結果と計量 r2 ~ 0.5-0.8 でファジィエントロピーを近似する。
この研究は、計算神経科学の分野の専門家や、人型ロボットや動物ロボット、限られた資源を持つバイオロボットの開発に役立ちます。 The study presents a bio-inspired chaos sensor model based on the perceptron neural network for the estimation of entropy of spike train in neurodynamic systems. After training, the sensor on perceptron, having 50 neurons in the hidden layer and 1 neuron at the output, approximates the fuzzy entropy of a short time series with high accuracy, with a determination coefficient of R2 ~ 0.9. The Hindmarsh-Rose spike model was used to generate time series of spike intervals, and datasets for training and testing the perceptron. The selection of the hyperparameters of the perceptron model and the estimation of the sensor accuracy were performed using the K-block cross-validation method. Even for a hidden layer with one neuron, the model approximates the fuzzy entropy with good results and the metric R2 ~ 0.5-0.8. In a simplified model with one neuron and equal weights in the first layer, the principle of approximation is based on the linear transformation of the average value of the time series into the entropy value. An example of using the chaos sensor on spike train of action potential recordings from the L5 dorsal rootlet of rat is provided. The bio-inspired chaos sensor model based on an ensemble of neurons is able to dynamically track the chaotic behavior of a spike signal and transmit this information to other parts of the neurodynamic model for further processing. The study will be useful for specialists in the field of computational neuroscience, and also to create humanoid and animal robots, and bio-robots with limited resources. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:27:51 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# トランスデューサに基づくストリーミング音声認識のための適応的文脈バイアス Adaptive Contextual Biasing for Transducer Based Streaming Speech Recognition ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.00804v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Tianyi Xu, Zhanheng Yang, Kaixun Huang, Pengcheng Guo, Ao Zhang, Biao Li, Changru Chen, Chao Li, Lei Xie | (参考訳) 文脈情報の追加により、パーソナライズされた単語の音声認識のための有望なソリューションとしてディープバイアス手法が登場している。
さらに,rtf増加を伴うストリーミング推論パイプラインを維持しつつ,パーソナライズされたシナリオにおけるパフォーマンスへの影響を最小限に抑えている。 By incorporating additional contextual information, deep biasing methods have emerged as a promising solution for speech recognition of personalized words. However, for real-world voice assistants, always biasing on such personalized words with high prediction scores can significantly degrade the performance of recognizing common words. To address this issue, we propose an adaptive contextual biasing method based on Context-Aware Transformer Transducer (CATT) that utilizes the biased encoder and predictor embeddings to perform streaming prediction of contextual phrase occurrences. Such prediction is then used to dynamically switch the bias list on and off, enabling the model to adapt to both personalized and common scenarios. Experiments on Librispeech and internal voice assistant datasets show that our approach can achieve up to 6.7% and 20.7% relative reduction in WER and CER compared to the baseline respectively, mitigating up to 96.7% and 84.9% of the relative WER and CER increase for common cases. Furthermore, our approach has a minimal performance impact in personalized scenarios while maintaining a streaming inference pipeline with negligible RTF increase. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:27:17 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 潜在量子化による解離 Disentanglement via Latent Quantization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.18378v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kyle Hsu and Will Dorrell and James C. R. Whittington and Jiajun Wu and Chelsea Finn | (参考訳) 乱れた表現学習では、モデルはデータセットの基盤となる変動源を区別し、互いに独立して表現するように要求される。
本稿では,基本データ再構成 (vanilla autoencoder) と潜在データ再構成 (InfoGAN) の両方に付加することで,このアプローチの適用性を示す。
特に、当社の量子化遅延オートエンコーダ(QLAE)は、データ再構成を損なうことなく、これらのキー不整合特性において、従来から強い手法よりも一貫して優れています。 In disentangled representation learning, a model is asked to tease apart a dataset's underlying sources of variation and represent them independently of one another. Since the model is provided with no ground truth information about these sources, inductive biases take a paramount role in enabling disentanglement. In this work, we construct an inductive bias towards encoding to and decoding from an organized latent space. Concretely, we do this by (i) quantizing the latent space into discrete code vectors with a separate learnable scalar codebook per dimension and (ii) applying strong model regularization via an unusually high weight decay. Intuitively, the latent space design forces the encoder to combinatorially construct codes from a small number of distinct scalar values, which in turn enables the decoder to assign a consistent meaning to each value. Regularization then serves to drive the model towards this parsimonious strategy. We demonstrate the broad applicability of this approach by adding it to both basic data-reconstructing (vanilla autoencoder) and latent-reconstructing (InfoGAN) generative models. For reliable evaluation, we also propose InfoMEC, a new set of metrics for disentanglement that is cohesively grounded in information theory and fixes well-established shortcomings in previous metrics. Together with regularization, latent quantization dramatically improves the modularity and explicitness of learned representations on a representative suite of benchmark datasets. In particular, our quantized-latent autoencoder (QLAE) consistently outperforms strong methods from prior work in these key disentanglement properties without compromising data reconstruction. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:26:42 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 1次元デクスター型励起位相相転移 One-dimensional Dexter-type excitonic topological phase transition ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.18299v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jianhua Zhu, Ji Chen, and Wei Wu | (参考訳) 我々は、任意の1次元鎖構造の励起子を記述するのに十分一般的な1次元二量化励起模型に対するザック位相を計算した。
さらに,計算における$\pi$のzak位相を解釈するために, ‘`composite chiral site' という新しい概念が開発された。
有限連鎖計算は位相的エッジ状態に準じ、その特性に関するより多くの情報を提供する。 We have computed the Zak phase for a one-dimensional dimerised excitonic model, which is sufficiently general to describe excitons for any one-dimensional chain structures. Tuning relevant hopping parameters gives rise to a rich spectrum of physics, including non-trivial topological phase in uniform chain unlike the conventional Su-Shcrieffer-Heeger model, a zoo of topologically robust flat bands, and exotic fractional phase. Most importantly, in the first time, a topological phase transition assisted by the Dexter electron exchange process has been found. In addition, a new concept of ``composite chiral site" was developed to interpret the Zak phase of $\pi$ in our calculations. Our finite-chain calculations substantiate topological edge states, providing more information about their characteristics. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:26:17 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# style over substance: 大規模言語モデルに対する評価バイアス Style Over Substance: Evaluation Biases for Large Language Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.03025v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Minghao Wu, Alham Fikri Aji | (参考訳) 大きな言語モデル(LLM)が進歩を続けるにつれ、そのパフォーマンスを正確かつ包括的に評価することはますます困難になっている。
しかし,クラウドソースによる評価では,さらなる調査・改善の必要性が指摘され,大幅な改善はない。 As large language models (LLMs) continue to advance, accurately and comprehensively evaluating their performance becomes increasingly challenging. Human evaluations are conventionally considered the gold standard in natural language generation, but recent advancements incorporate state-of-the-art LLMs as proxies for human judges in evaluation processes. However, the extent to which humans and LLMs are capable evaluators remains uncertain. This study investigates the behavior of crowd-sourced and expert annotators, as well as LLMs, when comparing outputs from different models. To achieve this, we curate a dataset of intentionally flawed machine-generated answers. Our findings reveal a concerning bias in the evaluation process, as answers with factual errors are rated more favorably than answers that are too short or contained grammatical errors. To address this issue, we propose independently evaluating machine-generated text across multiple dimensions, rather than merging all the evaluation aspects into a single score. We instantiate this idea with the Elo rating system, resulting in the Multi-Elo Rating System. Empirical results from our study reveal that this proposed approach significantly enhances the quality of LLM-based evaluations, particularly in terms of factual accuracy. However, there is no significant improvement in crowd-sourced-based evaluations, indicating the need for further investigation and refinement. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:20:38 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# BatGPT: 生成型事前学習型変圧器による双方向自動補聴器 BatGPT: A Bidirectional Autoregessive Talker from Generative Pre-trained Transformer ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.00360v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zuchao Li, Shitou Zhang, Hai Zhao, Yifei Yang, Dongjie Yang | (参考訳) BatGPTは武漢大学と上海江東大学が共同で設計・訓練した大規模言語モデルである。
全体として、これらのアプローチはBatGPTの有効性を大幅に改善し、そのモデルは幅広い自然言語アプリケーションに利用することができる。 BatGPT is a large-scale language model designed and trained jointly by Wuhan University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. It is capable of generating highly natural and fluent text in response to various types of input, including text prompts, images, and audio. In the modeling level, we employ a bidirectional autoregressive architecture that allows the model to efficiently capture the complex dependencies of natural language, making it highly effective in tasks such as language generation, dialog systems, and question answering. Moreover, the bidirectional autoregressive modeling not only operates from left to right but also from right to left, effectively reducing fixed memory effects and alleviating model hallucinations. In the training aspect, we propose a novel parameter expansion method for leveraging the pre-training of smaller models and employ reinforcement learning from both AI and human feedback, aimed at improving the model's alignment performance. Overall, these approaches significantly improve the effectiveness of BatGPT, and the model can be utilized for a wide range of natural language applications. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:20:15 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ピークオーバースレッショルドモデルを用いた検閲推論のためのニューラルベイズ推定器 Neural Bayes estimators for censored inference with peaks-over-threshold models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.15642v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jordan Richards and Matthew Sainsbury-Dale and Andrew Zammit-Mangion and Rapha\"el Huser | (参考訳) 空間的極値依存モデルを用いた推論は、難解かつ検閲された確率を伴うため、計算量的に負担がかかる。
サウジアラビア全土の過大粒子状物質2.5ミクロン以下(PM2.5)濃度を評価するために,高次元空間超依存性モデル数百個を高速に推定することにより,推定装置の有効性を検証した。 Making inference with spatial extremal dependence models can be computationally burdensome since they involve intractable and/or censored likelihoods. Building on recent advances in likelihood-free inference with neural Bayes estimators, that is, neural networks that approximate Bayes estimators, we develop highly efficient estimators for censored peaks-over-threshold models that encode censoring information in the neural network architecture. Our new method provides a paradigm shift that challenges traditional censored likelihood-based inference methods for spatial extremal dependence models. Our simulation studies highlight significant gains in both computational and statistical efficiency, relative to competing likelihood-based approaches, when applying our novel estimators to make inference with popular extremal dependence models, such as max-stable, $r$-Pareto, and random scale mixture process models. We also illustrate that it is possible to train a single neural Bayes estimator for a general censoring level, precluding the need to retrain the network when the censoring level is changed. We illustrate the efficacy of our estimators by making fast inference on hundreds-of-thousands of high-dimensional spatial extremal dependence models to assess extreme particulate matter 2.5 microns or less in diameter (PM2.5) concentration over the whole of Saudi Arabia. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:19:34 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# DiffSketcher:潜在拡散モデルによるテキストガイドベクトルスケッチ合成 DiffSketcher: Text Guided Vector Sketch Synthesis through Latent Diffusion Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.14685v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ximing Xing, Chuang Wang, Haitao Zhou, Jing Zhang, Qian Yu, Dong Xu | (参考訳) 画像を中心に訓練したものの,事前学習された拡散モデルがスケッチ合成の指導において印象的な効果を示すことが判明した。
さらに, 実効的ストローク初期化のための拡散モデルに埋め込まれた注意マップを探索し, 生成プロセスを高速化する。
私たちの実験では、diffsketcherは以前の作業よりも高い品質を達成しています。 Even though trained mainly on images, we discover that pretrained diffusion models show impressive power in guiding sketch synthesis. In this paper, we present DiffSketcher, an innovative algorithm that creates vectorized free-hand sketches using natural language input. DiffSketcher is developed based on a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model. It performs the task by directly optimizing a set of Bezier curves with an extended version of the score distillation sampling (SDS) loss, which allows us to use a raster-level diffusion model as a prior for optimizing a parametric vectorized sketch generator. Furthermore, we explore attention maps embedded in the diffusion model for effective stroke initialization to speed up the generation process. The generated sketches demonstrate multiple levels of abstraction while maintaining recognizability, underlying structure, and essential visual details of the subject drawn. Our experiments show that DiffSketcher achieves greater quality than prior work. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:19:10 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# レコメンダシステムのためのデータ拡張と改良:最大マージン行列分解を用いた半教師付きアプローチ Data augmentation and refinement for recommender system: A semi-supervised approach using maximum margin matrix factorization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.13050v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Shamal Shaikh, Venkateswara Rao Kagita, Vikas Kumar, Arun K Pujari | (参考訳) 協調フィルタリング(CF)は,過去の嗜好や他ユーザの嗜好情報に基づいて,新たな項目に対するユーザのレーティングを予測するレコメンデータシステム(RS)を開発するための一般的な手法となっている。
本研究では,MMMF (Maximum Margin Matrix Factorization, MMMF) のデータの増大と改善について検討した。
本手法は,いくつかの最先端cfアルゴリズムで実験的に評価され,ベースライン手法の性能向上に寄与する。 Collaborative filtering (CF) has become a popular method for developing recommender systems (RSs) where ratings of a user for new items are predicted based on her past preferences and available preference information of other users. Despite the popularity of CF-based methods, their performance is often greatly limited by the sparsity of observed entries. In this study, we explore the data augmentation and refinement aspects of Maximum Margin Matrix Factorization (MMMF), a widely accepted CF technique for rating predictions, which has not been investigated before. We exploit the inherent characteristics of CF algorithms to assess the confidence level of individual ratings and propose a semi-supervised approach for rating augmentation based on self-training. We hypothesize that any CF algorithm's predictions with low confidence are due to some deficiency in the training data and hence, the performance of the algorithm can be improved by adopting a systematic data augmentation strategy. We iteratively use some of the ratings predicted with high confidence to augment the training data and remove low-confidence entries through a refinement process. By repeating this process, the system learns to improve prediction accuracy. Our method is experimentally evaluated on several state-of-the-art CF algorithms and leads to informative rating augmentation, improving the performance of the baseline approaches. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:18:53 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Task-Conditioned Hypernetwork に基づくマルチタスクエピソードメモリによる深層強化学習 Deep Reinforcement Learning with Multitask Episodic Memory Based on Task-Conditioned Hypernetwork ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.10698v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yonggang Jin, Chenxu Wang, Liuyu Xiang, Yaodong Yang, Junge Zhang, Jie Fu and Zhaofeng He | (参考訳) 深層強化学習アルゴリズムは通常、正確な意思決定能力を得るために環境と複数の相互作用に依存する非効率のサンプリングによって妨げられる。
提案手法をMiniGrid環境上で評価し,提案手法が強いベースラインを著しく上回ることを示す実験結果を得た。 Deep reinforcement learning algorithms are usually impeded by sampling inefficiency, heavily depending on multiple interactions with the environment to acquire accurate decision-making capabilities. In contrast, humans rely on their hippocampus to retrieve relevant information from past experiences of relevant tasks, which guides their decision-making when learning a new task, rather than exclusively depending on environmental interactions. Nevertheless, designing a hippocampus-like module for an agent to incorporate past experiences into established reinforcement learning algorithms presents two challenges. The first challenge involves selecting the most relevant past experiences for the current task, and the second challenge is integrating such experiences into the decision network. To address these challenges, we propose a novel method that utilizes a retrieval network based on task-conditioned hypernetwork, which adapts the retrieval network's parameters depending on the task. At the same time, a dynamic modification mechanism enhances the collaborative efforts between the retrieval and decision networks. We evaluate the proposed method on the MiniGrid environment.The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method significantly outperforms strong baselines. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:18:28 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 仮想人間の生成モデル:人間の特性学習のためのマスクモデルアプローチ Virtual Human Generative Model: Masked Modeling Approach for Learning Human Characteristics ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.10656v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kenta Oono, Nontawat Charoenphakdee, Kotatsu Bito, Zhengyan Gao, Yoshiaki Ota, Shoichiro Yamaguchi, Yohei Sugawara, Shin-ichi Maeda, Kunihiko Miyoshi, Yuki Saito, Koki Tsuda, Hiroshi Maruyama, Kohei Hayashi | (参考訳) 健康属性、ライフスタイル、パーソナリティの関係を特定することは、身体的および精神的な状態の理解と改善に不可欠である。
本稿では,ヘルスケア,ライフスタイル,パーソナリティに関する属性を推定する機械学習モデルであるvirtual human generative model (vhgm)を提案する。
VHGMの概念実証として,医療属性の仮想計測やライフスタイルの仮説検証など,ユーザシナリオを示すいくつかのアプリケーションを提案する。 Identifying the relationship between healthcare attributes, lifestyles, and personality is vital for understanding and improving physical and mental conditions. Machine learning approaches are promising for modeling their relationships and offering actionable suggestions. In this paper, we propose Virtual Human Generative Model (VHGM), a machine learning model for estimating attributes about healthcare, lifestyles, and personalities. VHGM is a deep generative model trained with masked modeling to learn the joint distribution of attributes conditioned on known ones. Using heterogeneous tabular datasets, VHGM learns more than 1,800 attributes efficiently. We numerically evaluate the performance of VHGM and its training techniques. As a proof-of-concept of VHGM, we present several applications demonstrating user scenarios, such as virtual measurements of healthcare attributes and hypothesis verifications of lifestyles. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:18:10 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 詩の融合 : 詩生成における意味的・韻律的操作の融合に向けて PoetryDiffusion: Towards Joint Semantic and Metrical Manipulation in Poetry Generation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.08456v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhiyuan Hu, Chumin Liu, Yue Feng, Anh Tuan Luu, Bryan Hooi | (参考訳) 制御可能なテキスト生成は自然言語生成(NLG)において困難で意味のある分野である。
2つのデータセットに対する実験結果から,本モデルが既存のモデルより優れており,セマンティクス,計量,総合的な性能と人的評価が自動評価されることがわかった。 Controllable text generation is a challenging and meaningful field in natural language generation (NLG). Especially, poetry generation is a typical one with well-defined and strict conditions for text generation which is an ideal playground for the assessment of current methodologies. While prior works succeeded in controlling either semantic or metrical aspects of poetry generation, simultaneously addressing both remains a challenge. In this paper, we pioneer the use of the Diffusion model for generating sonnets and Chinese SongCi poetry to tackle such challenges. In terms of semantics, our PoetryDiffusion model, built upon the Diffusion model, generates entire sentences or poetry by comprehensively considering the entirety of sentence information. This approach enhances semantic expression, distinguishing it from autoregressive and large language models (LLMs). For metrical control, the separation feature of diffusion generation and its constraint control module enable us to flexibly incorporate a novel metrical controller to manipulate and evaluate metrics (format and rhythm). The denoising process in PoetryDiffusion allows for gradual enhancement of semantics and flexible integration of the metrical controller which can calculate and impose penalties on states that stray significantly from the target control distribution. Experimental results on two datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms existing models in automatic evaluation of semantic, metrical, and overall performance as well as human evaluation. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:17:56 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# GCformer: 正確でスケーラブルな多変数時系列予測のための効率的なフレームワーク GCformer: An Efficient Framework for Accurate and Scalable Long-Term Multivariate Time Series Forecasting ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.08325v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | YanJun Zhao, Ziqing Ma, Tian Zhou, Liang Sun, Mengni Ye, Yi Qian | (参考訳) トランスフォーマーベースのモデルは、時系列予測の有望なツールとして登場した。
私たちのコードはhttps://github.com/zyj-111/gcformerで公開しています。 Transformer-based models have emerged as promising tools for time series forecasting. However, these model cannot make accurate prediction for long input time series. On the one hand, they failed to capture global dependencies within time series data. On the other hand, the long input sequence usually leads to large model size and high time complexity. To address these limitations, we present GCformer, which combines a structured global convolutional branch for processing long input sequences with a local Transformer-based branch for capturing short, recent signals. A cohesive framework for a global convolution kernel has been introduced, utilizing three distinct parameterization methods. The selected structured convolutional kernel in the global branch has been specifically crafted with sublinear complexity, thereby allowing for the efficient and effective processing of lengthy and noisy input signals. Empirical studies on six benchmark datasets demonstrate that GCformer outperforms state-of-the-art methods, reducing MSE error in multivariate time series benchmarks by 4.38% and model parameters by 61.92%. In particular, the global convolutional branch can serve as a plug-in block to enhance the performance of other models, with an average improvement of 31.93\%, including various recently published Transformer-based models. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/zyj-111/GCformer. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:17:33 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# PromptStyler: ソースフリードメイン一般化のためのプロンプト駆動型スタイル生成 PromptStyler: Prompt-driven Style Generation for Source-free Domain Generalization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.15199v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Junhyeong Cho, Gilhyun Nam, Sungyeon Kim, Hunmin Yang, Suha Kwak | (参考訳) 共同視覚言語空間では、テキスト機能(例:「犬の写真」から)はその関連画像の特徴(例:犬の写真から)を効果的に表現することができる。
PromptStylerは、トレーニングにイメージを必要としないにも関わらず、PACS、VLCS、OfficeHome、DomainNetの最先端技術を実現している。 In a joint vision-language space, a text feature (e.g., from "a photo of a dog") could effectively represent its relevant image features (e.g., from dog photos). Also, a recent study has demonstrated the cross-modal transferability phenomenon of this joint space. From these observations, we propose PromptStyler which simulates various distribution shifts in the joint space by synthesizing diverse styles via prompts without using any images to deal with source-free domain generalization. The proposed method learns to generate a variety of style features (from "a S* style of a") via learnable style word vectors for pseudo-words S*. To ensure that learned styles do not distort content information, we force style-content features (from "a S* style of a [class]") to be located nearby their corresponding content features (from "[class]") in the joint vision-language space. After learning style word vectors, we train a linear classifier using synthesized style-content features. PromptStyler achieves the state of the art on PACS, VLCS, OfficeHome and DomainNet, even though it does not require any images for training. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:09:56 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Deep Bradley-Terry Rating: 比較による特性の定量化 Deep Bradley-Terry Rating: Quantifying Properties from Comparisons ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.13709v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Satoru Fujii | (参考訳) 現実世界の多くの特性は直接観察できないので、学ぶのが難しくなります。
本稿では,未知アイテムの特性を定量化し評価するための機械学習フレームワークであるDeep Bradley-Terry Rating (DBTR)を紹介する。
実験により,DBTRが望ましい特性の定量化と推定に成功していることを示す。 Many properties in the real world can't be directly observed, making them difficult to learn. To deal with this challenging problem, prior works have primarily focused on estimating those properties by using graded human scores as the target label in the training. Meanwhile, rating algorithms based on the Bradley-Terry model are extensively studied to evaluate the competitiveness of players based on their match history. In this paper, we introduce the Deep Bradley-Terry Rating (DBTR), a novel machine learning framework designed to quantify and evaluate properties of unknown items. Our method seamlessly integrates the Bradley-Terry model into the neural network structure. Moreover, we generalize this architecture further to asymmetric environments with unfairness, a condition more commonly encountered in real-world settings. Through experimental analysis, we demonstrate that DBTR successfully learns to quantify and estimate desired properties. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:09:33 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 不正確な境界箱を用いた物体検出のための空間自己蒸留 Spatial Self-Distillation for Object Detection with Inaccurate Bounding Boxes ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12101v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Di Wu and Pengfei Chen and Xuehui Yu and Guorong Li and Zhenjun Han and Jianbin Jiao | (参考訳) 不正確なバウンディングボックスによるオブジェクト検出は、高価なハイクオリティなアノテーションデータや、低いアノテーション品質(例えば小さなオブジェクト)の必然性によって、幅広い関心を集めている。
本稿では,空間情報をマイニングし,不正確な箱を自己蒸留方式で精製する \textbf{spatial self-distillation based object detector (ssd-det") を提案する。
ssd-det は空間的位置自己蒸留 \textbf{(spsd)} モジュールを使用して空間情報と対話的構造を利用して空間情報とカテゴリ情報を組み合わせて高品質な提案バッグを構築する。
選択手順をさらに改善するため、SSD-DetにSpatial Identity Self-Distillation \textbf{(SISD)モジュールを導入し、空間信頼を得、最適な提案を選択する。
コードはhttps://github.com/ucas-vg/PointTinyBenchmark/tree/SSD-Detで公開されている。 Object detection via inaccurate bounding boxes supervision has boosted a broad interest due to the expensive high-quality annotation data or the occasional inevitability of low annotation quality (\eg tiny objects). The previous works usually utilize multiple instance learning (MIL), which highly depends on category information, to select and refine a low-quality box. Those methods suffer from object drift, group prediction and part domination problems without exploring spatial information. In this paper, we heuristically propose a \textbf{Spatial Self-Distillation based Object Detector (SSD-Det)} to mine spatial information to refine the inaccurate box in a self-distillation fashion. SSD-Det utilizes a Spatial Position Self-Distillation \textbf{(SPSD)} module to exploit spatial information and an interactive structure to combine spatial information and category information, thus constructing a high-quality proposal bag. To further improve the selection procedure, a Spatial Identity Self-Distillation \textbf{(SISD)} module is introduced in SSD-Det to obtain spatial confidence to help select the best proposals. Experiments on MS-COCO and VOC datasets with noisy box annotation verify our method's effectiveness and achieve state-of-the-art performance. The code is available at https://github.com/ucas-vg/PointTinyBenchmark/tree/SSD-Det. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:09:18 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 1次元フェルミガス中の不純物の相関除去による温度測定 Thermometry by correlated dephasing of impurities in a 1D Fermi gas ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.10132v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sindre Brattegard and Mark T. Mitchison | (参考訳) 我々は,超低温フェルミオン原子の共有環境に埋め込まれた2つの静的不純物量子ビットの純粋退化ダイナミクスを理論的に検討する。
さらに, これらの相関関係は, 2量子ビット温度計の感度を2つの独立した不純物よりも高め, メトロロジー的な利点をもたらすことを実証する。
また, 温度推定を行う際の相関を無視する影響を定量的に評価し, 不純物の簡易モデルから許容可能な精度を得ることができた。
以上の結果から, フェルミガス中の不純物の高次非平衡物理が示され, 超低温での温度推定の精度向上に寄与する可能性が示唆された。 We theoretically investigate the pure dephasing dynamics of two static impurity qubits embedded within a common environment of ultracold fermionic atoms, which are confined to one spatial dimension. Our goal is to understand how bath-mediated interactions between impurities affect their performance as nonequilibrium quantum thermometers. By solving the dynamics exactly using a functional determinant approach, we show that the impurities become correlated via retarded interactions of the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida type. Moreover, we demonstrate that these correlations can provide a metrological advantage, enhancing the sensitivity of the two-qubit thermometer beyond that of two independent impurities. This enhancement is most prominent in the limit of low temperature and weak collisional coupling between the impurities and the gas. We show that this precision advantage can be exploited using standard Ramsey interferometry, with no need to prepare correlated initial states nor to individually manipulate or measure the impurities. We also quantitatively assess the impact of ignoring these correlations when constructing a temperature estimate, finding that acceptable precision can still be achieved from a simplified model of independent impurities. Our results demonstrate the rich nonequilibrium physics of impurities dephasing in a common Fermi gas, and may help to provide better temperature estimates at ultralow temperatures. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:08:53 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# promptmagician: テキストから画像へのインタラクティブなプロンプトエンジニアリング PromptMagician: Interactive Prompt Engineering for Text-to-Image Creation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.09036v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yingchaojie Feng, Xingbo Wang, Kam Kwai Wong, Sijia Wang, Yuhong Lu, Minfeng Zhu, Baicheng Wang, Wei Chen | (参考訳) 自然言語プロンプトに基づいた高品質な画像を生成する能力によって、生成型テキストから画像へのモデルが大衆に人気を集めている。
ユーザスタディとエキスパートインタビューの2つの利用シナリオは,システムの有効性とユーザビリティを実証し,迅速なエンジニアリングを促進し,生成テキスト・画像モデルの創造的サポートを改善することを示唆している。 Generative text-to-image models have gained great popularity among the public for their powerful capability to generate high-quality images based on natural language prompts. However, developing effective prompts for desired images can be challenging due to the complexity and ambiguity of natural language. This research proposes PromptMagician, a visual analysis system that helps users explore the image results and refine the input prompts. The backbone of our system is a prompt recommendation model that takes user prompts as input, retrieves similar prompt-image pairs from DiffusionDB, and identifies special (important and relevant) prompt keywords. To facilitate interactive prompt refinement, PromptMagician introduces a multi-level visualization for the cross-modal embedding of the retrieved images and recommended keywords, and supports users in specifying multiple criteria for personalized exploration. Two usage scenarios, a user study, and expert interviews demonstrate the effectiveness and usability of our system, suggesting it facilitates prompt engineering and improves the creativity support of the generative text-to-image model. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:08:28 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 非拘束画像からの新規ビュー合成のためのクロスレイトニューラルラジアンス場 Cross-Ray Neural Radiance Fields for Novel-view Synthesis from Unconstrained Image Collections ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.08093v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yifan Yang and Shuhai Zhang and Zixiong Huang and Yubing Zhang and Mingkui Tan | (参考訳) NeRF(Neural Radiance Fields)は、1ピクセルあたりの1光線をサンプリングすることでシーンを描画する革命的なアプローチであり、静的なシーン画像から新規ビューの合成機能を示す。
2) 画像には,人間や車などの過渡的な物体が含まれ,閉塞やゴースト的アーティファクトにつながる可能性がある。
さらに,cr-nerfの有効性を大規模実世界のデータセットで検証した。 Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) is a revolutionary approach for rendering scenes by sampling a single ray per pixel and it has demonstrated impressive capabilities in novel-view synthesis from static scene images. However, in practice, we usually need to recover NeRF from unconstrained image collections, which poses two challenges: 1) the images often have dynamic changes in appearance because of different capturing time and camera settings; 2) the images may contain transient objects such as humans and cars, leading to occlusion and ghosting artifacts. Conventional approaches seek to address these challenges by locally utilizing a single ray to synthesize a color of a pixel. In contrast, humans typically perceive appearance and objects by globally utilizing information across multiple pixels. To mimic the perception process of humans, in this paper, we propose Cross-Ray NeRF (CR-NeRF) that leverages interactive information across multiple rays to synthesize occlusion-free novel views with the same appearances as the images. Specifically, to model varying appearances, we first propose to represent multiple rays with a novel cross-ray feature and then recover the appearance by fusing global statistics, i.e., feature covariance of the rays and the image appearance. Moreover, to avoid occlusion introduced by transient objects, we propose a transient objects handler and introduce a grid sampling strategy for masking out the transient objects. We theoretically find that leveraging correlation across multiple rays promotes capturing more global information. Moreover, extensive experimental results on large real-world datasets verify the effectiveness of CR-NeRF. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:08:06 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 自動繊維配置における異常検出:データ制限による学習 Anomaly Detection in Automated Fibre Placement: Learning with Data Limitations ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.07893v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Assef Ghamisi, Todd Charter, Li Ji, Maxime Rivard, Gil Lund, Homayoun Najjaran | (参考訳) 自動繊維配置(AFP)における従来の欠陥検出システムは、通常はエンドツーエンドの教師付き学習に依存しており、効果的なトレーニングのためにかなりの数のラベル付き欠陥サンプルを必要とする。
我々のフレームワークは既存のメソッドに匹敵するパフォーマンスを示し、欠陥の広範なラベル付きデータセットに頼ることなく、あらゆるタイプの異常を検出する利点を提供します。 Conventional defect detection systems in Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) typically rely on end-to-end supervised learning, necessitating a substantial number of labelled defective samples for effective training. However, the scarcity of such labelled data poses a challenge. To overcome this limitation, we present a comprehensive framework for defect detection and localization in Automated Fibre Placement. Our approach combines unsupervised deep learning and classical computer vision algorithms, eliminating the need for labelled data or manufacturing defect samples. It efficiently detects various surface issues while requiring fewer images of composite parts for training. Our framework employs an innovative sample extraction method leveraging AFP's inherent symmetry to expand the dataset. By inputting a depth map of the fibre layup surface, we extract local samples aligned with each composite strip (tow). These samples are processed through an autoencoder, trained on normal samples for precise reconstructions, highlighting anomalies through reconstruction errors. Aggregated values form an anomaly map for insightful visualization. The framework employs blob detection on this map to locate manufacturing defects. The experimental findings reveal that despite training the autoencoder with a limited number of images, our proposed method exhibits satisfactory detection accuracy and accurately identifies defect locations. Our framework demonstrates comparable performance to existing methods, while also offering the advantage of detecting all types of anomalies without relying on an extensive labelled dataset of defects. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:07:39 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# exposurediffusion:低光度画像強調のための露光学習 ExposureDiffusion: Learning to Expose for Low-light Image Enhancement ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.07710v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yufei Wang, Yi Yu, Wenhan Yang, Lanqing Guo, Lap-Pui Chau, Alex C. Kot, Bihan Wen | (参考訳) 以前の生画像に基づく低照度画像強調手法は、主にフィードフォワードニューラルネットワークに頼り、低照度から通常露光画像への決定論的マッピングを学習した。
ガウス音を発生させるバニラ拡散モデルと異なり, 物理系露出モデルでは, 純粋な雑音ではなく, ノイズ画像から直接復元を行うことができる。
異なる中間段階の利点をフル活用するために, 中間結果が既に十分に提示されている場合に, 繰り返し改良の副作用を効果的に除去する適応残留層を提案する。
また,提案手法は,パラメータの少ない大きなフィードフォワードニューラルモデルよりも,アンセンシング増幅率の一般化能力と優れた性能を実現する。 Previous raw image-based low-light image enhancement methods predominantly relied on feed-forward neural networks to learn deterministic mappings from low-light to normally-exposed images. However, they failed to capture critical distribution information, leading to visually undesirable results. This work addresses the issue by seamlessly integrating a diffusion model with a physics-based exposure model. Different from a vanilla diffusion model that has to perform Gaussian denoising, with the injected physics-based exposure model, our restoration process can directly start from a noisy image instead of pure noise. As such, our method obtains significantly improved performance and reduced inference time compared with vanilla diffusion models. To make full use of the advantages of different intermediate steps, we further propose an adaptive residual layer that effectively screens out the side-effect in the iterative refinement when the intermediate results have been already well-exposed. The proposed framework can work with both real-paired datasets, SOTA noise models, and different backbone networks. Note that, the proposed framework is compatible with real-paired datasets, real/synthetic noise models, and different backbone networks. We evaluate the proposed method on various public benchmarks, achieving promising results with consistent improvements using different exposure models and backbones. Besides, the proposed method achieves better generalization capacity for unseen amplifying ratios and better performance than a larger feedforward neural model when few parameters are adopted. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:07:16 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Quantum Image Denoising: Boltzmann Machines、QUBO、Quantum Annealingによるフレームワーク Quantum Image Denoising: A Framework via Boltzmann Machines, QUBO, and Quantum Annealing ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.06542v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Phillip Kerger and Ryoji Miyazaki | (参考訳) 本稿では,二次的非拘束型二分最適化(qubo)形式におけるデノジング目標を導入する制限ボルツマンマシン(rbms)による二分画像デノジングの枠組みについて検討し,量子アニーリングによく適合する。
量子アニーラの実装にはQUBOの定式化が適しているため、D-Waveアドバンテージマシン上でモデルをテストし、古典的ヒューリスティックによりQUBOの解を近似することで、現在の量子アニーラには大きすぎるデータをテストする。 We investigate a framework for binary image denoising via restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) that introduces a denoising objective in quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) form and is well-suited for quantum annealing. The denoising objective is attained by balancing the distribution learned by a trained RBM with a penalty term for derivations from the noisy image. We derive the statistically optimal choice of the penalty parameter assuming the target distribution has been well-approximated, and further suggest an empirically supported modification to make the method robust to that idealistic assumption. We also show under additional assumptions that the denoised images attained by our method are, in expectation, strictly closer to the noise-free images than the noisy images are. While we frame the model as an image denoising model, it can be applied to any binary data. As the QUBO formulation is well-suited for implementation on quantum annealers, we test the model on a D-Wave Advantage machine, and also test on data too large for current quantum annealers by approximating QUBO solutions through classical heuristics. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:06:50 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Stack More Layers:低ランク更新によるハイランクトレーニング Stack More Layers Differently: High-Rank Training Through Low-Rank Updates ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.05695v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Vladislav Lialin, Namrata Shivagunde, Sherin Muckatira, Anna Rumshisky | (参考訳) スケールの優位性と有効性にもかかわらず、数十億のパラメータを持つ大規模なネットワークは、過度にパラメータ化されたモデルをトレーニングする必要性を十分に理解しておらず、代替アプローチは必ずしも高性能モデルのトレーニングを安くするとは限らない。
その結果,低ランクトレーニング技術の可能性と,その拡張法への影響が明らかになった。 Despite the dominance and effectiveness of scaling, resulting in large networks with hundreds of billions of parameters, the necessity to train overparametrized models remains poorly understood, and alternative approaches do not necessarily make it cheaper to train high-performance models. In this paper, we explore low-rank training techniques as an alternative approach to training large neural networks. We introduce a novel method called ReLoRA, which utilizes low-rank updates to train high-rank networks. We apply ReLoRA to pre-training transformer language models with up to 350M parameters and demonstrate comparable performance to regular neural network training. Furthermore, we observe that the efficiency of ReLoRA increases with model size, making it a promising approach for training multi-billion-parameter networks efficiently. Our findings shed light on the potential of low-rank training techniques and their implications for scaling laws. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:06:24 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# CTP-Net:Document Image Forgery Localizationのための文字テクスチャ知覚ネットワーク CTP-Net: Character Texture Perception Network for Document Image Forgery Localization ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.02158v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xin Liao and Siliang Chen and Jiaxin Chen and Tianyi Wang and Xiehua Li | (参考訳) 近年,情報技術の進歩により,文書画像はソーシャルネットワーク上で広く普及している。
さらに,偽文書画像の欠如による課題を克服するために,Fake Chinese Trademark dataset(FCTM)の構築に使用されるデータ生成戦略を設計する。
異なるデータセット上での実験結果から,提案するctp-netは,文書画像中の複数スケールの偽造領域をローカライズでき,処理後の操作が適用された場合でも,最先端の偽造ローカライズ手法よりも優れることが示された。 Due to the progression of information technology in recent years, document images have been widely disseminated on social networks. With the help of powerful image editing tools, document images are easily forged without leaving visible manipulation traces, which leads to severe issues if significant information is falsified for malicious use. Therefore, the research of document image forensics is worth further exploring. In this paper, we propose a Character Texture Perception Network (CTP-Net) to localize the forged regions in document images. Specifically, considering the characters with semantics in a document image are highly vulnerable, capturing the forgery traces is the key to localize the forged regions. We design a Character Texture Stream (CTS) based on optical character recognition to capture features of text areas that are essential components of a document image. Meanwhile, texture features of the whole document image are exploited by an Image Texture Stream (ITS). Combining the features extracted from the CTS and the ITS, the CTP-Net can reveal more subtle forgery traces from document images. Moreover, to overcome the challenge caused by the lack of fake document images, we design a data generation strategy that is utilized to construct a Fake Chinese Trademark dataset (FCTM). Experimental results on different datasets demonstrate that the proposed CTP-Net is able to localize multi-scale forged areas in document images, and outperform the state-of-the-art forgery localization methods, even though post-processing operations are applied. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:01:00 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# LaFiCMIL: 関連性のある複数インスタンス学習の観点からの大規模ファイル分類の再考 LaFiCMIL: Rethinking Large File Classification from the Perspective of Correlated Multiple Instance Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.01413v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Tiezhu Sun, Weiguo Pian, Nadia Daoudi, Kevin Allix, Tegawend\'e F. Bissyand\'e, Jacques Klein | (参考訳) BERTのようなトランスフォーマーベースのモデルは様々な言語タスクに革命をもたらしたが、入力限界(例:512トークン)のために大きなファイル分類に苦戦している。
有効性を評価するために,Long Document Classification, Code Defect Detection, Android Malware Detectionの8つのベンチマークデータセットを用いた。
これはBERTを最大20Kトークンまでスケールアップし、32Gのメモリを持つ単一のTesla V-100 GPUで動作する能力に起因する。 Transformer-based models, such as BERT, have revolutionized various language tasks, but still struggle with large file classification due to their input limit (e.g., 512 tokens). Despite several attempts to alleviate this limitation, no method consistently excels across all benchmark datasets, primarily because they can only extract partial essential information from the input file. Additionally, they fail to adapt to the varied properties of different types of large files. In this work, we tackle this problem from the perspective of correlated multiple instance learning. The proposed approach, LaFiCMIL, serves as a versatile framework applicable to various large file classification tasks covering binary, multi-class, and multi-label classification tasks, spanning various domains including Natural Language Processing, Programming Language Processing, and Android Analysis. To evaluate its effectiveness, we employ eight benchmark datasets pertaining to Long Document Classification, Code Defect Detection, and Android Malware Detection. Leveraging BERT-family models as feature extractors, our experimental results demonstrate that LaFiCMIL achieves new state-of-the-art performance across all benchmark datasets. This is largely attributable to its capability of scaling BERT up to nearly 20K tokens, running on a single Tesla V-100 GPU with 32G of memory. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:00:33 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 有限要素問題における線形系の量子緩和法 Quantum Relaxation Method for Linear Systems in Finite Element Problems ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.01377v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Osama Muhammad Raisuddin, Suvranu De | (参考訳) ゲートベースの量子コンピューティングのための量子線形系アルゴリズム(QLSA)は、方程式の線形系に対する指数的なスピードアップを提供することができる。
正定値QLSAs l の繰り返しは O(\sqrt{l}) 時間で実行でき、これは古典的なコンピュータでは達成できない。
反復の複雑さは、o(\log(n)) qubitsとシステムサイズによらず、解時間スケーリングが量子ハードウェア上の反復有限要素解の新しいパラダイムを開く指数関数的改善であるために、古典的なアーキテクチャと比べて好適にスケールする。 Quantum linear system algorithms (QLSAs) for gate-based quantum computing can provide exponential speedups for linear systems of equations. The growth of the condition number with problem size for a system of equations arising from a finite element discretization inhibits the direct application of QLSAs for a speedup. Furthermore, QLSAs cannot use an approximate solution or initial guess to output an improved solution. Here, we present Quantum Relaxation for Linear System (qRLS), as an iterative approach for gate-based quantum computers by embedding linear stationary iterations into a larger block linear system. The block linear system is positive-definite and its condition number scales linearly with the number of iterations independent of the size and condition number of the original system, effectively managing the condition number of the finite element problem. The well-conditioned system enables a practical iterative solution of finite element problems using the state-of-the-art Quantum Signal Processing (QSP) variant of QLSAs. Using positive-definite QLSAs l iterations can be performed in O(\sqrt{l}) time, which is unattainable on classical computers. The complexity of the iterations scales favorably compared to classical architectures due to solution time scaling independent of system size with O(\log(N)) qubits, an exponential improvement opening a new paradigm for iterative finite element solutions on quantum hardware. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 16:00:08 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# tirtha - 画像のクラウドソースと遺産の3dモデル作成のための自動化プラットフォーム Tirtha -- An Automated Platform to Crowdsource Images and Create 3D Models of Heritage Sites ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.01246v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jyotirmaya Shivottam and Subhankar Mishra | (参考訳) 文化遺産(ch)のデジタル保存は、自然災害や人間の活動による被害から保護するために重要である。
Tirthaは最先端のStructure from Motion (SfM)とMulti-View Stereo (MVS)技術を利用している。
全体として、Tirthaは、主に資源に制限された発展途上国で、デジタル保存の民主化に向けた一歩だ。 Digital preservation of Cultural Heritage (CH) sites is crucial to protect them against damage from natural disasters or human activities. Creating 3D models of CH sites has become a popular method of digital preservation thanks to advancements in computer vision and photogrammetry. However, the process is time-consuming, expensive, and typically requires specialized equipment and expertise, posing challenges in resource-limited developing countries. Additionally, the lack of an open repository for 3D models hinders research and public engagement with their heritage. To address these issues, we propose Tirtha, a web platform for crowdsourcing images of CH sites and creating their 3D models. Tirtha utilizes state-of-the-art Structure from Motion (SfM) and Multi-View Stereo (MVS) techniques. It is modular, extensible and cost-effective, allowing for the incorporation of new techniques as photogrammetry advances. Tirtha is accessible through a web interface at https://tirtha.niser.ac.in and can be deployed on-premise or in a cloud environment. In our case studies, we demonstrate the pipeline's effectiveness by creating 3D models of temples in Odisha, India, using crowdsourced images. These models are available for viewing, interaction, and download on the Tirtha website. Our work aims to provide a dataset of crowdsourced images and 3D reconstructions for research in computer vision, heritage conservation, and related domains. Overall, Tirtha is a step towards democratizing digital preservation, primarily in resource-limited developing countries. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:59:44 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 医用画像における不確かさ定量化のための潜在密度セグメンテーションモデルの検討と改善 Investigating and Improving Latent Density Segmentation Models for Aleatoric Uncertainty Quantification in Medical Imaging ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.16694v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | M. M. Amaan Valiuddin, Christiaan G. A. Viviers, Ruud J. G. van Sloun, Peter H. N. de With, and Fons van der Sommen | (参考訳) センサノイズやオクルージョンのようなデータの不確実性は、画像に既約曖昧性を導入し、その結果、様々な、しかしもっとも妥当なセマンティック仮説をもたらす。
その結果, 勾配降下の有効性が抑制され, 潜在空間試料の局在に極めて敏感となり, 予測の欠陥が生じる。
そこで本研究では,Sinkhorn PU-Net (SPU-Net) を提案する。Sinkhorn Divergence を用いて,すべての潜伏次元の均一性を向上し,勾配の更新とモデルロバストネスを効果的に向上する。
その結果,均質な潜在空間を奨励することで,医用画像分割の潜在密度モデリングを著しく改善できることが示唆された。 Data uncertainties, such as sensor noise or occlusions, can introduce irreducible ambiguities in images, which result in varying, yet plausible, semantic hypotheses. In Machine Learning, this ambiguity is commonly referred to as aleatoric uncertainty. Latent density models can be utilized to address this problem in image segmentation. The most popular approach is the Probabilistic U-Net (PU-Net), which uses latent Normal densities to optimize the conditional data log-likelihood Evidence Lower Bound. In this work, we demonstrate that the PU- Net latent space is severely inhomogenous. As a result, the effectiveness of gradient descent is inhibited and the model becomes extremely sensitive to the localization of the latent space samples, resulting in defective predictions. To address this, we present the Sinkhorn PU-Net (SPU-Net), which uses the Sinkhorn Divergence to promote homogeneity across all latent dimensions, effectively improving gradient-descent updates and model robustness. Our results show that by applying this on public datasets of various clinical segmentation problems, the SPU-Net receives up to 11% performance gains compared against preceding latent variable models for probabilistic segmentation on the Hungarian-Matched metric. The results indicate that by encouraging a homogeneous latent space, one can significantly improve latent density modeling for medical image segmentation. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:58:57 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# samflow: segment anythingモデルによる光フローのフラグメンテーションの排除 SAMFlow: Eliminating Any Fragmentation in Optical Flow with Segment Anything Model ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.16586v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Shili Zhou, Ruian He, Weimin Tan and Bo Yan | (参考訳) 光フロー推定は、2つのフレーム間の2次元密度運動場を求めることを目的としている。
理論解析により,事前学習された大視野モデルが光フロー推定に有用であることを見出し,最近有名になったsegment anything model (sam) が,フラグメンテーション問題を解決するのに適した完全物体を分割する強力な能力を示していることに気付いた。
本稿では,光フロー推定などの非セグメント化タスクにおいてSAMを奥行き利用することの課題に対処するため,光フローコンテキストエンコーダとSAMエンコーダを融合するContext Fusion Moduleと,光フロータスクのSAM特徴をLearted Task-Specific Embeddingで適応させるContext Adaption Moduleを含む光フロータスク特化適応スキームを提案する。
さらに,本モデルでは,Sintel と KITTI-15 ベンチマークの最先端性能を達成し,Sintel のクリーンパスにおける2フレーム手法の上位にランクインした。 Optical Flow Estimation aims to find the 2D dense motion field between two frames. Due to the limitation of model structures and training datasets, existing methods often rely too much on local clues and ignore the integrity of objects, resulting in fragmented motion estimation. Through theoretical analysis, we find the pre-trained large vision models are helpful in optical flow estimation, and we notice that the recently famous Segment Anything Model (SAM) demonstrates a strong ability to segment complete objects, which is suitable for solving the fragmentation problem. We thus propose a solution to embed the frozen SAM image encoder into FlowFormer to enhance object perception. To address the challenge of in-depth utilizing SAM in non-segmentation tasks like optical flow estimation, we propose an Optical Flow Task-Specific Adaption scheme, including a Context Fusion Module to fuse the SAM encoder with the optical flow context encoder, and a Context Adaption Module to adapt the SAM features for optical flow task with Learned Task-Specific Embedding. Our proposed SAMFlow model reaches 0.86/2.10 clean/final EPE and 3.55/12.32 EPE/F1-all on Sintel and KITTI-15 training set, surpassing Flowformer by 8.5%/9.9% and 13.2%/16.3%. Furthermore, our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Sintel and KITTI-15 benchmarks, ranking #1 among all two-frame methods on Sintel clean pass. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:58:30 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# XMem++: 注釈付きフレームからのプロダクションレベルのビデオセグメンテーション XMem++: Production-level Video Segmentation From Few Annotated Frames ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.15958v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Maksym Bekuzarov, Ariana Bermudez, Joon-Young Lee, Hao Li | (参考訳) ユーザ誘導ビデオセグメンテーションの進歩にもかかわらず、高度に複雑なシーンを一貫して抽出することは、特に生産において労働集約的な作業である。
プロジェクトページ: https://max810.github.io/xmem2-project-page/ Despite advancements in user-guided video segmentation, extracting complex objects consistently for highly complex scenes is still a labor-intensive task, especially for production. It is not uncommon that a majority of frames need to be annotated. We introduce a novel semi-supervised video object segmentation (SSVOS) model, XMem++, that improves existing memory-based models, with a permanent memory module. Most existing methods focus on single frame annotations, while our approach can effectively handle multiple user-selected frames with varying appearances of the same object or region. Our method can extract highly consistent results while keeping the required number of frame annotations low. We further introduce an iterative and attention-based frame suggestion mechanism, which computes the next best frame for annotation. Our method is real-time and does not require retraining after each user input. We also introduce a new dataset, PUMaVOS, which covers new challenging use cases not found in previous benchmarks. We demonstrate SOTA performance on challenging (partial and multi-class) segmentation scenarios as well as long videos, while ensuring significantly fewer frame annotations than any existing method. Project page: https://max810.github.io/xmem2-project-page/ | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:57:55 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 実データ生成による教師付きホログラフィ学習 Supervised Homography Learning with Realistic Dataset Generation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.15353v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Hai Jiang, Haipeng Li, Songchen Han, Haoqiang Fan, Bing Zeng, Shuaicheng Liu | (参考訳) 本稿では,生成フェーズとトレーニングフェーズという2つのフェーズからなる反復的なフレームワークを提案し,現実的なトレーニングデータを生成し,教師付きホモグラフィネットワークを生成する。
コードとデータセットはhttps://github.com/JianghaiSCU/RealSHで入手できる。 In this paper, we propose an iterative framework, which consists of two phases: a generation phase and a training phase, to generate realistic training data and yield a supervised homography network. In the generation phase, given an unlabeled image pair, we utilize the pre-estimated dominant plane masks and homography of the pair, along with another sampled homography that serves as ground truth to generate a new labeled training pair with realistic motion. In the training phase, the generated data is used to train the supervised homography network, in which the training data is refined via a content consistency module and a quality assessment module. Once an iteration is finished, the trained network is used in the next data generation phase to update the pre-estimated homography. Through such an iterative strategy, the quality of the dataset and the performance of the network can be gradually and simultaneously improved. Experimental results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance and existing supervised methods can be also improved based on the generated dataset. Code and dataset are available at https://github.com/JianghaiSCU/RealSH. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:57:34 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# DIG In:地理多様性指標を用いた画像生成の差異評価 DIG In: Evaluating Disparities in Image Generations with Indicators for Geographic Diversity ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.06198v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Melissa Hall, Candace Ross, Adina Williams, Nicolas Carion, Michal Drozdzal, Adriana Romero Soriano | (参考訳) 最近のテキストから画像への生成システムによって達成された前例のないフォトリアリスティックな結果と、プラグイン・アンド・プレイによるコンテンツ作成ソリューションとしての利用の増加は、彼らの潜在的なバイアスを理解するのに不可欠である。
提案した指標を用いて,現在最先端のビジュアルコンテンツ生成システムにおける潜在的な地理的バイアスを分析し,(1) モデルがアフリカや西アジアに向けて欧州よりも現実性や世代多様性が低いこと,(2) 地理的情報によって生成した画像の一貫性と多様性の促進にコストがかかること,(3) モデルが他のオブジェクトよりも領域レベルの格差が大きいこと,などを見出した。
包括的評価は、視覚コンテンツ制作のポジティブな体験を確保するための重要なステップである。 The unprecedented photorealistic results achieved by recent text-to-image generative systems and their increasing use as plug-and-play content creation solutions make it crucial to understand their potential biases. In this work, we introduce three indicators to evaluate the realism, diversity and prompt-generation consistency of text-to-image generative systems when prompted to generate objects from across the world. Our indicators complement qualitative analysis of the broader impact of such systems by enabling automatic and efficient benchmarking of geographic disparities, an important step towards building responsible visual content creation systems. We use our proposed indicators to analyze potential geographic biases in state-of-the-art visual content creation systems and find that: (1) models have less realism and diversity of generations when prompting for Africa and West Asia than Europe, (2) prompting with geographic information comes at a cost to prompt-consistency and diversity of generated images, and (3) models exhibit more region-level disparities for some objects than others. Perhaps most interestingly, our indicators suggest that progress in image generation quality has come at the cost of real-world geographic representation. Our comprehensive evaluation constitutes a crucial step towards ensuring a positive experience of visual content creation for everyone. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:49:40 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# RIGID: GANインバージョンとリアルフェイスビデオの編集を繰り返す RIGID: Recurrent GAN Inversion and Editing of Real Face Videos ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.06097v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yangyang Xu, Shengfeng He, Kwan-Yee K. Wong, Ping Luo | (参考訳) GANのインバージョンは、実画像に強力な編集可能性を適用するのに不可欠である。
本稿では,実映像の時間的コヒーレントなganインバージョンと顔編集を明示的かつ同時に実施するための統一的リカレントフレームワーク, \textbf{r}ecurrent v\textbf{i}deo \textbf{g}an \textbf{i}nversionおよびe\textbf{d}iting(rigid)を提案する。
成果物は \url{https://cnnlstm.github.io/RIGID} で確認できる。 GAN inversion is indispensable for applying the powerful editability of GAN to real images. However, existing methods invert video frames individually often leading to undesired inconsistent results over time. In this paper, we propose a unified recurrent framework, named \textbf{R}ecurrent v\textbf{I}deo \textbf{G}AN \textbf{I}nversion and e\textbf{D}iting (RIGID), to explicitly and simultaneously enforce temporally coherent GAN inversion and facial editing of real videos. Our approach models the temporal relations between current and previous frames from three aspects. To enable a faithful real video reconstruction, we first maximize the inversion fidelity and consistency by learning a temporal compensated latent code. Second, we observe incoherent noises lie in the high-frequency domain that can be disentangled from the latent space. Third, to remove the inconsistency after attribute manipulation, we propose an \textit{in-between frame composition constraint} such that the arbitrary frame must be a direct composite of its neighboring frames. Our unified framework learns the inherent coherence between input frames in an end-to-end manner, and therefore it is agnostic to a specific attribute and can be applied to arbitrary editing of the same video without re-training. Extensive experiments demonstrate that RIGID outperforms state-of-the-art methods qualitatively and quantitatively in both inversion and editing tasks. The deliverables can be found in \url{https://cnnlstm.github.io/RIGID} | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:49:15 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 真空分岐、ダークエネルギー、ダークマター Vacuum Branching, Dark Energy, Dark Matter ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.05569v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Don Weingarten | (参考訳) エヴェレット・デウィットによる量子力学の多世界解釈から始まり、量子系の状態ベクトルが任意の瞬間に直交枝に分裂し、それぞれがほぼ古典的な振る舞いを示すという一連の提案がなされた。
真空エネルギー再正規化定数が通常通り選択され、無分岐真空に0エネルギー密度を与えると、真空分枝はダークエネルギーとダークマター密度の組み合わせを持つように見えるが、追加の粒子含有量は持たない。 Beginning with the Everett-DeWitt many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, there have been a series of proposals for how the state vector of a quantum system might split at any instant into orthogonal branches, each of which exhibits approximately classical behavior. In an earlier version of the present work, we proposed a decomposition of a state vector into branches by finding the minimum of a measure of the mean squared quantum complexity of the branches in the branch decomposition. With respect to a particular Lorentz frame, for a system beginning in a state of low complexity, branching occurs repeatedly over time with each branch splitting successively into further sub-branches among which the branch followed by the real world is chosen according to the Born rule. Alternatively, in an explicitly Lorentz covariant formulation, the real world is a single random draw from the set of branches at asymptotically late time, which can then be restored to finite time in a particular Lorentz frame by sequentially retracing the set of branching events implied by the late time choice. In the present article, we adapt the earlier formulation to quantum electrodynamics in temporal gauge on a lattice in Minkowski space. The earlier version, however, here is simplified by replacing a definition of complexity based on the physical vacuum with a definition based on the bare vacuum. As a consequence of this replacement, the physical vacuum itself is predicted to branch yielding branches with energy densities slightly larger than that of the unbranched vacuum. If the vacuum energy renormalization constant is chosen as usual to give 0 energy density to the unbranched vacuum, vacuum branches will appear to have a combination of dark energy and dark matter densities but no additional particle content. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:48:17 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# メタファー検出のためのディープラーニングに基づく知識注入:包括的レビュー Deep Learning-Based Knowledge Injection for Metaphor Detection: A Comprehensive Review ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.04306v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Cheng Yang, Wenye Zhao, Zhiyue Liu, Qingbao Huang | (参考訳) 比喩研究の歴史は知識注入研究の進化を象徴している。
最後に,ナレッジインジェクション手法が直面する課題を探究し,今後の研究の方向性を展望する。 The history of metaphor research also marks the evolution of knowledge infusion research. With the continued advancement of deep learning techniques in recent years, the natural language processing community has shown great interest in applying knowledge to successful results in metaphor recognition tasks. Although there has been a gradual increase in the number of approaches involving knowledge injection in the field of metaphor recognition, there is a lack of a complete review article on knowledge injection based approaches. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of research advances in the application of deep learning for knowledge injection in metaphor recognition tasks. In this paper, we systematically summarize and generalize the mainstream knowledge and knowledge injection principles, as well as review the datasets, evaluation metrics, and benchmark models used in metaphor recognition tasks. Finally, we explore the current issues facing knowledge injection methods and provide an outlook on future research directions. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:47:45 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 非計測共同設立者の因果推論における拡散モデル Diffusion Model in Causal Inference with Unmeasured Confounders ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.03669v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Tatsuhiro Shimizu | (参考訳) 本研究では,未測定の共同設立者の存在下での観察データから因果的疑問に答えるための拡散モデルの適用方法を検討する。
因果的介入を捉えるためにDAG(Directed Acyclic Graph)を用いるパールの枠組みでは、すべての共同設立者が観察されることを前提に、拡散モデルを用いて因果的疑問により正確に答える手法が提案された。
DCMのこの制限を軽減するために,バックドア基準に基づくDCM(Backdoor Criterion based DCM)と呼ばれる拡張モデルを提案する。
合成データ実験により, 提案モデルが, dcmよりも正確に反事実分布を捉えていることが証明された。 We study how to extend the use of the diffusion model to answer the causal question from the observational data under the existence of unmeasured confounders. In Pearl's framework of using a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) to capture the causal intervention, a Diffusion-based Causal Model (DCM) was proposed incorporating the diffusion model to answer the causal questions more accurately, assuming that all of the confounders are observed. However, unmeasured confounders in practice exist, which hinders DCM from being applicable. To alleviate this limitation of DCM, we propose an extended model called Backdoor Criterion based DCM (BDCM), whose idea is rooted in the Backdoor criterion to find the variables in DAG to be included in the decoding process of the diffusion model so that we can extend DCM to the case with unmeasured confounders. Synthetic data experiment demonstrates that our proposed model captures the counterfactual distribution more precisely than DCM under the unmeasured confounders. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:47:31 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# SynJax: JAX の構造化確率分布 SynJax: Structured Probability Distributions for JAX ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.03291v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Milo\v{s} Stanojevi\'c and Laurent Sartran | (参考訳) ディープラーニングソフトウェアライブラリの開発は、ユーザがモデリングに集中できると同時に、現代的なハードウェアアクセラレータの実行を最適化する退屈で時間のかかるタスクをライブラリに任せることで、この分野の大きな進歩をもたらした。
コードはhttps://github.com/deepmind/synjaxで入手できる。 The development of deep learning software libraries enabled significant progress in the field by allowing users to focus on modeling, while letting the library to take care of the tedious and time-consuming task of optimizing execution for modern hardware accelerators. However, this has benefited only particular types of deep learning models, such as Transformers, whose primitives map easily to the vectorized computation. The models that explicitly account for structured objects, such as trees and segmentations, did not benefit equally because they require custom algorithms that are difficult to implement in a vectorized form. SynJax directly addresses this problem by providing an efficient vectorized implementation of inference algorithms for structured distributions covering alignment, tagging, segmentation, constituency trees and spanning trees. With SynJax we can build large-scale differentiable models that explicitly model structure in the data. The code is available at https://github.com/deepmind/synjax. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:47:10 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ソースフリードメイン適応型ヒューマンポース推定 Source-free Domain Adaptive Human Pose Estimation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.03202v3 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Qucheng Peng, Ce Zheng, Chen Chen | (参考訳) HPE(Human Pose Estimation)は、モーション分析、ヘルスケア、仮想現実など、さまざまな分野で広く使われている。
そこで本研究では,hpeのクロスドメイン学習の課題を解決するために,適応プロセス中にソースデータにアクセスせずに,新たなタスクであるsource-free domain adaptive hpeを提案する。
コードはhttps://github.com/davidpengucf/SFDAHPEで入手できる。 Human Pose Estimation (HPE) is widely used in various fields, including motion analysis, healthcare, and virtual reality. However, the great expenses of labeled real-world datasets present a significant challenge for HPE. To overcome this, one approach is to train HPE models on synthetic datasets and then perform domain adaptation (DA) on real-world data. Unfortunately, existing DA methods for HPE neglect data privacy and security by using both source and target data in the adaptation process. To this end, we propose a new task, named source-free domain adaptive HPE, which aims to address the challenges of cross-domain learning of HPE without access to source data during the adaptation process. We further propose a novel framework that consists of three models: source model, intermediate model, and target model, which explores the task from both source-protect and target-relevant perspectives. The source-protect module preserves source information more effectively while resisting noise, and the target-relevant module reduces the sparsity of spatial representations by building a novel spatial probability space, and pose-specific contrastive learning and information maximization are proposed on the basis of this space. Comprehensive experiments on several domain adaptive HPE benchmarks show that the proposed method outperforms existing approaches by a considerable margin. The codes are available at https://github.com/davidpengucf/SFDAHPE. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:46:54 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# miamix: multi-stage augmented mixed sample data augmentation 法による画像分類の強化 MiAMix: Enhancing Image Classification through a Multi-stage Augmented Mixed Sample Data Augmentation Method ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.02804v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Wen Liang, Youzhi Liang, Jianguo Jia | (参考訳) ディープラーニングの分野ではかなり進歩しているにもかかわらず、オーバーフィッティングは重要な課題であり、様々なコンピュータビジョンタスクにおけるモデル一般化を強化する能力のため、データ拡張は特に有望なアプローチとして現れている。
様々な戦略が提案されているが、Mixed Sample Data Augmentation (MSDA) はモデルの性能向上と一般化に大きな可能性を示している。
マルチステージAugmented Mixupの略であるMiAMixという新しいミックスアップ手法を提案する。
筆者らは4つの画像ベンチマークを用いてMiaMixを総合的に評価し、現在最先端の混合サンプルデータ拡張技術と比較し、MIAMixが計算オーバーヘッドを伴わずに性能を向上することを示す。 Despite substantial progress in the field of deep learning, overfitting persists as a critical challenge, and data augmentation has emerged as a particularly promising approach due to its capacity to enhance model generalization in various computer vision tasks. While various strategies have been proposed, Mixed Sample Data Augmentation (MSDA) has shown great potential for enhancing model performance and generalization. We introduce a novel mixup method called MiAMix, which stands for Multi-stage Augmented Mixup. MiAMix integrates image augmentation into the mixup framework, utilizes multiple diversified mixing methods concurrently, and improves the mixing method by randomly selecting mixing mask augmentation methods. Recent methods utilize saliency information and the MiAMix is designed for computational efficiency as well, reducing additional overhead and offering easy integration into existing training pipelines. We comprehensively evaluate MiaMix using four image benchmarks and pitting it against current state-of-the-art mixed sample data augmentation techniques to demonstrate that MIAMix improves performance without heavy computational overhead. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:46:31 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 情報検索のための大規模言語モデル:調査 Large Language Models for Information Retrieval: A Survey ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07107v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yutao Zhu, Huaying Yuan, Shuting Wang, Jiongnan Liu, Wenhan Liu, Chenlong Deng, Zhicheng Dou, and Ji-Rong Wen | (参考訳) 情報取得の主要な手段として,検索エンジンなどの情報検索(IR)システムが,私たちの日常生活に組み込まれている。
さらに,この拡大分野における有望な方向性を探究する。 As a primary means of information acquisition, information retrieval (IR) systems, such as search engines, have integrated themselves into our daily lives. These systems also serve as components of dialogue, question-answering, and recommender systems. The trajectory of IR has evolved dynamically from its origins in term-based methods to its integration with advanced neural models. While the neural models excel at capturing complex contextual signals and semantic nuances, thereby reshaping the IR landscape, they still face challenges such as data scarcity, interpretability, and the generation of contextually plausible yet potentially inaccurate responses. This evolution requires a combination of both traditional methods (such as term-based sparse retrieval methods with rapid response) and modern neural architectures (such as language models with powerful language understanding capacity). Meanwhile, the emergence of large language models (LLMs), typified by ChatGPT and GPT-4, has revolutionized natural language processing due to their remarkable language understanding, generation, generalization, and reasoning abilities. Consequently, recent research has sought to leverage LLMs to improve IR systems. Given the rapid evolution of this research trajectory, it is necessary to consolidate existing methodologies and provide nuanced insights through a comprehensive overview. In this survey, we delve into the confluence of LLMs and IR systems, including crucial aspects such as query rewriters, retrievers, rerankers, and readers. Additionally, we explore promising directions within this expanding field. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:41:30 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# #InsTag:大規模言語モデルの教師付き微調整解析のためのインストラクションタグ #InsTag: Instruction Tagging for Analyzing Supervised Fine-tuning of Large Language Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07074v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Keming Lu, Hongyi Yuan, Zheng Yuan, Runji Lin, Junyang Lin, Chuanqi Tan, Chang Zhou, Jingren Zhou | (参考訳) 基礎言語モデルは教師付き微調整(sft)により命令追従能力を得る。
InsTagをhttps://github.com/OFA-Sys/InsTagでオープンソース化しました。 Foundation language models obtain the instruction-following ability through supervised fine-tuning (SFT). Diversity and complexity are considered critical factors of a successful SFT dataset, while their definitions remain obscure and lack quantitative analyses. In this work, we propose InsTag, an open-set fine-grained tagger, to tag samples within SFT datasets based on semantics and intentions and define instruction diversity and complexity regarding tags. We obtain 6.6K tags to describe comprehensive user queries. Then we analyze popular open-sourced SFT datasets and find that the model ability grows with more diverse and complex data. Based on this observation, we propose a data selector based on InsTag to select 6K diverse and complex samples from open-source datasets and fine-tune models on InsTag-selected data. The resulting models, TagLM, outperform open-source models based on considerably larger SFT data evaluated by MT-Bench, echoing the importance of query diversity and complexity. We open-source InsTag in https://github.com/OFA-Sys/InsTag. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:41:06 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# シングルコピー計測によるt$ドープ安定化状態の効率的な学習 Efficient learning of $t$-doped stabilizer states with single-copy measurements ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07014v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Nai-Hui Chia, Ching-Yi Lai, Han-Hsuan Lin | (参考訳) 量子状態学習の主要な目的の1つは、量子回路から生成される状態の学習に時間効率の良いアルゴリズムを開発することである。
本研究では,Cifford回路が生成する状態を最大$O(\log n)$非Ciffordゲートで学習するために,非適応的な単一コピー測定のみを用いる効率的な量子アルゴリズムを提案する。 One of the primary objectives in the field of quantum state learning is to develop algorithms that are time-efficient for learning states generated from quantum circuits. Earlier investigations have demonstrated time-efficient algorithms for states generated from Clifford circuits with at most $\log(n)$ non-Clifford gates. However, these algorithms necessitate multi-copy measurements, posing implementation challenges in the near term due to the requisite quantum memory. On the contrary, using solely single-qubit measurements in the computational basis is insufficient in learning even the output distribution of a Clifford circuit with one additional $T$ gate under reasonable post-quantum cryptographic assumptions. In this work, we introduce an efficient quantum algorithm that employs only nonadaptive single-copy measurement to learn states produced by Clifford circuits with a maximum of $O(\log n)$ non-Clifford gates, filling a gap between the previous positive and negative results. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:40:45 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Thresh: 微細テキスト評価のための統一された、カスタマイズ可能な、デプロイ可能なプラットフォーム Thresh: A Unified, Customizable and Deployable Platform for Fine-Grained Text Evaluation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.06953v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | David Heineman, Yao Dou, Wei Xu | (参考訳) 要約, 単純化, 機械翻訳, ニュース生成などのテキスト生成タスクを評価するための信頼性が高く, 堅牢な手法として人体評価が登場し, 得られたアノテーションは自動メトリクスのトレーニングや言語モデルの改善に有用である。
Threshはhttps://thresh.tools.comで公開されている。 Fine-grained, span-level human evaluation has emerged as a reliable and robust method for evaluating text generation tasks such as summarization, simplification, machine translation and news generation, and the derived annotations have been useful for training automatic metrics and improving language models. However, existing annotation tools implemented for these evaluation frameworks lack the adaptability to be extended to different domains or languages, or modify annotation settings according to user needs. And the absence of a unified annotated data format inhibits the research in multi-task learning. In this paper, we introduce Thresh, a unified, customizable and deployable platform for fine-grained evaluation. By simply creating a YAML configuration file, users can build and test an annotation interface for any framework within minutes -- all in one web browser window. To facilitate collaboration and sharing, Thresh provides a community hub that hosts a collection of fine-grained frameworks and corresponding annotations made and collected by the community, covering a wide range of NLP tasks. For deployment, Thresh offers multiple options for any scale of annotation projects from small manual inspections to large crowdsourcing ones. Additionally, we introduce a Python library to streamline the entire process from typology design and deployment to annotation processing. Thresh is publicly accessible at https://thresh.tools. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:40:28 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# SAILOR: 構造拡張に基づくTailノード表現学習 SAILOR: Structural Augmentation Based Tail Node Representation Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.06801v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jie Liao, Jintang Li, Liang Chen, Bingzhe Wu, Yatao Bian, Zibin Zheng | (参考訳) グラフニューラルネットワーク(GNN)は最近,グラフの表現学習において最先端のパフォーマンスを達成した。
しかし, メッセージ伝搬の重要な操作を活かしたGNNの有効性は, トポロジ構造の品質に大きく依存する。
尾ノードに対するGNNの表現性を追求するため,構造情報の欠如が尾ノードの性能を悪化させるかを検討するとともに,SAILORと呼ばれる構造拡張に基づくTaIL nOde表現学習フレームワークを提案する。
公開ベンチマークデータセットに関する大規模な実験は、SAILORがテールノード表現を大幅に改善し、最先端のベースラインを上回る性能を発揮することを示した。 Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance in representation learning for graphs recently. However, the effectiveness of GNNs, which capitalize on the key operation of message propagation, highly depends on the quality of the topology structure. Most of the graphs in real-world scenarios follow a long-tailed distribution on their node degrees, that is, a vast majority of the nodes in the graph are tail nodes with only a few connected edges. GNNs produce inferior node representations for tail nodes since they lack structural information. In the pursuit of promoting the expressiveness of GNNs for tail nodes, we explore how the deficiency of structural information deteriorates the performance of tail nodes and propose a general Structural Augmentation based taIL nOde Representation learning framework, dubbed as SAILOR, which can jointly learn to augment the graph structure and extract more informative representations for tail nodes. Extensive experiments on public benchmark datasets demonstrate that SAILOR can significantly improve the tail node representations and outperform the state-of-the-art baselines. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:39:52 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# fr\'echet統計に基づく多変量ホークス過程における変化点検出 Fr\'echet Statistics Based Change Point Detection in Multivariate Hawkes Process ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.06769v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Rui Luo and Vikram Krishnamurthy | (参考訳) 本稿では,Frechet統計を用いた多変量ホークスの因果ネットワークにおける変化点検出手法を提案する。
提案手法は点プロセス設定におけるFrechet統計に関する以前の研究の拡張であり,多変量点プロセスにおける変化点検出の分野への重要な貢献を示す。 This paper proposes a new approach for change point detection in causal networks of multivariate Hawkes processes using Frechet statistics. Our method splits the point process into overlapping windows, estimates kernel matrices in each window, and reconstructs the signed Laplacians by treating the kernel matrices as the adjacency matrices of the causal network. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through experiments on both simulated and real-world cryptocurrency datasets. Our results show that our method is capable of accurately detecting and characterizing changes in the causal structure of multivariate Hawkes processes, and may have potential applications in fields such as finance and neuroscience. The proposed method is an extension of previous work on Frechet statistics in point process settings and represents an important contribution to the field of change point detection in multivariate point processes. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:39:01 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# mc-dre: 薬物イベント/エンティティ抽出のためのマルチアスペクトクロス統合 MC-DRE: Multi-Aspect Cross Integration for Drug Event/Entity Extraction ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.06546v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jie Yang and Soyeon Caren Han and Siqu Long and Josiah Poon and Goran Nenadic | (参考訳) 有害薬物事象(ADE)などの有意義な薬物関連情報を抽出することは、有害な薬物の予防と多くの命を救うために重要である。
私たちのモデルは,フラットエンティティ検出と不連続イベント抽出という,広く使用されている2つのタスクにおいて,すべてのsotaを上回っている。 Extracting meaningful drug-related information chunks, such as adverse drug events (ADE), is crucial for preventing morbidity and saving many lives. Most ADEs are reported via an unstructured conversation with the medical context, so applying a general entity recognition approach is not sufficient enough. In this paper, we propose a new multi-aspect cross-integration framework for drug entity/event detection by capturing and aligning different context/language/knowledge properties from drug-related documents. We first construct multi-aspect encoders to describe semantic, syntactic, and medical document contextual information by conducting those slot tagging tasks, main drug entity/event detection, part-of-speech tagging, and general medical named entity recognition. Then, each encoder conducts cross-integration with other contextual information in three ways: the key-value cross, attention cross, and feedforward cross, so the multi-encoders are integrated in depth. Our model outperforms all SOTA on two widely used tasks, flat entity detection and discontinuous event extraction. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:38:37 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# セキュリティ検査画像におけるYOLOv8検出アルゴリズムの改良 Improved YOLOv8 Detection Algorithm in Security Inspection Image ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.06452v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Liyao Lu | (参考訳) セキュリティ検査は、人々の生活と財産の安全を確保するための最初の防衛線であり、インテリジェントセキュリティ検査は、セキュリティ検査産業の将来の発展において避けられないトレンドである。
YOLOv8sに基づくX線コントラバンド検出アルゴリズムであるCSS-YOLOを提案する。 Security inspection is the first line of defense to ensure the safety of people's lives and property, and intelligent security inspection is an inevitable trend in the future development of the security inspection industry. Aiming at the problems of overlapping detection objects, false detection of contraband, and missed detection in the process of X-ray image detection, an improved X-ray contraband detection algorithm CSS-YOLO based on YOLOv8s is proposed. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:38:15 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# llm自己防衛:自己検査によって、llmは彼らが騙されていることを知っている LLM Self Defense: By Self Examination, LLMs Know They Are Being Tricked ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07308v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Alec Helbling, Mansi Phute, Matthew Hull and Duen Horng Chau | (参考訳) 近年、人間のプロンプトに応じて高品質なテキストを生成する能力から、大規模言語モデル(llm)の人気が高まっている。
現在の結果から,モデルが人間の価値観に適合するように微調整されていなくても,言語モデルを用いてコンテンツを検証することで,有害なコンテンツをユーザに提示することを止めることができる。 Large language models (LLMs) have skyrocketed in popularity in recent years due to their ability to generate high-quality text in response to human prompting. However, these models have been shown to have the potential to generate harmful content in response to user prompting (e.g., giving users instructions on how to commit crimes). There has been a focus in the literature on mitigating these risks, through methods like aligning models with human values through reinforcement learning. However, it has been shown that even aligned language models are susceptible to adversarial attacks that bypass their restrictions on generating harmful text. We propose a simple approach to defending against these attacks by having a large language model filter its own responses. Our current results show that even if a model is not fine-tuned to be aligned with human values, it is possible to stop it from presenting harmful content to users by validating the content using a language model. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:29:08 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# なぜだ?
イブによるミス・エンターメントの解説(技術報告) Why Not? Explaining Missing Entailments with Evee (Technical Report) ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07294v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Christian Alrabbaa, Stefan Borgwardt, Tom Friese, Patrick Koopmann, Mikhail Kotlov | (参考訳) 記述論理推論器が引き起こす論理的含意を理解することは、オントロジー利用者にとって必ずしもまっすぐではない。
このため, オントロジーエディタProt\'eg\'eのプラグインとして, 正当性や証明を用いた細部説明法が開発され, 実装されている。
本稿では,<sup>e</sup> プラグインである $\rm E{\scriptsize VEE}$ の新バージョンについて述べる。 Understanding logical entailments derived by a description logic reasoner is not always straight-forward for ontology users. For this reason, various methods for explaining entailments using justifications and proofs have been developed and implemented as plug-ins for the ontology editor Prot\'eg\'e. However, when the user expects a missing consequence to hold, it is equally important to explain why it does not follow from the ontology. In this paper, we describe a new version of $\rm E{\scriptsize VEE}$, a Prot\'eg\'e plugin that now also provides explanations for missing consequences, via existing and new techniques based on abduction and counterexamples. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:28:50 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 分散ガバナンス:データガバナンスに対するプリンシパルエージェントアプローチ -その1 背景とコア定義- Distributed Governance: a Principal-Agent Approach to Data Governance -- Part 1 Background & Core Definitions ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07280v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Philippe Page, Paul Knowles, Robert Mitwicki | (参考訳) イノベーションやデジタルトランスフォーメーションの規制フレームワークを妨げることなく、デジタルテクノロジの規制の必要性に対処するために、情報ガバナンスに向けてデータガバナンスを進化させ、これら2つの用語の関係を精密化するためのモデルを提供する。
同様に、デジタル自己と物理世界コントローラ(バイオメトリックバインディングなど)の接続に関する技術的な質問は、今後の出版物で扱われる予定である。 To address the need for regulating digital technologies without hampering innovation or pre-digital transformation regulatory frameworks, we provide a model to evolve Data governance toward Information governance and precise the relation between these two terms. This model bridges digital and non-digital information exchange. By considering the question of governed data usage through the angle of the Principal-Agent problem, we build a distributed governance model based on Autonomous Principals defined as entities capable of choice, therefore capable of exercising a transactional sovereignty. Extending the legal concept of the privacy sphere to a functional equivalent in the digital space leads to the construction of a digital self to which rights and accountability can be attached. Ecosystems, defined as communities of autonomous principals bound by a legitimate authority, provide the basis of interacting structures of increasing complexity endowed with a self-replicating property that mirrors physical world governance systems. The model proposes a governance concept for multi-stakeholder information systems operating across jurisdictions. Using recent software engineering advances in decentralised authentication and semantics, we provide a framework, Dynamic Data Economy to deploy a distributed governance model embedding checks and balance between human and technological governance. Domain specific governance models are left for further publications. Similarly, the technical questions related to the connection between a digital-self and its physical world controller (e.g biometric binding) will be treated in upcoming publications. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:28:36 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# AudioFormer:Audio Transformerは個々の音響コードから音声特徴表現を学習する AudioFormer: Audio Transformer learns audio feature representations from discrete acoustic codes ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07221v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhaohui Li and Haitao Wang and Xinghua Jiang | (参考訳) 本研究では,離散音響符号の取得により音声特徴表現を学習し,その後,音声分類タスクに対して微調整を行う,audioformerという手法を提案する。
さらに,Multi-Positive sample Contrastive (MPC) 学習手法の統合を開拓した。
私たちは、コードとモデルの両方をオープンに共有しました。 We propose a method named AudioFormer,which learns audio feature representations through the acquisition of discrete acoustic codes and subsequently fine-tunes them for audio classification tasks. Initially,we introduce a novel perspective by considering the audio classification task as a form of natural language understanding (NLU). Leveraging an existing neural audio codec model,we generate discrete acoustic codes and utilize them to train a masked language model (MLM),thereby obtaining audio feature representations. Furthermore,we pioneer the integration of a Multi-Positive sample Contrastive (MPC) learning approach. This method enables the learning of joint representations among multiple discrete acoustic codes within the same audio input. In our experiments,we treat discrete acoustic codes as textual data and train a masked language model using a cloze-like methodology,ultimately deriving high-quality audio representations. Notably,the MPC learning technique effectively captures collaborative representations among distinct positive samples. Our research outcomes demonstrate that AudioFormer attains significantly improved performance compared to prevailing monomodal audio classification models across multiple datasets,and even outperforms audio-visual multimodal classification models on select datasets. Specifically,our approach achieves remarkable results on datasets including AudioSet (2M,20K),and FSD50K,with performance scores of 53.9,45.1,and 65.6,respectively. We have openly shared both the code and models: https://github.com/LZH-0225/AudioFormer.git. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:28:12 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# FOLT:光学的流れに基づくUAVキャプチャ映像からの高速複数物体追跡 FOLT: Fast Multiple Object Tracking from UAV-captured Videos Based on Optical Flow ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07207v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Mufeng Yao, Jiaqi Wang, Jinlong Peng, Mingmin Chi, Chao Liu | (参考訳) 複数物体追跡(MOT)はコンピュータビジョンにおいて成功した。
抽出した流れを考慮に入れ, フロー誘導型特徴増強法は, 微小物体の検出を改善する光学的フローに基づいて物体検出機能を増強するように設計されている。
Visdrone と UAVDT のデータセットを用いた実験により,提案手法は大規模で不規則な動きを持つ小さな物体の追跡に成功し,UAV-MOT タスクにおける既存の最先端手法よりも優れていた。 Multiple object tracking (MOT) has been successfully investigated in computer vision. However, MOT for the videos captured by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) is still challenging due to small object size, blurred object appearance, and very large and/or irregular motion in both ground objects and UAV platforms. In this paper, we propose FOLT to mitigate these problems and reach fast and accurate MOT in UAV view. Aiming at speed-accuracy trade-off, FOLT adopts a modern detector and light-weight optical flow extractor to extract object detection features and motion features at a minimum cost. Given the extracted flow, the flow-guided feature augmentation is designed to augment the object detection feature based on its optical flow, which improves the detection of small objects. Then the flow-guided motion prediction is also proposed to predict the object's position in the next frame, which improves the tracking performance of objects with very large displacements between adjacent frames. Finally, the tracker matches the detected objects and predicted objects using a spatially matching scheme to generate tracks for every object. Experiments on Visdrone and UAVDT datasets show that our proposed model can successfully track small objects with large and irregular motion and outperform existing state-of-the-art methods in UAV-MOT tasks. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:27:46 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# SEMI-CenterNet:半導体欠陥検査のための機械学習ファシリテートアプローチ SEMI-CenterNet: A Machine Learning Facilitated Approach for Semiconductor Defect Inspection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07180v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Vic De Ridder, Bappaditya Dey, Enrique Dehaerne, Sandip Halder, Stefan De Gendt, Bartel Van Waeyenberge | (参考訳) 半導体領域におけるパターン次元の連続的縮小は、確率的ノイズの存在や欠陥パターンやタイプの動的挙動などの要因により、欠陥の検査がますます困難になっている。
最後に、トランスファーラーニング(カスタムSEMデータセットの重みを使用する)をADIデータセットからAEIデータセットとバイスリバーサに適用することで、従来のトレーニング手法に対して最高のmAPに達するために必要なトレーニング時間を短縮する。 Continual shrinking of pattern dimensions in the semiconductor domain is making it increasingly difficult to inspect defects due to factors such as the presence of stochastic noise and the dynamic behavior of defect patterns and types. Conventional rule-based methods and non-parametric supervised machine learning algorithms like KNN mostly fail at the requirements of semiconductor defect inspection at these advanced nodes. Deep Learning (DL)-based methods have gained popularity in the semiconductor defect inspection domain because they have been proven robust towards these challenging scenarios. In this research work, we have presented an automated DL-based approach for efficient localization and classification of defects in SEM images. We have proposed SEMI-CenterNet (SEMI-CN), a customized CN architecture trained on SEM images of semiconductor wafer defects. The use of the proposed CN approach allows improved computational efficiency compared to previously studied DL models. SEMI-CN gets trained to output the center, class, size, and offset of a defect instance. This is different from the approach of most object detection models that use anchors for bounding box prediction. Previous methods predict redundant bounding boxes, most of which are discarded in postprocessing. CN mitigates this by only predicting boxes for likely defect center points. We train SEMI-CN on two datasets and benchmark two ResNet backbones for the framework. Initially, ResNet models pretrained on the COCO dataset undergo training using two datasets separately. Primarily, SEMI-CN shows significant improvement in inference time against previous research works. Finally, transfer learning (using weights of custom SEM dataset) is applied from ADI dataset to AEI dataset and vice-versa, which reduces the required training time for both backbones to reach the best mAP against conventional training method. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:27:20 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 時間対応テンソル分解による進行パターンの追跡 A Time-aware tensor decomposition for tracking evolving patterns ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07126v2 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Christos Chatzis, Max Pfeffer, Pedro Lind, Evrim Acar | (参考訳) 時間進化データセットは高階テンソルとして配置されることが多く、モードの1つがタイムモードである。
本稿では, 時相正規化を用いた PARAFAC2 (tPARAFAC2) を用いた PARAFAC2 に基づくテンソル因子分解法を提案し, 時間的データから徐々に進化するパターンを抽出する。
合成データに関する広範な実験により, tPARAFAC2はPARAFAC2よりも正確に機能し, 時間的滑らか度正則化と組み合わせた行列因数分解を実現できることを示した。 Time-evolving data sets can often be arranged as a higher-order tensor with one of the modes being the time mode. While tensor factorizations have been successfully used to capture the underlying patterns in such higher-order data sets, the temporal aspect is often ignored, allowing for the reordering of time points. In recent studies, temporal regularizers are incorporated in the time mode to tackle this issue. Nevertheless, existing approaches still do not allow underlying patterns to change in time (e.g., spatial changes in the brain, contextual changes in topics). In this paper, we propose temporal PARAFAC2 (tPARAFAC2): a PARAFAC2-based tensor factorization method with temporal regularization to extract gradually evolving patterns from temporal data. Through extensive experiments on synthetic data, we demonstrate that tPARAFAC2 can capture the underlying evolving patterns accurately performing better than PARAFAC2 and coupled matrix factorization with temporal smoothness regularization. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 15:26:56 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 臓器分節におけるスケーラブルなてんかん不確実性定量のベンチマーク Benchmarking Scalable Epistemic Uncertainty Quantification in Organ Segmentation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07506v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jadie Adams and Shireen Y. Elhabian | (参考訳) 臓器の自動セグメンテーションのための深層学習に基づく手法は、診断と治療計画を支援する可能性を示している。
疫学・モデルに基づく不確実性評価には多くの手法が提案されているが, 医用画像解析においてどの方法が望ましいかは定かではない。
これらの結果は、認識の不確かさを効果的に定量化しつつ、正確なセグメンテーションをもたらす信頼性とロバストなモデルの開発に寄与する。 Deep learning based methods for automatic organ segmentation have shown promise in aiding diagnosis and treatment planning. However, quantifying and understanding the uncertainty associated with model predictions is crucial in critical clinical applications. While many techniques have been proposed for epistemic or model-based uncertainty estimation, it is unclear which method is preferred in the medical image analysis setting. This paper presents a comprehensive benchmarking study that evaluates epistemic uncertainty quantification methods in organ segmentation in terms of accuracy, uncertainty calibration, and scalability. We provide a comprehensive discussion of the strengths, weaknesses, and out-of-distribution detection capabilities of each method as well as recommendations for future improvements. These findings contribute to the development of reliable and robust models that yield accurate segmentations while effectively quantifying epistemic uncertainty. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:30:44 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 大規模言語モデルを用いたデータ競合検出 Data Race Detection Using Large Language Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07505v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Le Chen, Xianzhong Ding, Murali Emani, Tristan Vanderbruggen, Pei-hung Lin, Chuanhua Liao | (参考訳) 大規模言語モデル(llm)は、リソース集約的な手動ツール作成の必要性を回避し、高性能コンピューティングプログラムの分析と最適化を容易にする代替戦略として、大きな期待を示している。
しかし、変数ペアに関する詳細な情報が必要な場合、従来のデータ競合検出ツールと競合することはできません。 Large language models (LLMs) are demonstrating significant promise as an alternate strategy to facilitate analyses and optimizations of high-performance computing programs, circumventing the need for resource-intensive manual tool creation. In this paper, we explore a novel LLM-based data race detection approach combining prompting engineering and fine-tuning techniques. We create a dedicated dataset named DRB-ML, which is derived from DataRaceBench, with fine-grain labels showing the presence of data race pairs and their associated variables, line numbers, and read/write information. DRB-ML is then used to evaluate representative LLMs and fine-tune open-source ones. Our experiment shows that LLMs can be a viable approach to data race detection. However, they still cannot compete with traditional data race detection tools when we need detailed information about variable pairs causing data races. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:30:27 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ICAFusion:マルチスペクトル物体検出のための反復的クロスアテンション誘導機能融合 ICAFusion: Iterative Cross-Attention Guided Feature Fusion for Multispectral Object Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07504v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jifeng Shen, Yifei Chen, Yue Liu, Xin Zuo, Heng Fan, Wankou Yang | (参考訳) マルチスペクトル画像の有効特徴融合は,多スペクトル物体検出において重要な役割を担っている。
提案手法は汎用的で, 異なる検出フレームワークに統合され, 異なるバックボーンで使用される。
コードはhttps://github.com/chanchanchan97/ICAFusion.comから入手できる。 Effective feature fusion of multispectral images plays a crucial role in multi-spectral object detection. Previous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of feature fusion using convolutional neural networks, but these methods are sensitive to image misalignment due to the inherent deffciency in local-range feature interaction resulting in the performance degradation. To address this issue, a novel feature fusion framework of dual cross-attention transformers is proposed to model global feature interaction and capture complementary information across modalities simultaneously. This framework enhances the discriminability of object features through the query-guided cross-attention mechanism, leading to improved performance. However, stacking multiple transformer blocks for feature enhancement incurs a large number of parameters and high spatial complexity. To handle this, inspired by the human process of reviewing knowledge, an iterative interaction mechanism is proposed to share parameters among block-wise multimodal transformers, reducing model complexity and computation cost. The proposed method is general and effective to be integrated into different detection frameworks and used with different backbones. Experimental results on KAIST, FLIR, and VEDAI datasets show that the proposed method achieves superior performance and faster inference, making it suitable for various practical scenarios. Code will be available at https://github.com/chanchanchan97/ICAFusion. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:30:15 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# AttMOT:補助歩行者属性の導入による多目的追跡の改善 AttMOT: Improving Multiple-Object Tracking by Introducing Auxiliary Pedestrian Attributes ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07537v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yunhao Li, Zhen Xiao, Lin Yang, Dan Meng, Xin Zhou, Heng Fan, Libo Zhang | (参考訳) マルチオブジェクトトラッキング(MOT)は、インテリジェントな監視や自動運転など、多数のアプリケーションを用いたコンピュータビジョンにおける基本的な問題である。
例えば、MOT17では、FairMOTを使用すると+1.1 MOTA、+1.7 HOTA、+1.8 IDF1の改善が得られる。
属性支援MOTに関するさらなる研究を促進するため、AttMOTデータセットをリリースする。 Multi-object tracking (MOT) is a fundamental problem in computer vision with numerous applications, such as intelligent surveillance and automated driving. Despite the significant progress made in MOT, pedestrian attributes, such as gender, hairstyle, body shape, and clothing features, which contain rich and high-level information, have been less explored. To address this gap, we propose a simple, effective, and generic method to predict pedestrian attributes to support general Re-ID embedding. We first introduce AttMOT, a large, highly enriched synthetic dataset for pedestrian tracking, containing over 80k frames and 6 million pedestrian IDs with different time, weather conditions, and scenarios. To the best of our knowledge, AttMOT is the first MOT dataset with semantic attributes. Subsequently, we explore different approaches to fuse Re-ID embedding and pedestrian attributes, including attention mechanisms, which we hope will stimulate the development of attribute-assisted MOT. The proposed method AAM demonstrates its effectiveness and generality on several representative pedestrian multi-object tracking benchmarks, including MOT17 and MOT20, through experiments on the AttMOT dataset. When applied to state-of-the-art trackers, AAM achieves consistent improvements in MOTA, HOTA, AssA, IDs, and IDF1 scores. For instance, on MOT17, the proposed method yields a +1.1 MOTA, +1.7 HOTA, and +1.8 IDF1 improvement when used with FairMOT. To encourage further research on attribute-assisted MOT, we will release the AttMOT dataset. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:23:23 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 凸下レベル問題を用いた確率的単純二値最適化のための投影自由法 Projection-Free Methods for Stochastic Simple Bilevel Optimization with Convex Lower-level Problem ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07536v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jincheng Cao, Ruichen Jiang, Nazanin Abolfazli, Erfan Yazdandoost Hamedani, Aryan Mokhtari | (参考訳) 本稿では,確率的二段階最適化問題(stochastic simple bilevel optimization)のクラスについて検討し,他の確率的凸最適化問題の最適解集合よりもスムーズな確率的目的関数を最小化する。
確率的切削平面を介して下層問題の解集合を局所的に近似する新しい確率的二段階最適化法を導入し, 分散還元法を用いて条件付き勾配更新を行い, 確率的勾配を用いた誤差制御を行う。
さらに、上層関数が非凸である場合、我々の方法は少なくとも$\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\max\{1/\epsilon_f^{3},1/\epsilon_g^{3}\}) $ 確率的なオラクルクエリーを求め、$(\epsilon_f, \epsilon_g)$-定常点を求める。
有限サム設定では、我々のメソッドで要求される確率的オラクル呼び出しの数が$\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{n}/\epsilon)$と$\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{n}/\epsilon^{2})$であり、それぞれ凸と非凸の設定に対して$\epsilon=\min \{\epsilon_f,\epsilon_g\}$であることを示す。 In this paper, we study a class of stochastic bilevel optimization problems, also known as stochastic simple bilevel optimization, where we minimize a smooth stochastic objective function over the optimal solution set of another stochastic convex optimization problem. We introduce novel stochastic bilevel optimization methods that locally approximate the solution set of the lower-level problem via a stochastic cutting plane, and then run a conditional gradient update with variance reduction techniques to control the error induced by using stochastic gradients. For the case that the upper-level function is convex, our method requires $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\max\{1/\epsilon_f^{2},1/\epsilon_g^{2}\}) $ stochastic oracle queries to obtain a solution that is $\epsilon_f$-optimal for the upper-level and $\epsilon_g$-optimal for the lower-level. This guarantee improves the previous best-known complexity of $\mathcal{O}(\max\{1/\epsilon_f^{4},1/\epsilon_g^{4}\})$. Moreover, for the case that the upper-level function is non-convex, our method requires at most $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\max\{1/\epsilon_f^{3},1/\epsilon_g^{3}\}) $ stochastic oracle queries to find an $(\epsilon_f, \epsilon_g)$-stationary point. In the finite-sum setting, we show that the number of stochastic oracle calls required by our method are $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{n}/\epsilon)$ and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{n}/\epsilon^{2})$ for the convex and non-convex settings, respectively, where $\epsilon=\min \{\epsilon_f,\epsilon_g\}$. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:22:38 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 改良型Few-Shotオブジェクト検出のための地域提案ネットワーク Improved Region Proposal Network for Enhanced Few-Shot Object Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07535v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zeyu Shangguan and Mohammad Rostami | (参考訳) オブジェクト検出タスクにおけるディープラーニングの成功にもかかわらず、ディープニューラルネットワークの標準的なトレーニングでは、すべてのクラスにわたって大量の注釈付きイメージにアクセスする必要がある。
Few-shot Object Detection (FSOD) は、ディープラーニングに基づく古典的オブジェクト検出手法の限界に対する解決策として登場した。
具体的には,階層型3次分類領域提案ネットワーク (htrpn) を開発し,ラベルのない新規オブジェクトをローカライズし,それらのオブジェクトをベーストレーニングデータセットクラスと区別するための新しいオブジェクト性ラベルを割り当てる。
実験の結果,本手法は既存のSOTA FSOD法よりも有効であり,優れた結果が得られた。
本実装は,結果の再現性を支援するサプリメントとして提供される。 Despite significant success of deep learning in object detection tasks, the standard training of deep neural networks requires access to a substantial quantity of annotated images across all classes. Data annotation is an arduous and time-consuming endeavor, particularly when dealing with infrequent objects. Few-shot object detection (FSOD) methods have emerged as a solution to the limitations of classic object detection approaches based on deep learning. FSOD methods demonstrate remarkable performance by achieving robust object detection using a significantly smaller amount of training data. A challenge for FSOD is that instances from novel classes that do not belong to the fixed set of training classes appear in the background and the base model may pick them up as potential objects. These objects behave similarly to label noise because they are classified as one of the training dataset classes, leading to FSOD performance degradation. We develop a semi-supervised algorithm to detect and then utilize these unlabeled novel objects as positive samples during the FSOD training stage to improve FSOD performance. Specifically, we develop a hierarchical ternary classification region proposal network (HTRPN) to localize the potential unlabeled novel objects and assign them new objectness labels to distinguish these objects from the base training dataset classes. Our improved hierarchical sampling strategy for the region proposal network (RPN) also boosts the perception ability of the object detection model for large objects. We test our approach and COCO and PASCAL VOC baselines that are commonly used in FSOD literature. Our experimental results indicate that our method is effective and outperforms the existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) FSOD methods. Our implementation is provided as a supplement to support reproducibility of the results. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:21:21 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 信頼の輪郭:不確かさを意識した医用セマンティックセグメンテーション Confidence Contours: Uncertainty-Aware Annotation for Medical Semantic Segmentation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07528v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Andre Ye, Quan Ze Chen, Amy Zhang | (参考訳) 医用画像セグメンテーションモデリングは、視覚的曖昧性に対処するために不確実性を理解することが不可欠である、高い視点の課題である。
我々はLung Image Dataset Consortium(LIDC)と合成データセットの評価を行う。
最後に、5人の医療専門家とのインタビューから、信頼度コンターマップは構造的不確実性の表現によりベイズ地図よりも解釈可能であることがわかった。 Medical image segmentation modeling is a high-stakes task where understanding of uncertainty is crucial for addressing visual ambiguity. Prior work has developed segmentation models utilizing probabilistic or generative mechanisms to infer uncertainty from labels where annotators draw a singular boundary. However, as these annotations cannot represent an individual annotator's uncertainty, models trained on them produce uncertainty maps that are difficult to interpret. We propose a novel segmentation representation, Confidence Contours, which uses high- and low-confidence ``contours'' to capture uncertainty directly, and develop a novel annotation system for collecting contours. We conduct an evaluation on the Lung Image Dataset Consortium (LIDC) and a synthetic dataset. From an annotation study with 30 participants, results show that Confidence Contours provide high representative capacity without considerably higher annotator effort. We also find that general-purpose segmentation models can learn Confidence Contours at the same performance level as standard singular annotations. Finally, from interviews with 5 medical experts, we find that Confidence Contour maps are more interpretable than Bayesian maps due to representation of structural uncertainty. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:20:57 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# featgenn:相関型特徴抽出による表データモデル性能の向上 FeatGeNN: Improving Model Performance for Tabular Data with Correlation-based Feature Extraction ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07527v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Sammuel Ramos Silva and Rodrigo Silva | (参考訳) 自動機能エンジニアリング(autofe:automatic feature engineering)は、モデルのパフォーマンス向上と統計解析のさらなる情報獲得に役立つため、マシンラーニングプロジェクトにおいて重要なタスクとなっている。
この結果から,相関型プールは表データアプリケーションにおけるAutoFEの最大プールの代替となる可能性が示唆された。 Automated Feature Engineering (AutoFE) has become an important task for any machine learning project, as it can help improve model performance and gain more information for statistical analysis. However, most current approaches for AutoFE rely on manual feature creation or use methods that can generate a large number of features, which can be computationally intensive and lead to overfitting. To address these challenges, we propose a novel convolutional method called FeatGeNN that extracts and creates new features using correlation as a pooling function. Unlike traditional pooling functions like max-pooling, correlation-based pooling considers the linear relationship between the features in the data matrix, making it more suitable for tabular data. We evaluate our method on various benchmark datasets and demonstrate that FeatGeNN outperforms existing AutoFE approaches regarding model performance. Our results suggest that correlation-based pooling can be a promising alternative to max-pooling for AutoFE in tabular data applications. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:20:33 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 原子力システム用ディジタル二重誘導技術におけるディープオペレータネットワークの可能性 Potential of Deep Operator Networks in Digital Twin-enabling Technology for Nuclear System ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07523v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kazuma Kobayashi, Syed Bahauddin Alam | (参考訳) 本研究では,Deep Operator Network (DeepONet) を,原子力工学におけるディジタルツイン (DT) システムのコンテキストにおける堅牢な代理モデリング手法として紹介する。
本研究は、重要な工学領域におけるサロゲートモデリング技術のパワーを活用するための重要なステップである。 This research introduces the Deep Operator Network (DeepONet) as a robust surrogate modeling method within the context of digital twin (DT) systems for nuclear engineering. With the increasing importance of nuclear energy as a carbon-neutral solution, adopting DT technology has become crucial to enhancing operational efficiencies, safety, and predictive capabilities in nuclear engineering applications. DeepONet exhibits remarkable prediction accuracy, outperforming traditional ML methods. Through extensive benchmarking and evaluation, this study showcases the scalability and computational efficiency of DeepONet in solving a challenging particle transport problem. By taking functions as input data and constructing the operator $G$ from training data, DeepONet can handle diverse and complex scenarios effectively. However, the application of DeepONet also reveals challenges related to optimal sensor placement and model evaluation, critical aspects of real-world implementation. Addressing these challenges will further enhance the method's practicality and reliability. Overall, DeepONet presents a promising and transformative tool for nuclear engineering research and applications. Its accurate prediction and computational efficiency capabilities can revolutionize DT systems, advancing nuclear engineering research. This study marks an important step towards harnessing the power of surrogate modeling techniques in critical engineering domains. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:20:16 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 微調整BERTモデルとLSTMモデルを用いた10-Kレポートからのステークホルダー情報発見 Finding Stakeholder-Material Information from 10-K Reports using Fine-Tuned BERT and LSTM Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07522v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Victor Zitian Chen | (参考訳) 公開企業はすべて、連邦証券法によって毎年10-kの報告書で事業や金融活動の開示が求められている。
今後の拡張に向けた産業応用とアイデアについて論じる。 All public companies are required by federal securities law to disclose their business and financial activities in their annual 10-K reports. Each report typically spans hundreds of pages, making it difficult for human readers to identify and extract the material information efficiently. To solve the problem, I have fine-tuned BERT models and RNN models with LSTM layers to identify stakeholder-material information, defined as statements that carry information about a company's influence on its stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and the community and natural environment. The existing practice uses keyword search to identify such information, which is my baseline model. Using business expert-labeled training data of nearly 6,000 sentences from 62 10-K reports published in 2022, the best model has achieved an accuracy of 0.904 and an F1 score of 0.899 in test data, significantly above the baseline model's 0.781 and 0.749 respectively. Furthermore, the same work was replicated on more granular taxonomies, based on which four distinct groups of stakeholders (i.e., customers, investors, employees, and the community and natural environment) are tested separately. Similarly, fined-tuned BERT models outperformed LSTM and the baseline. The implications for industry application and ideas for future extensions are discussed. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:19:58 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 因果構造学習における非線形性、フィードバック、均一性 Nonlinearity, Feedback and Uniform Consistency in Causal Structural Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07520v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Shuyan Wang | (参考訳) Causal Discoveryの目的は、観測データから因果構造を学習するための自動探索方法を見つけることである。
この論文は因果発見における2つの疑問に焦点を当てている: k-三角忠実性の別の定義を提供する。
(iii) 強忠実性の修正版が持つという仮定の下では、修正因果発見アルゴリズムの均一な一貫性を示すために使用することができ、潜在変数を持つ因果構造を学ぶための十分性仮定を緩和することができる。
複雑なシステムの理解と予測における因果関係の推論の重要性を考えると, 様々な単純化仮定を緩和する研究は, 因果発見法を多種多様な因果機構と統計的現象により広い範囲に適用できるよう拡張することが期待される。 The goal of Causal Discovery is to find automated search methods for learning causal structures from observational data. In some cases all variables of the interested causal mechanism are measured, and the task is to predict the effects one measured variable has on another. In contrast, sometimes the variables of primary interest are not directly observable but instead inferred from their manifestations in the data. These are referred to as latent variables. One commonly known example is the psychological construct of intelligence, which cannot directly measured so researchers try to assess through various indicators such as IQ tests. In this case, casual discovery algorithms can uncover underlying patterns and structures to reveal the causal connections between the latent variables and between the latent and observed variables. This thesis focuses on two questions in causal discovery: providing an alternative definition of k-Triangle Faithfulness that (i) is weaker than strong faithfulness when applied to the Gaussian family of distributions, (ii) can be applied to non-Gaussian families of distributions, and (iii) under the assumption that the modified version of Strong Faithfulness holds, can be used to show the uniform consistency of a modified causal discovery algorithm; relaxing the sufficiency assumption to learn causal structures with latent variables. Given the importance of inferring cause-and-effect relationships for understanding and forecasting complex systems, the work in this thesis of relaxing various simplification assumptions is expected to extend the causal discovery method to be applicable in a wider range with diversified causal mechanism and statistical phenomena. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:19:33 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 資源管理アルゴリズムからニューラルネットワークへの知識の希薄化:統一トレーニング支援アプローチ Distilling Knowledge from Resource Management Algorithms to Neural Networks: A Unified Training Assistance Approach ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07511v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Longfei Ma, Nan Cheng, Xiucheng Wang, Zhisheng Yin, Haibo Zhou, Wei Quan | (参考訳) 基本的な問題として,マルチユーザ設定におけるsinr(signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio)の最適化に多くの手法が組み込まれている。
To fully leverage the high performance of traditional model-based methods and the low complexity of the NN-based method, a knowledge distillation (KD) based algorithm distillation (AD) method is proposed in this paper to improve the performance and convergence speed of the NN-based method, where traditional SINR optimization methods are employed as ``teachers" to assist the training of NNs, which are ``students", thus enhancing the performance of unsupervised and reinforcement learning techniques.
この研究は,無線通信システム最適化における従来の最適化洞察と新しいNN技術の統合の道を開くものである。 As a fundamental problem, numerous methods are dedicated to the optimization of signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR), in a multi-user setting. Although traditional model-based optimization methods achieve strong performance, the high complexity raises the research of neural network (NN) based approaches to trade-off the performance and complexity. To fully leverage the high performance of traditional model-based methods and the low complexity of the NN-based method, a knowledge distillation (KD) based algorithm distillation (AD) method is proposed in this paper to improve the performance and convergence speed of the NN-based method, where traditional SINR optimization methods are employed as ``teachers" to assist the training of NNs, which are ``students", thus enhancing the performance of unsupervised and reinforcement learning techniques. This approach aims to alleviate common issues encountered in each of these training paradigms, including the infeasibility of obtaining optimal solutions as labels and overfitting in supervised learning, ensuring higher convergence performance in unsupervised learning, and improving training efficiency in reinforcement learning. Simulation results demonstrate the enhanced performance of the proposed AD-based methods compared to traditional learning methods. Remarkably, this research paves the way for the integration of traditional optimization insights and emerging NN techniques in wireless communication system optimization. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:19:08 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 高信頼・低信頼予測による半監督学習の促進 Boosting Semi-Supervised Learning by bridging high and low-confidence predictions ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07509v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Khanh-Binh Nguyen, Joon-Sung Yang | (参考訳) Pseudo-labelingは半教師付き学習(SSL)において重要なテクニックであり、トレーニングされたモデルによってラベルなしデータに対して人工ラベルを生成する。
第二に、訓練されたモデルは難解な例に過度に適合し、難解な例を無視して、既に強いものが強くなり弱くなる「textit{"Matthew effect"」となる。
特に、ReFixMatchはImageNet上の100kラベルの例で41.05\%のトップ-1の精度を実現し、ベースラインのFixMatchと現在の最先端メソッドを上回っている。 Pseudo-labeling is a crucial technique in semi-supervised learning (SSL), where artificial labels are generated for unlabeled data by a trained model, allowing for the simultaneous training of labeled and unlabeled data in a supervised setting. However, several studies have identified three main issues with pseudo-labeling-based approaches. Firstly, these methods heavily rely on predictions from the trained model, which may not always be accurate, leading to a confirmation bias problem. Secondly, the trained model may be overfitted to easy-to-learn examples, ignoring hard-to-learn ones, resulting in the \textit{"Matthew effect"} where the already strong become stronger and the weak weaker. Thirdly, most of the low-confidence predictions of unlabeled data are discarded due to the use of a high threshold, leading to an underutilization of unlabeled data during training. To address these issues, we propose a new method called ReFixMatch, which aims to utilize all of the unlabeled data during training, thus improving the generalizability of the model and performance on SSL benchmarks. Notably, ReFixMatch achieves 41.05\% top-1 accuracy with 100k labeled examples on ImageNet, outperforming the baseline FixMatch and current state-of-the-art methods. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:18:48 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Neバッファーガスを用いたセル中での$^{85}$Rb蒸気のRydberg-EIT Rydberg-EIT of $^{85}$Rb vapor in a cell with Ne buffer gas ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07554v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Nithiwadee Thaicharoen, Ryan Cardman, Georg Raithel | (参考訳) 我々は,5-トルネオンバッファーガスを含むガラスセル中の$^{85}$Rb原子蒸気のリドバーグ電磁誘導透過(EIT)について検討した。
以上の結果から,Rydberg-EITは低圧力下でのバッファーガス密度の直接分光プローブとして機能し,低圧希ガス放電プラズマおよびダスト状プラズマ中の電界の非侵襲的測定に好適であることが示唆された。 We investigate Rydberg electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) of $^{85}$Rb atomic vapor in a glass cell that contains a 5-Torr neon buffer gas. At low probe power, EIT lines exhibit a positive frequency shift of about 70~MHz and a broadening of about 120~MHz, with minimal dependence on the principal quantum number of the Rydberg states. The EIT line shift arises from s-wave scattering between the Rydberg electron and the Ne atoms, which induces a positive shift near 190~MHz, and from the polarization of the Ne atoms within the Rydberg atom, which adds a negative shift near -120~MHz. The line broadening is largely due to the Ne polarization. Our experimental results are in good qualitative agreement with our theoretical model, in which the shift is linear in buffer-gas density. Our results suggest that Rydberg-EIT can serve as a direct spectroscopic probe for buffer-gas density at low pressure, and that it is suitable for non-invasive measurement of electric fields in low-pressure noble-gas discharge plasmas and in dusty plasmas. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:11:27 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# antidoteの強化: 中毒攻撃に対するポイントワイズ認定の改善 Enhancing the Antidote: Improved Pointwise Certifications against Poisoning Attacks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07553v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Shijie Liu, Andrew C. Cullen, Paul Montague, Sarah M. Erfani, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein | (参考訳) 毒殺攻撃は、トレーニングコーパスに小さな変更を加えることで、モデルの振る舞いに不釣り合いに影響を及ぼす。
そうすることで、我々のモデルは、先行認定の2倍以上の大きさの敵対的堅牢性の保証を提供する。 Poisoning attacks can disproportionately influence model behaviour by making small changes to the training corpus. While defences against specific poisoning attacks do exist, they in general do not provide any guarantees, leaving them potentially countered by novel attacks. In contrast, by examining worst-case behaviours Certified Defences make it possible to provide guarantees of the robustness of a sample against adversarial attacks modifying a finite number of training samples, known as pointwise certification. We achieve this by exploiting both Differential Privacy and the Sampled Gaussian Mechanism to ensure the invariance of prediction for each testing instance against finite numbers of poisoned examples. In doing so, our model provides guarantees of adversarial robustness that are more than twice as large as those provided by prior certifications. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:11:04 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 火炎に基づく多視点3次元顔再構成 Multi-view 3D Face Reconstruction Based on Flame ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07551v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Wenzhuo Zheng, Junhao Zhao, Xiaohong Liu, Yongyang Pan, Zhenghao Gan, Haozhe Han, Ning Liu | (参考訳) 現在,face 3dリコンストラクションは様々な分野で広く応用されているが,その研究はまだ開発段階にある。
本稿では,マルチビュー・トレーニングフレームワークとフェイスパラメトリック・モデル・フレイムを組み合わせることで,より優れた顔3次元再現性の実現を図り,マルチビュー・トレーニング・テストモデルmfnet(multi-view flame network)を提案する。
本研究は, 顔のパラメトリックモデルと顔の3次元再構成を併用する問題に主に対処し, 顔の3次元再構成に寄与するFlameベースのマルチビュートレーニングおよびテストフレームワークの実装について検討する。 At present, face 3D reconstruction has broad application prospects in various fields, but the research on it is still in the development stage. In this paper, we hope to achieve better face 3D reconstruction quality by combining multi-view training framework with face parametric model Flame, propose a multi-view training and testing model MFNet (Multi-view Flame Network). We build a self-supervised training framework and implement constraints such as multi-view optical flow loss function and face landmark loss, and finally obtain a complete MFNet. We propose innovative implementations of multi-view optical flow loss and the covisible mask. We test our model on AFLW and facescape datasets and also take pictures of our faces to reconstruct 3D faces while simulating actual scenarios as much as possible, which achieves good results. Our work mainly addresses the problem of combining parametric models of faces with multi-view face 3D reconstruction and explores the implementation of a Flame based multi-view training and testing framework for contributing to the field of face 3D reconstruction. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:10:51 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 導波路QEDにおける温度関連単一光子輸送 Temperature-related single-photon transport in waveguide QED ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07548v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Wei-Bin Yan, Zhong-Xiao Man, Ying-Jie Zhang, and Yun-Jie Xia | (参考訳) 温度の影響を受ける単一光子輸送を実現する手法を提案する。
これは、低温領域の試料温度を正確に測定できる光学温度計を実装するための道を意味する。 We propose a scheme to realize the single-photon transport affected by the temperature. The scheme is composed by a waveguide-atom interacting structure linked to a thermal bath. The single-photon reflection coefficient can be tuned by adjusting the temperature of the thermal bath. This provides a thermal control of the single-photon transport. Moreover, the temperature of the thermal bath can be estimated by measuring the single-photon transport. It is feasible that the estimation on the temperature is sensitive to slight changes of low temperature. This implies an avenue for implementing the optical thermometer with the ability to accurately measure the sample temperature in the low-temperature region. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:10:31 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 3DHacker: ハードラベル3Dポイントクラウド攻撃のためのスペクトルベースの決定境界生成 3DHacker: Spectrum-based Decision Boundary Generation for Hard-label 3D Point Cloud Attack ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07546v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yunbo Tao, Daizong Liu, Pan Zhou, Yulai Xie, Wei Du, Wei Hu | (参考訳) 深度センサーの成熟に伴い、3Dポイントクラウドモデルの脆弱性は、自律運転やロボットナビゲーションといった様々なアプリケーションで注目を集めている。
そこで我々は,攻撃者が入力の予測ラベルへのアクセスしかできないブラックボックスのハードラベルでポイントクラウドを攻撃する,より挑戦的で実用的な3dアタック設定である \textit{i.e.} を探索する。
そこで本研究では, クラスラベルの知識にのみ依存した敵対的サンプルを生成するための決定境界アルゴリズムに基づいて, 新たな3Dアタック手法である「textbf{3D} \textbf{H}ard-label att\textbf{acker} (\textbf{3DHacker})」を提案する。
大規模な評価では、挑戦的なハードラベル設定であっても、3DHackerは攻撃性能と敵の品質に関する既存の3D攻撃よりも競争力が高いことが示されている。 With the maturity of depth sensors, the vulnerability of 3D point cloud models has received increasing attention in various applications such as autonomous driving and robot navigation. Previous 3D adversarial attackers either follow the white-box setting to iteratively update the coordinate perturbations based on gradients, or utilize the output model logits to estimate noisy gradients in the black-box setting. However, these attack methods are hard to be deployed in real-world scenarios since realistic 3D applications will not share any model details to users. Therefore, we explore a more challenging yet practical 3D attack setting, \textit{i.e.}, attacking point clouds with black-box hard labels, in which the attacker can only have access to the prediction label of the input. To tackle this setting, we propose a novel 3D attack method, termed \textbf{3D} \textbf{H}ard-label att\textbf{acker} (\textbf{3DHacker}), based on the developed decision boundary algorithm to generate adversarial samples solely with the knowledge of class labels. Specifically, to construct the class-aware model decision boundary, 3DHacker first randomly fuses two point clouds of different classes in the spectral domain to craft their intermediate sample with high imperceptibility, then projects it onto the decision boundary via binary search. To restrict the final perturbation size, 3DHacker further introduces an iterative optimization strategy to move the intermediate sample along the decision boundary for generating adversarial point clouds with smallest trivial perturbations. Extensive evaluations show that, even in the challenging hard-label setting, 3DHacker still competitively outperforms existing 3D attacks regarding the attack performance as well as adversary quality. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:10:23 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 画像検索のためのマルチモーダルデータセット蒸留 Multimodal Dataset Distillation for Image-Text Retrieval ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07545v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xindi Wu, Zhiwei Deng, Olga Russakovsky | (参考訳) データセット蒸留法は、大規模なデータセットを、新しいモデルをスクラッチからトレーニングするのに十分な情報を保存する(潜在的に合成された)トレーニング例のかなり小さなセットに削減できる。
本研究では, 軌跡マッチングの考え方を拡張し, 視覚言語データセットの蒸留法を作成することで, この目標に向けて第一歩を踏み出す。
flickr30k と coco 検索ベンチマークの課題に対して大きな改善が得られた: トレーニングのために1000のイメージテキストペアを選択できる最良のコアセット選択手法は、5.6%のイメージからテキストへの検索精度(recall@1)しか達成できない。 Dataset distillation methods offer the promise of reducing a large-scale dataset down to a significantly smaller set of (potentially synthetic) training examples, which preserve sufficient information for training a new model from scratch. So far dataset distillation methods have been developed for image classification. However, with the rise in capabilities of vision-language models, and especially given the scale of datasets necessary to train these models, the time is ripe to expand dataset distillation methods beyond image classification. In this work, we take the first steps towards this goal by expanding on the idea of trajectory matching to create a distillation method for vision-language datasets. The key challenge is that vision-language datasets do not have a set of discrete classes. To overcome this, our proposed multimodal dataset distillation method jointly distill the images and their corresponding language descriptions in a contrastive formulation. Since there are no existing baselines, we compare our approach to three coreset selection methods (strategic subsampling of the training dataset), which we adapt to the vision-language setting. We demonstrate significant improvements on the challenging Flickr30K and COCO retrieval benchmark: the best coreset selection method which selects 1000 image-text pairs for training is able to achieve only 5.6% image-to-text retrieval accuracy (recall@1); in contrast, our dataset distillation approach almost doubles that with just 100 (an order of magnitude fewer) training pairs. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:09:49 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 強化学習(rl)によるサーバーレスコンピューティングにおけるコールドスタート頻度の低減 Reinforcement Learning (RL) Augmented Cold Start Frequency Reduction in Serverless Computing ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07541v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Siddharth Agarwal, Maria A. Rodriguez, Rajkumar Buyya | (参考訳) function-as-a-serviceは、アプリケーションにイベント駆動実行モデルを提供するクラウドコンピューティングパラダイムである。
その結果,最大8.81%のスループット向上と最大55%,37%の計算負荷とリソース浪費削減により,kubelessのデフォルトポリシや関数保留ポリシと比較した場合,rlベースのエージェントが好適な性能を示し,コールドスタートの直接的な結果となった。 Function-as-a-Service is a cloud computing paradigm offering an event-driven execution model to applications. It features serverless attributes by eliminating resource management responsibilities from developers and offers transparent and on-demand scalability of applications. Typical serverless applications have stringent response time and scalability requirements and therefore rely on deployed services to provide quick and fault-tolerant feedback to clients. However, the FaaS paradigm suffers from cold starts as there is a non-negligible delay associated with on-demand function initialization. This work focuses on reducing the frequency of cold starts on the platform by using Reinforcement Learning. Our approach uses Q-learning and considers metrics such as function CPU utilization, existing function instances, and response failure rate to proactively initialize functions in advance based on the expected demand. The proposed solution was implemented on Kubeless and was evaluated using a normalised real-world function demand trace with matrix multiplication as the workload. The results demonstrate a favourable performance of the RL-based agent when compared to Kubeless' default policy and function keep-alive policy by improving throughput by up to 8.81% and reducing computation load and resource wastage by up to 55% and 37%, respectively, which is a direct outcome of reduced cold starts. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:09:24 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# CALYPSO:ダンジョンマスターズアシスタントとしてのLLM CALYPSO: LLMs as Dungeon Masters' Assistants ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07540v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Andrew Zhu and Lara J. Martin and Andrew Head and Chris Callison-Burch | (参考訳) ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズゲームにおけるダンジョンマスター(dm)の役割は、複数のタスクを同時に実行することである。
本稿では,D&D とテーブルトップゲームにおける LLM のユースケースを確立するため,DM を用いた形式的評価を行う。
私たちはCALYPSOを、確立したゲームの世界における同期的な創造的支援を提供するAI拡張ツールのパラダイムを実証し、テーブルトップゲームをより広範に行なっています。 The role of a Dungeon Master, or DM, in the game Dungeons & Dragons is to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. The DM must digest information about the game setting and monsters, synthesize scenes to present to other players, and respond to the players' interactions with the scene. Doing all of these tasks while maintaining consistency within the narrative and story world is no small feat of human cognition, making the task tiring and unapproachable to new players. Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 and ChatGPT have shown remarkable abilities to generate coherent natural language text. In this paper, we conduct a formative evaluation with DMs to establish the use cases of LLMs in D&D and tabletop gaming generally. We introduce CALYPSO, a system of LLM-powered interfaces that support DMs with information and inspiration specific to their own scenario. CALYPSO distills game context into bite-sized prose and helps brainstorm ideas without distracting the DM from the game. When given access to CALYPSO, DMs reported that it generated high-fidelity text suitable for direct presentation to players, and low-fidelity ideas that the DM could develop further while maintaining their creative agency. We see CALYPSO as exemplifying a paradigm of AI-augmented tools that provide synchronous creative assistance within established game worlds, and tabletop gaming more broadly. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:09:01 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 少数ショットセグメンテーションのための視覚的およびテキスト的事前マスクアセンブラ Visual and Textual Prior Guided Mask Assemble for Few-Shot Segmentation and Beyond ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07539v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Chen Shuai, Meng Fanman, Zhang Runtong, Qiu Heqian, Li Hongliang, Wu Qingbo, Xu Linfeng | (参考訳) Few-shot segmentation (FSS) は、いくつかの注釈付き画像で新しいクラスを分類することを目的としている。
次に、複数のGAU(General Assemble Units)を含むPGMAM(Presideed-Guided Mask Assemble Module)を導入する。
最後に, 階層型デコーダ(HDCDM)を提案し, 組立マスクと低レベル特徴を, クラス固有の情報に頼らずに柔軟に活用する。
1ショットシナリオでは、mIoUは$7.6$ on $\text{PASCAL-}5^i$と$59.4$ on $\text{COCO-}20^i$である。
これ以外にも,提案するPGMA-Netは,余分なトレーニングを伴わずに,bboxレベルとクロスドメインのFSS,コセグメンテーション,ゼロショットセグメンテーション(ZSS)タスクを解き,非ショットセグメンテーションフレームワークを導くことができることを示す。 Few-shot segmentation (FSS) aims to segment the novel classes with a few annotated images. Due to CLIP's advantages of aligning visual and textual information, the integration of CLIP can enhance the generalization ability of FSS model. However, even with the CLIP model, the existing CLIP-based FSS methods are still subject to the biased prediction towards base classes, which is caused by the class-specific feature level interactions. To solve this issue, we propose a visual and textual Prior Guided Mask Assemble Network (PGMA-Net). It employs a class-agnostic mask assembly process to alleviate the bias, and formulates diverse tasks into a unified manner by assembling the prior through affinity. Specifically, the class-relevant textual and visual features are first transformed to class-agnostic prior in the form of probability map. Then, a Prior-Guided Mask Assemble Module (PGMAM) including multiple General Assemble Units (GAUs) is introduced. It considers diverse and plug-and-play interactions, such as visual-textual, inter- and intra-image, training-free, and high-order ones. Lastly, to ensure the class-agnostic ability, a Hierarchical Decoder with Channel-Drop Mechanism (HDCDM) is proposed to flexibly exploit the assembled masks and low-level features, without relying on any class-specific information. It achieves new state-of-the-art results in the FSS task, with mIoU of $77.6$ on $\text{PASCAL-}5^i$ and $59.4$ on $\text{COCO-}20^i$ in 1-shot scenario. Beyond this, we show that without extra re-training, the proposed PGMA-Net can solve bbox-level and cross-domain FSS, co-segmentation, zero-shot segmentation (ZSS) tasks, leading an any-shot segmentation framework. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:08:37 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 天文警報のリアル/ボガス分類のためのミニマックスエントロピーによる領域適応 Domain Adaptation via Minimax Entropy for Real/Bogus Classification of Astronomical Alerts ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07538v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Guillermo Cabrera-Vives, C\'esar Bolivar, Francisco F\"orster, Alejandra M. Mu\~noz Arancibia, Manuel P\'erez-Carrasco, Esteban Reyes | (参考訳) 時間領域天文学は、複数の巨大なデータセットをリアルタイムで分析し、マルチストリーム機械学習モデルの開発を促進する。
本研究では,これらのデータセット間の領域シフトについて検討し,Minimax Entropy (MME) を用いた微調整手法と半教師付き深度DAを用いて,自然な深度学習分類モデルを改善する。
微調整モデルとMMEモデルの両方が、ターゲットデータセットから来るクラス毎のラベル付き項目が1つも少なく、ベースモデルを大幅に改善していることがわかったが、MMEはソースデータセットのパフォーマンスを損なわない。 Time domain astronomy is advancing towards the analysis of multiple massive datasets in real time, prompting the development of multi-stream machine learning models. In this work, we study Domain Adaptation (DA) for real/bogus classification of astronomical alerts using four different datasets: HiTS, DES, ATLAS, and ZTF. We study the domain shift between these datasets, and improve a naive deep learning classification model by using a fine tuning approach and semi-supervised deep DA via Minimax Entropy (MME). We compare the balanced accuracy of these models for different source-target scenarios. We find that both the fine tuning and MME models improve significantly the base model with as few as one labeled item per class coming from the target dataset, but that the MME does not compromise its performance on the source dataset. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:07:57 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 逐次予測器による高確率リスク境界 High-Probability Risk Bounds via Sequential Predictors ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07588v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Dirk van der Hoeven, Nikita Zhivotovskiy, Nicol\`o Cesa-Bianchi | (参考訳) オンライン学習手法は最小限の仮定の下で逐次後悔境界を導き、統計的学習のための予測外リスク境界を提供する。
最後に、既存のバッチアルゴリズムに比べて、逐次アルゴリズムの計算上の利点について論じる。 Online learning methods yield sequential regret bounds under minimal assumptions and provide in-expectation risk bounds for statistical learning. However, despite the apparent advantage of online guarantees over their statistical counterparts, recent findings indicate that in many important cases, regret bounds may not guarantee tight high-probability risk bounds in the statistical setting. In this work we show that online to batch conversions applied to general online learning algorithms can bypass this limitation. Via a general second-order correction to the loss function defining the regret, we obtain nearly optimal high-probability risk bounds for several classical statistical estimation problems, such as discrete distribution estimation, linear regression, logistic regression, and conditional density estimation. Our analysis relies on the fact that many online learning algorithms are improper, as they are not restricted to use predictors from a given reference class. The improper nature of our estimators enables significant improvements in the dependencies on various problem parameters. Finally, we discuss some computational advantages of our sequential algorithms over their existing batch counterparts. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:02:12 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# QASMTrans: NISQデバイス向けQASMベースの量子トランスパイラフレームワーク QASMTrans: A QASM based Quantum Transpiler Framework for NISQ Devices ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07581v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Fei Hua, Meng Wang, Gushu Li, Bo Peng, Chenxu Liu, Muqing Zheng, Samuel Stein, Yufei Ding, Eddy Z. Zhang, Travis S. Humble, Ang Li | (参考訳) 量子アルゴリズムの成功は、アプリケーションインダクションの成功をオーケストレーションする能力にかかっている。
我々は, o(10^6)ゲートを必要とするudcsd_n24やqft_n320などの高密度回路の高速化を観測する。
QASMTrans は前述の回路を69sと31sでトランスパイルし、一方 Qiskit は1時間のトランスパイル時間を超えた。
QASMTransはhttp://github.com/pnnl/qasmtransでリリースされた。 The success of a quantum algorithm hinges on the ability to orchestrate a successful application induction. Detrimental overheads in mapping general quantum circuits to physically implementable routines can be the deciding factor between a successful and erroneous circuit induction. In QASMTrans, we focus on the problem of rapid circuit transpilation. Transpilation plays a crucial role in converting high-level, machine-agnostic circuits into machine-specific circuits constrained by physical topology and supported gate sets. The efficiency of transpilation continues to be a substantial bottleneck, especially when dealing with larger circuits requiring high degrees of inter-qubit interaction. QASMTrans is a high-performance C++ quantum transpiler framework that demonstrates up to 369X speedups compared to the commonly used Qiskit transpiler. We observe speedups on large dense circuits such as uccsd_n24 and qft_n320 which require O(10^6) gates. QASMTrans successfully transpiles the aforementioned circuits in 69s and 31s, whilst Qiskit exceeded an hour of transpilation time. With QASMTrans providing transpiled circuits in a fraction of the time of prior transpilers, potential design space exploration, and heuristic-based transpiler design becomes substantially more tractable. QASMTrans is released at http://github.com/pnnl/qasmtrans. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:01:54 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# autolts: コントラスト学習と空間後処理によるサイクリングストレス評価の自動化 AutoLTS: Automating Cycling Stress Assessment via Contrastive Learning and Spatial Post-processing ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07580v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Bo Lin, Shoshanna Saxe, Timothy C. Y. Chan | (参考訳) 自転車のストレスアセスメントは、構築された環境や交通機関によって課されるサイクリストの認識されたストレスを定量化し、自転車のインフラ計画や自転車のルート推奨を通知する。
一 サイクリングストレスラベル間の順序関係を利用した対照的な学習方法
二 予測に空間的滑らかさを強制する後処理技術。
カナダ・トロントで収集された39,153個の道路セグメントのデータセットについて,我々は,高品位道路形状と自動車交通データがない場合,画像データを用いたサイクリングストレス評価の有効性を示す。 Cycling stress assessment, which quantifies cyclists' perceived stress imposed by the built environment and motor traffics, increasingly informs cycling infrastructure planning and cycling route recommendation. However, currently calculating cycling stress is slow and data-intensive, which hinders its broader application. In this paper, We propose a deep learning framework to support accurate, fast, and large-scale cycling stress assessments for urban road networks based on street-view images. Our framework features i) a contrastive learning approach that leverages the ordinal relationship among cycling stress labels, and ii) a post-processing technique that enforces spatial smoothness into our predictions. On a dataset of 39,153 road segments collected in Toronto, Canada, our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our deep learning framework and the value of using image data for cycling stress assessment in the absence of high-quality road geometry and motor traffic data. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:01:33 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# コンテキストメモリを用いたオンラインテキスト拡張によるストーリーの可視化 Story Visualization by Online Text Augmentation with Context Memory ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07575v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Daechul Ahn, Daneul Kim, Gwangmo Song, Seung Hwan Kim, Honglak Lee, Dongyeop Kang, Jonghyun Choi | (参考訳) ストーリービジュアライゼーション(sv)は、テキスト記述から視覚的詳細をレンダリングするだけでなく、複数の文章にまたがる長期的なコンテキストをエンコードするのも困難である。
Pororo-SVとFlintstones-SVという2つの人気のあるSVベンチマークの広範な実験において、提案手法は、FID、文字F1、フレーム精度、BLEU-2/3、R-精度などの様々な評価指標において、類似または少ない計算量で芸術の状態を著しく上回っている。 Story visualization (SV) is a challenging text-to-image generation task for the difficulty of not only rendering visual details from the text descriptions but also encoding a long-term context across multiple sentences. While prior efforts mostly focus on generating a semantically relevant image for each sentence, encoding a context spread across the given paragraph to generate contextually convincing images (e.g., with a correct character or with a proper background of the scene) remains a challenge. To this end, we propose a novel memory architecture for the Bi-directional Transformers with an online text augmentation that generates multiple pseudo-descriptions as supplementary supervision during training, for better generalization to the language variation at inference. In extensive experiments on the two popular SV benchmarks, i.e., the Pororo-SV and Flintstones-SV, the proposed method significantly outperforms the state of the arts in various evaluation metrics including FID, character F1, frame accuracy, BLEU-2/3, and R-precision with similar or less computational complexity. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:01:17 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 2つの生成逆数ネットワークを用いたハイブリッド画像タブラルデータの合成データ生成法 Synthetic data generation method for hybrid image-tabular data using two generative adversarial networks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07573v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Tomohiro Kikuchi, Shouhei Hanaoka, Takahiro Nakao, Tomomi Takenaga, Yukihiro Nomura, Harushi Mori, Takeharu Yoshikawa | (参考訳) generative adversarial network (gans) を用いた合成医療記録の生成は、医療分野におけるプライバシー問題への対処やデータ共有の促進のためにますます重要になっている。
我々のアプローチは、CXRの次元性を低減するために、大規模な公開データベース(pDB)上で {\alpha}GANモデルをトレーニングすることである。
本手法は,odbと同じモダリティと撮像領域を持つ相当数の画像を含む大規模pdbの可用性に依存しているが,二次的なデータ利用を損なうことなく,合成データセットを一般公開する可能性を秘めている。 The generation of synthetic medical records using generative adversarial networks (GANs) has become increasingly important for addressing privacy concerns and promoting data sharing in the medical field. In this paper, we propose a novel method for generating synthetic hybrid medical records consisting of chest X-ray images (CXRs) and structured tabular data (including anthropometric data and laboratory tests) using an auto-encoding GAN ({\alpha}GAN) and a conditional tabular GAN (CTGAN). Our approach involves training a {\alpha}GAN model on a large public database (pDB) to reduce the dimensionality of CXRs. We then applied the trained encoder of the GAN model to the images in original database (oDB) to obtain the latent vectors. These latent vectors were combined with tabular data in oDB, and these joint data were used to train the CTGAN model. We successfully generated diverse synthetic records of hybrid CXR and tabular data, maintaining correspondence between them. We evaluated this synthetic database (sDB) through visual assessment, distribution of interrecord distances, and classification tasks. Our evaluation results showed that the sDB captured the features of the oDB while maintaining the correspondence between the images and tabular data. Although our approach relies on the availability of a large-scale pDB containing a substantial number of images with the same modality and imaging region as those in the oDB, this method has the potential for the public release of synthetic datasets without compromising the secondary use of data. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:00:52 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Ske2Grid:行動認識のための骨格-格子表現学習 Ske2Grid: Skeleton-to-Grid Representation Learning for Action Recognition ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07571v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Dongqi Cai, Yangyuxuan Kang, Anbang Yao, Yurong Chen | (参考訳) 本稿では,スケルトンベース行動認識のための新しい表現学習フレームワークske2gridを提案する。
コードとモデルはhttps://github.com/OSVAI/Ske2Gridで入手できる。 This paper presents Ske2Grid, a new representation learning framework for improved skeleton-based action recognition. In Ske2Grid, we define a regular convolution operation upon a novel grid representation of human skeleton, which is a compact image-like grid patch constructed and learned through three novel designs. Specifically, we propose a graph-node index transform (GIT) to construct a regular grid patch through assigning the nodes in the skeleton graph one by one to the desired grid cells. To ensure that GIT is a bijection and enrich the expressiveness of the grid representation, an up-sampling transform (UPT) is learned to interpolate the skeleton graph nodes for filling the grid patch to the full. To resolve the problem when the one-step UPT is aggressive and further exploit the representation capability of the grid patch with increasing spatial size, a progressive learning strategy (PLS) is proposed which decouples the UPT into multiple steps and aligns them to multiple paired GITs through a compact cascaded design learned progressively. We construct networks upon prevailing graph convolution networks and conduct experiments on six mainstream skeleton-based action recognition datasets. Experiments show that our Ske2Grid significantly outperforms existing GCN-based solutions under different benchmark settings, without bells and whistles. Code and models are available at https://github.com/OSVAI/Ske2Grid | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 14:00:22 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 非ランダム欠落ラベルに対する複数命令による半教師付き学習 Semi-Supervised Learning with Multiple Imputations on Non-Random Missing Labels ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07562v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jason Lu, Michael Ma, Huaze Xu, Zixi Xu | (参考訳) Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL)は、ラベル付きデータとラベルなしデータの両方でアルゴリズムがトレーニングされるときに実装される。
CAI(Class-Aware Imputation)やCAP(Class-Aware Propensity)といった既存の手法は、ラベルなしデータの非ランダム性を見落としている。
提案手法はMCARとMNARの両方の状況において有効であることが示されており,本手法は,分類精度とバイアス低減の観点から既存手法よりも優れていることを示す実験結果が得られた。 Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) is implemented when algorithms are trained on both labeled and unlabeled data. This is a very common application of ML as it is unrealistic to obtain a fully labeled dataset. Researchers have tackled three main issues: missing at random (MAR), missing completely at random (MCAR), and missing not at random (MNAR). The MNAR problem is the most challenging of the three as one cannot safely assume that all class distributions are equal. Existing methods, including Class-Aware Imputation (CAI) and Class-Aware Propensity (CAP), mostly overlook the non-randomness in the unlabeled data. This paper proposes two new methods of combining multiple imputation models to achieve higher accuracy and less bias. 1) We use multiple imputation models, create confidence intervals, and apply a threshold to ignore pseudo-labels with low confidence. 2) Our new method, SSL with De-biased Imputations (SSL-DI), aims to reduce bias by filtering out inaccurate data and finding a subset that is accurate and reliable. This subset of the larger dataset could be imputed into another SSL model, which will be less biased. The proposed models have been shown to be effective in both MCAR and MNAR situations, and experimental results show that our methodology outperforms existing methods in terms of classification accuracy and reducing bias. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:59:58 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 複数のビデオデータセット間のアクションクラス関係の検出と分類 Action Class Relation Detection and Classification Across Multiple Video Datasets ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07558v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yuya Yoshikawa, Yutaro Shigeto, Masashi Shimbo, Akikazu Takeuchi | (参考訳) Meta Video Dataset(MetaVD)は、ビデオにおける人間のアクション認識のための主要なデータセットにおけるアクションクラス間の注釈付き関係を提供する。
(iii)両方のモダリティによる予測を組み合わせるブレンディングアプローチは、場合によっては予測性能をさらに向上させることができる。 The Meta Video Dataset (MetaVD) provides annotated relations between action classes in major datasets for human action recognition in videos. Although these annotated relations enable dataset augmentation, it is only applicable to those covered by MetaVD. For an external dataset to enjoy the same benefit, the relations between its action classes and those in MetaVD need to be determined. To address this issue, we consider two new machine learning tasks: action class relation detection and classification. We propose a unified model to predict relations between action classes, using language and visual information associated with classes. Experimental results show that (i) pre-trained recent neural network models for texts and videos contribute to high predictive performance, (ii) the relation prediction based on action label texts is more accurate than based on videos, and (iii) a blending approach that combines predictions by both modalities can further improve the predictive performance in some cases. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:59:30 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# スペイン語テキスト簡易化のユーザ中心評価 A User-Centered Evaluation of Spanish Text Simplification ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07556v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Adrian de Wynter, Anthony Hevia, Si-Qing Chen | (参考訳) 本稿では,複合語と複合語の両方に焦点をあてたコーパスを用いて,生産システムのためのスペイン語のテキスト簡易化(ts)を評価する。
我々は,スペインの自然言語処理の最先端を推し進めることを目指して,我々の評価のコーパスを広いコミュニティに公開する。 We present an evaluation of text simplification (TS) in Spanish for a production system, by means of two corpora focused in both complex-sentence and complex-word identification. We compare the most prevalent Spanish-specific readability scores with neural networks, and show that the latter are consistently better at predicting user preferences regarding TS. As part of our analysis, we find that multilingual models underperform against equivalent Spanish-only models on the same task, yet all models focus too often on spurious statistical features, such as sentence length. We release the corpora in our evaluation to the broader community with the hopes of pushing forward the state-of-the-art in Spanish natural language processing. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:59:19 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# sst:既存経路に基づくタクシー目的地予測のための簡易スウィントランスモデル SST: A Simplified Swin Transformer-based Model for Taxi Destination Prediction based on Existing Trajectory ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07555v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zepu Wang, Yifei Sun, Zhiyu Lei, Xincheng Zhu, Peng Sun | (参考訳) タクシーの目的地を正確に予測することは、インテリジェントな位置情報サービスに様々な利点をもたらす。
Swin Transformer はコンピュータビジョンアーキテクチャであり、下流のタスクの視覚的成功を示すものであるが、現実世界の軌道問題の解決には一般的には使われていない。
本稿では,従来のSwin Transformerではトラジェクトリデータが連続しているため,従来のSwin Transformerではシフトウインドウのアイデアを使用しない簡易Swin Transformer (SST) 構造を提案する。
実軌道データに基づく包括的実験により,SSTが最先端の手法よりも高い精度を達成できることが実証された。 Accurately predicting the destination of taxi trajectories can have various benefits for intelligent location-based services. One potential method to accomplish this prediction is by converting the taxi trajectory into a two-dimensional grid and using computer vision techniques. While the Swin Transformer is an innovative computer vision architecture with demonstrated success in vision downstream tasks, it is not commonly used to solve real-world trajectory problems. In this paper, we propose a simplified Swin Transformer (SST) structure that does not use the shifted window idea in the traditional Swin Transformer, as trajectory data is consecutive in nature. Our comprehensive experiments, based on real trajectory data, demonstrate that SST can achieve higher accuracy compared to state-of-the-art methods. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:59:05 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# LogPrompt: ゼロショットと解釈可能なログ分析に向けたプロンプトエンジニアリング LogPrompt: Prompt Engineering Towards Zero-Shot and Interpretable Log Analysis ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07610v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yilun Liu, Shimin Tao, Weibin Meng, Jingyu Wang, Wenbing Ma, Yanqing Zhao, Yuhang Chen, Hao Yang, Yanfei Jiang, Xun Chen | (参考訳) 自動ログ解析は、ソフトウェアメンテナンスとエンジニアリングライフサイクルを通して信頼性とレジリエンスを確保するために、現代のソフトウェア集約システムにおいて不可欠である。
LogPromptはまた、オープンソースおよび小規模のLLMとの顕著な互換性を示しており、実用的なデプロイメントに柔軟である。 Automated log analysis is crucial in modern software-intensive systems for ensuring reliability and resilience throughout software maintenance and engineering life cycles. Existing methods perform tasks such as log parsing and log anomaly detection by providing a single prediction value without interpretation. However, given the increasing volume of system events, the limited interpretability of analysis results hinders analysts' trust and their ability to take appropriate actions. Moreover, these methods require substantial in-domain training data, and their performance declines sharply (by up to 62.5%) in online scenarios involving unseen logs from new domains, a common occurrence due to rapid software updates. In this paper, we propose LogPrompt, a novel zero-shot and interpretable log analysis approach. LogPrompt employs large language models (LLMs) to perform zero-shot log analysis tasks via a suite of advanced prompt strategies tailored for log tasks, which enhances LLMs' performance by up to 107.5% compared with simple prompts. Experiments on nine publicly available evaluation datasets across two tasks demonstrate that LogPrompt, despite using no training data, outperforms existing approaches trained on thousands of logs by up to around 50%. We also conduct a human evaluation of LogPrompt's interpretability, with six practitioners possessing over 10 years of experience, who highly rated the generated content in terms of usefulness and readability (averagely 4.42/5). LogPrompt also exhibits remarkable compatibility with open-source and smaller-scale LLMs, making it flexible for practical deployment. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:52:34 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 準エルミート時間依存観測器を用いた3つのモデル構築戦略 Three alternative model-building strategies using quasi-Hermitian time-dependent observables ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07609v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Miloslav Znojil | (参考訳) k+1)-$plet of non-hermitian and time-dependent operator (例えば、$\lambda_j(t)$, $j=0,1,\ldots,k$) はユニタリ量子系を特徴づける観測可能な集合として解釈できる。
非エルミート相互作用図 (non-hermitian interaction-picture, nip) と呼ばれる理論は、次の状態の進化を別々に記述する必要がある: $\psi(t)$ (schr\"{o}dinger-type equation, by a generator, say, $g(t)$) and of the observables itself (a different generator (例えば $\sigma(t)(t)$) は、関連する非ヘルミート的ハイゼンベルク型方程式で起こる)。
すべての$\Lambda_j(t)$ (and, in particular, Hamiltonian $H(t)=\Lambda_0(t)$) は、その仮説的なアイソスペクトルと自己共役(ただし、仮定上は、明らかにユーザフレンドリでない)なアバター $\lambda_j(t)=\Omega(t)=\Omega(t)\Lambda_j(t)\Omega^{-1}(t)$ with $\Omega^\dagger(t)\Omega(t)=\Theta(t)$ に同値である。
この論文では、id $h(t)=g(t)+\sigma(t)$ で果たされる重要な役割は、nipアプローチの他の3つの有意義な実装、すなわち viz., ``number one'' ($h(t)$ の知識に基づく ``dynamical'' 戦略)、 ``number two'' (a ``$kinematical''' 、コリオリ力 $\sigma(t)$) と ``number three''' (文献では、$g(t)$ に基づく構成が最も一般的であるが、パラドックス的にも最も複雑である) であることを示している。 A $(K+1)-$plet of non-Hermitian and time-dependent operators (say, $\Lambda_j(t)$, $j=0,1,\ldots,K$) can be interpreted as the set of observables characterizing a unitary quantum system. What is required is the existence of a self-adjoint and, in general, time-dependent operator (say, $\Theta(t)$ called inner product metric) making the operators quasi-Hermitian, $\Lambda_j^\dagger(t)\Theta(t)=\Theta(t)\Lambda_j(t)$. The theory (called non-Hermitian interaction-picture, NIP) requires a separate description of the evolution of the states $\psi(t)$ (realized, via Schr\"{o}dinger-type equation, by a generator, say, $G(t)$) and of the observables themselves (a different generator (say, $\Sigma(t)(t)$) occurs in the related non-Hermitian Heisenberg-type equation). Every $\Lambda_j(t)$ (and, in particular, Hamiltonian $H(t)=\Lambda_0(t)$) appears isospectral to its hypothetical isospectral and self-adjoint (but, by assumption, prohibitively user-unfriendly) avatar $\lambda_j(t)=\Omega(t)\Lambda_j(t)\Omega^{-1}(t)$ with $\Omega^\dagger(t)\Omega(t)=\Theta(t)$. In our paper the key role played by identity $H(t)=G(t)+\Sigma(t)$ is shown to imply that there exist just three alternative meaningful implementations of the NIP approach, viz., ``number one'' (a ``dynamical'' strategy based on the knowledge of $H(t)$), ``number two'' (a ``kinematical'' one, based on the Coriolis force $\Sigma(t)$) and ``number three'' (in the literature, such a construction based on $G(t)$ is most popular but, paradoxically, it is also most complicated). | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:52:08 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# SGDiff:ファッション合成のためのスタイルガイド付き拡散モデル SGDiff: A Style Guided Diffusion Model for Fashion Synthesis ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07605v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhengwentai Sun, Yanghong Zhou, Honghong He, P. Y. Mok | (参考訳) 本稿では,既存の画像合成モデルに固有の弱点を克服する新しいスタイル誘導拡散モデル(SGDiff)の開発について報告する。
コードとデータセットは \url{https://github.com/taited/sgdiff} で利用可能である。 This paper reports on the development of \textbf{a novel style guided diffusion model (SGDiff)} which overcomes certain weaknesses inherent in existing models for image synthesis. The proposed SGDiff combines image modality with a pretrained text-to-image diffusion model to facilitate creative fashion image synthesis. It addresses the limitations of text-to-image diffusion models by incorporating supplementary style guidance, substantially reducing training costs, and overcoming the difficulties of controlling synthesized styles with text-only inputs. This paper also introduces a new dataset -- SG-Fashion, specifically designed for fashion image synthesis applications, offering high-resolution images and an extensive range of garment categories. By means of comprehensive ablation study, we examine the application of classifier-free guidance to a variety of conditions and validate the effectiveness of the proposed model for generating fashion images of the desired categories, product attributes, and styles. The contributions of this paper include a novel classifier-free guidance method for multi-modal feature fusion, a comprehensive dataset for fashion image synthesis application, a thorough investigation on conditioned text-to-image synthesis, and valuable insights for future research in the text-to-image synthesis domain. The code and dataset are available at: \url{https://github.com/taited/SGDiff}. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:50:40 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 異常検出のための機械学習による外惑星大気の新化学の探索 Searching for Novel Chemistry in Exoplanetary Atmospheres using Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07604v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Roy T. Forestano, Konstantin T. Matchev, Katia Matcheva, Eyup B. Unlu | (参考訳) 次世代の望遠鏡は、何千もの太陽系外惑星の高解像度の分光データが得られるようになるだろう。
いずれの場合も、ROC曲線を用いて2つのML手法の性能を定量化し比較する。 The next generation of telescopes will yield a substantial increase in the availability of high-resolution spectroscopic data for thousands of exoplanets. The sheer volume of data and number of planets to be analyzed greatly motivate the development of new, fast and efficient methods for flagging interesting planets for reobservation and detailed analysis. We advocate the application of machine learning (ML) techniques for anomaly (novelty) detection to exoplanet transit spectra, with the goal of identifying planets with unusual chemical composition and even searching for unknown biosignatures. We successfully demonstrate the feasibility of two popular anomaly detection methods (Local Outlier Factor and One Class Support Vector Machine) on a large public database of synthetic spectra. We consider several test cases, each with different levels of instrumental noise. In each case, we use ROC curves to quantify and compare the performance of the two ML techniques. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:50:15 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# マルコフ開量子系の定常状態に対するアトラクション領域解析 Attraction Domain Analysis for Steady States of Markovian Open Quantum Systems ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07602v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Shikun Zhang, Guofeng Zhang | (参考訳) 本稿ではマルコフ開量子系の定常状態に対するアトラクション領域解析について述べる。
我々は, 定常状態と初期状態に対して, 後者が前者のアトラクション領域に属するか否かを決定する必要十分条件を提示することにより, この疑問に答える。
最後に、開ハイゼンベルク XXZ スピン鎖に関する例を示す。 This article concerns the attraction domain analysis for steady states in Markovian open quantum systems. The central question is proposed as: given a steady state, which part of the state space of density operators does it attract and which part does it not attract? We answer this question by presenting necessary and sufficient conditions that determine, for any steady state and initial state, whether the latter belongs to the attraction domain of the former. Moreover, we show that steady states without uniqueness in the set of density operators have attraction domains with measure zero under some translation invariant and locally finite measures. Finally, an example regarding an open Heisenberg XXZ spin chain is presented. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:50:02 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# VLSP2022用VBD-MT中国語ベトナム語翻訳システム VBD-MT Chinese-Vietnamese Translation Systems for VLSP 2022 ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07601v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Hai Long Trieu, Song Kiet Bui, Tan Minh Tran, Van Khanh Tran, Hai An Nguyen | (参考訳) 本稿では,VLSP 2022の機械翻訳共有タスクに参加する。
ベトナム語で38.9 BLEU、ベトナム語で38.0 BLEU、公試で38.0 BLEUを達成。 We present our systems participated in the VLSP 2022 machine translation shared task. In the shared task this year, we participated in both translation tasks, i.e., Chinese-Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Chinese translations. We build our systems based on the neural-based Transformer model with the powerful multilingual denoising pre-trained model mBART. The systems are enhanced by a sampling method for backtranslation, which leverage large scale available monolingual data. Additionally, several other methods are applied to improve the translation quality including ensembling and postprocessing. We achieve 38.9 BLEU on ChineseVietnamese and 38.0 BLEU on VietnameseChinese on the public test sets, which outperform several strong baselines. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:49:52 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# マルチモーダル・ディバイサル・イミテーション学習によるゲームのためのペルソナ生成 Generating Personas for Games with Multimodal Adversarial Imitation Learning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07598v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | William Ahlberg, Alessandro Sestini, Konrad Tollmar, Linus Gissl\'en | (参考訳) 強化学習は、人間レベルでゲームをプレイできるエージェントの制作に広く成功している。
multimodal generative adversarial imitation learning (multigail) は補助入力パラメータを使用して、単一エージェントモデルを用いて異なるペルソナを学習する。
本手法は,連続的および離散的動作空間を有する2つの環境において有効であることを示す。 Reinforcement learning has been widely successful in producing agents capable of playing games at a human level. However, this requires complex reward engineering, and the agent's resulting policy is often unpredictable. Going beyond reinforcement learning is necessary to model a wide range of human playstyles, which can be difficult to represent with a reward function. This paper presents a novel imitation learning approach to generate multiple persona policies for playtesting. Multimodal Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (MultiGAIL) uses an auxiliary input parameter to learn distinct personas using a single-agent model. MultiGAIL is based on generative adversarial imitation learning and uses multiple discriminators as reward models, inferring the environment reward by comparing the agent and distinct expert policies. The reward from each discriminator is weighted according to the auxiliary input. Our experimental analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of our technique in two environments with continuous and discrete action spaces. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:49:40 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# akvsr: 事前学習モデルの音声知識圧縮による視覚音声認識能力の向上 AKVSR: Audio Knowledge Empowered Visual Speech Recognition by Compressing Audio Knowledge of a Pretrained Model ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07593v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jeong Hun Yeo, Minsu Kim, Jeongsoo Choi, Dae Hoe Kim, and Yong Man Ro | (参考訳) 視覚音声認識(VSR)は、無声唇の動きから発声語を予測するタスクである。
本稿では、音声モダリティを用いて、視覚的モダリティの不十分な音声情報を補うために、AKVSR(Audio Knowledge empowered Visual Speech Recognition framework)を提案する。
提案手法の有効性を広範囲な実験により検証し,広範に使用されているデータセット,LSS2,LSS3上での最先端性能を実現する。 Visual Speech Recognition (VSR) is the task of predicting spoken words from silent lip movements. VSR is regarded as a challenging task because of the insufficient information on lip movements. In this paper, we propose an Audio Knowledge empowered Visual Speech Recognition framework (AKVSR) to complement the insufficient speech information of visual modality by using audio modality. Different from the previous methods, the proposed AKVSR 1) utilizes rich audio knowledge encoded by a large-scale pretrained audio model, 2) saves the linguistic information of audio knowledge in compact audio memory by discarding the non-linguistic information from the audio through quantization, and 3) includes Audio Bridging Module which can find the best-matched audio features from the compact audio memory, which makes our training possible without audio inputs, once after the compact audio memory is composed. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed method through extensive experiments, and achieve new state-of-the-art performances on the widely-used datasets, LRS2 and LRS3. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:49:24 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# グラフセグメンタ:セマンティックセグメンテーションのための境界認識型グラフ変換器 Graph-Segmenter: Graph Transformer with Boundary-aware Attention for Semantic Segmentation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07592v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zizhang Wu, Yuanzhu Gan, Tianhao Xu, Fan Wang | (参考訳) ウィンドウをスライディングすることで画像を異なる領域に分割し,各ウィンドウ内の関係をモデル化するトランスフォーマーベースのセマンティックセマンティックセマンティクスアプローチは,大きな成功を収めた。
広範に使用される3つの意味セグメンテーションデータセット(cityscapes、ade-20k、pascal context)に関する広範な実験により、提案するネットワークである境界を意識したグラフトランスフォーマが、最先端セグメンテーション性能を達成できることが示されている。 The transformer-based semantic segmentation approaches, which divide the image into different regions by sliding windows and model the relation inside each window, have achieved outstanding success. However, since the relation modeling between windows was not the primary emphasis of previous work, it was not fully utilized. To address this issue, we propose a Graph-Segmenter, including a Graph Transformer and a Boundary-aware Attention module, which is an effective network for simultaneously modeling the more profound relation between windows in a global view and various pixels inside each window as a local one, and for substantial low-cost boundary adjustment. Specifically, we treat every window and pixel inside the window as nodes to construct graphs for both views and devise the Graph Transformer. The introduced boundary-aware attention module optimizes the edge information of the target objects by modeling the relationship between the pixel on the object's edge. Extensive experiments on three widely used semantic segmentation datasets (Cityscapes, ADE-20k and PASCAL Context) demonstrate that our proposed network, a Graph Transformer with Boundary-aware Attention, can achieve state-of-the-art segmentation performance. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:49:08 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ADD:自動運転のための魚眼自動脱感作データセット ADD: An Automatic Desensitization Fisheye Dataset for Autonomous Driving ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07590v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zizhang Wu, Chenxin Yuan, Hongyang Wei, Fan Song, Tianhao Xu | (参考訳) 自律運転システムは周囲の環境を分析するために多くの画像を必要とする。
画像の無感化性能の評価基準をさらに提示し,画像の無感化における手法の有効性と優位性を広範囲比較実験により検証した。 Autonomous driving systems require many images for analyzing the surrounding environment. However, there is fewer data protection for private information among these captured images, such as pedestrian faces or vehicle license plates, which has become a significant issue. In this paper, in response to the call for data security laws and regulations and based on the advantages of large Field of View(FoV) of the fisheye camera, we build the first Autopilot Desensitization Dataset, called ADD, and formulate the first deep-learning-based image desensitization framework, to promote the study of image desensitization in autonomous driving scenarios. The compiled dataset consists of 650K images, including different face and vehicle license plate information captured by the surround-view fisheye camera. It covers various autonomous driving scenarios, including diverse facial characteristics and license plate colors. Then, we propose an efficient multitask desensitization network called DesCenterNet as a benchmark on the ADD dataset, which can perform face and vehicle license plate detection and desensitization tasks. Based on ADD, we further provide an evaluation criterion for desensitization performance, and extensive comparison experiments have verified the effectiveness and superiority of our method on image desensitization. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:48:40 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# LLM-Mini-CEX:診断対話のための大規模言語モデルの自動評価 LLM-Mini-CEX: Automatic Evaluation of Large Language Model for Diagnostic Conversation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07635v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xiaoming Shi, Jie Xu, Jinru Ding, Jiali Pang, Sichen Liu, Shuqing Luo, Xingwei Peng, Lu Lu, Haihong Yang, Mingtao Hu, Tong Ruan, Shaoting Zhang | (参考訳) 診断効率を向上させるための診断用LSMの開発への関心が高まっている。
労働集約型インタラクション問題に対処するために, llmとの自動対話を行うための患者シミュレータを開発し, chatgptを用いて診断対話を自動的に評価する。
実験の結果, LLM特異的ミニCEXは診断対話の評価に必要であることがわかった。
さらに、ChatGPTは人文的品質の指標を手作業で評価し、異なるLLM間の再現性と自動比較を提供する。 There is an increasing interest in developing LLMs for medical diagnosis to improve diagnosis efficiency. Despite their alluring technological potential, there is no unified and comprehensive evaluation criterion, leading to the inability to evaluate the quality and potential risks of medical LLMs, further hindering the application of LLMs in medical treatment scenarios. Besides, current evaluations heavily rely on labor-intensive interactions with LLMs to obtain diagnostic dialogues and human evaluation on the quality of diagnosis dialogue. To tackle the lack of unified and comprehensive evaluation criterion, we first initially establish an evaluation criterion, termed LLM-specific Mini-CEX to assess the diagnostic capabilities of LLMs effectively, based on original Mini-CEX. To address the labor-intensive interaction problem, we develop a patient simulator to engage in automatic conversations with LLMs, and utilize ChatGPT for evaluating diagnosis dialogues automatically. Experimental results show that the LLM-specific Mini-CEX is adequate and necessary to evaluate medical diagnosis dialogue. Besides, ChatGPT can replace manual evaluation on the metrics of humanistic qualities and provides reproducible and automated comparisons between different LLMs. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:42:37 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 大規模言語モデルのモデル圧縮に関する調査 A Survey on Model Compression for Large Language Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07633v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Xunyu Zhu, Jian Li, Yong Liu, Can Ma, Weiping Wang | (参考訳) 大規模言語モデル(LLM)は、自然言語処理タスクに革命をもたらした。
効率的な配置の必要性に対処するため, 定量化, 刈り取り, 知識蒸留など, 様々な手法を探求する。
llmが進化を続けるにつれ、この調査は効率化と実世界の適用性の向上を目標とし、この分野における今後の進歩のための基盤を確立する。 Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing tasks with remarkable success. However, their formidable size and computational demands present significant challenges for practical deployment, especially in resource-constrained environments. As these challenges become increasingly pertinent, the field of model compression has emerged as a pivotal research area to alleviate these limitations. This paper presents a comprehensive survey that navigates the landscape of model compression techniques tailored specifically for LLMs. Addressing the imperative need for efficient deployment, we delve into various methodologies, encompassing quantization, pruning, knowledge distillation, and more. Within each of these techniques, we highlight recent advancements and innovative approaches that contribute to the evolving landscape of LLM research. Furthermore, we explore benchmarking strategies and evaluation metrics that are essential for assessing the effectiveness of compressed LLMs. By providing insights into the latest developments and practical implications, this survey serves as an invaluable resource for both researchers and practitioners. As LLMs continue to evolve, this survey aims to facilitate enhanced efficiency and real-world applicability, establishing a foundation for future advancements in the field. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:42:15 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Nチャネルパリティ時対称性 N-channel parity-time symmetry ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07631v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ege \"Ozg\"un | (参考訳) 等価損失/ゲインによるパリティ時間対称性を持つ一般nチャネル結合系の固有値を計算する。
その結果, 固有値のn-2はパリティ時間破壊であり, 残りの2つはパリティ時間対称であるか, 損失/利得とカップリングパラメータによって破壊されていることがわかった。
また,パリティ時対称相とパリティ時破壊相の混合は,分極のような他の自由度が考慮されない場合,少なくとも4チャンネルでのみ得られることを示した。 We calculated the eigenvalues for a general N-channel coupled system with parity-time symmetry due to equal loss/gain. We found that the eigenspectrum displays a mixing of parity-time symmetric and broken phases, with N-2 of the eigenvalues being parity-time broken whereas the remaining two being either parity-time symmetric or broken depending on the loss/gain and coupling parameters. Our results also show that mixing of parity-time symmetric and parity-time broken phases can only be obtained for at least four-channels if other degrees of freedom like polarization is not taken into account. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:41:58 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 逆伝達性を考慮したバックプロパゲーション経路探索 Backpropagation Path Search On Adversarial Transferability ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07625v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhuoer Xu, Zhangxuan Gu, Jianping Zhang, Shiwen Cui, Changhua Meng, Weiqiang Wang | (参考訳) ディープニューラルネットワークは敵の例に対して脆弱であり、デプロイ前にモデルの堅牢性をテストする命令性を決定する。
本稿では,先述の2つの問題を解くために,papagation pAth Search (PAS)を提案する。
我々は多種多様な転送環境で総合的な実験を行い、PASは通常の訓練モデルと防衛モデルの両方において、攻撃成功率を大幅に向上することを示した。 Deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples, dictating the imperativeness to test the model's robustness before deployment. Transfer-based attackers craft adversarial examples against surrogate models and transfer them to victim models deployed in the black-box situation. To enhance the adversarial transferability, structure-based attackers adjust the backpropagation path to avoid the attack from overfitting the surrogate model. However, existing structure-based attackers fail to explore the convolution module in CNNs and modify the backpropagation graph heuristically, leading to limited effectiveness. In this paper, we propose backPropagation pAth Search (PAS), solving the aforementioned two problems. We first propose SkipConv to adjust the backpropagation path of convolution by structural reparameterization. To overcome the drawback of heuristically designed backpropagation paths, we further construct a DAG-based search space, utilize one-step approximation for path evaluation and employ Bayesian Optimization to search for the optimal path. We conduct comprehensive experiments in a wide range of transfer settings, showing that PAS improves the attack success rate by a huge margin for both normally trained and defense models. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:41:47 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 短距離医用画像分割のための自己プロンピング大ビジョンモデル Self-Prompting Large Vision Models for Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07624v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Qi Wu, Yuyao Zhang, Marawan Elbatel | (参考訳) 大規模基盤モデルの最近の進歩は、フレキシブル・プロンプト能力によって医療産業に有望な可能性を示している。
そのようなモデルの一つであるSAM(Segment Anything Model)は、医療画像セグメンテーションにおける最先端のアプローチを超越して、顕著な性能向上を示した。
具体的には、SAM の埋め込み空間を利用して、単純で効果的な線形画素ワイド分類器を通して自身を誘導する。
大規模モデルの符号化能力と文脈情報をデコーダから保存し、そのインタラクティブなプロンサ性を活用することで、複数のデータセット(例えば、数枚の画像を用いたマスクデコーダの微調整と比較して15%以上の改善)で競合的な結果が得られる。 Recent advancements in large foundation models have shown promising potential in the medical industry due to their flexible prompting capability. One such model, the Segment Anything Model (SAM), a prompt-driven segmentation model, has shown remarkable performance improvements, surpassing state-of-the-art approaches in medical image segmentation. However, existing methods primarily rely on tuning strategies that require extensive data or prior prompts tailored to the specific task, making it particularly challenging when only a limited number of data samples are available. In this paper, we propose a novel perspective on self-prompting in medical vision applications. Specifically, we harness the embedding space of SAM to prompt itself through a simple yet effective linear pixel-wise classifier. By preserving the encoding capabilities of the large model, the contextual information from its decoder, and leveraging its interactive promptability, we achieve competitive results on multiple datasets (i.e. improvement of more than 15% compared to fine-tuning the mask decoder using a few images). | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:41:27 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# メタバースサービスのための視覚に基づくセマンティックコミュニケーション:コンテスト理論によるアプローチ Vision-based Semantic Communications for Metaverse Services: A Contest Theoretic Approach ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07618v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Guangyuan Liu, Hongyang Du, Dusit Niyato, Jiawen Kang, Zehui Xiong, and Boon Hee Soong | (参考訳) エンターテイメント、ソーシャル、ワークプラットフォームとしてのMetaverseの人気は、バーチャルワールドにおけるシームレスなアバター統合を大いに必要としてきた。
仮想バイロケーションとユーザ間のリアルタイム同期を実現することは複雑であり、Metaverse Service Provider(MSP)のレンダリングリソース割り当てスキームに高い要求を課す。
このフレームワークは、vr環境におけるアバターアソシエーションのためのリソース割り当てに対する新しいソリューションを提供し、すべてのユーザにスムーズで没入的なエクスペリエンスを提供する。 The popularity of Metaverse as an entertainment, social, and work platform has led to a great need for seamless avatar integration in the virtual world. In Metaverse, avatars must be updated and rendered to reflect users' behaviour. Achieving real-time synchronization between the virtual bilocation and the user is complex, placing high demands on the Metaverse Service Provider (MSP)'s rendering resource allocation scheme. To tackle this issue, we propose a semantic communication framework that leverages contest theory to model the interactions between users and MSPs and determine optimal resource allocation for each user. To reduce the consumption of network resources in wireless transmission, we use the semantic communication technique to reduce the amount of data to be transmitted. Under our simulation settings, the encoded semantic data only contains 51 bytes of skeleton coordinates instead of the image size of 8.243 megabytes. Moreover, we implement Deep Q-Network to optimize reward settings for maximum performance and efficient resource allocation. With the optimal reward setting, users are incentivized to select their respective suitable uploading frequency, reducing down-sampling loss due to rendering resource constraints by 66.076\% compared with the traditional average distribution method. The framework provides a novel solution to resource allocation for avatar association in VR environments, ensuring a smooth and immersive experience for all users. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:41:08 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 中国政策下における住宅団地の概念設計のための多層パーセプトロン型高速日光評価 A Multilayer Perceptron-based Fast Sunlight Assessment for the Conceptual Design of Residential Neighborhoods under Chinese Policy ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07616v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Can Jiang, Xiong Liang, Yu-Cheng Zhou, Yong Tian, Shengli Xu, Jia-Rui Lin, Zhiliang Ma, Shiji Yang, Hao Zhou | (参考訳) 中国の建築基準では、特定の冬の日に住宅が自然の直射日光を最小時間受けることが義務付けられており、これは1年で最悪の日光条件である。
また,提案モデルに基づき,rhino 7/grasshopperの住宅街区配置計画用プラグインも開発した。
本稿では,概念設計段階での日光時間シミュレーションの高速化に深層学習手法を応用できることを示す。 In Chinese building codes, it is required that residential buildings receive a minimum number of hours of natural, direct sunlight on a specified winter day, which represents the worst sunlight condition in a year. This requirement is a prerequisite for obtaining a building permit during the conceptual design of a residential project. Thus, officially sanctioned software is usually used to assess the sunlight performance of buildings. These software programs predict sunlight hours based on repeated shading calculations, which is time-consuming. This paper proposed a multilayer perceptron-based method, a one-stage prediction approach, which outputs a shading time interval caused by the inputted cuboid-form building. The sunlight hours of a site can be obtained by calculating the union of the sunlight time intervals (complement of shading time interval) of all the buildings. Three numerical experiments, i.e., horizontal level and slope analysis, and simulation-based optimization are carried out; the results show that the method reduces the computation time to 1/84~1/50 with 96.5%~98% accuracies. A residential neighborhood layout planning plug-in for Rhino 7/Grasshopper is also developed based on the proposed model. This paper indicates that deep learning techniques can be adopted to accelerate sunlight hour simulations at the conceptual design phase. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:40:46 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 多世界解釈学習のための自己教師付きハイパーグラフ Self-supervised Hypergraphs for Learning Multiple World Interpretations ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07615v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Alina Marcu, Mihai Pirvu, Dragos Costea, Emanuela Haller, Emil Slusanschi, Ahmed Nabil Belbachir, Rahul Sukthankar, Marius Leordeanu | (参考訳) マルチタスクハイパーグラフの形式で,これらの表現間の関係を利用して,小さなラベル付き集合を与えられた複数のシーン表現を学習する手法を提案する。
マルチタスク学習に適した複数の表現を備えた,複雑な実世界のシーンでuavでキャプチャされた大規模なビデオデータセットであるdronescapesも紹介する。 We present a method for learning multiple scene representations given a small labeled set, by exploiting the relationships between such representations in the form of a multi-task hypergraph. We also show how we can use the hypergraph to improve a powerful pretrained VisTransformer model without any additional labeled data. In our hypergraph, each node is an interpretation layer (e.g., depth or segmentation) of the scene. Within each hyperedge, one or several input nodes predict the layer at the output node. Thus, each node could be an input node in some hyperedges and an output node in others. In this way, multiple paths can reach the same node, to form ensembles from which we obtain robust pseudolabels, which allow self-supervised learning in the hypergraph. We test different ensemble models and different types of hyperedges and show superior performance to other multi-task graph models in the field. We also introduce Dronescapes, a large video dataset captured with UAVs in different complex real-world scenes, with multiple representations, suitable for multi-task learning. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:40:25 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ボルツマン状態におけるハイゼンベルクの不確かさ積の下限について On the lower bound of the Heisenberg uncertainty product in the Boltzmann states ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07613v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yao Wang | (参考訳) 不確実性原理は、位置の精度と運動量測定の基本的なトレードオフを記述するため、量子力学の中心にある。
本研究ではボルツマン状態における量子粒子を研究し, {\delta}x と {\delta}p の積上の洗練された下界を導出する。
新しいバウンドは {\delta}xと熱ドブロイの波長の比で表され、熱力学的精度を特徴付ける貴重なツールとなる。
解析の結果、新しい境界は、精度の熱力学的限界をより正確に測定できることがわかった。 The uncertainty principle lies at the heart of quantum mechanics, as it describes the fundamental trade-off between the precision of position and momentum measurements. In this work, we study the quantum particle in the Boltzmann states and derive a refined lower bound on the product of {\Delta}x and {\Delta}p. Our new bound is expressed in terms of the ratio between {\Delta}x and the thermal de Broglie wavelength, and provides a valuable tool for characterizing thermodynamic precision. We apply our results to the Brownian oscillator system, where we compare our new bound with the well-known Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Our analysis shows that our new bound offers a more precise measure of the thermodynamic limits of precision. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:40:08 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# GAMER-MRILによる多発性硬化症における障害関連脳変化の同定 GAMER-MRIL identifies Disability-Related Brain Changes in Multiple Sclerosis ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07611v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Po-Jui Lu, Benjamin Odry, Muhamed Barakovic, Matthias Weigel, Robin Sandk\"uhler, Reza Rahmanzadeh, Xinjie Chen, Mario Ocampo-Pineda, Jens Kuhle, Ludwig Kappos, Philippe Cattin, Cristina Granziera | (参考訳) 目的:多発性硬化症(MS)患者における障害関連脳変化の同定が重要である。
方法: 3T MRI を施行した。
結果: AUC=0.885。
関連領域は皮質脊髄路で,QT1とNDIは患者の障害スコアと有意な相関を示した(\rho$=-0.37, 0.44)。
結語: これらの結果から, GAMER-MRILはqMRIを用いて重度障害患者を分類し, 移動機能の整合性に重要な脳領域を同定できることが示唆された。
意義:GAMER-MRILはバイオマーカーの開発と臨床医のNNへの信頼を高めることを約束している。 Objective: Identifying disability-related brain changes is important for multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Currently, there is no clear understanding about which pathological features drive disability in single MS patients. In this work, we propose a novel comprehensive approach, GAMER-MRIL, leveraging whole-brain quantitative MRI (qMRI), convolutional neural network (CNN), and an interpretability method from classifying MS patients with severe disability to investigating relevant pathological brain changes. Methods: One-hundred-sixty-six MS patients underwent 3T MRI acquisitions. qMRI informative of microstructural brain properties was reconstructed, including quantitative T1 (qT1), myelin water fraction (MWF), and neurite density index (NDI). To fully utilize the qMRI, GAMER-MRIL extended a gated-attention-based CNN (GAMER-MRI), which was developed to select patch-based qMRI important for a given task/question, to the whole-brain image. To find out disability-related brain regions, GAMER-MRIL modified a structure-aware interpretability method, Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP), to incorporate qMRI. Results: The test performance was AUC=0.885. qT1 was the most sensitive measure related to disability, followed by NDI. The proposed LRP approach obtained more specifically relevant regions than other interpretability methods, including the saliency map, the integrated gradients, and the original LRP. The relevant regions included the corticospinal tract, where average qT1 and NDI significantly correlated with patients' disability scores ($\rho$=-0.37 and 0.44). Conclusion: These results demonstrated that GAMER-MRIL can classify patients with severe disability using qMRI and subsequently identify brain regions potentially important to the integrity of the mobile function. Significance: GAMER-MRIL holds promise for developing biomarkers and increasing clinicians' trust in NN. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:39:55 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 注意はこれ以上必要なものではない Attention Is Not All You Need Anymore ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07661v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Zhe Chen | (参考訳) 近年,自然言語処理やコンピュータビジョンなど,多くの応用分野において人気のTransformerアーキテクチャが大きな成功を収めている。
本稿では, 変圧器の自己保持機構であるエクストラクタ(Extractor)をドロップインで置き換える手法を提案する。
実験の結果, 自己着脱機構を抽出器に置き換えることで, 変圧器の性能が向上することがわかった。
さらに,テキスト生成の文脈におけるシーケンス予測問題を可変長離散時間マルコフ連鎖を用いて定式化し,その理解に基づいてトランスフォーマーについて検討する。 In recent years, the popular Transformer architecture has achieved great success in many application areas, including natural language processing and computer vision. Many existing works aim to reduce the computational and memory complexity of the self-attention mechanism in the Transformer by trading off performance. However, performance is key for the continuing success of the Transformer. In this paper, a drop-in replacement for the self-attention mechanism in the Transformer, called the Extractor, is proposed. Experimental results show that replacing the self-attention mechanism with the Extractor improves the performance of the Transformer. Furthermore, the proposed Extractor has the potential to run faster than the self-attention since it has a much shorter critical path of computation. Additionally, the sequence prediction problem in the context of text generation is formulated using variable-length discrete-time Markov chains, and the Transformer is reviewed based on our understanding. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:33:13 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Kadanoff-Baym方程式を用いたオープン量子システム Open Quantum Systems with Kadanoff-Baym Equations ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07659v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Tim Neidig, Jan Rais, Marcus Bleicher, Hendrik van Hees, and Carsten Greiner | (参考訳) ボソニック粒子の熱浴中での1次元の魅力的な二乗ウェルポテンシャルの中で1つの束縛状態を示す量子力学的フェルミオン粒子の時間的発展について検討した。
この開量子系では、熱-熱粒子との相互作用を弾性 2-2 散乱とすることで、系粒子の非平衡カダノフ・ベイム方程式を定式化する。
本研究では, 系粒子が熱浴と平衡し熱し, 密度行列の非対角要素が1粒子のエネルギー固有ベイシスでどのように表されるかを示し, 対角成分, すなわち占有数のみが存続することを示す。
さらに、(取り戻された)グリーン関数の時間発展は、様々な1粒子量子状態のスペクトル特性も決定する。 We study the temporal evolution of quantum mechanical fermionic particles exhibiting one bound state within a one-dimensional attractive square-well potential in a heat bath of bosonic particles. For this open quantum system we formulate the non-equilibrium Kadanoff-Baym equations for the system particles by taking the interactions to be elastic 2-2 scatterings with the heat-bath particles. The corresponding spatially imhomogeneous integro-differential equations for the one-particle Greens's function are solved numerically. We demonstrate how the system particles equilibrate and thermalize with the heat bath and how the off-diagonal elements of the density matrix, expressed in the one-particle energy eigenbasis, decohere, so that only the diagonal entries, i.e. the occupation numbers, survive. In addition, the time evolution of the (retarded) Green's function also determines the spectral properties of the various one-particle quantum states. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:32:46 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# コミットメッセージ生成から履歴対応コミットメッセージ補完へ From Commit Message Generation to History-Aware Commit Message Completion ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07655v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Aleksandra Eliseeva, Yaroslav Sokolov, Egor Bogomolov, Yaroslav Golubev, Danny Dig, Timofey Bryksin | (参考訳) コミットメッセージはソフトウェア開発に不可欠であり、開発者は変更を追跡し、効果的に協力することができる。
歴史的情報により, 生成タスクにおけるCMGモデルの性能が向上し, 生成と完了の両方においてGPT-3.5-turboの性能が向上することを示す。 Commit messages are crucial to software development, allowing developers to track changes and collaborate effectively. Despite their utility, most commit messages lack important information since writing high-quality commit messages is tedious and time-consuming. The active research on commit message generation (CMG) has not yet led to wide adoption in practice. We argue that if we could shift the focus from commit message generation to commit message completion and use previous commit history as additional context, we could significantly improve the quality and the personal nature of the resulting commit messages. In this paper, we propose and evaluate both of these novel ideas. Since the existing datasets lack historical data, we collect and share a novel dataset called CommitChronicle, containing 10.7M commits across 20 programming languages. We use this dataset to evaluate the completion setting and the usefulness of the historical context for state-of-the-art CMG models and GPT-3.5-turbo. Our results show that in some contexts, commit message completion shows better results than generation, and that while in general GPT-3.5-turbo performs worse, it shows potential for long and detailed messages. As for the history, the results show that historical information improves the performance of CMG models in the generation task, and the performance of GPT-3.5-turbo in both generation and completion. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:32:22 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# SEER: MLIRを用いたEグラフ書き換えによるHLSの超最適化エクスプローラー SEER: Super-Optimization Explorer for HLS using E-graph Rewriting with MLIR ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07654v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jianyi Cheng, Samuel Coward, Lorenzo Chelini, Rafael Barbalho, Theo Drane | (参考訳) ハイレベルシンセシス(high-level synthesis, hls)は、ソフトウェアプログラムをハイレベル言語で自動的に低レベルのハードウェア記述に変換するプロセスである。
intelが提供したケーススタディを通じて、seerは、ハードウェア専門家が手作業で最適化した設計を上回る可能性を実証している。 High-level synthesis (HLS) is a process that automatically translates a software program in a high-level language into a low-level hardware description. However, the hardware designs produced by HLS tools still suffer from a significant performance gap compared to manual implementations. This is because the input HLS programs must still be written using hardware design principles. Existing techniques either leave the program source unchanged or perform a fixed sequence of source transformation passes, potentially missing opportunities to find the optimal design. We propose a super-optimization approach for HLS that automatically rewrites an arbitrary software program into efficient HLS code that can be used to generate an optimized hardware design. We developed a toolflow named SEER, based on the e-graph data structure, to efficiently explore equivalent implementations of a program at scale. SEER provides an extensible framework, orchestrating existing software compiler passes and hardware synthesis optimizers. Our work is the first attempt to exploit e-graph rewriting for large software compiler frameworks, such as MLIR. Across a set of open-source benchmarks, we show that SEER achieves up to 38x the performance within 1.4x the area of the original program. Via an Intel-provided case study, SEER demonstrates the potential to outperform manually optimized designs produced by hardware experts. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:31:42 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 視覚野の幾何学と画像インパインティング・エンハンスメントへの応用 Geometry of the Visual Cortex with Applications to Image Inpainting and Enhancement ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07652v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Francesco Ballerin and Erlend Grong | (参考訳) 視覚野V1にインスパイアされたサブリーマン構造を持つロト翻訳群を$SE(2)$とすることで,低楕円波拡散に基づく画像の塗布と強調を行うアルゴリズムを提案する。
網膜スキャンによる血管造影法について検討した。 Equipping the rototranslation group $SE(2)$ with a sub-Riemannian structure inspired by the visual cortex V1, we propose algorithms for image inpainting and enhancement based on hypoelliptic diffusion. We innovate on previous implementations of the methods by Citti, Sarti and Boscain et al., by proposing an alternative that prevents fading and capable of producing sharper results in a procedure that we call WaxOn-WaxOff. We also exploit the sub-Riemannian structure to define a completely new unsharp using $SE(2)$, analogous of the classical unsharp filter for 2D image processing, with applications to image enhancement. We demonstrate our method on blood vessels enhancement in retinal scans. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:31:21 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# EQ-Net: 弾性量子化ニューラルネットワーク EQ-Net: Elastic Quantization Neural Networks ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07650v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ke Xu and Lei Han and Ye Tian and Shangshang Yang and Xingyi Zhang | (参考訳) 現在のモデル量子化法は、ストレージ容量と計算複雑性を削減できる有望な能力を示している。
本稿では,強靭な重み共有量子化スーパーネットのトレーニングを目的とした,Elastic Quantization Neural Networks (EQ-Net) と呼ばれるワンショットネットワーク量子化システムについて検討する。
コードは \href{https://github.com/xuke225/EQ-Net.git}{https://github.com/xuke225/EQ-Net} で入手できる。 Current model quantization methods have shown their promising capability in reducing storage space and computation complexity. However, due to the diversity of quantization forms supported by different hardware, one limitation of existing solutions is that usually require repeated optimization for different scenarios. How to construct a model with flexible quantization forms has been less studied. In this paper, we explore a one-shot network quantization regime, named Elastic Quantization Neural Networks (EQ-Net), which aims to train a robust weight-sharing quantization supernet. First of all, we propose an elastic quantization space (including elastic bit-width, granularity, and symmetry) to adapt to various mainstream quantitative forms. Secondly, we propose the Weight Distribution Regularization Loss (WDR-Loss) and Group Progressive Guidance Loss (GPG-Loss) to bridge the inconsistency of the distribution for weights and output logits in the elastic quantization space gap. Lastly, we incorporate genetic algorithms and the proposed Conditional Quantization-Aware Accuracy Predictor (CQAP) as an estimator to quickly search mixed-precision quantized neural networks in supernet. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our EQ-Net is close to or even better than its static counterparts as well as state-of-the-art robust bit-width methods. Code can be available at \href{https://github.com/xuke225/EQ-Net.git}{https://github.com/xuke225/EQ-Net}. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:30:55 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Prompt Switch: テキストビデオ検索のための効率的なCLIP適応 Prompt Switch: Efficient CLIP Adaptation for Text-Video Retrieval ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07648v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Chaorui Deng, Qi Chen, Pengda Qin, Da Chen, Qi Wu | (参考訳) テキストビデオ検索において、最近の研究は、事前訓練されたテキストイメージ基盤モデル(例えば、CLIP)の強力な学習能力の恩恵を受けている。
具体的には、まず、CLIP画像エンコーダに時空間の「Prompt Cube」を導入し、それをエンコーダ層内に繰り返し切り替え、グローバルなビデオセマンティクスをフレーム表現に効率的に組み込む。
拡張フレーム表現に有意な時間融合戦略(平均プーリング)により、3つのベンチマークデータセット(MSR-VTT, MSVD, LSMDC)上での最先端のパフォーマンスを得る。 In text-video retrieval, recent works have benefited from the powerful learning capabilities of pre-trained text-image foundation models (e.g., CLIP) by adapting them to the video domain. A critical problem for them is how to effectively capture the rich semantics inside the video using the image encoder of CLIP. To tackle this, state-of-the-art methods adopt complex cross-modal modeling techniques to fuse the text information into video frame representations, which, however, incurs severe efficiency issues in large-scale retrieval systems as the video representations must be recomputed online for every text query. In this paper, we discard this problematic cross-modal fusion process and aim to learn semantically-enhanced representations purely from the video, so that the video representations can be computed offline and reused for different texts. Concretely, we first introduce a spatial-temporal "Prompt Cube" into the CLIP image encoder and iteratively switch it within the encoder layers to efficiently incorporate the global video semantics into frame representations. We then propose to apply an auxiliary video captioning objective to train the frame representations, which facilitates the learning of detailed video semantics by providing fine-grained guidance in the semantic space. With a naive temporal fusion strategy (i.e., mean-pooling) on the enhanced frame representations, we obtain state-of-the-art performances on three benchmark datasets, i.e., MSR-VTT, MSVD, and LSMDC. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:30:30 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ステアリング言語生成:コヒーレント・ディバース合成データ生成のための対照的な専門家ガイダンスと否定的プロンプト Steering Language Generation: Harnessing Contrastive Expert Guidance and Negative Prompting for Coherent and Diverse Synthetic Data Generation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07645v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Charles O'Neill, Yuan-Sen Ting, Ioana Ciuca, Roberta Raileanu, Jack Miller, Thang Bui | (参考訳) 大規模言語モデル(LLM)は、下流モデルトレーニングから実用的なデータ活用に至るまで、多くの応用がある高品質で実用性の高い合成データを生成する大きな可能性を秘めている。
私たちはこの二重プロンプトによるlogitリシェープのアプローチを,steer: semantic text enhancement through embedded repositioningと定義しています。
我々は、STEERがハイパーパラメータを介して多様性コヒーレンシートレードオフを微調整して制御できる方法を示し、その汎用性を強調した。 Large Language Models (LLMs) hold immense potential to generate synthetic data of high quality and utility, which has numerous applications from downstream model training to practical data utilisation. However, contemporary models, despite their impressive capacities, consistently struggle to produce both coherent and diverse data. To address the coherency issue, we introduce contrastive expert guidance, where the difference between the logit distributions of fine-tuned and base language models is emphasised to ensure domain adherence. In order to ensure diversity, we utilise existing real and synthetic examples as negative prompts to the model. We deem this dual-pronged approach to logit reshaping as STEER: Semantic Text Enhancement via Embedding Repositioning. STEER operates at inference-time and systematically guides the LLMs to strike a balance between adherence to the data distribution (ensuring semantic fidelity) and deviation from prior synthetic examples or existing real datasets (ensuring diversity and authenticity). This delicate balancing act is achieved by dynamically moving towards or away from chosen representations in the latent space. STEER demonstrates improved performance over previous synthetic data generation techniques, exhibiting better balance between data diversity and coherency across three distinct tasks: hypothesis generation, toxic and non-toxic comment generation, and commonsense reasoning task generation. We demonstrate how STEER allows for fine-tuned control over the diversity-coherency trade-off via its hyperparameters, highlighting its versatility. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:29:59 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 低励起状態を超えたM\"ossbauer核のX線励起特性と検出法 A characterization and detection method for x-ray excitation of M\"ossbauer nuclei beyond the low-excitation regime ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07644v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Lukas Wolff and J\"org Evers | (参考訳) これまで、m\"ossbauer核を含む実験は低励起状態に限定されてきた。
この決定的な特徴により、m\"ossbauer spectroscopy の分解能と時間領域での制御と測定が容易であるが、同時に、加速器ベースのx線源から供給される光子のごく一部だけが核と共振していることを示している。
この観察に基づいて, 瞬時インパルスと時間延長非インプルシブx線励起の両方について実験的なシグネチャを開発した。
コヒーレントかつ不整合に散らばった強度の関係により、非線形励起の理論モデルと対応する実験をより厳密に比較することができる。 Up to now, experiments involving M\"ossbauer nuclei have been restricted to the low-excitation regime. The reason for this is the narrow spectral line width of the nuclei. This defining feature enables M\"ossbauer spectroscopy with remarkable resolution and convenient control and measurements in the time domain, but at the same time implies that only a tiny part of the photons delivered by accelerator-based x-ray sources with orders-of-magnitude larger pulse bandwidth are resonant with the nuclei. X-ray free-electron lasers promise a substantial enhancement of the number of nuclear-resonant photons per pulse, such that excitations beyond the low-excitation (LER) regime come within reach. This raises the question, how the onset of non-linear excitations could be experimentally verified. Here, we develop and explore a method to detect an excitation of nuclear ensembles beyond the LER for ensembles of nuclei embedded in x-ray waveguides. It relies on the comparison of the x-rays coherently and incoherently scattered off of the nuclei. As a key result, we show that the ratio of the two observables is constant within the LER, essentially independent of the details of the nuclear system and the characteristics of the exciting x-rays. Conversely, deviations from this equivalence serve as a direct indication of excitations beyond the LER. Building upon this observation, we develop a variety of experimental signatures both, for near-instantaneous impulsive and for temporally-extended non-impulsive x-ray excitation. Correlating coherently and incoherently scattered intensities further allows one to compare theoretical models of nonlinear excitations more rigorously to corresponding experiments. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:29:27 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 線形写像におけるより良いパラメータ化形式としての三元特異値分解 Ternary Singular Value Decomposition as a Better Parameterized Form in Linear Mapping ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07641v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Boyu Chen, Hanxuan Chen, Jiao He, Fengyu Sun, Shangling Jui | (参考訳) 本稿では,ネットワーク圧縮性能を飛躍的に向上させるために,単純かつ新しいパラメータ化された線形写像形式を提案する。
バニラ SVD とは異なり、SVD の $U$ と $V$ の行列は $\{\pm 1, 0\}$ の 3次行列に制限される。
実験では,既存のベースラインモデルであるConvNext, Swim, BERT, OPTなどの大規模言語モデルなど,様々な種類のネットワークやタスクにおいて,TSVDが最先端のネットワーク圧縮性能を達成できることを実証した。 We present a simple yet novel parameterized form of linear mapping to achieves remarkable network compression performance: a pseudo SVD called Ternary SVD (TSVD). Unlike vanilla SVD, TSVD limits the $U$ and $V$ matrices in SVD to ternary matrices form in $\{\pm 1, 0\}$. This means that instead of using the expensive multiplication instructions, TSVD only requires addition instructions when computing $U(\cdot)$ and $V(\cdot)$. We provide direct and training transition algorithms for TSVD like Post Training Quantization and Quantization Aware Training respectively. Additionally, we analyze the convergence of the direct transition algorithms in theory. In experiments, we demonstrate that TSVD can achieve state-of-the-art network compression performance in various types of networks and tasks, including current baseline models such as ConvNext, Swim, BERT, and large language model like OPT. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:29:02 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 大規模・未ラベル自然画像を用いた医療AIモデルのネットワーク初期化の促進 Enhancing Network Initialization for Medical AI Models Using Large-Scale, Unlabeled Natural Images ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07688v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Soroosh Tayebi Arasteh, Leo Misera, Jakob Nikolas Kather, Daniel Truhn, Sven Nebelung | (参考訳) ImageNetのような事前トレーニングデータセットは、医療画像分析におけるゴールドスタンダードとなっている。
視覚トランスフォーマーを利用して 重みを初期化しました
胸部x線写真解析におけるsslの有望性を示すことで、医療画像におけるより効率的で正確なaiモデルへの転換を示唆する。 Pre-training datasets, like ImageNet, have become the gold standard in medical image analysis. However, the emergence of self-supervised learning (SSL), which leverages unlabeled data to learn robust features, presents an opportunity to bypass the intensive labeling process. In this study, we explored if SSL for pre-training on non-medical images can be applied to chest radiographs and how it compares to supervised pre-training on non-medical images and on medical images. We utilized a vision transformer and initialized its weights based on (i) SSL pre-training on natural images (DINOv2), (ii) SL pre-training on natural images (ImageNet dataset), and (iii) SL pre-training on chest radiographs from the MIMIC-CXR database. We tested our approach on over 800,000 chest radiographs from six large global datasets, diagnosing more than 20 different imaging findings. Our SSL pre-training on curated images not only outperformed ImageNet-based pre-training (P<0.001 for all datasets) but, in certain cases, also exceeded SL on the MIMIC-CXR dataset. Our findings suggest that selecting the right pre-training strategy, especially with SSL, can be pivotal for improving artificial intelligence (AI)'s diagnostic accuracy in medical imaging. By demonstrating the promise of SSL in chest radiograph analysis, we underline a transformative shift towards more efficient and accurate AI models in medical imaging. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:23:20 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# DiffGuard: 事前学習拡散モデルを用いた意味的ミスマッチ誘導分布検出 DiffGuard: Semantic Mismatch-Guided Out-of-Distribution Detection using Pre-trained Diffusion Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07687v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ruiyuan Gao, Chenchen Zhao, Lanqing Hong, Qiang Xu | (参考訳) 分類器が与えられた場合、semantic out-of-distribution (ood) サンプルの固有の特性は、それらの内容がすべての法的なクラス、すなわち意味的ミスマッチと異なることである。
実験の結果,DiffGuardは大規模なImageNetのCifar-10とハードケースの両方で有効であり,既存のOOD検出技術と組み合わせて最先端のOOD検出結果が得られることがわかった。 Given a classifier, the inherent property of semantic Out-of-Distribution (OOD) samples is that their contents differ from all legal classes in terms of semantics, namely semantic mismatch. There is a recent work that directly applies it to OOD detection, which employs a conditional Generative Adversarial Network (cGAN) to enlarge semantic mismatch in the image space. While achieving remarkable OOD detection performance on small datasets, it is not applicable to ImageNet-scale datasets due to the difficulty in training cGANs with both input images and labels as conditions. As diffusion models are much easier to train and amenable to various conditions compared to cGANs, in this work, we propose to directly use pre-trained diffusion models for semantic mismatch-guided OOD detection, named DiffGuard. Specifically, given an OOD input image and the predicted label from the classifier, we try to enlarge the semantic difference between the reconstructed OOD image under these conditions and the original input image. We also present several test-time techniques to further strengthen such differences. Experimental results show that DiffGuard is effective on both Cifar-10 and hard cases of the large-scale ImageNet, and it can be easily combined with existing OOD detection techniques to achieve state-of-the-art OOD detection results. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:22:56 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 適応勾配変調によるマルチモーダルモデルの性能向上 Boosting Multi-modal Model Performance with Adaptive Gradient Modulation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07686v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Hong Li, Xingyu Li, Pengbo Hu, Yinuo Lei, Chunxiao Li, Yi Zhou | (参考訳) マルチモーダル学習の分野は急速に成長しているが,最近の研究により,標準合同学習パラダイムの欠如が明らかになっている。
私たちのコードはhttps://github.com/lihong2303/agm_iccv2023で利用可能です。 While the field of multi-modal learning keeps growing fast, the deficiency of the standard joint training paradigm has become clear through recent studies. They attribute the sub-optimal performance of the jointly trained model to the modality competition phenomenon. Existing works attempt to improve the jointly trained model by modulating the training process. Despite their effectiveness, those methods can only apply to late fusion models. More importantly, the mechanism of the modality competition remains unexplored. In this paper, we first propose an adaptive gradient modulation method that can boost the performance of multi-modal models with various fusion strategies. Extensive experiments show that our method surpasses all existing modulation methods. Furthermore, to have a quantitative understanding of the modality competition and the mechanism behind the effectiveness of our modulation method, we introduce a novel metric to measure the competition strength. This metric is built on the mono-modal concept, a function that is designed to represent the competition-less state of a modality. Through systematic investigation, our results confirm the intuition that the modulation encourages the model to rely on the more informative modality. In addition, we find that the jointly trained model typically has a preferred modality on which the competition is weaker than other modalities. However, this preferred modality need not dominate others. Our code will be available at https://github.com/lihong2303/AGM_ICCV2023. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:22:30 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# コンピュータビジョンにおける敵対的攻撃の概観 A Review of Adversarial Attacks in Computer Vision ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07673v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yutong Zhang, Yao Li, Yin Li, Zhichang Guo | (参考訳) ディープニューラルネットワークは、さまざまな下流タスク、特に自動運転のような安全クリティカルなシナリオで広く使用されているが、ディープニューラルネットワークは、しばしば敵のサンプルによって脅かされている。
ブラックボックスの設定は、私たちが実際に遭遇するシナリオです。 Deep neural networks have been widely used in various downstream tasks, especially those safety-critical scenario such as autonomous driving, but deep networks are often threatened by adversarial samples. Such adversarial attacks can be invisible to human eyes, but can lead to DNN misclassification, and often exhibits transferability between deep learning and machine learning models and real-world achievability. Adversarial attacks can be divided into white-box attacks, for which the attacker knows the parameters and gradient of the model, and black-box attacks, for the latter, the attacker can only obtain the input and output of the model. In terms of the attacker's purpose, it can be divided into targeted attacks and non-targeted attacks, which means that the attacker wants the model to misclassify the original sample into the specified class, which is more practical, while the non-targeted attack just needs to make the model misclassify the sample. The black box setting is a scenario we will encounter in practice. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:22:09 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Penningマイクロトラップ量子プロセッサのユニットセル Unit cell of a Penning micro-trap quantum processor ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07672v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Shreyans Jain, Tobias S\"agesser, Pavel Hrmo, Celeste Torkzaban, Martin Stadler, Robin Oswald, Chris Axline, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Christian Ospelkaus, Daniel Kienzler, and Jonathan Home | (参考訳) 高周波トラップにおけるトラップイオンは、高忠実度量子ゲートと長いコヒーレンス時間のために量子コンピュータを実現するための主要なアプローチの一つである。
このPenningマイクロトラップアプローチのユニークな特徴は、接続性と柔軟性を改善したQuantum CCDアーキテクチャの変更を開放し、大規模に閉じ込められたイオン量子コンピューティング、量子シミュレーション、量子センシングを実現する。 Trapped ions in radio-frequency traps are among the leading approaches for realizing quantum computers, due to high-fidelity quantum gates and long coherence times. However, the use of radio-frequencies presents a number of challenges to scaling, including requiring compatibility of chips with high voltages, managing power dissipation and restricting transport and placement of ions. By replacing the radio-frequency field with a 3 T magnetic field, we here realize a micro-fabricated Penning ion trap which removes these restrictions. We demonstrate full quantum control of an ion in this setting, as well as the ability to transport the ion arbitrarily in the trapping plane above the chip. This unique feature of the Penning micro-trap approach opens up a modification of the Quantum CCD architecture with improved connectivity and flexibility, facilitating the realization of large-scale trapped-ion quantum computing, quantum simulation and quantum sensing. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:21:52 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 移動光学格子を用いた捕捉イオンの偏光性測定における量子論理に基づく精度の伝達法 A scheme for quantum-logic based transfer of accuracy in polarizability measurement for trapped ions using a moving optical lattice ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07671v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Fabian Wolf | (参考訳) 閉じ込められたイオンに基づく光原子時計は、環境からの黒体放射との相互作用による時計遷移の系統的な周波数シフトに苦しむ。
さらに, 偏光率を高精度に計算できる水素様イオンへの偏光率移動を参照することが可能である。 Optical atomic clocks based on trapped ions suffer from systematic frequency shifts of the clock transition due to interaction with blackbody radiation from the environment. These shifts can be compensated if the blackbody radiation spectrum and the differential dynamic polarizability is known to a sufficient precision. Here, we present a new measurement scheme, based on quantum logic that allows a direct transfer of precision for polarizability measurements from one species to the other. This measurement circumvents the necessity of calibrating laser power below the percent level, which is the limitation for state-of-the-art polarizability measurements in trapped ions. Furthermore, the presented technique allows to reference the polarizability transfer to hydrogen-like ions for which the polarizability can be calculated with high precision. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:21:34 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 量子状態に対するベイズ的モデリングアプローチ - 究極のガウス的プロセス状態ハンドブック Bayesian Modelling Approaches for Quantum States -- The Ultimate Gaussian Process States Handbook ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07669v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Yannic Rath | (参考訳) マルチボディシステムの構成要素間の相関関係を正確に捉えることは、量子力学的基礎に基礎を置いている様々なシステムの適切な記述の鍵となる課題の1つである。
ガウス過程状態(gaussian process state)を創案したansatzの基礎となる確率的回帰技術に基づき、異なる圧縮技術を用いて、物理的性質を抽出可能な数値的実現可能な表現を効率的に抽出する。
この論文はガウス過程の状態に関する異なる視点を概説し、いくつかのベンチマーク応用、特に原型量子格子モデルの基底状態近似、フェルミ・ハバードモデル、$j_1-j_2$モデル、単純なab-initio量子化学系に基づく数値フレームワークの実用的適用性を示す。 Capturing the correlation emerging between constituents of many-body systems accurately is one of the key challenges for the appropriate description of various systems whose properties are underpinned by quantum mechanical fundamentals. This thesis discusses novel tools and techniques for the (classical) numerical modelling of quantum many-body wavefunctions exhibiting non-trivial correlations with the ultimate goal to introduce a universal framework for finding efficient quantum state representations. It is outlined how synergies with standard machine learning frameworks can be exploited to enable an automated inference of the relevant intrinsic characteristics, essentially without restricting the approximated state to specific (physically expected) correlation characteristics of the target. It is presented how rigorous Bayesian regression techniques, e.g. formalized via Gaussian Processes, can be utilized to introduce compact forms for various many-body states. Based on the probabilistic regression techniques forming the foundation of the resulting ansatz, coined the Gaussian Process State, different compression techniques are explored to efficiently extract a numerically feasible representation from which physical properties can be extracted. By following intuitively motivated modelling principles, the model carries a high degree of interpretability and offers an easily applicable tool for the study of different quantum systems, including ones inherently hard to simulate due to their strong correlation. This thesis outlines different perspectives on Gaussian Process States, and demonstrates the practical applicability of the numerical framework based on several benchmark applications, in particular, ground state approximations for prototypical quantum lattice models, Fermi-Hubbard models and $J_1-J_2$ models, as well as simple ab-initio quantum chemical systems. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:21:21 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# インバージョン・バイ・インバージョン:トレーニングなし確率微分方程式によるexemplar-based sketch-to-photo synthesis Inversion-by-Inversion: Exemplar-based Sketch-to-Photo Synthesis via Stochastic Differential Equations without Training ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07665v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ximing Xing, Chuang Wang, Haitao Zhou, Zhihao Hu, Chongxuan Li, Dong Xu, Qian Yu | (参考訳) Exemplar-based sketch-to-photo synthesisでは、スケッチに基づいて写真リアルな画像を生成することができる。
本研究では,exemplar-based sketch-to-photo 合成のための ``inversion-by-inversion" という二段階法を提案する。
提案手法を評価するために広範な実験を行い,その有効性を実証した。 Exemplar-based sketch-to-photo synthesis allows users to generate photo-realistic images based on sketches. Recently, diffusion-based methods have achieved impressive performance on image generation tasks, enabling highly-flexible control through text-driven generation or energy functions. However, generating photo-realistic images with color and texture from sketch images remains challenging for diffusion models. Sketches typically consist of only a few strokes, with most regions left blank, making it difficult for diffusion-based methods to produce photo-realistic images. In this work, we propose a two-stage method named ``Inversion-by-Inversion" for exemplar-based sketch-to-photo synthesis. This approach includes shape-enhancing inversion and full-control inversion. During the shape-enhancing inversion process, an uncolored photo is generated with the guidance of a shape-energy function. This step is essential to ensure control over the shape of the generated photo. In the full-control inversion process, we propose an appearance-energy function to control the color and texture of the final generated photo.Importantly, our Inversion-by-Inversion pipeline is training-free and can accept different types of exemplars for color and texture control. We conducted extensive experiments to evaluate our proposed method, and the results demonstrate its effectiveness. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:20:51 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 限られた資源とSIC-POVMを持つNISQデバイスにおける単一量子状態推定 Single Qubit State Estimation on NISQ Devices with Limited Resources and SIC-POVMs ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07664v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Cristian A. Galvis-Florez, Daniel Reitzner, Simo S\"arkk\"a | (参考訳) 現在の量子コンピュータは、古典的な計算手法を克服する可能性があるが、ノイズの多い中間スケールの量子デバイスで実行できるアルゴリズムの能力は、ハードウェアの欠陥のために制限されている。
さらに、直接測定が可能となると、量子ビット推定に必要なリソースが減少し、測定の対称性が保たれる。 Current quantum computers have the potential to overcome classical computational methods, however, the capability of the algorithms that can be executed on noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices is limited due to hardware imperfections. Estimating the state of a qubit is often needed in different quantum protocols, due to the lack of direct measurements. In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the quantum state of a qubit in a quantum processing unit without conducting direct measurements of it. We consider a parameterized measurement model to estimate the quantum state, represented as a quantum circuit, which is optimized using the quantum tomographic transfer function. We implement and test the circuit using the quantum computer of the Technical Research Centre of Finland as well as an IBM quantum computer. We demonstrate that the set of positive operator-valued measurements used for the estimation is symmetric and informationally complete. Moreover, the resources needed for qubit estimation are reduced when direct measurements are allowed, keeping the symmetric property of the measurements. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:20:31 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# グラディエントベースのポストトレーニング量子化:現状の整合性 Gradient-Based Post-Training Quantization: Challenging the Status Quo ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07662v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Edouard Yvinec, Arnaud Dapogny and Kevin Bailly | (参考訳) 量子化は、浮動小数点演算を単純な固定点演算に変換するディープニューラルネットワークの効率的な展開のための重要なステップとなっている。
近年,gptq (gradient-based post-training quantization) 法は,そのような単純な手法と,より強力だが高価な量子化・アウェアトレーニング (qat) の手法,特にllm を量子化しようとする場合には,量子化プロセスのスケーラビリティが最重要視される。
これらのガイドラインは、テスト済みのGPTQメソッドとネットワーク(例えば、4ビット量子化のためのViTの +6.819 ポイントなど)の大幅な性能向上をもたらし、スケーラブルで効果的な量子化手法の設計の道を開いた。 Quantization has become a crucial step for the efficient deployment of deep neural networks, where floating point operations are converted to simpler fixed point operations. In its most naive form, it simply consists in a combination of scaling and rounding transformations, leading to either a limited compression rate or a significant accuracy drop. Recently, Gradient-based post-training quantization (GPTQ) methods appears to be constitute a suitable trade-off between such simple methods and more powerful, yet expensive Quantization-Aware Training (QAT) approaches, particularly when attempting to quantize LLMs, where scalability of the quantization process is of paramount importance. GPTQ essentially consists in learning the rounding operation using a small calibration set. In this work, we challenge common choices in GPTQ methods. In particular, we show that the process is, to a certain extent, robust to a number of variables (weight selection, feature augmentation, choice of calibration set). More importantly, we derive a number of best practices for designing more efficient and scalable GPTQ methods, regarding the problem formulation (loss, degrees of freedom, use of non-uniform quantization schemes) or optimization process (choice of variable and optimizer). Lastly, we propose a novel importance-based mixed-precision technique. Those guidelines lead to significant performance improvements on all the tested state-of-the-art GPTQ methods and networks (e.g. +6.819 points on ViT for 4-bit quantization), paving the way for the design of scalable, yet effective quantization methods. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:20:15 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# コヒーレンス蒸留のコヒーレント測定コスト The coherent measurement cost of coherence distillation ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07719v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Varun Narasimhachar | (参考訳) 量子コヒーレンス(quantum coherence)は、量子技術応用に必要な資源である。
このコストは、コヒーレンス蒸留が偶発的な結果(例えば、非コヒーレントランダムネス抽出)である場合に適用されるが、純粋なコヒーレンスが唯一の望ましい結果である場合、その影響はより劇的である。 Quantum coherence is an indispensable resource for quantum technological applications. It is known to be distillable from a noisy form using operations that cannot create coherence. However, distillation exacts a hidden coherent measurement cost, whose extent has not previously been estimated. Here we show that this cost (quantified by an equivalent number of Hadamard measurements) is related to what we call the irretrievable coherence: the difference between the coherence of formation and the distillable coherence. We conjecture (and make partial progress towards proving) that when distilling from many copies of a given noisy coherent state, the coherent measurement cost scales extensively in the number of copies, at an asymptotic rate exactly equalling the input's irretrievable coherence. This cost applies to any application whereof coherence distillation is an incidental outcome (e.g. incoherent randomness extraction), but the implications are more dramatic if pure coherence is the only desired outcome: the measurement cost may often be higher than the distilled yield, in which case coherence should rather be prepared afresh than distilled from a noisy input. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:12:45 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 局所-Global Pixelからのパネル留置によるMモード自動心エコー計測 Real-time Automatic M-mode Echocardiography Measurement with Panel Attention from Local-to-Global Pixels ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07717v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Ching-Hsun Tseng, Shao-Ju Chien, Po-Shen Wang, Shin-Jye Lee, Wei-Huan Hu, Bin Pu, and Xiao-jun Zeng | (参考訳) 運動モード(Mモード)記録は、心臓の寸法と機能を測定するための心エコー法の重要な部分である。
However, the current diagnosis cannot build an automatic scheme, as there are three fundamental obstructs: Firstly, there is no open dataset available to build the automation for ensuring constant results and bridging M-mode echocardiography with real-time instance segmentation (RIS); Secondly, the examination is involving the time-consuming manual labelling upon M-mode echocardiograms; Thirdly, as objects in echocardiograms occupy a significant portion of pixels, the limited receptive field in existing backbones (e.g., ResNet) composed from multiple convolution layers are inefficient to cover the period of a valve movement.
1) Mモード心エコー図のデータセットであるMEISを提供し、一貫性のある結果を実現し、自動スキームの開発を支援する。
2) グローバルレセプティブフィールドを用いた大型物体検出に向けたris方式において,パネル注目,ピクセルアンシャフリングによる局所からグローバルへの効率的な注目,更新upanets v2の埋め込みを提案する。
3) 診断における高速かつ正確な自動ラベリングを可能にするMモード心エコー計測の効率的なアルゴリズムAMEMを開発した。
実験の結果,RAMEM は PASCAL 2012 SBD の既存の RIS バックボーン (非局所的注意) を超越し,実時間MEIS の人為的な性能を試験した。
MEISとデータセットのコードはhttps://github.com/hanktseng131415go/RAMEで公開されている。 Motion mode (M-mode) recording is an essential part of echocardiography to measure cardiac dimension and function. However, the current diagnosis cannot build an automatic scheme, as there are three fundamental obstructs: Firstly, there is no open dataset available to build the automation for ensuring constant results and bridging M-mode echocardiography with real-time instance segmentation (RIS); Secondly, the examination is involving the time-consuming manual labelling upon M-mode echocardiograms; Thirdly, as objects in echocardiograms occupy a significant portion of pixels, the limited receptive field in existing backbones (e.g., ResNet) composed from multiple convolution layers are inefficient to cover the period of a valve movement. Existing non-local attentions (NL) compromise being unable real-time with a high computation overhead or losing information from a simplified version of the non-local block. Therefore, we proposed RAMEM, a real-time automatic M-mode echocardiography measurement scheme, contributes three aspects to answer the problems: 1) provide MEIS, a dataset of M-mode echocardiograms for instance segmentation, to enable consistent results and support the development of an automatic scheme; 2) propose panel attention, local-to-global efficient attention by pixel-unshuffling, embedding with updated UPANets V2 in a RIS scheme toward big object detection with global receptive field; 3) develop and implement AMEM, an efficient algorithm of automatic M-mode echocardiography measurement enabling fast and accurate automatic labelling among diagnosis. The experimental results show that RAMEM surpasses existing RIS backbones (with non-local attention) in PASCAL 2012 SBD and human performances in real-time MEIS tested. The code of MEIS and dataset are available at https://github.com/hanktseng131415go/RAME. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:12:22 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 土地利用計画における不確実性を隠したフラッシュポイント信号 Flashpoints Signal Hidden Inherent Instabilities in Land-Use Planning ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07714v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Hazhir Aliahmadi, Maeve Beckett, Sam Connolly, Dongmei Chen, Greg van Anders | (参考訳) 土地利用意思決定プロセスは、グローバルに普及する体系的株式と持続可能性の懸念を生み出す長い歴史を持つ。
ここでは, 計画基準に基づく最適化に基づく計画手法が不安定な「フラッシュポイント」を発生させ, 計画優先順位の小さな変更が, 土地利用量に大きな変化をもたらすことを示す。
フラッシュポイント間の灰色領域を直接マッピングすることにより,土地利用パターンの組合せ的に大きな空間を小さくし,利害関係者がより効率的かつ公正な結果に到達できるようにすることで,定量的手法が有用性を維持することを示す。 Land-use decision-making processes have a long history of producing globally pervasive systemic equity and sustainability concerns. Quantitative, optimization-based planning approaches, e.g. Multi-Objective Land Allocation (MOLA), seemingly open the possibility to improve objectivity and transparency by explicitly evaluating planning priorities by the type, amount, and location of land uses. Here, we show that optimization-based planning approaches with generic planning criteria generate a series of unstable "flashpoints" whereby tiny changes in planning priorities produce large-scale changes in the amount of land use by type. We give quantitative arguments that the flashpoints we uncover in MOLA models are examples of a more general family of instabilities that occur whenever planning accounts for factors that coordinate use on- and between-sites, regardless of whether these planning factors are formulated explicitly or implicitly. We show that instabilities lead to regions of ambiguity in land-use type that we term "gray areas". By directly mapping gray areas between flashpoints, we show that quantitative methods retain utility by reducing combinatorially large spaces of possible land-use patterns to a small, characteristic set that can engage stakeholders to arrive at more efficient and just outcomes. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:11:53 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# SPM:構造的事前学習とマッチングアーキテクチャによる関係モデリング SPM: Structured Pretraining and Matching Architectures for Relevance Modeling in Meituan Search ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07711v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Wen Zan, Yaopeng Han, Xiaotian Jiang, Yao Xiao, Yang Yang, Dayao Chen, Sheng Chen | (参考訳) eコマース検索では,クエリとドキュメントの関連性はユーザエクスペリエンスを満たす上で必須である。
1) 構造化文書の異なる分野に言語分布の相違があるため, BERT のような既製の事前学習言語モデルに基づく手法を直接採用することは困難である。
2) 異なる分野が重要であり,その長さが大きく異なるため,関連性マッチングに役立つ文書情報の抽出が困難である。
モデルはすでにオンラインで展開されており、Meituanの検索トラフィックを1年以上にわたって提供している。 In e-commerce search, relevance between query and documents is an essential requirement for satisfying user experience. Different from traditional e-commerce platforms that offer products, users search on life service platforms such as Meituan mainly for product providers, which usually have abundant structured information, e.g. name, address, category, thousands of products. Modeling search relevance with these rich structured contents is challenging due to the following issues: (1) there is language distribution discrepancy among different fields of structured document, making it difficult to directly adopt off-the-shelf pretrained language model based methods like BERT. (2) different fields usually have different importance and their length vary greatly, making it difficult to extract document information helpful for relevance matching. To tackle these issues, in this paper we propose a novel two-stage pretraining and matching architecture for relevance matching with rich structured documents. At pretraining stage, we propose an effective pretraining method that employs both query and multiple fields of document as inputs, including an effective information compression method for lengthy fields. At relevance matching stage, a novel matching method is proposed by leveraging domain knowledge in search query to generate more effective document representations for relevance scoring. Extensive offline experiments and online A/B tests on millions of users verify that the proposed architectures effectively improve the performance of relevance modeling. The model has already been deployed online, serving the search traffic of Meituan for over a year. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:11:30 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 選択的なシナプスダンピングを通さない高速機械学習 Fast Machine Unlearning Without Retraining Through Selective Synaptic Dampening ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07707v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Jack Foster, Stefan Schoepf, Alexandra Brintrup | (参考訳) 機械学習モデルを忘れることのできる機械学習は、データプライバシ規則に準拠するだけでなく、有害で操作された、あるいは時代遅れな情報を削除することがますます重要になっている。
選択型シナプスダンピング(Selective Synaptic Dampening, SSD)は, 高速で, 性能が高く, 訓練データの長期保存を必要としない, 2段階, ポストホック, リトレインフリーな機械学習手法である。
resnet18 と vision transformer を用いた各種実験において,既存のアンラーニング手法に対する評価を行った。
その結果,retrain-based post hoc法とssd性能が競合することが明らかとなり,retrain-free post hoc unlearning法の有効性が示された。 Machine unlearning, the ability for a machine learning model to forget, is becoming increasingly important to comply with data privacy regulations, as well as to remove harmful, manipulated, or outdated information. The key challenge lies in forgetting specific information while protecting model performance on the remaining data. While current state-of-the-art methods perform well, they typically require some level of retraining over the retained data, in order to protect or restore model performance. This adds computational overhead and mandates that the training data remain available and accessible, which may not be feasible. In contrast, other methods employ a retrain-free paradigm, however, these approaches are prohibitively computationally expensive and do not perform on par with their retrain-based counterparts. We present Selective Synaptic Dampening (SSD), a novel two-step, post hoc, retrain-free approach to machine unlearning which is fast, performant, and does not require long-term storage of the training data. First, SSD uses the Fisher information matrix of the training and forgetting data to select parameters that are disproportionately important to the forget set. Second, SSD induces forgetting by dampening these parameters proportional to their relative importance to the forget set with respect to the wider training data. We evaluate our method against several existing unlearning methods in a range of experiments using ResNet18 and Vision Transformer. Results show that the performance of SSD is competitive with retrain-based post hoc methods, demonstrating the viability of retrain-free post hoc unlearning approaches. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:11:07 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 視覚言語モデルを用いた医用画像分割における転送学習の検討 Exploring Transfer Learning in Medical Image Segmentation using Vision-Language Models ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07706v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Kanchan Poudel, Manish Dhakal, Prasiddha Bhandari, Rabin Adhikari, Safal Thapaliya, Bishesh Khanal | (参考訳) 医用画像セグメンテーションは、医療領域内の様々な臨床応用において重要である。
14の属性から抽出した9種類のプロンプトを用いて,11の医療データセット上での視覚言語モデル(VLM)のゼロショットおよび微調整セグメンテーション性能について報告する。 Medical Image Segmentation is crucial in various clinical applications within the medical domain. While state-of-the-art segmentation models have proven effective, integrating textual guidance to enhance visual features for this task remains an area with limited progress. Existing segmentation models that utilize textual guidance are primarily trained on open-domain images, raising concerns about their direct applicability in the medical domain without manual intervention or fine-tuning. To address these challenges, we propose using multimodal vision-language models for capturing semantic information from image descriptions and images, enabling the segmentation of diverse medical images. This study comprehensively evaluates existing vision language models across multiple datasets to assess their transferability from the open domain to the medical field. Furthermore, we introduce variations of image descriptions for previously unseen images in the dataset, revealing notable variations in model performance based on the generated prompts. Our findings highlight the distribution shift between the open-domain images and the medical domain and show that the segmentation models trained on open-domain images are not directly transferrable to the medical field. But their performance can be increased by finetuning them in the medical datasets. We report the zero-shot and finetuned segmentation performance of 4 Vision Language Models (VLMs) on 11 medical datasets using 9 types of prompts derived from 14 attributes. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:10:37 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# パラメトリックエントロピーに基づくクラスター遠心初期化による各種画像データセットのk平均クラスタリング Parametric entropy based Cluster Centriod Initialization for k-means clustering of various Image datasets ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07705v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Faheem Hussayn and Shahid M Shah | (参考訳) クラスタ分析に最もよく用いられるが、単純なアルゴリズムの1つはk-meansアルゴリズムである。
我々は、Taneja entropy、Kapur entropy、Aczel Daroczy entropy、Sharma Mittal entropyなどのエントロピーを使用する。
提案アルゴリズムをこれらのデータセットに適用した: Satellite, Toys, Fruits, Cars, Brain MRI, Covid X-Ray。 One of the most employed yet simple algorithm for cluster analysis is the k-means algorithm. k-means has successfully witnessed its use in artificial intelligence, market segmentation, fraud detection, data mining, psychology, etc., only to name a few. The k-means algorithm, however, does not always yield the best quality results. Its performance heavily depends upon the number of clusters supplied and the proper initialization of the cluster centroids or seeds. In this paper, we conduct an analysis of the performance of k-means on image data by employing parametric entropies in an entropy based centroid initialization method and propose the best fitting entropy measures for general image datasets. We use several entropies like Taneja entropy, Kapur entropy, Aczel Daroczy entropy, Sharma Mittal entropy. We observe that for different datasets, different entropies provide better results than the conventional methods. We have applied our proposed algorithm on these datasets: Satellite, Toys, Fruits, Cars, Brain MRI, Covid X-Ray. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:10:15 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# Role-Play Promptingによるゼロショット推論の改善 Better Zero-Shot Reasoning with Role-Play Prompting ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07702v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Aobo Kong, Shiwan Zhao, Hao Chen, Qicheng Li, Yong Qin, Ruiqi Sun, Xin Zhou | (参考訳) ChatGPTのような現代の大きな言語モデル(LLM)は、ロールプレイングの優れた能力を示しており、人間の文字だけでなく、Linux端末のような非人間的な実体を具現化することができる。
chatgpt や llama 2 といったモデルを活用することで,多くのデータセットにおいて,ロールプレイプロンプトが標準的なゼロショットアプローチを一貫して越えていることが実証された。
特に、AQuAの精度は53.5%から63.8%に上昇し、Last Letterでは23.8%から84.2%に上昇した。
これはLLMの推論能力を増強する可能性を強調している。 Modern large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, exhibit a remarkable capacity for role-playing, enabling them to embody not only human characters but also non-human entities like a Linux terminal. This versatility allows them to simulate complex human-like interactions and behaviors within various contexts, as well as to emulate specific objects or systems. While these capabilities have enhanced user engagement and introduced novel modes of interaction, the influence of role-playing on LLMs' reasoning abilities remains underexplored. In this study, we introduce a strategically designed role-play prompting methodology and assess its performance under the zero-shot setting across twelve diverse reasoning benchmarks, encompassing arithmetic, commonsense reasoning, symbolic reasoning, and more. Leveraging models such as ChatGPT and Llama 2, our empirical results illustrate that role-play prompting consistently surpasses the standard zero-shot approach across most datasets. Notably, accuracy on AQuA rises from 53.5% to 63.8%, and on Last Letter from 23.8% to 84.2%. Beyond enhancing contextual understanding, we posit that role-play prompting serves as an implicit Chain-of-Thought (CoT) trigger, thereby improving the quality of reasoning. By comparing our approach with the Zero-Shot-CoT technique, which prompts the model to "think step by step", we further demonstrate that role-play prompting can generate a more effective CoT. This highlights its potential to augment the reasoning capabilities of LLMs. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:09:55 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# 量子エンハンス原子干渉計のためのスピンスクイーズ状態のハイブリッド法 A hybrid method of generating spin-squeezed states for quantum-enhanced atom interferometry ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07693v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Liam Fuderer and Joseph J Hope and Simon A Haine | (参考訳) 本稿では,2つの確立されたスピンスクイーズ手法,量子非破壊測定(QND)と1軸ねじれ(OAT)を組み合わせた新しいスピンスクイーズ手法を提案する。
QNDとOATはともに実験的に実現されているため、この技術は実験にわずかな修正を加えるだけで現在の原子干渉計で実装できる。 We introduce a new spin-squeezing technique that is a hybrid of two well established spin-squeezing techniques, quantum nondemolition measurement (QND) and one-axis twisting (OAT). This hybrid method aims to improve spin-squeezing over what is currently achievable using QND and OAT. In practical situations, the strength of both the QND and OAT interactions is limited. We found that in these situations, the hybrid scheme performed considerably better than either OAT or QND used in isolation. As QND and OAT have both been realised experimentally, this technique could be implemented in current atom interferometry setups with only minor modifications to the experiment. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:09:26 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# グラフ状態における絡み合い、量子コレレータおよび接続性 Entanglement, quantum correlators and connectivity in graph states ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07690v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Arthur Vesperini and Roberto Franzosi | (参考訳) 本研究では,グラフ状態の絡み合いとグラフ接続性について包括的に検討する。
また, 測定過程に興味深い影響が見られ, 特定の射影測定値の等価性を実証した。
この研究では、このタイプの状態の研究に一般的に好まれるフレームワークである確立された安定化形式主義に頼らず、それとは対照的に、我々のアプローチは単に期待値、量子相関、および射影測定の概念に基づいており、量子理論の非常に直感的で基本的なツールである。 In this work, we present a comprehensive exploration of the entanglement and graph connectivity properties of graph states. We quantify the entanglement in pseudo graph states using the entanglement distance, a recently introduced measure of entanglement. Additionally, we propose a novel approach to probe the underlying graph connectivity of genuine graph states, using quantum correlators of Pauli matrices. Our findings also reveal interesting implications for measurement processes, demonstrating the equivalence of certain projective measurements. Finally, we emphasize the simplicity of data analysis within this framework. This work contributes to a deeper understanding of the entanglement and connectivity properties of graph states, offering valuable insights for quantum information processing and quantum computing applications. In this work, we do not resort to the celebrated stabilizer formalism, which is the framework typically preferred for the study of this type of state; on the contrary, our approach is solely based on the concepts of expectation values, quantum correlations and projective measurement, which have the advantage of being very intuitive and fundamental tools of quantum theory. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:09:15 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# ChartDETR:ビジュアルチャート認識のための複数形状検出ネットワーク ChartDETR: A Multi-shape Detection Network for Visual Chart Recognition ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07743v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Wenyuan Xue, Dapeng Chen, Baosheng Yu, Yifei Chen, Sai Zhou, Wei Peng | (参考訳) グラフ画像からテーブルヘッダーと値を自動的に識別する需要が高まっているため、ビジュアルチャート認識システムが注目を集めている。
例えば、ChartDETRはAdobe SyntheticのF1スコア0.98を達成し、0.71F1スコアで以前の最高のモデルよりも大幅に上回った。
コードは公開される予定だ。 Visual chart recognition systems are gaining increasing attention due to the growing demand for automatically identifying table headers and values from chart images. Current methods rely on keypoint detection to estimate data element shapes in charts but suffer from grouping errors in post-processing. To address this issue, we propose ChartDETR, a transformer-based multi-shape detector that localizes keypoints at the corners of regular shapes to reconstruct multiple data elements in a single chart image. Our method predicts all data element shapes at once by introducing query groups in set prediction, eliminating the need for further postprocessing. This property allows ChartDETR to serve as a unified framework capable of representing various chart types without altering the network architecture, effectively detecting data elements of diverse shapes. We evaluated ChartDETR on three datasets, achieving competitive results across all chart types without any additional enhancements. For example, ChartDETR achieved an F1 score of 0.98 on Adobe Synthetic, significantly outperforming the previous best model with a 0.71 F1 score. Additionally, we obtained a new state-of-the-art result of 0.97 on ExcelChart400k. The code will be made publicly available. | 翻訳日:2023-08-16 13:04:01 公開日:2023-08-15 |
# real robot challenge 2022: 現実世界のオフラインデータからデクスター処理を学ぶ Real Robot Challenge 2022: Learning Dexterous Manipulation from Offline Data in the Real World ( http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07741v1 ) ライセンス: Link先を確認 | Nico G\"urtler, Felix Widmaier, Cansu Sancaktar, Sebastian Blaes, Pavel Kolev, Stefan Bauer, Manuel W\"uthrich, Markus Wulfmeier, Martin Riedmiller, Arthur Allshire, Qiang Wang, Robert McCarthy, Hangyeol Kim, Jongchan Baek Pohang, Wookyong Kwon, Shanliang Qian, Yasunori Toshimitsu, Mike Yan Michelis, Amirhossein Kazemipour, Arman Raayatsanati, Hehui Zheng, Barnabasa Gavin Cangan, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Georg Martius | (参考訳) 実際のロボットの実験には時間とコストが要求される。 このため、強化学習(RL)コミュニティの大部分はシミュレータを使ってアルゴリズムを開発し、ベンチマークしている。 しかしながら、シミュレーションで得られた洞察は、実際のロボット、特に環境との複雑な相互作用に関わるタスクに必ずしも変換されない。 それゆえ、実際のロボットチャレンジ2022は、参加者が実際のロボットを遠隔で実験することを可能にすることで、rlとロボットコミュニティの橋渡しとなった。 近年、オフラインの強化学習が成熟し、事前コンパイルされたデータセットから学習するための有望なパラダイムとなり、高価なオンラインインタラクションへの依存が軽減された。 そこで我々は参加者に対して,提供された実ロボットデータセットからプッシュ,握り,手動の向きを含む2つの巧妙な操作タスクを学ぶように求めた。 大規模なソフトウェアドキュメンテーションと、実際のセットアップのシミュレーションに基づく初期ステージは、競争を特にアクセスしやすくした。 それぞれのチームに、オフラインで学習したポリシーを7つのTriFingerプラットホームのクラスタで評価 |